Wordpress plugin for backup. My opinion about WP-DB-Backup. Backing up your WordPress using FTP

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Your alarm clock rang, you get out of bed, rubbing your eyes and go to your computer. You're anxiously awaiting how many sales your online store has made, or how many visitors have come to your blog.

You are trying to open the panel WordPress administration and... Error.

Is there something wrong.

A quick call to your hosting company will let you know that your site has been hacked. Unfortunately, you didn't have a backup WordPress plugin. So not only did you miss out on all those visitors and sales, but your databases, content, and just about everything from your site disappeared.

Time to start from scratch.

This is an extreme example, but not too far-fetched unless you prepare for malware attacks brute force and SQL injections.

Therefore, it is important that you protect your hard work with one best plugins WordPress On the market. Here are the ones you can choose from.

How I test backup plugins

Since backup plugins perform the same task, we will cover three areas:

  • Types of settings offered.
  • Interface.
  • My site speed after installing each backup plugin.

I'll use Pingdom and GTmetrix to evaluate site speed, comparing metrics such as load time, PageSpeed ​​Page Performance Score, and YSlow score.

Starting my test site has the following speeds:

  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%


Price: Free

My opinion about UpdraftPlus

On the settings screen, I noticed that the main information panel asks if you want to do a manual backup copy from the very beginning. You also have buttons Restore, Clone And Postpone. All existing backups are stored in the control panel for you to access later, all of which can be restored or deleted.

It is possible to automate scheduling of file and database backups at any time from an hour to a month. You can also tell how long to keep backups. Remote storage available in places like OneDrive, UpDraftPlus Vault, Dropbox, Google Drive and dozens more. I like that you can choose which file you want to include in the backup and you will receive a report via email once the backup is complete.

Overall, UpDraft Plus has one of the simpler yet powerful solutions out there, and it doesn't affect page loading speed.

  • Pingdom Performance Score: 78
  • Pingdom load time: 607 milliseconds
  • GTmetrix page load time: 1.5 seconds
  • GTmetrix PageSpeed ​​Score: 91%
  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%

So this plugin did not slow down my site at all.

02. Duplicator

Price: Free

My opinion about Duplicator

Unfortunately, scheduled backups, email notifications, and cloud storage in places like Dropbox. Google Drive, Amazon S3 and FTP, only available via Pro version, which starts at $39 per site. While some people might want to pay for this, the plugin we just looked at gives you all this for free.

However, Duplicator gets the job done once installed, and you even get some fancy tools for copying and cloning sites. The only problem is that the verbiage used on the settings page is a bit confusing. Instead of just using word backup, they walk you through the process of creating "packages", which is strange at first.

The good news is that Duplicator didn't slow down my site at all. In fact, it seems to have gotten faster.

How does this backup plugin affect your site speed?

  • Pingdom Performance Score: 78
  • Pingdom load time: 601 milliseconds
  • GTmetrix page load time: 1 second
  • GTmetrix PageSpeed ​​Score: 91%
  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%


Price: Free

My opinion about

The only part I didn't like about the BackUpWordPress plugin is that the settings are stored in the Tools tab in WordPress. Other than that, it's a fairly intuitive tool with rudimentary settings for even the most inexperienced developers. Complete a manual backup from the control panel and schedule when you want the automatic backup to occur.

You can choose to back up just the files or the database, but I would recommend doing both. Along with this, you can specify when you want the backup to start as well as the number of backups stored on your website. Finally, it's nice to receive an email notification without paying for a Pro plugin.

How does this backup plugin affect your site speed?

  • Pingdom Performance Score: 78
  • Pingdom load time: 735 milliseconds
  • GTmetrix PageSpeed ​​Score: 91%
  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%

My opinion about WP-DB-Backup

WP DB Backup is another plugin that you can access through the Tools tab. Although the developers have home page settings, broken down into tables, backup options and scheduled backups, the interface is too complex and cluttered for my taste.

In fact you get good function to omit some tables from the database backup, but they really should put this in a separate tab for newbies who will be too intimidated by the table lists. Either way, it's important to note that this is only a database backup, so I'm not a big fan of a plugin that skips all of your site's files. In addition, you can schedule a backup, download it to your computer, and even send it to yourself email with files.

The speed doesn't change much, but that's expected because backups are sent to you by email and are not saved.

How does this backup plugin affect your site speed?

  • Pingdom Performance Score: 78
  • Pingdom load time: 599 milliseconds
  • GTmetrix page load time: 1.4 seconds
  • GTmetrix PageSpeed ​​Score: 91%
  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%


My opinion about VaultPress

Backup your site with VaultPress costs $5 per month, but you can opt for additional security features by paying for a premium subscription (starting at $9 per month). VaultPress is much more efficient than most other backup plugins and because it is so cheap for a premium theme it saves you the hassle of going out and getting powerful plugin security, transferring VaultPress is difficult.

The only problem is that you need to open a completely separate control panel to manage things like your backups, security, statistics, and activity. My favorite part is how the backup center is lined with calendars. This way I have a more visual look at what's going on with my storage. Plus, you can recover files from your dashboard, monitor your site's activity in real time, and cut out threats without hiring professionals.

Interestingly, VaultPress seemed to slow down my site more than any of the ones I've tested so far.

How does this backup plugin affect your site speed?

  • Pingdom Performance Score: 78
  • Pingdom loading time: 1.54 seconds
  • GTmetrix page load time: 2 seconds
  • GTmetrix PageSpeed ​​Score: 91%
  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%

06. WordPress Backup to Dropbox

My opinion about WordPress Backup to Dropbox

As the name says, this plugin only works with Dropbox. This isn't a great deal for me, but some people might want to use other storage services like Google Drive or Amazon S3. So that's my main complaint since there's no reason to force people to create a new one account when they have a tool that does the same thing. Hand button backup comes with the plugin and you can go into settings to set up automatic backups.

I like the organization on the Settings page because it consolidates files that you can exclude from the overall backup. Overall, the WordPress Backup plugin for Dropbox has simple functionality, but you shouldn't expect anything in terms of email notifications, multiple storage options, or security. I would only recommend it to those who are super into Dropbox.

How does this backup plugin affect your site speed?

  • Pingdom Performance Score: 78
  • Pingdom load time: 597 milliseconds
  • GTmetrix page load time: 0.9 seconds
  • GTmetrix PageSpeed ​​Score: 91%
  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%

07. BackWPup

Price: Free

My opinion about BackWPup

The Pro version of BackWPup starts at $69 for a single site. I think it's quite expensive for a simple backup plugin, but you also have access to free version without Pro features. WITH free plugin you still get backups to places like S3 services, FTP server, and Dropbox. You can backup your database and files, and data compression comes with the plugin for free. It's also good to see that the backup Email is an option.

I'll say one thing. The settings page is much more interesting and intuitive than any other backup plugin on this list. They have images, icons, descriptions for each button and tabs to keep your settings separate. Backups are called "jobs", which is a bit annoying, but it doesn't really affect you once you use the terminology. While going through each job will be confusing for newbies, I like it for more experienced developers.

Not only can you assign a task and email yourself, but they have options for database backup, file backup, WordPress XML export, established lists plugins and areas for checking database tables. Keep in mind that this slowed down my site more than others.

How does this backup plugin affect your site speed?

  • Pingdom Performance Score: 78
  • Pingdom loading time: 1.72 seconds
  • GTmetrix page load time: 1.9 seconds
  • GTmetrix PageSpeed ​​Score: 91%
  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%


My opinion about BackupBuddy

As the most expensive backup plugin on this list (starting at $80/year), I put this one way down as I feel you can get what you need from others free solutions. However, if you have money to spend and you really want to make sure every one of your files is backed up, it's a good idea to look into BackupBuddy.

Similar to VaultPress, you also get security tools. For example, if you want to run a scan malware, it's just a click on the toolbar. When it comes to data backup, this is the most complete solution, as you can go to the Settings page and create fallback items such as WordPress Core, Widgets, Users, Media Library, Comments, Posts, and Database.

Also similar to VaultPress, BackupBuddy seemed to hurt my page speed a little more than average.

How does this backup plugin affect your site speed?

  • Pingdom Performance Score: 78
  • Pingdom loading time: 1.1 seconds
  • GTmetrix page load time: 2.1 seconds
  • GTmetrix PageSpeed ​​Score: 91%
  • GTmetrix YSlow Score: 77%

Comparison table

Seeing as how YSlow, PageSpeed ​​and Pingdom performance scores never changed during my testing, there's no reason to include them in comparison table. However, keep in mind that I was running a site with minimal content and a lightweight hex theme, so if you add some conflicting plugins, more content, and a clunkier theme, you may see these scores change.

UpdraftPlus provides the best value for the number of features included for free, and the settings area is fairly easy to understand. BackWPUp and BackUpBuddy and VaultPress have worst time downloads but they all make up for it additional functions such as safety.

Reserve copy WordPress to Dropbox led to best speeds, but it's so watered down in the features department that I have a hard time recommending it.

Hello readers! Everyone played computer games? Remember the golden rule - save constantly? It’s the same thing when blogging, you need to constantly save the results of your work so as not to lose them. To do this, you must regularly create, or, more simply, a backup copy. WordPress does not have standard means backup, so you need to use an additional plugin, which is called BackUpWordpress.

Most often, the user starts thinking about creating backup copies of his blog too late, when something has already happened to the database or some WP files are corrupted. In this case, the only thing that can save the situation is the one that performs the backup for you. But I'll give you one useful advice- rely only on yourself!

  • Most WordPress backup plugins offer backups from at certain intervals- do not neglect this opportunity;
  • the more often you add new information on the blog, the more often you create backups;
  • Be sure to create a backup database before manipulating the database. For example, before
  • want to change the code of the template files WordPress themes or customize styles - don’t be too lazy to copy the theme to your computer first;
  • most plugins create a backcam and leave it on ftp - do not forget to clean outdated data;
  • Be sure to store backups not only on ftp, but also on your computer.

All the rules are very simple, but laziness is always simpler. Unfortunately, people only learn well from their mistakes. And I learned... I can only wish that these mistakes were not so serious.

BackUp WordPress Plugin

A very simple and convenient plugin with the following functionality:

  • creates backup copies of not only the database, but also blog files;
  • the ability to configure the frequency of backup creation;
  • You can specify an email address to which the backup archive will be sent.

There should be no problems with its installation, because it is standard. The plugin settings are located in the “Tools” - “Backups” section.

Automatic Backups - allow automatic creation of WordPress backups (check the box next to Backup my site automatically) or disable (No automatic backups).

Frequency of backups - frequency.

  • Daily - daily;
  • Weekly - every week;
  • Fortnightly - every two weeks;
  • Monthly - monthly.

What to Backup - what is included in the backup.

Today we will be doing Wordpress backup. If you still don’t know how to do this, it’s time to learn urgently, this will help protect your blog from any troubles. No one is safe hacker hacks, engine failures and errors, hosting problems, etc.

There are many situations that can disrupt your blog. Most often, you yourself become the cause - you carelessly made some changes to the code and everything broke, but you no longer remember how to get it back. A site backup made in advance will come to the rescue.

You will say: “bullshit, now I’ll write to the hosting support service, the guys there are smart, they will help.” Then this option - one morning you went to your blog and discovered that it was not working:

Then go to the hosting site and see almost the same picture. This is where it was previously saved on your computer WordPress A backup will help you avoid turning gray from worry. To avoid this problem, I recommend choosing .

Hello friends.

It's time to discuss very important moment, which is missing out on a lot of aspiring WordPress blog creators. At the beginning of my journey, I also made this mistake, for which I had to pay.

In this article, we will set up automatic website backup on WordPress using the WordPress Database Backup plugin. And of course, we will analyze the importance of this procedure along with other backup methods, including manual ones.

Let's start by discussing the importance of website backup.

Now it’s no secret that at any moment something can go wrong:

  • The site may be hacked;
  • From incorrect settings the site may go down (stop working);
  • Hosting will cease to exist;
  • You may accidentally delete some pages or files on the site.

All these problems happen sooner or later. I came across two recent cases where I simply needed to somehow restore my blog. I had to do everything manually.

Once I conducted technical experiments on a website hosted on a real hosting (you need to do this on). Because of this, the site simply stopped loading. I had to re-install WordPress, which caused me a lot of inconvenience.

I also accidentally deleted posts that took more than a day to create. We had to create everything again.

And all this would not have to be done if I had backup copies of the blog database. Well, maybe engine files, although they don’t really matter in these cases.

The fact is that the site files do not store any information about published materials, comments, and so on. All data is contained in the database. Website files are essentially just a set of plugins and the engine itself. The only thing that may need to be worked on is the loading of images, since if they disappear (deleted), you will have to search for them again and upload them to the site.

To protect against any cases where some kind of problem may occur, you must either make regular (every day) backup copies of the database or set up its automatic creation and sending to you by email. Also, do not forget about creating copies of the site engine.

This is what we will do now. Let's look at the process of creating database backups and website engine files.

Automatic backup of WordPress site database

As you understand, since backup will take place automatically (without our participation), we will use some kind of ready-made solution. In our case, this is the WordPress Database Backup plugin. I refer it to . Download from the official website using the button below.

There are other plugins, but I liked it this option its simplicity and reliability.

The database consists of tables and, therefore, in this area we select the contents of the database that will be saved when creating a backup.

It can be seen that there are 2 types of tables:

  1. Basic - tables that are created by yourself WordPress engine and they are always archived to a backup copy by default;
  2. Additional - tables created by some plugins. In my case, we can see that there are 2 tables that were created by a third-party plugin (wp-polls poll plugin).

When creating a database backup, you must include all additional tables, because when restoring a site from an incomplete backup, a certain plugin may not work correctly or create a lot of errors on the site.

Therefore, I check all the check boxes. I also check the checkboxes in the main tables, since I don’t need spam comments and edits of posts.

After selecting all the tables, we can create an archive by clicking on the button below “Create an archive” and selecting the location where it will be saved. I will select the “Download to computer” option.

After clicking the button, the database archiving process will begin, which will be accompanied by a progress bar that appears at the top of the page.

Upon completion of saving the tables to the archive, you will be prompted to save it, which you do.

After this, a backup file with the extension "sql" should appear in the save location. compressed archive"gz".

Having opened the archive, we will see inside the backup file itself, which will contain chaos that is incomprehensible to us.

We will use this file in the future to restore the site. It contains all the data about plugin settings, comments, added articles, and so on.

It was you and I who created the database archive in manual mode. Now let's move on to automatic backups.

To do this, at the bottom of the plugin settings there is a “Backup Schedule” block and everything in it is exactly the same. Only the archive will be sent to the specified e-mail.

Select all existing tables (the main tables are all automatically included), select the interval for creating the database archive ( at least every day) and click on the “Remember schedule” button. Also, do not forget to indicate the correct e-mail address.

Now in specified time Every day a letter will be sent to your mail, which will contain the same archive with the database.

This option is very convenient for lazy site owners who do not want to do this action manually every day. I'm one of those people myself.

Here is a video tutorial on WordPress plugin Database Backup.

In addition to creating a database backup using a plugin, there is a manual option through the hosting provider's control panel. I can’t show this option exactly for everyone, since everyone has a different hosting, and their control panels are different. But still the principle is the same.

I’ll show you using hosting as an example. Makhost. Everything is very simple. All you have to do is find the corresponding items in your hosting control panel and repeat the same steps that I will do now.

To create a database archive, go to your hosting control panel and look for the “Databases” item.

After going to it, you should see a list of your databases, as well as a button next to them to go to phpMyAdmin. There may be several buttons, that is, there will be one button for each base, as in my case.

When you click the button, you are taken to the database management page. The page will be the same for everyone. At least I haven’t met others (clickable image).

In the left column there will be a list of databases (if there is only one button) or one database opposite which you clicked on the phphMyAdmin button. Click on the database and you will be taken to a page with a list of all tables.

Also appears on this page Top Menu. In it we are interested in the "Export" button. Click on it and you will be taken to the page for exporting database tables to the archive.

Choose the usual way export, after which we will see many settings, from which we only need to select “Compression - gzip”, utf-8 encoding and click on the “OK” button at the very bottom of the page. In this case, all tables must be selected.

This method has been dismantled. I hope everything worked out. If not, write your questions in the comments. We'll sort everything out.

In addition to this manual method, the hosting may have the ability to create backups without intervention in phpMyAdmin. For example, on Makhoste there is such a possibility. Yes, and on others it should be 100%.

As you can see in the screenshot, I checked the “Do not create a site archive” checkbox. That is, you can create an archive with site files along with the database archive. With this method, all archives are placed in a folder on your hosting. Each hosting provider may have a different folder, but its name and path to it will be provided to you.

Now consider the process of how you can create a backup copy of the site itself, that is, all the files located on the hosting.

Backing up site files

There is absolutely nothing difficult about this process.

You can make such a backup using a hosting provider, as I showed above. The hosting control panel must have a backup option. There shouldn't be any difficulties there. The interface is intuitive.

I do such backups differently. I simply download all the site files to a folder on my computer using ftp client FileZilla. I wrote how to use it, how to connect to your hosting and download files.

If you like this option, then simply go to the root directory of the site and download all files and folders. Then you will not only have a backup copy of the site on your computer, which will just sit there, but you will be able to work with it (edit files, etc.).

Here's what it looks like for me.

Here is a simple process for backing up a website. At first glance, it may seem that everything is complicated. But actually this process it couldn't be easier to do. You do it once, and then everything will go automatically.

I hope that you have learned how to create backup copies of your website. All that remains is to have on hand material that will show how to restore a blog from created backups if, God forbid, something happens to the resource.

remember, that No one is immune and you should always play it safe. In our case, insurance is fresh backup copies of the site and its database.

But the importance of backup is not limited to just the website. It is necessary to make copies of all files on your computer (valuable photographs, work, electronic documents and so on). And in honor of the fact that in this article I touched on such an important topic, I would like to recommend you Evgeniy Popov’s course on backup, which will allow you not to worry about breakdowns hard drive or stopping the operating system.

The course is called "Backup using Evgeniy Popov's method".

That's it for me this article I'm finishing. If there are any ambiguities, questions or ideas, then welcome to the comments. I was glad to see you.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev.

A backup is a backup copy of a website. For sites that are constantly developing, it is not advisable, but it is necessary to remember about backup. This ensures that if unpleasant moments arise on the server, you will not lose the site, and the copy will help you restore it. Today's article will tell you how to do backup backup.

WordPress backup

First, let's figure out what backup is? If we turn to the English meaning, then this abbreviation stands for backup copy - backup copy. Why is it made? There is no need to go too deep here, since every owner of a website or blog understands what it serves – so as not to lose the site. If we're in Everyday life we make copies of documents, then why not make database backup web resource data on WordPress? For example, you are having problems with hard drive, and all the information of your site was stored on it, then it can be restored from cloud storage. That's the essence of backing up a WordPress site!

Features of backup on WordPress

Backup for WordPress has several features.

The first is understanding how often you should backup a web resource? An exact answer to this question has not yet been found. It all depends on how often you update your site.

For example, you have a business card website and do not update it at all or very rarely. For such cases, it is enough to make a backup just once, after creating the site. In the future, this should be done whenever there are any updates to the information.

If you are the owner of a news site, then your resource information is not added every day and several times a day. Therefore, backups will have to be done several times a day. To avoid getting confused in backups, it is recommended to create a schedule for creating a new backup.

In addition to the frequency of creating a backup, you will have to decide on where it will be stored, but more on that later.

If you understand backup as creating one backup copy, then you are mistaken. A classic mistake is replacing one backup with another. Why? Let's assume that your original copy was saved with errors. You may not even know it and discover them after some time. This is where it will come in handy previous copy file. Therefore, make it a rule to have several backup copies of your website database.

    1. First you need to copy WordPress files. How to find them? All site files are located on your server. To copy, connect to the site via FTP and download them. The client will come to our aid FileZilla.

Important! You can also copy information from the site using the control panel.

If the database backup needs to be copied regularly, then the files do not require such attention. If you have not made a copy of your files yet, you should do so before manual update WordPress. In the future it will be enough to make a copy of one folder \uploads\, located in \wp-content\. Actually, it is in this folder that images are stored, as well as other files uploaded to your resource.

    1. The next step is to create a backup of the site database. We will look at how to backup a WordPress site using the application. We go into it and select the site database in the left column. As a result of this action, on the right, in the content part, all tables of the web resource database should be displayed.

    1. Next, open the tab at the top of the tables.

    1. Click OK and see how the creation process begins data backup. By default, you will be offered to download files from sql expansion.

As a result, you will receive a database backup for WordPress.

We have reviewed manual method creating a backup copy of your site data. In addition, it is possible to automate this entire process. How? Of course, using the WordPress backup plugin.

How to backup a WordPress site using a plugin?

In fact, there are a lot of plugins for such actions, but today I’ll focus on . Let's look at the main stages of creating a backup using a plugin.

      1. Let's install it first. Opening Plugins-Add new and find the one we need.

      1. We install it and activate it. After installation is complete, in the section menu Tools, will appear new feature. Let's go there.

All available settings are divided into three groups:

      • Tables. All tables that will be saved are displayed here. If necessary, you can mark spam tables of posts and comments that you want to exclude from backupa. This can significantly reduce the size of your backup.
      • Backup Settings are responsible for creating the archive manually. Click Create archive and the process of creating a backup will begin. By default, you will be prompted to save the archive to your computer. If you would like to receive a copy by email, please select Send by email.
      • Third group of tinctures most interesting. She makes a schedule for backupa. This is quite useful as there is a chance of forgetting that it is time to make a backup. But no need to worry, as now this will be done automatically. Select the appropriate schedule and save the settings.
      1. Before loading a backup copy, delete the old one. To do this, select your database on the hosting and go to phpMyAdmin.
      2. Left-click on the name the required base(not a plus).

      1. We highlight Select all and in the list on the right we find Delete. After selecting settings, click Yes.

      1. We have deleted the database.
      2. Now you need to download a backup copy of this data. Let's go ToolsImport and press Choose File. Next, indicate the path to find the backup archive to download and confirm the action by clicking OK.

If everything went well, the following notification will appear:


A backup copy, also known as backup, is needed by everyone who has their own website, blog or page. This is the only way to restore everything if problems arise on the server or in other unpredictable situations. There is nothing complicated or unclear in the procedure for creating a backup on WordPress. The main thing is that any user, even a beginner, can perform several operations to configure automatic saving backup using a plugin.