How to install an application from another country's iTunes App Store? How to create an American account in the App Store and what to do with a gift code

There are many great apps that are only available to users in one country and not available to international users. A good example is the Google Earth program, presented only in the US App Store. Using her example, I will show how to download an application from the American App Store.

Downloading apps from another country's iTunes App Store

We have 2 options:

1. Change account country or

2. create a new American Apple ID.

The first option is disclosed, and the second will be disclosed further.

Step 1. Launch iTunes on our computer. If you are logged in with your Apple ID, you must first log out of your account.

Step 2. You need to scroll to the bottom of the iTunes scroll bar and click Change Country. Then you need to click on the flag of the desired country.

Step 3. Now you need to find any free application in the store (the application must be free, otherwise the None option from step 5 will be missing). We are trying to download it by clicking the button Free.

Step 4. iTunes will require us to sign in with our Apple ID, but instead we click Create New Account (Create Apple ID). Read the Terms and Conditions and click the Agree button.

Step 5. At the next stage, you need to enter an email address different from what you already use on your first account. Fill in all the required fields and click Continue. Next, you need to select as a payment method "none" Fill in the address fields with whatever you want and click Create Apple ID. After this, a confirmation email should be sent to the specified email.

Step 6. In the letter, click on the Verify Now link. On the confirmation page, enter the specified email and password. That's it, now we have an American Apple ID, and this will allow us to download any free application from the US App Store, even if such an application is not in the store in our country. You will have to find the desired application in iTunes again, but nothing should stop you from downloading it.

It is necessary to remember that:

  • This way you can only download free apps.
  • To purchase paid applications without a credit card, you will need to purchase iTunes Gift Cards.
  • To download updates for downloaded applications, you will need to log in using the Apple ID under which the application was downloaded.

Apple opens access to its services to users in many countries. But their list, as well as the type of information in a particular country, differs. In Russia and the CIS, it is possible to freely purchase software, films and musical compositions. However, some restrictions also apply. We are talking about regional IDs.

In this material we will try to highlight all the prohibitions that exist. We’ll also look at the process of creating an American account. What to use iOS - 100% devices, regardless of the country of location.

The main advantage of having a state account is unlimited access to the AppStore. In the American store, any software is released earlier, and the choice is much wider than in our country. There are also exclusive products that will never be available in the Russian Federation.

In addition, there is also iTunes Radio and other attractive music services that do not operate in Russia. Of course, you can bypass the restrictions using a proxy, but you can’t live without some software. The advantage is the ability to freely download paid products for different types of iOS devices via FreeMyApps. This service is available only in the US AppStore.

Regarding the acquisition of other types of content (music tracks, movies), ID America will be worse, since prices there are an order of magnitude higher than ours. Be sure to take this fact into account when purchasing anything from the AppStore.

American Apple ID registration

There is nothing complicated about this procedure. You can perform it from a PC/laptop or directly from an iOS device. Each user will choose the most convenient option for himself. Below we will describe in detail both methods of how to create a US Apple ID.

How to create a US Apple ID from a PC

Creating a US ID in this way will involve the following steps:

  • Opening iTunes and logging out of your current account (if you have one, of course).
  • Select a software category and go to the App Store section. Scroll the page down until it ends and click on the flag.
  • Specified as the US region. It is located directly in plain sight.
  • Select any free software in the side section. For example, YouTube.
  • Click on the software page of the Get button.
  • Select the option to create an ID in the pop-up window.
  • Clicking Continue on the invitation screen.
  • We accept the license agreement and enter the required data.
  • e-mail – select any domain except domestic.
  • Password characters that must include some special element.
  • Secret questions with answers (it is recommended to remember them, or better yet, write them down).
  • The date of birth, which is better to enter as real, so that there are no problems remembering it in the future.

Afterwards, you need to uncheck the mailing list subscriptions if they are no longer needed, and click on the continuation element. Next we write the payment method, or rather select None.

We enter personal information and address (American, which must be real) and telephone number. It is recommended to choose the state of Florida or another state in which purchases from the AppStore are not subject to taxes.

It is easier to use the address of an organization or hotel by finding it through Google maps.

Now all that remains is to perform a data check and click on the ID creation element. If everything turns out to be correct, a verification window will pop up, which will change after the email is confirmed.

We check the e-mail provided when registering with Apple - there should be a message from Apple with a link to activate your account. Let's follow it and go to ID using login and password.

At this point, verification is considered completed. Now you know how to register a US Apple ID. How to create it in a different way - read on.

Registering an Apple ID from an iOS device

This method is as simple as the previous one, which used a PC/laptop. The algorithm of actions will be similar:

  • Opening the App Store and logging out of your current account.
  • Scroll through the page selection tab to the very bottom, click on login and exit.
  • Go to the search section. We are looking for any freely distributed software (even if it is YouTube).
  • Click on Get.
  • Select ID creation from the pop-up menu.
  • Select a country (USA will already be checked).
  • Accepting the license agreement by clicking the agree button.
  • Entering similar data that was specified in the previous method.

Once in the verification window, proceed to checking the e-mail. There we look for a message from the Apple company and follow the link. This will complete the operation and begin downloading the software. This will indicate successful ID creation.

How to top up your ID balance: the easiest way

After creating a civilian ID, the question arises, how to replenish it? There are several ways, but only one of them is universal. We're talking about gift certificates. Topping up this way is easy and suitable for everyone. The only negative is the markup from sellers.

So, adding funds is done using Gift Card certificates. You can purchase them today both online and offline. The difficulty is that you can only pay with them at regional points. For civilian IDs, dollar certificates will be required. And you can only find them in America.

However, purchasing such cards in Russia is possible through the network. We will not advertise certain companies - anyone can choose their own if they wish. Let’s just say that you need to enter a query into Google like this: “buy gift card itunes usa.” The search engine will return a huge number of products. You should choose those who have a large number of sales and who sell scanned photographs of cards. They should clearly show 16-character characters, not plain text.

The App Store has a huge variety of games, however, some of them are only available for certain countries. One of the countries in which there are many applications is the USA. Therefore, now people are thinking: - “How to register an American Apple ID?” You don’t need to move to America to complete this step; just use the recommendations described in the article and find out that the whole process is very easy and simple.

What is an Apple ID in the App Store and why is it needed?

Apple ID (Apple ID) is the account used by the user to log into the App Store and iTunes. An Apple ID must be created when you first launch your iPhone or iPad. Each such account is tied to a specific country and only then does the person gain access to numerous applications.

What does a person need to have to register an American Apple ID?

Creating an account in the US requires:

  • Stable Internet connection (The person must be connected to a Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE network);
  • Work email (a message will be sent to your email address, which will allow you to activate your newly created account);
  • US phone number and address (This may not be real if you only need the account to download free apps).

How to create a US Apple ID

The App Store is a standard service that should be on every Apple device.

By logging into this application, you can see your current account (provided that any of the accounts was activated before).

By clicking on the line with this account, you need to “Log Out”. If you haven’t had an account yet, then you should skip these steps.

In the App Store, select the game or application you like and click on “Download”.

The screen will immediately display information that you need to register a new account.

On the page that appears, you need to select the country, in the current case it is “USA” and click on “Next”.

After reading the license agreement, we agree to it by clicking on the Agree button.

On the new page you must enter: a valid e-mail, password.

On the same page you can enter an additional email address, it will be used in the event that you need to restore your account if it is suddenly taken over by attackers.

If all the data has been filled out correctly, then a redirect will occur and the person will be taken to the next page, where it will be necessary to fill out payment information. Here you need to select “No” and click “Next”.

After completing all these steps, account verification will begin (provided that everything was done correctly).

Now you should receive a message to your email address containing a special link to confirm your account. By clicking on this link, a person is taken to the official Apple website, here he will need to re-enter his email address and password for the newly created Apple ID.

By logging into your account, a person will complete the creation process and have access to download new games that will be available to residents of America. Once you've finished downloading those games, you can return to another Apple ID if this one is not used as your primary one.

Provided that you were unable to find your address and home phone number yourself, you can use the list shown in the image below.


This is not to say that registering an American Apple ID is a complicated process. If you have basic knowledge, it will be enough to quickly create an account in the USA, and later use its functionality to its full potential.

You can't make purchases from iTunes, download apps from, or generally fully use your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. In this material I will tell you how to create an American Apple ID and what advantages it has.

An American account will give you the opportunity to use services that are not available in the CIS countries, receive exclusive applications and games before others, and also buy content at incredible discounts. You can register an Apple ID either from an iOS device or directly from a Mac computer using the program. In both cases, the process of registering an American account will not take much time.

Registration from an iOS device

If you have previously registered an Apple ID and downloaded applications from the App Store, then the first thing you should do is go to the store and unlink your account. To do this, in the tab Favorites(Featured) at the very bottom, click on the login, click on the button Go out(Sign out). If you are registering for the first time, then you will not have to do this operation.

Next go to the tab Top Charts, select the item above Free(Free) and click on Download And Install next to any of your favorite free applications. In my case it's Angry Birds 2.

The App Store will ask you to sign in to your existing account or Create a new Apple ID. The second option suits us. Click on Create, in the next window select your country United States and press Next. After Apple will ask you to read the terms of use and agree to them - just click Agree.

In the next window you need to enter information about the user: e-mail, which will be your Apple ID, password, security questions and date of birth, as well as an additional e-mail to reset your account.

The next step is payment information. You cannot use any payment cards other than American ones here, so choose None and go to the window Billing Address. Here you need to enter a real American address and telephone number. And it’s better if there is staff Florida- there is no tax on purchases in the App Store. You can do this using Google Maps - just find any hotel or organization in any city in the state and enter the appropriate data: street, city, state, zip code and phone number. All this information is available in the Google Maps window - you just need to click on the icon of any of the organizations you like in the selected city. I chose luxury apartments in Miami:

Address: 475 Brickell Ave

City: Miami

State: Florida

Zip: 33131

Phone: 786 475-2833

If you entered all the data correctly, then the next step is to confirm your account. To do this, just go to your mailbox and you will see an Apple ID verification letter. Click on the confirmation link and you will then be able to use your Apple ID to download applications from the App Store and purchase content from iTunes.

Registration via iTunes

First of all, open the iTunes application and log out of your account if you have already registered. To do this, click on the icon with a man in the upper right corner and click on Go out(Sign Out).

Next, select a category Applications on the top panel, go to the tab App Store and scroll to the bottom of the page to change the country. Click on the flag icon and select in the window that opens United States.

After the main page reloads, scroll down a little and find the side menu Top Free Apps, in which you can select any application and click the button next to it Get.

Now a login window will appear in which you need to click on Create new Apple ID.

As with registration on iOS, you need to agree to the terms of use and enter the appropriate information: email for Apple ID, password, backup email, and security questions.

All more or less advanced Apple users know the benefits of an American iTunes account. Most of the applications from the Western store are not available in Russia, and to access them you need to have an American account. Another advantage of a Western account is that there is no need to have a credit card to register. Many Russian users complain about this. You can also register applications using promo codes through an American account.

Recently, on our website you can also purchase iTunes payment cards, which require an American account. Well, if you want to have the benefits of a Western ID, then read the following instructions. After registration, you will have access to free games/software/music/movies/TV shows/books, Genius mixes and much more.

And now I will show you how to create your own American iTunes account in 5 simple and easy steps:

Step 1

You need to download and install the latest version iTunes or if you already have it installed, then simply log out of your account

Step 2

Let's go to iTunes Store, and scroll down and in the lower right corner we find a round flag, by clicking on it we go to the page Selecting a country or region, and select United States

Step 3

In the right column we find a block with Free Apps and we buy any free application by clicking a button Free and in the window that appears, select Create an Apple ID

Step 4

In the window Welcome to the iTunes Store, click on Continue, accept the license agreement and fill out the registration fields:

  • Emai- must not be registered to a different Apple ID account
  • Password- must have a minimum of 8 characters: at least one capital letter and one number
  • Security Info- select questions and enter answers (this is a very good plus for security)

Step 5

Payment Type choose None. Enter your First and Last Name in the fields, and to avoid taxWith each purchase, you must indicate the state of Florida, the address is as follows:

After all this confirm your email address. To do this, you need to follow the link that will be sent to you by email. Well, if the letter suddenly did not arrive even after a day, then start the process of creating an account again. Just provide a different email address.

Congratulations! Now you have your own American iTunes account!

Now to purchase the application you just need to purchase a payment card iTunes Gift Card in denominations of $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, $100.