How to overclock your computer safely. What should you do before overclocking? Overclocking using programs and via BIOS, which is better?

Overclocking a computer will be relevant for those who do not have the opportunity to upgrade or purchase new equipment. With proper overclocking of the processor, overall performance may increase by an average of 10%, maximum by 20%. However, it is important to remember that overclocking may not always produce tangible results. For example, if your computer has 1 GB of RAM installed, then simply increasing it to 2 GB can give a more noticeable increase. Therefore, real growth can only be determined experimentally. Below we will tell you how to properly overclock, but first about precautions.

Precautionary measures

Attention! Overclocking a processor can damage the processor. If you do not have overclocking skills, we strongly do not recommend overclocking yourself. Before you begin, read the specifications of your processor, and also visit thematic forums dedicated to overclocking.

Below we have compiled tips to help you overclock safely:

1) If you are a beginner, only increase the processor frequency. It is better not to change the core supply voltage.

2)Increase the frequency gradually, by 100-150 MHz. This will avoid critical errors and processor overheating.

3) After each promotion, perform system testing. This includes stability testing and continuous temperature monitoring. The temperature must be monitored throughout the entire overclocking process! If you exceed the permissible frequency, the protection will work and reset will occur settings. As the CPU frequency increases, its heat dissipation also increases. Prolonged exposure to critical temperatures can damage the processor crystal.

4) If you also decide to increase the core supply voltage, then you should do this with the very minimum possible step(usually 0.05V). However, the maximum limit should not exceed 0.3 volts, since increasing the voltage is more dangerous for your CPU than increasing the frequency.

5)Overclocking should be stopped after the first failed stability test or when the permissible temperature is exceeded. For example, there is a processor with a frequency of 2.6 GHz. Its stable operation was observed at a frequency of 3.5 GHz. At 3.6 GHz the first glitches appeared. In this case, overclocking stops and the last stable frequency is set, that is, 3.5 GHz.

Note: If your computer is stable at maximum frequency, but the CPU is overheating, you should consider adding additional cooling or replacing the existing one.

Note 2: Laptops are not very good candidates for overclocking as their cooling capabilities are quite limited. In this case, it would be more advisable to replace components with more powerful ones.

Now we can move directly to overclocking.

CPU overclocking

Step 1. Download necessary utilities. You will need benchmarking and stress testing software to properly evaluate the results of overclocking. It is also worth downloading programs that allow you to control the temperature of the processor crystal. Below we have provided a list of such programs:

CPU-Z is a simple monitor program that will allow you to quickly see the current clock frequency and tension.

Prime95 is free program benchmarking, which is widely used for stress testing. It is designed to run long-term stress tests.

LinX is another stress testing program. A very convenient and flexible program for stress testing the processor. This program loads the CPU at 100%. Therefore, sometimes it may seem like your computer is frozen. Best suited for stability testing.

CoreTemp is a free program that allows you to monitor the temperature of the CPU die in real time. Can be used on an ongoing basis together with the CoreTemp gadget. It also displays in real time the current processor frequency, FSB bus and its multiplier.

Before you start overclocking, run a basic stress test. This will give you a baseline for comparison and will also show you if there are any stability issues.

Step 2. Check your motherboard and processor. Different boards and processors have different capabilities when it comes to overclocking. The first thing to look at is whether your multiplier is unlocked. If the multiplier is blocked, then overclocking will most likely not be possible.

Step 3. Open BIOS. It is through it that your system will be overclocked. To launch it, press the “Del” key in the first seconds of starting the computer (when the POST screen appears).

Note: Depending on the computer model, the BIOS entry keys may vary. Basic ones: “F10”, “F2”, “F12” and “Esc”.

Step 4. The tabs may differ in new and old BIOS versions. Typically, older computers have AMI (American Megatrend Inc.) and Phoenix AWARD versions of the BIOS installed.

In Phoenix AWARD, open the "Frequency / Voltage Control" tab. This menu may be called differently, for example, “overclock”.

In AMI BIOS this tab is called “Advanced” - “JumperFree Condiguration” or “AT Overclock”.

New computers come pre-installed with a UEFI BIOS version with a full graphical interface. To find the overclocking menu, go to advanced mode and look for the “AI Tweaker” or “Extreme Tweaker” tab.

Step 5. Reduce memory bus speed. This is necessary in order to avoid memory errors. This option may be called “Memory Multiplier” or “Frequency DDR”. Switch the option to the lowest possible mode.

Step 6. Increase the base frequency by 10%. This corresponds to approximately 100-150 MHz. It is also referred to as bus speed (FSB) and is the base speed of your processor. Typically this is a lower speed (100, 133, 200 MHz or more) that is multiplied by a multiplier, thereby reaching the full core frequency. For example, if the base frequency is 100 MHz and the multiplier is 16, the clock speed will be 1.6 GHz. Most processors can handle a 10% jump without issue. A 10% increase in frequency will correspond to an FSB frequency of 110 MHz and a clock speed of 1.76 GHz.

Step 7 Run the operating system and then stress test. For example, open LinX and run it for a few loops. At the same time, open the temperature monitor. If there are no problems, you can move on. If the stability test fails or a sudden increase in temperature is observed, then you should stop overclocking and reset the settings to default. Don't let your processor reach 85°C (185°F).

Step 8 Continue steps 5 and 7 until the system becomes unstable. Run a stress test every time you raise the frequency. Instability will most likely be caused due to the processor not receiving enough power.

Increasing frequency through a multiplier

If your motherboard has an unlocked multiplier, then overclocking can be done using it. Before you start increasing the multiplier, reset the base frequency. This will help you make more precise frequency adjustments.

Note: use lower base frequency and a large multiplier makes the system more stable, a higher base frequency with a low multiplier gives a greater performance boost. Here you need to experimentally find a middle ground.

Step 1. Reset the base frequency to default.

Step 2. Increase the multiplier. Once you have lowered the base frequency, start raising it in minimal increments (usually 0.5). The multiplier may be called "CPU Ratio", "CPU Multiplier" or something like that.

Step 3. Run the stress test and temperature monitor exactly as in the previous section (step 7).

Step 4. Continue increasing the multiplier until the first crashes appear. Now you have the settings at which your computer runs reliably. While yours temperature indicators still within safe limits, you can start adjusting voltage levels to continue overclocking further.

Increasing core voltage

Step 1. Increase the processor core supply voltage. This item may appear as "CPU Voltage" or "VCore". Increasing the voltage beyond safe limits can damage not only the processor, but also the motherboard. Therefore, increase it in increments of 0.025 or the smallest possible for your motherboard. Excessive voltage surges can damage components. And let us remind you once again: do not increase the voltage higher than 0.3 volts!

Step 2. Run a stress test after the first promotion. Since you left your system in an unstable state with a previous overclock, it is possible that the instability will go away. If your system is stable, make sure that temperatures are still at an acceptable level. If the system is still unstable, try reducing either the multiplier or the base clock speed.

Step 3. Once you have managed to stabilize the system by increasing the voltage, you can return to increasing either the base frequency or the multiplier (same as in previous paragraphs). Your goal is to get maximum performance from minimum voltage. This will require a lot of trial and error.

Step 4. Repeat the cycle until the maximum voltage or maximum temperature is reached. Eventually you will reach a point where you can no longer achieve any productivity gains. This is the limit of your motherboard and processor, and it is likely that you will not be able to get past this point.

Practical CPU overclocking

Processor overclocking methods

There are two methods of overclocking: increasing the frequency of the system bus (FSB) and increasing the multiplication factor (multiplier). this moment the second method cannot be applied to almost all production AMD processors. Exceptions to the rule are: Athlon XP (Thoroughbred, Barton, Thorton)/Duron (Applebred) processors released before week 39 of 2003, Athlon MP, Sempron (socket754; downgrade only), Athlon 64 (downgrade only), Athlon 64 FX53/ 55. In serial processors manufactured by Intel, the multiplier is also completely blocked. Overclocking a processor by increasing the multiplier is the most “painless” and simplest, because Only the processor clock frequency increases, and the frequencies of the memory bus and AGP/PCI buses remain nominal, so it is especially easy to determine the maximum processor clock frequency at which it can operate correctly using this method. It's a pity that now it's quite difficult, if not impossible, to find AthlonXP processors with an unlocked multiplier on sale. Overclocking a processor by increasing the FSB has its own characteristics. For example, as the FSB frequency increases, the memory bus frequency and the AGP/PCI bus frequency also increase. Particular attention should be paid to the PCI/AGP bus frequencies, which in most chipsets are associated with the FSB frequency (does not apply to nForce2, nForce3 250). This dependency can only be circumvented if your motherboard's BIOS has the appropriate parameters - the so-called dividers responsible for the ratio of PCI/AGP to FSB. You can calculate the divider you need using the formula FSB/33, i.e., if the FSB frequency = 133 MHz, then you should divide 133 by 33, and you will get the divider you need - in in this case this is 4. The nominal frequency for the PCI bus is 33 MHz, and the maximum is 38-40 MHz; setting it higher, to put it mildly, is not recommended: this can lead to the destruction of PCI devices. By default, the memory bus frequency rises synchronously with the FSB frequency, so if the memory does not have sufficient overclocking potential, it can play a limiting role. If it is obvious that the RAM frequency has reached its limit, you can do the following:

  • Increase memory timings (for example, change 2.5-3-3-5 to 2.5-4-4-7 - this can help you squeeze a few more MHz out of RAM).
  • Increase the voltage on the memory modules.
  • Overclock the processor and memory asynchronously.

Reading is the mother of learning

First, you will need to study the instructions for your motherboard: find the sections BIOS menu, responsible for the frequency of FSB, RAM, memory timings, multiplication factor, voltages, PCI/AGP frequency dividers. If the BIOS does not have any of the above parameters, then overclocking can be done using jumpers on the motherboard. You can find the purpose of each jumper in the same instructions, but usually information about the function of each is already printed on the board itself. It happens that the manufacturer himself deliberately hides “advanced” BIOS settings - to unlock them you need to press a certain key combination (this is often found on motherboards manufactured by Gigabyte). I repeat: all necessary information can be found in the instructions or on the official website of the motherboard manufacturer.


We go into the BIOS (usually to enter you need to press the Del key at the moment of recalculating the amount of RAM (i.e., when the first data appears on the screen after rebooting/turning on the computer, press the Del key), but there are motherboard models with a different key for entering the BIOS - for example, F2), look for a menu in which you can change the frequency of the system bus, memory bus and control timings (usually these parameters are located in one place). I think that overclocking the processor by increasing the multiplier will not cause any difficulties, so let’s move on straight to raising the system bus frequency. We raise the FSB frequency (by about 5-10% of the nominal), then save the changes made, reboot and wait. If everything is fine, the system starts with a new FSB value and, as a result, with a higher processor clock speed (and memory, if you overclock them synchronously). Booting Windows without any incidents means that half the battle is already done. Next we launch CPU-Z program(at the time of writing, the latest version was 1.24) or Everest and make sure that the processor clock speed has increased. Now we need to check the processor for stability - I think everyone has a 3DMark 2001/2003 distribution kit on their hard drive - although they are designed to determine the speed of the video card, you can also “drive” them for a superficial check of system stability. For a more serious test, you need to use Prime95, CPU Burn-in 1.01, S&M (more details about test programs below). If the system has passed testing and behaves stably, we reboot and start all over again: go into the BIOS again, increase the FSB frequency, save the changes and test the system again. If during testing you were “kicked out” of the program, the system froze or rebooted, you should “roll back” a step - to the processor frequency when the system behaved stably - and conduct more extensive testing to make sure that operation is completely stable. Do not forget to monitor the processor temperature and PCI/AGP bus frequencies (in the OS you can view the PCI frequency and temperature using the Everest program or branded programs motherboard manufacturer).

Voltage increase

It is not recommended to increase the voltage on the processor by more than 15-20%, but it is better that it varies within 5-15%. There is a point to this: it increases stability and opens up new horizons for overclocking. But be careful: as the voltage increases, the power consumption and heat dissipation of the processor increases and, as a result, the load on the power supply increases and the temperature rises. Most motherboards allow you to set the RAM voltage to 2.8-3.0 V, the safe limit is 2.9 V (to further increase the voltage you need to voltmod the motherboard). The main thing when increasing the voltage (not only on RAM) is to control the heat generation, and, if it has increased, organize cooling of the overclocked component. One of the best ways to determine the temperature of any computer component is to touch it with your hand. If you cannot touch a component without pain from a burn, it requires urgent cooling! If the component is hot, but you can hold your hand, then cooling it would not hurt. And only if you feel that the component is barely warm or even cold, then everything is fine and it does not need cooling.

Timings and frequency dividers

Timings are delays between individual operations performed by the controller when accessing memory. There are six of them in total: RAS-to-CAS Delay (RCD), CAS Latency (CL), RAS Precharge (RP), Precharge Delay or Active Precharge Delay (usually referred to as Tras), SDRAM Idle Timer or SDRAM Idle Cycle Limit, Burst Length . Describing the meaning of each is pointless and useless to anyone. It is better to immediately find out what is better: small timings or high frequency. There is an opinion that timings are more important for Intel processors, while frequencies are more important for AMD. But do not forget that for AMD processors, the memory frequency achieved in synchronous mode is most often important. Different processors have different memory frequencies as their “native” frequencies. For Intel processors, the following frequency combinations are considered “friends”: 100:133, 133:166, 200:200. Better for AMD on nForce chipsets synchronous work FSB and RAM, but asynchrony has little effect on the AMD + VIA combination. On systems with an AMD processor, the memory frequency is set in the following percentages with FSB: 50%, 60%, 66%, 75%, 80%, 83%, 100%, 120%, 125%, 133%, 150%, 166% , 200% are the same divisors, but presented a little differently. And on systems with an Intel processor, the dividers look more familiar: 1:1, 4:3, 5:4, etc.

Black screen

Yes, this also happens :) - for example, when overclocking: you simply set the clock speed of the processor or RAM (perhaps you specified too low memory timings) that the computer cannot start - or rather, it starts, but the screen remains black, and the system does not show any “signs of life”. What to do in this case?

  • Many manufacturers build into their motherboards a system for automatically resetting parameters to nominal. And after such an “incident” with an inflated frequency or low timings this system must do its “dirty” work, but this does not always happen, so you need to be prepared to do some manual work.
  • After turning on the computer, press and hold the Ins key, after which it should start successfully, and you should go into the BIOS and set the computer’s operating parameters.
  • If the second method does not help you, you need to turn off the computer, open the case, find a jumper on the motherboard responsible for resetting the BIOS settings - the so-called CMOS (usually located near BIOS chips) - and set it to Clear CMOS mode for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the nominal position.
  • There are motherboard models without a BIOS reset jumper (the manufacturer relies on its automatic BIOS reset system) - then you need to remove the battery for a while, which depends on the manufacturer and model of the motherboard (I conducted this experiment on my Epox EP-8RDA3G: took out the battery, waited 5 minutes, and the BIOS settings were reset).

Information programs and utilities

CPU-Z is one of best programs, providing basic information about the processor, motherboard and RAM installed in your computer. The program interface is simple and intuitive: there is nothing superfluous, and all the most important things are in plain sight. The program supports the latest innovations from the world of hardware and is updated periodically. The latest version at the time of writing is 1.24. Size - 260 Kb. You can download the program at

Everest Home/Professional Edition (formerly AIDA32) is an information and diagnostic utility that has more advanced functions for viewing information about installed hardware, operating system, DirectX, etc. The differences between the home and professional versions are as follows: the Pro version does not have a RAM testing module (read/write), it also lacks a rather interesting Overclock subsection, which collects basic information about the processor, motherboard, RAM, processor temperature, motherboard board and hard drive, as well as overclocking your processor as a percentage :). The Home version does not have software accounting, advanced reports, interaction with databases, remote control, or enterprise-level functions. In general, these are all the differences. I myself use the Home version of the utility, because... I don't need the additional features of the Pro version. I almost forgot to mention that Everest allows you to view the PCI bus frequency - to do this, you need to expand the Motherboard section, click on the subsection with the same name and find the Chipset Bus Properties/Real Frequency item. The latest version at the time of writing is 1.51. The Home version is free and weighs 3 Mb, the Pro version is paid and takes 3.1 Mb. You can download the utility at

Stability testing

Name CPU programs Burn-in speaks for itself: the program is designed to “warm up” the processor and test it stable operation. In the main CPU Burn-in window, you need to specify the duration, and in the options, select one of two testing modes:

  • testing with error checking enabled;
  • testing with error checking turned off, but with maximum “warming up” of the processor (Disable error checking, maximum heat generation).

When you enable the first option, the program will check the correctness of the processor's calculations, and the second will allow you to “warm up” the processor almost to temperatures close to the maximum. CPU Burn-in weighs about 7 Kb.

Next worthy program for testing the processor and RAM is Prime95. Its main advantage is that when an error is detected, the program does not spontaneously “hang”, but displays data about the error and the time it was detected on the working field. By opening the Options -> Torture Test… menu, you can choose from three testing modes or specify your own parameters. To more effectively detect processor and memory errors, it is best to set the third testing mode (Blend: test some of everything, lots of RAM tested). Prime95 weighs 1.01 Mb, you can download it at

Relatively recently, the S&M program saw the light of day. At first it was conceived to test the stability of the processor power converter, then it was implemented to test RAM and support for Pentium 4 processors with HyperThreading technology. For now latest version S&M 1.0.0(159) supports more than 32 (!) processors and checks the stability of the processor and RAM; in addition, S&M has a flexible settings system. Summarizing all of the above, we can say that S&M is one of the best programs of its kind, if not the best. The program interface has been translated into Russian, so it is quite difficult to get confused in the menu. S&M 1.0.0(159) weighs 188 Kb, you can download it at

The above-mentioned tester programs are designed to check the processor and RAM for stability and identify errors in their operation; they are all free. Each of them loads the processor and memory almost completely, but I would like to remind you that programs used in everyday work and not intended for testing can rarely load the processor and RAM so much, so we can say that testing occurs with a certain margin.

The author does not bear any responsibility for the breakdown of any hardware your computer, as well as for failures and glitches in the operation of any software installed on your computer.

The question of how to overclock a processor is most often asked by people who do not have the opportunity to upgrade their computer. If done correctly, PC performance can increase by 10-20 percent. At the same time, it is not always advisable to overclock your processor: often it is enough to just increase the amount of RAM. It should be remembered that overclocking can lead to failure of the hardware installed in the computer.

Security measures

Increase CPU frequencies may damage the chip crystals. That is why novice users need to exercise maximum caution and carefully study the technical characteristics of the equipment used. If you have no experience in overclocking, you should listen to several recommendations:

  • Beginner users do not need to increase the chip's supply voltage and limit themselves to only increasing its frequency.
  • Raising the processor frequency should be gradual in steps of 100 or maximum 150 MHz.
  • After each change is made to the system, it must be tested. Particular attention should be paid to the CPU temperature.
  • Increasing the processor supply voltage should be carried out in the smallest increments that are possible on the motherboard, most often this is 0.05 V. It should also be remembered that increasing this indicator by more than 0.3 V can pose a serious danger.
  • Once the system stability test has failed, you must stop all further overclocking attempts.

We should immediately warn you that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to overclock the processor in a laptop will be negative. Almost all models under $1000 do not have a good cooling system. Such devices most often use chips whose technical characteristics differ significantly from CPUs for desktop PCs.

CPU characteristics declared by manufacturers differ from the maximum by an average of 50-80 percent. This is done intentionally so that if the chip fails while operating in normal mode the user could not make a claim. If we are talking about overclocking a CPU from Intel, then this should only be done on processors with the “K” index, since the multiplier is unlocked in them.

Also, a lot here depends on the motherboard, because in some chipsets there is simply no overclocking option.

Intel produces chipsets for several sockets, the most popular of which is now LGA1151. On motherboards with this type of connector, overclocking is possible if they are based on a “Z” series chipset (Z 170, Z 270, Z 370).

Preparatory stage

When wondering how to overclock a processor on a PC, you must first carry out certain preparatory measures. It is not recommended to do this if the processor has a box cooler installed. It must be replaced in advance with a better one. Then you should download a set of utilities designed for conducting stress tests and benchmarking. You can’t do without software that allows you to control the heat dissipation of the CPU. Among the most famous programs This class can be distinguished as follows:

  • CPU - Z is an extremely popular utility that allows you to find out not only the frequency of the processor and its supply voltage, but also other useful information.
  • Prime 95 is a program for conducting stress tests.
  • LinX is another benchmarking utility that can load the chip at 100%.
  • CoreTemp is a program for monitoring CPU temperature in real time.

Before starting overclocking, it is recommended to conduct a trial benchmarking to obtain initial data for further comparison of results. You also need to make sure that the multiplier is unlocked, otherwise overclocking will be impossible.

All steps to properly overclock the processor will be carried out in the BIOS and you need to go into it to familiarize yourself.

You can do this by pressing the “Del” key when the POST screen appears. However, in some motherboards ah, other buttons are involved, for example, “F2”, “Esc”, “F10”, etc.

Old PCs used two versions of BIOS, and there are some differences in working with them:​

  • AMI (American Megatrend Inc.) - you need to go to the “Advanced” menu and select “JumperFree Condiguration” or “AT Overclock”.
  • Phoenix AWARD - the “Frequency / Voltage Control” tab is used, which can be called something else, for example, “Overclock”.

Modern PCs use UEFI BIOS, which has a full graphical interface. Overclocking menus may be called "AI Tweaker" or "Extreme Tweaker", depending on the motherboard manufacturer.


And now about how to properly overclock the processor in the simplest way - increasing the frequency in the BIOS. You must first reduce the memory bus speed to avoid possible errors in RAM operation. In older versions, this menu may be called “Memory Multiplier” or “Frequency DDR”. In the new BIOS it will be easy to find the desired option. Then you should select the minimum value, and after that you can increase the CPU frequency by no more than 10% (100-150 MHz).

It will most likely be marked as FSB (Front Side Bus) - bus speed. Its indicator is multiplied by the set multiplier, and the result of this arithmetic operation determines the full frequency of the chip core. After this, you need to restart the computer and conduct a stress test using previously downloaded utilities, running them for several cycles.

At the same time, the CPU temperature monitor program must be activated. If no problems arise, you can continue to increase the processor frequency. It should be remembered that when the chip temperature rises to 85 degrees, overclocking should be stopped. If the system stops working stably after the next change, you should roll back the settings one step and run the stress test again.

Using a multiplier

This overclocking method can be used on motherboards that have an unlocked multiplier. You should first reset the base frequency to fine-tune this parameter.

Beginner overclockers need to remember that at a low frequency and a large multiplier, the system works more stable compared to the opposite situation.

However, with a high frequency and a smaller multiplier, you can achieve a greater increase in computer performance.

After reducing the base frequency, you need to go to the BIOS tab called “CPU Ratio” or “CPU Multiplier”. Another designation for this option is possible. When the multiplier parameter is set to the minimum value and the system is overloaded, a stress test is performed. You can repeat these manipulations until the first failures begin to appear in the computer’s operation.

Increasing chip voltage

Last on the list is the answer to the question of how to properly overclock a processor using the most in a dangerous way- changes in the chip supply voltage. Most often, the option needed by an overclocker is called “CPU Voltage” or “VCore”. If the first two methods can lead to failure of only the CPU, then in this situation the motherboard is also at risk. This suggests that the chip supply voltage can only be increased in minimal steps.

It should be recalled that the maximum limit will be an increase in the base value by 0.3 V. After each change in the operation of the OS, a stress test must be carried out. If you have problems with system stability, you can try reducing the multiplier or bus frequency. Experienced overclockers use all three methods in combination and achieve excellent results.

You will need

  • Computer, processor, BIOS skills, knowledge in English in an amount sufficient to read the instructions for the motherboard and understand the meaning of the BIOS parameters.


Raising the clock frequency above the one set at the manufacturer's factory is called "overclocking" or "overclocking". Overclocking processor increases its heat dissipation and increases the load on processor-related elements, for example. Before overclocking, check that the coolers processor and cases provide sufficient cooling. If the core temperature processor in the “without” state above 50 degrees, increase frequency without cooling it is simply contraindicated.

If cooling is effective, begin the overclocking procedure. Go to the BIOS control panel of your motherboard; to do this, immediately after turning on (rebooting) the computer, press the F2, DEL or F1 key, depending on the board model. In the BIOS menu bar, find the performance management tab processor. It can be called differently; the instructions for the motherboard in the BIOS section indicate exactly how.

Lift up frequency system bus processor. In the BIOS this is usually called "CPU Clock" or "CPU Frequency". To do this, set the required value in the corresponding line.

Core clock speed processor is the result of its system bus frequency per multiplier. As a result, you can overclock the processor by increasing the value of this parameter. But in most cases the multiplier cannot be changed. Only in processor x Black series produced by AMD and processor x with Intel's Extreme index, the multiplier value can be changed. If your processor allows this, raise the multiplier value on the options page processor in BIOS.


Please remember that the risk associated with overclocking rests entirely with you. Damage to the processor due to overclocking warranty case is not. Try not to increase the processor frequency by more than 20% of that declared by the manufacturer.


  • How to overclock processors

The processor is the most important element of a computer. The speed of the operating system and other elements of the computer depends on its frequency. If you think your processor is running too slow, there are two ways to speed it up: either replace the processor with a newer, more powerful model, or try to increase the clock speed. frequency processor programmatic method. This process is called Overclocking and is quite widely used by many PC users.


First, carefully study the capabilities of your. It is better to do this by reading the possibilities on the manufacturer’s website. The fact is that not all can be overclocked, and among those with which this operation can be carried out, the larger one is overclocked by 10-15%. This is clearly not enough to notice in the operation of the system.

Download and install the ClockGen program. This utility is specifically designed to change parameters processor in the operating room environment Windows systems. With this program you can increase the clock speed frequency processor without resorting to configuration in the BIOS.

If the frequency increases processor is not enough for you, then you will have to resort to settings in the BIOS. At startup, press Del. Once you have entered the BIOS, press Ctrl+F1. Depending on the motherboard manufacturer, settings processor in the BIOS they can be located in different menu sub-items. Usually these items are: CPU, Advanced or Advanced Chipset Features. General processor is obtained by multiplying the multiplier indicator by the standard frequency indicator. These parameters should be increased gradually, rebooting after each change. Periodically increase the voltage supplied, because working at a higher voltage requires more voltage.

Helpful advice

Make sure the cooler is working and the thermal paste is intact.

To evaluate performance processor you need to know several of its parameters. This is the number of cores, the amount of cache memory of the first and second levels, as well as the current clock speed. frequency. In Windows 7, these settings can be found in several ways.

You will need

  • - AIDA64 Business Edition program;
  • - CPU-Z program.


Open the Start menu by left-clicking on the Start button on the taskbar. In the menu that opens, hover over the “Computer” button. Right-click and in the context menu that opens, click on the “Properties” button. In the “Computer Properties” window that opens, read the information about the current frequency processor in the "System" subsection below, evaluate your computer's performance. This method is simple and does not require installation. additional programs, but uninformative.

Download the AIDA64 Business Edition program from the official website and install it on your computer. Run this program. When you first start you will be asked to buy a key and activate or use trial period(30 days). In the trial version, the functionality of the program will be limited (some functions will not be available). On the left side of the program window, select the “System Board” tab. In the list that opens, select the “CPU” line. In the window that opens, in the “CPU properties” subsection, read the central frequency parameters processor. Below, in the Multi CPU subsection, read the current clock frequency value processor. If installed multi-core processor, in this subsection read the frequency values ​​for each core processor. This method is more informative, but requires installation paid program.

To obtain more complete information about the processor, download the CPU-Z program from the developer’s website and install it on your computer. After installing and launching the program, a window will open with 6 tabs. On the first (CPU) tab in the Processor section, read information about the type, manufacturing technology, current supply voltage and socket processor. Below, in the Clocks and Cache section, read the frequency values processor, the current multiplier, the size of the cache memory of the first and second levels. This method uses a small and easy-to-use free program. This method allows you to obtain comprehensive data about the processor installed in a single-core or multi-core processor.

Video on the topic

Changes in CPU operating parameters are very important stage speed up your computer. It is important to understand that incorrect settings can lead not only to malfunction of some devices, but also to their damage.

You will need

  • - CPU-Z;
  • - Clock Gen.


Before you begin setting up the CPU, install the CPU-Z program. Its main function is to provide information about the current state of the CPU. Run this application and make sure that the processor is stable.

Now restart your computer and enter the BIOS menu. Press the F1 and Ctrl keys simultaneously to open the Advanced Setup menu. Typically, this is where the settings for the central processor and RAM are located. Find the item responsible for the CPU bus frequency. Increase this frequency by 10-20 Hz. Now be sure to increase the voltage supplied to the CPU. It is recommended to increase it no more than 0.1 Volt at a time.

Press F10. Wait until the operating system finishes loading. Check the stability of the central processor using the CPU-Z utility. If the program does not detect errors, then repeat the procedure of increasing the CPU bus frequency and voltage. After raising the frequency to the maximum level, increase the processor multiplier. Naturally, increase the voltage at the same time.

If you were unable to change the CPU parameters through the BIOS menu, then download the GlockGen utility. Please note that there are several versions of the program, each of which is designed for specific version motherboard. Run installed application.

Now increase the bus voltage and frequency by moving the corresponding sliders. Before applying the selected options, click Test button. Make sure the CPU is running smoothly. Constantly monitor the temperature sensor readings. If the temperature exceeds the permissible norm even in passive mode work, it is better to reduce the bus frequency and multiplier. Otherwise you risk ruining the CPU.

Video on the topic

When choosing a computer and its components, people usually pay attention to the following characteristics: the power of the video card, the amount of RAM and hard drive, as well as frequency processor. The latter value is one of the main indicators on which the operation of the entire computer depends.

A central processing unit (central processing unit or CPU) is an electronic unit or chip that executes machine instructions (program codes) and is the main part of computer hardware or programmable software. logic controller. Sometimes it is also called a processor or microprocessor. One of its main characteristics is clock frequency. The speed of operation, as well as the “Response” time of the device, depends on it. Accordingly, the higher the frequency value (from 900 to 3800 MHz), the faster the entire computer will operate. Clock frequency represents the number of clock cycles (operations) a processor can perform per second. It is proportional to the bus frequency value. As a rule, from the clock frequency processor its performance directly depends. But this statement is only relevant for models of the same line, since performance processor other parameters also have an impact, for example, the size of the second level cache, frequency and presence of cache

Probably everyone already knows that you can increase the speed of a computer and its optimization not only by replacing the part with a new, more powerful and therefore more productive one, but also by overclocking the old one by testing it. For those who did not previously know about this possibility, this article will help you understand this possibility.

Overclocking (overclocking) is an increase in the performance of the processor, video card, system card and RAM of the computer. If we are talking about the processor, then this means an increase in frequency, voltage and multiplier.

Manufacturers always leave a 20-50% safety margin, which increases the time of maximum operation in a stable state. For example, your processor running at an optimal frequency of 1.8 Ghz has a maximum possible frequency of 3.0 Ghz. This means that with the correct sequence of actions performed during overclocking, you can achieve an increase in frequency to 3.0 Ghz. However, it is not a fact that the percentage will be able to work in this state longer period than at a frequency of 1.8 GHz.

How to overclock your processor!

No one gives guarantees that it will be possible to achieve an increase in frequency by 50%, but with simple steps, increasing the processor frequency by 20-30% will not be difficult.

Increasing CPU frequency

The processor frequency is one of its main characteristics. Also, an important parameter of any processor is the multiplier - a number that, when multiplied by the FSB frequency of the bus, you can get the real frequency.

Therefore, the safest and easiest method of overclocking a processor is through bios. In this way, the frequency of the FSB system bus is increased, with the help of which the processor frequency is increased.

The processor frequency in all available variants will be 2 GHz:

  • 166 – bus, 12 – frequency multiplication factor;
  • 200 – bus, 10 – frequency multiplication factor;
  • 333 – bus, 6 – frequency multiplication factor.

The simplicity of this method lies in the fact that the FSB frequency is changed directly in the BIOS or in a special program in 1 MHz steps. Previously, this method of increasing the frequency could end sadly for the processor. However, today it will be very problematic to kill a multi-core processor by increasing the frequency. As soon as a novice overclocker goes a little too far with the frequency, the system will instantly reset all settings to default, and a reboot will return the computer to normal mode work.

You can change the bus frequency by going into the BIOS and selecting CPU value Clock. Press Enter on the existing value and enter the bus frequency. Nearby you can see the multiplier and the effective frequency of 2.8 GHz.

Please note that in the example the processor multiplier is quite high. In this case, it is recommended to increase the FSB in steps of 5-10 MHz, that is, the frequency will increase by 70-140 MHz. For other frequency and multiplier values, the bus frequency should be increased in increments of no more than 10%. You should not rush when overclocking, as a small step allows you to determine a more optimal frequency for your computer.

If you want to achieve the most tangible results, then you cannot do without a new cooler. I advise you to turn your attention to the Zalman cooler. Temperature tests are carried out at maximum work processor. These measurements can be made using 3D Mark and Everest programs. If the temperature at maximum load is more than 70C, then it is necessary to increase the cooler speed to the maximum or reduce the FSB frequency.

Changing multiplier settings

The multiplier can also be changed, which affects the increase in frequency.

For example, at a frequency of 1.33GHz: 133 is the bus, 10 is the frequency multiplication factor. If you change the coefficient to 15, then instead of 1.33 GHz you can get 2.0 GHz.

However, there is one point - the processor must have an unlocked multiplier. Usually such processors are labeled as Extreme, but in cases where the processor is Black Edition or Intel processor, AMD. But don’t be upset if the processor version is not Extreme, since with the right approach you can achieve good results. Although it is rather impossible to do without increasing the voltage. For example, an ordinary light bulb is the same processor, but its design is hundreds of thousands of times simpler than that of a processor. But despite this, the principle of their operation is approximately the same: the more voltage is applied, the brighter the result of their work will be.

Increasing the voltage makes it possible to more seriously increase the speed of the processor

Also, in order to achieve stability from the processor at high frequencies, you need to increase the voltage supplied to it. There are a few details to consider here:

  • do not increase the voltage by more than 0.3 V;
  • Be sure to install a good cooler.

To do this, you need to go into the BIOS and go to the Power Bios Setup section and then to Vcore Voltege. In this section, you can increase the value by 0.1 V. After this, the cooler should be set to maximum and the FSB frequency should be set higher.

Next is testing. If everything is fine and the performance is satisfactory, then at this stage you can stop. After approaching a critical performance level, it is recommended to reduce the frequency by 5%, which will allow the overclocking to be ensured by stable and long-term operation of the processor.

The above methods can also be performed programmatically, but it is still recommended to use BIOS, since this method reduces the risk to a minimum and, in the event of processor malfunction, resets all overclocking settings, which will allow the system to start normally again.

How to increase the processor frequency on a laptop

It often happens that the laptop hardware is not enough to work with resource-intensive applications such as video and photo editors or games. The clock speed of the laptop processor is of no small importance. It is important to note that through the use of some manipulations this figure can be slightly increased. How to increase the processor frequency on a laptop will be discussed further.

General description of the issue

Before moving on to a direct description of actions aimed at solving the above issue, it is necessary to say a few words about what is hidden behind determining the processor frequency.

So, without going into details that are of interest only to professionals, the processor clock speed is an indicator of the number of operations that a device can perform in a specific unit of time. Most modern chips operate at frequencies between 1 and 4 GHz. The bottom line is that with an increase in processor frequency, the device will cope with the same number of tasks as before the increase, but will do it faster, which means performance will increase. It is important to note here that the number of processor cores affects the amount of information processed, and the frequency affects the speed of this processing.

In addition, it is worth adding a few points that you need to keep in mind before increasing the processor frequency on your laptop:

As the processor frequency increases, the power consumption of the device will inevitably increase, which will affect the time battery life. In the case of a desktop PC there is no problem, but for a laptop this criterion is quite important.

Due to the increase in power, the heat dissipation of the processor will also increase. It is important to understand that all the parts of the laptop are located close to each other, the cooling system, for the sake of compactness and battery life, is also not very powerful, and therefore prolonged overheating is extremely undesirable.

Among other things, it is worth considering that any breakdowns resulting from overheating caused by user manipulation will not be an insured event, which means that if the clock frequency of the laptop processor increases, this automatically terminates the factory warranty.

In other words, before you begin to act, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons, and only after that proceed to complete the task, while you must understand that all manipulations are carried out solely at your own peril and risk.

Frequency increase

If the decision to carry out work to increase the processor frequency has been made, you can begin work. It is important to note that there are several options for completing the task.

Change your power plan

One of the safest ways to improve the performance of laptop components, and therefore the processor, is to change the device's power plan. As a result of these actions, the energy supply to the elements will increase and, as a result, overall productivity will increase. To do this you need:

Click on the battery icon located in the notification area (lower right corner of the monitor) right click mice.

In the context menu that opens, select “power supply”.

By going to the section menu, you need to select the “high performance” mode and apply the changes.

The described actions allow you to slightly increase the performance of the device. You shouldn't expect miracles, but it is relatively safe and does not void the warranty.

Using the BIOS

The next option for implementing the task is to increase the frequency of the laptop system bus through the BIOS. To enter it, you must periodically press the button while turning on the device. Delete key, Escape, f5 or some other. The fact is that depending on the manufacturer, the keys may differ. It is best to review the attached documentation for information. After entering the BIOS, you need to find a line called “CPU Frequensy” or “CPU Lock” and, after opening a special subsection, set the required bus frequency value. After saving the changes, you need to restart the laptop.

After the above steps are completed, you need to check the processor temperature. The easiest way to do this is with the help of special programs, for example, Aida 64 or similar ones. If the processor temperature without load is more than 50 degrees Celsius, then the frequency must be reduced.

Special programs

Among other things, it is important to add that there are special programs with which maximum frequency laptop processor can be increased. Some of the most well-known of them, depending on the processor manufacturer, include:

  • AI Booster or AMD Overdrive for AMD processors.
  • Intel Desktop Control Center for Intel processors, respectively.

Before working with the software, you need to study the description and rules of use.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that there are quite a few ways to increase the frequency of a laptop processor, but none of them is a panacea and entails quite serious risks. It is much more advisable to choose hardware before purchasing, based on the intended tasks.

3 701 Tags: processor

How to overclock an Intel Core processor

Overlocking is a subtle process of configuring computer components, causing natural bewilderment and even fear among uninformed users. And all because of vaguely composed information taken out of context from various sources. Strengthen your knowledge and understand the question “how to overclock a processor” Intel Core"It will be done in just five steps.

Preparatory stage

It is impossible to turn a modern processor into a piece of scrap metal in a matter of minutes, armed with the wrong methods - the system is protected on hardware and program level from any unforeseen events. Still, you shouldn’t be careless:

Theoretical stage

The normal operating mode of the chip is 50-80% of the maximum power, this is due to restrictions introduced to increase service life, increase stability and averaging temperature conditions. Overlocking allows you to increase productivity, at the cost of additional costs - time to select the ideal characteristics (frequency, voltage), money to purchase cooling and a guarantee for a positive result. There are too many nuances, like the Intel Core family of processors!

There are three ways to increase processor performance:

  1. Set the desired frequency.
  2. Change multiplier.
  3. Raise the supply voltage.

But not all at once - easy introductory information will help you understand the basics and understand once and for all everything about the state of things. So, FSB is a system bus that interacts from the chip side with all components connected to the computer. Interaction occurs on certain frequency and it is the FSB that adapts to each type of component using multipliers and dividers. For example, information exchange with RAM occurs at a frequency of 333 MHz. And the processor clock frequency is 2664 MHz. This means that the multiplier is 8. Hence the conclusion - you can increase the clock frequency by changing the system bus settings or adding multipliers.

With voltage, everything is simpler - the motherboard is capable of independently distributing the load, you can set the settings manually for correct and full support clock frequency or set multiplier. Without changing the voltage, malfunctions may occur!

Practical stage

There are several methods for overclocking an Intel processor - it all depends on access to the multiplier, the user’s skills and the risks assigned to the process. It’s better to start with something simple – increasing the system bus frequency:

  • Go to BIOS. Search for the parameter CPU Speed ​​or Lock, CPU (HOST) Frequency, change the numerical value to 20, 30, or maybe 50 MHz. It’s difficult to say or give precise advice - there are many systems, boards and chips, and everyone is different. After increasing the frequency, you will have to save the settings and reboot to check stability. If software problems arise, you will have to gradually reduce the bus frequency or increase the voltage in the CPU Voltage panels. Attention! You should not raise the voltage by more than 0.3 V from the nominal value!

Do not forget about the huge number of limiters that affect the overclocking process - bad option processor with a locked multiplier, limits of component capabilities, unsuitable motherboard, unstable voltage supplied by the power supply. Even RAM can refuse to work at the wrong frequency. Well, the temperature - for quality results, go to the store for a new cooler.

And you should definitely monitor all indicators while overclocking your computer:

AIDA64 and CoreTemp for monitoring, OCCT checking the interaction of memory and processor, Sandra Lite - obtaining information about the system, 3Dmark - an ideal option to load the system and identify failures.

Program stage

Help eliminate interaction with the BIOS and simplify the overclocking process special utilities, suitable for both a wide range of systems and specific ones.

  1. The SoftFSB utility allows you to configure everything at once literally on the fly. There is no need to introduce functions, the interface is clear, the menu is detailed. You can control frequency, temperature and voltage by moving the sliders.
  2. ASRock OC Tuner – designed for motherboards ASRock boards a utility that combines a huge range of overclocking, monitoring and configuration functions.
  3. MSI Control Center II is a tool with a self-explanatory name. Performs all functions declared by competitors. Easy to use.
  4. ASUS Turbo V EVO – processor overclocking program: instantly change parameters, easy setup, support for various components.

Laptop overclocking stage

Next, install the SetFSB utility and proceed to a slow but steady increase in the processor clock frequency in small steps. Upon completion of the work, it is better to perform additional tests with Prime 95, monitoring changes in real time in CPU-Z. If problems with freezing and the appearance of “blue screens of death” are not detected, then the frequency can be increased.

  • Set the “Minimum and Maximum processor state” indicators to 100% in the “Power Options” tab under the “Advanced power settings” item.
  • Or reset all settings in the BIOS to factory settings using the “Load Default” function.

When increasing the processor frequency, it is worth remembering safety - increased processor power consumption will increase the load on the battery and reduce the operating time without a network. It will also raise the temperature several times, and this is completely unsafe, because it is definitely not possible to comprehensively change the cooling method on a laptop without losing its portable qualities.

Overclocking the processor through BIOS and special programs

Avid gamers, people who work with bulky media, and those who require complex computing processes often find their hardware underpowered. And if they don’t want to spend money on upgrading equipment, or there is no need to dramatically increase performance, then overclocking or overclocking the processor, video card or RAM will help.

Overclocking or overclocking – increasing the performance of personal computer components software or physical manipulation.

Sources of additional power

All devices operate at 50-80% of maximum power in normal mode. Restrictions are imposed by manufacturers and are designed to extend the life of the device. There are several ways to remove or bypass these restrictions. True, this will significantly increase the load and, consequently, reduce the service life of the device.

Thus, by taking the right actions, you can increase the performance of your processor, video card or RAM by 20-50%. Achieving the highest possible performance is quite difficult - this is already an area professional activity. But 20-30% growth can be obtained without delving into the constructive jungle.

IMPORTANT: Overclocking the processor on a laptop is an extremely risky step and is strictly not recommended. weak system cooling does not prevent the consequences of rising temperatures. Therefore, you need to think carefully before overclocking your laptop processor.

The following will provide tips on how to properly overclock your processor. It is difficult to damage your computer on motherboards with built-in overclocking utilities. Special software fuses when overshoot is detected normal temperature, reset the settings to their original state.

Despite all precautions, it is better to be on the safe side and ensure additional cooling before overclocking the processor.

Proper processor overclocking

To effectively increase the processor clock frequency, there are two ways: adjusting BIOS settings and special software. Both methods are relatively safe and accessible to users with modest knowledge in the field of work computer technology.

IMPORTANT: Before increasing processor performance, it is better to think carefully. If you have doubts about the successful completion of the overclocking procedure, then it is better not to start it. Incorrect actions can result in device damage.

Correcting BIOS settings

Before overclocking the processor through the BIOS, you must carefully study the instructions for the motherboard. You can find all the necessary values ​​in it. In addition, it indicates the presence of special switches on the board that are responsible for increasing performance. Their use can also improve system performance.

Increase clock speed using BIOS occurs due to a change in the FSB bus multiplier. This feature is only supported by processors with an open multiplier. Otherwise, you will have to resort to software overclocking or soldering contacts. IN technical documentation The motherboard must include information about the FSB bus multiplier.

To overclock the processor through the BIOS, you need to the following actions:

If after loading the operating system the blue screen or disks, sound cards or other elements are not recognized, which means the overclocking threshold has been exceeded. You need to reduce the coefficient and try again.

After completing these steps, you need to check the processor temperature (special programs like Everest or HWmonitor will help). Maximum permissible value at peak loads– 900С. If the indicator exceeds the permissible value, then it is necessary to reduce the coefficient or ensure sufficient cooling.

It is better to gradually increase productivity, increasing the final value with a certain step. Once you reach the required frequency, you can stop, or you can continue to increase it. When the maximum value is reached, the computer will stop turning on.

To restore normal operation, you need to reset the BIOS settings. This can be done by removing the battery on the motherboard for ten seconds. If the computer still does not turn on, you need to remove the battery and close the jumper marked CCMOS. It is usually located next to the battery socket.

Having found optimal value You need to work on the computer for half an hour. If during this time the temperature did not increase and there were no system failures, then everything is in order - overclocking was a success. Now you don't have to worry about how to speed up your processor.

Software overclocking of the processor

The debate about how best to overclock hardware continues. Security advocates blame the unreliability of the software, while those who prefer overclocking the processor through the program argue that it is easy to use. With the right actions, any method will be effective

There are several manufacturers of motherboards. Overclocking programs are also aimed at various manufacturers. Overclocking an Intel processor with the wrong utility can cause serious harm to the system. In places where such programs are downloaded, information about the list of supported processor models and motherboards is usually posted. Therefore, before overclocking your intel processor, it is better to check the above-mentioned list.

ASRock OC Tuner

Simple and functional program to overclock the processor. OC Tuner combines overclocking and monitoring functions. With its help, you can not only overclock the processor, but also obtain information about the state of the system and monitor the voltage in various elements of the system.

To change the processor frequency and bus frequency multiplier in the “Over Clocking” section, just set the necessary parameters in the appropriate fields and click the “Go!” button. Along with the processor performance, you can also adjust the PCIE bus frequency. Voltage control works on the same principle, only there are more input fields (CPU, RAM, VTT, chipset bridges). A suitable program for overclocking an Intel processor.

MSI Control Center II

The program is designed to monitor the state of the system and overclock it. The entire utility interface is divided into two main sections: “Oveclocking” and “Green Power”. Functions for overclocking the system are grouped in the first section. It also contains information about the status of devices: temperature, power consumption, etc.

The second section, “Green Power,” contains information about the overall energy efficiency of the system. You can also turn the motherboard LED indicators on and off from this menu.


Program for overclocking boards released by ASUS. Owners of motherboards from this manufacturer can instantly overclock their devices without studying the BIOS and other subtleties. To do this, just install TurboV EVO. Moreover, in some versions of EFI BIOS utility sewn in.

Using TurboV EVO you can control the processor clock speed and adjust the RAM frequency. The program also supports voltage control functions in various system elements. It is possible to automatically overclock the system.

AMD OverDrive

How to overclock an AMD processor? There is a great one for this AMD utility OverDrive. The program has several levels of settings. They adapt to the user's level of awareness. For inexperienced users access to monitoring the operation of the system will be opened. Those with a sufficient level of knowledge will be able to adjust the bus frequencies and clock multiplier.

In addition to fine-tuning the frequency of each core, OverDrive allows you to test the system with the selected settings. Monitoring functions make overclocking an AMD processor much easier. OverDrive turned out to be a powerful utility for fine-tuning systems to suit your needs.

Another useful program for overclocking a processor is CPU-Z. This is a good system health monitoring tool. The AMD processor overclocking program provides information on its operation. Its model, the overall clock frequency and the frequency of each core, the bus multiplier and much more other information.

What to do, if HDD does not work