Installing Skype on Linux Mint. Installing Skype on various Linux distributions

It was intended only for Windows and iOS, but over time it was able to be used by those whose devices run Linux. However, the developers were not too active regarding this version, so Last update was only released in 2014. This bug was recently fixed, so Skype for Linux is now available in a new version.

The latest client has been released in two versions. The first of them is a familiar desktop Alpha version. In the official announcement, the developers stated that it is based on WebRTC code. The second version is a web version and is available in almost any browser. It is based on the same code, supported by many Internet browsers.

If you download Skype for Ubuntu, you can appreciate all the advantages of the application. The program offers to make video and audio calls to other subscribers who have account and online. Among additional features applications note:

  • Free communication with other Skype users;
  • Instant messaging;
  • The ability to add emotional coloring to texts thanks to a large collection of emoticons;
  • Video conferencing in real time with several interlocutors at once.

In order to use all the features of the application, you must connect a webcam to your PC. Majority modern models with built-in microphones, so additional devices will not be required. Installing a webcam is usually quite simple. It is enough to connect the gadget to your computer, after which the drivers will be automatically installed on it.

Next, you can start working in Skype Debian. The application has a simple interface, so even those who encountered it for the first time can easily understand it, although such people are already difficult to find. The home screen displays a list of contacts ranked by recent activity. In other words, those users with whom you conducted latest conversations, will be at the top.

After installing Skype, you will need to check the call quality. To do this, you don’t have to connect with someone you know. The developers have included special bots in the contact list. Just click on them and make a call to understand if there are problems with the connected devices. If everything is in order, then you can start using the program and call your friends who are online.

On home page There are menu sections in which you can change settings. In addition, there is also a line for searching for accounts of friends and acquaintances. If you wish, you can set an avatar that other users will see. It is done right there from a webcam or downloaded from the PC memory. In addition, users can set privacy and security settings.

In addition to video and audio communications, the program can create text chats. In addition, the developers have provided a redirection function to Cell phones. Behind additional fee The application's capabilities are significantly expanded. From it you can send SMS or make calls to regular phone numbers. The tariffs offered in the program are much more profitable than those set by mobile operators.

Overall, Skype for Linux is an application that will always allow you to stay connected. The developers began to actively work on updates to this version of the program. IN currently it differs little from the client for Windows and others operating systems in terms of convenience and functionality.

Behind last years Skype has lost a significant part of its audience, but continues to remain one of the popular tools instant messages over the network. On this moment most relevant for Linux users Skype versions remain SkypeForLinux (MS Skype 5) and Skype ver. 4.3.

Let's look at how to install Skype on Linux Mint 18, but the described steps should also work for Ubuntu 16.04 and other distributions on Ubuntu based, including earlier versions.

Skype is not included standard storage Linux, so before installing the instant messaging client from the repository you need to add to "Application Sources" Canonical partner software. To do this, through the main menu go to "System""Application Sources"(Fig. 1).

IN "Additional repositories" put a tick in the Canonical checkbox (Fig. 2). If storage is already enabled, you don't need to do anything.

ATTENTION: If you have previously installed the instant messaging service, you must remove any remaining content from the system old program. To do this, you need to open a terminal window by simultaneously pressing Ctrl-Alt-T or launch the terminal from the menu. In the window that appears, enter the commands

sudo apt-get remove skype skype-bin
rm -rf ~/.skype

Installing Skypeforlinux on Linux Mint

SkypeForLinux from Microsoft (Skype 5) is based on the browser version of the service. Installation possible Skype Linux Mint 18.2 only on systems with 64-bit architecture. There is no i386 support. Execute the commands in the terminal:

dpkg -s apt-transport-https > /dev/null || bash -c "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https -y"

Then add the Skype PPA repository:

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skypeforlinux.list

Installation of skypeforlinux can be done either through package manager, or from the terminal using the commands (Fig. 7):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install skypeforlinux

If something goes wrong, installing Skype in Linux Mint from binary deb package. To do this, in the terminal, go to for the deb file:


Then enter the command:

sudo dpkg -i skypeforlinux-64.deb

And install the client with the command:

sudo apt install -f

As a result of the steps described above, the instant messaging client should appear in the menu (Fig. 8) and the program manager (Fig. 9).

In the program manager ( "System""Program Manager"):

Installing Skypeforlinux from the website

It is possible to install Skype in Linux Mint from DEB or RPM packages from (Fig. 9).

When you click on "Download" installation options will be offered, including DEB and RPM packages for Linux (the first two points in Fig. 10).

Agree to the offer to open DEB in the Package Installer (Figure 11).

Once the installation is complete, launch the client from the menu as described above. If the installation went well, it will start Skype window(Fig. 12).

Installing Skype 4.3 on Linux Mint

Above we looked at how to install Skype on Linux Mint on 64-bit systems. If you have i386, you need to install Skype 4.3, since Skypeforlinux from Microsoft does not support 32-bit architecture.

Compared to earlier releases, version 4.3 adds new features for users with low vision, fixes a number of bugs, and includes support for PulseAudio versions 3.0/4.0. Alsa support has been discontinued and changes have been made to user interface. You can install the instant messaging client version 4.3 (at the time of writing, ver. is current) through the terminal using the commands (Fig. 13, 14):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install skype

Installation from a website is also possible, for example from the “Skype” section of the Uptodown website at: (Fig. 15).

When you visit the site, the download of the deb package with the instant messaging client should start automatically. If this does not happen, you need to click on the inscription “click here” (see screenshot above).

After launching the package saved to disk, the Package Installer will start (Fig. 17).

Click “Install package”, enter the password if necessary, wait for the installation of skype:i386 to complete (Fig. 18).

IMPORTANT: Version 4.3 may not start due to Microsoft failure from the old release in favor of Skypeforlinux ver. 5.0. To correct the situation, you need to change the client version in binary code programs. This can be done through the terminal with the command (Fig. 19):

sudo sed -i "s/" /usr/bin/skype


In this article we looked at how to install Skype on Linux Mint 18 different ways. You can install the required version in your system. If you still have questions, ask in the comments!

For a long time already Skype I didn’t get it for Ubuntu latest updates, because now it contains a lot of errors and glitches. However, most users have to use Skype as your main one messenger for one simple reason that their buddies and friends are sitting on Windows system, not wanting to resort to using other software.

In that methodological material We will discuss one simple, but important topic for many users - how to install Skype on Ubuntu in several simple ways.

Skype is free application closed source, therefore, due to this, it simply cannot be present in the official Ubuntu repositories. However, he, like others native applications, present in the Cnanonical partner repository. Universal storage is not included as standard, which means you need to enable it yourself, which we'll do now.

For this purpose, launch the Software&Updates program from Unity Dash, after which be sure to check the box next to Canonical Partners on the Other Software tab:

The second storage, which is used to store program source codes, does not need to be connected.

Now we will move on to the next thing, directly installing Skype for Linux Ubuntu. For installation, you can use various package managers, for example, the same Synaptic.

You launch Synaptic from the Dash management menu, for the reason that adding storage did not produce any effect. automatic mode the process of updating the system database packages, so you must initiate the update yourself. You just need to click on the Reload function.

After which we just have to click on the Apply button in order to complete the successful installation process.

Application graphical package manager is not mandatory; all actions can be performed in the terminal itself. Installing Skype in Ubuntu using the terminal sometimes takes even less time.

First of all, let's add the Canonical partner repository if you haven't done so before, as mentioned above:

$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner"

Add i386 architecture:

After we update and carry out the installation process:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install skype

As a result, all we have to do is enter only the pass; if suddenly the characters you enter are not visible, then do not panic, this is normal, you need to click on Enter key, then to Y for further process installation and wait for completion.

Installing Skype Ubuntu using manual method

You do not need to add storage to the database system in order to install Skype correctly Ubuntu latest versions to your computer. All you have to do is download deb installation package from the official Skype website and complete the installation process via dpkg.

First of all, download the installer itself:

$ wget

If you try to install the i386 package on the x64 version of the system, you will immediately receive an error; to prevent this from happening, you need to add the i386 architecture:

$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Next thing go to working folder, where the package from the database was downloaded and use dpkg for installation:

$ sudo dpkg -i skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb

The utility may require dependent components that did not go through the installation process on the system; to install them, please next action:

$ sudo apt-get -f install

When completed last stage our Skype program will be installed successfully and you can safely use it. If you could not find the shortcut from the utility, simply exit the program and re-enter your login and password. Or use the console panel to launch Skype.

How to change the Skype icon

As a rule, initially the Skype icon on the desktop will be light green. For many users of the system, this will seem like an ugly solution. After all, when the icon looks this color, it simply does not always fit into the overall design of the control panel. But everything can be fixed, and this is done very easily and simply.

First you need to download and install the package with the sni-qt version:

$ wget -O sni-qt_0.2.6-0ubuntu1_i386-modified.deb

$ sudo dpkg -i sni-qt_0.2.6-0ubuntu1_i386-modified.deb

Then download and transfer the new icons to the folder at /usr/share/pixmaps/skype:

$ wget -O
$ unzip
$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/pixmaps/skype
$ sudo cp skype/* /usr/share/pixmaps/skype
$ sudo chmod +r /usr/share/pixmaps/skype/*

True, in this case one minor drawback may appear, this is the absence of a counter that notifies unread messages. If you want to return everything back, then simply delete this code (this is our installed package and icons):

$ sudo dpkg -r sni-qt_0.2.6-0ubuntu1_i386-modified.deb

$ sudo rm -r /usr/share/pixmaps/skype

Surely after reading this article you have no questions left about how to install Skype without problems and unnecessary fuss. And if you still can’t install Skype yourself, then write below in the comments. We will definitely try to help you in this matter!

In this article we will look at the process of installing Skype on Linux distributions using following formats packages: .deb, .rpm, as well as through the pacman package manager (or rather AUR), used in the Arch Linux distribution.

Skype - free proprietary software With closed code, providing text, voice and video communication over the Internet between computers and phones, optionally using peer-to-peer network technologies, as well as paid services for calls to mobile and landline phones.


New versions of Skype(starting from 5) for Linux only x86_64 architecture is supported! and packages you can download from . Installation as a SNAP package is also supported, but I this method I won’t consider it now, as I plan to write a separate article about SNAP.

1. Package.deb

You can install this package either using any graphical manager (GDebi, Synaptic, Application Center, etc.) or using a terminal emulator.

First, I'll look at installing using a graphical manager. I'll use GDebi as an example.

To start installation, click right click mouse over the downloaded file. In the list that appears, find something by type: "To open with…" or “Open in another application” and select this item:

In the window that appears, find: “GDebi Package Installer” and press "Open":

After launching GDebi, a warning may pop up stating that more is available in the repositories old version. Just click “Close”:

Now just click on the button “Install package” to start the process:

After you start the installation you will be asked for a password. You need to enter it:

Now wait for the installation process to complete and click “Close”:

After this, you can also close GDebi and start working with Skype.

Now I would like to look at installing Skype and Terminal. I will not install from the repository, since there is an older version. I'll show you how to install the .deb package. To do this, open a terminal emulator and enter next command:

$ sudo dpkg -i /[Path_to_folder]/skypeforlinux-64.deb

This completes the installation.

2. Package.rpm

Similar to the previous one, you can install Skype either through the terminal or using graphic utilities. I will show the installation using the OpenSUSE 42.3 distribution as an example.

First, let's consider a simpler option through the package installation manager (YaST). After double clicking on the file, you will be asked to enter the user password. Do it. Then the installation manager will appear in front of you, with the package marked for installation. To start the process, click "Accept":

If an error appears about a faulty package, simply click "Ignore"(At least Skype worked fine for me with this error after installation):

After ignoring the error, a warning will pop up that this may lead to the system not working (don’t worry, Skype will not harm it). Just click "OK":

After installation is complete, click "Complete" to close the installer. After this you can start using:

Now let's look at the installation process through the terminal. To do this, simply open an emulator (LXterminal for example) and enter:

sudo rpm -iv /[path_to_folder]/skypeforlinux-64.rpm (-i is the installation key, v means show detailed information)

This completes the installation.

3. pacman (AUR)

I will install Skype from AUR, since this is the most easy way. In addition, AUR usually has the most latest version. In order to install Skype in Arch you need to enter the following command:

$ yaourt -S skypeforlinux-stable-bin gnome-keyring

  • stable version Skype from AUR;
  • - a bunch of keys. Or simply put, it is needed in order not to enter your login and password after each reboot (Designed for safe storage information – usernames and passwords):

Since I was using the Antergos distribution, gnome-keyring was already pre-installed, so I just reinstalled it, but that's not that important. When prompted to edit PKGBUILD, click "n"! And when they ask “Continue assembly...?”, press "y":

“Continue installation...?”, press again "y":

Now the installation is complete, you can start using it.

4. Gentoo

I will not dwell on this distribution, as it will take quite a lot of time, but for those who need it, it is described in detail how to install Skype, but only in English.

Video with the setup process


In this article, we examined in detail the installation process of Skype in various Linux distributions. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

Also on the site:

Installing Skype on various Linux distributions updated: February 22, 2018 by: linok9757