Installing the application using QR code. method: - Direct scanning of the QR code. Application of QR codes in modern times

QR code (Barcode) is a type of coding, analogous to a barcode. True, you can encode absolutely everything with it and it doesn’t matter where it is depicted. For example, it can be read both from paper and from regular monitor or TV. Quick Response is, roughly speaking, the same barcode, only matrix - two-dimensional. It was developed by Denso Wave. Let's figure out why Barcode is needed and how to read a QR code on Android gadgets.

Application of QR codes

The scope of application of a matrix code is much higher than that of a barcode. It can be used to designate not only products, but also websites, paintings and sculptures, entire cities, applications, and even your social page. In general, absolutely everything can be marked with such a code. But why is this necessary?

So, let's figure out how to use a QR code on Android. For example, in a store you are interested in some product. You point your tablet at the matrix image, with preliminary preinstalled program, and see how it starts scanning the image. Next, you will be automatically redirected to the manufacturer’s website. You can find out everything about the product: country of origin, positioning in the assortment, etc.

Matrix notation is also widely used in advertising. So, while reading a review article about a game or product, you can immediately go to the manufacturer’s resource to download the application or buy the product.

Secret codes for Android: Video

What you need to read QR

To decrypt a QR code on Android, you need to download simple application. It swings straight from Google Play and does not load a lot of memory. That is, any device can run such a program.

In principle, it doesn’t matter which program for reading QR codes for Android you have. Their essence is the same, the only difference is in the developer. The most popular are QR Droid and ZXing Team, but to decipher Quick Response, you can choose any other. Just type “QR” in the search.

Engineering Codes for Android: Video

How to create a QR yourself

It doesn't matter why you need matrix encryption. As mentioned, you can make a code for your account, other contacts or photos and, for example, print it on a business card or print it on a T-shirt so that anyone can read the data through their device.

If you read the code quickly and simply, then creating it will take a couple of minutes. A generator is used for this. The easiest way is to use the service. There is nothing difficult: select “What you need to encrypt” and follow the instructions step by step.

In addition to social networking applications and games, it doesn’t hurt to have programs that are useful for everyday use on your smartphone. Now QR codes are found almost everywhere: on city streets, product packaging and business cards. Of course, to read them you will need special software. About five best solutions this task will be discussed further.

1. QR Droid

QR Droid is distinguished above all by its pleasant and, importantly, clear interface. The application has long been known among Android device users. Once launched, you can scan immediately required code. If it contained a link to a web page, it will automatically switch to the built-in browser. However, this can be disabled in the settings, or you can set your option as the default browser. It is also interesting that directly from the program you can create your own QR code with the necessary information.

2. QR Code Reader

If you don't want to complicate your life and are looking for a simple scanner, then QR Code Reader will be a great solution. There is only a camera here (you can also select finished image from gallery), history of scanned QR codes and flash button, nothing more.


The BIDI application is in many ways similar to QR Droid. Here we have great opportunities not only for the usual recognition of QR codes, but for creating our own. For example, business cards. Very comfortably. There are special separators for phone number, address, email, etc. You can then make the necessary changes to any field.

4. Neo Reader

Neo Reader is perhaps one of the most powerful solutions, since it allows you to read information not only from QR codes, but also from barcodes. Just like in the store: if the application fails to recognize the code, you can manually enter the numbers located below it. There is also the ability to turn the sound on or off, as well as location binding. The only strange thing is that creating your own QR codes directly in the program is not provided. As an alternative, it is suggested quick link to the corresponding website.

5. QR Reader

The first thing that attracts attention after launch is the moving red line. We are not sure that they perform some kind of role (more likely it is just decorative element), but it looks interesting. One more thing: the application, judging by the location of the system buttons, works in horizontal mode, keep this in mind (although in reading mode all content is located vertically). The menu contains scan history and bookmarks. You can create your own QR codes.

What application do you use to read QR codes?

Based on materials from AndroidPit

How to scan a QR code on Android for different purposes ( Wifi connections, authorization in Viber messengers, Whatsapp, viewing products on Aliexpress) we will look at in detail in this publication. Let's look at how built-in Android features, and third-party applications.

I am sure that many of you often come across similar “drawings” on the Internet, on advertisements, product packaging, etc.:

So, we are dealing with such a concept as “ Quick Response Code", which was created for the Japanese automobile industry, but after a while gained popularity throughout the world. " Q Ar"is a type of barcode where, using the unique arrangement and size of black blocks, almost any information is encrypted - links to websites, text descriptions, geographical coordinates, order and payment information.

The technology has such a wide range of applications that you can list it for hours on end. For example, I recently purchased VR glasses for a Xiaomi smartphone, and in order not to look for special application in the Play Market, all you had to do was scan the QR on the packaging and immediately proceed to download the software.

The reading procedure takes a few seconds, and a necessary condition is the connection to global network Internet. Let's take a closer look at the tools.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to use them. Old versions of the OS installed on phones older than 5 years are unlikely to support this method. But more modern firmware copes with the task almost automatically.

For example, on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 yes standard application « Scanner" In addition, you just need to turn on the camera and point it at the QR code so that the “ Read more…", and in a new window you will see a link (or other information):

Again, it all depends on Android and the installed shell - in MIUI (in Xiaomi/Xiaomi) and Flyme (for Meizu) these functions are implemented, although in the latter case you need to select the appropriate shooting mode:

Try looking for something similar in your home, rummaging around in the settings. If you don’t find it, go to the list of useful utilities.

How to scan a QR code on Android with third-party programs

IN official store Google Play by this request you can find a lot of software that can be used to recognize codes different types. But you should only use software with a high rating; it is advisable to choose options without advertising (although there are few of them). I have prepared a list that is current for 2018. Perhaps more advanced solutions will appear in the future. Although, what new can a utility of this purpose offer?

  • Lightning Scanner;

I will not specifically describe the interface and capabilities of each tool, since they are identical and have the same operating principle, namely:

  • Connect to the Internet (mobile or Wi-Fi);
  • Launch the application;
  • Select a mode (if offered);
  • When a square appears on the screen, you should point the camera at the desired element that you want to scan;
  • After a couple of seconds, the result will be found and you will see information on the display;
  • Then you can go to the site (if you received a link), read the description, share on in social networks(messengers), copy for later pasting into notes, etc.

Most modern (and even not the most modern) smartphones can read both QR codes (including those with automatic recognition of website URLs) and regular bar codes with encrypted product data.

Thanks to this option, almost everyone mobile user today can not only read quickly short description of this or that product, but also quickly compare, for example, its cost with the prices of other sellers and get acquainted with reviews of the product from those buyers who have already bought it before.

All that is required is yourself mobile device(tablet, smartphone, player, in general, more about this at, preferably with quality camera, and a good mobile app for scanning and reading QR and barcodes.

Plus some ability to properly handle this very useful mobile software in our time.

There are already more than enough such applications today, they are usually distributed free of charge, and you can download them anywhere. However, due to the extremely wide range of such programs, choosing one that will work quickly and efficiently turned out to be not so simple. Nevertheless, it is possible to find them, or rather, they have already been found.

Let’s talk about them in a little more detail. So

How to Read QR Codes Using an Android Smartphone (or Tablet)

Go to Google Play and download free application QR Code Reader. The file size is approximately 3MB depending on the smartphone model.

Install and open the program. Next, simply point the lens of the smartphone’s main camera at any QR code (or simply open it through this reader finished photo with code), the application will do the rest itself.

Important nuance : QR Code Reader automatically changes the browser, so if you want to use the browser that you are used to and that is already installed on your smartphone, then in the application settings you only need to uncheck the corresponding checkbox.

How to Read Barcodes Using an Android Smartphone (or Tablet)

Let's say you need to scan a barcode on the packaging of a product in a supermarket in order to get more detailed information about this product and/or compare the listed price with offers from other stores. This requires:

Download the application (also free and also from Google Play) ShopSavvy. Its size is less than 1 megabyte

The program will ask you to register on the ShopSavvy website. However, this procedure is not mandatory. Therefore, we can spend a couple of minutes creating an account, or we can do without it. Operating the application is also simple. Open it, press the scanner button on the right top corner screen, point the smartphone camera at the barcode and then read the information received.

QR encoding is used to encrypt various data, including mailbox addresses or URL links. To scan and decrypt a QR code, they usually use mobile applications. They allow you to work with the received data, for example, open links through a browser. In this regard, many companies use barcodes as an opportunity to advertise official websites and their pages on social networks. They also distribute links for downloading and installing applications using a QR code. This is convenient, for example, as a marketing ploy for a soft drink manufacturer. He organizes a competition, places a barcode on the bottle, the client reads it, downloads the application and participates in the promotion.

Quick Response encoding has been used since the late 90s. First, telephone numbers were encoded in it and mailboxes, but over time, webmasters noticed that links encrypted in QR look very impressive and began to use encoding to distribute site URLs. In addition, the Quick Response barcode does not steal traffic from pages and allows you to distribute links without affecting the site's web weight.

How to download an application via QR code

If you are prompted to open a QR link to an application in Play Market, you can only open it using a special scanner utility, which you also need to have on your phone first. That is, if this is your first time encountering such a task, you most likely do not have the necessary scanner program on your phone, and you need to install it. The most popular is QR Code Reader; it has analogues on all operating systems modern smartphones. Of course, you can use other applications, for example: “QR Code Scanner”, “Neo Reader”, “Barcode Scanner”, “QuickMark”. We wrote more about programs for scanning QR codes.

After installing the scanner, you will be able to use Quick Response links to applications in the Play Market; to do this, do the following:

  1. Scan the QR with your mobile phone using the utility; you can do this directly from your computer screen. Open the QR code reading app installed on your mobile phone;
  2. The scanner will open, point the camera at the computer screen so that the code completely falls within the viewfinder;
  3. After scanning, the application will instantly decipher the encoding and display the information on the screen;
  4. If this is a URL link, you will be asked to open it through a browser;
  5. If this is a link to a page on Google Play, then the “Use” button will appear in the list of actions Play Store»
  6. Next, a page with the application will open and you can begin installing it;
  7. Click “Install”, wait for the application to download;
  8. When the application is ready for use, the “Open” button will appear. With its help, you can launch it and use it after that.

Please note that applications are distributed via Quick Response codes not only to Android platform. In the same way you can download applications for Windows Phone or iOS by simply opening the page via Microsoft Store or through App Store, depending on which operating system you use. An Internet connection is not required to scan the code, but in order to download the application via a link encoded in Quick Response, you must have access to the network - via Wi-Fi or mobile communications.