Rename your Skype login. Changing the login in the program in Skype. What does it mean that your login is invalid on Skype?

Change your data

Skype is designed for communication. When a user creates his account in Skype, he is required to come up with and indicate three things:

  • login – user name by which he can log into his account(Fig.1);
  • password - secret code, with which the account will be activated;
  • username – data that will help people find you.

How to make changes

In fact, it is simply impossible to change your username on Skype. The user will need to carry out a number of simple manipulations to change. You should not believe information posts that this is possible.

It doesn’t matter whether you need to change your Skype login on your computer, or change the same Skype login on your phone. The answer is unequivocal and not joyful - it is impossible. In such a situation, when this is necessary, you should simply create a new account.

Is it worth trying?

Perhaps a person is faced with the question that it is necessary to definitely change the login due to certain reasons. For example, a user gets a job and simply cannot provide his user ID, then there is only one way out - you need to create a new account.

Often this is not necessary. Contacts who communicate with you simply do not see given address. Only the set of letters you specified appears on their monitor (Fig. 2). You can change it unlimited amount once.

Algorithm of changes

To replace your nickname in Skype application, it will take you literally a few minutes. Even the most inexperienced user can cope with the task.

If you decide to change your username, then:

  • log in to Skype;
  • click on your name (Fig. 2);
  • A page with personal information user (Fig. 3);
  • In the field with your old name, enter a new one and click on the check mark (Fig. 4).

Now you have a new name.

It will automatically change in the contact list of people with whom you correspond or call.

Do not overdo it

Each user has the right to decide for himself which name to choose. The main thing to remember is that with its help old friends and former classmates can find you.

This is what you should be guided by when choosing a name. That is, to understand exactly what goal you are pursuing so that you can be identified, or whether you want to remain incognito.

User identification can also be done through a photo. Which photo to put will again depend on what goals you are pursuing. For example, if this is a business, you can put up a business card with a phone number, or put a logo instead of a photo.

Changing your name on Skype on your phone

Here the algorithm of actions will depend on what kind of phone the person uses. Skype is loaded on Android, then you should:

  • log into the application and open the main menu;
  • select “Personal data”;
  • where the first name is indicated, users I am the last name, enter another nickname;
  • Click on the checkmark in the upper left corner.

You use an iPhone, then to rename your data you need to:

  • go to Skype;
  • open the “My Information” tab;
  • select “Edit profile”;
  • in the blue window (Fig. 5 No. 1) enter the required abbreviation;
  • the main thing is not to forget to click on blue tick in the upper right corner (Fig. 5 No. 2).

If something doesn't work out

It doesn’t matter where you have Skype installed, on a PC, laptop or any phone, sometimes it happens that you cannot change your username.

Dedicated to all users of the messenger giant Skype. All of us have ever had an idea, or simply had a need, to change our current Skype login. For some, this is necessary to improve the readability or memorability of the login, for others to maintain their image. And everyone who did not try to figure out this issue on their own could not do anything.

The thing is that the Skype developers, for some reason or consideration, did not provide for this function or simply deliberately did not build it into the messenger. We will not understand how correct or relevant this is. We will try to figure out what we can do with the tools that the developers have given us.

But in fact, all that can be done is to change our contact information. The truth is, it’s worth thinking about whether it’s worth doing. After all, all users who have your contact on Skype will see, for example, some kind of IVAN PUPKIN, to whom you will rename yourself. This may mislead them or cause misunderstanding and confusion. On the contrary, those users who signed your contact themselves will not see any changes at all. In any case, whether to change the data or not is up to you. And we will look at how to change your Skype login.

Changing the login from the computer

So, let's assume you set out to change your contact details. skype data on the computer. There are two ways to perform this operation.

Method 1

Method 2

Now that our credentials have been changed, Skype users, who have address book there is your contact, they will receive a notification that you have changed your data (phone or email), and your contact will sign with the new name that you came up with. Of course, users who signed you up on their own will not have their first or last name changed. But everyone’s contact information (phone or email) will change.

Change login from phone

Now we will figure out step by step how to perform the same actions on the phone. After all, we have this messenger installed not only on a computer or laptop. Most people prefer not to lose their sociability when leaving the computer. And since our age is advanced information technologies allows us to do this - then why not install and use Skype on your smartphone?

Just like with a computer, you can change your credentials using the site without any problems. We will not describe this method again, since it is no different from a computer. The Internet is the same everywhere. But we will analyze how to perform this procedure using a smartphone.

By the way, you need to perform exactly the same steps if your smartphone is not on Android based, and based on iOS.

Today we have figured out one of the nuances of using Skype programs and made a sad conclusion - to change Skype login There's no way we can. Alas, this is true. Maybe soon the developers of this messenger will come up with a solution to this problem. Well, in the meantime, you will definitely be able to change your Skype credentials thanks to our review.

The reduction in the cost of Internet services has led to an increase in those wishing to use it, and opportunities have become available to many. And this, in turn, stimulated providers to increase their network coverage area, attracting more and more users. As a result, interest in programs that provide users with various convenient features using the properties of the Internet has increased.

This increases the number of users Skype program, which with its capabilities today provides everyone who has installed it on their gadgets, computers with free types of communication - instant messaging, voice communication, providing video calls and conference calls with several subscribers at once. This is very important for almost everyone. Life situations led to the fact that many are forced to be very far from their parents and relatives. And these distances prevent communication, which is especially necessary for older people. The high cost of communication, especially when a person is in another country, many kilometers from his home, did not allow frequent communication. Now, thanks to the Internet and Skype, it has become accessible to everyone.

How to change your username on Skype

These conditions have made the program the most used. And problems associated with its debugging or loss of logins and passwords, as well as making changes, have become the most pressing. Many people try to figure out these issues on their own. But if young people still have some skills and prospects to understand this, then it is very important for people of the older generation to have step by step instructions, in order to be able to take certain actions themselves to solve emerging problems, and promptly.

Changing your Skype login, entering it when registering in Skype - all this requires some time and understanding of the steps in order to do everything quickly at once without repeating your actions. The process of entering a login is still tedious, which is very annoying when a person is in a hurry to launch the program, but still needs to complete some formalities and fill out some “windows”. Many people, in a hurry to do everything as quickly as possible, do not think through their steps at all, and do not particularly bother creating complex password and do not think about the consequences that may arise later when they present their complete data online. And often in the future there is a need not only to change the login, but also all the information in general, which will then be almost impossible to do.

The process of changing your Skype login

If you ask technical support directly - is it possible to replace an existing login, then you only need to wait for a negative answer . Skype login does not change. Programmers and developers did not set out to create such an opportunity in the program. The reasons are unknown. But in principle, everyone who decides to commit a particular act must always think about their actions. The same is the case with logins. Before installing the program, you had to think about many things, including possible consequences, which an ill-conceived login will entail.

All the user can do is change his nickname, which will be visible to everyone, including contractors. But the login entered when starting the program will be saved. But, in order to avoid the need to constantly enter your login during authorization, you can, at the time of login, under the line where you need to enter the password, put a checkmark next to a small inscription, indicating automatic authorization each time you enter the program. You no longer have to enter your username and password. However, you must save these settings on separate media. Losing them can lead to further problems when working with the program, solutions for which may not be found at all.

Update and download the new version of Skype:

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  • Download Skype to your phone for free;

There are nuances that will affect the process of changing your nickname. If, before creating registration parameters in Skype, you already had a registration account with Microsoft, and when registering in the program, a link to this account was indicated, then the name will become the nickname of this account. Deleting or changing a login will require complete removal from the computer of the entire program, cleaning the registries and removing local folder Skype. Then everything will need to be done in a new way - install the program, already entering new login. However, information from the previous account is not deleted. It will be stored in the program with the designation - inactive.

If you, like many Skype users, are wondering how to change your username in it, the answer will probably not please you. It is impossible to do this in the usual sense of the procedure, and yet in this article we will talk about a couple of tricks that may be enough to solve your problem.

The Skype login is used not only for authorization, but also directly to search for the user, and this specific identifier cannot be changed. However, you can also log in to the program using Email, and search and add people to your contact list by name. So, and linked to the account Mailbox, and it is quite possible to change your name in Skype. About how to do this in different versions programs, we will describe further.

Changing login in Skype 8 and higher

Not long ago Microsoft released updated version Skype, which, due to multiple redesigns of the interface and functionality, caused justified dissatisfaction among users. The development company promises not to stop supporting old version, the work with which is described in the next part of the article, however, many (especially newcomers) still decided to use the new product on permanent basis. In this version of the program, you can change both your email address and your name.

Option 1: Change your primary email

As mentioned above, you can use email to log into Skype, but only on the condition that it is the main one for your account. Microsoft records. If you - Windows user 10, then you probably have your own account (not a local one), which means it’s tied to it mailing address already connected to yours Skype profile. This is what we can change.

Note: Changing your primary email in Skype is only possible if you change it in your Microsoft account. In the future, you can use any of the email addresses associated with them to log in to these accounts.

  1. Launch Skype on your computer and open its settings by left-clicking (LMB) on the ellipsis next to your name and selecting the appropriate item from the menu.
  2. In the settings section that opens "Account and Profile" in the block "Control" click LMB on the item "Your profile".
  3. Immediately after this, the page will open in the browser that you use as your main one "Personal data" Skype official website. Click on the button marked in the image below "Edit profile",

    and then scroll it down with the mouse wheel all the way to the block "Contact details".
  4. Opposite the field “Email address. mail" click on the link “Add email address. mail".
  5. Specify the mailbox that you want to use in the future for authorization in Skype, and then check the box next to the appropriate item.
  6. After making sure that the mailbox you specified is the main one,

    scroll down the page and click on the button "Save".
  7. You will be notified that your primary email address has been successfully changed. Now you need to link it to your Microsoft account, since otherwise this mailbox cannot be used to reset and recover your Skype password. If you don't need it, click "OK" and feel free to skip the next steps. But in order to finish the job you started, you need to click on active link, underlined in the screenshot below.
  8. On the page that opens, enter the email address from your Microsoft account and click "Further".

    Enter the password for it and click on the button "Entrance".
  9. Next, you may need to confirm the fact that the specified account belongs to you. For this:

  10. Once on the page "Security Options" Microsoft website, go to the tab "Intelligence".
  11. On next page click on the link "Manage your Microsoft account sign-in".
  12. In the block "Account alias" click on the link "Add email address".
  13. Enter it in the field "Add existing address…» , having previously placed a marker opposite it,

    and then click the button "Add alias".
  14. The specified email will need to be confirmed, which will be indicated in the site header. Click on the link "Confirm" opposite this box,

    then click on the button in the pop-up window "Send a message".
  15. Go to the specified email, find a letter from the service there Microsoft support, open it and follow the first link.
  16. The address will be confirmed, after which it can be "Set as main" by clicking on the appropriate link

    and confirming your intentions in the pop-up window.

    You can verify this after the page is automatically refreshed.
  17. You can now sign in to Skype using your new address. To do this, first log out of your account, and then in the welcome window of the program, click "Other Account".

    Specify the changed mailbox and click "Further".

    Enter your password and click "Entrance".

Much easier than login (email address), in the eighth Skype versions or you can change the name by which other users can also find you. This is done as follows.

The lack of direct ability to change your login in the new version of Skype is not due to its update. The fact is that a login is formative information, which immediately from the moment of account registration becomes its main identifier. It is much easier to change your username, although changing your primary email address is not so much easier difficult process, how much time-consuming.

Changing your login in Skype 7 and below

If you are using the seventh version of Skype, then you can change your login in the same ways as in the eighth - change your email or come up with a new name for yourself. In addition, it is possible to create a new account with a different name.

Option 1: Create a new account

Before creating a new account, we need to save the contact list for later export.

Now you can start creating another account.

After completing all the required procedures, we load the saved file with contact information into the program. To do this, go to the corresponding menu again and select the item "Restore contact list from backup file".

Select our previously saved document and click "Open".

Option 2: Change e-mail address

Meaning this option is to change the primary email address for your account. It can also be used as a login.

Further actions completely coincide with this procedure for version 8 (steps No. 3-17).

Option 3: Change username

The program allows us to change the name displayed in the contact lists of other users.

Mobile version of Skype

Skype application, which can be installed on mobile devices s and , provides its users with the same capabilities as its updated PC counterpart. In it, you can also change the main email address, which will be used in the future, including for authorization, as well as the username itself, displayed in the profile and used to search for new contacts.

Option 1: Change your email address

In order to change the default email and use it in the future as a login (for authorization in the application), as is the case with new version programs for PC, in mobile Skype you only need to open your profile settings, all other actions are performed in the browser.

  1. From the window "Chats" Go to the profile information section by tapping on your avatar on the top panel.
  2. Open "Settings" profile by clicking on the gear on the right top corner or by selecting the item of the same name in the block "Other", located in the horse open section applications.
  3. Select subsection "Account",

    and then tap on the item "Your profile" located in the block "Control".

  4. The page will open in the application's built-in web browser. "Personal information", where you can change your primary email address.

    For the convenience of performing subsequent manipulations, we recommend opening it in a full-fledged browser: click on the three vertical dots located in the upper right corner and select "Open in browser".

  5. All further actions are performed in exactly the same way as in paragraphs No. 3-16 of this article. Just follow our instructions.
  6. By changing your primary email address to mobile application Skype, log out of it, and then log in again, specifying a new mailbox instead of your login.

Option 2: Changing your username

As you and I have already seen from the example of desktop Skype, changing your username is much easier than changing your email or account as a whole. In the mobile application this is done as follows:

  1. Once Skype is open, go to the profile information section. To do this, click on your profile icon located on the top panel.
  2. Click on your name under your avatar or on the pencil icon.
  3. Enter a new name, then tap the checkbox to save it.

    Your Skype username will be successfully changed.

  4. As you can see, in mobile Skype application You can change both your primary email address and username. This is done in exactly the same way as in its “big brother” - updated program for a PC, the difference is only in the positioning of the interface - vertical and horizontal, respectively.


Now you know how you can change your login and username in Skype, regardless of which version of the program and on which device you are using.