How to put your script on beget. Beget hosting control panel. New! Creating an ftp account on hosting runs

How to install wordpress on beget?

Let's decipher the question: in the previous article we created a site on hosting, namely, we created a site folder on the server, added a domain name and linked the domain to the folder (site). However, in this state your site will not be able to appear online.
For full-fledged operation, you also need to install a CMS and site engine on the site.

In our case it will be WordPress.

NB! Other engines will not be considered in this blog. You can argue for a long time about the advantages and disadvantages of WordPress, but today, and given the constant improvement of WP, we dare to assume that in the near future, this is the most convenient engine for the average user, allowing you to create a variety of projects. Moreover, search engines are very loyal to WordPress, and this, you see, is an important fact.

Of course, there will always be people for whom the easy and clear path is not suitable. Well, let’s google the request: “installing joomla (drupal or other engine) on beget hosting” and off we go :)

How to install CMS on Beget

All jokes aside, you can automatically install almost any CMS directly from your Beget hosting account.

After clicking on the icon, a window called “Automatic installation of CMS” will open, where we can proceed to installing the engine on the site.

Automatic installation of CMS

You see a table with two sections:

  • Installed CMS
  • Websites without CMS

At the top of the table with installed engines you can get the following information:

  • Name of the site
  • domain associated with the site
  • name and version of CMS
  • "Delete" and "Information" buttons. We will find out what data can be obtained from the “Information” section below.

At the bottom of the “Sites without CMS” table we see so far only the name of the site and the domain associated with this site and the “Install CMS” button.
That's what we need. Click on this button.

List of available engines on Beget hosting

Today, Beget hosting offers installation of 33 engines, including 25 free ones.

Well, actually, we have come to the fork in our story.

For those who desperately need a special engine, please select from the list and click on its icon.

The rest, together with us, install WordPress.

How to install CMS WordPress on Beget hosting automatically

Click on the WordPress image and see a new window open. Note that we are still in the "Automatic installation of CMS" section, as can be seen in the picture.

Fill in the fields: login, password, e-mail and site description. And click the “Install on site” button.

That's all! The process of installing the CMS on Beget-tochka-ru hosting has begun.

Note: We fill out the “Site Description” field in Latin letters, for example, with the word “site”, as in the figure; Cyrillic simply won’t work. In the future, this incident can be easily corrected directly in the site admin panel.

Tab information about the details of access to the site on Beget hosting

And for dessert! After the previous step, you will see a tab with information for accessing your site.
Look at the picture. You see detailed access data for your site, including database details.
By the way, the same tab opens when you click the “Information” button, which we talked about a few paragraphs above.

Now you can copy this data and save it in a safe place or view it here in your hosting account.


Today we looked at installing a CMS (WordPress) on full autopilot directly from your Beget hosting account.
Agree, it’s simple, easy, convenient and will not create problems for users of any level of training. The last four words of the previous sentence are key here. This is our goal: to teach any person with zero knowledge how to make a website quickly and easily.

What are we leading to? Moreover, installing a website on hosting can be done in another way. First, install a local server on your computer, then create a ready-made website on it, then upload it to your hosting, test it and, voila!.. And, no, not quite voila - if you think that everything is so simple, then it’s definitely not so . You will lose a month or two that you could spend, for example, writing articles. But you will become an ace in local servers :)

OUR ADVICE: do an automatic installation of the WordPress CMS (specifically WP) on hosting.

You can control sites And IP addresses. Website represents a location on a disk that is referenced by one or more domains or subdomains.

Website creation

To create a new site, you need to specify the directory in which it will be located. The directory for the site will be created relative to the home directory. The directory name can consist of Latin letters, numbers and the following symbols: " - " (dash), " . " (dot) and symbol " / " (slash) to indicate a subdirectory.

To create a site you need to enter Site name and press the button Create. This will create a directory with the name of the site, a directory will be created in it public_html, into which you need to upload files.

Linking/unlinking of domains

In the same section you can link/unlink Domains or Subdomains to/from sites. Opposite the desired directory with the site, click Link. After that, select a free domain on which this site will open.

Thus, one website can work with many domains/subdomains.

Also, next to each domain/subdomain there is a button, when clicked, the domain/subdomain is unlinked from the site and becomes free, i.e. it can be linked to any other site on your account.

Website management

Below is a table of all sites on the account. Next to each site there is a button, when clicked, the site will be deleted. be careful, incorrect use of this function may disrupt the functionality of your site. Also next to each site there is a button, by clicking on which you can see the load exerted by this site.

In addition, next to each domain/subdomain there is a button, by clicking on which you can select the required version php for a given domain/subdomain. Thus, one site can open at several addresses, for each of which you can install its own version php.

Also in this window you can set the necessary directives or use ready-made parameters for popular CMS. In addition, it is possible to configure storage of site sessions in Redis

IP Address Management

We offer for rent IPv4 address from your own PA networks with full registration in accordance with the rules of the RIPE NCC. In this subsection you can:

For IP addresses that are already in use, you can manage auto-renewal and, if necessary, delete an unnecessary IP address.

Linking a domain to an IP address

In order to bind a domain to an IP address, you need to select the required domains from the list, then click on the " Order".

If you already have a dedicated IP address, then you can attach other domains to it by selecting domains from the list in the corresponding IP address block

If necessary, domains can be unlinked from an IP address by unchecking the required domains in the list.

Setting the outgoing IP address

You can set the IP address from which outgoing requests from your site will be made. In order to set an IP address for outgoing requests, you need to select the required domains from the list, then click on the " Order".

Please note that you will need to confirm the debit from your account balance.

If you already have a dedicated IP address, then you can use it as the IP address for outgoing requests. To do this, you need to select the required domains from the list in the corresponding IP address block.

If you need to set an existing IP address as the IP address for outgoing requests for all sites, then you can do this in the " IP Address Management" by selecting it from the drop-down list.

As an engine, it’s time to choose hosting - the server on which your site will be located. In this article we will look at its main capabilities.

In fact, hosting is not just a server. Hosting is also a control panel that allows you to customize the operation of your site, manage files and databases, domains and subdomains, and also restore your site from a backup in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Let's talk about everything in order.

Backing up your sites

Automatic creation of backup copies of your sites (files and databases) is the key to their stable operation. You won’t lose several months of work just because you were too lazy to once again go into your hosting control panel and create a “backup”.

If in the future your site becomes too small for the free plan, you can switch to any other one. The prices are incredible.

30 days of free hosting

If the free plan is clearly not enough for you, you can choose any suitable one from the paid ones. At the same time, whole 30 days from the moment of registration you will be able to fully use hostingBeGetabsolutely free.

Such test periods almost never happen on other hosting sites.

In addition, if for some reason you do not want to use BeGet’s services after this period, you can simply refuse their services without paying a penny.


Why did we decide to tell you about it and not about any other? Or didn't even do a review?

It's simple - because we use this hosting ourselves. We love the user-friendly and colorful control panel, unparalleled file manager, automatic backup, automatic WordPress installation, and responsive support team.

In addition, in further articles on Blogger School we will publish detailed instructions on individual aspects of working with hosting- using the example of BeGet. And we would like to make it easy for you to master and implement the acquired skills.

That's probably all. I invite you to ask any questions on this topic in the comments.

In the next article I will tell you how to install WordPress on hosting. Subscribe to updates in the column on the right 😉

Hello everyone, I wanted to make my first blog post banal, so enjoy...

The first thing you need to do is make sure that there is no special automatic installer on your hoster’s website, since now almost all hosting control panels have a CMS installation. Hosting must contain components such as PHP and MySQL. As an example, I’ll give you the panel of one of the best Russian hosters - beget. If your hoster does not provide this option, then you will like the following instructions.

Let's make a small work plan:

  1. Create a MySQL database in your hosting control panel;
  2. Download the archive from the official WordPress website;
  3. Unzip the archive;
  4. Change the name of the configuration file (WP-CONFIG.php);
  5. Edit the configuration file;
  6. Upload files to hosting;
  7. Carry out the initial setup of the engine;

(1) In order to create a MySQL database, go to the hosting control panel and select the MySQL item. We create a new database there by filling in the user name, database name and password and clicking *add* (in our case, *database name* and *user* are the same). Be sure to remember/write down the entered data and the server to connect to (in our case, you can choose from two options: localhost,

(2) Then you need to download the installation package with the current version of the engine, this can be done on the official website (3) After successful download, you will need to unzip the archive, find the file WP-CONFIG-SAMPLE.php and (4) rename it to WP-CONFIG.php. (5) Next, open the just renamed file using notepad or Notepad++ (a free and convenient program for editing Html and PHP).

(5). We will have to replace everything underlined in red except localhost, since the server name in the file coincides with the name of the hosting server (you can also replace it with Instead of database_name_here we enter the name of our database, instead of username_here - the user name, instead of password_here - the password. It will look something like this:

Scroll below. We replace the entries “enter a unique phrase here” with a variety of letters and numbers so that each term has a unique combination. Even lower, you can enter the prefix $table_prefix = 'wp_2l'; . This ends editing the configuration file; carefully save everything and exit their program.

Uploading modified WordPress files to the server

(6) To download engine files we will need an FTP client, I recommend that you download the free FileZilla client. On your hosting, find your FTP account details, or create a new one. Enter the host, username, password and click connect. Next, we need to upload all the files from the WordPress folder to the root directory (it can be called differently: htdocs, public_html ...). After all the files have been copied, go to your website through a browser.

(7) On the settings page you need to enter your login, passwords, email address, blog name and other understandable features. Login to the administrative panel is at, you will be prompted to enter your login and password.

So you have set up your own blog! Congratulations: Z If something didn’t work out, write in the comments - I’ll help in any way I can. In the following articles we will talk about what you need to do in the first days of a blog’s life, where you should go and where you shouldn’t.

How to create a website on
Let's try to do this together! You will soon understand that everything is quite simple: log into your Beget account, click a few buttons, do a few simple steps, and a website on Beget hosting is created.

As usual, let's start with a little theory. If it is not interesting to you, if it is boring, then with the help of the content you can immediately move on to the practical part. To return to content, we recommend using the "Back to Top" arrow in the lower right corner of the screen.

What you need to create a website on Beget virtual hosting

General considerations about creating websites on shared hosting

Let's immediately agree that creating a website on hosting can be viewed in two ways: in a narrow and in a broad sense. Let's explain what's what.

A simple technical option for creating a website

Creating a website in the narrow sense consists of two stages, when you create a folder on a virtual server disk for your website, add a domain name to your account, then link (attach) it to the website folder.
At this stage, we can assume that the Beget hosting site has been created. It will even open by domain name, where Beget will report that the site has been successfully created and is ready for use.
However, on such a site you will not be able to post files or write articles, because a CMS (engine) has not yet been installed on it: WordPress, Joomla or any other.

Complete website creation option

The site, in a broad sense, requires a little more work. To those already indicated above, we will add the installation of a CMS, for example, WordPress, linked to a MySQL database. After this we can truly say that the site has been created.

This article discusses an easy option for creating websites, and we will study the installation of a CMS in the next one.

In general, to fully create any website on any hosting, you need to complete four steps.

For clarity, let's put them in a table, in the left column is a list of items, in the right - what we will do with them when creating a site on Beget hosting

Table for creating a full-fledged website in relation to

Practical part of the article

You can start creating a website on Beget hosting either from the Sites menu or from the Domains menu, it doesn’t matter.
Let's not break the sequence of table points and go through them in order

Create a site folder on the hosting server

1) Go to PUA Begeta under your nickname and login. Click on the "Sites" icon

2) Fill in the name of the site. Usually, this is a domain name, so it’s easier not to get confused when there are a lot of sites. But in fact, this is the name of the folder on the server in which the site files will be stored. Therefore, you can give the site any name.

By the way, the line below says that Beget has already created a test site for you on a third-level domain

3) Click the "Create" button.

And then another line appeared below. The list of sites has been supplemented with our site.

So, we have just created a folder for the future site on the Beget hosting server.

Now let's complete the second point from the table. To simplify the article, we will assume that we already have a domain name for our site. It is located in the "Domains" section.
Readers who want to understand, for details.

All we have to do is link the domain to the site folder.

How to link a domain to a site on Beget

Since we first created a site (site folder) and then registered a domain, now we need to link the domain to the site. To link means to attach.

This is done in PUA Begeta, under the “Sites” icon.

1) Go to the “Sites” section and in the line of our site click the “Attach domain” button.

2) Select the domain we need from the list, click “Attach”

3) And then we see that the desired domain is attached to our site folder.

By the way, you could already link a domain to the site in the Domains menu when you linked your own domain. Then it should be visible in the list of domains.

Honestly, it takes much longer to describe the process than to put it into practice. Try it and you will succeed; the Beget hoster definitely has the advantage of clear interface, lots of hints in pictures and a voluminous question-and-answer section.
Now we have done half the work of creating a site on hosting, but, as already written above, in a strictly technical sense we can consider that the site on (Beget) has been created.