sar values ​​for smartphones. What is the SAR level in a phone? SAR values ​​in different countries

In the specifications of modern mobile devices you can find so many parameters that you can get confused. And some still don’t tell the user anything. For example, you know what it is SAR level? But we know and will tell you now.

SAR or Specific Absorption Rate electromagnetic energy) is a parameter that determines the electromagnetic field energy absorbed in the tissues of the human body in one second. It is also customary for them to measure the impact of a smartphone or telephone on a person. The unit of measurement for SAR is watt per kilogram, and in Russia it is watt per square centimeter, according to Wikipedia. However, the measurement system differs:

  • In Europe, the permissible radiation dose is 2 W/kg for 10 grams of tissue.
  • In America - 1.6 W/kg for 1 gram of tissue.

The SAR value stated in the specification is determined when the device is operated at the device's maximum transmitter power. At the same time, transmission power in ordinary life seriously depends on many factors, for example, on the quality of communication: the higher it is, the lower the power, as a rule.

So, you've read the SAR level and know what it is. When purchasing a device, it is recommended to pay attention to this parameter, although it should be noted that scientists have not fully figured out how modern touch devices affect the human body.

Where can I see the SAR level? If this information is not indicated on the packaging, you can look at the specifications on the manufacturer’s website. There are also third party resources, where this parameter is specified. For example, the well-known Yandex.Market. Here is an example for a Samsung smartphone:

It’s a pity that at the time of writing this option is not available for all smartphone models.

There is another interesting resource - Come in, indicate the smartphone model you need in the search, for example:

Below in the characteristics you can find a separate SAR section, which contains data for European and American specifications:

Very convenient table.

Barack Adama March 10, 2016 at 04:22 p.m.

Harm from using mobile phones or what is SAR

  • Geek Health*

In the era information technologies and filling space with various radio waves from radio receivers and transmitters, each of us has ever thought about the harm cell phones. But how can this harm be measured and how much should we be afraid of it? For this purpose, a quantitative parameter was developed SAR, meaning harmful.

One way to choose a safe phone is to pay attention to the SAR rating. But SAR was introduced in 2001 by phone manufacturers themselves in order to remove all rumors and people’s fear of the dangers of their products, and all claims against phone manufacturers were automatically removed when the government’s requirements for compliance with SAR standards were met, eliminating the discrepancy between safety requirements for human life and health. After all, manufacturers now officially complied with all the regulations and requirements of states.

But having created a positive image for themselves, companies inevitably created a current radiation standard that began to be beneficial. SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is a parameter that indicates the electromagnetic field energy absorbed in human tissue within one second. It is measured in watts of electromagnetic energy expended per kilogram of human tissue when the phone is operating at maximum power.

Although the parameter physical quantity and should be measured the same everywhere, but in America it is measured for 1 gram of tissue (allowed up to 1.6 W/kg), in Europe for 10 grams (allowed up to 2 W/kg), and Russia generally has its own measurement system in watts per square centimeter.

The most secure phones, available on the market are phones with SAR less than 0.2 (sometimes less than 0.1, but it is extremely rare) according to the American measurement method. A SAR of 0.2 to 0.5 is considered a small indicator. Average from 0.5 to 0.8. And large ones from 0.8 to 1.2. It is highly undesirable to receive radiation from 1.2 to 1.6 (the risk is not great, but there may be health problems, although this has not been proven). Radiation above 1.6 SAR can lead to health problems over time. For the same reason, you should not buy phones that have not passed certification. In particular, phones from unknown Chinese manufacturers. The radiation of some models of such phones was measured and the result was terrible - about 5 SAR. Also, don't use old phones. At one time, the requirements for SAR were softer (until 2001, the permitted SAR in the UK was 10), and for very old phones there were none at all.
Making popcorn with a mobile phone

The SAR value is affected not only by the power of the antenna, but also by its location. Therefore, manufacturers try to reduce SAR by moving the antenna away from the ear. I would like to draw your attention to large building it's easier to do this. Therefore, in many big phones, the declared SAR is lower, although the radiation power is not changed. Another way a manufacturer can reduce SAR is through shielding. In particular, metal material or even the housing itself is used for shielding. Metal perfectly shields radio signals. At one time, a teacher at the institute proudly told us how he removes calls and does not turn off the phone by placing it in a metal pan (the thickness of the walls and the alloy are unknown - not all pans shield the same). We, of course, were surprised by this and suggested simply turning on the airplane mode :) But for conspiracy and for people with delusions of persecution, a saucepan is also great. Who knows, there are even rumors about the possibility of listening to switched off phones. Therefore, you definitely need to put the phone in the pan and close the lid, otherwise the film adaptation will not work... In everything you need moderation.

The downside to reducing maximum SAR is that signal reception will deteriorate. Which leads to an increase in antenna signal power, greater energy consumption and a decrease in battery life. Although, phones work almost all the time for more low levels radiation. Often 10 or more times less than the maximum.

Mobile phones have also been found to cause operational interference electrical equipment, in particular medical (for example, pacemakers), navigation (therefore, prohibited for use on airplanes).

However, there is still debate in the scientific community about the dangers of telephone radiation:
+ Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Bristol Royal Hospital, led by Dr. Alan Preece, conducted an experiment on irradiating a group of people for half an hour. At the same time, the time to complete logical tasks was reduced, and intelligence increased due to improved blood circulation from slight heating by the phone’s radiation.
+ Canadian scientists reported the results of their experiments on the absence of negative consequences.
- Scientists from Ukraine published information about extreme harm in the article Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine wireless technologies. All wireless devices, including Wi-Fi and mobile phones, have a negative impact on health, causing fatigue, headaches and skin irritation.

Other studies have shown:
- memory impairment with prolonged exposure to radiation from a mobile phone (scientists at the University of Bristol and the Royal Bristol Hospital under the leadership of Dr. Alan Preece);
- headaches with increased intensity of use throughout the year (Swedish national institute Labor and Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority);
- pressure increases after 35 minutes of irradiation by 5-10 millimeters of mercury (German researchers from Freiburg);
- when irradiating a frog with high-frequency electromagnetic field within 5-10 minutes the heart stops in every second frog (Moscow Institute of Biophysics).

Myths and truths about the dangers of mobile phones

1. When talking on the phone, keep your hand at the bottom of the phone so as not to cover top part, where in most cases the antenna is located. By covering the antenna, signal reception deteriorates and the phone has to increase the antenna power, which in turn increases SAR.
2. When in enclosed spaces, you should communicate by phone closer to open areas (windows, openings) or to places with the thinnest walls and ceilings separating open space and premises (entrance doors).
3. Even when you are in a car or other mobile vehicle, due to shielding by a metal body, the signal drops significantly. It is suggested to use a remote antenna, or talk on a headset.
4. In the moment outgoing call, the connection to the network occurs and the signal level is set to maximum or significantly increased. When the subscriber answers, the signal level drops significantly. It is recommended not to bring the phone to your ear or keep it at a distance until the subscriber answers.

An indicator on the phone indicates that the signal has been received. The signal is poorly received if half or less of the antennas are displayed, or half of the signal level scale (depending on the method of displaying the signal quality). In this case, the phone amplifies its antenna power. In this case, it is better to use a headset or SMS.

Tags: SAR, Specific Absorption Rate, specific absorption rate, harmfulness of phone, mobile radiation

Every mobile phone contains a transmitter and receiver of radio signals and is designed taking into account the requirements for the maximum level of exposure in the radio frequency range. These requirements (they determine the permissible limits of safe exposure of a person, regardless of his age and state of health) are established international standard, developed by an independent research organization ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). This standard operates with the concept of SAR.

What's happened SAR

SAR (English) Specific Absorption Rates) – specific absorption coefficient, indicating the maximum specific power absorbed by the human body when using a mobile phone.

SAR measured in W/kg.

Ratio measurements SAR are performed in the standard operating position of the device in the maximum transmitter power mode specified in technical specifications, in all operating frequency ranges.

In Europe the radiation limit is 2.0 W/kg.

In the USA, restrictions are more stringent: Federal Communications Commission (FCCFederal Communications Commission) certifies only those cell phones that SAR which does not exceed 1.6 W/kg.

How to lower the level harmful effects radiation

1. When talking, hold the phone (smartphone) so as not to block the antenna with your hand (in mobile phones with a built-in antenna, it is located in the upper third of the phone body).

2. Try to keep the duration of conversations to a minimum, replace if possible voice communication on SMS-communication (especially in weak signal areas).

3. When talking from indoors - if possible - go to the window.

4. Try to make fewer calls from your car. If possible, install an external car antenna (the metal body of a car significantly worsens the conditions for transmitting a signal from a mobile phone to base station, so the phone transmitter operates at maximum power).

6. To reduce the radiation power, it is recommended to use accessories "hands-free".

7. When a connection is established, the mobile phone operates at a higher power than during a conversation, so when making an outgoing call, do not put the handset to your ear immediately, but a few seconds after dialing the number (the moment the connection is established on the phone can be determined by the indication on the display).


1. Most modern phones have SAR from 0.5 to 1.0 W/kg.

2. Actual level value SAR for a working mobile phone may be lower than the maximum value (this is due to the fact that the design of the phone allows you to use the minimum power sufficient to establish a connection with the cellular operator's network).

3. By the amount SAR(except for the phone model) are influenced by various factors, for example, the distance to the cellular network base station, the use of accessories.

4. B Russian Federation hygienic standardization of the electromagnetic field created by the elements of the cellular radio communication system is determined Hygienic standards GN 2.1.8./ “Temporary permissible levels ( ) exposure to electromagnetic radiation, created by systems cellular radio communications".

Articles and Lifehacks

It is well known that a mobile device can affect our body. However, not everyone knows what is sar level in phone. This information is completely redundant for those who only know how, but is still quite useful.

It is believed that certain radiation can cause significant damage to human health, and therefore there has been a lot of controversy about this for several years now. It is in order to determine the maximum permissible degree of radiation that an indicator such as SAR is used.

What is the SAR level in a phone?

On a mobile device, the SAR indicator characterizes the maximum amount of radiation that is absorbed human body. This indicator may vary depending on the device model used.

Understanding what the sar level in a phone is, let’s add that it implies a unit of measurement of the degree of radiation absorption by the human body. Competent international organizations have already studied this question, and have an established opinion regarding what value of this unit is acceptable. Similar indicators have been approved by health care institutions of various countries. Let us add that the SAR value is calculated with a significant margin. It takes safety into account completely different categories and layers of the population.

Acceptable level Phone SAR and tips to reduce its impact

The mobile device is also certified for a certain SAR value. In order for it to pass such certification, this value should not be greater than set value. Thus, in the USA and Canada the accepted value is 1.6 W/kg per 1 gram of body tissue, and in the European Union - 2 W/kg per 10 gram of body tissue.

Please note that the above figure is the maximum valid value. In other words, in practice it should be much lower. The SAR indicator depends on many factors - for example, on the strength of reception, or on the availability of a connection at the current moment. The process does not affect its value.

To decrease harmful influence electromagnetic radiation on the body, it is recommended to wear mobile device as far as possible from the body, especially from those organs that are most important for life. This is especially true in poor reception conditions (for example, inside a car).

During a conversation, it is best to use speakerphone or a headset, especially if we often communicate with other subscribers. At the same time, you should also try to improve reception - for example, go to the window.

Specific Models mobile devices have an individual SAR indicator. You can find it in the instructions for our device. It's no secret that modern phones actively used for web surfing. It is still recommended to try to use your device as little as possible unless absolutely necessary.

We are talking about a coefficient that worries many users.

SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is an indicator that characterizes the degree negative impact phone or smartphone per user. In other words, this is the specific absorption coefficient of electromagnetic radiation by the human body. The unit of SAR is watts per kilogram (W/kg).

The indicator was introduced in 2001 and was developed by gadget manufacturers. The purpose of creating SARs is to demonstrate that phones are harmless to their users.

SAR values ​​in different countries

Depending on the state requirements for the safety of gadgets, the SAR value in different countries may vary. For example, for the USA the permissible level of radiation is up to 1.6 W/kg, Europe considers values ​​up to 2 acceptable, and in Russia a standard has been adopted that does not exceed 1.6. It is important that the peak SAR value is regulated at the legislative level.

Devices rarely operate at maximum power, which means that the actual figure may be 10 times less than declared. In order for the phone to operate at the maximum values ​​of the declared SAR, it is necessary minimum level networks mobile operator. If the smartphone shows less than half the network level, the radiation level increases. In other cases, SAR is within the normal range for humans.

SAR level in different periods

The minimum SAR is 0.1 W/kg, but such figures are modern gadgets difficult to meet. The maximum value is about 10 W/kg, which is also very rare.

Manufacturers today strive to minimize the impact of their products on users, so they are working to reduce the SAR indicator. Greatest influence This parameter is influenced by the degree of distance from the ear to the smartphone antenna. Thanks to massive cases, this is not so difficult to implement, but this method also has disadvantages - a decrease in the SAR coefficient leads to a deterioration in communication quality.

The second way to influence this value is through screening. Due to metal elements, harmful effects electromagnetic waves takes over the device body or special equipment inside the phone. This option does not affect the network signal level and can significantly reduce SAR.