SAR level of mobile phones. SAR level of phones and smartphones: what you need to know

Controversy continues regarding the impact of cellular communications on human health. Research is constantly being carried out around the world, the purpose of which is to somehow clarify the situation and experimentally prove whether there is a harmful effect on the human body.
Let's try to look at the problem objectively.

In order to somehow assess the amount of radiation from a cellular device on the human body, the indicator “Specific Absorption Rate of Electromagnetic Energy” - SAR was invented.
SAR is a measure of the rate at which RF energy is absorbed by body tissue, measured in W/kg.
It is worth noting that the SAR values ​​indicated in the instructions for cell phones imply that the transmitter is operating at full power, for example, when you are in an area of ​​poor reception.

Scientists have conducted a number of studies that have found no evidence of direct effects of mobile phone radiation on human tissue, leading to the destruction of DNA molecules or ionization of tissue.
However, since the human body is 70% water, and water molecules are able to “absorb” radiation energy in the HF range and convert it into thermal energy, research has focused on this fact.

It has been experimentally proven that during life, the temperature of brain tissue can change up to 1 degree Celsius, without any consequences. An increase by a large amount can affect health.

The SAR coefficient was calculated based on these indicators. In Europe, a level of 2 W/kg for the head and 4 W/kg for other parts of the body is considered safe. With this indicator, the temperature in the tissues increases by no more than 0.3 degrees Celsius, which does not harm the body. However, already at 0.3 degrees, destruction of protein chains was detected, but scientists do not connect this fact and the impact on health.
For the USA, the SAR is 1.6 W/kg.

For comparison, SAR values ​​that can cause negative consequences are given.

How about us
In Russia, safe radiation standards are regulated by the SaNPiN decree. Permissible radiation is measured in W/cm2 and is 10 μW/cm2. The SAR value cannot be transformed into Russian standards; this is done in the laboratory.
Experts admit that the Russian Federation has even more stringent requirements for radiation standards than in Europe and the USA.
In Finland there is a CENTER for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK), which, among other things, studies radiation from mobile phones and their impact on humans.
Every year, the CENTER tests 15 random phone models for compliance with standards.

The essence of the research is as follows. The shape of the human body is filled with a substance whose parameters are close to human tissue. The phone, at maximum radiation power, is positioned near the “head” of the form. The robot's hand describes a certain trajectory, changing the position of the phone and at different frequencies. The radiation results are converted into SAR values ​​and stored. Measurements are taken separately for the head and separately for the rest of the body.

That's how it is looks on video.

Detailed research results for different phone brands can be found on the center’s website.
Similar research centers also exist in other European countries and America.

As a conclusion
It is worth noting that the temperature effect strongly depends on the position of the phone relative to the head, biological parameters of the body and age.
Conducted studies on the possible interaction of mobile phone radiation and the growth of cancer have not come to a clear conclusion. Since the active use of cell phones lasts about 10 years, it will take much longer to reach a final conclusion.

In addition, drawing conclusions only on the basis of thermal effects is not entirely correct, because the effects of HF radiation on the moral and psychological component and other components of health have not been fully studied.

In any case, indirect harm to health is scientifically proven. As a result of the experiments, it was revealed that cell phone radiation initiates interference in the operation of pacemakers, which can lead to negative consequences.

As a recommendation, it should be recalled that the radiation power decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the distance, that is, if the distance increases by 2 times, the radiation exposure will decrease by 4 times. Centers researching the problem recommend that you do not hold the phone close to your body unnecessarily and, if possible, use wired headsets.
Whether or not to use such recommendations is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

PS: Interesting results can be found when studying the problem

Cell phones, in addition to the amount of memory, processor speed and megapixels in the camera, have another important indicator - the level of radiation. Typically, the characteristics give the SAR value - this “the level of radiation determines the energy of the electromagnetic field released in the tissues of the human body in one second” (quote from Wikipedia).

For example, the MagCom phone (MagCom model) has a SAR level of 0.04, and the iPhone 3GS has a SAR level of 1.20 (this is at the maximum). The norm is 2. By the way, marketers, here's an idea for you. “Eco-friendly” phone, green and made of wood. With minimal radiation levels. “Protect yourself from cancer” and all that.

The phone's radiation depends on what frequency it operates on (only GSM has several frequency ranges, but there is also WCDMA and so on), how high the signal level from the station is and whether WiFi and Bluetooth (all transmitters emit) and other radio modules are turned on.

Additionally, SAR is measured differently in different countries. In the USA and some other countries, the SAR value is measured per 1 gram of tissue (and this characteristic is often referred to as US SAR), the norm in these countries is 1.6 W/kg, in Europe and parts of other countries - per 10 grams, the norm in in this case - 2 W/kg (EU SAR). Russia has adopted its own SanPiN standards. The SAR value in them cannot be translated using simple mathematics, but it is known that Russian standards are, in general, more stringent.

Now, watch your hands. What happens if the phone has two or three telephone radio modules? It is logical that their radiation level will be higher. How long? Do SAR values ​​add up? I don’t know the answer to the last question, but you can look at the SAR for mobile phones with multiple SIM cards.

I looked at a few examples. Certified Samsung Duos SGH-D880 - 0.22 W/kg (per 10 g), Samsung Duos GT-C5212 - 0.62, and Fly does not disclose information about the SAR of its phones (sic!), but they are officially sold in Russia. Apparently, the level is the maximum permissible or very close to the upper limit.

For the “gray” Chinese, the characteristics are more difficult to find, but it is mentioned on the Internet that supposedly someone from Mobile-Review took measurements (I found nothing on their website) and the results were as follows: TV1000 - 1.63, N95 - 2, 08, F003 - 3.12, C5000 - 2.63. If this is true, then it doesn’t matter on what scale it was measured, it’s still a lot.

Based on the numbers found, there are three conclusions. First, everything is strict with certification in our country, otherwise the counters official stores would be filled with Chinese phones (it is clear that you can buy anything in the markets), the second - for certified phones with two SIM cards, SAR is within normal limits, but there are two emitters, hence the conclusion - the reception will be weak, which is what users of such phones often complain about ( Sometimes, however, it happens that one radio module is weaker than the second, which is also unpleasant). The bottom line is that it’s better not to buy phones with three radio modules at all.

The third conclusion is that manufacturers of phones with two SIM cards have to somehow reduce the level of consumption. I don’t know of a single certified cell phone with two SIM cards, where when calling with one SIM card, they could call the second one. But there are plenty of Chinese ones like that. This is probably due to the fact that the second radio module “falls asleep” in order to reduce radiation during a conversation on the first.

P.S. For starters, there is a cell phone with 4 SIM, produced, of course, in China.

Not many people are aware of what the SAR level is in mobile devices. Today we decided to discuss this issue. The SAR level is a special indicator that can characterize the highest amount of electromagnetic radiation for various models and brands of mobile phones.


If you have previously encountered information about how a mobile phone can influence the human body, then this article will be able to supplement your knowledge, and those people who have never seen the relevant data will be able to learn a lot of new things for themselves. For example, the SAR level of Philips may differ significantly in its characteristics from other mobile phones. It will be interesting to learn about how the communicator is able to influence the human body. Of course, there are currently a large number of different debates on this issue. Some experts are looking for every clue to prove that radiation from devices can cause great harm to people. On the other hand, scientists convince us that the dangerous indicator in mobile devices cannot exceed certain standards, and accordingly, communicators are completely harmless. Surely now many of you are wondering how the SAR level can affect the body, as well as how to determine the mobile device that produces the most radiation.


In fact, there is no definite answer, or rather, no one knows exactly how these waves can influence the human body. The SAR level of mobile phones is a certain part of the absorption coefficient of electromagnetic radiation by the human body.

This data can be measured in watts per kilogram.

Acceptable standards

Surely you know that almost all mobile phones that are currently sold in showrooms undergo special certification, and this procedure can be completed successfully only if the SAR level does not exceed established standards. There are special regulatory bodies that test and measure these parameters, in most countries the SAR standard is 1.6 watts per kilogram. This refers to the unit of human mass. For example, the SAR level of Nokia is indicated separately for each model. The same can be said about a large number of other popular mobile device manufacturers. The value is characterized directly by the electromagnetic radiation of the device itself at maximum power. Judging by practice, then we can confidently note that the level of this indicator is significantly lower than critical, but at the same time, an increase in these parameters may depend on various factors, such as the presence of a signal.

How to reduce the negative influence of a communicator

Surely many people want to learn about the basic rules that can reduce the impact of mobile device radiation on the human body. Now we will give you several such rules, and if you wish, you can use them. The SAR level can actually negatively affect the human body, but with the help of special rules you can move away from such radiation, of course, this cannot be done 100% of the time.

The first rule is that you should keep your mobile device as far away from your body as possible, especially around vital organs such as your heart. During telephone conversations, it is recommended to use a special headset more often or simply turn on the speakerphone, while the communicator itself must be kept as far away from you as possible. If you are in an area where the signal from your mobile device is poor, it is wise to avoid long conversations, as in such cases the radiation can even increase several times. It is recommended to bring the mobile phone to your ear only after there is a complete connection with the called subscriber, since when dialing the phone begins to operate at maximum power level.

Closed space

Barack Adama March 10, 2016 at 4:22 pm

Harm from using mobile phones or what is SAR

  • Geek Health*

In the era of information technology and the filling of space with various radio waves from radio receivers and transmitters, each of us has ever thought about the dangers of cell phones. But how can this harm be measured and how much should we be afraid of it? For this purpose, a quantitative parameter was developed SAR, meaning harmful.

One way to choose a safe phone is to pay attention to the SAR rating. But SAR was introduced in 2001 by phone manufacturers themselves in order to remove all rumors and people’s fear of the dangers of their products, and all claims against phone manufacturers were automatically removed when the government’s requirements for compliance with SAR standards were met, eliminating the discrepancy between safety requirements for human life and health. After all, manufacturers now officially complied with all the regulations and requirements of states.

But having created a positive image for themselves, companies inevitably created a current radiation standard that began to be beneficial. SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is a parameter that indicates the electromagnetic field energy absorbed in human tissue within one second. It is measured in watts of electromagnetic energy expended per kilogram of human tissue when the phone is operating at maximum power.

Although the parameter and physical quantity should be measured the same everywhere, in America it is measured for 1 gram of tissue (allowed up to 1.6 W/kg), in Europe for 10 grams (allowed up to 2 W/kg), and Russia generally has its own system measurements in watts per square centimeter.

The safest phones available on the market are those with an SAR of less than 0.2 (sometimes less than 0.1, but this is extremely rare) according to the American measurement method. A SAR of 0.2 to 0.5 is considered a small indicator. Average from 0.5 to 0.8. And large ones from 0.8 to 1.2. It is highly undesirable to receive radiation from 1.2 to 1.6 (the risk is not great, but there may be health problems, although this has not been proven). Radiation above 1.6 SAR can lead to health problems over time. For the same reason, you should not buy phones that have not passed certification. In particular, phones from unknown Chinese manufacturers. The radiation of some models of such phones was measured and the result was terrible - about 5 SAR. Also, don't use old phones. At one time, the requirements for SAR were softer (until 2001, the allowed SAR in the UK was 10), and for very old phones there were none at all.
Making popcorn with a mobile phone

The SAR value is affected not only by the power of the antenna, but also by its location. Therefore, manufacturers try to reduce SAR by moving the antenna away from the ear. I would like to point out that this is easier to do in a large building. Therefore, in many large phones, the declared SAR is lower, although the radiation power is not changed. Another way a manufacturer can reduce SAR is through shielding. In particular, metal material or even the housing itself is used for shielding. Metal perfectly shields radio signals. At one time, a teacher at the institute proudly told us how he removes calls and does not turn off the phone by placing it in a metal pan (the thickness of the walls and the alloy are unknown - not all pans shield the same). We, of course, were surprised by this and suggested simply turning on the airplane mode :) But for conspiracy and for people with persecution mania, a saucepan is also great. Who knows, there are even rumors about the possibility of listening to switched off phones. Therefore, you definitely need to put the phone in the pan and close the lid, otherwise the film adaptation will not work... In everything you need moderation.

The downside to reducing maximum SAR is that signal reception will deteriorate. Which leads to an increase in antenna signal power, greater energy consumption and a decrease in battery life. Although, phones operate almost all the time at lower radiation levels. Often 10 or more times less than the maximum.

It has also been found that mobile phones cause interference with electrical equipment, in particular medical equipment (for example, pacemakers), navigation equipment (therefore, it is prohibited for use on airplanes).

However, there is still debate in the scientific community about the dangers of telephone radiation:
+ Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Bristol Royal Hospital, led by Dr. Alan Preece, conducted an experiment on irradiating a group of people for half an hour. At the same time, the time to complete logical tasks was reduced, and intelligence increased due to improved blood circulation from slight heating by the phone’s radiation.
+ Canadian scientists reported the results of their experiments on the absence of negative consequences.
- Scientists from Ukraine published information about the extreme dangers of wireless technologies in the article Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine. All wireless devices, including Wi-Fi and mobile devices, have a negative impact on health, causing fatigue, headaches and skin irritation.

Other studies have shown:
- memory impairment with prolonged exposure to radiation from a mobile phone (scientists at the University of Bristol and the Royal Bristol Hospital under the leadership of Dr. Alan Preece);
- headaches with increased intensity of use throughout the year (Swedish National Institute of Labor and Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority);
- pressure increases after 35 minutes of irradiation by 5-10 millimeters of mercury (German researchers from Freiburg);
- when a frog is irradiated with a high-frequency electromagnetic field for 5-10 minutes, the heart stops in every second frog (Moscow Institute of Biophysics).

Myths and truths about the dangers of mobile phones

1. When talking on the phone, your hand should be kept at the bottom of the phone so as not to cover the top part, where in most cases the antenna is located. By covering the antenna, signal reception deteriorates and the phone has to increase the antenna power, which in turn increases SAR.
2. When in enclosed spaces, you should communicate by phone closer to open areas (windows, openings) or to places with the thinnest walls and ceilings separating the open space and the room (entrance doors).
3. Even when you are in a car or other mobile vehicle, due to shielding by a metal body, the signal drops significantly. It is suggested to use a remote antenna, or talk on a headset.
4. At the time of an outgoing call, a connection to the network occurs and the signal level is set to maximum or significantly increased. When the subscriber answers, the signal level drops significantly. It is recommended not to bring the phone to your ear or keep it at a distance until the subscriber answers.

The indicator on the phone indicates that the signal has been received. The signal is poorly received if half or less of the antennas are displayed, or half of the signal level scale (depending on the method of displaying the signal quality). In this case, the phone amplifies its antenna power. In this case, it is better to use a headset or SMS.

Tags: SAR, Specific Absorption Rate, specific absorption rate, harmfulness of phone, mobile radiation

SAR (from English Specific Absorption Rate), specific absorption rate of electromagnetic energy, is an indicator that determines the energy of the electromagnetic field absorbed in the tissues of the human body in one second. These indicators also measure the magnitude of the harmful effects of mobile phones or smartphones on the human body. Therefore, this parameter can be found in the characteristics of mobile devices.

It is interesting that science has not fully figured out how the radiation of a mobile phone or smartphone affects our body; accordingly, no one can provide accurate data. However, in Europe it is considered that the specific absorption rate of electromagnetic energy should not exceed 2 W/kg for 10 grams of tissue - this is the intensity at which a smartphone or telephone can emit radiation during a conversation when held near a person's ear. In the USA, a different measurement system is used - no higher than 1.6 W/kg for 1 gram of tissue.

Another feature is that the SAR value is determined when the phone or smartphone is running at full power. If we talk about everyday life, the transmitter power depends on the conditions in which the user is located. So, if it is in a place where the communication quality is excellent, the less power. However, there are other situations. In addition, the SAR level depends on other circumstances.

Should you pay attention to the SAR level when buying a new smartphone or phone? As was written above, scientists have not fully elucidated the effect of radiation from mobile gadgets on the human body. Still, it is recommended to take into account the SAR indicator - the lower it is, the better for human health.

You can check the SAR level in the device specifications. Take the Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) SM-A520F for example. Here are its characteristics on Yandex.Market:

As you can see, the SAR level indicated here is 0.52. This is a very good figure, although not a record. For the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, it is only 0.264, and with this indicator the smartphone occupies a leading position at the end of 2016. By the way, here are the ten safest devices in terms of SAR level at the end of 2016 (according to