What is FTP and how is standard FTP setup done? Getting FTP access to the server Following step-by-step instructions

Today we will talk about ftp access to the server, its concept, essence and advantages. For those who already use ftp to access and work with their sites, it will be useful to know some of the advantages of working with WordPress. Well, everything is in order.

First, let's look at the essence of ftp and what it is, then consider popular program, For comfortable work. After installing the program, let's look at what data we need to access the site.

Ultimately we will consider important points regarding ftp and its advantages when working with WordPress.

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What is FTP?

Literal translation from English - File Transfer Protocol , file transfer protocol. Using this protocol, a connection is made to the server by sending a login and password, after connecting with which the user is able to download/upload files of various contents (documents, pictures, videos).

In other words, using ftp access we will be able to change, create, download or upload the files we need to remote computer from local. I won’t go into details and connection methods, I’ll just say that there are different connections using additional protocols.

Program for FTP access to the server.

I’ll say right away that the choice of programs for accessing hosting rests entirely with you, your tastes and interests. I will only talk about one of the most popular FileZilla.

Download this program you can from the official website. It is free and easy to customize, especially since I will now describe everything in detail.

So, after downloading and launching FileZilla, this simple window will open:

The successful launch of the program is just the beginning; to continue working, we need data that your hosting provider must provide you with:

  1. Hosting IP address;
  2. Port (usually 21);
  3. User (login);
  4. Password.

This data is required for ftp access. If you do not have such data, contact your hosting provider's support service for information.

Setting up access to the server.

Have you received the data you need to access the server? Great, now let's move on to the connection.

In FileZilla, click on the following icon (Open Site Manager):

In the menu that appears, enter our data:

After all has been entered necessary information click “Connect”.

The program connects to your server and the setup is complete. Now you can move, copy and change files on the server.

The advantage of working with WordPress files via FTP.

When working with WordPress files and theme files, there is a risk of doing something wrong. For example, remove vitally required file or write the code incorrectly, which will lead to critical error. After saving the file, all you will see is a blank white monitor screen. This can cause panic in an inexperienced webmaster.

What is the advantage of working with a site via ftp? The fact is that you will have access to files at any time, regardless of whether your site is running or not. Did you mess up? Open or download the file you were messing around with and correct it. Next, resave the file to the server and update your site, everything will return to its original position. In the case of working through the admin panel, you may not have such an opportunity.

How to properly work with files via FileZilla on the server?

There is a golden rule when working with files on the server:

Before you start changing files, download their original version to your local computer. This will save you from mistakes and allow you to quickly restore everything.

Exactly, no matter what you do, it’s better to play it safe once again and do backup copy source file. We are all human and we all make mistakes.

Greetings, dear friends, to the blog site. IN Lately We can no longer imagine working on the Internet without transferring files, and in order to set up such data exchange it is necessary to install the necessary software, and also obtain data to access the server. Using my hosting as an example, I will show you how to set it up remote access to your site from your home computer in a couple of steps.

If you have at least once created and administered your website, then this topic will be familiar to you, and for beginners it will help set up remote access, which will make working with the project easier. Let's take a closer look.

Where can I get data for FTP access to my site?

Let's first tell you what FTP actually is. Translated, this means “data transfer protocol”. The idea is to set up a connection between a work machine and a server anywhere in the world, or to connect with computers in your office, connecting all the machines into a single chain.

So you purchased hosting for yourself, for example, all my sites are located on reliable Russian hosting(referral link), check it out, and after registering, I immediately received all the necessary data to establish a connection by email. It all depends on your hoster and the ease of use. If you are not provided with the data right away, you will have to make a request to the technical support service.

But to set up a connection, data alone is not enough; software is required. I prefer to use free application FileZilla, but you can also use Total Commander.

Also, in order to upload site files to the server, you can use the built-in FTP manager on the hosting itself, but it is not available everywhere and does not always work well, everything also depends on the hoster itself. Now let's take a closer look at the installation and connect our computer to the server using the FileZilla program.

Installing and configuring access to the site's FTP server using FileZilla

First, download the distribution package of the program and install it as an administrator on your computer.

After successful installation, you must enter the following data to configure the connection, namely:

  • Host name;
  • Port (optional);
  • FTP user login;
  • User password.

When creating remote access, we need to decide how it will be used this connection, for personal purposes or control is transferred, for example system administrator, from which it is necessary to hide other sites, giving access only to a specific one. To do this in hosting control panels, in my case it's standard panel my account, we need to go to the FTP section where we will have to select the path to the folder of our site or the root directory of the hosting with our sites.

By default, access to the server root is usually set, and if you need to give access to a specific site, then we take the following steps:

  • Open the section FTP creation on your hosting (the paths on all hostings are different);
  • We select the path to the root of the directories or a specific site on the server;
  • We create a new user (usually it’s just a word or a set in Latin, 2-6 characters long).

Great, everything you need preparatory work finished and now we access the FTP installed on our computer FileZilla client to create access to the site via ftp. Now I will tell you which menu items we will need in everyday work; of course, the program has many additional parameters, but it will be enough for us to use only a few positions.

The main section in the program is the site manager, it is located under the “file” button, top menu. Let's go to this section by clicking on the computer icon, but if you click on the drop-down list to the right of the icon, it will appear full list all created connections that are stored in the program.

Now we need to take the data received during registration with the server host addresses and enter the data that we created when setting up FTP on our hosting.

For example, for me it looks like this:

  1. p276247.ftp.ihc.ru - host address;
  2. p276247_blog - user name;
  3. Gturygujuhhu6j9 - password.

There are several types of login to the site server through FTP client, let's look at them all.

Anonymous– I don’t recommend using it, and to be honest, I’ve never used it myself.

Normal– if you choose this type, then you will need to enter your username and password when creating an account. But there is a risk that if you save your entry in the program's memory and your computer will be subject to viral infection there is a possibility that attackers can steal your data and gain control of the site. To avoid data loss and try to protect yourself, I advise you to install licensed antivirus and use the login type described below.

Request password – with this type of login to the server, the program will ask you for a password, which you must know and enter each time you connect to the directories. I advise you to choose this type of connection, tested for personal experience. The security of your projects comes first and requires not only combating data loss, but also early prevention of such cases.

Interactive and account - This latest ways connections in this program, but I also don’t recommend using them and filling your head with unnecessary information.

After setting up our FTP client, in the site manager section, select our site and click the connect button at the bottom of our program.

If the connection was successful, then in the lower right part of the program window you will receive a list of directories of folders on your server that you can work with, just like with a regular Explorer on your work computer.

So we looked at the main ways to create and configure remote access to our site. Follow the recommendations described above, and you can easily set up your ftp client.

Also, using this program you can easily select both entire folders and separate files and transfer and upload from your computer to the server in a matter of seconds. Sometimes you may need to fill compressed archive in .zip or rar extensions. Transferring the archive will not be difficult, but unzipping it will be a little problematic; for such purposes, my hosting has a built-in FTP explorer and it is called FTP Admin. It looks different on different hosting sites.

Not long ago I used Time Web hosting, of course I was happy with everything, both the price and the convenience of the control panel, but recently it began to disappoint me greatly, as they began to have long technical problems with archiving site files for further downloading and exporting databases and sites, as a result of which I had to partially abandon their services. Support responded with all sorts of incredible ways to solve this problem, including archiving through hosting backups, in short, a complete mess -)))). By the way, how to create backup files and I wrote the database for my website in this post.

So, if you still need to unzip an archive in a certain directory of your website, then after uploading it, you need to go to the file manager, and having selected one or another archive, select the command to unzip it. Do not forget that all archive folders and simple files must have names in Latin, otherwise conflicts will occur when accessing one or another file.

Thus, we have set up remote access to our website anywhere in the world; all you need is data and the Internet. If you give access to work on your project, then be sure to only give access to the directory of the desired site, and under no circumstances give full access to the root of the server with sites to avoid data loss or entering malicious code, or just copying files. About what are the main methods of hacking websites.

I enclose short video lesson on this topic to reinforce what you have read:

Hope this post will be useful to my dear readers. I look forward to seeing you in the next articles. Subscribe to blog updates.

Hi all! Very often, when working with a website, you need to work with files located on the hosting (engine files, theme files, settings files, images, and others). For convenience, the hosting provider allows users to work with site files via FTP. The thing is, of course, convenient and sometimes irreplaceable, but for inexperienced user strange set English letters. Today I want to talk about this great feature web servers of our hosting providers.

What is FTP?

Very briefly about what it is. I won't go too deep. So, an incomprehensible combination of letters FTP - as many have already guessed, this is an abbreviation. Deciphered - File Transfer Protocol, and translated - file transfer protocol. This protocol serves to exchange data (files) between the client and server. The server in our case is our hosting provider. And the client is us. In order to start exchanging files, we must connect to the server. FTP server happens open type and closed. An open FTP server does not require a login and password, anyone can connect to it. Usually open server used when connected users can only download files. For example, the well-known D-Link, producing network hardware, There is open FTP server, anyone can connect and download the firmware to the device of interest. A closed FTP server requires knowledge of a login and password. User rights are configured in the hosting control panel. In the case of the site, a closed FTP server is used so that only the developer can have access to the site files. In general, you can tell a lot more about FTP: active/passive, what ports it works on, command format, data reliability, a lightweight version of TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), encryption and much more. This is beyond the scope of this article. Who needs more detailed information- Google it.

Why do you need FTP access (which is located on the site)?

The site can be conditionally divided into 2 components (if we're talking about about a website on a CMS - WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc., and not about a one-page business card website written in pure HTML). The first is a set of files (our engine, theme, pictures, photos, settings,...), and the second is a database. We'll talk about working with the database another time.

But the files that are on the server can be uploaded and downloaded. Of course, many hosting providers have the opportunity to work with files through the control panel. But this is often inconvenient. There are several thousand files on one site (clean WordPress engine– this is 1500 files). Everything is much simpler if you work with files via FTP. Files can be downloaded, uploaded, viewed contents, viewed file attributes (for example, modification date). Sometimes it is necessary to edit some files for the necessary tasks.

Yes, even if you don’t take into account the site engine, you definitely need to configure it on absolutely any site - “robot.txt”, “.htaccess”. This is very convenient to do with using FTP client. You also need to periodically make a backup copy of the site, just in case. No one is safe from hacking or data loss. It will be very good if it happens working version site, recently copied to a safe place.

How to set up FTP access on the server?

Absolutely all hosting providers provide access to the site via FTP. This is part of the service. If something doesn’t work out, feel free to call the support service and blow your mind, we pay for it.

I have an account with the RU-CENTER hoster. Not the best hosting provider, but it will do as an example.

So, we already have a domain, the website has already been created. Log in to your account and go to your hosting control panel. In the left panel, select “Web server (1) -> Access control (2) -> FTP (3)”. You can create another user out of 10,000,000. In fact, an infinite number of users. Enter some name in the “New FTP user” (4) field (let it be sitename, for example). And click create (5).

Rice. 1. Configure FTP access to the site on the server.

They show us the password. A letter with information about the new user and password has been sent to the administrator (which we are kindly informed about). The password is also shown. Copy your name and password to a safe place. And Domain name for access via FTP (for me it is ftp.mylogin.nichost.ru)(7). Now you need to register the home directory (6) in the user table. There can be several sites on one hosting, and you can create your own FTP user with your home folder. This is exactly what I recommend doing. Create your own user and password for each site, and the user has access only to the home directory of his site. It's both safe and convenient. The directory for the site may differ for different hosters. My /home/mylogin/sitename.ru/docs. If you don’t know, you need to check with support or look in the help section. You can dig into the file manager and find the site directory. This information will come in handy. On this FTP setup-server is completed. As you can see, everything is very simple.

Rice. 2. Set up FTP access to the site on the server.

How to connect to an FTP server (Total commander, FileZilla)?

There is a very popular FTP client - FileZilla. I will, of course, tell you about it because of its popularity. But personally, I prefer to work in Total commander. Very simple and convenient file manager. At Total commander I work not only with FTP. That's mine desktop program. FileZilla is free program(filezilla.ru). But TotalCommander is paid (download from torrents). If you don't know what TotalCommander is, then just download the free FileZilla.

How to connect to the Total commander FTP server?

To connect to the FTP server you need to create a connection. To do this, you need to go to the “FTP->connect to FTP server” menu (Fig. 3) or select the corresponding button on the Toolbar (Fig. 4), or press the key combination “Ctrl+F”. The FTP connections window will open (Figure 5). We create a new one by clicking on the corresponding button. Fill in the fields (Fig. 6).
- “Connection name” - whatever, this is the name that will be displayed in the list.
— “Server[:Port]” — The server to which we connect, my provider calls it a domain name for access via FTP. For those familiar with the command line, it is clear that the parameter in square brackets is an optional field. Those. if the port is standard (if not standard, this will be specified separately by the hosting provider).
Standard port: ftp.mylogin.nichost.ru
Special port: ftp.mylogin.nichost.ru:4545.
— “Account” — user name
— “Password” — actually, the password
— “Passive exchange mode (as Web browser)" - I recommend checking this box so that there are no problems with reading directories.
All other settings do not need to be touched (Fig. 7).
To connect to the server, in the connection list window, select required connection(if there is more than one) and click connect. Active window will display a list of server files (Figure 8). To download a file from the server, drag it with the mouse from the server window to the window local folder. To upload to the server, drag it from the local directory window to the server window. When all operations are completed on the toolbar, click “Disable”.

Rice. 3. Connect to the Total commander FTP server.
Rice. 4. Connect to the Total commander FTP server.
Rice. 5. Connect to the Total commander FTP server.
Rice. 6. Connect to the Total commander FTP server.
Rice. 7. Connect to the Total commander FTP server.
Rice. 8. Connect to the Total commander FTP server.

How to connect to FileZilla FTP server?

The program window is divided into several parts (Fig. 9). At the very top, log (8) is a list of the sequence of commands being executed. Over time, it will become clear what is written there. But for starters, it doesn’t matter. Folders (9) and files (10) on the computer. I don't know why it is so divided. Folders (11) and files (12) on the server. At the very bottom is the status of the files we are transferring (13).
In FileZilla, everything is intuitively similar to TotalCommander. Open “File->site manager” (Fig. 10) or select the corresponding button on the toolbar (Fig. 11), or press the key combination “Ctrl+S”. We are creating a new website. Fill in the fields (Fig. 12).
— “Host”—domain name for FTP access.
— “Port” — if necessary, specify the port.
— “Protocol” — indicate FTP.
— “Encryption” — depending on the requirements of the provider. I have Use explicit FTP over TSL if available. Suitable for most providers.
— “Input type” — normal.
— “User”—user name.
- “Password” is, of course, a password.
After connecting, folders and files are on the left side of the screen local computer, on the right - servers. Drag and drop files into the desired folder, and the file is downloaded (uploaded) (Fig. 13).

Rice. 9. Connect to the FileZilla FTP server.
Rice. 10. Connect to the FileZilla FTP server.
Rice. 11. Connect to the FileZilla FTP server.
Rice. 12. Connect to the FileZilla FTP server.

Rice. 13. Connect to the FileZilla FTP server.

If you want to make a backup copy of the site files (I recommend doing this after significant changes, as well as periodically, so that if something happens you can roll back) or if you are installing the engine, then download large quantity small files takes a lot of time. Usually, you can go through the admin panel of the hosting provider to the file manager and use the archiver. It is more convenient to first make an archive and download it via FTP in one file. Or download the archive with the engine and unzip it through the admin panel.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an Internet standard for transferring files. Having an access name and password, you can download files from the server or upload files to it. In this way, files are exchanged between you and your site during its development. Programs that support the FTP protocol are often built into special software for developing web pages (for example, Home Site, Macromedia Dreamweaver or FrontPage), and work with remote server via FTP it becomes no more difficult than working with files on your local disk.

The FTP protocol was not originally designed to ensure secure connections, and both the access credentials used and transferred files, may be intercepted by third parties, so if you have the opportunity, we strongly recommend that you avoid using it, or use it only with limited access.
If you have terminal access, then instead of FTP, all operations requiring full privileges (and therefore the use of basic access credentials) can be performed through secure connection via SFTP protocol (SSH+FTP). It's as simple as using FTP, it just requires installing a client program that supports SFTP.

Setting up access

Access via FTP protocol with full rights opened under your basic details at an address like ftp://<ваш логин>:<ваш пароль>@<домен>/ (for example ftp://vasyaru: [email protected]), for security reasons it is better not to explicitly specify the password in the ftp server address, but to use an address like ftp://<ваш логин>@<домен>/ - the ftp client will ask for a password when it needs it.

To provide limited access to your FTP, for example anonymous access to any folder, or access to any path with a different (specified by you) login and password, you can use the ftp access settings section in the administrative interface of your host.

There are two modes of working with the server using the FTP protocol - active and passive. The difference between them is which side initiates the data transfer.

    In case of use active mode, the server begins data transfer from port 20 to the dynamically allocated client port. Data transfer in this mode may not work if you are behind a closed firewall and it is impossible to establish a connection to your computer, including in cases where your Internet provider provides you with a so-called “gray” IP address .

    IN passive mode All connections to the server are established by the ftp client. You can switch to this mode if for some reason the client does not work in active mode.

Also, to ensure additional protection To prevent password guessing by malware (so-called “worms” spreading on the Internet), it is recommended to limit the range of IP addresses from which you can log in via FTP. Even simply limiting this range to the IP addresses of the Internet provider used will already cut off more than 99% such attacks, because they are carried out from infected computers around the world.
The IP ranges of some Internet providers in Yekaterinburg can be viewed by following this link, or you can check with the service technical support or on the provider's website.


To establish a connection via the FTP protocol, the computer must have an FTP client with the ability to upload files to the server, which is usually present in all operating systems by default, immediately after installation.

In MS Windows OS you can use standard conductor, or such ftp clients as Total Commander, FAR, FileZilla.
On Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and other unix-based operating systems, you can use ftp clients such as lftp, ncftp, curl, directly from command line, or gFTP, Nautilus (GNOME), Konqueror (KDE), FileZilla from graphical shell X.
In MAC OS, this can be done through a standard file manager (Finder), similar to Explorer in Windows, or use third party clients, such as Mucommander.

When copying a large number of files to the site, due to the features FTP protocol, it is much faster to pack these files into an archive, copy it to the server, and unpack it there than to simply transfer all the files one by one.
You can unpack the zip archive (to the current directory) by connecting to the server using terminal access and typing the unzip command<путь до архива> .
Archives rar format unpack with unrar x command<путь до архива> .

Working with FTP through MS Windows Explorer

To connect to an ftp server in operating systems Microsoft Windows you can use standard application“Explorer”, for which you just need to launch it through the “Start” menu or simply open any folder and enter address bar(at the top of the window) full address of the ftp server (ftp://<логин>@<домен>/) and follow the entered link by pressing the Enter key. Then you can work with this window as with a regular folder on a local disk, for example, dragging files to/from it.

FAR setting

To create an account, you need to press Alt+F2 and select “FTP”, then to open the dialog you need to press Shift+F4.
In the window that opens, for a new account, in the first field you must enter an address like ftp://<домен>/ . In the “User” field you need to indicate your login, and in the “Password” field - your password. When you have finished entering you need to press Save button.
To connect to the site (as for all subsequent connections), you must select account and press Enter.

Setting up Total Commander

To create an account, select “FTP Connect...” from the “Net” menu.
In the window that opens, you need to click the “New Connection” button and enter in the “Session”, “Host name”, “User Name” and “Password” fields an arbitrary session name (for example “My site”), the site’s domain name, login and password, respectively . To save the account, click OK.
To connect to the site (as for all subsequent connections), you must select the created account and click the “Connect” button.

Connection to hosting via FTP is carried out via special programs(FTP clients). This article contains all the information you need to set up such clients, and detailed instructions on setting up the most popular ones.

What information is required to connect via FTP?

Regardless of the FTP client you use, you will need the following information to configure it:

Login, password, server address and port

  • login. Looks like "u1234567". You can also create an additional FTP account and use it to connect via FTP: ;
  • password. The password for the login is “u1234567”, it can be seen in . You can change the password from the original one and reset it to the original one: ;
  • Server IP address or host. The IP address is listed in . You can also use the site's domain name as a server if it is already linked to hosting: ;
  • port for connecting via ftp"21" must be specified.

If you have entered several times wrong password

If you entered the wrong password several times in a row and the server blocked the FTP connection, contact us with a description of the problem or wait 2 hours. After this time, the blocking will be automatically removed.

FTP operating mode

There are two modes for connecting to an FTP server - active and passive. When working via FTP with our company's servers, you need to use passive mode.

File Transfer Mode

There are two modes for transferring files via FTP:

  • text (ASCII) - mode for transmission text files, html documents, php scripts, scc tables, etc.;
  • binary (binary, binary) - mode for transmitting pictures, executable files, encrypted scripts and the like.

Usually, FTP clients They independently determine the mode based on the file type, but sometimes they make mistakes and the files are loaded incorrectly. Most often, such situations arise when downloading encrypted binary files, having the extension php. In this case, you will need to independently select the required file upload mode in the FTP client.

Number of simultaneous connections

When working via FTP with our company’s servers, no more than 8 simultaneous FTP connections from one IP address.

How to set up an FTP client

Below are instructions for setting up popular FTP clients:

Instructions for Setting up FileZilla

How to configure the connection directory?

For users virtual hosting Access is provided only to the root directory of the account. In order for the user directory to immediately open when connecting via FTP, follow these steps: write the path for the default directory in the column Remote default directory:

  • cPanel:/var/www/1234567
  • cPanel Agava:/home/login
  • ISPmanager:/var/www/u1234567/data
  • Parallels Plesk Onyx 17:/var/www/vhosts/u1234567.plsk.regruhosting.ru

Instructions for setting Total Commander

Instructions for setting up CuteFTP

iWeb setup instructions

When publishing a site via iWeb, you need to fill in the appropriate fields:

  • "Publish to": FTP server;
  • "Site name": the name of your site;
  • "Server Address": hosting server, hosting server IP or your domain. It is not recommended to use a domain as a server. Use a domain if you are sure that it is already parked on your hosting;
  • "User name": your hosting login (specified in the information letter);
  • "Password": hosting password (specified in the information letter);
  • "Directory/Path": directory of your site. You must specify the path to the directory relative to the directory of your hosting account. You can check your website directory in your hosting control panel;
  • "Protocol": FTP;
  • "Port": 21;
  • "Website URL": the full URL of your domain, for example http://mysite.ru.