Sights and interesting places in Trencin: overview and photos. What hotels in Trencin have nice views? The resort town of Teplice near Trencin

Trencin, like Bratislava and Nitra, is one of the oldest cities in Slovakia. Its strategic key position in the vicinity of three Carpathian passes at the intersection of trade routes has always made it an important point and leading center of the middle Považia.
The oldest archaeological finds prove the presence of humans in Trencin as early as 200,000 years ago. The ancient settlement is a settled refuge of the Magyars culture from the 2nd millennium BC. from the early Bronze Age on the rock and the remains of a settlement of the Lusatian culture of the late Bronze Age from the turn of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. on the rock and in the adjacent part of Brezina. In the same area, remains of a settlement of the Iron Age Pukhov culture were discovered. In the 2nd and 1st centuries there was a fortified trading settlement, the Celtic population of which maintained trade relations with the Celts of the middle Danube. This confirms the discovery of Celtic coins.
Even before the arrival of the Celts, one of the branches of the famous Amber Route led through the territory of Trencin through the Vlar Gorge and further, along which Etruscan, Greek, and later Roman traders traveled from the Mediterranean region to the Baltic states. Rare amber was brought from the north, for which they paid with luxury items of ancient artisans and wine.
Trenchian Castle (Trenčiansky hrad).
It arose on the site of an old settlement, which had been here since the Bronze Age right before the arrival of the Slavs. From the ancient Great Moravian castle, it became a royal castle during the emergence of the Hungarian state. The oldest building of the castle is the rotunda, which was probably built in Great Moravian times.

Sights of Trencin.

Roman inscription
The most important Roman epigraphic monument in central Europe north of the Danube. In the last third of the 2nd century, the invasion of the Germanic tribes of the Marcomanni and Quadi unleashed one of the most dangerous conflicts between the Roman Empire and the tribes of the Transdanubian barbarians.

Far steps
The Farish steps of the Renaissance were built in 1568 as a defensive structure along which members of the craft guilds advanced to defend the city walls in the section from Carner St. Michala around the castle...

Relief of Jan Jiskru from Brandis
In 1915 - 1916 in these places, according to the design of Michal Karu, the relief of Victory Hungary (Víťaznej Hungárie), a symbol of the courage of the former Hungary, was carved.

Executioner's house
It can already be seen in the oldest landscape of Trencin from 1580. According to folk tradition, in the 17th century it was the home of a local executioner and at the same time a prison. Most likely, it owes its name to the romantic 19th century, when a local guard lived here. It is the only surviving example of an ancient town house in Trencin.

Church of the Birth of the Virgin Mary
It was built in 1324, most likely on the foundations of an even older building from the mid-13th century.

Hotel Tatra
The Tatra Hotel was ordered to be built by Baron Armin Popper in 1901. The hotel was named after the wife of Tsar František Josef Alzsébet “Erzsébet” (the Sissi café is still named after her). In 1919, the hotel was bought by the bank and in 1921 changed the name of the hotel Alzhbeta to Tatra.
Peace Square (Mierové námestie)
In 1652 - 57, the Jesuits built a church and monastery on it.

Plague Column
It was built in the center of the square in 1712 in memory of the victims Trencin suffered in 1710.

Piaristic Church of St. Frantiska Ksaverski
It was founded in 1649 by the Jesuits and the first stone was laid in 1653. The Jesuit, later Piaristic Church of Francis of Ksvere was built in 1657 in the early Baroque style. The construction work was led by Italian-born architects Pietro and Gothard Spazzovci.

Passage Golden Fatima
The original arcade was built after a major fire in 1886 on the site of the Zolotoy Baran Hotel. This is how the square merged with modern Palacka Street.

City Tower
The Lower Gate, today called the City Tower, was built as part of the city fortification in the early 15th century. The tower was gradually completed and now has 6 floors and reaches a height of 32 meters.

The Trenčín Synagogue is one of the most beautiful works of its kind in Slovakia. It was built near the old synagogue. It was built in 1913 according to the design of the Berlin architect Dr. Richard Schneibner construction company from Trencin "Fuchs a Niegreisz".

In the north-west of Slovakia, 10 km from the Czech border, on the banks of the Vah River lies the city of Trencin - the most beautiful city in Slovakia, according to tourist brochures and local residents. The beauty and elegance of urban architecture is emphasized by the natural splendor in which Trencin is immersed.

10% of the population of Trencin are students of local educational institutions, which could not but affect the general atmosphere of the city: there seems to be a certain lightness and carelessness in the air, inherent in all college towns in the world.

The first mention of the city dates back to 1111, but there is evidence that settlements existed on the site of modern Trencin back in the Stone Age. Latin inscriptions on the castle wall, dated 179, indicate the presence of Roman soldiers here during the wars between the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes. The most famous historical figure of Trencin is the Hungarian feudal lord Matus Csak, who ruled in Slovakia from 1302 to 1321, and his residence was in Trencin.

You can often hear in Slovakia that Trenčín is a “fashion city,” which is due to the city’s historical industrial focus: high-quality fabrics are produced here and women’s clothing is sewn (currently brands such as Slovakotex, Merina, K-Tex, Trecom, Broadway etc.).

A trip to Trencin usually involves a relaxing excursion holiday that suits everyone. At a nearby resort "Trenčanske Teplice" you can improve your health (the resort is especially famous for its spa treatments). Trencin will also delight lovers of active recreation with its hiking and cycling trails in the mountains. In addition, here you can go down the river in canoes and rafts.

Trencin Region


Population density

677 people/km 2


UTC+1 (in summer UTC+2)

Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

The city of Trencin is located in a temperate climate zone with mild, humid winters with an average air temperature of 0...+2 °C and warm summers (+20...+22 °C). In the winter months there are no strong cold winds here, since there is natural protection around the city: the Strazhevsky Mountains in the northeast and the White Carpathians on the western side.

It is worth planning a trip to Trencin for the period from May to September: during these months the weather is sunny and clear, but in the cold season the city is often foggy and cloudy.


Beautiful, flower-filled Trenčín is located on the picturesque banks of the longest river in Slovakia, the Váh River. To the northeast of the city rise the peaks of the Strazhevo mountain system, in the west the foothills of the White Carpathians begin, separating Slovakia from the neighboring Czech Republic. The mountain slopes, which can be admired from almost anywhere in Trencin, are covered with magnificent forests, the dominant tree species of which are beech, oak and hornbeam.

Part of the city is located on a mountain range Goat Hills, where the Brezina forest park is located, where you can take walks, breathe clean pine air, listen to the cheerful murmur of streams and the variety of birds. Scots pine, black pine, maple, beech, larch, elm, and several types of acacia grow in the park. But there are practically no birches, despite the fact that Brezina means “birch” in Slovak.

Near Trencin there are several mineral springs of local importance, and 13 km away is one of the best health resorts - “ Trencianske Teplice", the thermal waters of which are fed by five natural geysers, producing 22 liters of mineral water per second.


The symbol of the city is the castle Trenčiansky Castle. It was first mentioned in chronicles in 1069, then the castle was repeatedly completed and, finally, in the 15th century it acquired the appearance in which it can be seen today. The fire of 1790, which destroyed most of the city, also caused significant damage to the medieval castle, but much was subsequently restored. According to legend, there is a secret tunnel under Trenčian Castle that connects the castle with the oldest pilgrimage site in Slovakia - Skalkoy-nad-vahom. This is a monastery complex built in a hole in the rock, next to which there is a cave where the hermits St. Andrew Svorad and St. Benedict lived in the 10th-11th centuries. On the territory of Trenčian Castle there are three palaces, the Matus Tower (the oldest building), a bastion and a dungeon. From the height of the castle hill there is a magnificent view of the city and its surroundings.

The most important sights of Trencin also include Parish stairs, connecting the city center (from the Parish Church) with the castle and further - with the Brezinsky forest park. The staircases were built in 1568 and played an important role in the defense of the city.

A unique attraction of Trencin is Executioner's House, where today the exhibition of the city museum is located "Law and order in old Trencin".

Among the religious buildings, the greatest interest is Parish Church, Church and Monastery of the Piarist Order, Lutheran Church, Jewish Synagogue.

Not far from Trenčín there are such interesting sights as ruins of Beckov Castle on a high cliff and Chakhtitsa Castle, notorious for its owner Alzbeta Bathory, who allegedly committed mass murders of young girls in her castle.


On the streets of Trencin you will find many restaurants and cafes, pubs and bars, and coffee shops. There are also restaurants in the best hotels and guest houses in the city. There is usually live music playing there. Good Slovak wine is served in specialized wine restaurants (Vinotéka Južanka). There is a good inexpensive fast food restaurant in Trencin, Somergastro, where you can try both Slovak and international cuisine. In addition to national Slovak cuisine, places specializing in Italian cuisine are common in the city: Pizzeria Briciola, Marmaris, Venezia, Dantes Pizza, etc.


The choice of hotels in Trencin is certainly not as wide as in Bratislava, but travelers can still easily find a place to stay. The best hotels in the city are the four-star Tatra and Magnus, with prices ranging from 42 to 163 € per person per night. The three-star hotels Pod Hradom, Praha, Most Slavy and others have proven themselves to be excellent, with a minimum price of 35 €. Directly in the Brezina Forest Park is the two-star Hotel Brezina.

The city has a large number of cozy guest houses, accommodation in which will cost at least 20 € per person.

Entertainment and relaxation

You can diversify your stay in Trencin by visiting the city’s art galleries ( Milos Alexander Bazovsky Gallery and City Gallery) and museums ( Trencin Museum, Wheel Museum). Fans of theater arts can visit Trenčín Castle Theatre, Musical Theater or Normalka Theater.

You can admire the beauty of Trenčín and the surrounding area by taking a hot air balloon flight.

Fans of water activities should visit the swimming pool in the center of Trečín, which also has an outdoor pool. While swimming in the summer pool you can admire the Trencin Castle. From May to September, active tourists are offered canoeing or rafting on the Vag River, which is suitable for both professionals and beginners, since the Vag is considered a safe mountain river.

Every year Trencin becomes a center for all kinds of holidays and festivals. When planning a trip to Trencin with children, it is worth scheduling your trip in June to experience a fun and unforgettable Clown Day, when adults and children have fun together. On June 1, International Children's Day, numerous performances for children are held on the streets of the city. Cinema lovers should visit the Artfilm film festival at this time.

From April to September the city delights its residents and guests with numerous musical events:

  • classical music festival Trenčín Musical Spring,
  • Pádivého Trenčín— festival of wind instruments,
  • Pri Trenčianskej bráne- folk music festival,
  • Jazz pod thraldom- international jazz music festival.

And, of course, the most popular Bažant Pohoda is the largest open-air cultural event in Slovakia.

The main program of the Bažant Pohoda festival includes concerts in the genres of rock, punk, jazz, rave, reggae, folk, pop and many others. During the festival, spectators attend various theatrical performances, performances of modern dance, cinema, presentations of literature, design and fine arts, and also have the opportunity to lively communicate on various current topics that concern modern youth.


A unique gift brought from Trencin will be a ceramic product purchased in Vojtech Zamarovsky's store-museum. Here you can buy ceramic dishes recreated from ancient finds, as well as models from a modern designer line.

All kinds of souvenirs can be bought in Dora and Eugenika stores, and local jewelry stores (Zlatokov, Goldsmith's) offer magnificent original jewelry to city guests.

There are many shopping centers and supermarkets in Trencin, offering their customers goods for every taste (JUŽANKA, Baumax, Laugaricio, Billa). Most are open from 8:00 to 20:00 pm, but there is also a 24-hour Tesco hypermarket.


City public transport in Trencin is represented by buses. The cost of a one-time ticket for travel is 0.45 € if the ticket is purchased from a machine at the bus stop (DK), and 0.65 € if purchased from the driver. A night ticket will cost 1 €. Children under 6 years old and seniors over 70 years old travel free in Trencin, and discounts apply for students.

You can also use taxi services. All taxis are equipped with meters.

Trencin can be easily reached by train from Bratislava, Zilina and Kosice, as about a dozen high-speed trains run between these cities every day and stop in Trencin. The cost of such a trip from Bratislava will be about 10 €. To get to Trencin from Bratislava by private car, you need to take the D1 highway. It will take about an hour to cover a distance of 124 km. The E50 road leads to the Czech city of Brno.


You can call abroad from Trencin post offices, as well as from a public pay phone by purchasing a card at a newsstand. You can also use the services of local mobile operators (Orange, T-Mobile, Telefonica O2), which also sell SIM cards for wireless Internet access.

Almost all hotels, hotels, guest houses and motels in Trencin provide their clients with free Internet access via Wi-Fi.


Trencin is considered a very calm and safe city for both locals and visitors. But here, as in any other place, you should follow traffic rules, take care of the safety of your belongings, and do not go far into the mountains without a guide.

Business climate

Traditionally, Trencin is considered a fashion city in Slovakia, and therefore international exhibitions dedicated to this particular area of ​​culture and economics are often held here. Every year Trencin hosts C hildren's World, an exhibition of goods for children and children's fashion. The city also hosts the most important international business exhibitions of rescue, fire and security equipment; electrical engineering, electronics and energy, etc. During the exhibitions, seminars, conferences, and presentations of the latest products are held.

Every year Trencin becomes an increasingly attractive city for investment. This is primarily due to its favorable geographical location, developed transport infrastructure, proximity to a popular resort, high qualifications and low labor costs. Thus, in the fall of 2011, a large center for the development of automotive systems (Engineering Center of Johnson Controls Automotive Group) opened in Trencin, which was associated with the massive relocation of automotive factories to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Real estate

So far, real estate in Trencin has not attracted much interest from foreign buyers. Although the situation may change in the near future, as environmentally friendly regions are becoming increasingly valuable in the world. Today, the most attractive property is not in the city itself, but near the resort of Trencianske Teplice. The average cost of 1 m2 of housing in the Trencian region is 660 €.

In the warm season, streets, squares, parks, squares and even the surroundings of Trencin are literally buried in flowers, but it should be remembered that in Slovakia there are large fines for picking flowers - both from flower beds and on forest lawns.

Photo and video filming on the territory of Trencin Castle is paid (0.7 and 1.7 €, respectively), therefore, in order to avoid problems during the excursion, you need to buy a permit in advance. In winter, you can only enter the castle grounds until 15:30.

At the end of the week, it is difficult to find a place in many establishments, since people from nearby villages come to Trencin on weekends to shop and just relax.

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It is believed that Trencin is the most beautiful city in Slovakia. And the first who declare this are the city residents themselves. Of course, to claim that the opinion of Trencin residents is an indicator of objectivity would be quite stupid. However, upon closer acquaintance with the city, you are convinced that they really are not mistaken.

Trencin is located in a picturesque place; according to some sources, people have settled since the Stone Age. The city first appeared on Ptolemy's world map under the Greek name Levkaristos around 150 AD. During the Macromanian wars between the Roman Empire and the Germanic Quadi tribes in 179, an inscription appeared on the rock under Trencin Castle in memory of these events, in which the city was called Laugarizio. Trencin became the northernmost Roman stronghold in Central Europe.

The area on which the city of Trenčín stands has been inhabited since time immemorial. Trencin is considered as one of the possible locations of the capital of the Samo Empire in the 7th century.

It is generally accepted that Trencin Castle was built during the Great Moravian era. By the 11th century, Trencin became the administrative center of the region of the same name. Trencin Castle, being one of the few stone castles in the Kingdom of Hungary, suffered from the Mongol invasion in 1241. In 1263 Trenčín became the property of Jakab Csesznieki, the royal squire, but in 1302 King Wenceslas I took the castle from the Csesznieki brothers because they supported his rival, Charles Robert. Wenceslas I handed over the castle to Matus Csak. Between 1302 and 1321 the castle served as the residence of an influential magnate, Matus Csak, who controlled most of modern Slovakia. With the support of King Charles Robert, Matus organized his own court and pursued his own foreign policy.

In 1335, the Union of Trencin between Bohemia, Hungary and Poland was signed in the city.

In the Middle Ages, Trencin received a number of privileges. In 1324, the city's residents were exempted from paying taxes, and the city of Trencin itself received the privileges of a free royal city in 1412 by decree of King Sigismund. However, in subsequent centuries, disasters and wars struck the city, which continued until the end of the 18th century. During the conflict between the Habsburg dynasty and their rival King Janusz Zapolyai, the city was captured by imperial troops. In the 17th century, the threat of Turkish conquest came from the south, but Turkish aggression was defeated. Later, the city suffered during the Curuc uprising against the Habsburg imperial regime; on August 3, 1708, the Battle of Trencin took place in the city. Two years later, the plague claimed the lives of 1,600 of the city's inhabitants. And in 1790 the city and the castle were burned to the ground, and since then the castle has been desolate.

In the 19th century, with the construction of railways leading to Zilina and Bratislava, prosperity returned to the city, new manufactories were built, mostly related to the production of textiles and products, so Trencin soon became a huge center of the Povasi region. Another golden time for Trencin came with the formation of Czechoslovakia. Shortly after the start of the Slovak National Uprising, the German Nazis occupied Trencin and set up a security headquarters, Gestapo and concentration camp in the city. Trencin was occupied by Soviet troops on April 10, 1945.

Since 1990, numerous restoration works have been carried out in the historical center of the city.

The main attraction and symbol of the city is Trenčian Castle or Csak Citadel. It is largely thanks to him that Trencin wins a beauty contest against other Slovak cities. This is a typical medieval fortress, rising above the city streets like the flying island of Laputa from the book about Gulliver's adventures. Trencin Castle is one of the oldest in Slovakia. The first mention of it in chronicles dates back to the 11th century - a hundred years earlier than the city itself.

In addition to the castle, Trencin has a number of picturesque, and sometimes rather gloomy (in essence, not in execution) attractions. The picturesque ones include the bourgeois buildings in the historical center of the city, the monastery and church of the Piarist Order, the Farny Church on Matusova Street and the city gates of the 16th century, which are located a stone's throw from the central square of the city - Miirove Nam.

On Miirov Nam there is just one of those “dark” attractions - the Plague Pillar, erected at the beginning of the 18th century in memory of the victims of the plague epidemic. Another "darkness" of Trencin is the 17th century Executioner's House, which is a big hit with tourists.

Trencin is a small city, so one day is usually enough to get to know it. If you have free time and are not tied to an excursion, we advise you not to limit yourself to just a walk around the city, but to visit the nearby Trencianske Teplice. This is one of the most famous spa resorts in Slovakia. Trencianske Teplice is famous for its warm hydrogen sulphide springs and Turkish baths, built by the Turks in the 16th century and restored at the end of the 19th century. The baths are still open to the public today.