How to leave a group chat? All about Internet chats - what it is and how to use it

Gone are the days when people gathered together on a bench in a public garden or went for a walk to the skating rink. Nowadays people are looking for acquaintances not even at a disco or a school ball. Internet technologies are gaining more and more popularity, and with them electronic views dating and communication. Although we do not advocate virtual communication to the detriment of the real thing, it is worth noting that social networks and chat rooms still have some advantages. In this article we will try to consider the very concept of the word “chat”. Let's find out what a private chat is and get acquainted with the security measures that you need to follow even on the Internet. Could something really threaten you when you are at home on a warm sofa near your laptop? This article will answer all the above questions.

Simply put, chat is an opportunity to exchange text messages in real time. From Email it differs in that you can immediately see the phrase that your interlocutor wrote to you. Text chat may involve communication even between big amount users. Typically used to exchange short, quick phrases. Such chats can be built into a website on a certain topic (for example, about fishing) and serve to exchange experiences and news. However, chats can also be closed. To access such a chat, you need to obtain special rights or an invitation from users. All these restrictions are set by the site creator or administrators (moderators). Chat differs from forums in that, as a rule, it does not have a specific topic and is most often used for simple “chatter”.

Chats for online dating

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, communication via the Internet has become very popular today. Instead of looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend at some event, today it is common for young people to meet people via the Internet. There are even special dating sites that have such chats. Especially without hesitation, a person can ask any question about the interests, life and past of other participants in the conversation. For more personal conversations, you can use confidential chat rooms between two or three people. To do this, you can invite such an interlocutor to “go out” to another room (private chat). However, despite the huge number of supposed "+", such chats can be fraught with considerable dangers.

Hidden dangers of online communication

The main disadvantage of communicating on the Internet is the inability to check the information received to you. You cannot see your interlocutor, which means you cannot check whether he is truly sincere with you. You do not have the opportunity to see his facial expression, so all sorts of emoticons may not at all convey the emotions that your interlocutor truly experiences. But this is not the worst thing.

What is chat? Though you think you're talking to a woman, you may actually be having a nice conversation with a man. A child who accesses such sites can easily become prey for scammers, homosexuals and pedophiles. Since it is often impossible to verify a person's identity, never arrange to meet such people in person. Don’t be led into euphoria by the stories your friends and acquaintances tell you about the “coolness” of such acquaintances. It doesn't happen once at a time. Practice shows that there are sadder cases.

Rules for chatting

To avoid falling into the hands of attackers or scammers, never distribute confidential information about yourself or your loved ones online. No matter how nice the person you're talking to may seem, don't talk about things like your home address, phone number when you are at home, etc. Because scammers and thieves can easily take advantage of such information. What is chat? It is primarily a resource for chatter. So use it for its intended purpose to find out specific information that interests you.

How to start chatting

  1. To start communicating, use the search to find a topic that interests you.
  2. Register (this is required in almost any chat). To do this, you will need a login and, most likely, a password. Login, or nickname, is a kind of Internet nickname used in order not to name your real name. You can also come up with any password (usually consists of numbers, signs and symbols Latin layout keyboard) so as not to forget it.
  3. IN Lately To reduce the number of registered accounts, in addition to login and password, registration on any email server is required. As a rule, you can register only one chat login per email account. If you don't have an account email box on the sites of Google, Yandex, Rambler, mail, Yahoo, etc., then you will have to create one.
  4. Enter all the necessary data, for example, your gender and age (you can specify any) and pass the robot test (enter the characters from the picture so that the system knows that you are a real person.

Here, in fact, are all the actions that need to be performed in order to understand what chat is and learn how to communicate in it. On those sites or social networks where you already have an account, there is, of course, no need to register separately in the chat. Of course, registration rules may vary. You may have to enter somewhere Additional information. You are responsible for what data you place about yourself on the Internet. Remember, the information you post on social networks and chats is constantly duplicated, so if you delete previously uploaded information, you cannot be sure that it will completely disappear.

Commands used in chats

It is better to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the service to fully use the chat. Teams Skype chat, for example, can be found on the official website of this program. Here are some of them (enter without quotes):

Command ":/find text" - this command will find the first mention of the specified text in chat;

The command "/get creator" - shows the nickname of the user who created this chat;

Command "/kickban" - eliminates the annoying user from the chat (he will no longer be able to connect to the chat).

Find more detailed Skype chat commands, as well as other advanced features, on the official website. If you need to find out the commands for a specific chat, you can also do this on the corresponding website or try working commands at random, using instructions from other Internet resources.

Wide selection of chats that interest you

Today, the Internet has grown to enormous proportions, so you can find a chat on a topic that interests you, be it a dating chat or something else. You will have to pay for access to some VIP chats, and also enter your data in the fields: “gender”, “age” and others. However, most often it is not difficult to find free chat without registering. If you are interested in questions about diseases, cooking, the lives of stars or caring for children, then feel free to use search engines. Nowadays, you can find a women's chat room where you can talk with mothers of babies and exchange experiences in raising children. In addition, you can get practical recommendations, how to cook borscht more deliciously, or find out where it’s cheaper in Moscow to buy a ticket to some show. Be it a women's chat or a men's chat - each of them will serve a specific purpose. It will be wonderful to talk to men on " men's themes", while they will not even suspect that a woman is talking to them.

In addition to regular text chats, you can now find many voice and video chats on the Internet. The principle of communication in them is the same, with the difference that the interlocutors can see or hear each other. This, of course, brings communication closer to the real thing.

Don't lose your head

So, like any useful human invention, chat can be used both for its intended purpose and to harm itself. Any perverted use of a thing leads to disastrous consequences, as in the case of using a laptop to hammer nails. We hope that you find the tips and principles written in this article useful and applicable.

Recently, the Odnoklassniki website allows you to delete all correspondence with someone specific person. This can be useful, for example, for people who want to protect themselves from prying eyes.

How to delete a conversation?

1. Go to the page of the person with whom you want to delete correspondence and click “ to write a message».

Alternative option. Go to your messages and find the person with whom you were corresponding.

2. After the dialogue with the user has opened, you need to click on the gear and select the link “ Delete chat».

3. In the third step you will be asked: “ Remove all correspondence? It will be impossible to restore it!" Confirm the operation by clicking on " Delete».

Draw your attention that by deleting the correspondence on her page - her exact copy remains with the addressee(the one with whom you corresponded).

How to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki?

As I said in the previous paragraph - remote correspondence remains with the addressee. Accordingly, the easiest way is to write to this person and ask him to forward a copy of the correspondence to you.

Second way partial restoration of correspondence is suitable for those who have notifications about new messages active in their settings. In this case, you need to go to your mailbox and look for letters from Odnoklassniki. They are usually sent from mailbox [email protected].

There is only one disadvantage of this method - large messages are cut off. But in any case, this may help to at least partially restore the correspondence.

Method three is to contact the classmate support service and ask them to restore correspondence from backup copy.

Fourth method available to intelligence agencies. According to the law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation in terms of establishing additional measures to counter terrorism and ensure public safety” - social networks are required to store correspondence. To an ordinary person they will say that this is how it is - there are no copies left, but they will lay out everything they have to the FSB and the like)).

U active users Odnoklassniki website accumulates over time a large number of messages from friends and acquaintances. All correspondence created on this social network is stored on servers and does not affect the operation of the computer. However, if the user’s account contains unnecessary incoming/outgoing letters, it makes sense to delete them. In this article we will look in detail at how to delete correspondence in Odnoklassniki.

What do you need to know?

A user who decides to erase correspondence in Odnoklassniki must remember:

  1. Deleted messages cannot be restored.
  2. To get rid of SMS, you must go to your OK.RU page.
  3. A dialogue erased by the user remains in the interlocutor’s profile.

Getting rid of selected messages

Go to your profile by entering your username and password. We go to dialogues through the “Messages” tab.

In the left vertical frame we find the correspondence from which we want to get rid of SMS. We go into the dialogue, move the cursor to unnecessary letters and click on the cross that says “Delete message.”

In the window that appears, confirm your intentions by clicking on the “Delete” button.

This way you can delete both your SMS and those written by your interlocutor.

We delete the correspondence completely

Often, users of the Odnoklassniki website want to thoroughly clean up their messages and erase one or more dialogues. If you need to remove a person from your correspondence, follow these simple instructions.

Go to the “Messages” menu from your page and click on the dialogue that you want to get rid of. Click on the gear icon representing the Settings menu. In the list that appears, select “Delete correspondence.”

Click “Delete” to completely clear the dialog.

We will disappoint users who are interested in how to delete all correspondence at once: there is no instant clearing function. If unnecessary dialogues a lot has accumulated, to remove it you will have to do similar actions with each of them separately.

Is it possible to erase your messages from your interlocutor?

The motto of the developers of the social network Odnoklassniki regarding chat history is: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.” If a person sent an SMS to his interlocutor that he regretted, then it is not possible to erase it from someone else’s SMS history. This also applies to unread incoming emails.

An exception to the rule is deleting your profile. If a person deletes his Odnoklassniki page, all his SMS and comments automatically disappear from the site and his interlocutors will no longer see them.

Although outdated messages cannot be deleted, they can be edited immediately after sending - before the recipient reads them.

  1. Place the mouse cursor over the text that needs to be corrected.
  2. Next to it, click on the pencil image.
  3. We make the necessary corrections in the editing field.
  4. Click on the “Submit” button.

Please note that the editing function only works for a short time. After reading it by a friend or the next day, you won’t be able to correct what you wrote.

Odnoklassniki chat is a correspondence between two or more users. It may include many hidden from prying eyes messages that will be available only to you and your interlocutors.

Let's try to understand the features of creating a thread of communication with defined by user and deleting personal correspondence in case of urgent need.

Let's start communication

For a user who recently joined social network, the question may arise: “How to open a chat?” It's actually very easy. To start a conversation with the right person Find the “Messages” button at the top of your page, indicated in the form of a postal envelope.
If you have not yet received messages, the list of chats will be empty, and if one of the users has already started communicating with you, the available chats will be displayed in the window that opens. To get started new correspondence, in this tab you need to find a button with a plus image. By clicking on it, a list of friends will open, from which you will only have to select the person you are interested in (his name will appear in the “Add” line) and click on the “Create chat” button. With this simple sequence of actions you can start communicating with the right person. If you plan to create group chat, in the “Add” line, indicate all the users you want to invite for a conversation.

Deleting correspondence

There are several reasons why it is necessary to delete a particular chat in Odnoklassniki: a large volume of unnecessary messages, disclosure in correspondence confidential information And so on. A user who decides to delete correspondence should know that:

  • erased messages cannot be restored;
  • messages from the deleted chat will remain in the interlocutor’s profile.

The Odnoklassniki interface allows the user to quickly get rid of unnecessary dialogues with literally four clicks of the mouse. After authorizing on the site and logging into your account, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

These actions will completely clear your correspondence history. If you need to erase individual messages, then after opening the chat, find the unnecessary message in it and hover over it. You will see a pop-up line containing a button with a cross. Click on it, a warning letter will appear: “This message will be permanently deleted.” Click “Delete” and it’s done.

Getting started on Odnoklassniki is not difficult at all. To create a chat you do not need any special knowledge; starting a conversation with another user is very easy. Communicate with each other, and the Odnoklassniki social network will help you with this.

Save it for yourself!

If you have just joined the huge cohort of Odnoklassniki users, you have probably begun to learn about the enormous functionality of the social network. In this article we will talk about chats, in particular, we will tell you what they are.

Chat is a correspondence with individual user, which can contain as many messages as you like, but only between you and the user you are communicating with.

To open the chat, click on the “Messages” button.

On the left side of the menu you will see chats. In our example, you can observe 3 chats. Click on any chat, for example:

A conversation with the specified user will open.

However, there is also a group chat in which several users can communicate at once (at the time of writing - 20 users, in the future, their number will probably be increased). To do this, in the list of messages (chat) click on the plus button.

Start adding users by simply clicking on their names, and then click on the “Create Chat” button.

This way you will create a group chat in which several users can communicate at once.

How to delete correspondence (history) in Odnoklassniki (instructions)

Recently, the Odnoklassniki website allows you to delete all correspondence with a specific person. This can be useful, for example, for people who want to protect themselves from prying eyes.

How to delete a conversation?

1. Go to the page of the person with whom you want to delete correspondence and click “Write a message.”

Alternative option. Go to your messages and find the person with whom you were corresponding.

2. After the dialogue with the user has opened, you need to click on the gear and select the “Delete chat” link.

3. In the third step you will be asked: “Delete all correspondence?” It will be impossible to restore it!” Confirm the operation by clicking on “Delete”.

I draw your attention to the fact that by deleting correspondence on your page, its exact copy remains with the addressee (the one with whom you corresponded).

How to restore correspondence in Odnoklassniki?

As I said in the previous paragraph, deleted correspondence remains with the addressee. Accordingly, the easiest way is to write to this person and ask him to forward a copy of the correspondence to you.

The second method of partially restoring correspondence is suitable for those who have notifications about new messages active in their settings. In this case, you need to go to your mailbox and look for letters from Odnoklassniki. They are usually sent from a mailbox

There is only one disadvantage of this method - large messages are cut off. But in any case, this may help to at least partially restore the correspondence.

Method three is to contact classmate support and ask them to restore correspondence from a backup copy.

The fourth method is available to special services. According to the law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding the Establishment of Additional Measures to Counter Terrorism and Ensure Public Security,” social networks are required to store correspondence. An ordinary person will be told that this is how it is - there are no copies left, but to the FSB officers and the like they will lay out everything they have)).

In contact with


2014-05-13 2016-11-03 | DjDiplomat | 8 comments | restore access,, delete

How to leave a group on the Odnoklassniki social network

Thank you, useful article +120

Participation in various thematic groups allows us to stay in the light latest news in one industry or another. Social networks are no exception and also allow people to unite in the same field of activity or focusing on hobbies or other interests. But what to do if you are a member of a group whose topic has become uninteresting to you? In this case, you can leave it, thereby you will no longer receive news from the group and henceforth they will not be displayed in the feed on your page. In this step by step instructions I will show you two ways to leave a group on the Odnoklassniki social network.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1

This step will be common to both methods, as it will allow you to go to the list of communities of which you are a member. To do this on home page Click the “Groups” item and on the page that opens, click the “All my groups” line.

Step 2

Now let's look at the first method. At this stage, you need to hover your mouse cursor over the group that you want to leave and in the window that opens, click the line “Leave group”.

Step 3

In the action confirmation window, click the “Exit” button. You are no longer a member of this group.

Step 4

Now let's look at the second method. IN this method you need to go directly to the group. To do this, left-click on the group image in the list.

Step 5
Step 6

You left the group. If the information helped you, click Thank you!

How to delete a message and correspondence on Odnoklassniki

Thank you, useful article +52

Every day on the social network Odnoklassniki many messages are sent between users, and when there are a lot of messages, it may be necessary to delete them. In Odnoklassniki you can delete either one message or the entire correspondence with the user. But it is worth noting that the deletion will be carried out exclusively in your profile, and the correspondence will be saved on personal page your interlocutor until he deletes the messages himself. In this step-by-step instructions with photos you will learn how to delete a message/correspondence on the Odnoklassniki social network.

Start by going to the conversation by clicking the “Messages” button.

Step 2

Let's consider complete removal correspondence, to do this, select the interlocutor from the list, then click the “Settings” button.

Step 3

In the window that opens, select “Delete all correspondence.”

Step 4

Confirm the deletion of the correspondence by clicking the “Delete” button. Correspondence with the user has been completely deleted.

Step 5

Now let's move on to deleting separate message, while the rest of the correspondence will remain unchanged. To do this, select from the list a dialogue with the user, one of the messages with which you want to delete. Then click the cross that appears after hovering the mouse over the message (number 2 in the photo example).

Step 6

Confirm deleting the message by clicking the “Delete” button. Message deleted. If the information helped you, click Thank you!