Drugvokrug mobile application for communication. Social network friend around

Friend Around is a popular messenger in RuNet for mobile devices and computer. Distributed free of charge. Supports not only the mode virtual communication in a one-on-one format, but also group chat. Except text messages users of the service can send each other gifts, stickers and, of course, all kinds of emoticons.

In “Friend Around” you can easily and simply make acquaintances: find a soul mate, meet like-minded people, find classmates and classmates.

You can register in the messenger both on your phone and on your computer. Let's take a closer look various ways registration.

Creating an account on mobile

(Android manual)

1. Open the dating site in your mobile browser - m.drugvokrug.ru/home.

3. B Google Play, on the application page, tap “Install”.

4. Wait for the download and installation to complete. Click "Open".

5. In the messenger window, select “Join”.

6. Enter your phone number. Tap "Get password...".

All! Registration is completed, chat is open. You can write a message to any participant or search for friends.

Select in top panel section “Dialogs”, then activate the panel of the user you want to write to, and tap “Messages” in the icon block that opens.


To log in to the messenger, enter your phone number and enter the password from the message you received from the Friend Around service.

Registration via social network

This option allows you to create a profile on the Friend Around network without a phone number. You will need Account on the social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook.

1. Install and launch the messenger on your phone (see points No. 1-No. 4 of the above guide).

3. In the window that opens, enter your username and password for personal profile on social networks. Click "Login".

4. On the new page, allow the “FriendVokrug” application to access your personal page data. Click OK.

After this action, the messenger interface will open.

How to create a profile on PC?

To chat in Friend Around on your computer, follow these steps:

1. Open the service’s offsite - http://drugvokrug.ru/home.

2. On home page Click the “Download…” button (it is located in the “For computer!” block).

3. Run the downloaded installer as an administrator. Wait for the installation to complete.

4. Double-click on the messenger shortcut on your desktop. Please register. It is performed in the same way as on the phone (by number and through a social network profile; see previous guides).

Enjoy your communication and make new acquaintances in “Friend Around”!

If you don't know how to register with Friend Around, but want to do this, our instructions will help you.

To register with Friend Around, you first need to download and install the application, since registration takes place directly in the program itself. So let's start with this...

How and where to download Friend Around

  • Download Friend Around by following this link: (opens in a new window);
  • On the page that opens, find the large blue download button “Friend Around download for free” and click on it;
  • A page will open with a choice of your device (computer or phone) - select what you need and click on the link - the download will begin.

That's it, download the program, install it and launch it - half the job is done. Now all that remains is to register with Friend Around. Below are two instructions, first registering from a computer, and even lower instructions for phones.

How to register in Friend Around from a computer

Everything is very easy and simple here, here detailed instructions registering with FriendVokrug from your computer in just 3 steps with images:

Note! Please provide your real phone number. You will receive a password with which you can log in to Friend Around. Without him, this will not be possible...

All is ready! You have successfully registered with FriendVokrug from your computer. Now let's try to do the same from the phone...

How to register in Friend Around from your phone

First of all, you need to download the application to your phone - how to do this is written in.

  1. On the download page, select your phone model (For smartphones on Android, iPhone, Windows Phone or Java, which is supported by any other phones) and download Friend Around. After automatic installation application, launch it, if you already have the Friend Around application, then skip this step, starting immediately from step 2.
  2. Enter all the information about yourself and click "Register" or “Done” (see screenshot below).
  3. On specified number phone you will receive an SMS message with a password to log into Friend Around.

Below is a screenshot showing what registration looks like from a phone on Android and iPhone, it is the same on all phones, it may only differ slightly appearance depending on the brand of phone.

That's it, you have successfully registered with Friend Around from your phone! Agree - it's very easy!

Attention! Indicate your real phone number, and you will receive a password to enter Friend Around. Without it, you will not be able to enter FriendVokrug.

How to log in to Friend Around

To enter Friend Around, you need to follow a few very easy steps:

That's it, now you know how and where to download Friend Around, register and log into this wonderful social network. Chat, get acquainted, make friends for good health!

The material was prepared by Ruslan Makarov, especially for the site. Copying materials from the site without the consent of the author and active link the source is prohibited and is protected by copyright law.

Friend Around is a popular service for communicating and making new acquaintances.

How to register with Friend Around?

1) Download the application

2) Fill in all the data:

2.1) Nick. Come up with an original virtual name for yourself. If this name is already taken by another application user, come up with a more unique nickname. To do this, you can use foreign words, add numbers and icons. Alternating large and small letters in nicknames is also allowed.
2.2) Gender Select your gender M or F.
2.3) Date of birth. Everything is simple here. Please enter your date of birth.
2.4) City. By indicating your city of residence at this point, it will be easier for you to look for new friends - fellow countrymen.
2.5) Telephone. You must provide a number to confirm your registration. Other network users will not see it.
2.6) Click the “Register” button, thereby accepting the user agreement.
2.7) To your mobile phone You should receive a registration confirmation code. Enter it in the next window. Don't forget to check the "Remember password" box. Now you won't have to enter your password again when you log in again.

7 years after its founding date, the resource has grown into the largest Russian-language service, allowing you to get to know other users of the system who are nearby (in a neighboring classroom, within the stadium). Due to the fact that the development is domestic, the localized interface should not cause problems with setting up, mastering and working in the application.

Let's create an account
In order to take advantage of the program, you need to register with Friend Around, during which you will have to link phone number To the account being created. This is necessary to protect against bots and restore access to your profile in case of problems with authorization. Then you need to fill out various questionnaire forms: enter your age, areas of interest, place of residence, etc. In Friend Around, registration is also possible through accounts on social networks. The list of supported services includes Facebook and two popular domestic social networks. This way the process is much faster.

First start
After registering with Friend Around for free, we get to work. Naturally, this will require the Internet. Moreover, its speed does not play a big role if you do not forward large files, the main thing is that it is stable. First of all, the program will check your address book, will find all users registered in the system, without asking your permission, and offer to make friends with them. Next, you will be prompted to search for Friend Around users when Bluetooth assistance. Naturally, this needs to be done in crowded places (park, educational institution, public events).

Search system- another way to find new friends. If you managed to register with Friend Around before most people, this option is very useful. By going to the search menu, you can set various filters to search for interesting people.

Immediate purpose

Communication is not just letters separated by symbols. Behind every word or expression there are always images. And if you decide to register with Friend Around and use the program for communication, it will make it easier to express many emotions and experiences through stickers and emoticons. There are enough of them here for any occasion.


The application interface is multi-tab, close to the design of social networks, with the only difference being that the role of links to sections here is played by tabs. The most used ones are “Dialogues”, “Events”, “Who’s around” and “Guests”.
The "Air" menu is a multi-user chat with a home, regional or global list of users.

Friend aroundgreat way make real friends using modern virtual technologies.

Where to download FriendVokrug

The official website drugvokrug.ru has everything possible versions applications for various operating systems. It will be more convenient for owners of smartphones and tablets to use Play service Market or Google Play.

To install FriendVokrug on Windows:

  1. click on the orange “Download FriendVokrug” button;
  2. will be added to the download bar installation file“drugvokrug_win.exe” - click on it;
  3. to the question “allow next program make changes on this computer? answer with consent;
  4. after a short loading, a small window will appear, as in the screenshot, in which you can log in by clicking on “I already have an account”, or register - “I am a new user”.

Registration in FriendVokrug

To register online, you need:

  1. click on the “I am a new user” button;
  2. come up with a nickname, indicate your details;
  3. Be sure to enter your real phone number, an SMS with a confirmation code (password) will be sent to it;
  4. Enter the received password in the appropriate field and click “Login.”

Setting up the FriendVokrug application

As soon as you log in for the first time, you will be asked to select the broadcast of your city: select your region and city from the list.

To see active on this moment contacts of your city, click on last tab with the “Magnifying Glass” icon and the “Search” hint, click on the “New Friends” button and select the parameters (age, gender, relationship, region), check the “Online” box and click “Find”.

To participate in the general chat of your city, hover over the fourth tab (the “Airs” hint will pop up), then activate the middle tab “Your region”. In the default message input field, “Hello everyone!” is written in gray, click on it with the mouse and enter your text, then click on green button"Post"

How to edit your profile

To change any of your account data, hover over your nickname (green font), the “My Profile” button will appear at the end of the line, click on it. A window will open on the left with your data, which can be changed by clicking “Change”. Once you have adjusted everything you wanted, don’t forget to click “Save”.

Each account on the network has activity counted, expressed in the number of meetings. To increase it, you just need to turn on Bluetooth in a crowded place (cinema, cafe, park). activated application“Friend Around”, as soon as your device detects someone from this network, the counter will add the meeting.

The FriendVokrug network is full of hyper-social people interesting people any age. If you want to find an interesting conversationalist, a friend, and perhaps even your love, this is the place for you.