How to take on debt on a megaphone. Credit of trust from the Megafon operator. How to activate and deactivate the service

Do you need to clarify the details of the meeting? Do you need to indicate your location? Indeed, there are times when things need to be done. urgent call or send important message, but the money in the subscriber account has dried up. In this case, going to top up your balance through a top-up card or terminal is not an option, since it can take a lot of time. Fortunately, Megafon took care of this too. Therefore, information on how to borrow money from Megafon will be useful for every subscriber mobile communications.

The mobile operator offers its customers completely profitable offer– “Promised payment” and “Credit of trust”. You can use them at any time without leaving your home. There is no need to waste time or money traveling to the bank. The service provided by Megafon OJSC allows you to always stay in touch!

“Promised payment” service

The essence of the service is that each client has the opportunity to use the network for three days while the “Promised Payment” is valid. During this period, in order to avoid blocking the number, it is necessary to top up your personal balance.

Please note that the service is provided only if there are less than five rubles on the account and one subscriber number. Moreover, the service is available when minus balance. However, in this case, “Mobile transfer” and “Mobile payments” will become unavailable for use.

"Promised payment" - paid service. Its cost depends on the following parameters: subscriber experience with Megafon and money spent on communications last month. The fee is charged immediately upon connection. So, if you take a payment for 100 rubles, then the activation payment will be 5 rubles, if you need an amount of 300 rubles, then 10 rubles will be withdrawn.

How to use the “Promised Payment” service?

There are several options for activating the service:

  1. Dial combination *106# and press the call button.
  2. Call the number 0006 .
  3. Send an SMS with the specified amount to the number 0006 .

Important: when roaming, connection occurs only in the first way.

The service is deactivated within three days after activation.

Service "Credit of Trust"

If you are tormented by the question “How to borrow money on Megafon” and you are a client of the Capital branch of the company, then the “Credit of Trust” service is available to you. You can connect it in two ways:

  • with connection fee
  • no connection fee

In the first option, the amount corresponding to the selected credit limit will be debited from the subscriber's account. It is also determined by the amount spent on communications and the subscriber experience of the mobile operator.

In the second - subscription fee not charged.

Activation of the “Credit of Trust” service

To activate the service, enter the combination on your phone keypad *138# and a call button. So you will find yourself in voice menu, where you can use hints to choose required package and activate it.>

Money on your phone balance most often runs out very inopportunely, and the ability to top up your account with cash or credit card there is not always. Subscribers of the Megafon operator can get out of this sticky situation with the help of loans provided by the company for a limited period.

How to borrow money on Megafon?

If you are a subscriber of the company, then if there are insufficient funds in your account, you can use the “Trust payment” service. Activation is instant and free.

The essence of the service is that, depending on the tariff set for your number, the company will add to the balance the required amount which you agree to return within three days.

If there are almost no funds in the account, and communication by phone must be continued, then all users of any packages can apply for a short-term loan, except "Ring-ding" And "Megafon-login". It is also provided in roaming.

There are certain conditions under which the Megafon company lends funds:

  • Your subscriber “experience” must be three months or more
  • The balance at the time of applying for the service should not be negative
  • Loan limit

If you are using one of the basic packages, then the maximum amount that can be lent will be 100 rubles. Other users tariff plans it can be increased to 300 rubles.

The loan amount is called the promised payment, and the corresponding message appears on the phone screen immediately after the company deposits money into your account and disappears after three days.

How to use a loan?

You can request the required amount using one of the following methods:

  • Call to short number
  • By sending an SMS message
  • Features of the “Service Guide”
  • By typing a short command

Call to a short number

To take out a loan from an operator, call a short number 0006 and ask the operator to provide the required amount.

Sending SMS

Send an SMS with the required amount to number 0006.

Registration through the “Service Guide”

Log into your personal account on the service and enter the required amount in the dialog box.

Short command set

While roaming, you can quickly use a loan from Megafon by sending short command*106# by pressing the call button.

Credit of trust from the operator Megafon

You can call on debt in another way. The loan amount will be larger, but the requirements will be stricter than when providing a trust payment. This is a “Credit of Trust” service offered by the company under the following conditions:

  • The period of use of the operator’s services must be five months or more
  • Costs for mobile communications and Internet in the last three months must exceed 600 rubles

How to connect credit of trust?

You can do this in two ways - personal address to the operator's office or by sending a short digital combination from the phone.

  • Connection in the office

A company specialist checks the amount of your mobile communications expenses for the last three months. If it is more than 600 rubles, then the amount of funds you need is transferred to your balance.

  • Sending a digital combination

It’s even easier to connect Megafon trust yourself. To do this you only need to send a short command *138# by pressing the call button.

  • Loan amounts

The amounts are chosen by the subscriber independently and can be 300, 600 or 900 rubles.

  • How to disable the service

You can cancel the loan by sending a combination *138*2# . If there are funds left on the balance, they will be returned to the account.

  • If you don't repay the debt on time

If you fail to repay the debt on time, you will still be able to continue to use the credit of trust from the Megafon company, but - only on advance payment terms.

In other words, the amount you declared is debited from the balance immediately after it is replenished, and when the funds are used to zero, it is returned to your account.

The Megafon company treats with understanding the temporary financial difficulties that arise regular subscribers, and therefore is ready to come to the rescue at the first request and lend the required amount. Loans from Megafon provide timely and effective support, which is used by many clients of the largest mobile operator.

  • Category: ,
  • October 2, 2014

Any of us may have an incident and the amount of cellular communication balance various reasons suddenly turned out to be close to zero, or even completely negative. But the dynamics modern life The reality is that everyone needs to make more than one call, send messages, use the Internet. What to do if you can’t top up your account right now? Insufficient funds for mobile account now it's not so scary. Megafon does not abandon its subscribers in difficult times and offers an option on how to solve this situation.

What is a promised payment or how to borrow money from Megafon?

Are you in a difficult situation when you have run out of money in your account and there is no way to top up your personal account? But at the same time, do you need to be able to continue using cellular communications?

In addition, there is “Automatic promised payment”. Connect it and automatically receive 150 or 300 rubles when you have 10 rubles left on your phone. The service is not paid for separately.

Promised payment on Megafon. Under what conditions is it provided?

Borrow a certain amount money from the Megafon operator is possible only if certain conditions are met:

  • You can get 50 rubles if your balance reaches minus 40 rubles.
  • You will receive 150 rubles in debt, provided that your account balance is up to minus 100 rubles.
  • 300 rubles of the “Promised payment” will be credited to your balance when the amount within minus 250 rubles is displayed there.
  • The “Automatic promised payment” option is activated automatically when there are 10 rubles on the balance. At your choice, 150 or 300 rubles of credit funds can be credited.

In addition to these conditions, the following requirements must be met:

  • In order for the “Promised payment” of 50 rubles to be credited to the subscriber, he must be served by the Megafon provider for one to two months and pay the bill more than twice.
  • Tranches of 150 rubles and 300 rubles are available to people who have been Megafon clients for at least 2 months.

Please note that “Reverse Payment” cannot be activated simultaneously with the “Pay Whenever” payment service.

Credit of trust Megafon. What are the terms and amounts of provision?

Don’t want to be stopped serving you when your account balance is negative? Megafon provides this opportunity. The “Credit of Trust” function will allow you to make calls, use the Internet and send messages after crossing the 0 mark on your account. The service is now known as Pay When You Can.

For each individual users Megafon network sets its own credit limit. Threshold setting available funds will depend on:

  • Average amount spent online over the last three months.
  • Duration of use of the operator's SIM card.
  • Conditions of the tariff package.
  • A set of services that are connected to the card.

At first, the limit level is 180% of the arithmetic average amount of expenses for the three previous months. The limit is reviewed every month.

You can find out what credit is available for a given Megafon SIM card by sending the ussd command *100# from your phone, adding the call key.

Every month an SMS notification is sent to the number with the amount of debt and the repayment period. If on the 26th current month the loan will not be paid, the number will be blocked the next day.

You can top up your balance in any convenient way.

Trust payment Megafon. How to arrange it?

Without the ability to make calls, write SMS, use the Internet, modern man feels lost. It is good when the operator provides the opportunity to lower the threshold, upon reaching which the subscriber is disconnected from cellular service. In order not to fall out of life when the money on your phone is exhausted, and it is not possible to top up your account, you need to register this Trust payment Megaphone.

You can receive money for communication services from the operator by performing the following actions:

  • Use the ussd combination *138*1# and then don’t forget to press the call key on your phone.
  • Write short message, indicating the number 1 in it. B address bar when sending dial .

The operator will determine what loan is ready to issue to this subscriber. This will take into account how long a person has been a client of the provider, and how much money he spent on various services cellular communications for the previous 30 days. If the user violates the terms of the agreement, the Megafon operator reserves the right to refuse payment and credit.

Majority additional services, which were previously ordered using this SIM card, will be saved when the Megafon trust payment is activated.

If not needed, the function Trust payment it is possible to disconnect using the same services as for connecting.

Connect to the “Automatic Promised Payment” service. How to do it?

Promised payment - we borrow from megafon

Even someone who is used to carefully managing money and monitoring the state of their accounts may experience an unexpected situation. By various reasons It is not always possible to quickly replenish your balance. If you don't want to worry about service interruption at cellular network, when your account is almost out of money, you should think about enabling the “Automatic promised payment” option.

When activating “Automatic promised payment Megafon”, the combination of numbers for Moscow is as follows:

  • At sending sms- number . The SMS must contain the text: AVTO50 or AVTO150 or AVTO300, depending on the amount you require.
  • When connecting using ussd commands– press the *106# “call” keys one by one. A combination of *1006# and “call” is possible
  • When calling - telephone. The robot will tell you how to make an Automatic Promised Payment.
  • For the ivr system, the number to dial is 0006. Use voice instructions to activate the service.

When “Automatic Promised Payment” is activated, the amount you specified will be automatically credited to your account. This will happen when your balance is 10 rubles or less.

All the methods described will help you feel confident, despite the negative balance. Any client can use the described services.

If you use a Megafon modem, and the money in your account runs out at the wrong time, you can receive a deferred Megafon payment. By agreeing to the operator’s offer to use the loan, you calmly continue to use the Internet for five days. During this period the debt will need to be repaid. The option is free and can be used many times.

Each of us has at least once found ourselves in a situation when our mobile account runs out of money, but we still need to make several important calls. Today we will talk about how to borrow money from Megafon. You will also learn about the services that you can use with a zero or negative balance.

"Credit of trust"

This service will be a real salvation when you have no money on your phone and need to make a call. It allows you to defer payment for cellular communications.

The “Credit of Trust” service is provided free of charge and is available to all Megafon subscribers. It can only be activated at the company office. Be sure to take your passport with you.

How to borrow money from Megafon after activating this service? Everything is very simple. Dial *138*XXX#, where XXX is the required amount. What can you expect? It all depends on how long you use the Megafon number and how much you spend on cellular communication. If for 3 months your expenses did not exceed 600 rubles, then the loan will be denied. If during the previous quarter you spent from 600 to 1200 rubles on communications, then you will be credited 300 rubles. This is the pattern. The higher your expenses, the larger size"credit of trust".

"Promised payment"

Your account suddenly runs out of money, and you still need to make a couple of important calls? Of course, you can go to the nearest ATM and top up your balance. But what to do if you don’t have the required amount of money or time to leave the house? How to borrow money for Megafon? In the most difficult financial situation, the “Promised Payment” service comes to the rescue. It will bring the balance out of the minus zone, replenishing it by 50, 100 or 300 rubles.

How to borrow money from Megafon using the “Promised Payment”?

Method No. 1 – dial 0006, then carefully listen to the instructions from the answering machine.

Method No. 2 – send a request to *1006# or *106# and make a call.

Method No. 3 - go to the operator’s official page, then to “ Personal Area" Select the “Payment” section and the required amount.

Method No. 4 – send a message to number 0006 with the test: “100” or “300” (this is the loan amount).

The “Promised payment” service is provided for a period of up to 5 days. If on the second or third day the subscriber tops up the balance, the previously credited amount will be debited from the account.

Not everyone knows that the service is paid. If you borrowed 50 rubles, then the commission amount will be 5 rubles. Have you been credited 100 rubles? Then you will have to pay 7 rubles for the service.

How to transfer money from Megafon to Megafon

A good friend, as you know, is known in trouble. If you suddenly run out of money on your phone, you can ask your friend or relative for help. The main condition is that he must also be a Megafon subscriber.

What is needed to transfer money from one number to another? First you must connect special service. It's called Mobile Transfer. We send a message with the number 1 to number 3311. A couple of seconds later to the mobile phone a notification will come about service activation. You can use it for free.


What should your friend or relative do to transfer money from their mobile account? How to borrow money for Megafon in this case? He also needs to activate the service. Let him dial 0500 and wait for the “live” operator to respond. You can also activate the option yourself by following the instructions from the autoinformer.

Before sending money, you need to check the balance status. After the operation, there must be at least 50 rubles on it. Warn a friend about the use of " Mobile transfer“50 rubles will be withdrawn from his account. To top up your account, he needs to dial *133*amount*your mobile phone number # and make a call. Within 3-5 minutes, a message will be sent to his phone about a successful or rejected operation.


We hope that you have received a comprehensive answer to the question of how to borrow money for Megafon. The services and methods described in the article will allow you to stay in touch even with a zero or minus balance.

Eat different variants mobile phone account replenishment. Today, almost every person has bank cards; ATMs and terminals are installed everywhere on city streets. There are payment methods on the Internet electronic systems. And yet, it is not always possible to track the balance. As a rule, finances run out unexpectedly and there is absolutely no way to top up your account at this moment.

What is needed in order to receive credit funds from MegaFon? Let's look at several services that are useful in this case:

  • "Promised payment";

Both the first and second options make it possible to use communications on credit.

How to get Credit of Trust at MegaFon

The operator has now changed the name of this offer. Now it's called Pay Whenever. The service is designed for those people who need communication, but they miss timely replenishment of their account because they do not follow the deadlines. Using it, the subscriber receives a certain monetary limit (credit). Its size is calculated monthly according to a certain formula. Thus, a person can calmly communicate, access the Internet, send SMS even when he has no money in his account.

When you connect to the phone number of the service that provides credit, “Pay when convenient,” the balance display will be changed. There are three amounts here. Indicating means:

  • Available – shown total amount money, which includes both the limit and the real balance;
  • Granted credit limit – exactly the credit funds are shown;
  • Balance is the actual amount of money in the account.

After the money in the main account runs out, the message will contain a number up to which you need to return the provided limit. Provided that there is an outstanding credit limit for the previous month, you will receive messages on the 21st and 26th of the current month asking you to top up your account. If they are ignored, the phone number will be blocked.

To activate the described service, you need to use the symbol combination *550*1#. You can also send an SMS to 5050, the text of which is “1” (quotes are not included). You can send a message to help desk to 0500. The text will look like this: “Please connect the credit of trust.”

Since this operator’s offer is somewhat incomprehensible, let’s look at the second option of taking out funds on credit. You can use another service called “Promised Payment” for this purpose. It will allow you to get a limit of fifty, one hundred fifty, three hundred rubles. The amount will be debited after three days, so it is important to deposit the required amount during this time. If this is not done, the number will be blocked, which will lead to a lack of communication. To find out if it's available this service, you will need to dial *106#. In less than a minute, you will be able to receive this information, as well as the maximum possible amount of limit funds.

A commission is charged for the money provided in accordance with the amount provided. When paying fifty rubles it is 5 rubles, 100 rubles is 15 rubles, 300 rubles is 20 rubles. You can send an SMS indicating the amount and receive a loan. “Personal Account” or dialing and sending *106# are also suitable for this purpose.

Under what conditions are limit funds provided?

All individuals corporate TPs not used for communications can take advantage of the described service. However, there is a small list of restrictions. First of all, a person should not have other telephone numbers debt. A valid SIM card must be connected for at least ninety days ago. On average, a subscriber must spend from one hundred and seventy rubles a month on communication services. You cannot activate this service if a similar service, “Promised Payment,” has already been activated on the number. They are not provided as a package.


The credit limit is calculated every month. Its size can reach up to 180 percent of average monthly financial expenses. More communication - more credit.

The most large sum money that can be received when connecting the corresponding service, namely “Promised payment”, is also calculated automatically. By analogy, the loan must be repaid within three days. You can activate this money provided that the balance is negative. Activation of 50 rubles - balance up to -40 rubles, 150 rubles - balance up to -100 rubles, 300 rubles - -250 rubles.