Mutual entry into groups. How to say correctly: group or public? Correct content is the basis for public promotion on VK

Groups can be created in any popular in social networks– Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte.

Networks differ from each other not only in design and functionality, but also in audience. Interests, solvency and age vary. Odnoklassniki is considered the most profitable in this regard, but I decided to focus on Vkontakte.

How to open your own group

Anyone can create a group, but I recommend using another account for this (create a special one). This must be done so that, if desired, you can sell the group along with the creator’s account.

My groups are linked to the main account, where all are real friends, personal correspondence and memorable posts on the wall. So you don’t want to sell for any money, but sometimes they offer to buy.

To create a group, you need to go to the Groups section in your VKontakte account and click the Create community button.

You can create a group, community or event. I recommend giving preference to communities - they are displayed on home page subscriber on the right. If his friends are interested in the name and status of the group, new subscribers may appear.

You need to fill the group with information: give interesting name, put an avatar, description, etc.

On the main page of the group, put a catchy status that will intrigue and attract new people. After this, the group can be considered officially open.

How to develop a group

There is still a long way to go before making your first profit - you need to develop the group, fill it with information on the topic and attract new subscribers. Only when the first real readers appear will you be able to try to make money. There is no need to rush into this so as not to scare people away.

Filling- This is the main task after creating a group. No one will subscribe to a group that has nothing in it. It is necessary to find useful and interesting posts on the topic of the group and post them in news feed on the home page. You need to do this more than once a day, but plan a schedule.

The schedule needs to be adjusted to the interests and daily routine of subscribers. For example, young mothers on maternity leave usually surf the Internet during the children's nap time (about 13-15 hours) and in the evening, when the baby falls asleep.

Office workers can check the news feed on the way to work, at lunch, on the way from work and in the evening. Focus on Moscow time, because this is the time zone where the most activity is.

I have a regular quote book, so I post every hour from 8 am to 6 pm, from 6 pm to midnight - two posts per hour, and at night every 2-3 hours.

Of course I don't have to get up every 2 hours at night to post something. For these purposes there is a timer and auto-posting.

Timer is a built-in VKontakte service with which you can specify the time of posting an entry. Important point– indicate the time in your time zone.

Autoposting– these are special sites with which you can post posts according to a specified schedule. In my opinion, this is much more convenient, and I recommend using

Auto grabber is a paid site that allows you to take other people’s posts from Odnoklassniki and Facebook and automatically publish them in your group. It makes it very easy to fill a group, but you need to be careful that there are no extraneous links in the posts or someone else’s logo in the pictures. In my opinion, the most convenient of these services is

Promotion is easy good posts It’s not enough, you definitely need to somehow promote your group and attract subscribers to it.

You need to prepare a good advertising post ( useful list, interesting story), and actually interesting place put a link to your group, with the note “read the continuation here.” So far this is the most effective way attract subscribers, but expensive.

There are also free methods that can be used for the first time or if you have financial problems:

  • Mutual entry – find a VKontakte group where people post similar offers. There are quite a lot of them. The idea is simple - you need to join someone else’s group, and the owner of that group will join yours. Such promotion takes a lot of time; 10-20 people are added per day, and they are not active. They are simply registered, but rarely look at your entries.
  • Cheat– artificial increase in the number of subscribers. You can order for money on special sites or install special programs(Botovod, Vtope). The principle of their operation is the same as with mutual entry, but you don’t have to do anything yourself - everything happens automatically.
  • Mutual advertising – When there are at least 1000 people in the group and there is activity (likes and reposts), you can exchange advertising posts with groups with similar indicators. To do this, you need to request statistics, evaluate the coverage of subscribers and compare with your group. If they are approximately equal, exchange advertising. According to VKontakte rules, you can post no more than 3 advertising messages per day.

There is another way to promote a group, but it is dishonest and prohibited by the rules - you can get banned. You can post a link to your group in the comments of other groups and invite people to join. For example, “recipes for delicious dietary dishes in this group.” Administrators usually quickly delete such comments, but there may be some result. I have not personally tested the effectiveness.

How to make money from your group

Don't rush into this - take it gradually. Too many ads in a small, unpopular group will discourage new subscribers. Therefore, I recommend waiting until your subscriber reach reaches 1000 per day. There are many ways to make money, and it's best to use them all.

  1. Affiliate links– can be posted at any time when real visitors appear. But you shouldn’t post too often – 2 times a week is enough. My group is mainly for teenagers and women, so links to some products from aliexpress, books from Ozon and Labyrinth, as well as women’s online stores and courses work well. You need to focus on your audience - gender, age, group topic, and select something suitable.
  1. Pay-per-view videos. When you have more than 15,000 subscribers, you can add your group to the sites and They post a video that you can publish in your group and receive from 0.1 to 2 rubles per view. How more subscribers, the more tasks are available. These are mainly product advertisements, music videos, trailers for new films or social advertisement. You can watch videos before publishing to ensure you only choose the ones that are relevant to the topic.

Selling advertising- becomes relevant when the reach of subscribers per day rises to 1000. At this moment, you can add a group to sites for selling advertising and wait for customers. For example, I use the sites,,, I added it wherever possible to increase the chances. On average, I receive 3 advertising orders per week. The main thing here is to set an adequate price.

I have quote books, the audience is 30% teenagers, so they are not solvent. The number of subscribers is about 70,000, the coverage of subscribers is about 6,000 per day. You need to focus specifically on the last indicator, because it is impossible to screw it up. You need to look at the pink line in the second statistics tab:

Approximate price: women's theme– 10 rubles per 1000 subscriber coverage, for quotation books – about 7, business topics – 15 rubles. But all this is very approximate.

In my group, the cost of advertising is 30 rubles for 1 hour in first place + 23 hours on the wall. It is considered quite low compared to competitors, but due to this they buy something from me. Because advertising is mainly carried out in groups where the reach of subscribers is more than 10,000 per day, and preferably from 100,000. But such serious indicators are still far from me, so I’m content with little.

Contributing to groups gives me pleasure - I love finding and reading quotes. But I promote through force, mostly now people come only through searches and advice from friends, so the number of subscribers is growing very slowly. But even in such conditions, I receive 500-1000 rubles a month from one group, almost in passive mode.

If you have a VKontakte group or community, then you are probably interested in seeing the number of its participants grow.

For this to happen, you must meet a number of conditions. Publish interesting materials, interact with your audience, etc. Let's talk about this in more detail.

So, how to recruit people or participants to a VKontakte group?

Video lesson: how to recruit participants into a VK group

Recruitment of participants through quality materials

This method, although the most difficult, is the most correct and effective. What is its essence?

You should publish materials in your group that are directly related to your topic as often as possible. Here's an example.

If we're talking about about the community in which jokes are published, don’t be lazy and post 10-20 new, funny jokes during the day. What will you get in the end?

If your participants like them, they will like and repost the post (see).

What does repost mean? It's simple - all the friends of the user who made it will see the material in their news. They will probably like it, they will move to your group and join it.

How to gain subscribers in a VK group

You can go through mutual exchange. are you on VK a large number of communities where people leave their advertisements, about mutual joining a group, giving likes (see), boosting reposts (see), etc.

We can contact such people and offer them mutual membership in our group. How to do it?

In the search we write "Mutual entry". Next we go to the “Communities” section, and select from the list open group. Let's go into it.

Here we look at the wall - we need to find an advertisement in which the user offers mutual membership in the group. Here's something similar.

Now we go to our user’s page and write to him in a personal message that we have joined his group. We send him a link to ours and ask him to do the same (see).

The person will read the message and subscribe to our group.

Recruiting people into a VKontakte group using services

There are a large number of services on the network that offer services for promoting your groups. What is the principle of their work?

IN personal account service, find the “Groups” menu. Then click Unwind.

We'll move on to filling out the form. Here you need to provide the following information:

If you need users who meet certain criteria, set up targeting. When you fill everything out, click the “Order” button.

Now all that's left to do is wait for it to pick up required quantity participants.

To prevent your community from being blocked for cheating members (see), do not order too large a quantity at a time.


The methods discussed above for getting live participants into a group can be implemented for free. But if necessary, you can make things easier for yourself. Top up your balance in the turboliker service and start the promotion. Nothing further will be required of you. The process will proceed automatically.

If you decide to start your own business or promote an existing one on the Internet, then it will be useful for you to learn how to advertise a VKontakte group for free. This important step includes attracting interested users, creating target audience, increasing traffic and, fortunately, your popularity. Exists great amount free and paid advertising methods. Free methods in most cases only work when the group is filled with truly high-quality and explosive content that makes people instantly want to become a member.

VKontakte group advertising

The main features of free advertising of groups in VK

Most often, a group is created to turn into a so-called online store on the VKontakte social network for the sale of services, goods and other special offers. Also, groups are created not for commercial purposes, but to promote some hobby, creativity and hobby to a narrow circle of people. The group has everything necessary tools for ease of use as an online store. It provides maximum feedback and the opportunity to gather a community. Thanks to the group, you can effectively develop small businesses and various brands. It is convenient to demonstrate various products and services in the “products” section. As a rule, you can upload albums with photos online and pin them in your profile header. But public is not suitable for such purposes; it is best to use it as convenient platform to make money from advertising.

In order to make a group popular, you can use personal methods advertising. There are so-called “black methods” that will ensure the fastest growth of subscribers. There will be no effect from them, because for the most part they are ordinary bots. They, strictly speaking, do not increase sales, do not bring profit and do not affect statistics. Free methods are designed to target the community audience and help gather only interested people in your group.

These include:

  • manual sending of friend requests and messages;
  • leaving likes and comments;
  • holding competitions;
  • mutual PR;
  • accommodation in special groups For free ads or mutual entry and others.

How to advertise a group on VK for free: step-by-step instructions

  1. Determining the target audience.
  2. Determining methods for attracting new group members.
  3. Drawing up a detailed content plan with the frequency, frequency and content of publications, as well as the time of their placement.
  4. Thinking through the terms of competitions that help attract new subscribers.
  5. Composing an interesting advertising post, selecting a catchy headline, image or other attachment.

  1. The choice of advertising methods, if you discard paid methods, such as targeting and posting in communities for a fee, then what remains is mutual PR, working with bloggers, guest posting, manual execution all necessary functions.
  2. Evaluating the effectiveness of actions taken and, if necessary, adjusting them to increase the effectiveness of further advertising.

That is, it should be understood that it is not enough to have knowledge or skills SMM promotion, use effective tools in your work, find new original approaches without spending a penny. A huge role is played by the design of the community, the content plan, its content, as well as its uniqueness, which can interest any users from the first minutes and create a target audience.

For such a community advertising plan to produce results, you need to carefully think through and implement each stage. At the same time, it is always necessary to ensure feedback for additional assessment of the actions performed. If ineffective actions and tools are identified, you can try to correct them or exclude them from the list of options used.

Mutual advertising of VKontakte groups

Mutual advertising of VKontakte groups is a method that is rapidly gaining popularity and allows representatives of small businesses or online stores to save money on advertising. Its essence lies in the fact that two communities mutually post a post advertising each other’s services or goods at a certain time. specified time. Moreover, the groups have approximately the same number of subscribers or participants, as well as related topics. Therefore, each of them will have a target audience for his partner.

If your group is really on high level development, is attractive to other users, then you can, without hesitation, write to the administration with a proposal for mutual advertising. Those groups that are interested in quality promotion are most likely to respond to such an offer.

You should not apply for mutual advertising to dubious groups with fake subscribers. And also to public companies seeking to make immediate profits without prospects for the future.

Pros and cons of free community advertising on VK

  • the method does not require financial costs;
  • allows you to form an exclusively target audience in the group;
  • The “Invite friends” function is available to the group, which increases the convenience of advertising among friends.
  • very slow progress with the expenditure of a significant amount of time and own strength group owner;
  • low efficiency, minimal return;
  • lack of stability of the advertising effect;
  • all kinds of personal methods of sending out advertising and promoting a group can be perceived by users as spam.

Possible problems with free advertising of communities

Group blocking. If it is due to spam, then it is necessary to reduce the activity of the actions taken and not exceed the limits for sending invitations to friends. Do not overdo it with likes and comments in other groups, as well as sending messages.

Slow community growth. After selecting any free method promotion, there is no increase in key indicators, the number of subscribers, an increase in likes, views, reposts, comments. You need to review your content, change it if necessary, and work on it. You should add more opportunities for feedback, create more discussions and polls, choose a different advertising method, seek help from a group with a live audience.

A large number of dogs. If they appeared when using various sites and services offering free promotion For completing actions, fake accounts can be added to the group, which later turn into dogs. Typically, you will have to remove them manually.


To advertise a VKontakte group for free, you need to have at least an idea of ​​the nuances of working on the network. It will be difficult for a beginner to simply place a placement in the first one he comes across. free to group and get good returns. Important preliminary analysis main indicators, qualitative and quantitative composition of the audience. At the same time, the free approach to promotion implies the practical mastery of all available methods. Strictly speaking, empirical identification of the most effective ones and their use in permanent basis for further advancement.

How to promote a public page on VK: 7 ideas good content+ 3 advertising promotion methods + 3 dangerous but free methods + 6 useful recommendations.

Here you can watch movies, listen to music, play, share photos. And most importantly, VK cannot be imagined without interesting public pages and a diverse thematic focus.

By the way, do you know that the administrators of these communities? If you also want to try yourself in their role, then the question is: how to promote a public page on VK, should come first.

How to say correctly: group or public?

Many users on VK confuse concepts such as “public” and “group”. Some even think that they are one and the same thing.

Actually it's 2 different types communities that differ from each other.

Group is a community that is most often created on behalf of an organization or for doing business in VK (for example, selling clothes, accessories, etc.). Through the group it is easier to establish feedback with your potential customers, as well as show the entire range of products.

Public– public page on VK. It is not as functional as groups, has fewer sections + the information is often “closed” (only the administrator publishes, and subscribers can only like and repost).

Publics are often created with the following topics:

  1. Informational.
  2. Entertaining.
  3. Cognitive.

But public pages also work well as online stores with not the widest range of products.

You can learn more about the differences between these concepts here:

Which public pages are the easiest to promote on VK?

Community promotion is directly related to the topic and target audience.

For example, if a public page is aimed at subscribers only in the form of schoolchildren, then it will be easy to promote it (teenagers are quicker to “peck” at viral advertising, interesting content).

But it will be difficult to make money from a group with a target audience consisting of young people. The audience is under 18 years old for more or less serious purchases, so there is no point in creating advertising for them.

If you decide to create a public page to earn money, then you should focus only on adults. However, for thematic communities there is no such restriction.

To make it easier to promote a public page on VK, choose a topic that is interesting to a wide range of people:

Relying on many surveys, the most active audience in VK these are women, so we will primarily focus on the “weaker sex”.

If you want to quickly promote a page on VK, then create it for women. For example, you can organize a public page dedicated to fashion, clothing, advice for mothers, etc.

There is also a big disadvantage here - competition. There are many communities of this kind, a large number of them “started” 5-7 years ago and now have an audience of millions. It will be difficult to become better than an existing public page or at least reach its level.

Men over 18 years of age are not as active in discussions and reposts as women. To promote a man's public page quickly, you need to really come up with unique content, which will be of interest to many.

Correct content is the basis for public promotion on VK

Now let's talk about content. Without interesting content, no amount of advertising will help promote your creation.

Your posts should be shared by subscribers. It’s good when there are active discussions on the page. If your audience is passive, analyze the content. Perhaps it is uninteresting or is not selected for this target audience.

This table provides statistical insights into what your reader will like and what they will immediately scroll past:

What attracts?What repels?
Beautiful photos and pictures, without other people's logos, High Quality. Images with animals and children are especially attractive.Quotes that are duplicated in all popular public pages and do not provide any information. It is especially bad if there is an error in authorship.
Memes, humorous pictures, cartoons.Entries of an advertising nature (especially those that go against the theme of the public).
Interesting facts about environment, people, historical events etc. (important: facts must be verified by you!).Posts with referrals and external links, which redirect to other advertising sites.
Posts with a minimum amount of information (500-700 characters), but with a bright title.Posts that absolutely do not correspond to the topic of the public.
Pictures, postcards, congratulations for various national holidays.Photos and pictures Bad quality, as well as with other people's logos or watermarks.
Puzzles, rebuses, riddles (important: they should not end with the phrase “continued here” with a link to another public page - this is already annoying advertising).Unfunny jokes (what works on Odnoklassniki often only evokes a sarcastic smile on VK).
Less common quotes from great people (historians, poets, actors, businessmen), whose authorship you have verified.The stories are too long.

3 ways to promote public VK using advertising

You can promote the public both by investing money and without real investment.

The second option provides methods that are considered less safe for the community (primarily we are talking about mass mailings), which we will discuss below. Also, economic promotion is always a slower process.

Public advertising- This effective method, but requiring investment. If you really want to contribute to your community, then it is best to invest financially in the first stages. So you will get quick effect and start skimming the cream earlier.

Does your public have an avatar, description and at least 15-20 posts on the wall? We can take the first steps to promote it for money using advertising.

No. 1.

The first thing that all novice administrators resort to is public promotion through advertising in other communities.

Previously, the following scheme was practiced: the owner of the community selected some interesting story with a broken ending and a link at the end to your public page. This entry was posted in another public (for money, of course).

After a VK user clicked on the “Show in full” link button, he was taken to the advertised public page. If the page is interesting, then the person remains your subscriber.

Now this method of promoting a community only causes irritation, so you shouldn’t use it.

It is better to create a simple, well-structured and bright post with an enticing picture:

For other public pages, you can turn to the following sites for help:


These resources not only offer to promote public pages/pages on social networks, but also give people the opportunity to earn money by writing comments, liking, reposting, etc. That is, if you do not have the means to pay for advertising, you can earn money on it “not walking away from the cash register."

Regarding the price: different groups They put forward their prices based on their audience reach, subscriber activity, and topics.

With the help of these services you can also “catch up” with the public. But as practice shows, such an audience turns out to be not your target, but often a crowd of bots.

All fake subscribers do not have a keen interest in your public: they will not like, leave reviews, or repost. This is not only useless, but can even cause harm (result in blocking society).

The prices for such a service are not the lowest:

If you need " live band", then it is better not to use "cheating".

To effectively promote a public page on VK using advertising in other communities, you need to:

No. 2.

Mutual PR with other publics Another current method

– this is mutual PR. How to promote a community in VK in this way? You are looking for a community that is similar to yours in topic and audience size. Next, you offer your colleague cooperation in advertising: you simply post advertising posts

from each other, thereby doing PR for themselves and their comrade. The choice of public for cooperation must be taken seriously. Pay attention to the quantity active users

When you decide who exactly you would like to exchange advertising with, write to the administrator private message. In your appeal, indicate the essence of your proposal, the name of the page, give a link to it and write the number of subscribers.

If your community is closed, then open access for this person.

For mutual PR, you can use 5-10 communities - this will allow you to promote your page faster. But don’t overload your feed with advertising! Subscribers really don’t like this and will start unsubscribing en masse.

If you find your own public pages for mutual PR, then you won’t have to invest money. Also for free services mutual PR “partner” can be found in the corresponding VK groups.

In the event that you turn to intermediary sites for help (for example,, you will have to pay a percentage for the service.

No. 3. “You for me, I for you” - mutual entry into public pages

If you decide that you want to promote a public site without a penny of investment, you should not think that you have become an exception to the rule. Many community owners are unable to pay for advertising, but they really want to gain a large number of subscribers. To resolve this issue, mutual membership communities were created.

To promote your resource for free in this way, you just need to make a note on the wall of such a community that you are ready to join other mutual exchange groups. That is, a person joins your group, and you join his.

Finding exchange communities is easy: type “mutual entry” into the search for VK groups and a dozen communities will appear.

To increase your reach, use 10-15 such sources at once. Promotion will not go quickly, but new participants are definitely real people who may like the idea of ​​your public.

3 dangerous ways to promote public VK for free

At the first stages of creating a public page, not every admin has the means to paid advertising. After all, communities on VK are often created by young people, students, and schoolchildren.

Therefore, administrators are ready to go to dangerous ways promotions in VK, for which money is not needed. We'll talk about them.

Majority free ways, reposts, subscribers are dangerous, because the site administration for using them on VK can simply permanently ban both the public and the administrator’s page. If you have already resorted to using this kind of promotion, then use it as little as possible.

Free but effective ways to promote a VK public page:

6 tips on how to properly maintain a public page on VK to promote it

We decided to summarize the instructions on how to promote a public page on VK with a selection simple tips for community management:

How to promote a public page on VKontakte from scratch?

Get comprehensive information from this video:

The fastest and effective method, how to promote public VK– invest real money in this. If you are not ready to take such a step, use slower ones, but still effective options free promotion described above.