A program for optimal computer performance. A selection of the best programs for cleaning your computer from junk. System disk cleaning: TEMP folders, Disk Cleanup

Many programs start automatically when you turn on your computer, causing your system to take longer to boot. In addition, these programs take up extra RAM and are not always needed by you.

To edit the list of programs for startup, you need to click the “Start” button and type the msconfig command in the search bar. In the Startup tab, programs that start when you turn on the computer are checked. All that remains is to uncheck unnecessary programs.

Be careful not to disable autoloading of utilities and antivirus products.

3. Disable autoloading of unnecessary fonts

When you turn on your computer, Windows downloads a selection of over 200 different fonts. You can disable unnecessary ones like this: “Start” - Control Panel - Design and Personalization - Fonts. Open the context menu with the right key and on the unnecessary font and select “Hide”.

Comic Sans only , only hardcore!

4. Deleting temporary files

In the process of work, many temporary files are created daily on the hard drive, which somehow imperceptibly become permanent. They also greatly reduce the overall speed of your computer.

Regularly cleaning your computer will speed up the loading of the operating system and programs, and will also free up space on your hard drive.

To do this, just open My Computer - the partition with the operating system (usually Drive C:\) - the Windows folder - the Temp folder, and then delete all files and empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Disk Cleanup

To optimize Windows, Microsoft developers have provided a built-in disk cleanup utility. It searches for and deletes junk files, such as temporary Internet files, distributions of installed programs, various error reports, and others.

Go to the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup.

6. Disk defragmentation

After deleting unnecessary programs and files, start defragmenting the disk, i.e. regrouping files on your hard drive for maximum PC optimization.

Defragmentation can be done using Windows tools, or you can use special programs - this is a topic for a separate article.

The standard procedure will look like this - in Explorer, select the partition to defragment (for example, drive D:\) and right-click on it, in the menu that appears, open Properties and in the Tools tab, click “Defragment.”

7. Install SSD

A solid-state drive will help speed up the loading of the operating system and programs, the self-installation of which in a laptop we discussed in. If you don’t have enough money for a 500 GB SSD, it makes sense to purchase a disk at least to install the operating system - it will simply fly on the new SSD.

8. Install HDD

There are many video guides on HDD installation on YouTube. Here's one of them

If your budget does not allow you to spend money on expensive SSD drives, you should not give up more traditional components. Installing an additional HDD will significantly improve PC performance.

So, if the hard drive is more than 85% occupied, the computer will work many times slower. In addition, installing an additional hard drive on your desktop PC yourself is even easier than an SSD.

9. Installing additional RAM

RAM is used to process running programs. The more information you need to process, the more RAM you will need.

If there is not enough memory, the system begins to use hard disk resources, which leads to a critical slowdown of the computer and freezing of Windows.

Adding or replacing RAM sticks is not difficult. For a regular computer with a set of standard office programs, 4 GB of RAM is enough, and for a gaming PC you can think about 16 GB or higher.

10. Cleaning

Dust is computer enemy No. 2 (everyone knows that enemy No. 1 is). It prevents normal ventilation, which can cause PC components to overheat, slowing down the system. Extreme overheating of components can lead to their complete failure.

Turn off your computer at least half an hour before you start cleaning. Do not clean in synthetic clothing - friction may result in a static charge that can damage components. To remove static, touch the unpainted part of the central heating radiator.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power and carefully remove dust from all parts of the PC. Particular attention should be paid to the power supply, processor cooler and video card, where most of the dust accumulates.

Today on the Internet you can find dozens of programs whose authors promise that your computer will almost “take off” after using them. In most cases, it will work the same, it’s good if you are not rewarded with a dozen advertising modules (which are embedded in the browser without your knowledge).

However, many utilities will honestly clean your disk of debris and perform disk defragmentation. And it is quite possible that if you have not performed these operations for a long time, your PC will work a little faster than before.

However, there are utilities that can actually speed up your computer somewhat by setting the optimal Windows settings and configuring your PC properly for a particular application. I have tried some of the programs. I want to tell you about them. The programs were divided into three corresponding groups.

Speeding up your computer for games

By the way, before recommending utilities to improve performance in games, I would like to make a small remark. First, you need to update the drivers for your video card. Second, configure them accordingly. This will make the effect many times greater!

Game Buster

In my humble opinion, this utility is one of the best of its kind! The authors got excited about one click in the description of the program (by the time you install and register, it will take 2-3 minutes and a dozen clicks) - but it works really quickly.


  1. Brings Windows OS settings (the utility supports versions XP, Vista, 7, 8) to optimal for running most games. Thanks to this, they begin to work somewhat faster than before.
  2. Defragments folders with installed games. On the one hand, this is a useless option for this program (after all, Windows even has built-in defragmentation tools), but honestly, how many of us defragment regularly? And the utility will not forget, if, of course, you install it...
  3. Diagnoses the system for various vulnerabilities and non-optimal parameters. It’s quite a necessary thing; you can learn a lot of interesting things about your system...
  4. Game Buster allows you to save videos and screenshots. Convenient, of course, but it’s better to use the Fraps program for these purposes (it has its own super fast codec).

Conclusion: Game Buster is a necessary thing and if the speed of your games leaves much to be desired, definitely try it! In any case, I personally would start optimizing the PC with it!

Game Gain

A shareware program for setting hidden operating system settings. To do this, this utility needs to know a few things about your PC:

  • its processor (for example, I have AMD in the screenshot);
  • Windows OS (In the example above, version 8, but keep in mind that the utility also supports others).

If the program has correctly identified your OS and processor, then press just one button - “Optimize”. In half a minute, the result is ready!

Conclusions: after running the utility, it cannot be said that the computer began to work much faster, but in combination with other utilities it gives results. It would be wrong not to mention it in this article. By the way, this utility has a paid version, which has a super Fast mode (we could not test it).

Game Accelerator

Game Accelerator is a fairly good program for accelerating games. However, in my opinion it has not been updated for a long time. For a more stable and smooth process, the program optimizes the Windows OS and hardware. The utility does not require specific knowledge from the user, etc. - just run it, save the settings and minimize it to tray.

Advantages and features:

  • Several operating modes: hyper-acceleration, cooling, setting up the game in the background;
  • defragmentation of hard drives;
  • "fine" tuning of DirectX;
  • optimization of resolution and frame rate in the game;
  • laptop energy saving mode.

Conclusion: the program has not been updated for a relatively long time, but at one time, around 10 years ago, it helped make your home PC faster. In its use it is very similar to the previous utility. By the way, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other utilities for optimizing and cleaning Windows from junk files.

Game Fire

"Fire game" translated into great and mighty.

In fact, it is a very, very interesting program that will help make your computer faster. Includes options that are simply not available in other analogues (by the way, there are two versions of the utility: paid and free)!


  • switching your PC to turbo mode for games in one click (super!);
  • optimizing Windows and its settings for optimal performance;
  • defragmentation of game folders for faster access to files;
  • automatic prioritization of applications for optimal game performance, etc.

Conclusion: in general, an excellent “combine” for those who like to play. I definitely recommend testing and familiarizing yourself with it. I really liked the utility!

Programs for cleaning your hard drive from junk

I think it’s no secret that over time a large number of temporary files accumulate on the hard drive (they are also called “junk”). The fact is that when the operating system (and various applications) operate, they create files that they need at a certain point in time, then they delete them, but not always. As time goes by, there are more and more such undeleted files, the system begins to “slow down”, trying to sort out a bunch of unnecessary information.

Therefore, sometimes the system needs to be cleaned of such files. This will not only save space on your hard drive, but also speed up your computer, sometimes significantly!

And so, let's look at the top three (in my subjective opinion)...

Glary Utilities

This is simply a super-combine for cleaning and optimizing your computer! Glary Utilities allows you not only to clear your disk of temporary files, but also to clean and optimize the system registry, optimize memory, backup data, clear your website history, defragment the HDD, get system information, etc.

What’s most pleasing: the program is free, frequently updated, contains everything you need, plus it’s in Russian.

Conclusion: an excellent complex; if you regularly use it together with some utility for speeding up games (from the first point), you can achieve very good results.

Wise Disk Cleaner

This program, in my opinion, is one of the fastest for cleaning your hard drive from various and unnecessary files: cache, browsing history, temporary files, etc. Moreover, it does nothing without your knowledge - first the system scan process occurs, then it informs you by removing what, how much space can be gained, and then the unnecessary is removed from the hard drive. Very comfortably!


  • free + with Russian language support;
  • there is nothing superfluous, laconic design;
  • fast and meticulous work (after this it is unlikely that another utility will be able to find anything on the HDD that can be deleted);
  • Supports all versions of Windows: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.


Probably one of the most popular PC cleaning utilities, not only in Russia, but also abroad. The main advantage of the program is its compactness and high degree of Windows cleaning. Its functionality is not as rich as Glary Utilites, but in terms of removing “garbage” it can easily compete with it (and perhaps even win).

Main advantages:

  • free with Russian language support;
  • fast work speed;
  • support for popular versions of Windows (XP, 7,8) 32 and 64 bit systems.

I think even these three utilities will be more than enough for most. By choosing any of them and regularly optimizing, you can significantly increase the speed of your PC.

Windows optimization and settings

In this subsection I would like to include programs that work in combination: i.e. check the system for optimal parameters (if they are not specified, set them), configure applications correctly, set the necessary priorities for various services, etc. In general, programs that will perform the entire complex of optimization and settings of the OS for more productive work.

By the way, out of all the variety of such programs, I liked only two. But they do improve PC performance, sometimes significantly!

Advanced SystemCare 7

What is immediately captivating about this program is its focus on the user, i.e. you don’t have to deal with lengthy settings, read a mountain of instructions, etc. Installed, launched, clicked analyze, then agreed with the changes that the program proposed to make - and voila, the garbage is removed, with registry errors corrected, etc. it becomes an order of magnitude faster!

In this review, we have presented the best programs for optimizing a PC, with which you can clean your computer of junk, set optimal settings and speed up the device. The functionality of the utilities discussed below will help you remove any software, perform optimization and defragmentation in one click, encrypt folders and files, recover lost files and much more.

Our selection will help you choose the best optimizer and get your computer working properly.


Russian language




Software cleaning

Yes Free Yes 10 Yes
Yes Free Yes 9 Yes
Yes Free Yes 10 Yes
Yes Free Yes 9 Yes
Yes Free Yes 7 Yes
Yes Free Yes 8 Yes
Yes Free Yes 8 No
Yes Free Yes 10 Yes
Yes Free No 6 Yes
Yes Free Yes 7 No

Glary Utilities is a free set of programs that optimize and clean the system. Increases system performance, cleans the registry and irrelevant data, defragments the disk and optimizes the RAM. The software runs on Windows 8, 7 and XP. The interface is clear and accessible thanks to the Russian-language menu.

EasyCleaner is a free utility that cleans your computer of non-working, irrelevant, duplicate and empty objects. It consists of a registry cleaner, a searcher for irrelevant files, a startup editor and a graphical option for determining the free space in folders and on system drives.

CCleaner is a free, multifunctional optimizer for Windows, Mac and Android. It checks, cleans and deletes unused files, temporary data, cache, “garbage”, and also increases the speed of response to commands and data loading.

Red Button is a free application for optimizing registry entries, removing irrelevant system files and disabling unnecessary OS services. The optimizer shows noticeable results of its work, increasing the loading speed of Windows and improving the performance of the device. The program's interface is clear and in Russian.

Smart Defrag is a free program for logical sorting and arrangement of files on your hard drive. It monitors the correct location of information, defragments files when the system is idle and places constantly used ones nearby, which improves the speed of reading material.

Auslogics Registry Cleaner is a free program whose tools allow you to fix damaged and clean outdated registry entries of your PC's operating system for its subsequent improved operation. It has a convenient search by category and the ability to create a copy to return actions.

Wise Registry Cleaner Free is a free software for “cleaning” the system registry, analyzing for the presence of verified and “unsafe” files, and also displaying system problems. Removes stale, corrupted, old and incorrect files, securely cleans, backs up and undoes recent actions.

As you use your PC over time, it gradually begins to work slower and the question arises of finding the best programs to clean your computer of junk. This happens due to the accumulation of a large number of temporary files, registry keys, including possibly already damaged ones, as a result of the action of malicious files or simply their absence. All these seemingly insignificant parts and elements of program activity over time begin to significantly affect performance and, as a result, the PC begins to slow down where it previously worked quickly.

Especially for this purpose, there are a large number of programs for cleaning your computer from garbage on the Internet, and some of them are worthy of more attention than others. The most basic requirements for programs for users in our countries, as practice shows, are that they not only cope with their tasks, but also be available free of charge, at least for a temporary period.

Faced for the first time with the search for the best program for cleaning a PC, without knowledge in this area, you will have to spend considerable time downloading, installing and checking its performance and functionality on your own PC. In this case, this article will be very useful for you.

Especially for this, we have prepared several of the best programs for cleaning a computer or laptop from debris on Windows xp, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, well-proven among users and available for free use, as well as links for downloading them

Cleaning your computer from junk using CCleaner (in Russian)

One of the most popular programs for cleaning and optimizing your computer, with many additional tools:

  • The most significant parameter of this program is one-click PC cleaning.
  • Quick access to turning programs on and off in windows startup.
  • Cleaning the operating system registry after a thorough scan, where you definitely can’t figure it out without special programs.

In order to clean your system or laptop of debris using CCleaner you need to:

  • Download CCleaner and run the installation file.
  • In the window that opens, in the cleaning section, you will be offered Recommended areas for cleaning and in future steps to free up disk space, you can simply click “ Cleaning” or select areas of your choice.
  • Its advantages include a very convenient and intuitive interface that even a novice user can understand, the absence of an advertising policy, and the small size of the installation file.
  • There is also a simplified version of CCleaner portable that does not require installation.

This utility can really be given a leading place in the ranking of computer junk cleaning programs (2015 -2016).

Cleaning junk with Ashampoo WinOptimizer Free (in Russian)

Another good utility that can be classified as one of the best programs for cleaning your computer from junk (2015-2016). It also copes well with cleaning tasks, removing traces of previously running applications that interfere with the fast operation of Windows operating systems, cleaning the registry, browsers, as well as other elements and entries, improving PC performance.

It, like the previous one, is capable of making an independent decision about what can be disabled or deleted, which is irreplaceable for users who do not have sufficient experience and knowledge about PCs.

  • Download Ashampoo WinOptimizer Free from the official website (free) and install.
  • The program menu is very logical, in Russian, follow the suggested sequential steps, selecting areas to clean.
  • After this, follow the suggested sequence of actions.

Cleaning your computer from junk and strengthening security measures using WinUtilities Free (in Russian)

A program with very large capabilities and wide functionality, especially useful for experienced users. In addition to working with cleaning the registry, disks, restoring the activity of shortcuts, removing selected programs and disabling unnecessary ones from startup, there is also a special area in the field of security. This applies to situations when several people use a computer and you need to protect not only your history of visiting pages on the Internet by regular cleaning without the possibility of recovery, but also protecting selected programs from unauthorized use, in certain cases.

  • Download WinUtilities Free and install it on Windows, a window will open asking you to buy a paid version or enter a license key, just close it.
  • There are several main operating modes:
  • Perform analysis and recommended cleaning actions in one click in the “ tab Service" Pressing " Perform maintenance” and then follow the suggested actions.
  • Independent choice of area of ​​action, including work in the security section.
  • As well as setting schedules for cleaning actions and reducing disk space using defragmentation in the “ section Tasks“.
  • Then follow the suggested steps or select the desired options if necessary.

Cleaning with SlimCleaner Free

A very serious utility for cleaning and optimizing Windows. The main advantage of this program is its intellectual basis for independently determining the necessary and, accordingly, undesirable parts and elements of programs that can affect performance.

Using this utility, you can clean the Windows registry, clear your browser of temporary files, and other garbage that has accumulated during use.

  • To do this, download SlimCleaner Free (from the official website) and run the file.
  • Cleaning can be done either automatically or by first performing an analysis and then cleaning selected areas.

It also provides the ability to obtain useful information about installed programs, browser extensions, certain Windows services and their role in the system. Also, when you click on the “More Info” button, a window will open with reviews of other users about the program or specific process of interest, which can be quite useful in making a decision.

We hope that we were able to offer the best programs for cleaning your computer from junk on Windows xp, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and that you chose the most suitable one. Good luck!

Coping with so much information and correctly systematizing it is more than difficult. Manually cleaning a computer is a truly ambitious task. If you don't have the necessary knowledge, the best you can hope for is wasting a few hours. In the worst case scenario, your computer will stop working altogether.

It is worth remembering what times we live in. The software market offers a huge selection of programs for any purpose. Windows computer cleaning programs are no exception. Anyone can download the required application and quickly and thoroughly clean their computer. All you have to do is choose from the sea of ​​software that is ideal for you.

The simplest and most reliable choice is not to guess, but to trust the majority. Millions of users around the world have chosen 360 Total Security, a free antivirus that makes cleaning and optimizing your computer a quick and easy process. It is armed with tools for cleaning the registry and startup, eliminating useless background processes, files and programs. Once you try this program in action, you will stop searching.