Amoled consumption. Which is better - IPS, OLED or AMOLED? A short guide to smartphone displays. No mouse required

In constant competition and race between manufacturers, new technologies are born every year that surpass their predecessors in all respects. This also applies to manufacturing technologies for modern displays. Just imagine, some 15-20 years ago we only knew CRT picture tube screens. They were bulky, heavy and had low frequency flickering, which negatively affected our health. But today, users can choose between Amoled or IPS, as well as other types of matrices that allow them to make screens as flat and light as possible.

Besides, modern types matrices are different highest precision Images, high resolution and quality. In this article we will talk about exactly two modern technologies– Amoled (S-Amoled) and IPS. This knowledge will help you do right choice, meeting your requirements. But in order to understand which display is better in a particular situation, it is necessary to analyze both technologies separately.

1. What is an IPS matrix and what advantages does it have?

Despite the fact that the first IPS displays were developed back in 1996, the popularity and mass distribution This technology has only become available to consumers in the last few years. During this time, IPS matrices have undergone a lot of changes and improvements, which made it possible to provide users with high-quality displays that display the most natural colors. In addition, IPS matrices have high definition and image accuracy.

Asking which screen better IPS or Amoled, it is worth understanding that the comparison is between the two most recent developments. These two technologies have different design features.

The main feature of the IPS display is natural color rendering. It is thanks to this quality that such screens are in great demand among professional photographers and photo editors.

1.2. Advantages of an IPS matrix

IPS displays have a number of undeniable advantages, which are visible to the naked eye:

  • Maximum natural color rendering;
  • Excellent screen brightness and contrast;
  • Accuracy and clarity of the image. It is worth noting that in IPS displays the pixel grid is practically invisible to the naked eye, which makes the image even more accurate and pleasant to perceive;
  • Low power consumption;
  • High screen resolution. Speaking of resolution, it is worth understanding that the vast majority of modern IPS screens have a Full HD resolution of 1920x1080.

Of course, like any other technology, IPS also has its drawbacks, but they are minor:

  • Slow response. But this is absolutely invisible to the naked eye, and when compared with the “fastest” (in terms of response) TN matrices, you will not notice it visually;
  • Very often on the Internet you can find statements about the large and noticeable pixel grid of an IPS screen, but this parameter is by far the best among analogues. If you compare IPS with TN+Film or Amoled, then the pixel grid sizes of IPS are the smallest, which makes such screens the best in this comparison.

Of course, when comparing which is better IPS or superAmoled, it is worth understanding that not all IPS displays are equally good, since there are different types IPS matrices. At the same time, Amoled is a development Samsung and they are produced only under the brand of the same name, so Amoled screens are practically no different from each other.

2. Super Amoled matrices

This type of display was developed in 2009 by Samsung. The main and only goal of developing this screen is to use it in mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and others. mobile devices ah with touch screen. Already in 2010 Korean company released a new type of matrix called Super Amoled. The difference between Amoled and Super Amoled is the absence of an air gap between the layers of the second type of screen (S-Amoled).

This solution made it possible to make the screen even thinner. Also thanks to this, the brightness of the display increased by 20%. At the same time, energy consumption remained at the same low level. In theory, such features make Super Amoled screens immune to bright light. In other words, the user sees the image perfectly even with direct sun rays. However, in practice this is not the case. Of course, a comparison of IPS and Super Amoled shows that S-Amoled wins in this parameter, but in any case, with direct rays the picture becomes difficult to distinguish.

2.1. Advantages of Super Amoled matrices

If we talk about touch screens, then first of all it is worth noting that this type of screen is characterized by higher sensitivity and quick response to user gestures. In addition, there are other advantages:

  • Most high brightness, among all types of screens;
  • The largest viewing angles;
  • High saturation and maximum number of colors and shades;
  • Partial suppression of glare in sunlight, which improves image perception in bright sunlight;
  • Low power consumption, which is extremely important for mobile devices;
  • The service life of the screen is one of the longest.

3. Super Amoled vs IPS

So, taking into account all of the above, you can understand how Amoled differs from IPS. Firstly, the brightness of the screen. Super Amoled is the undisputed leader in brightness and color saturation. This is very important parameter for mobile devices. However, if you are engaged in photo processing, then it is not brightness that is important to you, but the naturalness of color reproduction, and in this there is no equal to IPS technology.

Another difference is the thickness of the device. Of course, if we talk about monitors or TVs, then this parameter is not particularly important. However, if we're talking about When it comes to smartphones or tablets, the clear leader is Super Amoled. Also, touch screens S-Amoled have higher sensitivity, unlike IPS, which provides faster and more accurate response to user commands.

IPS technology, in turn, has a smaller and more invisible pixel grid. However, to see it you need to use a magnifying glass. With normal visual inspection, this difference is practically not visible.

Knowing all these differences will help you understand which display best IPS or Super Amoled in a given situation. Any advice in in this case cannot be given, because both screens have high quality, image accuracy and clarity, as well as display resolution.

4. LCD vs AMOLED: Video

Supporters of technologies used in the manufacture of mobile device displays are divided into AMOLED lovers and LCD supporters. Both are based on various techniques manufacturing, and manufacturers emphasize the advantages of only their own technological process.

So which screen is better - IPS or AMOLED? Is there a noticeable difference between these technologies, and if so, what is it?

LCD technology

LCD stands for LCD display. It reproduces colors completely differently than AMOLED. In a liquid crystal display, the light source is the backlight. The backlight can be multiple, which saves energy, but it is used in large TVs.

White color does not have its own wavelength. It is a mixture of all other visible colors of the spectrum. Thus, the LCD backlight should create an imaginary White light as efficiently as possible to get out of it various colors in the LCD element. Most LCD displays have a blue LED backlight that hits phosphors and produces near-white light.

The real complications begin when the light is polarized and passed through the crystal. The LCD element can rotate it to different angles by changing the voltage applied to it. Next, the light passes through another polarizing filter, shifted by 90° relative to the first. This dampens it depending on the angle of rotation. The light then passes through the RGB filter, creating subpixels, which are then grouped into pixels.

All this is to say is that the LCD controls the amount of light by blocking the backlight and does not generate colored light for each pixel. Like AMOLED, LCD displays can be either active or passive matrix devices.

AMOLED technology

The key component of screens hidden in the name of this type- light emitting diode (LED). Electronics enthusiasts knew about these bulbs before, but in the display panel they are radically reduced and placed in the form of red, green and blue clusters, which make up a single pixel capable of reproducing white and other colors. The arrangement of these subpixels may have a slight effect on the performance of displays.

The O stands for organic. Exists whole line thin organic films placed between the conductors of an LED that emit light when current is applied.

Lastly, the AM part of AMOLED stands for "active matrix" as opposed to passive technology. This indicates how each is managed LED OLED. To control an individual pixel in a passive matrix, controls are used to control the supply of voltage to the required column or row. It's slow and not accurate enough. Active matrix systems in each LED use a TFT transistor and a capacitor. When row and column are activated to access a pixel, its capacitor retains charge between refresh cycles. This allows you to control it quickly and accurately.

Another term that you may come across is Super AMOLED, Samsung's marketing name for a display combined with a capacitive one. Typically, such a screen is made as a separate layer on the outer part of the display. This combination makes the display thinner.


This profound difference in the way displays operate has a big impact on the user experience. Color gamut is most often mentioned when comparing these technologies. AMOLED provides a greater range of color options than LCD, resulting in brighter images.

OLED displays have extra saturation in green and blue, the most powerful colors in subpixels. Some feel that this extra saturation produces unnatural colors. LCDs tend to overcompensate for red tones with more muted greens. Although they do not have a wide enough gamut, the image they produce is very close to standard profile color scheme used in photos and videos.

A closer look at smartphone displays reveals that color gamut can vary quite significantly even within the same type of display. For example, although BlackBerry Priv and Galaxy Note 5 uses an AMOLED display from the same manufacturer, they have completely different gamma profiles. This can be partially explained by the presence of multiple profiles and different image calibration by the manufacturer.

Color accuracy is another significant difference, especially when it comes to whites. Testing some of the best Android smartphones showed that OLED displays produce very accurate results, while LCD displays have a slight blue tint. This is not surprising given that LCD displays use filtered blue backlighting.

The lack of backlight and filter layers also speaks in favor of OLED. LCD displays often leak excess light and have low contrast, since the backlight does not turn off even if the pixels are supposed to be black, while OLED can simply turn off its pixels. The LCD filter layer also blocks some of the light, and the greater thickness means viewing angles are narrower compared to OLED.

The downside to AMOLED is that different LEDs have different lifespans, meaning that individual components RBG will eventually degrade with at different speeds. The color balance of an OLED display may shift slightly over time, and LED lights LCD means color balance is more stable.


One of the main advantages of OLED screens is their high controllability at the level of each pixel. This element can be turned off, allowing you to achieve deep blacks and a high contrast ratio. Controlling radiation at the individual pixel level results in energy savings, and the lack of additional layers above the LEDs means that maximum light reaches the surface. Images become brighter and the viewing angle improves.

Thinness and flexibility

Adherents of AMOLED note the smaller thickness of the screen, which determines the size of the device and its weight. This is due to the lack of backlight. Although this parameter may seem unimportant to many, it has an impact on another important indicator- viewing angle, which directly depends on the thickness of the display.

The use of LEDs means that LED screens are extremely thin, which is ideal for portable devices. The absence of hard backlight and a breakthrough in substrate production made it possible to create the first generation flexible displays, very promising for creating new form factors.


One of the main parameters that will help you figure out which screen technology is better - IPS or AMOLED - is contrast. The advantage of LED technology is its huge contrast, which is why users love this technology. When a person sees such a colorful display for the first time, he is very surprised. This is the “wow effect” so revered by marketers.

Black depth

The next parameter that will help you decide which screen is better - IPS or Super AMOLED - is the ability to transmit black color. Due to the fact that LED screens glow on their own, users give them an undeniable advantage. Only the pixels needed in the image are used, and not the entire screen, as in IPS. Contrast is the ratio of the brightness of the lightest and darkest areas of the screen, so the theoretical contrast of organic LEDs is infinite, since there is no glow. But in reality the situation is different; reflected light passes through the black areas. The contrast difference is 20-fold (30,000:1 versus 1,500:1).

Energy consumption

Among the indicators that allow you to decide which is better, IPS or AMOLED, users cite screen efficiency. In LED technology, this is achieved by lighting individual subpixels. The screen spends little energy on dark scenes, but more on light scenes. Therefore, the power consumption of the display depends on the mode of its use.


Response time also influences consumers' opinions on which display is better - IPS or AMOLED. With the latest technology it is smaller, which in theory should mean a slightly faster picture change. In reality, the longer IPS response time is almost imperceptible. But in the Samsung Galaxy S4, another problem appeared - quickly changing the image causes a noticeable visual effect.

Color rendition

Another question that allows you to choose AMOLED or IPS is which reproduces colors better? IPS displays provide images without distortion color scheme. The color will be bright when it should be. Natural gamma on LED displays is achieved by customizing the software.

White quality

Real White color on LED displays, as users say, is difficult to achieve. LCD, on the other hand, produces an imaginary white color emitted by a phosphor. The result is shades of blue, yellow and pink instead of white. In this case it may help customization Images.

Viewing Angles

Another parameter that will help determine which matrix is ​​better - IPS or AMOLED - maintaining color accuracy when viewed at an angle. If we talk about LCD screens, then their colors shift to the cold side, and the non-standard layout of subpixels of LED displays, which is different from the usual one, takes the picture into different colors, for example, it can turn green or red.


High brightness means the image is clearly visible in strong ambient lighting conditions. This is the next parameter that will allow you to decide which is better - IPS or AMOLED. Screen contrast won't help here. In LCD displays, white light is created by a powerful backlight, while LED panels emit every pixel. This explains the difference in light intensity - AMOLED technology do not yet allow the brightness of subpixels to compete with backlights in LCD displays.


Which is better - IPS or AMOLED - will help you decide on the detail and sharpness of the image. Some users have no trouble distinguishing subpixels LED screen, which is not very good. Nearsighted people see them clearly even at Full HD resolution. This is explained by the use of PenTile technology, which ensures the same glow of subpixels of different colors. The image loses clarity and has less clear contours. Traditional IPS layout means more detail and straighter lines.

Pixel burn-in

Another “plus” of IPS technology is the “minus” of LED technology. burn out over time. Although quite large, differences in the brightness of different areas will become noticeable within a year. LCD screens are free from problems with burn-in.


The answer to the question of which is better, IPS or AMOLED, also depends on the price. The cost of the device is determined by the sum of the prices of all its components, the most expensive of which is the display. But a lower price for a gadget does not mean a lower cost for the screen. For example, HTC One with IPS and Samsung Galaxy S4 with Super AMOLED cost the same, although the price is higher.

AMOLED, TFT IPS: which is better?

Technologies have qualities that can be called advantages or disadvantages depending on custom settings colors and contrast. Although many available modes display in modern smartphones allows you to achieve maximum quality. Reduced production costs and additional benefits OLED displays make them likely more promising, while cheaper LCDs are destined to fill gaps in budget segments market.

Leading display manufacturers such as LG Display are betting on OLED technology by investing in additional production capacity. The AMOLED panel market is expected to reach $30 billion in 2022, more than double today's level. Not to mention the yet unrealized potential of the flexible display market.

Development of LCD displays with quantum dot could close the performance gap between LCD and OLED, so don't count out LCD just yet.

When deciding which type of display to choose - Super AMOLED or IPS, which is better for the user - you should remember: each technology has its pros and cons. Only after weighing all the pros and cons, taking into account the degree of importance of each parameter, does it make sense to make a choice. LCD screens have slightly a large number benefits. Among them are natural high-quality color and high image brightness. LED technology characterized by excessive color saturation, low readability in bright ambient light and shorter service life. However, AMOLED displays have an excellent “wow” effect, bringing the next victim to consumer ecstasy again and again.

The competition of screen technologies is of particular importance in the world of electronics, since they are used in almost every field of activity. Every year their development is becoming more noticeable, which makes it difficult to choose a device with the desired display. This article talks about which is better - AMOLED or IPS.


A ctive M atrix O organic L ight E mitting D iode (active matrix on organic light-emitting diodes) - this is how this acronym stands for. This technology originates in OLED matrices, where liquid crystals were replaced by organic LEDs that do not require backlighting. Receiving electricity, they themselves emit light.

In this case, OLED is divided into two types: PMOLED (Passive Matrix) and AMOLED (Active Matrix). The first is practically not used in modern phones. So, AMOLED uses thin film resistors (TFT) to drive the diodes.

A subtype (but not a separate type) of the AMOLED matrix is ​​Super AMOLED (an advertising ploy by Samsung). Its peculiarity is that there is no layer of air between the display sensor layer and the matrix. In IPS, this “trick” was called OGS (One Glass Solution).

It’s worth understanding the main pros and cons in order to objectively compare with IPS.


AMOLED is a newer technology compared to IPS. But don’t be confused by the fact that it is considered first, since with the latter everything is not as simple as one might assume. Main advantages of AMOLED:


Despite these advantages, there are also disadvantages:


Production and modernization of screens " i n- p lane s witching" has been going on for 20 years. Again, this technology also has its own history and goes back to the TN+film technology, the essence of which was to twist the crystals into a spiral when receiving an electrical impulse. In IPS, they rotate perpendicular to their standard position.

This feature made it possible to increase the viewing angle almost to the maximum - 178 °. But there are pros and cons here.


IPS matrices are considered the best relative to all types of LCD displays due to the following advantages:

  • availability. Over its history, the technology has been mastered by many companies, which has made the production of IPS screens relatively cheap. So, the price of a matrix for a phone with Full resolution HD starts at $10, which makes them absolutely affordable;
  • color transfer. Good calibration of the IPS screen allows you to reproduce color with extreme accuracy. In view of this, monitors for professionals working in the field of design, graphics and photography are produced with IPS matrices;
  • unambiguous energy consumption. LCDs that form the image on the display consume small amounts of current. The main consumers are backlight diodes. Because of this, energy consumption is not affected by the displayed picture, but only by the backlight level;
  • durability. LCDs practically do not age or wear out, which makes them much more reliable compared to AMOLED technology. LED backlights are subject to degradation, but their service life exceeds 5 years without a noticeable loss of brightness.


Even with so much time left for various improvements, IPS technology is not without its drawbacks, including:


When answering the question which is better - AMOLED or IPS, you should understand that technologies are used for different tasks where they show maximum efficiency. They also have a different operating principle, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Today, in the manufacture of screens for mobile phones two types of matrices are used: AMOLED and IPS. In this article we will tell you what is the difference between screens built on these types of matrix and point out their differences.


Key benefits of IPS technology

First displays on technology IPS appeared in 1996. But these were rather experimental devices. Mass production of such screens began just a few years ago. During the time from the first screens on such a matrix to modern displays, all the shortcomings were taken into account and errors were corrected. Today we can state the fact that IPS screens have firmly entered our lives.

The main advantages of IPS matrices over competitive technologies are:

  • Best color rendition. Unlike AMOLED screens at IPS colors are not “enhanced” artificially. Thanks to such honest color reproduction, IPS displays are loved by everyone who works with photographs. Photographers, photo editors and representatives of related professions. IPS screen gives a bright and rich picture, if that is what it is. If the picture is dim, then on a screen built on a matrix IPS it will be dim. Because of this, not everyone evaluates this advantage positively.

IMPORTANT: On AMOLED screens can also convey “honest” colors. But this is achieved through software settings that give pre-embellished pictures a more believable look.

  • True white. AMOLED screens simply cannot display white correctly. IPS screens, on the contrary, produce true white color. No blue or yellow tint like competing technology. Pure white color affects the entire image as a whole. Therefore, applying a shade to it can distort the entire picture.
  • No color distortion when viewing the screen at an angle. Some may overlook this advantage of IPS. But imagine that you are in the company of friends watching some interesting video from your smartphone. There will always be someone for whom the screen of your smartphone will not be fully expanded. And if your screen is not IPS, then this will be immediately visible when it is positioned at an angle. This effect has long been felt by owners Sony Xperia Z.

IMPORTANT: When unfolding the AMOLED screen, the color rendition shifts to the cold spectrum or the picture begins to “red” or “green”.

Big maximum brightness . This advantage is especially pronounced when using the smartphone screen in bright sunlight. If you have it built on an AMOLED matrix, then the bright rays of the scorching sun will force you to look for shade in order to see what is happening on the screen. The whole point is that IPS-The matrix uses an LCD screen with its powerful backlight. U AMOLED screens, every pixel is illuminated. What “physically” does not allow the screen to be bright.

  • Detail and sharpness. There are people among us whose eye structure allows us to see pixelation, even at the best Full HD screen. These people definitely don't need to buy a smartphone with a screen AMOLED. Otherwise, using it will lead to great disappointment. Modern screens AMOLED gradually “cure” this childhood disease. But, it is still present on most budget devices.
  • LED burnout. U AMOLED organic LEDs may burn out on screens. Which is reflected in the different brightness of individual parts of the screen. According to the developers of such screens, the service life of the LED is 6-10 years. But, in practice, they can burn out faster. U IPS there is no such problem.

Cheaper production technology. Banal, but important advantage IPS. The cost of a smartphone consists of various modules and components. The screen is an important and expensive part of a smartphone. The cheaper the screen, the cheaper the smartphone will be.

Pros of AMOLED technology

  • High Contrast. When comparing IPS With AMOLED the second screen will seem more colorful and saturated. Organic LEDs allow you to make the picture as contrast as possible. Which causes the effect of “embellishment” in color rendition.

IMPORTANT: Special tests show that the contrast level AMOLED screens reach ratio 30000:1 . Whereas IPS this indicator is equal 1500:1 . The difference is significant.

  • Absolute black. If one of the advantages IPS was “real” white, then AMOLED The screen allows you to display absolute black. This is achieved due to the fact that AMOLED individual pixels on the screen are illuminated. Whereas IPS The entire screen is illuminated. Which has a negative impact on black people.
  • Less energy consumption. Everything is simple here. Individually backlit pixels consume less power than backlighting the entire screen, like IPS. “On paper,” this advantage seems very important, and for many, a turning point. But, in practice, this is not entirely true. The resource consumption of your gadget is influenced by many other factors. From the style of using the device to the energy saving technologies used by the developer.
  • Faster response time. AMOLED The matrix allows us to produce screens with a shorter response time compared to IPS screens. This allows the picture to change faster. But this advantage in the speed of changing the picture is so insignificant that in reality it is simply not visible.
  • Less thickness. IN AMOLED screens do not need backlighting. This saves space. It is due to this advantage that there are ultra-thin smartphones on the market today. If this indicator is important to you, then choose smartphones with a screen AMOLED.

Which screen is better for a smartphone: IPS or AMOLED?

To summarize, it can be noted that both popular screen technologies for smartphones have both their pros and cons. Of course, it may seem that IPS there is a longer list of advantages, which means this technology is better. And in some cases this is true.

But what is much more important is how the manufacturer implements these advantages in practice. In most cases this cannot be done. Although they have already appeared IPS screens that actually outperform even a more advanced matrix Super AMOLED.

High-quality screens on IPS-the matrix can boast Asus ZenFone 3 Max, LG G5 SE, Apple iPhone 5s and some other models. But is it really worth discounting? Samsung smartphones with their advanced screens Super AMOLED?

Video. AMOLED or IPS? Comparison

The display is one of the most important parts smartphone, which we most often pay attention to when using it. True, not when purchasing, because it’s so easy to get lost in the variety of types of matrices and listing screen resolutions. That’s why we’ll talk about the types of displays and their resolutions. The smartphone market offers a huge variety of display matrix types - TFT, IPS, AMOLED and others. We will focus on the most important ones.

TFT is a display that is based on thin film transistors. This technology was invented back in 1959 and is already covered in dust and cobwebs. TFT displays no longer suit everyone necessary criteria quality to screens and are installed only in budget smartphones. Now TFT is inferior to IPS and OLED in color reproduction and contrast.

However, they have one advantage - high (1 ms) response time. Although regular user does not see the difference between 1 and 3 or 5-7 ms, which completely buries the technology.

IPS (In-Plane Switching) is a technology that also grew out of LCD displays(LCD). Unlike the same TFT (I hope you are not yet confused about the terms?), IPS is more different high contrast and color rendering indicators, the viewing angle is also expanded and energy consumption is reduced. However, IPS is criticized for oversaturation of color and insufficient saturation of the entire picture.

On this moment IPS is perhaps the most popular technology when creating smartphones and tablets.

Retina is the marketing name for the above IPS technology, invented by Apple. Cupertino displays are different high density pixels (about 300 per inch), which makes them practically indistinguishable on the matrix to the human eye.

In 2012, the company began introducing Retina displays into MacBook laptops Pro, then new screens appeared in smartphones.


Organic Light Emitting Diodes are widely used in manufacturing plasma panels, smartphones and tablets. Such displays consist of thin sheets of electroluminescent material that produce their own light. The advantages of OLED over older technologies are less weight, no need for backlighting, increased viewing angle, brightness and contrast.

The main disadvantages of the technology remain their high cost and short service life. Unfortunately, even in top-end flagships, OLED displays dim and fade after 2-3 years of use.

AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) or Super AMOLED - marketing names that led panels named Samsung. In order not to fill your head with unnecessary facts, just remember that such displays are more energy efficient and more expensive. The normal eye will not notice the difference between AMOLED and OLED.

Display resolution

No matter how high-quality the display matrix is, a lot depends on its resolution. Resolution tells you how many pixels there are along the length and width of the display. The higher the resolution, the denser the pixels are located on the matrix (PPI indicator). We will tell you what resolution displays are currently on the mobile device market.

HD (1280 x 720 pixels)

The basic resolution for smartphones, as a rule, cannot be lower than this. All budget smartphones are equipped with HD displays; the PPI indicator in such devices fluctuates around 300 dpi. Experts say that our eyes can already clearly see lower pixel densities.

Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels)

An indicator often common in sub-flagships. For example, on smartphones with a 5-inch PPI display already fluctuates around 440 dpi. Full screens For example, the 2016 flagships OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T are equipped with HD.

Quad HD (2560 x 1440 pixels)

We go further - with Quad HD, the pixel density on a 5.5-inch screen (a very popular option) rises to 538 ppi. For Full HD, for example, this figure will be only 400 dpi. To avoid confusion, you need to remember that Quad HD is often called 2K.

Ultra HD (4096 x 3840 pixels)

The highest display resolution found on modern market smartphones. More often, Ultra HD resolution is called 4K. For example, the Sony Xperia Z5 Premium's 5.5-inch display has 806 ppi - almost three times more than HD panels.

Which display is better?

It’s difficult to answer, because everyone chooses a smartphone based on their requirements and tasks. Objectively speaking, in most cases the flagship with Super display AMOLED and 2K resolution will display the picture much better than smartphones with IPS matrix and Full HD resolution. However, there are nuances.

For example, there is no point in overpaying for Super AMOLED if there is more nearby affordable smartphone With OLED display- you won’t notice the difference, but you’ll lose money. Or is it crazy to take a smartphone with an IPS display and HD resolution, and then expect it to display realistically the photos taken on professional camera. In any case, if you are serious about buying a smartphone and you have the opportunity to touch it in your hands before buying, then do so. And, best of all, take two or three candidates for purchase in your hands, turn them on and compare them head-to-head.