How to find out what maximum resolution your monitor supports. How to find out your monitor screen resolution

May be caused by the most for various reasons. Although with the increase in the performance of modern video adapters and also thanks to the elimination of a number of “childhood diseases” of drivers, many issues regarding resolution have disappeared, still in some cases the ability to determine the number of pixels will come in handy.

There are several ways to find out the screen resolution, each of which gives an accurate result. The only difference is in ease of use and preferences of each individual user.

About permissions

The existing principle of constructing an image on displays assumes that the screen consists of many pixels, by controlling the brightness/color of which the desired image can be formed. It does not matter whether the device uses outdated CRT technology or modern LCD technology. The video adapter driver allows you to set various standard combinations of the number of points on the vertical and horizontal axes, additionally based on the data received from the monitor. For example, the resolution can be 800x600, 1024x768, 1680x1050, etc. It is easy to understand that as the number of displayed pixels increases, the image becomes more detailed.

Also thanks to the fact that graphic information More screen space fits per unit area, making it more convenient to work with the computer. So, if at 800x600 many pages in global network when viewing you need to rewind with a horizontal slider (without scaling), then 1680x1050 allows you to forget about this function.

Standard LCD screen resolution

Unlike CRT displays, in which the picture quality did not depend on resolution, being quite clear, in TFT everything is different. Due to the nature of the matrix, they always have " native resolution", in which the quality is the best. Usually it is indicated in the instructions, and is also automatically detected. It is recommended to work in this resolution.

From theory to practice

So, let's figure out how to find out the screen resolution. The easiest way is to use the built-in mechanism of the operating system. Since in different versions system settings window looks individually, we will consider Windows 7 and 8 as the most popular solutions. So, you need to collapse everything open windows and click on a free area of ​​the desktop with the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, select “Screen Resolution”. In the displayed window you can see the “Resolution” item, where the current one is indicated. By clicking the drop-down menu opposite, the user can select any other one available.


Every Windows system comes with a package DirectX libraries. One of the modules is informational. To use it, you need to select “Run” from the Start button menu, type dxdiag and press Enter. In the window that appears, you need to open the “Screen” tab and look at the “Screen mode” line - this is the current number of points.

How to find out screen resolution using a third-party program?

Although this method cannot be considered the simplest, it is effective, so we indicate it. You need to download and install the AIDA64 program (you can free version). After launching it, select “Display” and the “Desktop” sub-item. There is a "Permission" line here.

How to find out screen resolution over the network?

Very often, the task of determining the number of pixels arises for webmasters, since, having this data, they can properly optimize the Internet resource. For them (and anyone interested) there are many sites on the Internet that determine current resolution.

In many ways, the quality of the picture that you will see on your screen depends on the resolution. This is especially true for browsing web pages, working with texts and photographs.

It is very important that your monitor operates at its optimal resolution while working. In this case, you will receive the highest quality and the right picture. In this material we will talk about how to find out the screen resolution and set optimal resolution for your monitor.

IN operating system Windows can find out the resolution of your monitor in just a couple of mouse clicks. So, to do this you need to call the context menu on the desktop (click right click on the desktop). In the window that opens, you need to select “Properties” (if you are using Windows XP) or “Screen Resolution” (if you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Widows 8).

After this, a window with monitor settings will open in front of you.

Here, the Resolution drop-down menu will indicate the current screen resolution. If your screen resolution says "Recommended" next to it, it means you are using the optimal screen resolution. That is, the screen resolution that is currently used is exactly the same as the physical one.

How to find out your monitor resolution

Using Windows settings, you can easily find out the current screen resolution, as well as the monitor matrix resolution (recommended resolution). But sometimes the recommended resolution is not indicated correctly. As a rule, this is due to the fact that . This situation happens especially often when using Windows XP.

Therefore, in order to find out the monitor resolution as accurately as possible, you need to enter its name into the search engine. You can easily find information about monitor resolution on the Internet. You can also go to the manufacturer's website.

It is difficult to argue with the statement that today the computer is an integral part of our lives. And it’s quite difficult for most of the population to imagine their everyday life without it. As you know, a PC consists of several components. - this is extremely important peripheral device, which displays an image of information supplied from system unit. One of its characteristics is screen resolution. We will tell you how to find out the monitor resolution and what this data is needed for.

What is screen resolution?

If you visit the store computer equipment, you will see that monitors and their screens are various sizes. The resolution of the monitor is the number of points invisible to the eye that will participate in the formation of the image on the monitor. However, the screen size often does not match its resolution. Essentially, resolution is a qualitative characteristic that determines the number of dots (pixels) per unit length. Hence, the higher the resolution (i.e. larger number points is applied), the higher the image accuracy.

One of the geometric characteristics of the screen is the aspect ratio and diagonal. Exist standard resolutions monitors. There are many of them, more than thirty, and they have their own abbreviations. For example, a resolution of 1200x600 has a ratio of 2:1. They call it WXVGA.

Today best resolution For a monitor, the ratio can be considered 1920x1080. It is also called Full HD.

Now let's move on to why you need to know this characteristic of the monitor screen. Firstly, it happens that you like some picture on the Internet or personal photo, which you want to install on your desktop. And in order for the picture to be displayed as accurately as possible and in the required proportion, without distortion, you should first find out what your resolution is and then download the file with the appropriate characteristics. Secondly, this information is useful for those users who like to enjoy high-quality movies on their monitor screen. Thirdly, knowing what the screen resolution on the monitor should be is necessary for gamers when installing games.

How to find out what resolution your monitor has?

Now that we've figured out when you need to be aware of screen resolution, it's time to familiarize yourself with how to identify this parameter. There are several options here.

According to the first, you need to go to the computer desktop and simply right-click in any unused area. After this, a window will appear in which you need to select the “Screen Resolution” section (for Windows 7). After completing these steps, a window should appear on the screen used to configure the screen characteristics. In the “Resolution” section, you need to select the option that says “Recommended” in brackets.

For Windows XP, we do the same - right-click on the Desktop, and then in the screen settings window select the “Properties” section. After this, go to the “Settings” tab, then above the scale you will see the inscription “Screen resolution”. The numbers under the scale, for example, in the form 1024x768, are the screen resolution in pixels.

If you want to change the screen resolution, select required parameter and click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the window, then “OK”. If you don’t like such manipulations and are looking for easier ways, try to solve the problem by asking a question in search engine. There are many website servers that automatically determine the parameter in pixels and indicate it when you go to their page. The last option is to view specifications monitor in the User's Guide or on the manufacturer's website.

Screen resolution is one of the main characteristics of any digital device, be it a computer monitor or a smartphone display. The quality of the image that we see on the screen of our device largely depends on this indicator, which is especially important when viewing web pages or working with photographs and texts.

During operation, the optimal resolution is very important factor, because it not only allows you to get a good and correct picture, but at the same time reduces eye strain. In addition, this information will certainly be of interest to gamers when installing games, as well as for video fans when choosing the quality of the movie at the time of downloading.

Today's material is about how to find out the screen resolution on any device.

Screen resolution refers to the size of the image (in pixels) displayed on the screen. This value is determined by the number of points per unit of monitor area.

Typical monitor resolutions (inherent resolution) have become established letter designations both for display panels and for screens of various devices:

How to find out your monitor screen resolution in Windows

Through hardware settings Windows 7, 8

Minimize all windows and documents, right-click on free space on the desktop. In the context menu that opens, select “Screen Resolution”:

A window will open in which in the “Resolution” line we will see the screen resolution parameters of the monitor of your device (1366 x 768 pixels in the screenshot):

Here, if necessary, you can set other parameters, and then save the changes (the “OK” button).

Through Windows XP hardware settings

Here the actions are slightly different from the previous ones. We also right-click on empty space on the screen, in the menu that opens, select “Properties”:

Then, through the “Screen” position, go to the “Parameters” tab. Here we will see the screen resolution in pixels (1024 by 768) and a slider with which you can change them:

Through Windows Vista hardware settings

Click on “Start”, through the context menu that opens, open “Control Panel”, where we need to open “Appearance and Personalization”. Then click “Screen settings”. In the settings window that opens, you can see the monitor resolution at this moment. If there is more than one monitor, then you need to click on the icon with the corresponding number. The labels that appear for the monitor will reflect the type and model of the monitor:

Through Mac OS X hardware settings

Click on the “System Settings” item from the Dock in the menu that opens system settings select " Hardware", then click on the "Monitors" tab. Now you can see the list of modes available for use and the current screen resolution:

Using a screenshot

To use this method, you need to take a screenshot of your screen: press the “ Print Screen » -> Ctrl+A(for laptops this will be a combination of buttons En+Print Screen -> Ctrl+A). Then, from the clipboard, load the picture ( Ctrl+F) to any clipboard available on the device (for example, standard Paint). Now, on the bottom panel you can see the resolution of your screen:

Using an Internet service

Another way to find out what the screen resolution of your PC (laptop) is to use the services special Internet service. In fact, not only one service provides such a service, but I offer, for example, this one: It seems to me that this is the simplest, fastest and free way. To apply it, you just need to follow the provided link. On the page that opens, you will immediately see the monitor screen resolution in pixels, browser screen resolution and Additional information(your IP address, browser version, etc.):

Using special software

This method is especially for those who are not looking for easy ways. However, the program that we want to offer can be used not only for information about the resolution of the computer screen. She will be able to diagnose all the features of the PC and give full information about all system components, current loads, etc. We are talking about the AIDA64 application, which can be >downloaded from the official website of the developer.

In addition to screen resolution parameters, you will receive answers to questions on how to determine:

  • Video card
  • CPU
  • Motherboard

You will also have the opportunity to test your PC, check its stability, look at undocumented hardware parameters, and be able to get tips and help.

Developers of modern software products For mobile gadgets trying to secure their projects maximum compatibility. And the main criterion in in this case it will not be the processor frequency or even the volume random access memory, namely screen resolution. Because on devices with touch display the correct size will ensure support for all functions and will eliminate stretching or shrinking of the image, as well as the appearance of white stripes along the edges of the screen.

Standard methods

So, to know the screen resolution of your Android device (tablet or phone), you need:

  • When purchasing a device, pay attention to the display window; on the price tag for the device, this is often indicated, among other characteristics.
  • Get advice from a sales consultant.
  • See the instructions included in the kit for the information you are interested in.
  • Go to the manufacturer’s website, indicating the exact model name.

Using a screenshot

It’s possible that you either don’t have the opportunity to use everything listed above, or you just want to see the necessary information directly on your smartphone with your own eyes.

Then we proceed to a simple procedure that will show you a screenshot of your gadget’s screen.

First, we need to take a screenshot (screenshots) of the Android screen:

Then we go to the “Gallery” and find the photo (on different devices it may be located, for example, in the “Screenshots” folder, open it and press the context menu button (three dots in the upper right corner of the display; on some models the menu button may have a different appearance). Now select “Properties” of the image:

After these simple manipulations, you will see the screen resolution parameters:

Using special applications

Above we talked about the AIDA64 information and diagnostic utility, which until recently was intended only for PCs. Now you can download it to Android and it can become an indispensable assistant when working with the device:

Perhaps this is all we had to say on the topic. Ask questions, write comments, if you want to add something, stay in touch. Good luck!

Before we figure out how to find out the resolution of a monitor screen, let's figure out what it is. Screen resolution is a certain value that determines the number of pixels in the monitor image horizontally and vertically.

If the screen resolution is incorrect, the picture will appear narrowed or elongated, which will interfere with comfortable work at a computer or laptop. How higher resolution those more information fit on the screen. Resolution is usually written in x by y format, for example 1920x1080.

Many people work with incorrect setting only because they don’t know how to find out the screen resolution. This can be done by ordinary means Windows.

Screen resolution in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

Setting the screen resolution is done in a couple of clicks. On your desktop, right-click and select Screen Resolution.

In the window that appears, in the first field you will see the parameters of the selected monitor. If there are several of them, then you can choose the settings of which one you want to view. In my case it is one BenQ GL2460. Please note that the monitor name may not be displayed if the drivers for the video card are not installed.

If the drivers for the computer’s video card are installed correctly, the name of the monitor will be displayed and in the next field “Resolution” the current resolution of the monitor will be indicated and you do not need to know how to change the screen resolution. In my case 1920x1080. Moreover, after the value it is written in brackets “recommended”. This means that after installing the drivers, the computer itself knows what resolution is correct for this monitor and automatically sets it exactly.

To change the screen resolution, click on the current value and select the desired value. I strongly recommend setting only the values ​​recommended by the computer.

In Windows 8 and 10, you can also select the screen resolution through the Metro interface. To do this, move the cursor to the right top corner and select “Control Panel” - “Settings”.

In the window that appears in the “Screen” tab, you will immediately understand how to change the screen resolution.

You can also select the screen resolution in special utilities from the video card. For example in the NVIDEA control panel. To do this, go to the panel by clicking on the icon in the system tray next to the clock.

On the Screen Resolution tab, you can find out the current value and change it if necessary.

Screen resolution in Windows XP

How to find out screen resolution for Windows XP? Yes, almost the same. To do this, we perform almost the same operations as indicated above.

Right-click on the desktop and select Properties.

After that, go to the "Options" tab

If the drivers for the video card are installed, then your video card will be written in the “Display” field, and the screen resolution will be set to optimal settings. To change the screen resolution in Windows XP, move the switch left or right. After that, click apply.