Manage playlists on iTunes. How to create a playlist with selected tracks. How to Create and Edit Playlists in iTunes

tozx July 14, 2009 at 6:20 pm

Media library and order

  • Sound

updated 07/17/2009 at 11:10

Hello, dear Habrapeople.
This article was in the sandbox, gave me an invite. I decided to post it on the blog.
The need to organize your collection music files I've seen it a long time ago.
A lot of unwritten tags, heaps of unsorted music - all this was depressing. Yes, besides, I recently purchased an iPhone. And his beautiful coverflow without this very cover (which also happens to be album art) is an ugly and obscene horror. If on Nokia I somehow got along with this - I went to “all songs” and looked for the one I needed by searching, then on the Iphone Jobs himself ordered to put things in order.

So. What do I need (for order and beauty):
1. Basic tags are written, such as:
- Song title (including all sorts of “feat.”, “vs”, “NNN cover” and others)
- Performer (in such a way that statistics are not violated and selection by artist works)
- Track number (in 0x format, not only for my aesthetic reasons, see below)
- Collections and sound tracks are processed correctly (that is, each track has the artist of the song itself, the title of the song, but the entire album - the collection - must be searched through the albums as a single whole)
- Album cover (same cover, album art)
2. So that in the tags the name of the artist, the title of the song and the album are correct (Unicode, as well as - so that it is as it should be - taking into account the case, umlauts and other tricks of the names).
3. The name of the files is not critical, but the track numbers in it should be in 0x format (so that names like “1 Track 1.mp3” and “10 Track 11.mp3” do not stand next to each other, and all tracks are in order - as in an album - 01 Intro.mp3, 02 Beginning.mp3, etc.). I also love the media library sorted by artist, album (by year of release):
2009 Album\
01 Intro.mp3
02 Beginning.mp3

19 Outro.mp3
That is, in order to look at its order and harmony, it was possible not only through the player program (or cataloguer), the device itself (iPhone, Nokia, or some other Sony Ericsson), but also through a regular file manager everything would be beautiful and orderly. And let the disordered and unknown remain in the “unknown” folders...
In my opinion, it is quite logical.
So. What do I want from a program that will help me get organized?
1. Write all the tags for the album at once.
2. Rename all files in a structured manner.
3. Upload cover (album art) - write them in the tag and (if possible - put folder.jpg in the folder).
4. Ability to download tags automatically (from, cddb,,, discogs,, and others).
5. For all items important note: I love music, including domestic music, as well as not too famous ones...

Let's get started.
We will start with the closest one (due to the preset):

Windows Media Player (

The main Library window allows you to sort your music files by artist, album, or genre.
All three modes support cover. It's cute if you have covers loaded.

Searching for information on the Internet WMP leads to Microsoft database. He finds famous performers, but even they have a hard time with covers... If there is no cover, a gray note flaunts instead.
There is, however, the option to assign a cover manually - paste it from the clipboard. I couldn’t find how to remove the existing cover (a screenshot was inserted instead of the cover by mistake), so I had to replace it.

It only supports numbering in tags: 1, 2, 3, etc., but sorts normally.
There is a search function - it’s convenient to search for an artist in collections, for example. True, the search is case sensitive. NAIV and Naiv are different groups for him.
The tag editor is very simple - I edit what I see. One at a time. Only the album name, year, author, genre are edited in bulk.
WMP can rename, this is set in the “copy from CD” menu, but it works for everything. possible in automatic mode. not a very wide range of settings.
Star system – supported.
For some reason, some part of my media library was showing questions. The true meaning of the file could only be guessed by listening to it (or reading the file name in the properties, if possible)…
There are also additional functions– burning discs, ripping, watching videos and DVDs, as well as online radio. Everything is included in the basic configuration. Free.

Editing tags 3/5 It will do for editing. Filling it out is a chore.

Renaming files 4/5 Renames.
Working with covers 4/5 You can put your own, download from the Microsoft database.
Work speed 4/5 Works quickly, loads the database in the background.
Synchronization 4/5 Supports removable devices. iPhone is not supported.
Final score 3.66/5

Summary: if everything is fine with your media library, and you don’t have an iPhone, then you can safely use Windows Media Player. Beautiful, convenient, and most importantly - out of the box and free!

iTunes 8.2 (

I got it with my iPhone iTunes program(tuna). With its help, you can not only listen to music, watch videos, but also synchronize your iPhone, make purchases in the iTunes store, buy programs, and backup data.

The main window represents both the player and the media library. There are three modes: list, icons, as well as CowerFlow (yes, that one).
In icon mode you can sort by album, artist, genre, composer.

Eat convenient search. Case insensitive.
The tag editor is quite good. Supports great amount fields. It understands the word “collection”, downloads covers from the Internet (unfortunately, it has its own database, and besides, it’s impossible to find Russian performers there), and you can also download it yourself (from the clipboard or from a file).
A massive tag editor is present. There is import of names from the Internet, but, again, for Russians and less popular performers, it will not be of much help.

Among other things, there is iTunes features DJ and Genius. To create your own playlists.
The star system is fully supported.
I didn’t find how to update the library in iTunes (except how to collect everything in the “iTunes directory”) (if, for example, files were moved or renamed)… Therefore, it’s not very convenient.

Loading tags from the network 3/5 Supports only its own databases
Renaming files 3/5 Not very broad options
Working with covers 4.5/5 You can put your own, download from the iTunes database.
Speed ​​of operation 3.5/5 Doesn't work very fast, loads the database in the background. It eats up a lot of memory.
Synchronization 3.5/5 Supports iPhone only. But - in full.
Final score 3.66/5

Summary: if you have an iPhone, you already use iTunes. The function of renaming files and correct behavior with single files is missing. As a player it is good, but bulky.


MediaMonkey 3.1 (

I remembered MediaMonkey by accident. I remember it back in versions 1.x. I didn't like it then. What now?
MediaMonkey looks good. Beautiful, comfortable.
The library is built according to any characteristic of the file. Even including the location!

The tag editor is great. Mass and single editing is supported. You can make collections. It searches for covers on the Internet, as well as in tags of neighboring files and on disk.
He can get information about the track on the Internet at, but he doesn’t know Russians.
Searching the media library is very, very convenient. Searches everywhere and everything.
Star system supported.
At correct firmware– Mediamanki syncs iPhone perfectly. With firmware 3.0 – read only from iPhone. USB players are supported by default.
It renames files very well, however, it numbers tracks only in the format 1, 2, 3. Because of this, the files in the directory are in the order 1,10,11,12... etc. - not very convenient. Update: Habrapeople suggested that you can change the template and everything will be cool. THANK YOU!
In addition, MediaMonkey supports WMP, iTunes (import) media libraries. Full version The program (paid) supports folder monitoring.
The free version copes well with all the assigned tasks if the media library does not change often.
The paid version can monitor, convert audio, rip and burn discs.

Editing tags 4.5/5 It is convenient to change tags for albums and individual tracks. Compile collections.
Loading tags from the network 3.5/5 Supports only databases
Renaming files 4/5 Renames well, including collections, but numbers files in the form 1,2,3.
Working with covers 4.5/5 You can put your own, download from the database.
Work speed 4.5/5 Works quickly, loads the database in the background. Even with monitoring it does not load the system.
Synchronization 4.5/5 Supports iPhone, as well as portable devices, connected via USB.
Final score 4.25/5

Summary: An excellent program with many functions. Personally, I was only upset by the numbering of the files, and, which practically does not know Russian.

Songbird 1.2.0 (

I think everyone knows what Firefox is, and as a result, the Gecko engine. It is on this that Songbird is built - a combine of a player, media library and browser.
Many plugins and add-ons for this program do their job - they add convenience, and then add errors.
While writing the article, my songbird came up with a step: half of the artists took part in the tribute to naive, even foreign ones. The tags came from nowhere, and Limp Bizkit had Jane Air covers...

You can edit tags in bulk, individually. Everything is done in a special window. It downloads covers from the Internet (and for Russians too - I found Psyche), and also allows you to upload your own.
Star system supported. When playing a track, it searches for information about it on, as well as from musicbrainz.

The search works strangely - ##### did not search. Apparently something with the code and control characters generally works properly.
Supports account on, synchronization with iPhone (although it only showed me free place) and USB devices.
Songbird was unable to rename files. An addon may be needed. Don't know.
In general, if it weren’t for today’s glitch, everything would be great. For free.

Loading tags from the network 3.5/5 I still don’t understand where it’s loading from. For some it’s good, some (even foreigners) don’t see it point blank.
Renaming files 0/5 Can't (maybe need an addon)
Working with covers 4.5/5 You can put your own, load from the database (I don’t know where)
Speed ​​of operation 3.5/5 Works quickly, I weighed the system a couple of times when updating the media library.

Final score 3.25/5

Summary: good potential. If everything continues in the same spirit, it will be the best. In the meantime, it's glitching.

Winamp 5.56 (

Who doesn't know Winamp? Everyone knows him! Even those who are avid users of Linux and Mac. Only today's youth don't know him. Their imagination does not paint pictures with the “most convenient player“, they don’t remember the evolution of this player to such a combine.

What do we have now? Indeed, it’s a combine that resembles a good old player.
We added video playback, added a disk ripper, a disk writer...
Added a media library. Quite good (and many people rip it off from Winamp).
Among other things, we have a good pack of skins, support for tags, and a star system.

In terms of the media library, Winamp is great. In my memory, to be honest, he was the first.
The search works well, it looks for what it needs. Fast.
There is library monitoring.

There is a tag editor - simple, but at the same time convenient. Batch changing of tags is supported.
Autofill works. It also worked for domestic performers, but it was filled in on transliteration. Fortunately, there is a “cancel” button.
Covers can be downloaded from the Internet, from a file. The database is not extensive. When playing a file, it tries to find information about the artist and display it.
There are plugins for portable players (including iPhones), but they refused to work with my iPhone. I just didn't see him.

Editing tags 4/5 It is convenient to change tags for albums and individual tracks.
Loading tags from the network 3.5/5 Autocomplete is not very good. Russians - translit.
Renaming files 0/5 Can't (may need a plugin)
Working with covers 4/5 You can put your own, load from the database (the database is not very good)
Speed ​​of operation 3.5/5 Despite its monstrous nature, it works quickly. Depends on the skins. The media library does not load very quickly
Synchronization 4/5 Supports iPhone, as well as portable devices connected via USB.
Final score 3.16/5

Summary: from a cute little player it has become a monster with intrusive windows (though they turn off even in classic look– he’s such a cute little player).

AIMP 2.51.330 (

A young, fast-growing project - that’s what they would write about it in reviews.
I agree. Young, but already firmly on his feet and with an army of fans.
I found out about it by chance from an employee.
I decided to take a look. When you first start it, your first thought is – oh! Winamp with a new cover!

There are plugins for working with, a plugin for the media library, as well as a separate tag editor and file converter.
There is a separate tag editor. The editor took a long time to load my media library.
There is a massive tag editor. Covers can be loaded from a file. It doesn't search for anything from the network. I don’t understand how to make a collection.
In media library mode, the player comes into a more convenient mode - you can select an artist or album. View information.

There is a system of stars.
Sometimes the player froze.
File renaming is available in the tag editor ( separate component). I found there auto-completion of tags from the file name.

Editing tags 4/5 It is convenient to change tags for albums and individual tracks. Basic tags are supported.
Loading tags from the network 0/5 No such function (standard)
Renaming files 4.5/5 Renames files, and also fills tags from file names. Group operations.
Working with covers 3/5 You can put your own from files.
Work speed 3.5/5 Sometimes it froze, but overall it was a fast comrade
Synchronization 0/5 No such function (standard)
Final score 2.5/5

Summary: young project. Adding the ability to download data from the Internet and synchronize with devices will be a great tool.

Foobar2000 v0.9.6.7 (

At the request of many of the Habrovites, I’m adding a review of the Foobar2000 player
The player itself is a very ascetic creation. But this is only a plus for him. Nothing extra.
If not everything, then a lot is customizable.
Memory consumption is incomparably less than previous programs.
IN this review I'm exploring fubar without additionally downloaded plugins - everything in basic version from the official website.
My window looks like this:

You can customize it to your liking without any problems. There is also a view by catalogue, album, artist and other parameters.
Mass operations are supported: renaming, taking information from tags, editing tags in bulk.
A few more words about editing tags: any tags are supported. Even your own, if you like. There is a download from the freedb database.

Unfortunately, I didn’t understand how to edit and add covers.
They are displayed.
You can convert audio directly in the player, you can fix a broken stream or the header of an MP3 file, you can do almost everything you want.
Collections are supported. There is no star system (can't find it?).

Editing tags 5/5 Editing tags is very convenient, including mass editing.
Loading tags from the network 3/5 Supports freedb databases only (in the basic package)
Renaming files 5/5 Whatever you want and how you want.
Working with covers 2/5 Shows.
Speed ​​of operation 4.5/5 Works quickly, but takes a little longer to process tags en masse.
Synchronization 0/5 I did not find such a function in the basic version.
Final score 3.75/5

Summary: Small, very nimble, comfortable. Flexible.

NokiaMusic 1.3.20702.00 (

The latest I added to the review was a utility from Nokia.
It downloaded quickly and installed beautifully. I asked where to store what.
Looks beautiful!

It works VERY slowly. Processed my data for 40 minutes (10,000 songs)
Shows with covers.
Supports bulk operations: editing tags, renaming.
Covers are downloaded from the Internet, as well as from a file. Tags can also be downloaded from the Internet, however, apparently, from its own Nokia database.
Syncs with your devices.

Editing tags 4/5 Editing tags is convenient, including mass editing.
Loading tags from the network 3/5 Supports Nokia databases only.
Renaming files 3/5 There is such a function.
Working with covers 4.5/5 Shows, loads, allows you to change.
Operating speed 2.5/5 Works slowly.
Synchronization 2.5/5 Only with Nokia
Final score 3.25/5

Summary: Beautiful. Raw.

Helium Music Manager 2009 (

First impression - handsome!

The second impression is how conveniently the library is organized - alphabetically (within each of the categories - artist, album, song, genre and others!), by disc.
Third impression - supports iPod! True, it didn’t work for me =)
Fourth impression - covers! Very comfortably! loads great!!!
Fifth impression - awesome convenient editor tags!
Sixth - downloading information from the Internet! Amazon, Yahoo, Google, Discogs!
Seventh - renames files as needed!!!
Eighth - the library works quickly!
Ninth - Search! case insensitive and fast!
Tenth - updates the library (clearing deleted ones!)

Fly in the ointment - paid. I also didn’t really like the playback system - first go to the playlist, then play. But that doesn't matter to me at all =)

Editing tags 4.5/5 It is convenient to change tags for albums and individual tracks. Compile collections.
Loading tags from the network 4.5/5 If you find a plug-in for music brains - there will be an A!!!
Renaming files 4.5/5 Can do anything! half a point for speed
Working with covers 5/5 Anything is possible!
Work speed 3.75/5 Works fine. He's searching fast. It takes a long time to clean the library and load.
Synchronization 4.5/5 Supports iPhone, USB whistles. iPhone didn't work - minus half a point
Final score 4.45/5
Summary: Awesome! Great product! It would be free... but you don't mind the money either!
However: it turned out that it was helium that beat all Russian tags for hieroglyphs... It's a pity. I'm deducting a point for this.
Final score 3.45/5

We put our music collections in order so that we can listen to music with maximum pleasure.

I remember the times without iTunes. Installed on PC legendary Winamp, and the music is divided into folders for further copying to the player, a sort of old-school set.

In 2001, we were shown Apple's proprietary player, iTunes, which at first did not evoke positive emotions. It was annoying and repulsive with its organization of media libraries with playlists, inconvenient synchronization and the inability to simply drop a folder with music into the player. But Apple knows how to make you fall in love with its products, iTunes was no exception. The main thing is to understand all the little things.

Today we'll talk about how to properly organize your entire library in iTunes once and for all. No lyrics, only relevant advice.

1. Fill in meta tags for compositions

In order to structure the entire iTunes catalog, you need to add tags to each track.

What do we do:
1. Click on any song right key mouse and select the “Information” section.
2. Basically, we are interested in the main points - artist, title of track, album, cover, genre. To work comfortably with the iTunes database, you need to fill in all this data.

If you use Apple Music or buy songs on iTunes - everything is much simpler, everything is already filled out for you.

2. Determine music genres

Many performers are similar in style of music, but it happens that the genres assigned to them are different. For example, there is Alternative and Adult Alternative, the difference is very controversial.

What do we do:
When filling out the “Genres” tag. It is worth starting from the mood and character of the music, without creating clones.
We check ourselves after we finish filling out the “Genre” field.

1. Select to display your media library in song mode.
2. Click on the column names line and add the “Genres” item.
3. Let’s create a list of songs by clicking on the name of the “Genres” column. Now you can clearly see whether there are “random” styles of music, or whether the collection is perfectly polished according to the musical mood.

In the future, the genres assigned to each track will help you easily create thematic playlists.

3. We check the names of all performers

Pay attention to the names of the performers. For example, there is no logical explanation why the wonderful singer Justin Timberlake is recorded in the database in Russian in iTunes. This creates confusion. For example, before putting things in order in my catalog, the name “Justin” had only five songs, and “Justin” twenty.

What to do:
1. Turn on the media library display mode in the “Songs” mode.
2. Let’s create a list of songs by clicking on the name of the “Artist” column. Now it’s easier to evaluate the correctness of the performer tag. Visually everything is in full view.

Correct “names” will eliminate confusion and allow you to always find the right singer/singer/group in the catalogue.

Our choice: acoustics for listening to your media library:

  • the most portable - fits in your pocket
  • incredibly stylish - girls will definitely appreciate it
  • for those who are not afraid
  • no longer just a stereo system, rather a black square in the world of acoustics

4. Decorate everything with covers

It happens that for some reason the cover for an album/song is missing. The visual elegance of the Apple player is lost.

What do we do:
Plan A.
1. Select all albums (cmd+A)
2. Go to File – Media Library, click “Get album cover.” Didn’t help? Let's move on to Plan B.

Plan b. For any song or group of songs, you can select any image as the cover image.
1. Click on any song - select the “Information” section
2. Go to the “Cover” tab. We can use any image as the cover image. The drag and drop mode works great. By the way, almost any original cover can be found on the Internet without any problems.

Try to choose square ones graphic images, to maintain a uniform format.

5. Personalize playlists with covers

Not everyone likes Apple's idea of ​​displaying the cover art of a playlist of 4 album covers present in it.

What do we do:
1. In the “Playlists” section, just click on the picture of the selected playlist, which was initially formed from song album covers.
2. iTunes will prompt you to select finished image from your database, from a disk, or even take a photo. Which option is preferable is up to you to decide.

6. We use a variety of sorting for convenience

Many users have a huge media library, and sometimes finding something even according to specific parameters is not so easy.

What do we do:
To simplify your search, you can use a variety of filtering compositions.
The full list of filter fields can be viewed by clicking on the line with headings right click mice.

It’s clear that in order for sorting results to be adequately displayed, all tags for compositions must be specified. We remind you that meta tags are everything to us.

7. Smart playlists. We use it when there is no time to make a new selection manually

Sometimes there is simply no time to create a new playlist, while other collections are already damn boring.

What do we do:

2. We set a list of parameters that will help you make a selection to your liking. Here you can specify everything, from the artist and year of release of the album, to the number of times these tunes have been played.

Eat automatic update smart playlist, if new ones suitable for the library appear in the library given parameters compositions.

8. Remove unloved music

The media library can swell to incredible sizes over time, taking up a decent amount of disk space.

What do we do:
There are three ways to understand which songs are unnecessary in your music collection.

Method number 1. Let's analyze the missed songs
1. In the “Songs” view mode, add a “Skip” column.
2. Let’s create the resulting list from more“switchable” melodies to smaller ones.
3. A reasonable question: if every time you hear these songs you want to rewind, would it be easier to get rid of them?

Method No. 2. Let's make a smart playlist with songs you haven't listened to
1. Create a new smart playlist (File – New smart playlist).
2. In the smart playlist options, add the “Number of plays” parameter.
3. Set the value this parameter equal to zero.
4. The generated smart playlist shows a list of songs that you have never played before. The question is: do you need these compositions?

Method No. 3. Let's check your library for duplicate songs

1. Turn on the display of all identical compositions. “View” – “Show duplicates. Keep in mind that this list may include songs in different versions (studio sound, recordings from concerts). However, “twins” may well come across here.

9. We make selections for different situations and different headphones

No matter how strange it may sound, the same music sounds differently in different ears.

What do we do:
Try organizing your playlists to maximize your listening experience.

For example, Jabra Sport Pulse Wireless headphones for upbeat music are perfect for jogging or the gym, but are unlikely to be “classic”. At the same time, the magnificent leather Bowers & Wilkins P5 S2 are suitable for “leisurely” listening in a quiet environment and multi-faceted compositions.

Good music requires a special approach, remember this.

To summarize, we note that the ideal option for bringing a musical “garbage dump” into a clean, transparent catalog is manual labor, which once done you get a cool result for many years. It may take several hours or even evenings, but in the end you will enjoy the work done. Good luck!

iTunes media player is the main tool for listening to music and watching videos among Mac users. Computer owners Windows based, as a rule, use other means, but there are also supporters of the Apple media player. Today I will talk about such an important topic as organizing audio content in iTunes.

If you have an impressive collection of music, then it is most likely that not all songs and compositions have detailed information about the artist, album, genre and other tags. When adding music to the tuna library, a situation often occurs when some of the files require user intervention due to incorrect tags, lack of covers, etc. This can and should be dealt with, unless, of course, you are a supporter of “creative disorder.”

First of all, you need to take care of the correct organization of content in iTunes 11, so you should start by first setting up the media player itself.

The first thing you need to do is collect all your audio tracks in one directory. This will simplify the process transferring your library to iTunes. It should be understood that the program creates copies of all audio files in its folder. Therefore, if the space on your hard drive is too small, then it is better to clear it to avoid errors.

After all the preparatory operations are completed, open iTunes, go to “File”, select “Media Library” and then “Organize Library”. A new window will open in which you need to select “Collect files”. iTunes will now begin collecting all the files that have been added to your library into own folder. The process may take long time, which depends on the number of files in your library.

For convenience, in order not to re-assemble the library when adding new files, you should enable the corresponding option in iTunes. Open “Settings”, select the “Advanced” section and check the “ Copy to iTunes folder Media when added to the media library».

Now that your media library is organized, you can begin fine tuning, i.e. adding data for all tracks. This can be done in a universal way– using media library analysis. Open the Albums tab and click on empty space in the window that appears. Now use the keyboard shortcut cmd + A (ctrl + A - for Win) to select all the albums, then right-click on any of the albums and select " Get album cover" After searching for covers, you may find that not all of them are found - this can be corrected in the future.

You will have to use third-party solutions to configure your media library. One of the following will do for this: famous programs to search for tags: , or . Let's consider the most optimal of them (in terms of price) -.

In principle, no presets There is no need to do anything in the Tagalicious program, except go to Preferences and check the “Assume purchased tracks...” option and make sure that the “tags suggested by Tagalicious...” option is selected. To get acquainted with the functionality, try to select a track from the list, and you will see that on the right side of the screen information about old tags is shown and next to it - about new ones proposed by the program. You can manually select values ​​from the old and new tags that you consider acceptable. This way you can achieve an ideal result.

Since the process of finding tags for all the songs you have can take a long time, you need to be patient. Alternatively, you can leave the computer for a while to do other things. Once the process is complete, you can check if the songs have been tagged and ensure that the work was done well. All that remains is to transfer the tags to iTunes - select all the files and use the “Send to iTunes” button. When the procedure is completed, all the tracks in your library will have albums and tags, for which you can be congratulated!

updated 07/17/2009 at 11:10

Hello, dear Habrapeople.
This article was in the sandbox, gave me an invite. I decided to post it on the blog.
I have seen the need to organize my collection of music files for a long time.
A lot of unwritten tags, heaps of unsorted music - all this was depressing. Yes, besides, I recently purchased an iPhone. And his beautiful coverflow without this very cover (which also happens to be album art) is an ugly and obscene horror. If on Nokia I somehow got along with this - I went to “all songs” and looked for the one I needed by searching, then on the Iphone Jobs himself ordered to put things in order.

So. What do I need (for order and beauty):
1. Basic tags are written, such as:
- Song title (including all sorts of “feat.”, “vs”, “NNN cover” and others)
- Performer (in such a way that statistics are not violated and selection by artist works)
- Track number (in 0x format, not only for my aesthetic reasons, see below)
- Collections and sound tracks are processed correctly (that is, each track has the artist of the song itself, the title of the song, but the entire album - the collection - must be searched through the albums as a single whole)
- Album cover (same cover, album art)
2. So that in the tags the name of the artist, the title of the song and the album are correct (Unicode, as well as - so that it is as it should be - taking into account the case, umlauts and other tricks of the names).
3. The name of the files is not critical, but the track numbers in it should be in 0x format (so that names like “1 Track 1.mp3” and “10 Track 11.mp3” do not stand next to each other, and all tracks are in order - as in an album - 01 Intro.mp3, 02 Beginning.mp3, etc.). I also love the media library sorted by artist, album (by year of release):
2009 Album\
01 Intro.mp3
02 Beginning.mp3

19 Outro.mp3
That is, in order to look at its order and harmony, it was possible not only through the player program (or cataloguer), the device itself (iPhone, Nokia, or some other Sony Ericsson), but also through a regular file manager, everything would be beautiful and ordered. And let the disordered and unknown remain in the “unknown” folders...
In my opinion, it is quite logical.
So. What do I want from a program that will help me get organized?
1. Write all the tags for the album at once.
2. Rename all files in a structured manner.
3. Upload cover (album art) - write them in the tag and (if possible - put folder.jpg in the folder).
4. Ability to download tags automatically (from, cddb,,, discogs,, and others).
5. For all points, an important note: I love music, including domestic music, as well as not too well-known ones...

Let's get started.
We will start with the closest one (due to the preset):

Windows Media Player (

The main Library window allows you to sort your music files by artist, album, or genre.
All three modes support cover. It's cute if you have covers loaded.

WMP searches for information on the Internet using the Microsoft database. He finds famous performers, but even they have a hard time with covers... If there is no cover, a gray note flaunts instead.
There is, however, the option to assign a cover manually - paste it from the clipboard. I couldn’t find how to remove the existing cover (a screenshot was inserted instead of the cover by mistake), so I had to replace it.

It only supports numbering in tags: 1, 2, 3, etc., but sorts normally.
There is a search function - it’s convenient to search for an artist in collections, for example. True, the search is case sensitive. NAIV and Naiv are different groups for him.
The tag editor is very simple - I edit what I see. One at a time. Only the album name, year, author, genre are edited in bulk.
WMP can rename, this is set in the “copy from CD” menu, but it works for everything. possible in automatic mode. not a very wide range of settings.
Star system – supported.
For some reason, some part of my media library was showing questions. The true meaning of the file could only be guessed by listening to it (or reading the file name in the properties, if possible)…
There are also additional functions - recording discs, ripping, watching videos and DVDs, as well as online radio. Everything is included in the basic configuration. Free.

Editing tags 3/5 It will do for editing. Filling it out is a chore.

Renaming files 4/5 Renames.
Working with covers 4/5 You can put your own, download from the Microsoft database.
Work speed 4/5 Works quickly, loads the database in the background.
Sync 4/5 Supports removable devices. iPhone is not supported.
Final score 3.66/5

Summary: if everything is fine with your media library, and you don’t have an iPhone, then you can safely use Windows Media Player. Beautiful, convenient, and most importantly - out of the box and free!

iTunes 8.2 (

Along with my iPhone, I received the iTunes program (tuna). With its help, you can not only listen to music, watch videos, but also synchronize your iPhone, make purchases in the iTunes store, buy programs, and backup data.

The main window represents both the player and the media library. There are three modes: list, icons, as well as CowerFlow (yes, that one).
In icon mode you can sort by album, artist, genre, composer.

There is a convenient search. Case insensitive.
The tag editor is quite good. Supports a huge number of fields. It understands the word “collection”, downloads covers from the Internet (unfortunately, it has its own database, and besides, it’s impossible to find Russian performers there), and you can also download it yourself (from the clipboard or from a file).
A massive tag editor is present. There is import of names from the Internet, but, again, for Russians and less popular performers, it will not be of much help.

Among other things, there are iTunes DJ and Genius functions. To create your own playlists.
The star system is fully supported.
I didn’t find how to update the library in iTunes (except how to collect everything in the “iTunes directory”) (if, for example, files were moved or renamed)… Therefore, it’s not very convenient.

Loading tags from the network 3/5 Supports only its own databases
Renaming files 3/5 Not very broad options
Working with covers 4.5/5 You can put your own, download from the iTunes database.
Speed ​​of operation 3.5/5 Doesn't work very fast, loads the database in the background. It eats up a lot of memory.
Synchronization 3.5/5 Supports iPhone only. But - in full.
Final score 3.66/5

Summary: if you have an iPhone, you already use iTunes. The function of renaming files and correct behavior with single files is missing. As a player it is good, but bulky.


MediaMonkey 3.1 (

I remembered MediaMonkey by accident. I remember it back in versions 1.x. I didn't like it then. What now?
MediaMonkey looks good. Beautiful, comfortable.
The library is built according to any characteristic of the file. Even including the location!

The tag editor is great. Mass and single editing is supported. You can make collections. It searches for covers on the Internet, as well as in tags of neighboring files and on disk.
He can get information about the track on the Internet at, but he doesn’t know Russians.
Searching the media library is very, very convenient. Searches everywhere and everything.
Star system supported.
With the correct firmware, media decoys perfectly synchronize the iPhone. With firmware 3.0 – read only from iPhone. USB players are supported by default.
It renames files very well, however, it numbers tracks only in the format 1, 2, 3. Because of this, the files in the directory are in the order 1,10,11,12... etc. - not very convenient. Update: Habrapeople suggested that you can change the template and everything will be cool. THANK YOU!
In addition, MediaMonkey supports WMP, iTunes (import) media libraries. The full version of the program (paid) supports folder monitoring.
The free version copes well with all the assigned tasks if the media library does not change often.
The paid version can monitor, convert audio, rip and burn discs.

Editing tags 4.5/5 It is convenient to change tags for albums and individual tracks. Compile collections.
Loading tags from the network 3.5/5 Supports only databases
Renaming files 4/5 Renames well, including collections, but numbers files in the form 1,2,3.
Working with covers 4.5/5 You can put your own, download from the database.
Work speed 4.5/5 Works quickly, loads the database in the background. Even with monitoring it does not load the system.
Synchronization 4.5/5 Supports iPhone, as well as portable devices connected via USB.
Final score 4.25/5

Summary: An excellent program with many functions. Personally, I was only upset by the numbering of the files, and, which practically does not know Russian.

Songbird 1.2.0 (

I think everyone knows what Firefox is, and as a result, the Gecko engine. It is on this that Songbird is built - a combine of a player, media library and browser.
Many plugins and add-ons for this program do their job - they add convenience, and then add errors.
While writing the article, my songbird came up with a step: half of the artists took part in the tribute to naive, even foreign ones. The tags came from nowhere, and Limp Bizkit had Jane Air covers...

You can edit tags in bulk, individually. Everything is done in a special window. It downloads covers from the Internet (and for Russians too - I found Psyche), and also allows you to upload your own.
Star system supported. When playing a track, it searches for information about it on, as well as from musicbrainz.

The search works strangely - ##### did not search. Apparently something with the code and control characters generally works properly.
Supports an account on, synchronization with an iPhone (though it only showed free space for me) and USB devices.
Songbird was unable to rename files. An addon may be needed. Don't know.
In general, if it weren’t for today’s glitch, everything would be great. For free.

Loading tags from the network 3.5/5 I still don’t understand where it’s loading from. For some it’s good, some (even foreigners) don’t see it point blank.
Renaming files 0/5 Can't (maybe need an addon)
Working with covers 4.5/5 You can put your own, load from the database (I don’t know where)
Speed ​​of operation 3.5/5 Works quickly, I weighed the system a couple of times when updating the media library.

Final score 3.25/5

Summary: good potential. If everything continues in the same spirit, it will be the best. In the meantime, it's glitching.

Winamp 5.56 (

Who doesn't know Winamp? Everyone knows him! Even those who are avid users of Linux and Mac. Only today's youth don't know him. Their imagination does not paint pictures of the “most convenient player”; they do not remember the evolution of this player to such a combine.

What do we have now? Indeed, it’s a combine that resembles a good old player.
We added video playback, added a disk ripper, a disk writer...
Added a media library. Quite good (and many people rip it off from Winamp).
Among other things, we have a good pack of skins, support for tags, and a star system.

In terms of the media library, Winamp is great. In my memory, to be honest, he was the first.
The search works well, it looks for what it needs. Fast.
There is library monitoring.

There is a tag editor - simple, but at the same time convenient. Batch changing of tags is supported.
Autofill works. It also worked for domestic performers, but it was filled in on transliteration. Fortunately, there is a “cancel” button.
Covers can be downloaded from the Internet, from a file. The database is not extensive. When playing a file, it tries to find information about the artist and display it.
There are plugins for portable players (including iPhones), but they refused to work with my iPhone. I just didn't see him.

Editing tags 4/5 It is convenient to change tags for albums and individual tracks.
Loading tags from the network 3.5/5 Autocomplete is not very good. Russians - translit.
Renaming files 0/5 Can't (may need a plugin)
Working with covers 4/5 You can put your own, load from the database (the database is not very good)
Speed ​​of operation 3.5/5 Despite its monstrous nature, it works quickly. Depends on the skins. The media library does not load very quickly
Synchronization 4/5 Supports iPhone, as well as portable devices connected via USB.
Final score 3.16/5

Summary: from a cute little player it has become a monster with intrusive windows (although they turn off in the classic form - it’s the same cute little player).

AIMP 2.51.330 (

A young, fast-growing project - that’s what they would write about it in reviews.
I agree. Young, but already firmly on his feet and with an army of fans.
I found out about it by chance from an employee.
I decided to take a look. When you first start it, your first thought is – oh! Winamp with a new cover!

There are plugins for working with, a plugin for the media library, as well as a separate tag editor and file converter.
There is a separate tag editor. The editor took a long time to load my media library.
There is a massive tag editor. Covers can be loaded from a file. It doesn't search for anything from the network. I don’t understand how to make a collection.
In media library mode, the player comes into a more convenient mode - you can select an artist or album. View information.

There is a system of stars.
Sometimes the player froze.
File renaming is available in the tag editor (a separate component). I found there auto-completion of tags from the file name.

Editing tags 4/5 It is convenient to change tags for albums and individual tracks. Basic tags are supported.
Loading tags from the network 0/5 No such function (standard)
Renaming files 4.5/5 Renames files, and also fills tags from file names. Group operations.
Working with covers 3/5 You can put your own from files.
Work speed 3.5/5 Sometimes it froze, but overall it was a fast comrade
Synchronization 0/5 No such function (standard)
Final score 2.5/5

Summary: young project. Adding the ability to download data from the Internet and synchronize with devices will be a great tool.

Foobar2000 v0.9.6.7 (

At the request of many of the Habrovites, I’m adding a review of the Foobar2000 player
The player itself is a very ascetic creation. But this is only a plus for him. Nothing extra.
If not everything, then a lot is customizable.
Memory consumption is incomparably less than previous programs.
In this review, I explore FUBAR without additionally downloaded plugins - everything that is in the basic version from the official website.
My window looks like this:

You can customize it to your liking without any problems. There is also a view by catalogue, album, artist and other parameters.
Mass operations are supported: renaming, taking information from tags, editing tags in bulk.
A few more words about editing tags: any tags are supported. Even your own, if you like. There is a download from the freedb database.

Unfortunately, I didn’t understand how to edit and add covers.
They are displayed.
You can convert audio directly in the player, you can fix a broken stream or the header of an MP3 file, you can do almost everything you want.
Collections are supported. There is no star system (can't find it?).

Editing tags 5/5 Editing tags is very convenient, including mass editing.
Loading tags from the network 3/5 Supports freedb databases only (in the basic package)
Renaming files 5/5 Whatever you want and how you want.
Working with covers 2/5 Shows.
Speed ​​of operation 4.5/5 Works quickly, but takes a little longer to process tags en masse.
Synchronization 0/5 I did not find such a function in the basic version.
Final score 3.75/5

Summary: Small, very nimble, comfortable. Flexible.

NokiaMusic 1.3.20702.00 (

The latest I added to the review was a utility from Nokia.
It downloaded quickly and installed beautifully. I asked where to store what.
Looks beautiful!

It works VERY slowly. Processed my data for 40 minutes (10,000 songs)
Shows with covers.
Supports bulk operations: editing tags, renaming.
Covers are downloaded from the Internet, as well as from a file. Tags can also be downloaded from the Internet, however, apparently, from its own Nokia database.
Syncs with your devices.

Editing tags 4/5 Editing tags is convenient, including mass editing.
Loading tags from the network 3/5 Supports Nokia databases only.
Renaming files 3/5 There is such a function.
Working with covers 4.5/5 Shows, loads, allows you to change.
Operating speed 2.5/5 Works slowly.
Synchronization 2.5/5 Only with Nokia
Final score 3.25/5

Summary: Beautiful. Raw.

Helium Music Manager 2009 (

First impression - handsome!

The second impression is how conveniently the library is organized - alphabetically (within each of the categories - artist, album, song, genre and others!), by disc.
Third impression - supports iPod! True, it didn’t work for me =)
Fourth impression - covers! Very comfortably! loads great!!!
Fifth impression - awesomely convenient tag editor!
Sixth - downloading information from the Internet! Amazon, Yahoo, Google, Discogs!
Seventh - renames files as needed!!!
Eighth - the library works quickly!
Ninth - Search! case insensitive and fast!
Tenth - updates the library (clearing deleted ones!)

Fly in the ointment - paid. I also didn’t really like the playback system - first go to the playlist, then play. But that doesn't matter to me at all =)

Editing tags 4.5/5 It is convenient to change tags for albums and individual tracks. Compile collections.
Loading tags from the network 4.5/5 If you find a plug-in for music brains - there will be an A!!!
Renaming files 4.5/5 Can do anything! half a point for speed
Working with covers 5/5 Anything is possible!
Work speed 3.75/5 Works fine. He's searching fast. It takes a long time to clean the library and load.
Synchronization 4.5/5 Supports iPhone, USB whistles. iPhone didn't work - minus half a point
Final score 4.45/5
Summary: Awesome! Great product! It would be free... but you don't mind the money either!
However: it turned out that it was helium that beat all Russian tags for hieroglyphs... It's a pity. I'm deducting a point for this.
Final score 3.45/5

Ministry of Education and Youth Policy Chuvash Republic


School library XXI: how to create a media library

Considered at a meeting of the teaching staff of the Municipal Educational Institution “Bolshekarachskaya Basic comprehensive school” Morgaushsky district protocol No. 6 dated March 20, 2008

With. Bolshoye Karachkino

1. Project Passport


3. Main activities and stages of their implementation

4. Project budget

5. Criteria

6. Risks of implementing the Project as a whole

7. Literature

1. Project Passport

2. Name of the project:

School libraryXXI: how to create a media library

3. Project customer:

Director of the Municipal Educational Institution “Bolshekarachsky Basic Secondary School” of Morgaushsky District

4. Main developers of the project:

– librarian

- primary school teacher

5. Basis for project development:

Order No. 000 of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic dated 01/01/2001 “On holding a grant competition”

6. Main performers:

Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic;

Department of Education, Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Morgaush District Administration;

Municipal educational institution “Bolshekarachsky basic secondary school”.

7. Project implementation timeline:


8. Sources of financing:

Republican budget;

District budget;

Municipal budget;


8. Expected final result:

A functioning media library where they will create optimal conditions for creative, research work of all participants educational process, multi-purpose search for information for educational and cognitive purposes during extracurricular hours, in improving the professionalism of teachers, in their continuous self-education.

2. Contents of the problem and justification for the need to develop the Project

Currently, throughout the world, knowledge and information technology are becoming the basis of social development. The main feature information society is the affirmation of the cult of knowledge, awareness that no serious economic, social or technical problem cannot be successfully solved without processing significant amounts of information. Defining your information needs, possible sources of information, searching and obtaining information, its assessment and selection, as well as efficient use become conditions for survival in a new society.

Modern school development, introduction of information computer technology in its activities cannot but leave its mark on the processes increasingly taking place in school libraries.

Currently, the creation of media libraries in schools has become common and necessary. Along with the development of the computer science classroom, which prepares computer-literate users, the school staff recognized the need for the existence of a media library - a structural unit that provides all participants in the educational process with access to a computer outside of class hours to search for the information they need for the educational process.

What do we have in the school library today?

· electronic textbooks:

1) a set of electronic publications for educational purposes on CD-ROM (under the program “Computerization of rural schools”)

3) Electronic visual material“State symbols of Russia” – 2 pcs.

4) Virtual physical laboratory for grades 7-9 – 3 pcs.

5) Electronic publication for preparation for the Unified State Exam – 2 pcs.

6) UMK “Educational Projects” - 1 pc.

§ copier - 1

§ music Center - 1

§ color TV – 1

The last 3 were purchased by the school using special equipment.

§ digital camera– 1 (funded by the sponsor)

The school has 55 students. 11 out of 13 teachers have a PC operator certificate. In 2007, 2 teachers completed the Microsoft “Partnership in Education” courses. In 2005, the school received the MARQ SQL program in federal program“Informatization of libraries.” The librarian has completed courses in this program.

Who needs a school media library and why?

In the school's media library it will be possible to collect information that will become material for a project, research, creative work. Work individually and in a group in project mode. Test your knowledge using tests, of which there are now so many on electronic media. Work according to an individual lesson plan. Do homework, read good books, look good films, use Internet services.

What can a teacher do in the media library? Probably the same as the student. Teachers may want to work in the media library as project consultants. It can be done this way: in the media library, teachers do their project work. That is, the media library becomes a teacher's study room.

What must be in your media library? Free access to all books. Workplaces equipped for individual lessons, a computer connected to the Internet. Of course, it must be cozy so that you want to come again.

If not in words, but in deeds, we agree that a child at school can learn to work independently with different sources information, it becomes clear: the subject room as the main unit of the school educational space is no longer enough for this.

What about the library? - some will say. - Computer room?

And they will be right. In our school, they are also a source of information for students working on creative, research, and design work.

Now school computers are concentrated in the computer science room (2 computers, both connected to the Internet), 1 computer in the administration office. But you feel out of place there if you come to work on your own project. And it’s understandable, because these offices have other functions. Teachers who need to work with a computer experience even greater inconvenience. Sometimes they just have nowhere to go. And then a child comes up and says that he wants to discuss his project work with you as a leader. Where will you go with him?

There's nowhere to go. What if you create a media library at school?

The media library is the main link in building a single information space schools. Collecting information, accumulating knowledge, exchanging and using it - these areas of activity simplify and enrich the educational process of the school. There is no doubt that in the 21st century the main criterion for assessing the quality of education will not be the amount of knowledge acquired, but the ability of the students themselves to obtain the knowledge they need. These the broadest opportunities and the school media library will be able to provide it.

Users of the media library - students and their parents, administration and teachers have the opportunity quick access To information resources in the process of independent educational and scientific research work of students and methodological work teachers.

The media library will significantly expand the range of services for readers: viewing educational videos, photocopying documents, free access to the Internet. The opportunities provided to primary school students will be significantly expanded, as they will be able to find interesting collections of computer logic games and puzzles, exciting tasks that develop creativity and imagination. English scientists have found that computer games have a beneficial effect on children's ability to think logically and make quick decisions in difficult situations. Computer games, among other things, according to the scientists who conducted the research, they develop children’s communication abilities, because children usually like to play “on the computer” in pairs or small groups. With access to the Internet, schoolchildren will have the opportunity to use the information provided by reference portals.

The main objectives of the media library are:

· Collection, accumulation, processing and systematization of information on various media;

· Computer cataloging and processing of information resources;

· Organize yourself educational activities students with educational, reference literature and technical means obtaining information;

· Organizing user training in methods of finding, storing and processing information on various media.

· Formation at the school level of a fund of educational, methodological and information materials existing in different forms on various physical media information, by acquiring or creating it;

· Organization of library and information services for participants in the educational process by providing them with the opportunity to view and (or) listen to materials from the media library;

The concept of the media library implements the idea of ​​​​creating a comprehensive structure that includes the functions of a reading room with a collection on traditional media and information center, combining sources of information on all types of media.

This approach will allow us to:

ü provide wide access to information resources to all categories of users: students, their parents, teachers and school staff;

ü conduct the acquisition process electronic resources in accordance with the profile of the school’s educational activities, ensuring its completeness and appropriateness;

ü qualitatively change the content of reference and bibliographic work;

ü answer as completely as possible thematic queries, including the use of world educational resources;

ü provide all participants educational process the opportunity to master the skills of working in various information retrieval systems, using electronic catalogs of various libraries.

In order to study the opinions of teachers and students, the project developers asked them to answer the following questionnaires:

Questionnaire for teachers

1. School media library(check one, several options or add)

Based on the structure of your work at school, tell me how much your media library may be in demand in 2008-2009 academic year and in what classes?

For organization project work schoolboy:

a) group/individual

c) if in the schedule - how often: 1 time a week, 1 time a month, more_____

For organization research work schoolboy:

a) group/individual

b) on schedule/out of schedule

For organization creative work schoolboy:

a) on schedule/out of schedule

c) if in the schedule - how often ___________________

For teaching you lessons, how often _______________

For your lectures using audio and video equipment, a computer, how often __________________________

For organizing a student’s work on an individual (or group) educational route in your subject _____________________

2. Placement of information in the media library in the 2008-2009 academic year.

To make it convenient for you and the guys to work on your subject in the logic of your experiment, how could you arrange the books you and they need in the media library, and by what criteria could they be combined? ______________________________________________

Does your media library require a photocopier, Internet access, a projector, a printer, or video equipment? (underline).

3. Do you think your students can start independent work in the media library?

Yes. No. We need introductory lessons: how to use information.

4. How many days per week, for example, you yourself would like to work not part-time, but advise schoolchildren in the media library in your subject? _________________

5 . What else? ________________________

Questionnaire for students:

1. How often

a/ every day

b/ a week 3-4 times

iv/week 1-2 times

2. For what purpose

a/ I'm going to class

b/ after school hours for creative work

3. How often would you like to use a computer?

a/ every day

b/ a week 3-4 times


Survey results teachers:

Student survey results:

1. How often do you use the services of the computer science room?

2. For what purpose do you go to the computer science room?

3. How often would you like to use a computer?

4. Currently you are satisfied ability to work on a computer?

Sanitary standards" href="/text/category/sanitarnie_normi/" rel="bookmark">sanitary and hygienic standards.


Conducting school scientific-practical conference with presentation of projects

Deputy for water management, students in grades 1-9

Carrying out open lessons And extracurricular activities using ICT in the media library

Deputy for Internal Affairs, media library worker

Scheme - media library plan


1-6 tables for work of participants in the educational process;

7 – table for the projector;

8 – screen;

9 – table for TV and music center;

10 – table for a media library employee;

11 – cabinet for storing disks;

12 – table for periodicals;

13 – table for copier;

14 – shelves for books.

Computer I is located on the desktop of the media library employee, computer II is located on table No. 1.

4. Project budget

5. Criterion for assessing goal achievement and results

Within the framework of our project, we consider it appropriate to consider extracurricular activities, first of all, from the point of view of their focus on the formation of social competence of students, the development of their creative potential, because these are the ones educational results It is most difficult to provide within the classroom-lesson organization of the educational process.

To evaluate the performance of the school media library, two groups of indicators are used.

The first group characterizes results creative and research activities of participants in the educational process.

Second - basic conditions for their implementation.

The results are assessed according to the following indicators:

· increased dynamics of extracurricular activities in the school media library;

· dynamics of growth in the number of requests from participants in the educational process to the services of the school library;

· independent activity of students in the use of digital educational resources;

· coverage of students (% of the total number) with creative activities in the school as a whole (and for each level and year of study separately).

The assessment of the main conditions for their implementation is carried out according to the following indicators:

· Availability computer equipment provided for by the Project;

Availability of electronic aids in required quantity;

· availability of jobs for creative work of participants in the educational process;

Availability of a qualified employee

6. Risks of project implementation as a whole

1. The risk of failure to implement the project schedule due to the lack of planned funding necessary to organize the project at the municipal level.

2. Organizational risk, i.e. the inability to obtain positive results and successfully implement the project goal associated with low quality management of the progress of its implementation, including practical and psychological unpreparedness of personnel.

7. Literature:

1. Informatization program of the Municipal Educational Institution “Bolshekarachsky Basic Secondary School”

2. http://schol-sector. relarn. ru School media library

3. http://edunet. uz/tester Media library

4. O. Lopatina, E. Sokolova Media center is an educational space for a teenage school. Journal Library at school No. 23 2003 p.6

5. S. Yakushenok Computer games in the library: a psychologist’s view. Journal School Library No. 9 2002 p. 28