How to clean temporary files. Removing temporary files and cookies in browsers. Clearing the disk cache


While working on your computer, you may experience low memory or long loading time systems. The reason for this is unnecessary temporary files that were not deleted by the system or programs after shutdown.

What are temporary files

During operation of the system and programs running on it, temporary data is created on the disk, which stores information necessary for correct functioning. After the session ends, most programs delete this information. However, many utilities do not provide for the removal of this information. Also, the OS itself saves a lot on disk unnecessary files related to the installation of updates.

Clearing the disk of temporary files

Can't delete anymore necessary information Can different ways. Yes, you can install third party utilities, use the ones intended for this purpose system functions or do everything manually.

Method 1: Wise Disk Cleaner

Using this program you can remove all unnecessary system files. In addition to temporary data, the utility clears the cache installed browsers and allows you to defragment system disks. You can erase files as follows:

Method 2: CCleaner

Method 3: 360 Total Security

In some antivirus programs there is also an uninstall function for the computer temporary files. Let's look at the example of antivirus 360 Total Security cleaning process:

Method 4: System Tools

Windows OS has several built-in programs for cleaning temporary files. Let's consider the most convenient of them:

Delete temporary files through system parameters

Using Disk Cleanup

Method 5: Remove manually

Temporary system files are stored in separate folders on the computer disk. In some situations, you can completely delete the contents of these folders to clear unnecessary information.

Cleaning the contents of the folder "Local"

The system will not allow you to delete individual folders by displaying a corresponding message. Leave all this information as it is required for correct operation systems.

Cleaning the folder "Temp"

To open this folder in Explorer, follow the path: C: - Windows - Temp. This contains temporary data that can be deleted.

The described method should be used carefully, as it can erase important system files.

There are many ways to delete temporary files. Each of them is effective in its own way and helps to get rid of the problems that an excess of unnecessary information creates.

During their operation, many programs, both application and system, create various temporary files. Surely many users have found files with strange names in ordinary folders that look similar to, say, MS Word or Excel files. This happens especially often after the light suddenly turns off or freezes. operating system, when the user was working with some document. This is one of the types of temporary files that were not correctly deleted due to a software error.

In operating rooms Windows systems There are entire folders designed solely for storing temporary information. In theory, at the end of a session with a system or program, these files should be deleted, but due to a number of circumstances, including errors in the operation of programs, this “garbage” accumulates in the system and sometimes begins to cause great trouble.

But the most “painful” case in which the question arises is temporary files - this is an infection of the system malware. System junk folders are a favorite place for a virus to hide its code. Therefore, when a computer is infected, the user’s first step is to clean out folders with temporary files, especially folders with the browser’s disk cache.

Theoretically, everyone has the ability to delete temporary files regularly modern browsers. As a rule, it is contained in the settings, in the “Advanced” section. We pressed the button, waited a little - and that’s it! But this situation is ideal. If you have no doubt about the fact of infection, it is better to refrain from running programs that can gain access to the network.

Another cleaning method disk cache consists of manually deleting temporary files. To find the Internet folder, you must first determine which operating system is installed on the computer, as well as which browser is used. All currently popular browsers store their temporary files in one of the user profile folders. The location of the profile folder depends on the operating system. For example, in Windows XP, the path to the folder with user profiles is %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings, where %SystemDrive% is the drive with the operating system (usually C:). In Windows Vista/Seven, user profiles are located in the %SystemDrive%\Users folder. The subfolder with the user name is his profile in the operating system.

The easiest way to deal with this is with Internet Explorer, because the temporary files of this browser are located in the Local settings\Temporary Internet FIles folder. Temporary files of other browsers, as well as profile folders in general, are located in the Local folder. More precisely, in Windows Vista/Seven the folder structure is different, but through the shortcut system you can access it through the old, familiar names. In this directory, the data of most application programs. Accordingly, the Opera folder will contain Opera files, the Mozilla folder will contain files, etc.

But when deleting the disk cache manually, you need to be careful, because... third party browsers, as a rule, profile folders store not only temporary files, but also data about installed extensions, passwords, plugins and many others useful information. Usually everything unnecessary is in the cash folder.

When working with files through Explorer, you may encounter a problem where the Local settings folder cannot be found. In fact, it exists, but the system assigns it the “Hidden” attribute. In order to get into it, you must either enable the ability to display system and or, if this fails (consequences of the previous virus attack), try to follow the direct link. For example, by entering address bar path "C:\Document and Settings\User01\Local Settings\Application Data", the user can immediately get to the Application Data subfolder Local folders Settings in the user profile User01.

And one more thing - if you intend to “clean” another user’s folders on your computer, you will need administrator rights.

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Is it possible to delete temporary files without harming the OS or do I need a special program? I wanted to delete them like this: C:/properties/disk cleanup/check Temporary files/OK. So it is possible? Will the operating system be damaged?
Roman Gural answers:

To clean the system, I use two programs: CCleaner and NeoCleaner, they are free, and they weigh little, but they work well.
Shurovik answers: Of course you can. Konstantin Korolkov answers:

Temporary files sometimes need to be cleared so that space is not taken up. Of course, this is possible, it’s not for nothing that “disk cleanup” was created. It was done for these purposes. You can also manually delete temporary files from the TEMP folder. There will be no harm to the OS.

  • Yuri Aleksandrovich Peysakhovich answers:
  • Can be deleted. Those files that are needed in
  • log of visited websites;
  • information provided on web pages or in the address bar;
  • saved network passwords.
  • download log
  • site settings

This information can be useful when reopening frequently visited pages, as it speeds up their launch and does not require passwords. This is good if one person uses the computer, but if several people have access to it, then such information should be deleted. Deleting temporary files will help free up significant space on your hard drive, and of course prevent getting outside users computer information about sites visited and content viewed.

Note: files Cookie- small text files, which sites place on the user’s computer. Used to provide personalized service to users and collect information about website traffic. Cookies from trusted websites improve your browsing experience by providing information about a user's personal preferences or capabilities. automatic login to the website. However, some cookies, such as those stored by advertisements, may compromise user privacy by tracking the websites visited

Internet Explorer

Open "". This can be done in the browser itself - click Tools and select Internet Options. Or Start - Control Panel - Internet Options.

We mark " Delete browsing history on exit", don't forget to press Apply, and press " Delete"

We mark the items that will be deleted when the browser exits. If in the previous window you click the " Options", you can limit the disk space for temporary files and trace the path where temporary files are stored.

You should close Internet Explorer to clear any cookies that were saved during your current browsing and are still in memory. This is especially important when using a public computer

Deleting temporary files in the Opera browser

To clear temporary files and cookies, open your browser Opera and in the Menu select Tools - Delete personal data - Detailed setting. Check the boxes whose data needs to be deleted.

Select and click Delete. The following settings in the browser, touch automatic cleaning disk cache and cookies. In the browser menu, select Tools - General settings- Extended. Select an item Story and check the box Disk cache - Clear on exit. The next item in the settings is Cookie. Check "Delete new cookies when exiting Opera"

If you check "Never accept cookies", you may experience problems when visiting some sites, as they require Cookies to be enabled.

Note: Blocking all cookies protects your privacy but limits the functionality of some websites. We recommend that you carefully select the websites that will allow you to store cookies. You can start by blocking all cookies and then allow them to trusted sites as needed.

Deleting temporary files in Firefox browser

To clear temporary files and cookies, open your browser and select Tools - Settings from the browser menu. Open the tab Privacy. In the history settings, select " Will use your history saving settings" and mark the items that will delete Cookies when closing the browser

Note: files Cookie there are Temporary,Permanent. And Third party

  • Temporary(or session) files Cookie are deleted from the computer after closing the browser. Web sites use them to store temporary information
  • Permanent(or stored) Cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser. Web sites use them to store information, such as username and password, so that the user does not have to log in again each time he visits the Web site. Persistent files Cookies can be stored on your computer for several days, months or even years
  • Third party files Cookie saved by advertising components (in the form of pop-ups or advertisements) on the website you are viewing. Websites often use these cookies to collect site traffic information for marketing purposes.

If you check the box " Clear history when closing firefox", then the button is activated Options, where you can choose what will be cleared when closing the browser.

Mark the required items and click OK. If you have several browsers on your computer, you can use free program CCleaner. Program website It is enough to mark the necessary items in the program settings once and the cleaning process will be reduced to two mouse clicks. First we do Analysis, and then Cleaning.

Additionally, you can clean up the disk by deleting unnecessary files that accumulate while working on the computer. To reduce the number of unused files on your hard drive to free up disk space and improve computer performance, use the " Disk Cleanup" It deletes temporary files, empty the trash and deletes many system files and other unused elements

In order for a computer to work normally, you need to not only monitor the serviceability and cleanliness of the hardware components, but also the system. The OS tends to become clogged with files over time, so it is necessary to “clean” it regularly. The most common problem is temporary files that are stored in the “Temp” folder of the OS disk, most often “C:\”. Getting rid of them is not difficult, but you need to do it correctly. Let's look at how to delete temporary files from your computer.

There are two ways to clear your system of temporary files. The first is using built-in utilities and manual removal, and the second using the universal CCleaner programs. Let's use both methods in order.

Method #1 – Cleaning using Disk Cleanup

Method No. 2 – Cleaning with CCleaner

As you can see, everything happens quite simply and quickly, the main thing is to follow the instructions. If you do not want to use any utilities or programs, your only option is manual removal. To do this you need to find through any file manager Temp folder and delete everything from there. After this, be sure to restart your computer. The disadvantages of this method are that it:

  1. Unreliable, you can delete system files;
  2. Ineffective because some temporary files may be in other folders;
  3. Sometimes it is impossible due to the lack of administrator rights, so it is better to use the first or second method.

After reading this article, you will definitely be able to delete Windows temporary files without any problems or effort.

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