How to properly overclock your processor on a PC. Do I need to increase the voltage? Overclocking the processor through BIOS and special programs

If you are not satisfied with the performance of your PC, then upgrade it. First of all, install more modern processor. But this is not the only way. Get more powerful computer possible without replacing its components, without spending money. To do this, the processor is overclocked, which in slang means “overclocking.” We'll tell you how to overclock a processor via BIOS in our article.

Why is overclocking possible?

The power of the machine depends on the number of operations performed per unit of time. It is set by the clock frequency; the higher it is, the greater the performance. Therefore progress computer technology accompanied by a constant increase in this characteristic. If in the first computers, assembled on relays and lamps, it was several hertz, today the frequency is measured in gigahertz (10 9 Hz).

The standard value, which is automatically set by the generator on the motherboard, is set by the manufacturer for a given processor model. But that doesn't mean it can't work faster. Reinsurance of 20–30 percent is always given so that all microcircuits in the batch work stably even in unfavorable conditions. The frequency can be raised, and this is done in hardware, without making changes to the electrical circuit.

What besides operating speed changes during acceleration?

More intense work requires more energy. Therefore, when overclocking a laptop processor, it is worth considering that the battery will drain faster. For desktop machines you need power supply reserve. The heating of the microcircuit also increases, so if you decide to overclock, make sure that the powerful system cooling, the standard cooler of your computer may not cope with the increased temperature.

From the above we can conclude: more powerful block power supply and cooling system, it is necessary to control the temperature and stability of the equipment.

Is overclocking dangerous?

Early BIOS and processor models did not provide temperature control. Overclocking the machine could burn out the processor, so few people took the risk. Today, such a probability is small; if overheating occurs, the system itself switches to standard clock frequencies.

Overclocking using programs and via BIOS, which is better?

Overclocking a processor can be done using two methods:

How to enter BIOS

We will try, although this is a little difficult, since BIOS versions differ for different motherboards, to provide the most detailed instructions:

Acceleration by raising the bus frequency

This way is more profitable. Also this the only method For Intel processors, which do not support increasing the multiplier. At the same time, not only the processor, but also other system components are overclocked. But there is one thing: RAM cannot always operate at an increased frequency, and the operation of the machine will be disrupted not because the processor is not stable at an increased frequency, but because of a memory failure. True, many motherboards allow you to adjust and clock frequency RAM.

Now in more detail what to do:

Overclocking using a multiplier

The operating frequency of the processor is a multiple of the bus frequency. This parameter is set by a hardware multiplier. For example, the bus operates at 133.3 MHz, and the processor at 2.13 GHz - the multiplicity is 16. Changing the multiplicity to 17, we get 133.3 * 17 = 2266 - 2.26 GHz - the operating frequency of the processor. By changing the multiplicity, we do not touch the bus, so only the processor is overclocked, all other elements of the system work stably, the same as before overclocking. Overclocking the processor through the BIOS using this method somewhat limits the range of frequencies that can be set, but this is not critical.

In order to perform this operation, you need to find this parameter in the BIOS settings. His signatures are different - “ CPU Clock Multiplier», « Multiplier Factor», « CPU Ratio», « CPU Frequency Ratio», « Ratio CMOS Setting" Similarly, we increase this parameter and look at the stability of operation and temperature. It is not necessary to cast spells with frequency random access memory. The only pity is that this method does not work for all processors.

How to cancel overclocking

If something goes wrong, you can reset the BIOS settings through the menu item " Load Optimized Default" If, due to the settings, the BIOS itself has stopped loading, then exit to standard mode can be done using the following operations:

What else needs to be considered when overclocking

Let's talk about some more minor nuances of overclocking:


This article talks about overclocking the processor, which can be done in two ways: through the BIOS or using special utilities, about which read our article about. More attention was paid to overclocking through the BIOS, increasing the bus frequency or multiplier. This must be done gradually. It is necessary to monitor the processor temperature and check its stability. That's all we wanted to tell you about overclocking. We hope our article will help increase the performance of your system.

Video on the topic

The line of processors from AMD is one of the most popular and can compete on equal terms with Intel. The main advantage of processors from this manufacturer is the ability to overclock, while with Intel there may be many restrictions.

How to overclock AMD processors

Since the company relies on the ability to independently increase productivity, you can use for this purpose official softwareAMD OverDrive. However, if you do not have the opportunity to use this program, then you can use the old method of overclocking through the BIOS, but in this case the risk of unsuccessful overclocking increases.

Option 1: AMD OverDrive

Conventionally, this option can be divided into three separate stages - preparation for overclocking, overclocking and tuning after overclocking. Let's look at each in more detail.

Preparatory stage

First, you need to make sure that the processor is supported by the program. It must have one of the following names: Hudson-D3, 770, 780/785/890 G, 790/990 X, 790/890 GX, 790/890/990 FX. More detailed list Supported models can be viewed on the official AMD website.

If everything is fine with the processor, then you may need to set special settings or check their presence in the BIOS. Necessary settings are set according to general instructions:

  1. Go to BIOS. To do this, you need to restart your computer and until the Windows logo click on Delete or keys F2-F12. Sometimes key combinations can be used to enter the BIOS, for example, Ctrl+F2. More details on how to enter the BIOS on your computer are written in official documentation to it, but most often either the key is used to enter Delete, or F2.
  2. Now go to the section "Advanced" or "CPU". The section title may change depending on BIOS version. Control is performed using the arrow keys on the keyboard and the key Enter to confirm your selection.
  3. Find and select an item "AMD Cool 'n' Quiet". A menu will open where you need to set a value for it. Put "Disable".
  4. You need to do the same with the points "C1E"(may also be called "Enhanced Halt State"), « Spread Spectrum» And "Smart CPU Fan Contol". They are usually located in the same section as "AMD Cool 'n' Quiet", but some of them may not exist.

After primary settings you need to download installation file from the official AMD website and begin installing the overclocking program. Fortunately, the whole process just boils down to confirming the actions and following the installer’s instructions. The only thing that deserves attention is the installer's warning. You need to study it carefully and confirm or reject further installation.

The message is entirely in English, but its essence boils down to the following:

  • Incorrect actions to overclock and optimize the processor can lead to system slowdown, image display failures, damage to the motherboard, processor, power supply, cooler, reduced processor operating time, loss of user data, and complete computer breakdown;
  • It is advisable to do all actions in the program in strict accordance with the instructions;
  • For breakdown and/or loss of user data during use AMD programs does not bear any responsibility.

When you're done AMD installation OverDrive proceed to the next step.

Overclocking stage

Now you can move on to manipulations within the program itself:

This completes the main part of the overclocking.

Testing phase

There is nothing complicated here. All you have to do is use the computer at the specified frequencies for a while and see how much it has sped up and how stable it is.

It is recommended to monitor the processor temperature when running “heavy” programs and operations. At maximum load The processor temperature should not exceed 80 degrees. If this value is exceeded, it is recommended to reduce the frequency.

Option 2: BIOS

You can overclock almost any processor through the BIOS, but this method has significant drawbacks. For example, you won't be able to track the temperature in real time, which is very important during overclocking. Another significant drawback this option there is an increased likelihood of harming your computer.

However, sometimes there may be no options other than BIOS. Before you start overclocking, read these instructions:

You will need

  • Computer, processor, BIOS skills, knowledge in English in an amount sufficient to read the instructions for the motherboard and understand the meaning of the BIOS parameters.


Raising the clock frequency above the one set at the manufacturer’s factory is called “overclocking” or “overclocking”. Overclocking processor increases its heat dissipation and increases the load on processor-related elements, for example. Before overclocking, check that the coolers processor and cases provide sufficient cooling. If the core temperature processor in the “without” state above 50 degrees, increase frequency without cooling it is simply contraindicated.

If cooling is effective, begin the overclocking procedure. Go to the BIOS control panel of your motherboard; to do this, immediately after turning on (rebooting) the computer, press the F2, DEL or F1 key, depending on the board model. In line BIOS menu find the performance management tab processor. It can be called differently; the instructions for the motherboard in the BIOS section indicate exactly how.

Lift up frequency system bus processor. In the BIOS this is usually called "CPU Clock" or "CPU Frequency". To do this, set the required value in the corresponding line.

Core clock speed processor is the result of its system bus frequency per multiplier. As a result, you can overclock the processor by increasing the value of this parameter. But in most cases the multiplier cannot be changed. Only in processor x Black series produced by AMD and processor x with Intel's Extreme index, the multiplier value can be changed. If your processor allows this, raise the multiplier value on the options page processor in BIOS.


Please remember that the risk associated with overclocking rests entirely with you. Damage to the processor due to overclocking warranty case is not. Try not to increase the processor frequency by more than 20% of that declared by the manufacturer.


  • How to overclock processors

The processor is the most important element of a computer. The speed of operation depends on its frequency operating system and other computer elements. If you think your processor is running too slow, there are two ways to speed it up: either replace the processor with a newer, more powerful model, or try to increase the clock speed. frequency processor programmatic method. This process is called Overclocking and is quite widely used by many PC users.


First, carefully study the capabilities of your. It’s better to do this by reading the possibilities on the manufacturer’s website. The fact is that not everyone can be overclocked, and among those that can be overclocked this operation, the larger one accelerates by 10-15%. This is clearly not enough to notice in the operation of the system.

Download and install the ClockGen program. This utility is specifically designed to change parameters processor in the operating room environment Windows systems. With this program you can increase the clock speed frequency processor without resorting to configuration in the BIOS.

If the frequency increases processor is not enough for you, then you will have to resort to settings in the BIOS. At startup, press Del. Once you have entered the BIOS, press Ctrl+F1. Depending on the motherboard manufacturer, settings processor in the BIOS they can be located in different menu sub-items. Usually these items are: CPU, Advanced or Advanced Chipset Features. General processor is obtained by multiplying the multiplier indicator by the standard frequency indicator. These parameters should be increased gradually, rebooting after each change. Periodically increase the voltage supplied, because working at a higher voltage requires more voltage.

Helpful advice

Make sure the cooler is working and the thermal paste is intact.

To evaluate performance processor you need to know several of its parameters. This is the number of cores, the size of the cache memory of the first and second levels, as well as the current clock speed frequency. In Windows 7, these settings can be found in several ways.

You will need

  • - AIDA64 Business Edition program;
  • - CPU-Z program.


Open the Start menu by left-clicking on the Start button on the taskbar. In the menu that opens, hover over the “Computer” button. Click right button mouse and in the context menu that opens, click on the “Properties” button. In the "Computer Properties" window that opens, read the information about current frequency processor in the "System" subsection below, evaluate your computer's performance. This method is simple and does not require installation. additional programs, but uninformative.

Download the AIDA64 Business Edition program from the official website and install it on your computer. Run this program. When you first start you will be asked to buy a key and activate or use trial period(30 days). IN trial version The functionality of the program will be limited (some functions will not be available). On the left side of the program window, select the “Motherboard” tab. In the list that opens, select the “CPU” line. In the window that opens, in the “CPU properties” subsection, read the central frequency parameters processor. Below, in the Multi CPU subsection, read the current clock frequency value processor. If you have a multi-core processor installed, read the frequency values ​​for each core in this subsection processor. This method is more informative, but requires installation paid program.

To get more complete information about the processor, download from the developer’s website and install on your computer CPU-Z program. After installing and launching the program, a window will open with 6 tabs. On the first (CPU) tab in the Processor section, read information about the type, manufacturing technology, current supply voltage and socket processor. Below, in the Clocks and Cache section, read the frequency values processor, the current multiplier, the size of the cache memory of the first and second levels. IN this method small and easy to use free program. This method allows you to obtain comprehensive data about what is installed in a single-core or multi-core processor.

Video on the topic

Changes to operating parameters central processor- Very important stage speed up your computer. It is important to understand that incorrect settings can lead not only to malfunction of some devices, but also to their damage.

You will need

  • - CPU-Z;
  • - Clock Gen.


Before you begin setting up the CPU, install the CPU-Z program. Its main function is to provide information about the current state of the CPU. Run this application and make sure that the processor is stable.

Now restart your computer and enter the BIOS menu. Press the F1 and Ctrl keys simultaneously to open the Advanced Setup menu. Typically, this is where the settings for the central processor and RAM are located. Find the item responsible for the CPU bus frequency. Increase this frequency by 10-20 Hz. Now be sure to raise the voltage supplied to the CPU. It is recommended to increase it no more than 0.1 Volt at a time.

Press F10. Wait until the operating system finishes loading. Check the stability of the CPU CPU-Z utility. If the program does not detect errors, then repeat the procedure of increasing the CPU bus frequency and voltage. After raising the frequency to the maximum level, increase the processor multiplier. Naturally, increase the voltage at the same time.

If you were unable to change the CPU parameters through the BIOS menu, then download the GlockGen utility. Please note that there are several versions of the program, each of which is designed for specific version motherboard. Run installed application.

Now increase the bus voltage and frequency by moving the corresponding sliders. Before applying the selected options, click Test button. Make sure the CPU is running smoothly. Constantly monitor the temperature sensor readings. If the temperature exceeds the permissible norm even in passive mode work, it is better to reduce the bus frequency and multiplier. Otherwise you risk ruining the CPU.

Video on the topic

When choosing a computer and its components, people usually pay attention to the following characteristics: the power of the video card, the amount of RAM and hard drive, as well as frequency processor. The latter value is one of the main indicators on which the operation of the entire computer depends.

The central processing unit (central processing unit or CPU) is a the electronic unit, or a microcircuit that executes machine instructions (program codes) and is the main part hardware computer or programmable logic controller. Sometimes it is also called a processor or microprocessor. One of its main characteristics is clock frequency. The speed of operation, as well as the “Response” time of the device, depends on it. Accordingly, than more value frequencies (from 900 to 3800 MHz), the faster the entire computer will operate. Clock frequency represents the number of clock cycles (operations) a processor can perform per second. It is proportional to the bus frequency value. As a rule, from the clock frequency processor its performance directly depends. But this statement is only relevant for models of the same line, since performance processor other parameters also have an impact, for example, the size of the second level cache, frequency and presence of cache

The question of how to overclock a processor is most often asked by people who do not have the opportunity to upgrade their computer. If done correctly, PC performance can increase by 10-20 percent. At the same time, it is not always advisable to overclock your processor: often it is enough to just increase the amount of RAM. It should be remembered that overclocking can lead to failure of the hardware installed in the computer.

Security measures

Increase CPU frequencies may damage the chip crystals. That is why novice users need to exercise maximum caution and carefully study specifications equipment used. If you have no experience in overclocking, you should listen to several recommendations:

  • Beginning users do not need to increase the chip's supply voltage and limit themselves to only increasing its frequency.
  • Raising the processor frequency should be gradual in steps of 100 or maximum 150 MHz.
  • After each change is made to the system, it must be tested. Special attention attention should be paid to CPU temperature.
  • Increasing the processor supply voltage should be carried out in the smallest increments that are possible on the motherboard, most often this is 0.05 V. It should also be remembered that increasing this indicator by more than 0.3 V can pose a serious danger.
  • Once the system stability test has failed, you must stop all further overclocking attempts.

We should immediately warn you that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to overclock the processor in a laptop will be negative. Almost all models under $1000 do not have a good cooling system. Such devices most often use chips whose technical characteristics differ significantly from CPUs for desktop PCs.

CPU characteristics declared by manufacturers differ from the maximum by an average of 50-80 percent. This is done intentionally so that if the chip fails while operating in normal mode the user could not make a claim. If we're talking about O CPU overclocking from Intel, this should only be done on processors with the “K” index, since the multiplier is unlocked in them.

Also, a lot here depends on the motherboard, because in some chipsets there is simply no overclocking option.

Intel produces chipsets for several sockets, the most popular of which is now LGA1151. On motherboards with this type of connector, overclocking is possible if they are based on a “Z” series chipset (Z 170, Z 270, Z 370).

Preparatory stage

When wondering how to overclock a processor on a PC, you must first carry out certain preparatory measures. It is not recommended to do this if the processor has a box cooler installed. It must be replaced in advance with a better one. Then you should download a set of utilities designed for conducting stress tests and benchmarking. You can’t do without software that allows you to control the heat dissipation of the CPU. Among the most famous programs This class can be distinguished as follows:

  • CPU - Z is an extremely popular utility that allows you to find out not only the frequency of the processor and its supply voltage, but also other useful information.
  • Prime 95 is a program for conducting stress tests.
  • LinX is another benchmarking utility that can load the chip at 100%.
  • CoreTemp is a program for monitoring CPU temperature in real time.

Before starting overclocking, it is recommended to conduct a trial benchmarking to obtain initial data for further comparison of results. You also need to make sure that the multiplier is unlocked, otherwise overclocking will be impossible.

All steps to properly overclock the processor will be carried out in the BIOS and you need to go into it to familiarize yourself.

You can do this by pressing the “Del” key when the POST screen appears. However, some motherboards use other buttons, such as "F2", "Esc", "F10", etc.

Old PCs used two versions of BIOS, and there are some differences in working with them:​

  • AMI (American Megatrend Inc.) - you need to go to the “Advanced” menu and select “JumperFree Condiguration” or “AT Overclock”.
  • Phoenix AWARD - the “Frequency / Voltage Control” tab is used, which can be called something else, for example, “Overclock”.

Modern PCs use UEFI BIOS, which has a full GUI. Overclocking menus may be called "AI Tweaker" or "Extreme Tweaker", depending on the motherboard manufacturer.


And now about how to properly overclock the processor in the most in a simple way- increasing the frequency in the BIOS. You must first reduce the memory bus speed to avoid possible errors in RAM operation. In older versions, this menu may be called “Memory Multiplier” or “Frequency DDR”. In the new BIOS it will be easy to find the desired option. Then you should select the minimum value, and after that you can increase the CPU frequency by no more than 10% (100-150 MHz).

It will most likely be marked as FSB (Front Side Bus) - bus speed. Its indicator is multiplied by the set multiplier, and the result of this arithmetic operation determines the full frequency of the chip core. After this, you need to restart the computer and conduct a stress test using previously downloaded utilities, running them for several cycles.

At the same time, the CPU temperature monitor program must be activated. If no problems arise, you can continue to increase the processor frequency. It should be remembered that when the chip temperature rises to 85 degrees, overclocking should be stopped. If the system stops working stably after the next change, you should roll back the settings one step and run the stress test again.

Using a multiplier

This overclocking method can be used on motherboards that have an unlocked multiplier. You should first reset the base frequency to allow more fine tuning this parameter.

Beginner overclockers need to remember that at a low frequency and a large multiplier, the system works more stable compared to the opposite situation.

However, when high frequency And with a smaller multiplier, you can achieve a greater increase in computer performance.

After the decline base frequency you need to go to the BIOS tab called “CPU Ratio” or “CPU Multiplier”. Another designation for this option is possible. When the multiplier parameter is set to the minimum value and the system is overloaded, a stress test is performed. You can repeat these manipulations until the first failures begin to appear in the computer’s operation.

Increasing chip voltage

Last on the list is the answer to the question of how to properly overclock a processor using the most in a dangerous way- changes in the chip supply voltage. Most often, the option needed by an overclocker is called “CPU Voltage” or “VCore”. If the first two methods can lead to failure of only the CPU, then in this situation the motherboard. This suggests that the chip supply voltage can only be increased in minimal steps.

It should be recalled that the maximum limit will be an increase in the base value by 0.3 V. After each change in the operation of the OS, a stress test must be carried out. If you have problems with system stability, you can try reducing the multiplier or bus frequency. Experienced overclockers use all three methods in combination and achieve excellent results.

The processor is one of the most expensive components in a computer. The price of modern CPUs can exceed the cost of all other computer components, especially when it comes to server models.

When the user is faced with the task of slightly increasing the performance of the central processor, for example, for a more stable frame rate in a particular game, it is possible not to replace the CPU, but to overclock it. Intel and AMD processors can be overclocked, also called overlocking.

Overclocking allows you to increase the processor clock frequency, which increases the number of instructions that the chip executes per second, that is, it increases CPU performance. Within the framework of this article, the option will be considered software overclocking Intel and AMD processors, but it is also possible to perform overlocking by replacing the BIOS.

We recommend reading:

Is it safe to overclock a processor?

The essence of overclocking a processor and video card is the same - the user, by replacing the original software “at a low level,” increases performance. If you look at this question from the technical side, it simply increases the voltage on the key components of the board, which allows for an increase in power.

Almost every processor is native software operates only at 50-60% of its maximum power. Accordingly, it can be accelerated by bringing it closer this indicator to 100%. But it is worth remembering that overclocking the processor is accompanied by:

With proper overclocking, the risk of burning out the processor is minimal. It is important to understand that the possibilities specific model CPUs are not unlimited, and it will not be possible to increase performance by 50-100%. It is recommended to overclock by no more than 15%.

Please note: Overclocking the processor also increases the performance of the RAM, which may negatively affect it.

Preparing to overclock the processor

Before you start overclocking the processor, it won’t hurt to read forums on the Internet with information from “experienced” specialists on a specific CPU model. The fact is that some processors, such as the basic i3, i5 and i7 series from Intel, do not respond well to overclocking, and it is better not to increase their power by more than 5-8%. At the same time, the line of K-series i-processors from Intel, on the contrary, is designed for overclocking, and the performance of such CPUs can be increased by 15-20% without any particular risks.

It is also important to know the overclocking potential so that clock cycles do not skip. With a strong increase in performance and signs of overheating, in order to reduce the temperature, the processor may begin to skip cycles. In this way, it will protect itself from failure, but the quality of its work will be significantly lower than before overclocking.

  • Update Motherboard BIOS boards;
  • Test the stability of the processor in normal mode. To do this, you need to install and use a diagnostic application, for example, S
  • Determine the processor clock speed using the CPU-Z utility.

Once the preparation is complete, you can begin overclocking the processor.

Please note: Processor overclocking techniques for desktop computers and laptops are no different from each other. Despite this, when overlocking the CPU on laptops, you must be extremely careful and not raise it to high values system bus frequency on the motherboard.

How to overclock an Intel processor

Overlocking Intel processors can be done with several applications, each of which has its own pros and cons. Some of the programs are not suitable for certain models processors, others are not recommended for use by amateurs and are suitable for professionals. Below are three of the most popular programs for overclocking Intel processors, of which at least one should be suitable for your CPU model and motherboard.

Important: To overclock an Intel processor, you need to know the model of the clock generator of the motherboard installed in the computer. The easiest way to determine it is to take it apart system unit(or laptop) and study the inscriptions on the motherboard. Some experts argue that when overclocking, you can use the brute force method, selecting all available options clock generator in the program until the correct one is found. We strongly do not recommend acting in this way; you must take care of determining the clock generator model in advance.

Overclocking an Intel processor with CPUFSB

One of the most common and convenient programs for processor overlocking it is CPUFSB. It is compatible with almost all modern CPUs from Intel, including support for overclocking i-series processors, that is Intel Core i5, i7 and others. When overclocking CPU application CPUFSB acts on the clock generator, increasing the reference frequency of the system bus. Among the advantages of the application, one can also highlight the presence of the Russian language, and the disadvantages include its cost, since the program is not officially distributed for free.

To overclock a processor using the CPUFSB utility, you must:

Please note: After restarting the computer set values overlocking will be reset. To prevent this from happening, you can set the value of the overclocked frequency in the “Set CPUFSB at next startup” column. Due to this, the application will automatically raise the frequency by a predetermined amount upon startup. If you need to constantly keep the processor overclocked, you can put the CPUFSB program in startup.

Overclocking an Intel processor with SetFSB

The operating principle of the SetFSB application is identical to that used in CPUFSB. The program also increases the system bus reference frequency by influencing the clock generator, which causes an increase in processor performance. Unlike CPUFSB, the SetFSB program does not support the Russian language. The utility is distributed for a fee on the developers' website.

Before you start overlocking using the SetFSB program, you need to look at the website of the application developers for a list of motherboards with which it works. If the board used on the computer is not listed, the application will not work.

It is worth noting: Unlike CPUFSB, the SetFSB application works well with relatively old processor models - Intel Core Two Duo. If you plan to overclock just such a CPU, you should give it preference over its competitors.

To overclock the processor SetFSB program, necessary:

As is the case with CPUFSB program, overclocking results will be reset after rebooting the computer.

Overclocking an Intel processor with SoftFSB

SoftFSB is a well-proven program that is available for free and allows you to overclock your processor with ease. This utility has one significant drawback - its developers stopped supporting it in the mid-2000s. As a result, the program can only work with relatively old motherboards and Intel processors. It is often used system administrators in enterprises where computers have not changed for decades, and demands on their performance are growing even from standard applications.

SoftFSB works on the same principle as SetFSB, as well as CPUFSB, that is, by influencing the clock generator. Overclocking the processor in the application is performed according to the following algorithm:

The above describes the operating principle of the three most popular applications for overclocking Intel processors different generations. Dozens of other programs designed for CPU overlocking work in a similar way.

How to overclock an AMD processor

As in the situation with overclocking a video card based on an AMD chip, you can use standard software from the manufacturer to overlock the processor. This allows the risk of chip burnout to be brought closer to zero. There are two options - use the Catalyst program Control Center, which is installed along with the drivers on the computer, or downloaded from the official AMD website special application for processor overlocking - AMD Overdrive.

Please note: Despite the fact that software from the chip manufacturer is used for overclocking, AMD takes responsibility for warranty obligations, if overlocking is performed. This is indicated when the Overdrive function is activated, which is responsible for overclocking the processor.

To overclock an AMD processor using Catalyst programs Contol Center, you need:

As you can see, the application Catalyst Control Center does everything instead of the user, depriving him of the ability to control the process, which not everyone will like. Take part in the acceleration in more detail AMD processor allows the AMD Overdrive application.