Adobe premiere 5.5 system requirements. Adobe Premiere Pro: system requirements

Adobe Systems Corporation has long been creating cool software for its users that specialists from various industries use in their work. The company began developing software back in 1982. During this time, a huge number of applications have been released that are difficult to count.


Popular ones include Reader, Photoshop, Flash, Lightroom and Premiere Pro. These are the main leaders of the company, who are always popular and considered the most in demand. Their popularity is due to their versatility, since almost every user needs applications for reading electronic publications, watching videos or editing images.

Among others, many of the company's applications are aimed at a specific industry. So, there is a package of software designed for web developers. There are desktop ones publishing systems for layout and editing. There are a lot of software designed to create interactive games, etc.

About the program

The system requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro have not made this program the most popular, since a weak PC cannot fully cope with it. However, it is a favorite program for non-linear video editing. She began her service back in 2003. That's when the first one came out Adobe version Premiere 7. The first two versions were available for Windows PC owners. Apple owners began using the software from the third version.

Initially, the developers began to release the program separately, but starting with the third version, they decided to include it in Adobe Creative Suite 3. Over the years, the software has undergone significant changes, turning from a simple video editing system into a multifunctional platform.


Before we learn everything about the system requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro, let's figure out who uses it in their work. If you think about it, it is obvious that the main users are among those who work with video. So, most video bloggers have acquired this software and use it to create content for their channels.

In addition to them, often large companies, television channels and programs, such as the BBC or The Tonight Show, create their materials using this program. It is also known that the software is used for editing films. Thus, in the Adobe application, the following were created: “Social Network”, “Through the Dust to Victory”, “Deadpool”, etc.


More than 40 versions of this program are known. Each of them has its own recommended Adobe Premiere Pro system requirements. The first version of the program was released without the word Pro in the name. In general, the corporation's policy involves the announcement of a new product in April, after which all observers and partners can release reviews and advertisements. In June, an updated version appears that can be installed on a PC by any user.

Then in September, the developers make another announcement, but this time it will be updates to certain software components or bug fixes. After which, in October or November, the “update” arrives on the computers of software owners. In connection with reviews and complaints, if any, the program may upload changes, bug fixes, etc. throughout the entire period.

First samples

It is difficult to figure out the sequence and number of versions. It is known that the software was first discovered in 1991. Then the first version for Mac OS was released. Nobody knew yet that Adobe Premiere Pro would appear. System requirements have been announced for Adobe Premiere. The PC had to work with VideoSpigot and PICT formats. It is possible to create films with a resolution of 160x120. Audio was supported in 8-bit, and the system had to output to videotape.

The next version for Apple devices was released in 1992. It was equipped with more functionality, and therefore stricter system requirements were required from the PC. The software now supported capturing audio and video in QuickTime, helped create titles, sequences, speed up and slow down motion, etc. The application supported up to 49 special effects, 5 filters for audio, and 41 filters for video. The third version, which appeared in 1993, increased the number of video tracks to 97, as well as audio tracks to 99. The system had to withstand batch processing, which was a resource-intensive task.

By thumb

Windows versions began appearing in 1993. It was difficult to understand what the system requirements would be for Adobe Premiere Pro so that working with the software would be optimized and comfortable. Support was required for AVI, AIFF, and WAV, and for images BMP, DIB, PICT, PCX, TIFF. Already in the second version they add support for various technologies that worked on video capture, import, extensions, etc.

Since the summer of 1994, versions for Windows and Mac OS have appeared almost simultaneously. Adobe Premiere version 4 expands the user experience. Now you can overlay almost 100 video tracks, a trim window and dynamic preview appear. For Apple owners there is an option to edit filters, batch capture, and support for the new format. The Windows version, on the contrary, does everything to optimize the previous version of the program and expand its capabilities on other platforms.

So, until 2003, the developer improved versions one after another. Starting with the fifth revision, a joint program is being released for Windows and Mac OS. A huge number of new functions and technologies are appearing. Work with projects increases, tools are optimized, etc.

New breath

In 2003, everyone quickly began to become interested in the system requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro. The first version makes a real leap in terms of technology. She gets updated design, and also completely rewritten source software Now the user has a wide selection of tools for color correction, setting up hot buttons, new Media Encoder and a lot of formats.

From 2004 to 2006, new updates took place, which, in general, although not very dramatic, still help the user to improve their work in the program. DVD and HDV editing, Adobe Clip Notes and After Effects appear from the main one. Those computers that are equipped with built-in graphics chip, carry out enhanced processing.

Adobe Creative Suite

The appearance of this software package led not only to changes in the technical component, but also in the name of the program. The first version of the software package appeared in 2003. But it was in 2006 that Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 appeared in it. Thanks to the release of Adobe Creative Suite, users were able, in addition to offline work, to use online work by publishing their projects, using documentation, etc.

Up until CS6, Adobe Premiere Pro practically did not change the system requirements for PCs. In its versions and their revisions, it added support for new video card models, synchronized work with other proprietary software, and the functioning of new formats, resolutions and extensions. New video effects and filters for audio began to appear. We decided to introduce work with video cameras into the application different models and support for their metadata.

On the last journey

In 2012, a new version of Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 became known. The system requirements turned out to be optimal for many users. Therefore, this version of the program became a priority for a long time, despite the appearance of a new version. The software operated on both Windows and Mac OS.

In the first case, the processor could not be weaker than the Intel Core2 Duo or AMD Phenom II versions, and the system had to be 64-bit. Operating system versions available for installation: from 7 to 8.1. 8 GB recommended random access memory, but it was possible to install the program on systems with 4 GB. It was necessary to free up 4 GB of memory on the hard drive. To save or use files, it was necessary to allocate more space for them - up to 10 GB.

The screen resolution of 1280 x 900 made it more comfortable to work with the software. The railway had to be fast - from 7200 rpm. To use all the features, it is important to activate the program and install QuickTime, OpenGL 2.0, etc.

The system requirements for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 for Mac OS were almost identical to those for Windows. It was desirable for the processor to have several cores, operating system versions starting from 10.6.8. Otherwise, the requirements regarding RAM and internal memory, hard drive speed, availability of necessary software, etc. remained the same.

Adobe Creative Cloud

This set replaces the previous Adobe Creative Suite. Now all components began to be supplemented by another abbreviation: instead of CS it became CC. This package application programs was completely redesigned in functional terms, but all available software remained the same. They also slightly changed the functions, added new tools and technology support.

Firstly, the user can purchase this set and gain access to all branded programs and cloud storage. Secondly, when working with any software, the user can save everything necessary materials to the cloud, or share them with others over the network. Thirdly, everyone can install all the components of the package, as well as each one separately, without clogging the system with unnecessary software.


Adobe Premiere Pro CC did not set the system requirements too high. If you take a closer look, you will notice that they are no different from the requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. The new version also required a processor based on Intel Core2 Duo or AMD Phenom II, 4 GB of RAM was required, 8 GB was recommended. The software required 4 GB of internal memory, and another 10 GB for storing files. In order for the QuickTime function to work correctly, it was necessary to install the software of the same name.

The 2014 version of Adobe Premiere Pro did not change the system requirements, but a whole list of supported graphics processors appeared. Thus, for Windows, in order to increase hardware graphics acceleration, it was recommended to use video cards from the GeForce GT 650M for laptops and the GeForce GTX 470 for desktop systems. The Quadro accelerator series began with the PC version and ended with the Quadro K6000. Also, a huge list was presented for owners of AMD video cards. In this case, the system should not work with a card lower than the version


The next version of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 has changed the system requirements slightly. The PC still had to have a multi-core chip in order to quickly execute all the necessary commands. 16 GB of RAM was recommended, although it was possible to use a system with 8 GB. The same amount was needed to install the software on the computer. The list of video cards has also been updated to speed up the GPU.

The release of new accelerators immediately launched support for their implementation in the company’s product. Therefore, all the latest versions, as always, worked without problems with new video cards. But support for old accelerators was declining, as outdated versions had difficulty coping with updated components of Adobe's software platform.

Adobe Premiere Pro 2015 has updated the system requirements for accelerators due to more current versions video cards Versions of NVIDIA Quadro no longer began with the 2000 model, but with the more powerful K1100M. Also, a couple of versions of video cards were left behind in the GeForce series. Support began with the GeForce GTX 680 model. The list of video cards from AMD has also been updated. The program could be installed on systems with an accelerator no younger than FirePro S7000, Radeon R9 280, Radeon HD 8470, etc.


People often look for system requirements for Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2016 on the Internet, but do not find them. Users are wondering why there is nothing about this. Could it really be that the company released the 2015 version, and then immediately 2017. It turned out that this really could happen.

What this is connected with is difficult to explain. But it is worth noting that after the release of the 2015 version, 4 more revisions appeared within a year, with changed characteristics. Therefore, there was no time to release the 2016 version. The corporation decided to skip it and at the end of 2016 announced a new product, but with the name 2017.


The release took place in April 2017. The program has acquired many interesting features that have not previously been encountered. Made it easier to work with graphic objects and titles on video. Appeared new constructor headers. It was formed on the basis of the core of visualization of text materials, which are developed in Photoshop and Illustrator. By using the cloud and other access to libraries, you can let other users view your motion graphics templates.

Looking at the new parameters of the new product, you understand that Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 system requirements for a PC should form cosmic ones. Because using new audio effects integrated into Adobe Audition should require a lot of system resources. Also, creating audio with special effects for virtual reality platforms is a resource-intensive task for a computer. For owners touch panels Pro Touch Bar or Surface Dial especially good news- now their support is implemented in the new version.

It turned out that the system requirements of Adobe Premiere Pro 2017 are practically no different from those needed for the 2015 program. A multi-core processor is also required, and support for updated operating systems has appeared. RAM still requires 16 GB, although 8 GB can be used. The program needs the same amount of time to install itself on the system.

The display for working with software can still have a resolution of 1280 x 800, although 1920 x 1080 is recommended, since it is possible to work with graphics in 4K format, and to do this correctly and effectively, you need a high-quality monitor.

Working with Adobe Stock has been updated with new features. Now you can add an artistic resource there, while using technological publishing processes. Thus, it becomes possible to work with huge masses of buyers, as well as to easily receive significant royalties. When you provide public access to one of your projects, you render and share videos on popular sites right in the program.


Although each Adobe Premiere Pro product provides minimum system requirements for each user, more efficient work it is necessary that the system fully complies with this software. Otherwise, no one is immune from the appearance of various kinds of errors that are difficult to foresee.

So, if you have an outdated audio system on your PC, then the sounds in the videos that you imported may disappear. Also, users who are already using the new version have noticed errors in synchronization with Audition. Sometimes various problems arise with special effects, but this can most likely be attributed not to the compatibility of the program with the system, but to its errors that were not corrected in time.

Video cameras

Computer requirements

Interface setup

Today, digital video has entered almost every home. Video cameras, VCRs, DVD-Video players have long ceased to be luxury items and have become common household appliances, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life.

Video cameras, which appeared relatively recently, have already undergone significant changes. From bulky and expensive, they have turned into compact devices accessible to anyone. Now everyone has the opportunity to become a screenwriter, a director, and a cameraman.

Affordable videography has made our lives more diverse. We started filming everything: outdoor recreation, a child’s first steps, a graduation party, a wedding. We carry a video camera with us on vacation, on a walk, and even at work. All this has led to the accumulation of mountains of filmed tapes in the home video library, which are often simply impossible to understand.

A home computer will help you collect all your video materials into one movie that you can proudly show to your friends, acquaintances or colleagues.

Developers of computer software could not ignore amateur and professional video recording. Today there are already many in various ways digital video processing. There are clear leaders among software manufacturers who are improving their applications year after year, giving users more and more opportunities for creating home videos.

This book will focus on the non-linear video editing program Premiere Pro from Adobe. This unique application with a simple interface will take its rightful place on your computer.

Premiere Pro provides all the tools for creating a film - from transferring footage from a camcorder to your computer's hard drive to creating a video file of any format, which can subsequently be recorded on any medium, sent by e-mail or posted on a page on the Internet. The CS3 version of Premiere Pro also introduced the ability to export a project to one of the most powerful DVD authoring programs, Adobe Encore. Another new feature in this version of Premiere Pro is the ability to create video for mobile devices such as PDAs or mobile phones, and using the Device Central utility included with Premiere Pro, you can see how the created video will look on the screen of a phone or pocket computer of one model or another. This book will demonstrate all the basic steps of making a film using Premiere Pro tools.

Video cameras

Currently, DV (Digital Video) video cameras are widely used. DV is a format for recording data on a video cassette, which provides excellent image quality with high compression of video data, which allows you to place from 60 to 120 minutes of high-quality video on one cassette.

Relatively new format HDV (High Definition Video) video cameras allow you to record high-quality video with even higher resolution. HDV cameras are more expensive, but their prices are gradually falling, so they will soon become as affordable as DV cameras.

Premiere Pro can work with the above video camera formats via the IEEE-1394 interface, also called FireWire. This is a high-speed universal interface that allows devices to exchange large amounts of data. Any digital video camera has a connector for connecting to this interface. This connector is usually labeled DV or IEEE-1394. On some company video cameras Sony nearby The connector is labeled i-Link.

Support for working with video cameras in Premiere Pro is needed to transfer video material from the camera to the computer’s hard drive and, if necessary, record the finished edited film back to the camera’s video cassette.

Owners of analog video cameras can be advised to transfer video materials from a cassette to a computer hard drive using any analog video processing software. This process is called digitization. Once digitized, you can import clips into Premiere Pro for later editing. You can do the same with archival VHS videotapes. To do this, you will need a computer card to capture analog video. A regular TV tuner can handle this. Among the utilities supplied on the disk with TV tuners, there is usually a program for transferring analog video to the computer’s hard drive.

Computer requirements

A computer is an indispensable component of a home video studio. It is with the help of a computer that you can edit a film. Before you start editing video, make sure your computer meets the necessary requirements.

Working with digital video involves a heavy load on computer resources, so when working with non-linear editing programs, the principle “the more powerful the better” is true. Of course, you can upgrade your computer ad infinitum. Almost every day new processors, chipsets, and video cards appear on the market, which literally fall in price by half within a month, giving way to new products. It is not necessary to equip your computer with the latest technology in the IT industry, but it is recommended that your computer meets at least the minimum technical requirements. The system requirements for the CS3 version of Premiere Pro remain the same as for the previous version (Premiere Pro 2.0). The new version adds the ability to run the program on the Windows Vista operating system.


The computer's central processing unit is the component that bears the main load when processing video. When editing video and rendering(rendering is a miscalculation, the meaning of this term will be revealed later) a huge number of complex mathematical operations take place in the electronic filling of a computer. Therefore, the faster the processor speed, the faster these operations will be completed. Therefore, the rule “the more powerful the better” applies primarily to the processor.

The manufacturers of Premiere Pro recommend using it on a computer with a processor Intel Pentium 4 with a clock frequency of at least 1.4 GHz for working with DV video format. To work with HDV video, you need a processor with a clock frequency of at least 3.4 GHz.

The above processor requirements are considered minimum. However, your computer may be equipped with less powerful processor, but then some processes at various stages of filmmaking may take a little longer.


The minimum required amount of RAM to work with Premiere Pro is considered to be 512 MB for working with DV video format and 2 GB for working with HDV video format.

RAM, like the processor, affects the performance of the entire system as a whole, so it is recommended to increase the amount of RAM on your computer.


You will be working with data that is video files. They take up quite a lot of space on your computer's hard drive. There are no minimum requirements for a computer's hard drive, since it all depends on your needs and tasks.

It is worth determining how much video data will be stored on your hard drive. One hour of DV video takes up about 13 GB. Of course, you can save the finished film in another format that has a higher compression ratio, but at the capture and editing stage you will be working with DV format files. Add to this figure the disk space required to accommodate project files, temporary files, graphics, and sound you might want to include in your movie, and at least another 1.5 GB to install the trial version of Premiere Pro.

In other words, the computer's hard drive should have enough free space to host the original resources for the film (clips, sound, graphics, etc.).

The best solution would be to use a separate hard drive, where you will place captured video footage, project files, graphics and sound files.

In addition, when choosing a hard drive, you should consider its speed. It is desirable that it be no lower than 7200 rpm.

The hard drive connection interface doesn't really matter. It is important that the data transfer speed is high enough.

Before capturing video, it is recommended to completely defragment the hard drive - then its head will not waste time searching for a free area to record a portion of data. If you installed a new hard drive or formatted it, you don't need to defragment it. A defragmentation utility can be found among the utilities of the Windows operating system.


The Premiere Pro program interface contains many components - windows, palettes, toolbars, so for ease of work it is recommended to use a monitor with a large diagonal size and, therefore, a high resolution.

This does not necessarily mean purchasing a 21-inch monitor, however, if you work with Premiere Pro on a 15-inch or smaller monitor, you will have to constantly move, shrink, and enlarge various windows and other elements of the program's interface.

The most comfortable resolutions for working with Premiere Pro are 1024? 768 – 1280 ? 1024 points. Convenient work These resolutions are provided by monitors with a diagonal of 17–19 inches and most TFT monitors with a diagonal of 15–19 inches.

operating system

Stable operation of Premiere Pro is guaranteed on a computer with the Microsoft Windows XP operating system installed with Service Pack 2 or higher installed or Microsoft Windows Vista.

Other components

There are no strict requirements for the remaining components of the computer system, but there are still several recommendations:

The computer must be equipped with an IEEE-1394 (FireWire) controller card. A digital video camera will be connected to the connector of this card to transfer video material to a computer or a finished film to a video cassette. Some motherboards and laptops are already equipped with an IEEE-1394 (FireWire) connector - in this case, a card will not be needed;

To install Premiere Pro, your computer must have a CD or DVD drive installed. If you are going to burn the finished movie to a CD or DVD, your drive must support recording to these media.

There are no special requirements for the computer's video card. It should provide stable and fast performance at your chosen screen resolution and color depth.

Today, every computer has a sound card (most often it is already built into the motherboard). The map will be needed to work on the soundtrack of the film being created. However, if you are going to create a movie with 5.1 surround sound, make sure that your sound card supports this format.

This section listed the basic requirements for choosing computer hardware to work with Premiere Pro. These are optional, but follow the guidelines above to ensure successful digital video creation.

Launching Premiere Pro for the first time

Installing Premiere Pro on your computer is done using a step-by-step wizard. You just need to follow the instructions on the screen.

Let's launch Premiere Pro and create a new project to further familiarize ourselves with the program's interface.

1. Click the Start button and in the main menu that appears, select All Programs > Adobe Premiere Pro CS3. The Premiere Pro splash screen will appear on the screen, and then a dialog with an invitation to get started (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Dialogue with an invitation to start work


A dialog inviting you to work allows you to create a new project, open a previously created one, or launch the help system. The Recent Projects list contains a list of previously created projects, but since this is your first time running this program, this list will be empty.

2. Click the New Project button. The New Project window will appear on the screen (Fig. 1.2). It is intended to set the parameters of the created project.

Rice. 1.2. New Project Dialog

Let's select a ready-made preset of project parameters.

3. Make sure the New Project dialog is open on the Load Preset tab.

4. In the Available Presets tree list, select the Standard 48kHz preset located in the DV-PAL folder.


You have selected the Standard 48kHz preset from the DV-PAL folder, since the PAL standard is supported by most camcorders and televisions. The NTSC standard is distributed mainly in the countries of the Western Hemisphere and in Japan.

5. In the Location field, specify the folder where you want to place the project file. To do this, click the Browse button and in the Browse Folder dialog that appears, select the desired folder, for example My Project.


If you have not previously created a project folder, you can do this directly in the Browse Folder dialog by clicking the Create Folder button.

6. In the Name field, enter a name for the project file, such as My First Project. Premiere Pro will create the file extension automatically.

7. Click OK. The dialog will be closed, and the main Premiere Pro program window will appear on the screen (Fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3. Premiere Pro window


In the video tutorial “Lesson 1.1. First launch,” which is located on the CD included with the book, shows how to launch the program and create a new project using the presets available in the program.

Premiere Pro Interface

Let's get acquainted with the Premiere Pro program interface. Knowledge of interface elements and their purpose will help you when performing practical tasks that will be offered below.

The interface of Adobe programs is somewhat different from those offered by other manufacturers. At first glance, the Premiere Pro interface seems complex and confusing. You see many windows, and some of them also contain tabs. In fact, the Premiere Pro interface is very convenient, functional and compact. Each window and each tab has its own role here.


The Timeline window is perhaps the most important window in Adobe Premiere Pro. In this dialog, you will place and edit the original movie components (video clips, audio files, and graphics). The Timeline window consists of several video and audio tracks. On video tracks you will place clips and graphics, that is, image elements of your film, and on audio tracks you will place sound files (elements of sound) (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Timeline Window

At the top of the Timeline window there is a timeline, which can be used to determine the time position of any frame of the film being created.

The thin vertical line running perpendicular to the tracks of the Timeline window is called cursor of the current editing position. Using this line, you can precisely position the clips, sound fragments and graphics of the created film in time.

In the Timeline window, a subsequence clips and graphics in the exact order they should appear in the film. Imagine playing fragments of a movie one after another. This is how most non-linear video editing programs work. You place film fragments into the project and place them in the desired order. This is the sequence. Remember this term. He will appear throughout the book.

At the top of the main Premiere Pro window are two windows called screens, Source and Program. Despite the similarity of these windows, their purposes are different.

The Program screen is designed to control the image of the film being created (Fig. 1.5). In this window you can view fragments of the film being created or the entire film, as well as see the results of editing and applying various effects and transitions.

Rice. 1.5. Program Screen

On the Source screen, you can view clips before placing them in a sequence, and also edit them by trimming unnecessary fragments (Fig. 1.6). IN this moment There are no clips loaded into the Source screen, so the interface elements of this window are inactive.

Rice. 1.6. Source Screen

At some stages of movie creation, the Source screen is not needed, so in order to save monitor space, the program's manufacturers have added additional controls to it, placing them on separate tabs:

Effect Controls. This tab contains controls for changing the properties of video and sound effects and transitions. Your project does not currently contain any source components, so this tab is empty. As you add effects and transitions to your project, new controls will appear in the Effect Controls tab;

Audio Mixer. This tab contains controls for changing the characteristics of the sound of the created film. Here you can change the volume and balance of each audio track or overall audio.

Info, History, Effects tabs

In the lower left part of the Premiere Pro program window there is a window with three tabs (Fig. 1.7):

Rice. 1.7. Window with tabs Info (Information), History (History), Effects (Effects)

Info displays information about the selected clip, sound or graphic file of the project: duration, resolution, time position of the beginning and end in the sequence, etc. This tab is for informational purposes only;

History contains a growing list of all your actions during one session of working on a project. Each action (adding a clip, trimming, applying an effect, changing effect properties, etc.) adds a new item to the History tab list. Using the list in this tab, you can easily go back by undoing one or more recent actions;

Effects contains a list various videos– and sound effects and transitions. All effects and transitions, according to their purpose and nature of action, are combined into folders called baskets. You can open a particular folder (trash) by clicking on the triangular button located to the left of the folder icon. There you can also create your own baskets into which you can place frequently used effects and transitions.

Other windows

At the top left of the Premiere Pro window is the Project window. This dialog contains all the original components of the film (clips, sound and graphic files). Components that you create while working on a film (title files and clip fragments) also automatically appear here.

At the top of the Project window (Figure 1.8) is a small preview window in which you can view a clip or graphic file before placing it on the Source screen or Timeline sequence. This dialog also allows you to create bins to sort the various source components of your movie. For example, one basket may contain video clips, another – audio files, etc. This can be convenient if the movie is created from a large number of fragments.

Rice. 1.8. Project Window

In the lower right part of the program window there is tool palette, containing 11 buttons. By clicking one or another button on this palette, you can select various editing tools. You will learn about the purpose of specific buttons on the tool palette while completing practical tasks (Fig. 1.9).

Rice. 1.9. Tool palette

Just above the tool palette there is a small window with an indicator of the volume level of the film's soundtrack. Using this indicator, you can evaluate the sound volume level and change it.

Interface setup

Premiere Developers Pro given the user can change the program interface to his liking. You can move windows to other parts of the screen, change their size, swap tabs, and also move the contents of a tab into a separate window.

At different stages of your work, you may need to resize windows and hide or show individual tabs. For example, when setting video effect parameters, you don't need the Audio Mixer tab or the Source screen, but you do have the Program screen and Effect Controls tab. at this stage necessary, so you can increase their size. When working with audio, you may need to increase the size of the Audio Mixer tab while reducing the size of other tabs. At different stages of your work, you will choose the configuration of Premiere Pro windows at your discretion, and here we will only show how this is done.

Let's resize the Program screen.

1. Position the mouse pointer on the left edge of the Program screen so that it appears as opposite arrows.

2. While pressing and holding the mouse button, drag the border of the Program screen to the left, and then release the mouse button. The Program screen will be enlarged (Fig. 1.10).

Rice. 1.10. Enlarging the Program screen size

Please note that as the Program screen increases in size, the adjacent window, the Source screen, decreases proportionally. The borders of Premiere Pro windows are related to each other so that when they are resized, windows do not overlap each other and do not create empty space.

Similarly, you can resize the Program screen by dragging its bottom border. This will resize the Timeline window proportionally.

Try resizing the Project and Timeline windows yourself. Don’t be afraid to experiment; a little later you will learn how to return the window configuration to its original form.

Now let's turn the Effects tab into a separate floating window.

1. Select the Effects tab by clicking on its title.

2. Place your mouse pointer over the area marked with five dots to the left of the Effects tab title.

3. Press and hold the Ctrl key.

4. Click and hold the mouse button and move the Effects tab to another part of the screen. The Effects tab will become a separate window that you can move to any part of the screen (Fig. 1.11).

Rice. 1.11. Effects tab as a separate window

You can move a tab from one Premiere Pro window to another. As an example, let's move the Effects window you created so that it becomes one of the tabs of the Source screen.

1. Place your mouse pointer over the area marked with five dots to the left of the Effects tab title.

2. Click and hold the mouse button and move the window to the tab title area of ​​the Source screen. When you move a tab, a blue area appears that shows where the tab will be placed after you release the mouse button (Figure 1.12).

Rice. 1.12. The dark area shows where the tab will be added

3. Release the mouse button. The Effects tab will be placed in the position you selected.

It is possible that the Effects tab is not located where you wanted. Nothing wrong with that. Moving windows and tabs requires some skill. Practice on your own by moving different windows and tabs around.

Premiere Pro comes with several preset interface configurations. In addition, you can create your own configurations, arranging the windows as you see fit, and switch between these configurations.

1. Execute the menu command Window > Workspace > Editing (Window > Workspace > Editing). The program windows and tabs will return to the original order in which you saw them immediately after loading the program. According to the developers, this configuration is the most convenient for film editing.

2. Now go to Window > Workspace > Effects. The program windows will open the Effects and Effects Control tabs. This configuration is useful when adding effects and transitions to your movie and changing their properties.

3. Run the command Window> Workspace> Audio (Window> Workspace> Sound). The Audio Mixer tab will open. It will be increased in size, and the remaining windows will be reduced. This configuration is convenient when working with film soundtracks.

1. Change the configuration of program windows according to your requirements (increase or reduce their size, swap tabs, or create floating windows).

2. Select the menu command Window > Workspace > New Workspace. The New Workspace dialog will appear on the screen (Fig. 1.13).

Rice. 1.13. New Workspace Dialog

3. In the Name field of the dialog, enter the name of the configuration to be saved, for example My configuration 1.

4. Click the OK button of the dialog. The dialog will be closed and the window configuration will be saved.

Now let's load the configuration you created.

1. Change the configuration of the program windows by resizing the windows.

2. Execute the menu command Window > Workspace > My Configuration 1 (Window > Workspace > My Configuration 1). The program windows and tabs will be located in accordance with the configuration you saved.

A new command, My Configuration 1, has appeared in the Window > Workspace menu (Fig. 1.14). This is the name of the interface configuration you created. Premiere Pro also automatically created a keyboard shortcut (Alt+Shift+5) for fast loading your configuration.

Rice. 1.14. The name of your configuration in the program menu

You can create several different configurations, calling them different names. The name of each configuration you create will appear in the Window > Workspace menu, and each will be assigned a shortcut key.

To delete a previously created configuration, run the command Window > Workspace > Delete Workspace, then in the dialog that appears, in the Name field, select the name of the configuration to be deleted and click OK.


This chapter gave you a first introduction to Premiere Pro. You have created a project file and reviewed the main interface elements of this program. The material in this chapter is of an overview nature, but it is very important to understand this information well. Later in the book it will say "go to the Effects tab" or "drag the clip into the Timeline window." Try to remember the names and locations of windows and tabs. This will allow you to quickly complete practical tasks and not return to this chapter in search of a description of interface elements.

This completes our review of Premiere Pro. In the next chapter, you'll begin creating a movie from the very first step - transferring video footage to your computer's hard drive.

In search engines Yandex and Google the most popular request associated with the video editing program is “Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 download torrent”, but to download it, there is another interesting method, this is using the utility: CCMaker. It downloads the distribution kit and components selected by the user from the official Adobe website, this is not an assembly with “bookmarks”, etc. surprises. You should not search in search engines: CCMaker for Mac OS, it only works on the Windows platform.
But, first you need to pay attention to the system requirements of the new version of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019.
Windows platform:
- Multi-core processor with support for 64-bit computing. Intel Core 6th generation or higher is recommended.
- Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) version 1709 and higher. Windows 10 v1511 and v1607 are not supported.
- 16 GB RAM (at least 32 GB recommended).
- A fast SSD (solid state drive) is recommended for installing the program and media cache.
- An LCD monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels or higher is recommended.
- 32-bit video card. The requirements for activating GPU acceleration can be found here.
- Sound card supporting ASIO protocol or Microsoft Windows Driver Model.
- Internet connection and registration are required to activate software, confirm subscriptions, and access online services.
VR System Requirements. Requirements vary by VR system. Only the basic requirements are listed below.
Oculus Rift.
Intel Core i5-4590 or more powerful model.
- RAM (memory): 8 GB.
- USB: At least two USB 3.0 ports - a total of three USB ports.
- Hard disk (disk space): more than 4 GB of free space.
- GPU (graphics card): analogues of NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD R9 290 or more powerful models.
HDMI 1.3 video output (directly on the graphics card).
SLI is not supported. At least one GPU must meet these requirements.
Public GPU Driver: Requires the latest driver.
HTC Vive.
- Central processor: analogue of Intel Core i5-4590
- Memory: 4 GB RAM.

Windows Mixed Reality.
- Central processor: analogue of Intel Core i5-4590 / AMD FX 8350 or more powerful model.
- Memory: 4 GB RAM.
- GPU: equivalent to NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970/AMD Radeon R9 290 or more powerful model.
System requirements for hardware video acceleration.
- Hardware accelerated H.264 encoding: 6th generation Intel Core CPU (or later) with integrated graphics.
- HEVC encoding with hardware acceleration: 7th generation Intel Core CPU (or later) with integrated graphics.
- Hardware accelerated H.264 decoding: 6th generation (or later) Intel Core CPU with integrated graphics.
- Hardware accelerated HEVC decoding: 7th generation (or later) Intel Core CPU with integrated graphics.
Recommended AMD video adapters and NVIDIA for hardware graphics acceleration.
Windows CUDA: NVIDIA Tesla K10, NVIDIA Quadro GV100, NVIDIA Quadro P6000, NVIDIA Quadro P5000, NVIDIA Quadro P4000, NVIDIA Quadro P2000, NVIDIA Quadro M6000, NVIDIA Quadro M5500, NVIDIA Quadro M5000, NVIDIA Quadro M 4000, NVIDIA Quadro M2000, NVIDIA Quadro K6000, NVIDIA Quadro K5200, NVIDIA Quadro K5000, NVIDIA Quadro K4200, NVIDIA Quadro K4000, NVIDIA Quadro K5000M, NVIDIA Quadro K4100M, NVIDIA Quadro K4000M, NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN V, NVIDIA GeForce TITAN Xp, NVIDIA Ge Force GTX TITAN, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 775M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX, GeForce GTX 675MX.
Windows OpenCL: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 650, Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640, Intel Iris Pro Graphics P580, Intel Iris Pro Graphics 580, Intel Iris Graphics 550, Intel Iris Graphics 540, Intel Iris Pro Graphics P6300, Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200, Intel Iris Graphics 6100, Intel HD Graphics 6000, Intel HD Graphics 5000.
AMD Workstation Desktop: Radeon Pro SSG, Radeon Pro WX 9100, Radeon Pro WX 7100, Radeon Pro WX 5100, Radeon Pro WX 4100, Radeon Pro WX 3100, FirePro W9100, FirePro W8100, FirePro W7100, FirePro W5100, FirePro W9000, FirePro W8000, FirePro W7000 , FirePro W5000 .
AMD Mobile: Radeon Pro WX 7100, Radeon Pro WX 4170, Radeon Pro WX 4150, Radeon Pro WX 4130, Radeon Pro WX 3100, FirePro W7170M, FirePro W6150M.
Launch the CCMaker.exe installer. Select the item: Download. Select Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2019) Version 13.0.0 (or its update). Click on the button: Browse... and specify the folder to store the installation files. OK.

Premiere Pro CC installer settings. Installation of the following components: Premiere Pro CC (distribution volume increased from 1.12 to 1.35 GB), Codecs, CCX Process
Click on the button: Next >

Download settings: uncheck (or leave) the checkbox in front of the item - Do not redownload existing installation files, but try to update them. Next >

Click: Download to continue, or Back if we want to view or change build options.

The file download process will start (downloading the archive).

CCMaker window. The following software distributions have been successfully downloaded to your computer: Adobe Premiere Pro CC (win64). OK.

Run the CCMaker.exe installer again. Click on the button: Install.

We specify the driver.xml file to start the installation (look for it in the program or update download folder). Click on the button: Open.

In the next window there is a choice of installation components, you can also select the application language and installation path. Click on the button: Next >.

Uncheck the box in front of the item: Install AMTEmu, activation by replacing the amtlib.dll file (we activate the program so that it does not work in trial mode) no longer works. File: amtlib.dll has been removed from the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 directory.
Click on the button: Next >

Click on the button: Install.

The process of unpacking the files will start (in essence, the archive is simply extracted into the specified directory, i.e. simple copying of the files).

CCMaker. The following programs have been successfully installed on your computer: Adobe Premiere Pro CC (win64). Click on the button: OK.

Double-click on the Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 program shortcut on the Desktop.

The updated Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 splash screen will launch.

We execute the command: Help > About Adobe Premiere Pro... We look at the program version: Adobe Premiere Pro CC v13.0, Eraldicon, Version 13.0 (build 225).

Execute the command: Help > About Adobe Premiere Pro... And at the same time hold down the hotkey combination: Ctrl+Alt.

System requirements for Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Video editing technology















Editing using a video editing console.

Nonlinear video editing on a computer.

Interface Commands and settings
Multi-camera editing

Formats and system requirements

Labor protection instructions


Introduction The chosen topic is relevant at the present time, since in our life, without video editing, not a single television studio or film can exist, because everything that was filmed in the studio is first processed in special programs before being broadcast. Video editing can also be done at home to edit family archives of weddings. Home video editing became popular in Russia at the beginning of 21century.Undoubtedly, it existed before, but not many people pursued it as a hobby. By 2000 In 2009, video cameras of analog formats VHS Video8 and digital miniDV appeared on free sale. Video capture cards, video adapters with the ViVO (video in-video out) prefix, and TV tuners have become available to the average user. Programs for video processing have also become available, often distributed free of charge and gaining great popularity among modern videographers starting their active work at that time.Next round of development . – the transition to digital shooting and the format has changed. Now everyone has switched to mini-DV, the use of which has become not only convenient and modern, but also fashionable among a number of technology enthusiasts. Significant changes have occurred in video processing: Premier video capture has become increasingly popular; video capture has begun to take place via firewire; real-time image control has become available on an external monitor. Many video recording studios still work according to this scheme.

Modern literature available to everyone provides ample opportunities to study video editing on their own. Now everyone can become a director, cameraman, editor without leaving home This diploma project will help novice users improve their professional experience in video editing Goal: To study and master video editing technology at a practical level in the Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 program environment. Objectives: to study the technology and basic concepts of video editing; explore the interface of Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 and its capabilities; study and master the basic techniques of working in the program; create a video clip in Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0; Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 system requirements Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1 4GHz for working with DV (Pentium 4 3 4GHz for working with HDV and Dual Intel Xeon 2 8GHz for working with HD video or similar performance

AMD processors with SSE2 support). Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional or

Home Edition

A hard drive with a spindle speed of 7200 for working with DV and a Raid0 disk array for working with HD.

Microsoft DirectX compatible sound card (for multi-channel sound - ASIO compatible for creating surround sound).

For DVD creation DVD burner drive.

Apple QuickTime 6.5.

Monitor with support for 1280x1024 resolution.

OCHI compatible IEEE1394 controller for DV and HDV (for HD – AJA Xena HS hardware card).

If previously it was possible to work with processors that do not support the SSE2 SIMD instruction set, now when you try to install the program on such a platform, the following message will appear:

Video editing technology First of all, what is video editing? In a primitive sense, this is the process of “assembling” a film from individual elements - frames. But cutting out the bad places and gluing the remaining ones does not mean “mounting”. Competent video editing even in the most simple films consisting of one episode requires compliance with a whole set of rules. These rules are based on some physiological laws of perception of visual and audio information. They were developed purely empirically during the first two or three decades of the existence of cinema and have not undergone significant changes since then. The so-called modern “clip” video editing is most often either a primitive parallel video editing of two or more different episodes or untalented attempts to reinvent the wheel in the field of emotional video editing. When it comes to video editing of one scene, the author’s task is to ensure that the viewer understands what is happening on the screen and where the action is unfolding, unless the author sets himself the opposite task - to “fuss” the viewer’s brains. Moreover, in most cases, it is highly desirable that when viewing the viewer does not notice that this scene consists not of one, but of several frames glued together. In theory, this is sometimes called a comfortable perception of the joint or gluing. In practice, they often say that these frames are edited together and others are not edited.


Before we start talking about video editing, we need to give a few definitions from the cinematic and television lexicon. Shooting frame or plan - any section of the original video tape with recording from pressing the RECORD button until the pause, the next press - the next shooting frame begins. An editing frame or plan is an element of an edited video film - what remains of the filming frame after it has been “trimmed” and inserted into the right place. Editing sheet - a description of the source material or the finished film with a sequential indication of the content of each frame and its coordinates on the film (according to the counter). Object - location of shooting (street, apartment, beach, etc.) another meaning - the character acting in the frame. Source materials (sources) - material recorded directly by a video camera. Master cassette (master) - the cassette on which the edited film is recorded. The term "plan" has another meaning - it is an image of a certain scale or size. Let's define the plans in order of decreasing scale:

1. Super close-up or Detail - a frame in which only part of the face is placed (eyes and nose or nose and mouth for example) some small object or its fragment (a lighter, several buttons on the keyboard).

2. Close-up - a frame in which the person’s head takes up almost all the space.

3. 1st medium shot - a man waist-deep.

4. 2nd medium shot - a man up to his knees.

5. General - a full-length person.

6. Long shot - a person occupies a very small area of ​​the frame.


The most common case of video editing is when you need to edit two images of the same character shot at different plans (scales). For example, you want to first show a person in full growth (wide shot) so that the viewer can see his costume, gait, objects or people that surround him. Then you want to give the viewer the opportunity to see the character’s face, so after the general shot you put a close-up when the face occupies almost the entire area of ​​the frame. Such a junction is unlikely to go unnoticed by the viewer. The point is that on in general terms As a rule, facial features are poorly distinguishable and in a close-up the objects surrounding the hero fall out of the frame. Therefore, the viewer has to compare the two images for some time after the start of the close-up and look for a connection between them. There is a delay in perception; the viewer does not follow the action but tries to figure out what’s what. Another option for gluing: after the half-length shot of the hero (1st medium), the viewer sees a close-up. There is no doubt that in both frames the same person does not arise; the facial features in the 1st middle shot are clearly visible. However, this junction will not be very successful - the difference in the scale of the image is so insignificant that the viewer’s consciousness may perceive such a transition as a sharp leap of the hero from one place to another. Many years of experience have established that the most smoothly perceived junction between planes located on the above scale is one at a time. That is, the general plan is mounted with the 1st medium and vice versa, the 2nd medium with a close-up, etc. Exceptions: a close-up is mounted with a detail; a general plan with a long shot. One more recommendation. In order for your joint to look 100%, don’t be lazy while shooting, when moving from a medium shot to a close-up, approaching the object a couple of steps, also take a step to the side. At the same time, the angle and background behind the hero will change slightly, which will also have a positive effect on the perception of the gluing.


Suppose you were filming a concert of some pop singer. Your place in the hall was not far from the stage, slightly to the right of center. The singer mostly looked towards the center of the hall during his performance. In your recording, the predominant direction of his gaze will be from right to left. At some point you wanted to film the audience. You turned to your right and turned on the recording. If this was the case, then when video editing these frames you will encounter a serious problem. The fact is that both the singer and the audience in these frames are looking in the same direction from right to left. The viewer, especially one who has not been to the concert, will have to strain his brains to navigate the space. The problem would not arise if you turned to the left rather than to the right to photograph the audience. Then the eyes of the performer and the people in the audience would have the opposite direction and it would be clear who was looking at whom. The simplest case of video editing based on the position of objects in space is video editing of a dialogue between two characters (the so-called “figure of eight”). If the views of these people are directed towards each other, the frames will be edited, if in one direction - not. IN general case the rule is formulated as follows: shooting of two interacting objects should be carried out strictly on one side of the line of their interaction. An interaction line is an imaginary line passing through both objects.


Let's say being somewhere in unfamiliar city On the bus tour, you took a lot of beautiful shots while driving through the streets, shooting through both the right and left windows. When editing video, you will definitely encounter difficulties due to the fact that the frames shot through the left and right windows “will not want” to stand next to each other. The viewer and you will inevitably have a feeling of anticipation of a collision caused by the fact that in the frame shot through the left window of the house and people will fly from right to left, and in the frame shot through the right window it’s the other way around. It will seem to the viewer that these shots were taken from cars moving towards each other. To get out of this situation, you need to take several frames through the front window of the bus while shooting. Such frames will be edited with any of the previous frames (of course, subject to a number of other conditions, which are discussed below). In addition, if at the end of a frame shot, for example, through the left window, you move the camera to some stationary object (close-up of a person sitting by the window), then the next frame will be edited “without question.” This is only one of many possible cases motion video editing. If you have to deal with situations in practice where you have to edit frames with moving objects, remember: the change in the direction of movement of the object at the junction of frames should not be more than 90 degrees. In this case, the vertical axis should not intersect. That is, if in one frame an object moves slightly to the left from us, then in the next frame it should not move to the right. One of the important conclusions that a novice video amateur should make for himself is that horizontal panoramas taken in different directions cannot be stitched together. Professional cameramen always start and end their panoramas in short, static chunks. This makes it possible to edit panoramas after a short pause in movement.


Let's return once again to the example we considered when analyzing video editing by size. If your hero actively gesticulates while shooting, then in addition to changing the close-up, you will have to take into account one more factor - the movement phase. This means that if at the end of the long shot a person began to raise his left hand, then at the beginning of the middle shot this hand should also rise. Otherwise, the image will not “stick together”. The phase has to be taken into account when editing cyclically repeating positions of an object. This could be a walking person, a cyclist, a pedaling juggler in a circus, etc. Editing according to the phase of movement is a very difficult thing. In feature films, many episodes are filmed several times, not only to have several takes of one frame. The same action is usually filmed several times with shots of different sizes. The editor thus has the opportunity on the video editing table to adjust each movement in phase with frame accuracy. In cinema, a frame is a single picture on film. The term used in video editing is frame. Amateur equipment (except for non-linear video editing systems) cannot provide such accuracy of gluing, so sometimes when editing video you will have to resort to intermediate frames to avoid “phase shift”.


Novice video amateurs prefer a central frame composition. That is, they place the main object in the center. This frame arrangement is very common and cannot be avoided in either cinema or television. However, often for greater expressiveness and sometimes out of necessity, the main subject is not located in the center of the frame. And then during video editing there is a need to coordinate adjacent frames according to the composition. Once again let's return to the situation when we need to edit the general and average shot of a person. If in the general shot a person is noticeably shifted to one side of the frame and in the middle shot to the other, when viewed at the point of gluing, the viewer will temporarily lose sight of the object due to a sharp shift in the center of attention. To prevent this from happening during shooting and when editing video, you need to remember one more rule: the horizontal shift of the center of attention when moving from frame to frame should not exceed one third of the width of the screen. A situation where a sharp shift in the center of attention vertically may occur is much less common, but a similar rule applies here too.


In the practice of film and video shooting, there are often cases when, when the position of the camera relative to the subject is changed, the background on which the object is projected suddenly changes. For example, shooting a person standing near a window. In one frame the figure is seen against a dark wall, in another against a bright window. Even if you follow all the rules of video editing that we have already discussed, the junction between plans will be very rough due to the fact that the nature of the lighting will change too dramatically. To prevent this from happening, you need to “grab” a little of the window when shooting the first frame, and a little of the wall when shooting the second. Then both images will be closely related to each other by common details and the joining will go smoothly. Hence the rule follows: adjacent frames should not differ sharply in tone and nature of lighting. This also applies to the situation when, for example, a long shot was shot in sunny lighting and a general or medium shot was taken in cloudy light. In such cases, professional filmmakers film the clouds at the moment when they cover the sun. This intermediate video montage allows you to move from a “sunny” frame to a “cloudy” one.


The video editing by light discussed above is a special case of video editing by color. Summarizing the conclusion made in relation to the tone and nature of the lighting of the object, we can easily move on to the following rule: adjacent frames at the junction should not differ sharply in color. If new colors appear in a new frame, they should occupy no more than one third of the frame area.


We have looked at the basic, but not all, rules for video editing of two adjacent frames. To a video enthusiast learning about them for the first time, it may seem that it is simply impossible to fully implement all these rules. In a sense, he will be right. Even experienced professional operator during reportage shooting in force various reasons sometimes he doesn’t have the opportunity or time to film everything according to the rules, if only because when filming the material he doesn’t always know how this or that plot will be edited. Therefore, during video editing, inconsistencies can and do arise. In this case, filmmakers and television workers have one universal magic remedy which is called interruption.

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Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 – System requirements and settings.

For additional information on Adobe Premiere Pro, please visit this address:

Pentium 4, from 3GHz … Recommended requirements also include the use of processorsIntel (since itsSIMD instructions) with a frequency of 3 GHz. INPremierePro supportSMP (2xCPU &HT), he sang very well withIntel and perfectly supports its architectural featuresH.T.SSE -2/3. The more powerful you choose a system - a processor, the faster and more comfortable you will work.

Operationalsystem- Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2.

1 G.B.RAM – random access memory. To actively work with this program,Adobe recommends using 1GB of RAM. And if you simultaneously useAfterEffects &PhotoshopCS, then much more

800 MB – free disk space for installation.

Supported sound cardMicrosoftDirectX &ASIO.

Video card with supportOpenGL. The minimum recommended working resolution is now 1600x1200 and a second monitor, to put it mildly, would not hurt, so in total there are two monitors with a resolution of 1280x1024x32 bits.

CompatibleDVD burner drive for recording DVD content.

OHCI compliantcardIEEE1394.

Hard drive 7200rpmUDMA 100. It is also recommended that for video use the fastest disk, or an array of disks connected to a controller that provides sufficient bandwidth. When your hard drive has less than 20% free space, the system speed decreases, especially if your hard drive is highly fragmented. Before important work or a large project, you can defragment the disk.

Surroundspeakersystem for playing 5.1 audio format.

Main working filePremierePro and main page fileWindows are located on the same volume, which leads to reduced performance.Adobe recommends installing the scratch volume on a different physical disk.

It is also recommended to allocate a free hard drive for agreed upon audio materials or not to place these files on system disk. Let’s say you have a video source of 25 GB in size, from which Premier will coordinate the audio and create a file of 2 GB in size; this will take about 5 minutes, and while the coordination is going on, the system’s performance will decrease. When you import video clips, automatic matching of the audio component begins, this is done to speed up the work and export it without problems. In old versions 6.5, when our audio track consisted of different audio files, there were some problems. Now whatever audio formats are imported ( mp3,mpeg,wma ), they are reduced to a single 32-bit format using floating point numbers.

Drawings of sound shapes are also created to avoid delays in their drawing. And all this requires space.

Spread scratch disks across multiple physical disks. In Premiere, you can specify a separate drive for each type of work file. For example, one disk for captured video, a second for matched audio, and a third for preview files. Adobe recommends storing matched audio on a disk that does not contain other audio or video information.

By default, work files are saved where you save the project. If you deleted preview files or audio matching files, PremierePro, when opening this project, will create them again.

You can speed up loadingAdobePremierePro by removing or renaming the extension from unnecessary/unused plugins. Are locatedTheyHere– C:\Program Files\Adobe\Premiere Pro1.5\Plug-ins\en_US.

Change the extension from _prm to arbitrary _pr_.

This can be done usingWinRAR.

Opening and changing...

Project – a project that contains information about the location of the source clips in the edited film. What changes you make to these clips, it records the actions that need to be performed. Save your project after each action performedCtrl +S.

You can set your own autosave settings.Edit >Preferences >AutoSave.

The settings window will open.

Autosave is checked by checkbox. The next point is to save every... Default is 20 minutes. And the last point - the maximum number of versions - the preset is 5. This means that as soon as 5 copies of one project have been saved, after 20 minutes, when you need to save the next one, the program erases the first version, recording the next version. And we again have five versions of projects. We can change these presets at our discretion. There are programs NLE, which automatically save every step the user takes.

The project has extension _prproj , it can be renamed to text format and view its contents.

You can play video, including effects, transitions, color correction, both on the monitor and on an external video monitor connected via 1394. But this is only possible when selecting a project D.V.Playback.

InstallASIO drivers.

Set the size of the buffer usedBuffersize.

Audio Latency – audio delay.

Short – short delay, better suited for precision and live recording.

Medium is the golden mean.

Long is the best option for heavy effects processing.

Defragment your disk before capturing video. Because a fragmented disk may reduce data transfer speed. You should also avoid turning on other programs during capture - antiviruses, firewalls, etc.

Go to Start > Control Panel.

There we select – Performance and Maintenance.

The following window will appear...

To find out whether you need this section in defragmentation, click on the button – Analysis.

file (swap file) to another drive.

When describing the recommended requirements, there was no intention of recommending that you buy top models of processors, graphics stations with server SMP platforms (but if you have money, then this is a good option) of a certain company, as recommended by the companyAdobe. You can start with the minimum requirements, of course, working in Adobe Premiere Pro will not be so comfortable, but over time you will figure out where your bottleneck is in the system and upgrade your PC. The purpose of the description was that you would take note that if you buy, for example, a video card, even of economy class, then it is better to pay an additional 300 rubles and take a model with supportDX 9. And also help optimize your work on not very fast machines. Start working on the system that is available to you and don’t regret that you don’t have the latest model pro cardQuadro &FireGL, it may turn out that in your case it will be absolutely useless. And keep in mind that expensive, specific items are then very difficult to sell for any real money. Tested by personal experience.

Memory (but you also need to know the limit, it’s not worth it when working with a 32-bit OSW.XP install more than 3 GB) and there is never enough disk space, you can add a memory module, buy another hard drive, so place the main emphasis on the platform - a motherboard with a promising socket and do not spare money on a high-quality case with a good power supply.