What is FTP and how to work in Filezilla. What is FTP and how is standard FTP setup done?

FTP ( File Transfer protocol)– protocol for transmitting data over a network between computers. Using special data, it is possible to connect to the server and work with the data on the disk.

If someone has a server or hosting on which they store files, or it is a simple site (consisting of many different files), then you can use the built-in file manager to work with them. For server solutions, e.g. Ubuntu Server There are slightly different programs and tools that allow you to work with files. Any server (or computer) has a drive on which files are stored. Whether it is a server without a file manager or a hosting that has one, you can access data through the data transfer protocol.

To connect via FTP user You are given a login, password, and host (the computer you are going to connect to). The host is usually an IP address. Typically, data via FTP (I'm talking about authorization data) is transferred unencrypted, which is why there are FTPS and SFTP protocols.

How to connect to FTP

To connect to the protocol, there are special tools - FTP clients. They have many settings, which I will talk about in this article. Here is a list of the most popular clients and tools that allow you to connect to the protocol.

  • FileZilla– supports any operating system. The most popular tool in existence.
  • WinSCP– software for Windows systems, you can connect via a secure connection.
  • Total Commander – although it is a file manager, it has an FTP connection function. But this is not the option that I would recommend, the next one is better. .
  • FreeCommander– a file manager that has all the tools for working with data and an FTP client function. Supports secure connection. .
  • Network Windows disk – FTP connection is carried out using a wire.

Connect to FTP using Windows Explorer

Usually your login and password are sent to your email after registering with hosting or VPS server. I'll show you with an example.

Let's go to Windows Explorer to the This PC directory. On Windows 10 there is an option at the top "Add network location". Click on it.

The Add Network Location Wizard opens. Click "Further".

The next section asks you to select a different network location. Click here too "Further".

Now you need to enter the correct data. The host you will connect to. Since we are creating an FTP connection, the address should be something like this:


The username is given to you in the letter. After entering one of these lines (with your data), click "Further".

You must give the new connection a name. You can call it whatever you want.

Now we have completed the creation of the network. You can leave a checkmark "Open this online location after clicking Finish", and of course, press this button.

A login window will immediately open, where the FTP server and user name are indicated. You must enter the password yourself. This entry option is not secure, but it is all that the conductor can do. After entering the data, click "Entrance".

Explorer opens with files on the server. Now you can fully work with data: upload or download data from the server and change it.

Setting up FileZilla for FTP connection

You can download the utility from the official website - http://filezilla.ru/
Or from here - https://filezilla-project.org/

The Russian-language resource has good documentation that describes working with the client.

Having installed the program, we proceed to the connection process.

"File" and select the option "Site Manager".

In the window that opens, enter:

  • Host (server/computer name);
  • Select the FTP or SFTP protocol;
  • Login type “Normal” or “Request password”;

Press the button "Connect" and wait.

The last status should be “List of directories extracted”, and a list of folders and files will appear in the window on the right. Files can be uploaded and downloaded from the server.

Connect to FTP via Total Commander

For those who use this file manager, I will show them how to connect to FTP. In the program on the control panel, click "Net" and select the option "Connect to FTP server".

In the window that opens, click the button "Add".

Let's enter the following data:

  • Connection name – call it by any name;
  • Server (port) – IP address or website;
  • If necessary, check the SSL/TLS checkbox (if the connection uses a secure protocol);
  • Account - username;
  • Password.

After entering these data, click OK.

A new connection should appear in the connection window. Having selected it, click "Connect".

How to set up an FTP connection in FreeCommander

Go to the utility and click on the tab "Tools". There we click on the option "New FTP connection".

A window opens where we enter:

  • Connection name – anything is possible;
  • Host address – IP address or website;
  • Username and password.

We click connect and rejoice.

Other programs work similarly. If you want me to talk about them, write about it in the comments.

What are FTPS and SFTP

In the article I mentioned protocols FTPS And SFTP. The first option is protected with using SSL or TLS. The second option means that SSH, only extended.

The secure type of protocol differs from the usual one in that it is possible to carry out authorization (or authentication in other words) using SSH keys, that is, you do not need to enter a password. Although this method is secure from the point of view of gaining access (no one can crack the password), the issue of protecting the SSH key file itself arises. The protocol will also provide you with more fast connection.

Login via FTPS and SFTP is carried out using a standard login and password.

Passive mode in the FTP protocol

Connecting to the server uses a command and data connection. In the first case it is carried out by the client, and in the second by the server. Sometimes both connections must be established by the client, so the server uses passive mode. It is needed, for example, to connect a server to a home PC that does not have an external IP address, in short, operating on a local network.

Be sure to use passive mode if you connect on your home PC, otherwise you may not see folders and files.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about free ftp client, which I have repeatedly mentioned in many of my previous publications and will mention in many subsequent ones.

When you work with your website, you will definitely need to upload something to it (updates, pictures, videos, etc.), edit it in the engine files, or, finally, . This is where you come FileZilla will come in handy, which will allow you to work with files on your server in the same way as if they were on your computer. No, really, really...

And it’s doubly nice that this one FTP client(essentially this is regular program) can be download for free, because at the initial stage of the development of a website it is not always possible to find extra funds (I, for example, because it was not clear whether something would burn out from the blog or not).

Failzilla it could be considered the best option , satisfying the needs of almost all categories of webmasters (from beginners to gurus), because, firstly, it is distributed free of charge and free license, and, secondly, even a completely untrained person can start using FileZilla. Let's take a closer look at it.

Where to download Filezilla and why you should use it

What this program The FTP client is distributed free of charge, which does not mean that it is not being developed and does not meet all requirements safe work(although you should definitely read this article to the end to learn how to make this program even more secure in terms of storing passwords - believe me, this is very important).

The fact is that filezilla is constantly being updated and improved, its latest version is always available download from the official developer website(or download from its Russian “mirror” filezilla.ru), which work for the idea of ​​free distribution of programs.

I repeat, download the latest current version You can use this popular FTP client or update an existing one completely free of charge.

Using the link provided you will find the Russian version, you can also go to the global developer resource, where you will be offered to download not only the client version ( FileZilla Client), but also the free version FTP servers(Server), which you can install on your computer running Windows. Please note that we will be considering the manager (Client), so you need to download it.

Why you should use specialized software, and in particular Filezilla, to access via FTP, I tried to explain more or less clearly in the publication “”, which you will find at the link provided. So let's immediately begin installing and configuring the program, which, in my opinion, is one of the best of its kind.

Although no, first you still need to say a few words about what is FTP? This is a file transfer protocol (in English version—File Transfer Protocol), which will allow you to connect to your hosting server. Why do you need to connect to it through an FTP client program?

And then, after connecting (via FileZilla or any other similar software) we will get the opportunity perform various actions with the files and folders of our website stored by the hoster:

  1. Download and upload objects or directories, both from the hosting server to our computer and vice versa
  2. Edit files located on the server by simply opening them in the editor installed on your computer
  3. Rename objects on the hosting server (files, folders)
  4. Delete objects
  5. Assign different access rights for them, or, scientifically speaking, CHMOD (I’ll explain what this is a little later, but it’s a very important thing in terms of security and protecting sites from viruses and hacks)

At the same time, working with files on a server is not much different from working with the same files and folders on a computer. But it is precisely to connect via the FTP protocol (a protocol for working with files) that you need a special program - a client. Most popular example of an FTP client, which almost everyone is familiar with, can serve as an ordinary browser. To access the server in address bar browser you will need to enter next line: ftp://server name.

But the browser as a client program is not very suitable for us, because... with its help, you can only view and download objects to your computer, but the browser will not be able to upload them to the FTP server. You also won’t be able to delete anything, and I’m not even talking about changing access rights to objects. IN general browser For this purpose it is suitable as a microscope for hammering nails.

Therefore for full-fledged work with a website using the FTP protocol, it is better >to use utilities specially designed for this, which are usually called either clients or managers. Well, one of the best, and also free, is Filezilla, the installation and configuration of which, as well as an explanation of how to use it, will be the subject of today’s article.

Installation and connection to the site via the FileZilla ftp client

Installing the client program on your computer is quite simple and quick. If you don't have a distribution yet, you should download. Agreeing with license agreement, all you have to do is click the “Next” button several times.

After installation, the program shortcut will live in the Start menu: “Start” - “All Programs” - “FTP Client” - “FileZilla”. This software is already translated into Russian, its interface is intuitive, attractive and at the same time does not contain anything superfluous, only the most necessary. But still, we will consider in detail how to use it. This may not be entirely clear to those new to webmastering. Go.

Using Filezila usually starts right away trying to connect to the web server by entering its address (sometimes also the port), login and access password. The owner of your hosting, after purchasing the required tariff from him, should have informed you (usually by letter) everything that is needed to access the hosting server via the FTP protocol. There are two ways to do this (connect):

  1. You can enter the necessary data (server name or IP address, login and password) directly into top panel program window, and then click the “Quick connection” button
  2. Can add new item in the so-called “Site Manager” (you can get to it by clicking on the button on the far left of the top panel of FileZilla), and therefore to create a new connection it will be enough to simply select the desired site from the drop-down list of this button (or press Ctrl + S on the keyboard) .

Initially, it seems that the second option of creating a connection to the server (site via the FTP protocol), taking into account the fact that you will have to work with the site constantly, is preferable - you entered the password once, the program remembers it and you can forget about it.

But the problem is that passwords in the "Site Manager" fileszilla stored unencrypted(although they can be transmitted to the server via encrypted TLS protocol— is set in the settings shown in the screenshot below). If no one could ever gain access to your computer, then this would not matter, but there is such a thing as viruses (in particular, Trojans), which are precisely aimed at stealing such things. And no computer is safe from them.

Personally, I suffered from such carelessness and a number of my sites were hacked, most likely after the passwords were stolen from this FTP client (in any case, everything said so). Then I dealt with the consequences for about six months and even wrote an article about this - “”. After this bitter experience, I became more careful and now use FileZilla as before, but I store passwords in a special program. Moreover, the conveniences during work have not become less. Read below on how to implement this.

So for now I advise you use a fast connection, simply entering the data received from the hoster to access the site via FTP into the form located at the top of the program window, and then click on the button of the same name.

If you still decide (at your own peril and risk) to use site manager at Filezilla, then everything is simple. To create a new connection, click on the “New Site” button and come up with a name for this connection (it is possible that you will have many websites, and the name of the connection entered in FTP manager It should be unique and unambiguous so that you don’t get confused later).

In the “Host” field, enter the server address, which can be in the form of an IP address (for example, - read about that) or in the form of a URL (for example, http:/webss.hoster.ru). In the “Server Type” field we leave everything unchanged. From the “Login Type” drop-down list, select “Normal” and fill in the “User” and “Password” fields with the data received from your hoster.

Don’t be confused by the encryption field in the connection settings through the site manager (where, by the way, you can enable or disable TLS encryption in Filezilla, because it sometimes causes problems). Here we're talking about not about encrypting the list of your passwords on your computer, but about them encryption when transmitted over the network. This is also certainly useful, but unfortunately it will not save you from a Trojan, so read the material at the bottom of this article about safe and convenient work with this FTP client.

By the way, to disable TLS encryption in Filezil, just select the “Use regular FTP” option from the drop-down list.

Now, to connect to the newly configured host, click on the arrow next to the “Open Site Manager” button and select the host we need from the drop-down list.

On the left side of the program window that opens, in the “Local Site” area, you will see the contents of your computer.

On the right side of the client window, in the “ Remote site"you will see the folder tree of the remote server (your hosting), and below it - the contents of the selected this moment folders. A little lower there will be a wide area where the process of uploading or downloading files from your site will be displayed.

How to use FileZilla when working with a website

In Filesile to move objects Between your computer and the host (site), you can use the probably well-known drag-and-drop method (literally, drag and drop). Grab the object with the mouse and drag it to the other side of the program window. Although, in my opinion, it is more convenient to do this through the context menu of the selected object (file or directory):

If needed copy more than one file or directory, then holding Shift or Ctrl select necessary objects on your computer or on the host (remote server - essentially, your website), and then move the cursor to the highlighted area (blue background) and click right click mouse, then select “Download” from the drop-down list (if you are downloading from the host to the computer) or “Upload to the server” (if the objects are downloading from the computer).

Objects selected in FileZilla will be copied to a directory opened on the opposite side of the window of this FTP manager. Let me remind you once again that your computer's files and folders are open in the left half of the window, and the remote server objects are open in the right half.

In order to open file for editing(most often you need to make changes to objects with php, css, html, js extensions), which is located on the hosting, you need to right-click on it and select “View/Edit” from the context menu.

In this case, the file will be opened in the program that was configured on your computer by default to work with these types of extensions (which utility will open this or that file on your computer when double click according to it, will depend on its extension and the settings you made in the OS).

If you are still not satisfied with the utility that opens these extensions by default, then you can use Explorer (or any other file manager on your computer) to move the mouse cursor to a file with the same extension, but which is already on your computer , and select “Properties” from the context menu. Then you need to click the "Edit" button and select the program with which you would like to edit all files with the same extension. Windows ABC.

Highly recommend do not use a regular notepad for editing included with the operating system (to avoid ). It would be better to spend time downloading and installing the advanced notepad Notepad ++ (read my review), which I talked about working with in the above publication. Working with code in it is a pleasure:

Ultimately, Notepad++ will save you from many problems associated with editing code, because it allows you to return to required quantity steps back.

After finishing editing the file you save it in Notepad++ (or any other code editor you prefer) and then go to the program free client FileZilla and see a sign indicating that this object has been changed.

In this sign you click on the “Yes” button. That's it, the contents of the object on the server will be changed using our favorite Filezilla.

As you can see from the above screenshot showing the context menu of any object open in FileZilla, you can also create new catalog or a file on the host, you can delete any object or rename it, update the contents of an open directory (the same can be done by pressing F5 on the keyboard), as well as copy to the clipboard and, finally, change the access rights (CHMOD) to any object on host.

Let us dwell on the last point in more detail, because... the meaning of all other items in the context menu of this manager is clear from their names.

How to set access rights to a file or folder in FileZill

I have already described it in some detail, but why do you need to somehow configure access rights? The thing is that almost all hosters use operating systems from Unix family, in which this concept is precisely used - access rights to files and folders. I probably won’t be able to explain the essence of CHMOD in a nutshell, so that it is clear, so, if you wish, you can read about it in the article above.

As for changing access rights using FileZilla, everything is quite simple. It is enough to select the necessary objects in the manager window with the mouse, and then select the “File access rights” item from the context menu.

In the window that opens, you can enter numeric value for CHMOD or arrange in in the right order check the appropriate boxes and then click OK.

True, if there are objects in the folder whose access rights you want to change, then you will have to decide whether you need to redirect the set access rights to them (it is possible to assign new access rights only to the selected folder or also to objects that are located inside this selected directory).

If you nevertheless check the “Redirect to subdirectories” checkbox in the window of this FTP client, then you will also have to choose whether the modified rights will apply only to files, only to folders, or to both combined. If you leave the first checkbox in the CHMOD settings, then the access rights value that you set will be applied to everything that will be in this directory and to the directory itself too.

Sometimes it is not possible to change access rights through Filezilla. In this case it will be possible. This method should have a higher probability of working.

By the way, many people still use the FTP client built into the file manager (here is a manual for this useful program), but I believe that it is better to use each software for its direct purpose, and not for its additional purpose). Moreover, Total, again, is not doing so well with the safety of the passwords you enter (they are not encrypted). Therefore, I use Commander to work with files on my computer, and FileZilla to work with website files.

Encrypting passwords for Filezilla using Kipas

Do you already have Filezilla on your computer? Now follow this path (the “AppData” folder is a system folder, so to see it, you will need to turn on showing them in the “folder properties” of Explorer, or select show hidden files in the Total Commander menu):

C:\Users\[account name]\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml

Or this, in the case of old XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\[account name]\Application Data\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml

This file can be opened, for example, in my favorite text editor with Notepad++ syntax highlighting. So what do we have?

And we have a full a set of passwords saved in this program, which are absolutely in no way protected from theft - the file is not encrypted, and its location is the same for 99.99% of computers. And a little earlier I scolded my favorite file manager Total for this ( ex-Windows) Commander. It turned out that everything was not without sin.

However, there is a solution to this problem (and it has been tested by me personally) and is considered absolutely reliable. Moreover, it is even used as a basic solution to improve security recommended on the official website This is an FTP client.

For this, an additional one is used. It, like FileZilla, is free and distributed under a free license, which means that it cannot have “bookmarks” or “back doors” to access your passwords stored there. I advise you to read the above publication on working with Kipas, and I, omitting the issues of installing and configuring it, will go straight to the point - organizing password protection for your sites stored in Filezilla.

Great, but now let's get back to where I started all this - possibility of safe and comfortable work with sites through FileZilla client program, but with storing passwords for sites in Kipas. As we saw just above, the password manager built into the FTP client is no good in terms of security, because they are not encrypted.

Therefore, open the Kipas program (read about working with it at the link given just above), add the FTP folder in its left column and create the first profile for logging into one of your sites using the FTP protocol.

There are several nuances in filling it out. In the first field we write FTP address server of your hoster (IP or type http:/webss.hoster.ru), then enter the login and password issued to you by the hoster to access the site via file protocol, but in the “Link” field we insert a command to open the Filezilla program, which is quite convenient.

For regular Windows it will be:

Cmd://"C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe"

And for 64-bit:

Cmd://"C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe"

In the comment field It would be best to write the name of this compound, because... The FTP server address may not be very informative.

Next, open the FileZilla program, and without entering any passwords into it (just so that the program is launched), go to the “AutoDial” tab KeePass programs to link this profile to our FTP client (we make a link, so to speak):

Click the “Add” button, select FileZilla’s “Target window” from the drop-down list (it should be open at this point and there should be nothing in the authorization fields), and then click OK.

The checkbox in the screenshot is in the “Use autodial from group” field, because I registered the necessary operants for the entire group (FTP folders) by selecting the “Change group” item from its context menu and going to the “Auto dial” tab:

You are free to re-check the box “Use the following sequence"and for each FTP connection, enter a set of operants in the field located just below:


This doesn't change the essence.

How can I now insert passwords to access a website from Kipas into FileZilla?

Now To check, open FileZilla, place the cursor in the first line of the quick authorization field and click on three magic keys and (Ctrl+Alt+A):

If you, using the algorithm described just above, created several password profiles for different FTP connections, then when you press the magic keys you will be asked where you still want to enter (which site to connect to?):

Can use a different login algorithm. Open your program for storing passwords (kipas), go to the FTP folder, click once on the line with the desired FTP account and click Ctrl+U on keyboard.

The focus is transferred to the Filezilla program that opens (that’s why the link cmd://"C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe" was added), but without going anywhere else you return to KeePass and press the key combination Ctrl+V. As a result, the authorization fields in FileZilla will be filled in automatically and you will have access to your site. What way automatic input It’s more convenient for you to choose a password.

And finally, you can simply copy your login and password to the clipboard, double-clicking on them in turn in the Kipas window (name and password in the columns). Double-clicking on the title of an entry will open a window for editing it, and double-clicking in the “Link” column will activate the transition to it. Or you can simply select the necessary items from the context menu of the connection profile stored in Kipas:

The period for storing passwords in the clipboard is set in the settings (Tools - Settings - Security - Auto clear buffer) and by default is 12 seconds.

How to remove all traces of passwords entered into FileZilla from KeePass?

So, and a couple more steps that will allow you to remove all traces of what you enter in Filezilla from KeePass passwords. The fact is that this FTP client stores the history of entered passwords for some time and a certain number. To eliminate this incident, you will have to do a number of simple manipulations.

First, delete the sitemanager.xml already mentioned above (see its storage folder above). Secondly, you will need to slightly change the program settings.

To do this, find the file fzdefaults.xml.example in the c:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\docs\ directory and rename it, removing the ending in fzdefaults.xml . Transfer this file to the folder with FileZilla (c:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client) and, opening it for editing in Notepad++, delete all its contents, replacing it with this:


Save the changes, then go to the folder C:\Users\[account name]\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\ and delete the recentservers.xml and filezilla.xml files there. That's it, your FileZilla will now not tell anyone what passwords were entered into it automatically from KeePass manager. This is what needed to be implemented.

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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, including, what is it needed for FTP access, its protection capabilities and the current rating of FTP clients .

By using FTP protocol files and folders of files are transferred on the Internet. That is, the user can upload data to the server without using a browser. FTP on hosting is intended for uploading sites directly to the hosting itself.

Review of popular FTP and SSH clients for transferring files (data).

Let's first figure out what you need to know in order to upload a website to the hosting provider's server. First of all, this is the login, access password, and FTP server address. All these the data is usually sent in a letter from the hoster after ordering the service you have chosen.

To transfer data, it is recommended to use FTP clients, which make the user’s work much easier. While connecting the PC to the server using FTP transfer data is transmitted via a TCP port (numbered from 1024 to 65535). IN active mode The port number is specified by the user, in the passive case - by the hosting provider’s server. In most cases, hosters use passive mode.

How to secure FTP access? FTP hacks most often occur due to the fact that there are viruses on the computer of the user who uploads files via FTP. Such viruses steal logins and passwords and then gain access to your website. Therefore, if you use FTP upload be sure to take care of the absence of all kinds malware on PC, otherwise the consequences can be sad.

Good protection isusing SSH . The essence of this technology is as follows: SSH is essentially a key that the user and the server have. It allows you to encrypt information during transmission and decrypt it on the server. Therefore, while transferring data using these keys, it is impossible to hack and connect before the connection and your information is in complete safety. like some other hosters provide SSH access for their users.

There is another method to secure FTP access.Using the .ftpaccess file It is possible to block FTP access for any directory on the server with saved files. To create such a file, you need to do personal computer most regular file ftpaccess.txt, in it make a record of IP addresses that can access via FTP access. Then you need to rename it to .ftpaccess and upload it to a folder that will be blocked. That's all.

For convenient work with FTP, special FTP programs-clients. Among the most relevant and widely used areFilezilla, SmartFTP, Far Manager, Total Commander, AceFTP and others. More details .

How to connect to hosting via FTP using FileZilla.

Process creating FTP accounts on hosting depends on the preinstalled control panel, but regardless of whether it is cPanel, ISP manager or Parallels Plesk, the process is very similar and simple even for someone new to hosting management. You need to find the FTP accounts or FTP access section and manually create an FTP user there with given name and password.

How to create new FTP Cpanel account. .

To set up FTP connection , you need to use the following parameters: FTP server (host) – Domain name site, technical address (if the domain is not directed to the hosting site) or server IP address, port - 21, username - FTP login, password - FTP password.

We hope our tips will help you in working with FTP. If you have any additional questions, please contact our 24/7 technical support. We will be happy to help you!

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Good afternoon, gentlemen! Today we will deal with FileZilla program: Let's talk about setting up this FTP client and tell you in which cases using Filezilla can significantly reduce your time and nerves. So, let's go!

This protocol is used purely for file transfer. Typically, when transferring files via FTP, you do not risk damaging them in any way. The process will either complete successfully or fail and you will be prompted to try again.

In modern realities, FTP is most often used when working with remote virtual servers(by the same webmasters or freelancers). You can learn more in the article about what an FTP connection is and what connection options exist.

In this same article, as I said at the beginning, we will talk about one of the most popular FTP clients - FileZilla.

FileZilla – Free FTP Client

FileZilla is free FTP client for transferring files using the same protocol. The program is distributed free of charge and is available for download from the official website. It occupies one of the leading places among all FTP clients.

And this is not just like that: the application is very convenient and multifunctional. FileZilla is a pleasure to use. Intuitively clear interface, diversity different instruments and functions - these are not all the advantages of Filezilla.

Program installation

You can download Filezilla absolutely free. To do this, just go to the official website, where the desired button will be immediately available in the main menu.

Documentation for beginners is also available here, which will tell you how to work with this application.

After we click on “Download FileZilla”, we will be immediately taken to the download page, where versions for different operating systems will be available.

Choose the required version(most likely Windows x64), after which we download installation file on computer.

Important! If you use Linux, you don’t have to download the application image from the official website; you can install the program from the repositories.

Immediately after downloading and running the installation package (in exe format for Windows), you will see a standard installer.

Problems with installing FileZilla on Windows there should not be, just click “I Agree”, then “Next” - “Next” - “Continue”. After installation, the application shortcut will appear on the desktop and in the program list.

Setting up an FTP client

After launching Filezilla, you will see a window like this. This standard option settings that you will have immediately after installation. If you wish, you can change the display of specific windows using the icons that appear second row after the main menu (shown by an arrow).

The interface here matches system language(mine is in Russian), but if you wish, you can change it in the settings (Editing - Settings - Language).

Here, just above, you can change the icon theme, date and time format, and much more. Standard Setting up FileZilla quite usable: you can easily connect to the host to transfer files. This does not require any special setup, everything is intuitive and simple.

Application Appearance

Let's take a closer look at the FileZilla interface. Although it is extremely simple, it can be a little difficult for beginners. Filezilla itself (its main window) is divided into 6 components. Each of them is important and is responsible for a specific action. This is what it looks like.

Here you can see:

  1. Main menu: access to the settings and functionality of the application.
  2. Block of tool icons: with their help you can control interface elements, as well as reproduce any actions to manage file transfer.
  3. Authorization fields: here you enter information in order to log into the server (the host server itself, username and password, and port, if necessary).
  4. File manager on the remote server (when you connect to the host).
  5. File manager on your PC.
  6. Status of operations (files in job, transfers in error, etc.)

These are the components you will work with. Here (in the screenshot) I did not mark the command log. It is located immediately under the authorization fields - there you can observe all the actions that will be played when working with the program.

With the help of those same icons you can turn off everything extra elements interface, leaving only file managers for transferring files from the computer to the server and back. Their appearance, by the way, can be changed in the settings: Editing – Settings – Interface – Themes.

Site manager function

To avoid entering connection information each time, you can use the site manager. Enough convenient function automation of connection to servers via FTP. Here you can not only “fill in” all the data for automatic connection in one click, but also group them into folders, creating individual settings for each site or group of sites.

Convenient, isn't it? Pay attention to “Protocol” in the “General” tab. Here you can choose which protocol to connect to a particular site. Besides standard FTP you can use SFTP and Storj. Each of them has its own advantages.

You can also configure encryption and even choose the background color for each site (so as not to get confused).

How to use an FTP client

Connecting to server/host

Now it’s time to move on to the main topic of this material - how to use FileZilla FTP client, and most importantly, how to create an FTP connection to the server.

First, we need to understand how exactly we can find out the site host for FileZilla. Here Beget hosting will be used as an example. We go to the official website of the hoster and register an account there, immediately after that all the necessary data for access via FTP will be sent to us by email.

If we want to create separate accesses for each site (if there are several on one account), then, as can be seen from the information in the screenshot, we just need to go to the appropriate section.

In this case, when connecting to an FTP server, we will only see the files of the site for which we created separate access. I will have access to all sites on my account, because I log in through default access.

To access we need the following data:

  • host (server),
  • Username (login),
  • password.

I have them all (screenshot above), you will have yours. Enter the data in the appropriate fields in Filezilla and click “Quick Connect”.

If you also disabled unnecessary interface elements (using icons), this is exactly the window you will see after a successful connection. As you may have noticed, in the “Remote site” field there appeared files that are currently on my remote host. I can download, change and edit them at any time using FileZilla.

When connected to a remote server, we can transfer files back and forth. The easiest way to do this is to drag it while holding left button mice.

However, if you so desire, you can use the context menu, which can be accessed by right-clicking the mouse.

If you enable the activity window, you will be able to see when and which files were transferred.

A list of files that could not be transferred will be available in the next tab.

You can transfer files in batches. Simply select the required number of files and/or folders with the mouse, and then drag them into the adjacent window.

To edit a file, for example, PHP code or any other, you do not have to manually download it to your machine. Just click on the required file right-click and then select “View/Edit”.

It will immediately open in your usual program automatically. Immediately after editing and saving the file, you will be prompted to update it on the remote host.

In this case, the document being edited will not be saved on the computer. It has a temporary status and is deleted after a restart.

You can edit most files this way.

Search files

Sometimes there are countless files on a remote host. In this case, the built-in search tool with an advanced type of settings can help us. As you can see in the screenshot, there are truly a lot of possibilities here.

Files can be searched by keys in the name and by content. Through this tool you can also search on your local PC if standard tools your operating system is not up to the task.


By using file managers you can reproduce any actions with files and folders: renaming, creating directories and much more.


FileZilla great app, which is perfectly suited for the goals set. With it you can download and upload various files With remote servers. The versatility of Filezilla will allow you to forget about the inconvenience. Many things in this FTP client are simply automated, so you should definitely give it a try.

By the way, if you want to make money on sites, then you are welcome to ours.

Relatively many users use FTP. Those who don’t use it may start sooner or later, and therefore they will have to look for a client to work with this very protocol.

To be honest, when faced with this “problem,” I didn’t bother for very long and used a simple browser add-on, unfairly believing that “it’s good enough” (c).

It turned out that the choice of a client program for working with this protocol is no less important than the choice of any other software, because it directly affects the speed of work, comfort and other useful amenities.

Therefore, I will tell you a little about the client program that I use.

General description of the protocol

Traditionally, we have two formats. Video and text. You can see the video format below, and the text format immediately after it. Which one is closer to you - see for yourself.

FTP(English File Transfer Protocol - file transfer protocol) - a protocol designed to transfer files to computer networks. FTP allows you to connect to servers of this protocol and view the contents of directories, download files from or to the server.

Formally, this is something like connecting to a certain folder that is located on another computer/server using a network or the Internet. If the file transfer was interrupted for some reason, the protocol provides means for resuming the file, which can be very convenient when transferring large files.

FTP is one of the oldest application protocols, which appeared long before HTTP, in 1971 year. It is still widely used today to distribute software and file transfer.

FTP client program

FTP-client, is a program for connecting to one or another FTP-server (like ICQ, for example, allows you to connect to an ICQ server and send your messages to the same connected ones or receive them from them).

In general, the program that I want to recommend is quite famous on the Internet and has been around for a long time. It's called FileZilla and, firstly, it is completely free, and secondly, it is cross-platform (i.e. it works under almost all operating systems), and thirdly, it supports the Russian language, which is undoubtedly pleasant and convenient.

Also, it contains a normal, clear interface, maximum capabilities, minimum glitches and excellent speed work.

Download Filezilla to work with FTP

In the window that appears, click on the button " New host", select the input type in the field " Normal" (if you do not have a login and password and you know that FTP available without them, you can leave the login type " Anonymous") and fill in the fields " Host"(just the address FTP-server to which you want to connect), Login, Password and press the button " OK":

After that, by clicking on the "checkbox" next to the button you know, you will see a list of hosts you entered with the specified names (by default this is " New host"), by clicking on the name you will connect to the server. After connecting, on the left you will see a window displaying the contents of your computer, and on the right the remote FTP.

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That's all. I hope that this article was at least somehow useful to you.
If something is not clear and you have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments - I will definitely try to help you;)