Ultravnc authentication rejected what to do. Installing Teamviewer on Windows. Below I will describe the settings for those who are especially curious.

Program type: Installer/Portable Supported OS: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP License: Free Interface language: English/there is a localization

You can control your computer remotely absolutely free of charge. To do this, you need to download the UltraVNC program from the official website.

We install UltraVNC Server on the computer that we plan to manage. For this:

1. Run the file downloaded from the official website . Next, during installation, select UltraVNC Server, and uncheck the rest.

For Russification you needdownload localization files . The archive with the program will contain two folders: language packs for the server (translated_server) and language packs for the Viewer (translated_viewers). To Russify the program (using the example of a server), you need a file russian.dll from folder translated_server copy to the folder with the installed program (by default this is the folder C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC. After this, you need to rename the russian.dll file to vnclang_server.dll. Then restart the program

2. Launch the program.

3. Go to the administrator settings and enter a password to protect yourself from unauthorized access. Save the settings.

Screenshots of installation and settings:

4.Install UltraVNC Viewer on your computer, phone, tablet... I'll show you using a tablet as an example.

In order to find out about your IP, you need to go to: Control Panel → Network and Internet → Network and Control Center and shared access→ Change adapter settings. Next, call the context menu on your connection (Wi-Fi, Ethernet) State and click on “Details...”. In the window that opens you will be able to see your IP.


To control you need to install a client called UltraVNC Viewer. This program can be installed from the same installation package as the server. You just need to uncheck the box during installation. unnecessary utilities, and leave only Viewer.

For operating android Finding a client to manage is not difficult at all. Just search for UltraVNC in the market. Since it is an open and free program, there are plenty of management solutions. I liked the program bVNC .

6. Install bVNC.

7. Open and enter the IP address and password that we set in the UltraVNC Server program. After that, click “Connect”

8. Done. Everything should work.

There is a paid program Remote Ripple PRO , which also works without problems. Just enter the IP address, password and connect. The computer control panel is quite user-friendly.

- basically it is a program for organizing remote control of computers. Having connected to another computer, everything looks as if we are sitting in front of its monitor, moving the mouse and pressing keys on the keyboard. Often, this is, of course, not as fast and complete as if we were sitting directly at a PC, but it still puts great opportunities into our hands!

IN In a normal situation, we only need to install the viewer on ourselves, and the server on the one we want to help, find out the address and port and connect! But it happens that we come across some obstacles on our way - various firewalls, routers, dynamic IP addresses etc., which will not allow us to just go and connect = (You can, of course, use other programs that allow you to organize a connection using intermediate servers, but you don’t always have access to these servers, it’s not always possible to use another program, and, finally, we like UltraVNC and have no desire to give it up =) There is a way, it is certainly not a panacea, but it can help in a difficult situation!

B Just recently at my work an acute question arose remote access to other computers, some of which are very “remote” from us =) The main problem The problem was that information about many connections was out of date, some connections stopped working due to equipment replacement, lack of ability to forward ports, and the like. The head of the department mentioned reverse connections, which, in theory, could be installed by the UltraVNC program. After some digging in UltraVNC help, I discovered interesting opportunity launch the viewer in Port Listening mode, and the server’s menu item “Add New Client” came to our aid! All this together allowed us to establish a connection that was initiated not by the viewer, but by the server!

UltraVNC and reverse connections

D To begin with, it should be noted that there is still one thing that will require additional manipulations - this is setting up our network so that they can connect to us, but in any case this is more convenient than setting up all client networks=) More specific as we go!

Step one

U We install UltraVNC in the classic way both at ourselves and at the client. Accordingly: for myself - viewer, for the client - server. It is advisable to add the path to the UltraVNC folder in environment variable“Path”, it will be more convenient to launch!

Step two

We launch the console, look for our installed vncviewer.exe and run it with the “- listen” parameter.

WITH At this moment our viewer listens to the default port, and this is 5500! Accordingly, for this to work, we need to configure port 5500 forwarding to our IP.

WITH with help context menu you can control the state of the running viewer: enable or disable “listening” to the port, initiate connections, etc.

P If desired or necessary, you can start “wiretapping” non-standard port, to do this you need to add the port number, separated by a space, after the “listen” parameter!

Step three

T Now you need to initiate the connection from the client side, to do this in some way (for example, call and ask to click and enter data =)), you need to start the server and right-click on its icon in the system tray. A context menu will appear.

IN In this menu you need to select the “Add New Client” item.

In the window that appears, in the “Host Name” field, you must enter our IP address and click “OK”.

If in the second step we used our own port, then after our IP, after the colon, we need to add the number of the new port!


E If everything is entered correctly, port forwarding is configured correctly and all possible exceptions for our viewer are specified, the connection should occur! Then everything is as usual - we press buttons, move the mouse, in general - we help =)

Based on the name of the VNC Viewer application, many users can immediately guess which class software it relates, for example, by analogy with the well-known TeamViewer package. However, ordinary users may encounter such a utility for the first time, so it is worthwhile to dwell separately on some issues related to how and what modification of the program is best to install, how to configure the application for optimal operating mode, how to use VNC Viewer, “squeezing” the maximum out of the application opportunities.

General information about VNC Viewer

To begin with, let's briefly look at what this software product is and consider what it is intended for. Based on the above analogy, we can say that a VNC client is universal application, allowing you to organize access to a remote computer in a matter of minutes.

That is this program can be classified as a class of RDP applications designed to connect to a remote desktop. However, the matter is not limited to access to remote computers, since the program itself has many additional features:

  • Full control of settings without restrictions in full screen or windowed mode.
  • File transfer.
  • Ability to send messages via built-in chat.
  • Blocking peripheral devices, if necessary (mice, keyboards, etc.).
  • Ability to access connected PCs via browser.
  • Organization of connection with several terminals at the same time.

It is immediately worth noting that technology Virtual Network Computing (VNC) has one more thing undeniable advantage, when compared with analogues. The fact is that it has the ability to install server and client parts (depending on what type of connection will be used in the future), plus, fine tuning Software for every installation to ensure maximum performance.

Features of choosing an installation distribution

Before proceeding with the installation, you need to decide on the choice of modification of the VNC client that you intend to install. Firstly, the program itself is cross-platform and can be installed on almost all known desktop and mobile operating systems. Secondly, for the same Windows OS you can find versions of the program RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC and a lightweight modification of UltraVNC SC (all versions are compatible with each other, but some functions may not be available), for Mac OS X - Chicken and JollysFastVNC. Thirdly, you should decide on the type of client to be installed (the server part is used to organize connections from the central machine to child terminals, and the client part is used to connect from child machines to the central server).

Fourthly, directly on official resource developer, you can select your preferred VNC Viewer installer file format for Windows (EXE, MSI) or download the distribution package as a packaged ZIP archive. The last point is at the request of the user.

Installing VNC Viewer

Now let's move directly to the installation of the selected software product. Note that for almost all modifications the installation process looks the same.

To start the installation in Windows versions 7 and higher, the VNC client installer file is launched exclusively with administrator privileges (in RMB menu select run as administrator). There is nothing unusual in the installation process itself.

The user needs to select his preferred language, accept the terms and conditions license agreement, specify the installation path (you don’t have to change it), add an icon to the “Desktop” at one stage, and then simply click the start installation button.

First launch of the application

Let's assume that the program is installed and the user is launching it for the first time. Initially VNC settings Viewer is not very complex. At the first start, a window will be shown in which you can select desired action. But we will proceed from the fact that we need to make the connection ourselves.

How to use VNC Viewer?

First, through the file menu, select the New Connection item, and then enter the IP address in the new window remote terminal or the full name of the computer (the address can be found on the connected machine using the properties of the Internet connection or command line by entering the ipconfig command, and the computer name can be viewed in the system properties). After this, a password request window will appear in which you need to enter the desired combination. If the combination matches the one set on remote computer password, the remote “Desktop” will appear.

We figured out how to use VNC Viewer to create a connection. Now a few words about the preferred settings.

If you look carefully at the connection creation window, you will find a tab for experts. If in these settings you select, for example, your preferred compression algorithms for transmitted and received data, you can significantly reduce the load on CPU and optimize application Virtual technologies Network Computing even for networks with throughput at 256 kbit/s. For graphics it is recommended to install high level compression (Compression Level) with minimum quality (JPEG Quality), and as an additional optimization, activate a reduction in the number of colors (Restricted Colors or bgr233).

Also, it's worth noting that a single terminal can use a connection to multiple machines based on the 5900 base port via the display option. By default, the main display is set to "0", and for all others it is incremented ("1", "2", etc.). Accordingly, the port will change (5901, 5902, etc.), which will need to be specified after the address separated by a colon (for example, In the case of dynamic (rather than static) addresses, you can additionally use obtaining dynamic DNS, for example, based on DynDNS. You can set this setting on your router or register on the service portal on the Internet. In this case, the service will transmit installed client all information related to changing the IP of the connected computer.

Possible malfunctions in the program

Basically, failures can only be associated with the fact that this moment There is simply no Internet connection on the computer or the corresponding port used by the program by default is occupied. Sometimes you may notice blocking by antiviruses and firewalls. But these problems can be solved quite simply.

Some common troubleshooting methods

Among the main methods for eliminating possible failures when trying to establish a connection, we recommend the following:

  • Enter installed program to the list of applications that are allowed to use the Internet connection in Windows Firewall.
  • Create new rules for port 5900 for outgoing and incoming connections.
  • If the previous solution does not help, forward port 5900 on your router.
  • Add the program to the antivirus exclusion list.
  • Check that the instructions are correct static address and password for accessing the remote terminal.


That's briefly all that concerns the question of how to use VNC Viewer. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated here. In conclusion, it is worth noting that in some cases it is advisable to use passwords other than those set directly in operating systems, but in advance log in to the registration record in the client itself, having previously created it on special resource. In this case, you will not depend on Windows accounts.

IN Everyday life Quite often a situation arises when it is necessary to install or configure programs on computers that are located in a neighboring office, office or in another city. Running around classrooms and offices is of course good for health, especially if you have to maintain over 30 computers :)) but we won’t mock ourselves so much, we’ll organize and set up remote access to the PC. There are a lot of programs for remote access and each one stands out in its own way.

For more advanced users

Let's consider UltraVNC. Why did you choose this particular program?:

  • Free,
  • Supports Client Server mode of operation.
  • Supports file transfer
  • Multi-client mode
  • Works under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
  • Encryption implemented
  • Possibility of deployment in a domain through policies.

Installing and configuring UltraVNC

Below I will describe the settings for those who are especially curious.

Incoming Connections— incoming connections

  • Accept Socket Connections— allow incoming connections.
  • Display: display number.
  • Ports— ports used by the program.
  • Main: Default port for UltraVNC client is 5900.
  • Http: the port is connected via the web interface. Upon initial connection, the program will offer to download java plugin, it is required to connect via the web form.
  • Enable Java Viewer (Http Connect) Allow connections via Http.
  • Allow Loopback Connections- allow return connections, leave the checkbox yes.
  • Loopback Only- allow only reverse connections.

When Last Client DisconnectsWhen the last client disconnects, actions

  • Do Nothing- translated as, do nothing. Let there be a tick on it :)
  • Lock Workstation (W2K) - Lock workstation for (W2K).
  • Logoff Workstation - workstation output.

Query On Incoming ConnectionRequest for incoming connections

  • Display Query Window— show the request window.
  • Timeout- Time out.
  • Default action— default action. Refuse - reject, Accept - accept.

Keyboard & Mouse- keyboard and mouse.

  • Disable Viewers Inputs- disable computer control, current viewing will be allowed.
  • Disable Local Inputs- disable local input.

Multi Viewer Connections— actions when connecting several users.

  • Disconnect all existing connectionsallows only one user to connect, and disconnects all other clients.
  • Keep existing connections— keep the current connection. Several clients can be connected at the same time.
  • Refuse the new connection- prohibit new connections
  • Refuse all new connections— refuse new connections.

Authentication - authentication.

  • VNC Password— login password. After installation you need to come up with New Password, otherwise you won't be able to connect.
  • Require MS Logon— if the computer is in a domain, then you can use the Windows login and pass

Misc - optional

  • Remove Aero (Vista)- disable visual effects Vista. Leave a checkmark.
  • Remove Wallpaper for Viewers- disable wallpaper. To log in to your PC without permission, it is better to uncheck the box, since when you connect to a user, his wallpaper will disappear. But if we need high performance, we enable this setting.
  • Capture Alpha-Blending— we allow you to view videos on the client side. Although this option does not always work.
  • Disable Tray icon- remove the icon.
  • Forbid the user to close down WinVNC- prohibit closing the UltraVnc server.
  • Default Server Screen Scale- default screen scale.

File Transfer - file management.

  • Enable— allow transferring files.

Connecting to UltraVnc server

Let's launch UlnraVnc viewer (vncviewer.exe) a window with settings appears:

  • VNC Server:— the address of the computer to which we connect
  • AUTO, ULTRA, LAN, MEDIUM, MODEM, SLOW, MANUAL— connection mode, select depending on the connection speed. Leave it on AUTO
  • View Only- allows current viewing
  • Auto Scaling— auto-scale adjustment
  • Confirm Exit— confirm if we want to close the session
  • Use DSMPlugin-selection and use of additional plugins
  • Proxy/Repeater— indicate a proxy or repeater, if we have one.
  • Save connection settings as default— save the current settings and use them by default.

  • Track remote cursor locally— display the mouse cursor
  • Don't show remote cursor- do not display the mouse cursor
  • Show button's bar— show/hide the toolbar
  • Full-screen mode- open full screen
  • Viewer Scale- open to % of the screen
  • Disable clipboard transfer- disable shared clipboard
  • Number of times the reconnect is attemptedNumber of times recovery is attempted compound

For a long time I had an idea to manage a home server remotely. But just as long ago, I still had no idea which of my home computers was a server at a particular moment. However, I recently purchased new TV With network connection Samsung UE40D5000, then bought a Pegatron Duke 3G android tablet. Both - wonderful devices worthy of a separate article. As a result, we had to completely rebuild the concept home media server. In the end I implemented it remote control home server using free program.

In addition, my entire network has been behind the router for a long time, this has added new dimensions to the UltraVNC setup process. I had to forward ports. Everything worked, I think my instructions will help many.

About choosing a VNC client

I chose as VNC client, and the servers free UltraVNC program. There were no reasons to choose him. I just came across it first. It seemed easier to set up than radmin (perhaps the most popular VNC client). And so it turned out - UltraVNC is very easy to set up. Plus UltraVNC has portable version client. This is useful to many.

There will be no revelations here. The installation process is quite trivial. Downloaded and installed. Registered ports and passwords. The main thing in my case, that the server sits behind the router, is to register the ports. “Auto” cannot be selected in this case.

Setting up UltraVNC behind the router - port forwarding.

There were no immediate difficulties connecting to the installed UltraVNC via LAN. But when I tried to connect from an external IP, nothing worked. This is understandable. In order to see the UltraVNC server behind the router from an external IP you need at least.