Error when creating a Facebook account. Facebook free new user registration

Hello, dear friends! Today we are starting to explore a new social network called Facebook. It is not as popular in the countries of the former CIS as, for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but many people still use it. The first article, as always, will be devoted to registration.

Register from a computer

You can register on Facebook for free on the official website, which is kindly provided to us in Russian. Follow the link

Pay attention to the right side of the page that opens, that’s where the registration form is located.

Please pay attention to the fields for entering your mobile phone number. If you want to register on Facebook without a phone number, then simply enter your email address in this field.

It would be logical to assume that if you want to register without an email, you will have to enter a phone number there. Entering nothing and leaving this line empty will not work.

Enter all the data and click on the “Create account” button:

At the next stage, they offer to find friends through their accounts on other services. You can skip this step by clicking on the “Next” button.

Skip the step:

In principle, the main registration is completed; all we have to do is confirm our mailing address. They remind you of this at the very top of the Facebook page. Go to your mailbox and look for a letter.

In the letter we find the “Confirm your account” button and click on it. They also provide us with some kind of confirmation code, but I personally haven’t used it.

That's it, congratulations, you have registered. So far, of course, you have nothing on your page.

Register from a mobile phone

You can also go to the official website from your mobile phone through any browser and do everything that we did in the first point, or you can download the mobile application and register from it. Let's take a closer look at the second method.

We go to the Play Market and look for the Facebook application there.

Install it:

Here you are asked to enter your phone number for registration. Not everyone likes this, so we can not enter the phone number, but pay attention to the very bottom of the screen and click on the “Register using an email address” button.

This window may be more suitable for you. Here we register using email.

It seems that there is nothing more to explain specifically regarding registration in this social network, so we will examine the remaining questions in the following articles.

Social networks have become a part of our lives. They are used not only to communicate with friends, but also to find a job or life partner, or even as an alternative to traditional media. But in order to use their functionality, you need to register. How to register on Facebook - one of the most popular social networks? is one of the world's largest social networks. You can talk about its functions for a long time, but, in principle, they are not very different from the functions of other social networks - many “social networks” used Facebook as a model. Besides, it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times - it’s worth registering on Facebook and seeing everything with your own eyes. So, how to register on Facebook?

First you need to go to the main page of the site - On the right side of the page you will see registration form. This is what needs to be filled out. This form has the following fields:

  • surname;
  • Your email address;
  • enter your email address again;
  • New Password;
  • Date of Birth.

First and last name It is advisable to enter real ones so that your friends can find you on the site. Email address must be valid - without it you will not be able to confirm your registration on the site. Password you need to choose one that is complex enough to protect your account from hacking. With choice gender, we think you won’t have any difficulties. A Date of Birth, just like the first and last name must be real. After filling out all the fields, click on the Registration button.

To register on Facebook you will need enter captcha- this simple test will confirm that you are not a robot and are not going to send spam. If you can't read the letters and numbers you need to enter, click the "Try another text" link. You can also listen to the audio recording. After entering the captcha in the appropriate field, click on the Registration button.

Next you will be asked find your friends on Facebook using your email account. To do this, you will need to enter the password for the mailbox that you used to register. Facebook will not store or use this password. But if you don’t want to find friends or reveal your email password, click on the “Skip this step” link.

Then you will be offered fill out your profile information(Agree, registering on Facebook and sitting there with an empty profile is somehow illogical). You need to enter your first and last name in English and your native language, as well as your school, university and employer - so that your classmates, fellow students and colleagues can find you. After entering the information, click on the Save and Continue button. If you do not want to fill out your profile now, but plan to return to it later, click the “Skip” link.

Finally, the third step is setting a profile photo. A photo is an additional way of identification: there are many namesakes and namesakes, and you can be unmistakably recognized from a photo. You can upload a photo from your computer or take a photo with your webcam. Photo size is limited to 4 megabytes. After uploading the photo, click on the Save and Continue button, or click on the “Skip” link if you want to upload the photo later.

Congratulations! You have successfully registered on Facebook! But before you start using this social network, you need confirm registration. To do this, go to the mailbox that you indicated at the very beginning. You should have received an email from Facebook. Follow the link provided in the letter.

You will be redirected to your Facebook page. Registration is over, and now you can edit your profile, upload photos, find friends, play games or use applications.

Have a great time on Facebook!

Registering on Facebook is not difficult at all, the process is completely free. The first step is to go to the main page of the website from any browser. Pay attention to the language of the site. If for some reason the Russian version does not open, then this is an easily fixable issue. The site will be Russified as soon as you click the “Russian” link, which is located at the bottom of the page.

A registration window opens on the main page, which is easy to fill out by entering your details. No one will check the authenticity of this data, but I would like to note that even popular people register on Facebook under their own name, not a fictitious one. The specified e-mail must be a working one, it is its address that will serve as the login to enter the site, and it is to this e-mail that a letter will be sent to confirm registration.

After all the data has been specified, you need to come up with a password that contains, in addition to numbers, Latin letters, both lowercase and capital. You should not rely on your memory - you must write down the password. After that, click on the green “Registration” button.

Registration on Facebook does not end there. The following window will open in which you will be asked to provide an email password to search for friends already registered on the social network. If you do not have the time or desire to do this, then you can refuse by simply clicking the “Skip this step” link.

True, you will have to confirm your intentions to postpone the search for friends by clicking the “Skip” button when Facebook begins to aggressively promote its recommendations. You can also click the “Skip” button in the next two steps, where you will be asked to indicate your hometown, educational institutions: school, university and even your current employer. It should be noted that everything can be found quite quickly, since all employers and educational institutions are listed.

Next, you will be asked to upload your photo for your account. If the photo is on your computer disk, you can download and install it from there; if not, then it’s easy to take a photo using a webcam. If you do not want to perform these actions yet, then click the “Skip” link again.

The last stage of registering on Facebook is confirming this action from the email specified in the registration window. We go to the mail, find the letter, follow the link indicated in it.

After clicking on the link, a window appears with a message indicating successful confirmation of account registration. Then you can perform those actions for which registration was carried out: searching and inviting friends, communicating. You can edit the page, upload photos, share videos and links from other sites with friends, schedule events, organize groups. Thus, by registering on Facebook, you can promote your business or the business of your partners.

Registration on Facebook is quite feasible without indicating your mobile phone number. But if suddenly for some reason access to the page is lost, then using this number it will be much easier to restore your account. So it is better not to neglect the opportunity. You can enter your mobile number in the profile section where you indicate your contact information. In this case, an SMS message with a verification code will be sent to your phone, using which you need to confirm your mobile number. It is clear that not every person has the desire to make it available to all visitors to their page; in this case, setting the mobile phone visibility mode to “Only me” will help.

Login to Facebook – My Page

Only after registering on the Facebook social network does your page (My Page) become available to you. To get there, go to the main page of, enter your email (which is also your login for logging into the site) and password into the appropriate boxes. Click the “Login” button.

If it happens that your password is lost or forgotten, it is easy to recover it by clicking the “Forgot your password?” link, which is located under the “Password” window. Next we follow the instructions.

If you access Facebook from your home computer, and constantly entering your email and password causes irritation, you can eliminate this by checking the box next to the phrase “Do not log out.” It can be found under the line for entering mail or phone. After completing this simple action, you will be logged into your account immediately.

Registration on Facebook- an absolutely not complicated process and now you will learn how to get your personal account on the largest social network in the world! But before registering, you should consider a few important points:

  1. Registration on Facebook is free!
  2. You must be 13 years old at the time of registration
  3. To register you need to have your personal email or mobile phone number
  4. If you are already registered and need to create a personal profile, go to this page -. There you will find tips on how to properly set up your (already registered) account.
  5. You can learn more about this social network in the material - what it is and how to use it

Facebook registration - first steps

First you need to go to the official Facebook website, it is located at:

If you don’t have an account yet, then in any case you will be redirected to a special registration page. Next, in order for the process of creating a FB profile to go as quickly as possible, we recommend preparing your email (open your email in a separate browser tab) or mobile phone - it should be “at hand”

So, let's get straight to registration!

Home page and registration form:

First, enter your First and Last Name:

At the same time, remember - Facebook requires that each user register under their own names, so it strongly recommends doing so! This may seem unusual, because many social networks do not have such a strict rule. However, on the other hand, everyone prefers to communicate with real people rather than “fictional characters.” If someone registers an account with fictitious names (especially with very unusual variants), then the Facebook administration can temporarily freeze such a profile and demand some evidence of the reality of the names - for example, send a photo where the person’s face is clearly visible, or send a page from the document where your name, surname and photo are also clearly visible.

The next step is if you have chosen an email for registration, enter it twice:

Please keep in mind that the image shows an example email, you must enter your personal email!

The second registration option is using a mobile phone:

Attention! Enter only a phone number to which you have direct access - because a little later you will be sent a special registration confirmation code via SMS


In the field labeled “New Password,” enter your password. This is a very important part of registration - because it depends on how complex you create your password! account security. What password would be considered complex?

Here are some criteria:

  • length - make it at least 10 characters (you can’t do less than 6)
  • combine numbers, letters of the Latin alphabet and punctuation marks

Date of birth and gender

Please indicate your date of birth and gender. To change the date, you need to click on the black triangle to the right of “Day”, “Month” and “Year” and select the necessary data from the drop-down list. It is also worth noting that after registration you can change this data. To find out why you should indicate your date of birth, click on the link to the right of the drop-down menu. To indicate gender, click on the circle on the left next to “Woman” or “Male”.

Terms of Use

Many users skip this point - but in vain! Be sure to open all three virtual documents and, if possible, read them carefully, because they describe all aspects of the relationship between the Facebook social network and the user.

Account creation

The first stage of registration is now complete! Now you can safely click on the green Create account button and proceed to the next part of registration.

How to verify your Facebook account when registering

After filling out all the data on the start page, the important step of confirming registration on the Facebook social network follows. Depending on what you entered - an email or a phone number, you will need to confirm your account either using the code from the email or using an SMS code to the phone number. Now we will consider the option of confirmation by email.

Profile confirmation by email

Immediately after you click the green “Create account” button, you will be redirected to a page with the following content:

At this stage, you need to go to your mail, and after waiting for a letter from Facebook there, click on the special button in the letter, or copy the code from the same letter and paste it yourself. This is what the letter looks like:

Thus, you have two options for confirmation via email:

  • or click on the blue button in the letter that says “Confirm your account”
  • or copy the code below and paste it into the link box on the registration page.

Let's look at a more complex option - the second one.

The next step is creating a profile, searching, adding friends and other interesting work. So after clicking OK, you can congratulate yourself - your Facebook account has been registered!

We have just looked at Facebook account verification via email. If you confirm via phone number, this process will be a little easier. An SMS with a code will be sent to your phone; enter it in a special window (the same as for the code from email). A little later - when you fill out your profile with information, you can add both confirmation methods - phone and email. This will make your account even more secure!

What's next

The first step is to find friends:

At this stage, you can either send out invitations via VKontakte and mail, or move on to finding friends a little later. To start searching for friends later, click on the Next button.

Problems with Facebook registration

When registering, sometimes a number of problems arise, let's look at some of them and ways to overcome them.

The registration page is in English or another unknown language. What to do?

If for some reason the registration page loaded in a foreign language, you can easily fix it by enabling the following:

To change the language on Facebook, scroll down the page and select one of the languages. If the language you need is not on the first screen, click on the cross in the square on the right side of the list and select there - it’s definitely there.

I can’t log into the Facebook page - it says that the password or login is entered incorrectly

This is a common mistake when entering any password - not just on Facebook. The two most common reasons are either you have Caps Lock enabled (all letters are entered in uppercase, that is, they are all large), or you are running a different keyboard layout than the password language. To correct this situation, do the following things:

  • If Caps Lock is turned on, press this button again. The button on standard keyboards is usually located on the left edge above Ctrl and Shift. An additional hint can be a glowing dot on the corner of the button - if it glows, then Caps Lock is still turned on, if not, it’s not turned on (but not all keyboards have such a dot)
  • In the case of a keyboard layout in another language, this can be easily fixed by simply switching the language to the one you need. This can be done using the standard keyboard combination Shift+Alt (or another similar combination)

After that, enter the password again. This time it should work! If you continue to be unable to log into your account, use the option to reset your password and access your account.

Facebook does not accept phone number or email for registration

This problem usually also occurs due to two reasons:

  • This email address or phone number has already been used for registration and Facebook does not allow you to register another account with this email/phone number. To get out of this situation, simply enter a different number or email.
  • You made a spelling mistake. In the case of email, check whether you have inserted the @ icon. And in the case of a telephone, check whether you have entered the country code in the number, it must be entered.

If you have any other problems during registration, feel free to ask questions in the comments below!

Video: Registration on the social network Facebook Video can’t be loaded: Register in Facebook / Register in FaceBook #PI (

Surely you have already heard about the most popular and widespread social network (Facebook). It already has more than 800 million users worldwide. That is why, thanks to its prevalence, Facebook today unites a multimillion-dollar Internet community on its pages. And if you have already decided to become a member of this community, then all you need to do is register on the official website of the social network. This step-by-step guide will tell you how to register on Facebook. To do this, you do not need to have any special knowledge. On the contrary, registering on the site is quite simple, does not take much time and is a completely free service.

So, to register on Facebook for free, you just need to have your Internet email, i.e. registered email to which you have access. If you don’t have one yet, we recommend using free email services (, and others).

If everything is in order with your email, then you need to go to the website, or type “Facebook registration” or “Facebook login” in any search engine (in this case, you will still sooner or later get to the official Facebook website - after all, register there anyway).. After that, the main page of the site will open in front of you with an invitation to register, as shown in the figure:

As you have already noticed, the registration block consists of standard fields that you need to fill out:

  • Surname
  • Email address
  • Email verification field
  • Password
  • Birthday

Moreover, you should remember that for the First Name and Last Name fields, as a rule, there are no restrictions (i.e. you can enter characters in both Russian and English or in any combination). However, in the email address field, you need to enter your real email address in the format [email protected], where the first part is the name of your mailbox, and the second part contains the name of your mail server (for example,,, and others).

Next, you need to come up with a password for your future account. Moreover, special attention should be paid to the uniqueness of the password. Under no circumstances use any personal data as a password that would be easy for attackers to guess (for example, mobile number, date of birth, etc.). It is best to use both numbers and letters (uppercase and lowercase) and some symbols %, $, =, _, and in various combinations. Here is an example of a complex and strong password: r4Wt$_yD_%k6q1$_gTN4.

After you have filled out all the fields and checked the data you entered, you just have to click on the “Registration” button. In the next window, the social network will prompt you to search for your friends using your email, Skype or other services. However, you can skip this step.

At the next stage, you will be asked to fill out personal information about yourself. You can also skip this step.

Now it's time to remember your mailbox, the address of which you entered during registration. The fact is that a letter was sent to you at this email address to confirm your registration. Therefore, you need to go to your mailbox and in the Inbox folder you need to open a letter with the title “Final step of registration on Facebook”. When you open this email, you will see the following message:

In this letter you need to complete the specified actions. If you did everything correctly, then in the next window you will see a message that your registration on Facebook has been confirmed.

After this last step, your profile home page will open in front of you. Here you can start working fully with your account. For example, look for friends, chat with other users, join or create your own communities, share useful links, download videos and music, post your photos and much more.