Old versions of iOS programs. How to install an old version of any application on iPhone and iPad

Recently, Apple has opened access to all versions of mobile programs for iOS. Charles Proxy is a useful tool for Mac and Windows that allows you to download older versions of games and applications from the App Store.

In what situations might this be useful? The need to roll back from the latest releases may be due to the appearance of software restrictions in updates (such as deleting the VKontakte music section) or various types of glitches.

Below are instructions on how to downgrade applications on iPhone and iPad:

Step 1: Download, install and run Charles. On a Mac, click the Grant Privileges button and enter your administrator password.

Step 2: Launch iTunes and download the app you want to downgrade from the store.

Step 3: In the Charles window you will see several servers that iTunes connects to, you need to find the one that has the word “buy” in it. Right click on it and select Enable SSL Proxying.

Step 4: Go back to iTunes and stop downloading the app.

Step 5: Search for this app in iTunes search again and click the Download button.

Step 6: Go back to Charles and look for lines with the word "buy". In the program window you will see a second object labeled “buy”. That's what we need. Go back to iTunes and stop downloading.

Step 7: In the Charles application, expand the branch with the word “buy” to the end and find the buyProduct line. Right click, then Export and select your desktop as the location to save the file.

Step 8: You will have a new XML file on your desktop. Open it in any text editor and find the field:


Below you will see lines like:


These are the different versions of your application, starting from the oldest to the newest. Copy the desired version number to the clipboard (at random).

Step 9: Return to Charles, right click on buyProduct and select Edit.

Step 10: Click at the bottom of Text and find the following line at the top of the page:


On top between the keys XXXX you will see the value. Replace it with the one you copied in step 8. After that, click Execute at the bottom.

Step 11: Scroll down on the Response tab to the line bundleShortVersionString. Below you will see the numerical value of the application version. If this is not the version you need, repeat the procedure starting from step 8, copying a different value to the clipboard.

Step 12: Right click on buyProduct again, but this time select Breakpoints.

Step 13: Switch to iTunes, find your application and refresh the page. Click the Download button.

Step 14: Return to Charles, select the object with the word “buy”, and on the right side of the window switch to Edit Request –> XML Text. Here in the field XXX paste the code copied in step 8 from the clipboard. Click the Execute button.

Step 15: When you see Breakpoint, click Execute again.

Step 16: Return to iTunes and the download should continue.

Step 17: Look at the My Programs tab, where the program will be downloaded. Find it in the list and right-click – Details. Pay attention to the version field: this must be the old build of the program.

Step 18: Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and transfer the application icon to your device. Before syncing your gadget, make sure you remove the newer application from your device. After synchronization is complete, your gadget will have the old version of the program.

Step 19: Close and remove Charles.

Below you can watch video instructions for downgrading from iDB:

After updating to a new version of iOS, you may notice that you do not like the firmware. In this case, there is an excellent solution - roll back the software to the optimal version, in your opinion. That is, if you updated to, for example, IOS 10, then you can easily install IOS 8 on your device using the instructions below.

When is it necessary to rollback iOS?

The reasons for installing an older version of the operating system may be the following circumstances:

  • With new firmware versions, the design changes, and not all users may like the new design.
  • The most common reason is the appearance of freezes and glitches. Such problems happen for two reasons: either a new version of the firmware has become available to users in a too crude form, with errors in the code and shortcomings, or the device that was updated has become outdated for the loads created by the new version of IOS.

Please note that it is not possible to roll back any device to any version; you can view detailed information about which device to which firmware version can be rolled back to on the following website - http://appstudio.org/shsh. All data is located in table format.

How to roll back iOS to a specific version on an Apple device

Before you begin the process, you need to prepare the following things:

  • iTunes installed on your computer and updated to the latest version.
  • The version of the software you selected, in IPSW format, is downloaded to an easily accessible folder. You can download it from trusted websites that distribute IOS firmware for free, for example, using the following link - http://appstudio.org/ios. Download the firmware strictly for your device model, otherwise problems will arise during installation.
  • A USB adapter that will connect your device to your computer.

If you have met all the above conditions, then the next step is to prepare the device itself for the rollback process.

Saving important data

Please note that when you roll back your device, all data, applications and media files from it are permanently erased, so it’s worth taking care of them. There is an option that allows you to delete files from the device, it will be discussed later in the article, but it is no less stable. You can save everything you need using a backup copy created as follows:

Disable password

Another important point is to disable the password and Touch ID, if it is supported and enabled on your device.

Deactivating Find My iPhone

Before any actions with the device’s firmware, you must disable the “Find iPhone” function, since, otherwise, iTunes simply will not allow you to perform any actions:

Firmware rollback

If all previous preparatory work has been carried out, then you can begin the rollback itself. It doesn't matter which device you're downgrading from, or from which version of iOS you're downgrading to.

  1. Connect the device to the computer using a USB adapter.
  2. Log in to the system.
  3. Go to your device's settings by clicking on the icon that looks like a phone or tablet.
  4. Hold down the Shift button on your keyboard if you're using Windows, or the Option button if you're using Mac OS. Without releasing the key, click on the “Restore” button.
  5. A window with folders will open; you need to specify the path to the firmware that you downloaded earlier.
  6. Wait while iTunes extracts the software from the firmware and installs it. The process can last from five minutes to half an hour, do not disconnect the device from the computer or interrupt the process with any actions, otherwise the device may enter endless recovery mode.

Rollback without data loss

This rollback option also exists; it allows you to rollback without losing the data on the device. To do this, in point 4 of the “Rolling Back Firmware” section, you need to click on the “Restore” button and the “Update” button. All other steps are completely the same. The only thing worth considering is that performing a full recovery, that is, resetting the system and installing it from scratch, is safer, since the chance that any elements will remain from the previous version is much lower.

Video tutorial: How to downgrade iOS version

Third party rollback programs

If for some reason the iTunes method does not suit you, then you can use the third-party program RedSnow. It is distributed free of charge for both Windows and Mac OS on the official website of the developer - http://redsnow.ru.

  1. After downloading and opening the program, select the Extras section.
  2. Click on the Even More button.
  3. In the menu that opens, go to the Restore block.
  4. Click the IPSW button to specify the path to the previously downloaded firmware.
  5. The notification that appears will ask you whether to cancel the modem upgrade or not. Click on the “Yes” option.
  6. A window will open in which you will be warned that the device will now need to be put into recovery mode, close it.
  7. Connect the device to the computer using a USB adapter and enter it into DFU Mode. How to do this is described step by step in the program itself.
  8. If you have not previously performed such rollback operations with this program, then click on the Remote button so that it will automatically find the necessary hashes on its servers.
  9. Done, now all you have to do is wait for the process to complete. The device will automatically update to the version you downloaded and turn on, after which you will have to go through the initial setup process.

Is it possible to roll back individual applications?

If the purpose of your system rollback is to install older versions of applications, then you should not do it, since there is a better option - use the special App Admin program. You can download it directly from the App Store for free. Thanks to this application, you can view all available versions of applications installed on your phone and roll back to them. To use the program, just select the applications to roll back and enter the unique version number to which you want to roll back the selected application.

So, installing an older version of software is possible on all Apple devices, but you can not roll back to any version, but only to those that have the SHSH signature. The process can be performed either through the official iTunes application or through third-party programs. The main thing is to download the correct firmware version and not interrupt the update process until it is fully completed.

Today I’ll tell you about services that provide the opportunity to download an old version of the application. Briefly, these are archives that are replenished from the official Google Play Market store or from application developer sites. What is the advantage of such archives as Skachat-PlayMarket, we will now find out.

How can older versions of applications be useful?

    The app was removed from the store at some point in time. Thus, you will not be able to gain access for simple installation; you will have to surf the Internet in search of application archives. It happens, how often - I don’t know - that such an archive may contain a virus or an adware program.

    The new version contains bugs and after automatic updating the application may stop working on your device completely or partially. This is especially noticeable on specific devices with upgraded software.

    The new version adds redundant functionality or removes important modules. For example, the ES Explorer app has been criticized for turning into a giant “food processor” for a smartphone.

As you already understand, after the official release of the application in the Google store, the old version is no longer available in this store. This is where it comes to mind to find a working version of the program.

We divide the task into 3 parts.

    We ensure device security. This should be taken care of first!

    You need to find and download the old version of the application.

    Install the application.

Install antivirus on your mobile device. It could be dr.Web, or another antivirus; you will be looking for applications on the Internet - a large warehouse of useful and harmful things.

We download the application using one of the sites - alternative application directories, for example ninestore.ru or others.

Install the application. That's it, now you have applications whose versions are quite satisfactory to you and work the way you need. You can easily collect your own collection of applications and install it on your other devices.

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http://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/ffff.pnghttp://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/ffff-150x150.png 2016-12-14T22:43:26+03:00 Anton Tretyak Android and iOS Today I’ll tell you about services that provide the opportunity to download an old version of the application. Briefly, these are archives that are replenished from the official Google Play Market store or from application developer sites. What is the advantage of such archives as Skachat-PlayMarket, we will now find out. How can older versions of applications be useful? The app was removed from the store at some point....Anton Tretyak Anton Tretyak [email protected] Administrator website - reviews, instructions, life hacks

While the Internet is buzzing with news on the topic of bypassing Telegram blocking and related problems with hosting companies, I had a more serious problem - the Innologica company has updated the Inoreader application for iOS to version 6.

On a quiet weekday evening, the application on the phone was accidentally updated to the latest version, because... Usually there were no signs of trouble. A couple of days later during the trip, the program was launched to read the news and I began to worry seriously.

You can compare how it was and how it became in two examples:

Of course, the taste and color and the owners of the iPhone X were clearly happy with the optimization for amoled screens, but it was this update that prompted them to look for solutions to roll back the application, which the AppStore does not allow to do by default.

Previously, getting the ipa file of the application was a matter of 2 minutes, it was enough to go to apptrackr and download, but it stopped working and no other similar resources were found that would honestly download the ipa file (but what if you know such ones?).

The following methods remain to obtain the old version of the application:

  1. You have an old backup of applications from your phone in iTunes and then you can simply copy the application back (but I didn’t have this).
  2. Use a method quickly described by someone on the Internet using software called Charles. This method is described on resources like 4dpa and copied by many people without understanding what is written there, however, without additional >100 grams it is difficult to understand this writing.
Perhaps I will do this more fully, with pictures and in a simpler, understandable form. In general, to download the old version of software from the AppStore it will take about 5 minutes and in my case Mac OS X. The method will obviously work on Windows, because There is also a Charles app for this system.

All your torment will begin even before you download Charles. The fact is that if you update iTunes on a Mac, you will not be able to install applications starting from version 12.7. To get it back, you need to install version 12.6.4 back.

Short: download the application via the AppStore in iTunes, then enable the proxy, then download again, edit the request, send the request, get the old version, install.

Details: After launching Charles, you need to install application certificates on your Mac. This is done through the menu HelpSSL ProxyingInstall Charles Root Cetrificate. The certificate then needs to be switched to Always Trust status in Keychain Access. If you do not install it, there will be errors and the method will not work.

In iTunes, look for the Inoreader application (this is suitable for any application, but at that moment I was only interested in it), launch Charles and click Download in the application installation window:

In the Charles window you see a similar line with the word “buy” in the address, associated with the apple server:

For information, please note that the size of the downloaded file is 20.4 MB:

Then you need to turn on SSL Proxying to intercept and edit requests:

Since, most likely, you have fast Internet and the application has already been loaded into the application library, you need to remove it from there.

We check once again that SSL Proxying is enabled and proceed to re-download the application from the AppStore; in this case, you need to pause the download so that you have time for the next steps. After clicking on Download, another line will appear in the Charles window in the apple server, containing the word “buy”. Expanding this line you need to find buyProduct:

On the right side of the window, click on Contents and select below XML Text. Scroll down until we find softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers with a list of incomprehensible numbers.

These numbers act as application versions. Accordingly, the lower the number, the older the application version. How do I know which version of the application will be downloaded? For example, I randomly took the value 823964615 from the end of the list:

Now we need to check the application version. To do this, we go to “buyProduct” and select from the menu Compose and on the right side of the window is the Text view.

At the very top of the field there will be a familiar set of numbers after the parameter appExtVrsId. This set of numbers is the current version of the application.

Instead of these numbers we substitute the 823964615 copied above and it should turn out like this:

and we do Execute. The program will give you a window and select the display mode XML Text we can find the bundleShortVersionString parameter below and see that the value we selected corresponds to version 5.4.4, which in my case is what is needed, because This version is almost the latest before updating to 6.0

One step left. You need to download this whole thing. To do this, in our last edited request buyProduct with the received version 5.4.4, select in the menu Breakpoints.

Again, go to the AppStore to download the Inoreader application (if the application has already been downloaded to the library and you did not have time to stop it, then simply delete it so that you can download it again).

As soon as you click download in iTunes, the Charles window will pop up, where you will need to click on Edit Request and in the already familiar appExtVrsId parameter, correct the version to 823964615, click Execute, and then again at Execute.

As a result, you will start loading the application and you will see that the size of the application has changed downward:

A program icon with an Update shortcut will appear in the iTunes application library. This will mean that you did everything right. You can do Get Info application and it will be written:

Then we look at the application where it is located in the file system and save it for the future if you suddenly decide to update the application :)

Upon completion of the work, you should do in Charles Disable SSL Proxying by clicking on the server p30-buy.itunes.apple.com.

I must say that I managed to do this procedure 2 times.
I hope this will be as useful to someone as it was to me.

Every year after the presentation of new iPhones, Apple releases a new iOS mobile system. Developers, for the stability of their applications in the new system, also have to make changes and release new updates of their products in the App Store. Over time, older versions of iOS cease to be supported by both Apple and application developers. And if you are the owner of iPhone and iPad models that do not run on the latest versions of iOS, you will easily encounter problems installing some applications and games.

Each developer in the App Store sets minimum requirements for their application (device and operating system version), and if you want to install the application, and your iOS version is lower than the minimum, then you will see this message:

"This content (app) requires iOS 8 (any iOS version can be specified here) or later"

What you need to download an application from the App Store for iOS devices that are not supported (iPhone and iPad with an older version of iOS)

If you receive such a warning, do not be upset, there is a way out! Unfortunately, you won’t be able to install the latest version of the application, but you can download the previous one, which is compatible with your iOS.

To do this you will need:

  • a computer with macOS or Windows with Internet access;
  • installed iTunes software no higher than 12.6.5;
  • An Apple ID account that is used on a device that has iCloud enabled (you can turn it on in your iPhone or iPad settings).

IMPORTANT! With the release of iOS 11 and the update of iTunes to version 12.7, Apple removed the App Store from the media combine and now applications can only be downloaded on an iOS device - iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Therefore, you need to install the latest version of the program from the App Store - iTunes 12.6.5. Read the following article to learn how to remove iTunes. To check the version you have installed:

  • for macOS- in the menu bar, click “iTunes” → “About iTunes”
  • for Windows- Select Help → About iTunes

Step 1 Launch iTunes on your Mac or Windows computer

Step 2 Sign in with your Apple ID

Step 3 Go to “Programs” → AppStore and find the application you need or use the search

Step 4 Click the Download button

Step 5 After this you will no longer need a computer, now take your iPhone or iPad and open the App Store app on it

Step 6 Go to the Updates tab and select Purchases

In iOS 11 and higher, you need to click on your account icon, it is located in the upper right corner in all sections except “Search”

Step 7 Select the application you just downloaded on your computer and click (cloud icon with a down arrow)

Step 8 You will see a message with the minimum requirements. To install the latest compatible version, iOS will ask, "Do you want to download a previous version of this app?" Click Download. After this, the download and installation of the application will begin.

Unfortunately, not all applications can be installed this way. For example, if you have a gadget with iOS 7, and the minimum available version for download is for iOS 10, then most likely you will not succeed. In this case, you need to use the following instructions.

After downloading the application on your computer, the file can be deleted from the iTunes Library; it is still the version that will not suit you.

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