The noindex tag is new. We use rel=nofollow and noindex for Yandex. Select the optimal density of key phrases

Let's start by denoting different ways using noindex and nofollow:

  • Tag and attribute
  • Meta tags And

Tag and attribute

Tag is an HTML tag that prevents Yandex from indexing a particular area of ​​a site page. For search Google systems this tag does not work; moreover, Google does not provide the ability to exclude part of the text of a page from the index.

Misconception #1. The main mistake people make when using this tag is to believe that if some text is placed between the opening and closing tags , then the Yandex robot will not read and analyze this text.

The only thing is this tag prohibits - this means placing the content in the index database, but this content will in any case be read and analyzed by the robot.

Example: On the page of your site there is some text that uses direct occurrences of sentences from other third party sources. Therefore, these sentences reduce the uniqueness of your text, and you need 100% uniqueness. You decide to close these sentences with the tag so that Yandex considers your text unique. It's a delusion.

Absolutely all the text on your page will be read and processed by the robot, and it will know that the text on your page is not unique.

The very essence of the tag – “do not index” means there is no prohibition on reading.

Let's assume that a search robot has visited your page and started crawling the content. At some point the robot finds the opening of the tag , which is a signal to the robot not to index the text further. But to find the place in the code where the tag closes, the robot needs to read the contents coming after the opening of this tag. Therefore, even theoretically it is not possible to prevent robots from reading content using the tag .

Why then do you need a tag? ?

It is needed directly in order to prohibit the robot from providing any information in its search engine results. These could be, for example, contacts that for some reason should not be displayed in the search results.

Misconception No. 2. Another misconception that is often found among website owners is the opinion that a link placed in a tag , will not be taken into account by the search robot. As I said earlier, everything that is inside the tag , will be read and analyzed by the Yandex robot. And links are no exception. The only difference between links placed in the usual way and links in a tag is – this means that the text (anchor) of the link will not be indexed.

To the aid of webmasters who need the robot to still not take into account links from pages, the attribute comes to the rescue, which works for both Yandex and Google. When using this attribute, the link will still be studied by the robot and a click will be made on it, but without nofollow the weight will be transferred to the recipient, and with nofollow the weight will be burned.

Example 1:
Website creation and promotion

Yandex does not index the anchor, but takes into account the link to the site and transfers weight to it

Example 2:
Website creation and promotion

Yandex does not index the anchor and does not transfer weight via the link to the site

There are two ways to write a tag in code:


2. Text prohibited from indexing

The second option is more correct. Since the tag not included in the official language specification HTML markup, then its presence in the code may cause misunderstanding among other search engines, which will consider its presence an error. To make the page code valid for everyone search robots It is recommended to use the commented spelling. Yandex will recognize this spelling, and other search robots will not pay attention to its presence.

Meta tags And

Using the noindex meta tag in the page code prohibits Yandex (Google, again, in in this case does not participate) index all text content of the page, while links will be analyzed in full. That is, the presence of this meta tag in the page code is not equivalent to closing the page from the index in robots.txt.

The presence of the nofollow meta tag in the page code prevents search engines from indexing links on the pages. Robots will also not follow links from the page if this meta tag is present. But here is what is written in Yandex help:
“The robot will not visit documents if they are linked from a page containing a meta tag with a nofollow value, however, they can be indexed if there are links to them in other sources without nofollow.”

Let's sum it up

Tag We use it only to prevent Yandex robots from providing information in search results.

If we want the weight of the link not to be transferred to the recipient, then we use nofollow attribute. At the same time, do not forget that the robot can still follow the link (if information about it is obtained from other sources: site map, links) and analyze the page to which it links. The method works for both Yandex and Google.

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the noindex tags and the nofollow attribute.

noindex tag – what is it?

In short, then No index prevents search robots from indexing any element on the site. This tag is not valid, so many html editors do not accept it. For example, to wordpress editor took into account the tag, then you need to write:

If you write it in this format, the tag will not disappear. You also need to understand that the tag noindex relevant only for the Yandex search engine. Google doesn't take it into account at all.

Don't confuse the tag noindex with attribute noindex, which is written once in the site header.

prevents the content inside this tag from being indexed. As for meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow”, it blocks the entire page from indexing, but I talked about this in this article.

Let's look at the noindex example:

This text will not appear in search engine Yandex

Also, nesting is not so important, and the tag can be located anywhere in the html code.

Do not forget! If there is an opening tag , then there must be a closing one

Optimizers make mistakes when they list all links as noindex. The text, or anchor, is taken into account, but the link itself and its weight are not. To do this, use the nofollow attribute in the tag .

Why use noindex?

Let's look at in what cases it is worth using a tag, and in what cases it is not required.

I use when needed:

  • Hide the codes of ancient counters if you still use them (LiveInternet, Rambler and others). It is not necessary to include Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics;
  • Hide various RSS feeds, subscriptions to newsletters, etc.

No need:

  • Block contextual advertising from YAN and Adsense from search engines Yandex and Google from indexing. When crawling the page, robots see advertising and do not take it into account;
  • If you write external and internal links inside the tag, search engines will not perceive it anyway. Plus it looks stupid when there is another tag that is responsible for nofollow links. But more about it below.

What is the result:

Try to use this tag to a minimum so that there are no differences between the search engines Yandex and Google.

nofollow tag attribute<а>- What it is?

In 2005, Google introduced a new attribute (called the link attribute) Nofollow.

The nofollow attribute is used to block links from indexing by Yandex and Google search robots. This attribute prohibits the transfer of weight from one site to another.

What is the difference from noindex?

Noindex is a tag that prevents the robot from indexing the text, nofollow refers to the tag (link tag) prohibits passing weight by link.

Example of a nofollow tag:


To summarize, I want to say that search engines have recently begun to take these tags and attributes into account less than they did, for example, 10 years ago. Therefore, do not focus on just one thing, because now the winner is the one who does everything comprehensively.

Leave comments on the article if you have any questions. And I wish you good luck and promoting your sites using white methods!

In April, the Yandex search engine delighted Runet webmasters by enabling support for the attribute rel=”nofollow” in the links. How will this benefit us bloggers? How to correctly register an attribute rel=”nofollow” in the links and what will happen now ?

Let's try to understand these new Yandex products.

A little background on the rel=nofollow attribute

What is rel=nofollow?

Rel=""- attribute in the link , indicating the relationship of the link to the landing page. Also, there is another attribute Rev="", indicating the relationship of the landing page to the link, for example (a link with rev="sponsor" indicates that it is a sponsored link). But more on that in the next article.

Nofollow— a status indicating that you do not approve of this link.

Based on the above:

Rel=nofollow— defines the relationship of your link to the landing page as unapproved. In relation to search engines, this attribute indicates to indexing robots that this link should not go to the target page.

Rel=nofollow was introduced and standardized in 2005, in response to a lot of link spam found on blogs. The initiator of the introduction was the Google search engine.

Google When encountering a link with this attribute, it does not follow this link and does not transfer PR weight to the target pages. Also, these links were not taken into account in the calculations of the distribution of link weight among page links. But this was the case until 2010. At the moment, Google also does not transfer link juice and does not follow links with rel = “nofollow”, but the link juice inside the page began to be distributed to these links, but in vain. That is, if your page had PR-10 and 10 links on the page, where 5 of them were closed, then each open link transmitted 2PR to the landing page. Now each open link will transmit 1PR over open links and 1PR into the void over closed links. But this article is not about Google, let's return to Yandex.

Yandex, until April 2010, did not take this status into account. In Yandex recommendations we find a sensational tag , which allowed us to do the same and more. Now there is nofollow.

What is the difference between rel=nofollow and

So what's the problem?
Why did Yandex need to introduce rel=”nofollow” support?

The whole point is that tag this is a personal initiative of Yandex. This tag is not supported or standardized anywhere in the world except Yandex itself. When checking a resource for errors in the code and supporting web standards, webmasters always received “invalid” code. That is, your resource contains errors. But, I hasten to reassure you, this is not a critical error and practically does not affect anything. For those who care about valid code, here is the structure recommended by Yandex itself for the validity of your code:

Another tag problem The problem is that foreign webmasters, not knowing about this tag, do not use it in the development of their WordPress plugins. These plugins have to be adapted to Yandex reality.
If links in blog comments were closed with the attribute, then these links were open to Yandex. This meant that the robot had to travel to all the links provided in the comments.

Attribute with status rel=”nofollow” standardized and used worldwide to indicate to search engines that a link is not endorsed by the author and should not be followed.
For example, if you close a service page from indexing in robots.txt and leave the link open, the robot will follow
this page, but will not index it. Why then waste the robot’s resources navigating through unnecessary pages? There is one more nuance if they lead to your service page open links from others external sources, then yours, as it were closed page, will be included in the search, even if it is closed in robots.txt. I will also talk about this in future articles.

Based on all this, following numerous requests and complaints from webmasters, Yandex introduced support for the standardized W3C attribute with the status rel=”nofollow”. The attribute blocks links from robot clicks and does not transfer weight. Now a lot has become easier. But there is one caveat. Link anchors will be indexed as text.

Why is it needed? ?

Tag very important if you want part of the text, with all the link anchors, etc., not to be indexed and not included in search database Yandex.
For example, you may have official information on your page, or a block of text from a website that is used as a negative example. You do not want the search engine to link your site with this text or index the service information and save it in its database. For this this block framed by tag .

Unfortunately, such a tool does not exist for Google. It is quite possible that Google or the W3C consortium will pay attention to this tag in the future or come up with their own, and webmasters will receive another useful tool in their toolkit.

How to correctly write rel=nofollow and

  1. To block links from indexing, use rel=”nofollow”, used simple circuit:
    the link will not be followed.
  2. To close a block of text with a tag , with all content, including link anchors, the following scheme is used:
    Block of your closing text
    this text block will not be indexed in Yandex, with all link texts.
  3. To close a block of text with a tag and links in the block, use the following scheme:
    Block of your closable text Link anchor text Block of your closable text
    this block will not be indexed in Yandex, with all the links contained in this block.

What changed with the introduction of rel=nofollow support?

  1. For those who maintain resources for people and do not use spam promotion, almost nothing will change. There may be some reduction in the number external links, closed with .
  2. For those who used link spam in promotion (spam in comments, spam in forums, social networks, Wikipedia, etc.), and whose main link mass, giving TIC, consisted of such links, there will be a significant decrease in TIC and how usually a decline in Yandex search results.

Briefly about the new products of April 2010 in Yandex:

  1. At the page search results Yandex is now fixed width.
  2. Breadcrumbs have appeared in the search results, some snippets also have publication dates.
  3. The video sorcerer appeared.
  4. The webmaster panel now has the ability to view statistics for your own keywords.

P.S. Now all that remains is to wait for Yandex to enable support for the canonical attribute rel=”canonical”, which I wrote about in, and many bloggers will breathe a sigh of relief.
Good news, at the end of May 2011 Yandex began to take into account the attribute rel="canonical". Whether this will bring relief or not, time will tell.

An article for those who are too lazy to read help on GoogleWebmaster and YandexWebmaster

Closing unnecessary pages of a web resource from search indexing is very important for its SEO optimization, especially at the initial stage of getting a website or blog off the ground. This action promotes promotion and is recommended for use on service pages. Service pages include technical and service pages intended solely for the convenience and service of existing customers. These are pages with indigestible or duplicate content that provide absolutely no search value. This includes - user correspondence, mailing lists, statistics, advertisements, comments, personal data, custom settings etc. And, also - pages for sorting material (pagination), feedback, rules and instructions, etc.
  1. Meta robots tag

Meta robots tag

To control the behavior of search robots on a web page, there is a robots meta tag and its attribute content. closing a web page from search indexing,

  1. Meta robots tag
  2. Why the robots meta tag? better file robots.txt