How to change the name on wifi. How to change the name (name) of a WiFi router network

After installing the router and setting up the broadcast, you may find that all devices equipped with a Wi-Fi antenna are now able to connect to the new wireless network. However, its name usually repeats the brand of the router developer or the model of the specified device. This approach is not always convenient, for example, if you live in a modern multi-story building or work in an office center, there may be about 20–30 similar names. To make connecting any gadget to the Internet as convenient as possible, you will need to change the network name. Any user should know how to change the name of Wi-Fi networks, given that this process takes a minimum of time and does not require special skills.

Users often leave a standard Wi-Fi name based on the router model

Working with titles

Let's assume that a wireless network has already been created, and you were able to establish a connection to it, and now you just want to change its name. First of all, you need to access the router's web client by typing its address in the browser line. By default, most manufacturers use, although in some cases the zero is replaced by a one. If you did not set a login and password yourself, you will need to enter “admin” in both lines of the dialog box that appears. However, not all routers use such basic settings - to change the name of the wireless network, sometimes you have to study the instructions in detail.

Having gained access to the client, use the wireless broadcasting settings tab - in English-language interfaces you can find it by the word “Wireless”. There are the following options for the name of the tab in which you can change the name of the wireless network:

  • Wireless setup in D-Link;
  • Wireless settings in TP-Link;
  • Networking at Zyxel;
  • Wireless network in Asus.

By going to the desired tab, find the line with the connection name - in it you will see the name that was previously displayed in the wireless networks window of your computer or smartphone. Some linkers call the search string "Wireless network name", but most use the standard "SSID".

To change the name, simply place the cursor in this line, delete the existing characters and enter a new name that will be convenient for you. It is highly undesirable to choose the name of Wi-Fi that already exists in your immediate vicinity. In this case, computers, tablets and smartphones will get confused, constantly trying to connect to someone else’s router - nothing good will definitely come of this. Experts also strongly recommend not using service characters, including forward and forward slashes, dollar signs, quotation marks, hash marks, and percentages. They may prevent specific smartphones and other mobile devices from connecting to Wi-Fi.

All that remains is to save these settings and reboot the router using the “System Settings” menu item. If after rebooting you cannot find the desired network or establish a connection to it, you will have to perform a factory reset. You can restore them using a special button on the router marked “Reset”, after which you will have to configure the router again. If the device comes with provider firmware, you should consult technical support before resetting it.

Fast and easy

Practice shows that changing the network name is successful in 99% of cases, and this work takes no more than 2 minutes, including the time of reboot and reconnection. However, some devices may refuse to connect to the network with the updated name. To fix the problem, you need to go to the menu of available wireless networks and delete the connection with the previous SSID. After this, you can try to connect again, not forgetting to specify the password. If you chose to hide the SSID by closing it for public access, you will have to connect through the “Other networks” menu item.

If at the time of setting up the router, you forgot change the name of the Wi-Fi network, then you can change it at any time to something convenient for you. This will only bring inconvenience to the neighbors who are connected to your Wi-Fi, but it won’t be difficult for you if you use the instructions below. After all, it’s more pleasant to have a network with its own name, rather than the name of the manufacturer of your router.

First, let's look at the process of changing the name of a Wi-Fi network on a TP-LINK router

You need to go into the router settings. To do this, connect the router to the computer using a twisted pair cable (network cable).

In the address bar of your Internet browser, enter the address (written at the bottom of the router). On the page that opens, enter the password and login to access the settings (the default login and password are admin and admin. Also written at the bottom of the router).

Wireless network settings of the TP-LINK WR841N router

We went into the settings and immediately go to the “Wireless” tab - “Wireless Settings” (“Wireless mode” - “Wireless mode settings”).

In the "Wireless Network Name" field, write down the new name of the Wi-Fi network. And click the "Save" button to save the results. Reboot your router.

Let's look at how to do all this on an ASUS router

You can go into the router settings using the method discussed above for TP-LINK routers, only the ASUS settings address is not, but

ASUS RT-N10P router wireless network settings

ASUS G32 router wireless network settings

In the window that opens, click the "Wireles" link.
In the SSID field, enter a new name for your network. Click the "Apply" button.
So we changed the network name on the ASUS router.

Let's look at the stages of changing the name of a wireless network on a Zyxel router

In the address bar of your Internet browser, enter the address (written at the bottom of the router). On the page that opens, enter the password with your login to access the settings (the default login and password are admin and admin. Written at the bottom of the router).

ZYXEL router wireless network settings

In the window that opens, “Wi-Fi Network” - “Connection”. In the Network Name (SSID) field, enter a new name for your network. Click the "Apply" button to save the setting.

If you change the password instead of the network name, connection errors may occur due to the fact that your devices have remembered the wireless network parameters and are trying to connect using the old data. To avoid this, you need to delete the wireless network settings with this name. Different operating networks have their own way to do this. I described this in the article "".

Thank you for your attention. I hope the article helped you. I welcome criticism and comments.

In most cases, router owners leave the name of the wireless network as default. As a result, sometimes this leads to confusion, especially in apartment buildings. Although technically its name does not affect the performance of the access point.

The main condition is that the WiFi name does not coincide with the neighboring name, and also that it is typed in Latin letters and preferably does not include some characters, for example, &, $, %, #. Below is a guide on how to rename your Wi-Fi using examples of routers from different manufacturers.

Preparatory activities

First, you should find out the address at which you enter the router settings, since it is in the settings interface that the Wi-Fi name is changed. For a significant number of routers, logging into the web interface is possible via IP “” or ""

The exact address is usually written on a sticker located on the bottom cover of the device itself. If it is not there, it must be indicated in the accompanying documentation of the router.

The device sticker also contains a login and password that are needed for authorization. And you can always find out exactly by reading the documentation of the wireless device or the subscriber’s contract with the communication service provider.

Procedure for logging into router settings

You only need to perform a few sequential steps:

Renaming procedure

Now you can proceed directly to solving the question of how to change the name of your Wi-Fi. To do this, in most cases, you need to go to the WiFi tab in the web interface.

Of course, different manufacturers call this section differently, but the most common names are: Wireless network, Wireless, WiFi, etc. Then, in the name column, delete the current one and type a new one. Next, be sure to save the adjustments by clicking “Ok”, “Save”, “Apply”, etc.

After completing the procedure, you need to restart the router. In the future, when connecting devices to the network, you will need to select a network with a new name.

In this case, the Wi-Fi access code will remain the same (if the user did not change it in the settings).

Changing the name of the TP-LINK router network

The required “Wireless Network Name” field is located in the “Wireless” tab. After typing the original name you came up with yourself, click “Save”.


The required “SSID” column is located in the “Wireless Network” tab. After typing the name, click “Apply”.


The required “SSID” column is located in the “WiFi” tab. After typing the name, click “Apply”.


The algorithm is completely similar to the previous ones. Go to the “WiFi Network” tab and enter a new name in the “Network name” field. Click "Apply".

A wireless network is extremely convenient and functional, but not many people know how to set it up. There are more and more such points around, especially in multi-storey buildings, and they often coincide in model and manufacturer. The latter means that your device can see two networks with the same names and confuse them every time when connecting. To avoid this situation, let's figure out how to change the name of a Wi-Fi router.

It is worth understanding that this does not affect the performance of the network in any way - you are only personalizing the router and making the network name more convenient to read.

How to make changes

Let's say right away that this is the only way to change the name of a Wi-Fi router - directly through its settings.

  • First of all, you need to come up with a name that will stand out among others. After this, on a computer already connected to the network distributed by the router, open the browser. This can be either installed FireFox or Chrome, or standard Internet Explorer.
  • Click on the line that displays the site address, and write in it, then click on “Enter”. It is quite possible that nothing will happen after this - in this case, try changing the zero in this address to one.
  • In extremely rare cases, the changed address may not work. Then we pick up the box and look at the stickers on it or the stickers on the device - either there or there will be information on changing the standard values ​​for the input.
  • After entering the correct address, you will be taken to the next screen, where you can see a small window with lines for your login and password. Remember - the standard is also used here, which has the value admin for both fields.

If these data have been changed by the manufacturer, you will definitely find information about this on the same sticker.

  • Well, now that the settings are in front of us, let’s proceed directly to the procedure of how to rename the router. We will look at the settings of a TP-Link device as an example.
  • On the left you will see a menu with sub-items - you must first select “Wireless” (wireless mode) and a little lower in the submenu - “Wireless settings” (wireless mode settings).
  • When you get to the desired tab, you will see the same as in the screenshot. The topmost field “Wireless Network Name” is the name field. Enter a new name into it and then click on “Save”. You may need to reboot after this, or the device will do it automatically.
  • After loading, the network will appear under a new name and you will need to reconnect to it from all devices by entering the password.

We warn you: these instructions on how to rename a Wi-Fi router may differ in many points after entering its settings. The fact is that each manufacturing company has its own menu design.

Problems when changing your name

If you are not allowed into the router settings, it means that someone changed the password by hacking - this often happens if the network is open. In this case, only resetting the settings to factory settings will help: this is done using a separate button on the router body or by pressing the power button for a certain time.