How to create a page for a business. Choosing a category for your future Facebook page. Tasks facing your BS and aspects of their implementation

This main question when visiting your page, a potential fan decides in just a few seconds. If the decision is negative, you lose a potential client. And very often it’s also a chance to at least be etched in his memory. How can you attract a person’s attention in just a couple of moments and force him to get in touch with your company? In this article, we will tell you how to design a Facebook page, show you 5 design tips that will help your company attract more fans, and also give you a tasty bonus at the end of the article.

Since 2016, Facebook has changed the requirements for page covers, so the information in this article is outdated. We wrote new review with updated requirements. Read it.

Facebook Standard Requirements for Page Design

So, in order to issue Facebook page, at a minimum, you will need to upload a cover photo and a profile picture. Requirements for them:

Brand page design ideas. 5 examples of successful design

1. Be yourself. Your brand must remain recognizable. Even on social networks. Use corporate colors, fonts, logo, and images relevant to your business. When visiting your page, people should clearly understand who you are and what you do.

2. Integrate. Sometimes pages look very impressive where the cover and profile photo look like one.

Another interesting trick is to integrate the cover with one of the elements located below it. For example, you can draw attention to your blog, application or photo albums.

3. Use text. Visualization is important. But you can convey maximum information only with the help of words. Don’t be afraid to duplicate the name of your company on the cover, list your services, try to hook them with a loud slogan. The main thing is to fit it all into the allowed 20%.

4. Lead to the site. No comments needed. At the end of the day, we're all fighting for clicks and conversions.

5. CallToAction! If you want something from visitors, ask. Encourage people to like your page, take part in your events, take advantage of special offer or download free materials. Ideally, accompany calls with pointers for greater clarity.


Some examples of our work:

Beginning entrepreneurs who independently engage in advertising and promotion of their company or products are often interested in how to create a business account on Facebook so that it brings real benefits and contributes to the development of a commercial project.

Constantly growing interest in social networks as effective tools for advertising and promoting a company or its products, as well as unique way communication with representatives target audience, can be explained very simply: most of the inhabitants of our planet have their active accounts in at least one of popular social networks. networks. Detailed Study This topic showed that in our country Facebook is of particular interest to business entities.

This is explained not only by the specifics of this social network and the enormous opportunities for advertisers and marketers, which are constantly being improved by the company’s employees, but also by the fact that Facebook users are mainly adults, accomplished people with a certain social status, permanent job and stable income.

That is, they form the foundation of the consumer society, which is the focus of almost all business entities involved in the production and sale of all kinds of products, from toothpicks to luxury cars and expensive yachts. Therefore, creating your own business account on Facebook is not just a marketing ploy, but also a matter of prestige for every self-respecting entrepreneur.

Business account functions

Quite often, business entities who are interested in how to make a business account on Facebook, at the time of creating a profile, cannot even clearly explain why they need it. They are guided by well-known stereotypes - it’s fashionable, prestigious, a social media page. networks attracts new clients, etc. But what do professional marketers, experienced businessmen, and also people who create these tools for business think about this? First of all, a Facebook account representing any commercial organization is effective method promoting your products/services on social networks. It helps bring new products to the market, makes them recognizable, and later popular, for potential buyers.

Next important function Company pages on Facebook are the formation and maintenance of a positive image of your company and the products it produces. Representatives of the target audience, visiting the manufacturer’s profile on social networks, can receive any information they are interested in about a product or service. This fact contributes to the formation high level consumer confidence in both the company and all its products.

Thanks to your social media page, you can establish a constructive and fruitful dialogue with potential clients. This is very important both for the current activities of the company and for the creation of new products. By conducting a survey of representatives of the target audience, you will find out what the client wants to see, what characteristics and functionality of a new product play a decisive role for the buyer, etc. The presented opportunity allows you to significantly reduce the cost of marketing research and virtually eliminates the possibility that new products will be unclaimed.

Regardless of the scale and direction of your activity, the account of a company, brand or commercial project will help you form a group of people who will be interested in your offer. In the future, you can create a community of representatives of the target audience, which will allow you to receive minimal costs time and financial resources, additional tool advertising your business and effective channel connections with potential clients.

Algorithm for creating a business page

Before you start creating an account for your business, pay attention to the fact that Facebook personal profile(which most users have world wide web) differs from the page for representatives of commercial organizations. Even if you work as an individual entrepreneur, that is individual, You need a page, not a personal profile. This is due to the fact that to create an account for a business entity, it is provided great amount functions and settings that are not available for a regular profile.

Among the features of a business account on the social network Facebook, the following points can be highlighted::

    Several people can manage the information on the page; you can provide administrative access to your deputy, heads of departments, chief accountant, etc., at your discretion;

    immediately after creating a profile, it is included in general work search engines social network, according to the criteria you specify (this allows you to quickly find potential clients);

    Users can join your company page independently, without confirming the profile owner;

After studying the information presented, you can safely move on to implementing the practical part of the question, how to create a business account on Facebook.

On the website of the social network we are interested in, that is, Facebook, it is necessary to activate the function of creating a business/corporate page. First, you will be asked to identify the type of business activity that best suits your business. The options will include entertainment and local business, and community, and musical group, as well as other directions. For example, if you decide to create a profile for a regular store, choose the direction - local company. The next step is choosing a business category. Take your time, study all the options presented several times. When entering your information, be very careful. For the store you will find the appropriate category, and after its approval you need to select a name for the company.

This step is very important, since this criterion will be key for representatives of the target audience. Sometimes, some “smart guys” try to outsmart everyone; they choose a name for a search engine, for example, “grocery store in the center of Volgograd.” Thus, they expect to intercept all members of the target audience who need to buy groceries in the center of Volgograd. But as a result, they only lose, since after studying all the proposed options, the potential client will simply “lose” the store without a specific name.

The next step is well known to all users of the World Wide Web, as the most ignored stage of any registration in our country - signing User Agreement. But in in this case, it is recommended that you carefully review what you will be agreeing to. It is possible that certain conditions will contradict your goals and make the entire procedure of creating a business account completely meaningless. After signing the agreement, click on the “Start” button. At this point, the first part of your task to create a business account is considered completed.

Further actions are aimed at filling out and setting up the page. You need to prepare a description of the business category, write a text (focused on the work of search engines) about your page, insert a link to the site (if it exists), and also select a beautiful thematic picture for your profile. Then, add the page to “Favorites” and proceed to work with representatives of the target audience. The main criteria that the program requests from you are: age, gender, place of residence and interests of potential clients.

In this matter, you need to act very carefully; if you put too many filters, some potential clients who have not indicated any information about themselves in their profile will be “cut off” from your page. To finish the job, create or find beautiful cover for a business account (it should not take up a lot of memory so that it doesn’t take a long time to “load”). The final “touch” is to invite your friends to give them the first “likes” as a real confirmation that the page is functioning.

As you can see, the entire process of creating a standard business account on the social network Facebook does not require special knowledge and skills; if desired, each user will complete this task, which allows with minimal effort get real results for your existing business.

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What is it for? Facebook business page, we create a page from scratch for business promotion.Social Facebook network very well tuned to promote your brand or business offer.

About 1 billion 400 million people visit Facebook every day, and about 24 million of them are Russian speakers. This is a huge platform for our promotion.

How is our profile page different from a business page (or fan page)? The profile is yours personal page, where you communicate with friends, talk about the events of your life, here you are present as a person. There can only be one personal account (or profile) on Facebook, pay attention to this! But there can be a lot of business pages, and here you are already an expert.

Each new fan page can be customized with a different business offer. It can be linked to your blog, YouTube channel, Twitter account, etc. Business pages have great opportunities!

How to create a fan page?

First of all, you must have a personal profile on Facebook, which you can register using Email and phone numbers.

And only from there we begin to create our business page. To do this, we click on the triangle in the top blue line. Select “Create Page” from the drop-down menu.

On next step you can choose what you want to promote on this social network, what goal you are pursuing...

Select a category; if you want to promote yourself, it is advisable to select “ Public figure"and call them by your first and last name. If you do not need this, then here are provided ample opportunities to choose, use them. Click the “Start” button.

Select “Community”

Upload your photo or logo

Or we can skip this step.

In the next window that opens, set the cover on your page, or better yet, skip the step again.

The page has been created and requires configuration

Upload an avatar and (We will discuss this topic in subsequent articles). Next, create a beautiful and memorable “Page Username” in Latin. Completely fill out the “Information” about the page, add your accounts in other networks, indicate your website, etc. Go through all the positions.

Facebook business pages are a place where you can develop a relationship between your brand and the world.

Business pages provide the opportunity to respond to customer reviews, nurture leads, distribute content, or simply communicate to a select number of the 2 billion Facebook users, what time the store widget closes on Tuesday evenings.

Business pages on Facebook - necessary tool for companies operating in the 21st century. To start building your target audience, create a business page right after .

They also consist of many elements, which can make creating a business page a bit of a hassle. Just look at these red squares.

Some would call them a headache, while others would call them opportunities.

This article will tell you how to create a Facebook business page for a small business.

But first…

How to create a business page on Facebook

First of all, you need to go to your Facebook page and click “Create a Page.” Direct link - .

There are six various types pages that you can create on Facebook, but now you need to select “Local (local) business or establishment.”

If other options from top row(“Company, organization or institution” and “Brand or product”) describe the company more accurately, if you choose one of them: most of the steps will still be the same.

There is also a second row of page types from which to choose. These options are designed to promote arts, entertainment, and online communities. These niches have less commercial intent, and some of the nuances that will be covered in this guide do not apply to them. Many components of these pages overlap with SMB pages, in which case this article may be of value to them as well.

You need to select the first option in the menu, and the cute little display will disappear from view, and in its place the following form will appear:

Pretty straight forward, but if you fill out the fields now, you won't have to do it later. If you are having trouble with the “Page Category” field, you just need to choose something that best suits the company; in any case, you can edit your selection later.

After finishing, you need to click on the blue “Start” button, and a completely new and empty business page will appear.

How to design a business page on Facebook - templates and tabs

Before you start adding images and writing text, it's worth spending a little time in the settings tab.

Despite its banal appearance, this page is filled useful information, which needs to be checked and taken seriously.

First of all, you need to change the page template to something more businesslike. Under the “Edit Page” option there is a section called “Templates”.

Changing the page template will change the tabs that visitors can access on the page. The new tabs will look like this:

  • Homepage
  • Publications
  • Reviews
  • Video
  • Photos
  • About company
  • Community
  • Offers
  • Groups

It is worth noting that you can remove tabs or change their order directly under the “Templates” section in the page editing menu.

In addition to a dedicated set of available tabs to assist page visitors, you can also add a custom CTA (call to action) button. Before returning to the business page, take the time to familiarize yourself with all the customizable options available on the settings page.

This is probably not the best the right time, to set a page specialization or launch a chatbot (there will be a lot of time for this), but you still need to set the page's preferred audience.

Facebook will use this information to help match users with these criteria to find this page. This works in the same way as creating an audience in Facebook Business Manager. You don't have to go into too much detail, but a general picture of your prospect will help Facebook market your page to the right people who might like it.

Profile picture and page cover

Now you can start designing your business page.

The cover photo (or video!) will be the first thing a page visitor notices. Therefore, the cover must serve its purpose. You can post a video there of team members deciding common problem to highlight the company's team spirit (especially if the Facebook page will promote the company's corporate culture and increase brand awareness).

You can also use the cover photo for advertising. upcoming event, offering a discount card, or simply highlighting the benefits of a product or service.

Simply put, your page cover should make an impression.

A profile photo, on the other hand, should directly represent the brand. Due to size limitations, it's better to just use a logo rather than try to fit something thoughtful into a tiny square in the top left corner.
Here are some more guidelines and successful methods for creating a profile picture and cover photo.

Facebook profile picture

For a profile picture to be successful, it must be recognizable and customizable.

In truth, most people won't even notice it exists. Their attention will be drawn to the larger, more dynamic picture on the cover, or to the bottom of the screen, where the information they need is located. There's no need to try to draw extra attention to your profile photo: it's just an addition.

On a computer, the profile avatar is displayed in size 170x170 pixels; on a smartphone - 128x128. Therefore, you should not include text there: no one will be able to read it. Instead, you need to choose something clear. If you don’t have time to develop, you can simply use your logo:

Also keep in mind that when using Facebook ads or communicating with page visitors, your profile photo will be cropped to an even smaller round image.

If key components of the logo are on the edges, you will need to reposition the image so that design elements do not disappear from it.

Facebook page cover image (or video)

It's more difficult task because here more space for work. If the cover element has not yet been added to the page, you will only see a large gray box at the top of the screen. To add a photo or video, you need to click on the “Add Cover” button in the corner of this field.

The cover photo displays at 820x312 on computers and 640x360 on smartphones. If using a video instead, it should be 20-90 seconds long and no smaller than the cover photo.

Regardless of whether there is a photo or video on the cover, it should not be a hindrance. Visitors can scroll down the page to read the text. The cover should be a branding element, something pleasant and memorable, and not a guide with practical recommendations. For example, the cover of Whole Paycheck:

Photos of various pumpkins are not unique to the network grocery stores, but they indicate the season and provide a wonderful backdrop to the list of recipes that can be found on the page. Sometimes the simpler the better.

It's also worth changing up your cover at times to see how it affects engagement (for example, come July, those pumpkins will become irrelevant).

Catchy Facebook Page Name

A username associated with a business page will allow current and potential clients, like complete strangers, tag the company in posts and comments. A username is an important part of establishing and maintaining a brand. It's also the easiest thing to do.

Now, obviously, you need to use the company name as your username.

If someone has already assigned the name, you'll have to get a little creative. You can always add alphanumeric characters and come up with something at least five characters long.

Advice: if we're talking about about a local business, or the page is created for a specific location, it is better to add a geo-modifier to the user name (instead of “@businessname” use “@namebusinesslocation”). This may help install trusting relationship with clients and will provide the opportunity to share the most relevant content.

Improve Engagement with a Call to Action Button

Adding a button to your Facebook business page is easy and profitable way push visitors to action.

Whether they book an appointment, download an app, or make a purchase, the button at the bottom of the cover is free way induce them to take action that would otherwise have to be paid for.

How to tell potential clients about your company? How to attract the attention of your target audience? Do advertising! But do you need to print advertisements in newspapers or publish videos on local TV? Absolutely not necessary! Today there is a publicly accessible resource for advertising – social networks. By creating a company page on Facebook, you can reach a huge audience and generate interest in your brand in as soon as possible.

“Launch” the company in the FB space

Technically, creating a public page on a social network cannot be called difficult - the whole process takes about 5-7 minutes. The developers of the social network tried to make registering a new brand clear and convenient, so each step is accompanied by explanations and tips. So that you have no questions at all, we offer our detailed instructions:

1. Drive into address bar website address – You immediately see an offer to log in or register. If personal account you already have, log in using your registration details. If not, create a personal profile.

2. In the left column in the “Pages” subsection, select the “Create Page” item.

3. The system prompts you to select the area of ​​activity of your brand. Clicking on the most suitable type business, select the category that suits you, enter the name of the company/brand and click “Start”. If the name is unavailable for some reason, the system will offer to replace it.

4. Next, you go directly to the settings of the company’s future public page. First, you need to briefly write what it is dedicated to. You need to keep it within 155 characters, so no details - clear, concise, interesting. If the brand has its own website or, for example, a Twitter account, you can indicate it. And finally, you need to come up with a unique address for your Facebook page. This will make it easier for interested users to find it. When the fields are completed, click “Save Information.” If desired, you can enter this data later - click “Skip”.

5. Then you need to set a public avatar. Photos can either be uploaded from your computer or transferred from your website. Once the picture is selected, simply click Next. If you want to install an avatar later, select "Skip."

6. The system will also prompt you to send the public to Favorites. This is optional, but very convenient from the point of view of use.

7. Finally, in the settings you can define your preferred audience. Using the data you provide, the system will try to attract as many target audience representatives as possible to your newly created brand page.

Congratulations! Now you officially have a Company Page, which will most likely help you promote your brand in the future!

What else can you configure?

Working with a public site does not end with its registration. Now the most interesting and difficult part begins - setting up the Page and maintaining it. First of all, go to Settings. There is a wide range of tools for administrators here. For example, you can set restrictions on the age or place of residence of visitors, set a filter obscene language, configure notifications, add administrators and view the Activity Log. In addition, in the Settings section you can download all the public information and, if necessary, delete it.

Another important section of the Page is Information. Here you should fill out as many fields as possible so that users increase their level of interest and trust in you. In particular, you can indicate the founding date and mission of the public, add company products and awards, as well as contact information.

Of course, you need to engage in attracting an audience. The easiest way is to Invite Friends. Those, in turn, may want to invite their friends on Facebook. This creates a chain of invitations. However, you are unlikely to be able to significantly expand your audience through standard invitations. Therefore, in some cases it is wise to immediately address paid promotion business public on the schemes offered social network.

Naturally, the materials that will be published play a huge role in the popularity of the Page. Many companies prefer to adhere to a policy of “dry” information posts. In some cases this actually works, but for small firms and those just starting to promote brands require more serious work. On Facebook you need to interest users, because the number of public pages and, accordingly, competitors is simply crazy. To maintain interest in your brand, it is not enough just to register a company. You need to publish useful and exciting posts that users will follow. This should be done regularly, not occasionally.

Thus, creating a Page for a company on Facebook is an effective way of advertising and promoting a brand. Thousands of companies have already resorted to it, and every day the number of actually working business publics is increasing. So get creative and start promoting your brand on the most popular social network!