Where is the meter number on the Mosenergosbyt receipt? Where to look or where to go to find out the electricity meter number: overview of options


The meter number is usually indicated on its front side. The location of the number may vary and depends on the model of the energy meter.

If you still have your passport for the meter, then finding out its number will not be difficult for you. In the metering device passport it is usually indicated on the first pages of this document. So that in the future you do not have problems determining the meter number, make a copy, or preferably several, of the first two and last pages of the passport for the meter.

When installing a meter, employees of the energy supply organization are required to draw up an act of acceptance of your meter into operation. Such a document is drawn up in two copies, one of which must be with you. This act must indicate your meter number. If you do not have a copy of this document, then you should contact the energy supply company with a request to provide you with a copy of the act or tell you your meter number. In some cases, the meter number is indicated in the agreement between the consumer and the supply company.

Employees of sales companies make quarterly scheduled visits to homes to record readings and check metering devices. Call the company that services your property, find out when their employees will be working on your property, and ask them to give you your meter number.

If you have already given the meter to, then look for a calibration certificate, since metrological services employees are required to indicate the serial number of the metering device in this document. If you do not have such a certificate, contact the organization that verified the meter with a request to provide you with a copy of this document or tell you the number of your meter.

The need to determine the contract number may arise in various situations. In particular, the number is required to locate a document in the database or to indicate it in other documents.


Only one of its parties, or specially authorized government bodies, can find out the contract number based on a corresponding request. Although there is no secret in this, especially when the agreement is.
It is necessary to distinguish between the serial number of the contract, when the organization concluding the contract is numbered, and the registration number of the contract.
The easiest way to find the contract number is the contract itself or a copy of it. Copies of the agreement must be kept by all parties who entered into it.

If you have lost the contract or you did not have a copy of it initially, which, of course, is your omission, then you can find out the contract number in the following ways:
- contact the other party to the agreement (parties) and ask to tell you his number (sometimes it’s enough to just call);
- look at the agreement number in others, where it may appear, for example, the agreement number may be indicated on payment receipts, on payment orders, the agreement number may even coincide with the number of your personal account, which is used to pay for services, etc. .;
- contact the organizations through which the contract passed, or where you provided copies of it;
- if you entered into an agreement online

Electricity consumed is subject to commercial accounting. The main technical means intended for this is an electricity meter. There are several types of devices. In order to choose the optimal meter model and learn how to use it, it is useful for the consumer to become familiar with its structure and operating principle.

Classification of metering devices

Depending on the type of power supply used (number of phases), metering devices are divided into:

  • single-phase: connected to a single-phase electrical network;
  • three-phase, intended for installation in a three-phase three- or four-wire (with or without a neutral conductor) electrical network.

Counters are produced in two main types, differing in design and principle of operation.

Electromechanical (induction) electricity meters

They are the simplest and cheapest, and therefore are most widespread. Their action is based on counting the number and frequency of revolutions made by a metal disk under the influence of a magnetic field. The induction electric meter can be adjusted and repaired, but has several disadvantages:

  1. susceptible to external magnetic field influence;
  2. cannot be used in automated accounting systems;
  3. not intended to work with multi-tariff plans;
  4. has a shorter service life;
  5. do not provide high measurement accuracy (accuracy class does not exceed 2.0).

Meters with an accuracy class of 2.5 or more have recently not been allowed for use for commercial metering.

Electronic (digital) electricity meters

Devices of this type have a more complex design, based on the use of electronic circuits, microprocessors and digital technologies. Their cost is much higher than that of induction ones. Advantages of electronic meters:

  • high accuracy class, which allows you to take into account the electricity consumed by low-power devices;
  • long service life (up to 40 years);
  • possibility of use in multi-tariff networks;
  • ability to work together with automated accounting systems (ASCAE).

The latter is used for networks of enterprises and organizations with high power consumption. ASKUE allows you to monitor instantaneous electricity consumption remotely. The collected information is transmitted via a special communication channel to a single center, where it can be combined with readings from other devices. All data is saved on the computer's hard drive.

An electric meter with the possibility of multi-tariff metering is necessary for electrical networks used to power heating appliances.

What is indicated on the electric meter passport

The aluminum plate of the induction meter, covered with transparent glass, is called the device passport. It contains the following information:

  1. meter type: combination of letters and numbers, for example, SO-I 446;
  2. accuracy class - a digital value in a circle, usually located in the upper left corner of the passport;
  3. rated voltage and rated current for which the device is designed;
  4. constant, that is, the number of disk revolutions corresponds to one kW/h of consumed electricity;
  5. regulatory document in accordance with which the electricity meter is manufactured;
  6. year of manufacture of the device;
  7. serial number of the electricity meter.

In induction-type electricity meters, the serial number consists of a series of numbers and is unique. In electronic type metering devices, alphabetic symbols may be indicated in the type designation.

In addition to the above information, the passport of the electronic meter contains the following information:

  • barcode containing basic information about the device;
  • electrical insulation class.

Information about energy consumption is displayed on a mechanical (for induction devices) or liquid crystal display. Decimal characters separated by commas are not taken into account in the calculation.

Taking into account the above information, you can choose the most suitable electricity meter, as well as use the information indicated on its passport.

Currently, in almost every residential building or apartment you can find a sealed electricity meter, which allows you to obtain information about its consumption by the owners of these premises.

The main purpose of the meter is to measure direct or alternating current. Like any factory device, the meter should be checked. The test is carried out by specialists from the power supply company in certified repair shops after removing the device.

When submitting the meter for inspection, owners must write down its number. You will learn how to find out the electricity meter number in this article.

In contact with

Types of metering devices

Depending on the operating principle, connection lines and the connection principle itself, electricity meters are divided into:

  • induction and electronic;
  • three-phase and single-phase;
  • connected with or without a transformer.

The main advantages of modern electricity meters, which help consumers save their costs on paying for electricity, are the accuracy of the readings and their two-tariff nature.

If in the 90s the degree of instrument error reached 2.5%, now this figure is approaching zero. The two-tariff system allows you to use electrical appliances at a time when the electricity supply company provides discounts and reduced tariffs.

Where is the number

Where can I find the serial number of my electric meter? Almost all modern instrument models contain a marking with a number on the front panel, and its location depends on the type of model, i.e. one has the number at the top, the other at the bottom, and the third in the middle.

Also, if the owner still has a passport for the metering device (which is recommended for everyone, since it will be needed in cases of repairs or inspections by the service center), then the serial number data can be viewed there. This information is located on the initial pages of the document.

When taking this electrical metering device for inspection, employees of the inspection company dismantle it. In this case, a report is drawn up (in 2 copies), which indicates all the technical data, among which it is also possible to find the serial number of the meter.

Similar characteristics are contained in the documentation drawn up during installation of the device after its verification.

Therefore, in these documents, everyone can also very easily find the serial number of the device.

Information about the electricity meter number is also contained in the receipt for payment for electricity (on the left side of the invoice), or on your personal website after registering on the official website of the energy supply company, where, along with this information, you can find information about current debts and meter readings .

Also, Energosbyt employees conduct quarterly checks of meters to ensure proper functioning and to record existing readings.

Anyone who wants to know the serial number of a meter has the opportunity to contact them on this matter; no one will refuse you in this matter.

Another option is to independently contact the Energosbyt service.

The main reason why owners of an electric meter need to know its serial number is that they have the opportunity to compare the number of the device returned from inspection with the available data. This will prevent the inspection company from replacing your meter with some other product.

For the same purposes, when signing the installation certificate of a verified device, you should check the serial number indicated in the document with the number on the existing meter.

We bring to your attention an educational video about the internal structure of electricity meters:

Heating: ◄

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Nowadays there is a metering device in every living space. This is a mandatory condition when carrying out communications to an apartment or private house. makes it possible to receive. Since this device must measure current, it requires periodic testing. The inspection is carried out by specialists from the electricity supply company, according to the conditions of the repair workshops.

Since when submitting a meter for inspection you are required to provide its number, you need to know where the electricity meter number is located.

Where to find the serial number of an electricity meter

Most electricity metering devices have the meter number printed on the front panel, however, its exact location will always vary depending on the type of device. In one type of model the number will be at the top, in other types of devices it will be at the bottom, and in some it will be in the middle. The number consists of a specific set of numbers, so it cannot be confused. The next option for finding a meter number is to find its passport. The passport, on the first pages, will indicate the meter number, as well as its other data and characteristics, which may be required for repairs.

When the metering device is removed for inspection, service center employees dismantle it. During the procedure for removing the meter, 2 copies of the report must be drawn up, which indicates all the data, which also contains the serial number of the meter. The same characteristics are specified in the documentation that is issued upon return and installation of the device. Therefore, in such documents it is very easy to find out the production number of the meter.

Electricity meter number on the receipt

Payment receipts may also contain data that can be used to find out the electricity meter number. You should look for it on the left side of the payment printout, and you can also find it on your Internet page on the official website of the electricity supplier company. To do this you will need to register on their website. There will also be information about debt and testimony.

How to find out the electricity meter number on the website

In order to find out information about the electricity meter number, you need to go to the service provider’s website and go to the registration tab. Before registering, you should carefully read all registration conditions. To register, you may need your personal account number, as well as the amount of the last payment that was made. The personal account number is displayed on the payment receipt.

After this, you need to create a service user account. To do this, you will need to provide a username, password, and a valid email address.

When all the data is specified, you need to activate the created account. To activate, you need to go to the specified email box and find the email sent from the site. The email will contain a link to activate your account, following which your account will be ready for use. Then you can log into the site using the data entered during registration and find out your meter number.

Find out the number from the inspectors

Employees of the organization supplying electricity quarterly check the electric meter for operability, as well as to take changed readings. Everyone has the opportunity to contact the staff on this issue, which they cannot refuse.

It will not take them much time and will not cause any difficulties.

Find out the number from your electricity supplier

And the last option is to contact the electricity supplier service. The main need for this request may be that it is necessary to find out the number of the electric meter in order to compare it with the device that was returned from inspection. This will guarantee that employees of the supplier company will not replace the device with a completely different meter. For the same purposes, the act of installing the metering device is signed after verification; it is required to check its serial number indicated in the documents.

After reading the material, there will be no questions about how to find out the electricity meter number, and it will also be clear that you should not neglect and it is better to check the number after any manipulations by the craftsmen who do anything in it. Since any misunderstandings will then be resolved difficultly and for a long time. All documents received must not be thrown away under any circumstances.

    There is no need to call anywhere to find out your meter number. And Google and Yandex won’t help you find it, don’t even try, they don’t know anything about it (namely your meter number).

    Simply walk up to the meter (with a flashlight if the installation location is poorly lit) and look closely at the dial. The number must be indicated there.

    You can find out the meter number in several ways:

    firstly, look at the technical data sheet, which each meter has and which should be kept.

    Also, this number is also indicated on the receipts that are sent to you to pay for electricity.

    As a rule, the number of the electricity meter is indicated not only on the device itself on the side where the readings themselves are, but also in the documents (passport) for this equipment.

    It should be noted that there is no precisely defined place on the device where its number would be located. That is why it can be located either above the readings, below the readings, or nearby in the center.

    Any meter has a passport and its number is written there. If you are going to transfer its number to the power grid service, take it there.

    But now, when we have modern electronic meters, when an electrician installs it, he writes a report in which he indicates the number of this meter and can be viewed in this report.

    Now such an act is usually stored in the electrical network - a second copy.

    And it’s simple, look it up on your electricity receipt, which comes to you monthly, your meter number is indicated at the top.

    And this is the simplest option, because now you can transmit meter readings over the Internet and there we enter its number.

    Why fool yourself - everything is on the surface - open the panel and take a closer look at the meter, there you will find this very number. Of course, it also appears in the contract; without it (the number), you wouldn’t have drawn up the contract.

    The electricity meter number is on its front panel, as well as on the electricity bill that is sent by mail. More precisely, there should be, and in my case there is. If there is an instruction manual for the meter that comes with it upon purchase, the number should also be indicated there.

    Another way to find out the electricity meter number is to wait until you receive a receipt for payment for electricity. It must contain the corresponding number (usually they write something like Personal account or Meter calculation).

    The electricity meter number must be indicated in the passport going to each meter. When the meter is put into operation, the electricity meter number is also indicated in the commissioning certificate. And it is also duplicated on the electric meter itself.

    You can find out the number of your electricity meter from the front panel of the device (meter) itself.

    On almost all meters, the number is written on the front panel at the bottom (under the numbers that are the meter reading). Most often, there is a sign before the combination of numbers (meter number). The number in most cases is six digits.

    Also, the meter number is indicated in the technical passport or in the same receipt.

    Each counter has its own passport, so you can see the number right away on the first pages.