Can't be heard while talking on the phone. Poor audibility during a call on Sony Xperia

When calling from the phone, I can’t hear the interlocutor or me. What to do?

    This usually happens when the connection of one of the subscribers is poor. This means he needs to move to where the phone can pick up the signal better. To do this, you can climb onto a roof or tree. But you should be careful.

    If you rule out a phone malfunction, then you should reboot the phone, this may help.

    Sometimes there may be a connection failure, you should call later.

    And if there is a malfunction, then it is better to send the phone for repair.

    Good afternoon, there are two possible reasons:

    1) Operator glitch;

    2) Phone glitch.

    You can try calling back first if the problem persists. Then you just need to reboot your mobile phone and the problem will most likely be solved.

    A similar problem occurs often. There may be various reasons.

    You need to try rebooting your phone, this may fix it.

    Problems with the microphone or speaker may also be the cause.

    The telecom operator may have problems.

    In fact, there can be a lot of reasons, for example, the speaker has burned out, or perhaps the handset has become damp and therefore the microphone has stopped working, or the cause may be a broken cable, or the microcircuits have burned out. This happens quite often, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the phone’s deafness using a full diagnosis of the device.

    The problem disappeared, all I had to do was reboot the phone =). To restart your mobile device, you need to hold the power button for 2-3 seconds, a menu will appear, and in this menu find the Restart computer command.

    Firstly, Galaxy is a series, there are several dozen, or even hundreds, of specific models! You must always specify the full model.

    It's difficult to say what exactly your problem is. If, for example, they heard you, but you said nothing, you could say that the microphone is faulty. And so that the microphone and speaker at’s unlikely.

    It may also be due to viruses or fraudulent programs, Android is Android.

    I advise you to give your smartphone to knowledgeable people, let them take a look.

    In this situation, there may be more than one reason. But to a greater extent, it looks like there is some kind of glitch in the network or in the phone. So here, just try turning off and turning on your mobile again.

    Also, the reason may be a problem with both the microphone and speaker.

    It is also possible that you have viruses on your phone.

    Usually, a common cause of this phenomenon is problems with the phone, since it may simply not work correctly; usually a simple reboot can solve such a problem, but if this does not help, then the problem is most likely on the operator’s side.

    Personally, I had such a problem, and when I took my phone to a repairman, after he carried out a detailed diagnosis, he said that my cable coil had blown, and the same thing happened to one of my friends and the analysis was the same diagnosis. apparatus, brought

    There may be several reasons, namely:

    • either the cable itself, which ensures correct operation of the speaker, or its contact has broken;
    • the cable coil is broken;
    • due to falls of the phone (if, of course, they occurred), a break could occur on the phone board;
    • The microcircuit may have problems.

    As you can see, the problems are of a very serious nature; they are not clogging the sound passages with dust or dirt, which you could fix yourself. And so, it seems to me, a trip to the master is inevitable. Well, if the phone is still under warranty, then go straight to the service center of the establishment where you purchased your gadget.

All telephone models have a sound-to-electricity converter - a microphone. The microphone converts sound waves into electrical impulses. But for this process to occur normally, sound must reach the microphone unhindered.

By analogy with the human ear, where there is a sound detector (this is what is called the ear) and a sound transducer (inner ear), the same is done in a mobile phone. There is also a sound catcher (a small hole in the phone case or sound-conducting material of the case (this is done on older Samsung models)), which directs the sound to the transducer - the microphone.

At the moment, phones use 3 types of microphones: carbon (the vast majority of phones have it), electronic (it’s on expensive Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones) and a new electronic one with increased sensitivity (it’s on new Nokias above the middle class) . The peculiarity of phones with an electronic microphone is that they pick up sound through almost the entire body of the phone, as a result of which voice clarity and the audibility of quiet sounds are much better.

The pictures show different options for sound detectors in phones:

Description of types of microphone failures.

How can you tell if your microphone is broken?

This can be seen from the fact that during a conversation the other party:

  1. Can’t hear you or can’t hear you well (or the interlocutor can hear you very quietly, like a whisper)
  2. He hears every other time (with one call everything is fine, but when he calls another time he doesn’t hear)
  3. The subscriber hears extraneous noise or even a hum, and the voice is weakly audible or not heard at all.

In the first case you just need to replace the microphone, as this usually happens after a fall or after “bathing” the phone. Electronic microphones, when replacing, must be soldered carefully and carefully, as they are very sensitive to overheating and the ingress of any liquids, so replacing an electronic microphone is more expensive. Carbon microphones are easier to replace, so the cost of replacing them (and the microphone too) is lower. Sometimes, when you can’t hear it at all, it’s not the microphone, then you need to look, maybe something happened with the board, or maybe something with the microcircuit and auxiliary elements. This requires time for research, which increases the repair period.

In the second case Research is required to identify the real cause, as it may not be in the microphone. This is not a simple case. Therefore, repairing such a breakdown takes a long time. There was such a case with a new electronic microphone on Nokia, but they still sorted it out and helped the owner of the phone.

In the third case, most often it occurs after a poor-quality repair, or after a phone being repaired has fallen. Necessary

Many residents of megacities prefer to exchange information by telephone, and interference or lack of sound can become a serious obstacle to communication. The most common complaints about the quality of communication are echoes or the fact that during a conversation it is difficult to hear the interlocutor. Recommendations from specialists will help you understand the reasons why you can’t hear the caller on your phone and contact a technician in time for repairs.

You can’t hear your interlocutor on the phone well or at all

It’s hard to find a person who hasn’t at least once found himself in a situation where you can’t hear your interlocutor on the phone. Sometimes this is the result of a misunderstanding when the caller accidentally pressed the microphone mute button or turned the volume down to minimum. However, more often the voice on the phone is not heard for other reasons related to the breakdown of certain parts. First, check your audio settings. If everything is in order, call back to any other number: perhaps the interlocutor cannot be heard due to problems with his smartphone.

Echo when talking on a mobile phone

Sometimes smartphone owners complain about the echo on the phone: when talking, they hear not only the interlocutor, but also themselves. The repetition of phrases may be more or less clear, but in any case it interferes with the conversation and is very annoying. Should you immediately take your phone for repair if you hear an echo? Experts believe that this is not at all necessary. First, you need to observe how often and under what circumstances you begin to hear your own voice when calling.

It is worth considering the need to contact a specialist if you have recently dropped your device on a hard surface or hit it hard on the edge of a table or other object. You should also be wary if the problem occurs constantly or you very often hear an echo while talking on the phone.

Possible causes of device malfunction

The service center employees know many possible reasons why the interlocutor may not be heard on the phone or an echo may appear.

Most often, poor hearing or complete absence of sound is caused by:

  • clogging of sound passages with dust;
  • burning of the speaker coil;
  • wire break in the coil;
  • broken loop contact;
  • problems with the microcircuit responsible for sound.

In all these cases, it is necessary to disassemble the smartphone and clean it, repair or replace individual parts. At the service center, selecting spare parts for a specific phone model will not be difficult, because the technicians have established contacts with suppliers. In some cases, instead of repairing, you can replace individual parts on the board, but the effect may be short-lived.

Cell phone echo occurs for two reasons. In the first case, the cellular operator’s equipment is to blame; in the second, the problem lies in the device itself. If the seal between the speaker and the corresponding hole in the housing is broken, sound may enter the microphone. Sometimes the appearance of an echo is caused by the use of a case that does not fit tightly to the body. The resulting air cushion transmits the sound signal to the microphone, and you hear your voice.

If there is interference, it is recommended to temporarily remove the case and try to make a call without it. If the echo disappears, it is enough to purchase a new case to replace the worn one. Is the problem still there? Then the technician should disassemble the case and reassemble it, checking for leaks. Installing a thin layer of sealant often helps.

What to do if you have difficulty hearing or echo on your phone

Many people are interested in the question of how to remove echo from their phone. In some cases, you will have to contact a technician, and in others, you will have to contact your cellular operator. If you encounter a problem like this, first determine the cause. Try making a call from a SIM card of another operator or calling a city landline. If the problem goes away, there is most likely nothing wrong with your smartphone. It’s not the mobile phone’s fault if the echo only appears during conversations in certain areas of the city. If the reason is the operator, you can contact him with a complaint about poor communication quality in a certain area.

If your location does not affect audibility, but the echo still becomes an obstacle when talking on a mobile phone, take the device to a service center. It will be easier for professionals to determine the cause of the breakdown and eliminate extraneous noise.

Phone repair - speaker is faulty

In most cases, the interlocutor cannot hear you because the speaker of your mobile phone is broken. It is most convenient to repair phone speakers at a service center: independent attempts can lead to new malfunctions, in addition, it is very difficult to find the necessary spare parts for your model. If you need to repair your phone's speakers, the price of the repairman's work (taking into account the cost of spare parts) will not be too high. Therefore, you should not endure the inconveniences associated with poor communication quality: in a good workshop, the malfunction can be fixed on the same day of your call.

Have you noticed that during some calls on your iPhone you can’t hear the other person? This problem is quite common among owners of Apple smartphones. Its cause may be either an iOS error or a malfunction or contamination of the iPhone receiver. What to do in any of these cases is described in this instruction.

Check volume and connection levels

Initially, you need to check the basic settings. First, make sure that the volume level during a call is not set to the minimum value. During a call, adjust the volume using the control buttons - the screen should display a volume indicator and its current status.

Secondly, make sure that the headset is not connected to the iPhone, since in this case there will be no sound in the smartphone receiver. Make sure that nothing is connected to the headphone jack or dock connector, and that there is no . In addition, go to the menu " Settings» → Bluetooth and turn off Bluetooth.

Clean the receiver

The iPhone receiver may not work properly if it is dirty or clogged. Make sure that the receiver is not blocked by anything, such as a protective film or cover, and check that the receiver grille is not clogged. In the latter case, you need to clean it with a clean, dry brush with soft bristles.

Advice! If you just purchased an iPhone, remove the plastic films from the panels of the smartphone.

Force restart your iPhone

Quite often, the problem with poor iPhone receiver performance is due to a software error. Force reboot your smartphone by holding down the buttons Nutrition And Home(volume down button on iPhone 7/7 Plus) in order to clear errors.

Restore iPhone

An even more effective way to fix a software error is to restore your iPhone. For this:

Note: You must have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer. You can update iTunes on a Mac from the Updates tab in the Mac App Store, or on Windows from the Help → Updates menu. If iTunes is not installed on your computer, you can download the latest version from official Apple website.

Step 1. Download the current version of iOS for your iPhone from this site .

Step 2. Connect your iPhone to your computer, then enter the smartphone into recovery mode. To do this, simultaneously hold down the buttons Home And Nutrition on 10 Seconds, then release the Power button but continue to hold the button Home during 6-9 seconds. If you did everything correctly, iTunes will report that it has detected your iPhone in recovery mode.

Note: Putting iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus into recovery mode is slightly different. Instead of the Home button, you should hold the Volume Down button.

Step 3: Hold the key Shift and while holding it press " Restore» on iTunes. In the window that opens, select the previously downloaded firmware file.

Step 4. Confirm to start the recovery procedure.

After the restoration is complete, perform the initial setup of the iPhone, and then check to see if the error with the device’s receiver not working properly has been corrected.

Contact the service center for help

If none of the methods described above helped, in your case the problem is hardware. Only service center specialists can help solve it.

Why can't I hear or be heard when I call on my mobile phone?

    Check your device by calling another number - if everything is in order (audibility and intelligibility for both) - it’s time for your husband to visit the service center, and if you don’t hear the interlocutor in this call, then it’s for you. There are no miracles in the world!

    And what exactly has gone wrong in the device (speaker or radio channel module) - the experts will figure it out.

    Have you applied to your mobile operator? It is advisable to go to your operator’s office and explain everything in detail there. If you both cannot hear each other, then the microphone and speaker in both phones cannot be faulty.

    It also matters whether you both have problems calling other numbers? If not, then the phones are most likely working. And also - do you both use the services of the same or different telecom operators? If the operators are different, then solving the problem is more difficult.

    I would also try to insert your SIM cards into other phones. Perhaps some of you have a damaged SIM card. If this is the case, then it is worth replacing e.

    If you cannot hear or the interlocutor cannot hear you when making a cell phone call, you should check the phone and the quality of communication from the operator. To do this, you need to call another number and check your audibility. If you have the same problems, look for their cause in your phone or smartphone. Often, simply rebooting the device helps.

    There may be four problems:

    • hardware malfunction of your phone
    • Husband's phone has a hardware problem
    • problems with communication at the point where you are
    • communication problems at the point where the husband is

    How can you rule out possible problems? In order:

    • call another person from your phone, if everything is in order, then a hardware malfunction of your phone is excluded
    • ask someone you know to call your husband, if everything is in order, then a hardware malfunction of your husband’s phone is excluded
    • change the place from where you called and call your husband again, if everything is in order, then you had a connection problem
    • if excluding the three previous reasons, then there will still be a problem with communication at the point where the husband is
  • The microphone and speaker may break on the phone. I had this. I called, but they didn’t hear me, but I heard what they were saying to me, and then they stopped hearing me.

    If this is a connection, an acceptable zone, wait a while, if nothing changes, then someone has a problem with the phone :)

    Although the reason for the lack of audibility was not fully clarified, rebooting the phone helped solve the problem. They simply turned off the phone, and after a minute or two turned it on again. It is possible, of course, that some contacts are loose or something else.