Augmented reality for Android. Review of augmented reality applications for Android

We decided to present to your attention 5 best apps, which work on the same principle.

5. Satellite AR: finding satellites using augmented reality

This free app will show you the location of all the satellites and use the camera to let you know exactly where to look. If you want to watch satellites on a clear night while away from strong light sources, then Satellite AR is the most suitable app for you.

The app will also show you which objects are potentially visible and where in this moment The ISS is located.

4. Parkometer AR: makes it easier to find a parked car

The Parkometer AR app will assist you in parking. This way, for example, you can correctly navigate an unfamiliar parking lot and quickly find your car there. This augmented reality application is supported by: Google Maps. It is in this map service Parkometer AR displays the location of the car. Of course, there are other useful functions here, such as a reminder of the parking duration limit.

You can first try Parkometer AR for free by installing the Trial version, which only works for two days.

3. Augment: augmented reality

Free app"Augment - augmented reality" will help you, for example, when decorating the interior of your living room. By using this application you can place ready-made 3D objects in the camera image. The size and position of these objects can be freely changed, so they can be placed in any space.

2. Wikitude: Augmented Reality for Travel

Wikitude is one of the most popular applications for augmented reality. With it you can find interesting places around you. Moreover, in addition to the usual display on maps, it is possible to view it in “Live View” mode through a smartphone camera. You will also become available information about discounts and special events in stores and other places around you.

1. SkyView Free: night sky with augmented reality

The SkyView Free app will show you which stars and planets, as well as other objects (satellites, ISS, etc.) are in the sky above you right now. You can also find constellations and individual stars using the search function. If you click on a star, you will be shown its name and additional information.

If you really want to try augmented reality, you can already get acquainted with this technology using your Android smartphone. The popularity of AR is confirmed not only by promising demo capabilities, but also by full-fledged software. For example, augmented reality can be found in Pokemon game GO and MSQRD program. All in all, this technology is actively used now, and will also be used in every possible way in the near future. In this article we have collected really fresh, interesting and useful applications for Android that will allow you to fully enjoy this technology.


Do you dream of becoming an artist or just learning to draw? Then we recommend trying SketchAR. This program is many times more effective than many tutorials. All thanks to augmented reality, which is used here as a professional mentor.

To work in SketchAR you will need Blank sheet paper. Then you must select any required image, be it a picture from the Internet or your own photograph. The application creates virtual copy images by projecting it onto paper. Now just circle (draw) what is shown on the display. It's nice that the built-in library is already filled with various sketches on popular topics.

Star Walk 2

Fans of astronomy and space will certainly like the program Star Walk 2. With its help you can see real constellations, planets, as well as individual stars. Just point the camera mobile device to the desired celestial object - you will see its real name. This is a full-fledged pocket planetarium that is always at hand. Star Walk 2 allows you to easily distinguish a star from a planet, find out the most important information about the space object, as well as find answers to your questions. Thus, the application is able to “draw” the constellation Aquarius in real time, or calculate the exact location of the ISS. In general, dedicated to space fans.


It’s immediately worth noting that Wikitude is one of the very first programs based on augmented reality technology. Thanks to the application and the camera, you can easily receive necessary information about nearby cafes, restaurants, attractions, shops, hotels and much more.

All this data is taken from popular services Trip Advisor and Wikipedia. In this case, the user only needs to rotate the camera different sides to clearly see certain objects along with their names. An excellent solution for travelers and vacationers, since such information will always be relevant for them.


I really want to finally get the long-awaited tattoo, but have any doubts what it will look like? In this case, Inkhunter will help in the best possible way. Thanks to this program you will have unique opportunity“try on” a tattoo on any part of the body. This approach allows you not to regret a hasty decision, and also to discard unnecessary worries.

Google Translate

Of course, Google Translator cannot be called a fully AR application. But recent updates have introduced one very useful feature related to augmented reality. It's about about instant text translation using a smartphone camera.

It is enough to point the lens at a foreign book, road sign or a menu in a restaurant to immediately receive a ready-made translation. Moreover, the text will be displayed already on required language. If you preload language packs– the program can be used even without an Internet connection. By the way, more than 40 languages ​​of the world are supported.


Notorious domestic MSQRD application made a lot of noise, at one time entering all the tops Play Store. And to this day it can pleasantly surprise. The point of the program is the ability to create incredible self-portraits using your mobile phone.

In real time, a kind of animated mask is applied to the user’s face. This makes it possible to change images. Best images can be shared with friends via social media and messengers. Moreover, you can try on masks not only in photographs, but also while recording videos. With MSQRD you are guaranteed a sea of ​​positivity and good mood.

IKEA catalog

To look at your home or office interior in a new way, you need to download the IKEA Catalog program. Here you can place the sofa in the most unexpected place, or put the chair in a completely different corner.

You have the opportunity, using a variety of pieces of furniture, to experiment with the upcoming rearrangement or renovation of the house in advance. Already now the catalog contains more than 300-350 items of goods for every taste. The results obtained can be successfully saved as an image. An excellent solution for arranging the interior.

Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO is a phenomenal game. After its sudden release, it was expected to be a huge success in the form of multimillion-dollar downloads. The essence mobile game lies in the need to search as much as possible more funny pokemon.

Moreover, they need to be collected not at home, but directly on the street. Move around the real world to find more and more new creatures. This process really captivates, turning an ordinary game into an entertaining pastime.

In 2018 with the advent mobile processors next generation, including subsystems machine learning, augmented reality (AR) has acquired a new quality. The prospects for technology development are such that the need for similar applications for smartphones is only growing. After all, these are not only games, but also a lot of useful and practical assistant programs for everyday life.

Today's growth forecasts for the augmented reality market are estimated at $100 billion by 2020. And this is a pessimistic estimate; in fact, the figure is expected to be much higher.

What is augmented reality and how is it used?

The concept of AR deciphers itself, that is, the reality around us is complemented by virtual objects through the screen of a smartphone or tablet, thanks to the camera and other sensors of these devices.

Today the technology is used not only in for entertainment purposes, but is used in medicine, design and Lately gaining popularity in the advertising business. For example, in Japan there is already interactive screens with cameras, by approaching which you can try out this or that style of clothing.

Today, you can choose a new sofa for your living room without leaving your home using an augmented reality application. At the same time, “try on” it and see how it will look specifically in your interior.

AR is also beginning to be widely used for educational purposes. These are not only books where illustrations are supplemented with virtual objects through the smartphone screen, but also entire encyclopedias, maps, translators, and even the names of constellations in the sky at a real moment in time.

Augmented reality glasses

In addition to the smartphone screen, augmented reality glasses can expand reality. But so far such devices are quite expensive and are used more in professional purposes. The most striking examples are Google Glass, but these techno glasses did not gain popularity in the mass market due to high price at $1500. Times are changing and now more affordable models have appeared.

We illustrate some of the most interesting specimens below:

Google Glass - $1500

Epson Moverio BT-300 – $700

Intel Vaunt - in development. Laser projection of an image onto the retina.

Garmin Varia Vision Sports Cycling Glasses – $400

Vuzix Blade – available for pre-order with a $300 deposit.

The market for augmented reality glasses is beginning to revive, and as we see, there are already several very interesting models, which are practically no different from ordinary everyday glasses. Appearance is just around the corner available models from Chinese manufacturers.

Best Augmented Reality Apps

Google Translate

Many people use Google translator, but few people use the instant translation feature through their smartphone camera. Very useful feature, allowing you to translate any inscriptions in real time. That is, by pointing the camera at unfamiliar text, you can immediately see its meaning in the language you need.


  • Free
  • Translates text from any language
  • Works offline


  • The quality sometimes leaves much to be desired
  • Not all functions work offline

Find my car

A very convenient AR application for finding your car. Useful in unfamiliar city, will easily and quickly help you find a car left in the parking lot. The map will show you the optimal route, which will help you get to the parking lot faster.


  • Free
  • Shows the direction where to go
  • Map


  • No Russian

3D Model Creator



Office Lens

One of the best applications of its kind. Is a pocket scanner that saves any information from a photo to popular formats. Can automatically crop photos of documents, receipts, notice boards and edit information in PDF, Word or PowerPoint. Can also save files to OneNote and OneDrive.



  • Not detected

AR effect

An entertainment application that adds various 3D objects to photos or videos. You can place virtual characters and even create animated scenes. There are many ready-made themes that allow you to add roaring dinosaurs, let fairies roam around your desk, or put masks on your friends.


  • Free
  • Regular update
  • Creating your own augmented reality scenes
  • Good mood secured


  • Updates take up a lot of space



  • Free
  • Many animals
  • Realism
  • Additional filters such as rain, etc.
  • Teaching children


  • Takes up a lot of space
  • You need a smartphone that can handle complex 3D graphics
  • No Russian

IKEA catalog

One of the functions of this catalog of famous IKEA furniture is “trying on” furniture to suit your interior. Launch the 3D function, select your favorite sofa or something else, install it in your room, and find out whether the thing fits or not. The application is regularly updated with new products and enjoys some popularity among fans of this manufacturer.


  • Free
  • Large catalog of interesting things
  • 3D function


  • No search
  • Purely commercial orientation

Sun Locator Lite

Very useful application augmented reality to determine the position of the sun in your area at any time. Ideal for photographers to know the best angles in advance. Will show not only the mass useful information, but will also clearly demonstrate the movement of the sun in AR mode or on a map. Also useful for those who want to configure solar panels for maximum efficiency.


  • Free
  • Indispensable for amateur photographers, tourists, settings solar panels
  • GPS support
  • Determining the position of the sun and moon at any time of the year and anywhere


  • AR function does not work without compass


In this program, augmented reality technology allows you to visualize virtual objects in real space. This way you can create interesting advertising prints and much more. Thus, this AR can be used to develop your business. For example, showing the client the prospect of a particular product that is not currently here, but there is a virtual model.


  • Free
  • Planning the interior of a room or even an area
  • Requires a strong smartphone


  • Few models, but can be downloaded


A great augmented reality app to help you practice drawing. The user looks at the smartphone screen, where the drawing is depicted, and traces the contours on paper. Beginner artists and children will like it. Follow the developer's recommendations to configure the program to work correctly.


  • Free
  • Drawing training


  • Smartphone fixation required
  • Additional pre-preparation, follow the developer's recommendations


11 most important changes, among other things, ARKit was noted on the list. the site tested a number available programs and selected 11 interesting products that you can try for free.

Egg, Inc.

Farm with chickens delights with relaxed gameplay, rich graphics and the ability to place all the buildings (and chase the chickens!) on real objects. In augmented reality, drones circle the farm. And you can run chickens there!

"My country"

City planning simulator, mechanics - classic Free-to-Play. But literally after a minute the game will be able to launch balloon, which hovers over the city. Just to move the camera around later is worth playing this game.

AR Dragon

Tamagotchi, in which the pet is a flying dragon. Potentially, such projects will appear as soon as possible. large quantities, and they will differ only in the types of animals, therefore they will quickly get tired. But for now the novelty effect works, because a dragon in the living room is funny.

Stack AR

The one-button arcade game, familiar to many, in which you need to build the highest possible pyramid, is also available in AR. Augmented reality allows you to build a tower in the real world, for example, on a table.

AR MeasureKit

The most advanced line for virtual reality available to download for free! This application is akin to a calculator - it may not be required all the time, but it is a must have on your phone.


Application for creating a floor plan, a more highly specialized line. It works accurately, you just need to practice a couple of times to move the pegs correctly to the corners. The floor plan can be edited after scanning.

IKEA Place

The application, which gives access to the IKEA furniture catalog, stands out for its incredibly accurate space training. You can choose furniture and arrange it in the apartment to understand whether the sofa will fit and whether the orange armchair will fit into the existing interior.

The only disadvantage of the program is that it is not available in Ukrainian App Store, so you have to use American account. However, the accuracy of tracking and implementation in general is worth such torment.

Thomas and Friends: Minis

A children's game in which you have to build a railroad, it delights with pleasant animation. The real strength of the game is that once a railroad is created, it can be placed in the real world.


Sandbox in which the user creates from simple figures complex volumetric objects in space. The description seems boring, but it was this project that, after trying all the available products, drew me in the most.

AR Runner

A runner in the real world forces users to run through checkpoints and fight each other for the result. It looks the most promising, but is extremely dangerous: when you walk down the street, it is advisable to look not at the smartphone screen, but at your feet and to the sides.

World Brush

The application allows you to paint real world on the screen of a smartphone or tablet. All drawings are linked to geolocation, so other users of the application will be able to view the artists’ works when they reach the designated point. Images, unless they are offensive, will remain in place forever until the author himself removes them.


The application allows you to try on tattoos; a collection of pictures from different authors is available. The downside is that the program asks you to draw three stripes on your arm in order to more accurately track the location of the tattoo.