Free games for girls and boys

As children, we all imagined ourselves to be great builders. It is important to identify these inclinations in a child in time and develop his abilities further. For such activities there is great amount tools: cubes, construction sets, applications, etc. In our hands, these simple things very quickly turn into large houses, even skyscrapers, shops and schools. Not everything always works out the first time, but in practice the first knowledge of the basis of architecture is learned. Games to build houses, where the child’s imagination is embodied in virtual world. Previously, he only had cubes to implement the construction plan, but today he is subordinate to various techniques, transport and necessary materials. Step by step, new buildings are being born, one after another. This is how a whole city is formed. You see the result of your painstaking work and feel like a real architect, capable of building a huge metropolis according to your own rules and tastes. Such entertainment very easily captivates us into interesting and difficult process, absorbing all our attention. They are also useful for developing the skills and inclinations of a future architect. An ordinary game can turn into the work of a lifetime.

House building games - play for free online:

Having fun is great for everyone!

House building games belong to the strategy genre. They differ from ordinary entertainment in that here the player will need certain knowledge of physics and mathematics. It is important to calculate the steps in advance. Everyone has the opportunity to build their dream home and develop its design. Required condition– this is the starting capital. With its help you buy the necessary materials and goods. Thus, the skills of managing your own finances are formed. We know very well that having received the result, interest in the game is lost. We want to continue - to build a whole dream city. Here you need to select a territory, divide it into streets, build houses there and be sure to take care of the infrastructure. You will be able to control the lives of citizens and make their existence in the city happy. Fun games are offered for girls in which they build houses for their dolls, taking care of the interior and design. Taking into account the wishes of the residents, you will definitely create comfortable and cozy conditions. Boys will be passionate about creating houses for animals: horses, hares or bears. The attention of older players will be drawn to strategic and economic games, where the ability to manage money and save will come in handy.

Where do you need to start?

House building games are also known for their action genre. That is, the creation of arcade-style structures. For lovers of a quiet time, the opportunity to carefully plan the building project is provided. Amateur engineers will be delighted with games where the construction requires solving complex mathematical problems. In any case, do not forget about the reliability of the foundation. Everyone will be able to enjoy the graphics and play to their heart's content!

A game for those who love freedom, extreme sports, heights and rooftops, for those who love parkour or practice it themselves. Jump, run, climb walls and perform difficult and dangerous stunts while playing Rooftop Parkour.

Once upon a time there lived a young and very skilled parkour artist named Yaroslav. He spent his days running through the urban jungle, overcoming obstacles and jumping on garage roofs. I always came home late. He was one of the best parkour athletes in the entire city. Every team knew him and looked up to him.

When he was 12 years old, he decided to take up this business. At first, nothing worked for Yaroslav. He broke and twisted his limbs many times, tore his clothes, received concussions, fell, was covered in bruises and abrasions, how much he was scolded at home, how many times he ended up in the hospital - he cannot count, but this did not stop him. He set a goal for himself and went towards it. Through long and hard work, he achieved incredible success by the age of nineteen. Then he began to train people and assembled his own team, which became one of best teams throughout the big city.

He had a younger sister, Anastasia, who watched him all this time. First for his futile efforts, then for his progress, then for the birth of the team and its blossoming. His persistence amazed Nastenka. And then, when she saw the result of his training - the speed, beauty and ease of movements, she herself wanted to do this and follow in the footsteps of her older brother.

She asked him to train her, but Yaroslav refused. “Remember me,” he said. “This is very dangerous. You will get hurt, I won’t allow that.” The words of a true big brother. But Anastasia learned perseverance from him, so after some time, after much persuasion, fiery promises and assurances on her part, he gave in and agreed to train her. After several months, the girl mastered parkour on the ground and demanded to be led to the roof. Seeing her success, the young man still hesitated to take his little sister to the rooftops. But they still went to train.

Control the girl with the arrows on the keyboard and the S key. Click on her and Anastasia will jump. Game Parkour on Rooftops - unique game about parkour athletes, all movements are smooth, and tricks are performed in the smallest detail. While playing the wonderful game Parkour on the Roofs, you will be able to feel like a professional parkour player and enjoy the feeling of freedom and flight. Run, jump, do slides, climb and climb walls, ride on wires, collect stars and bags and enjoy the views of the roofs of high-rise buildings under construction.

Lucky are the people who have ever had the good fortune to stand for at least a minute on the top of a mountain. Very high is best. After all, from there you can see such space and such an overview that, as they say, it’s impossible to say in a fairy tale, not to describe with a pen. Can you imagine how difficult it is to get to the top? Only a real climber can reach it. Well, of course, if you want, you can play sport games for free. In order to master rock climbing skills, you need to study for a long time. Moreover, this is one of the popular sports. Very dangerous, one might say extreme.

But if you are not afraid of anything and are ready to climb the highest cliff while playing sports games online, then this is for you. Climb up without fear. Use arrows to control. Remember that any rock located at arm's length can be safely taken by you. Don't forget about rockfall. Sometimes people fell from a cliff simply by forgetting how dangerous these blocks were. They can not only throw you from a height, but also cause your death. Conquer the peaks and you will become one of those people who are lucky enough to see the world from a bird's eye view.