The phone reboots without stopping, what should I do? Android phone keeps rebooting, the phone goes into constant reboot, the reason for the constant reboot. Firmwares and everything about them

Now we will look at the main reasons why ZTE phone reboots on its own and what to do in such a situation.

Very often, gadget owners mistakenly mean by this term a constant (cyclic) reboot of the device, as a result of which the phone turns off and on constantly. These are different symptoms, and we will still focus on the situation when it reboots itself during operation at some interval (1-3-10-60 minutes and the like).

Reasons random reboot there can be many, both from the firmware side and installed applications, and with the hardware. For accurate diagnosis, you will need not only special equipment, but also repair experience. modern smartphones.

Reasons why ZTE reboots on its own

Now let's look at the main reasons for this behavior of the phone and what measures can be taken.

Firmware problems

This problem is the main one. Firmware flaws can lead to shutdown, rebooting, and slowdown of the device during operation. The solution to the problem is to flash the firmware, reinstall the system with latest updates. It is not recommended to do this on your own, because... you can delete important data.

Very often users encounter this when they go out a new version Android or itself ZTE company releases "fractional" versions of firmware (7.0.1 for example). Alternatively: roll back to the previous one stable version, if you have a backup.

Battery problems

It happens that ZTE reboots on its own due to battery problems. Its contacts may simply come off during “shaking”, i.e. everyday use. Here you need to check the tightness of the battery to contact group and the performance of the battery itself. All this will help to understand the diagnosis performed by a professional.

Mechanical damage details

If there is an impact or moisture gets under the housing, any element can fail. Even a minor crack in one of the many cables inside a smartphone can short out the circuit, causing the system to reboot as an insurance policy.

It is problematic to determine this “by eye” and you need to disassemble the smartphone, for which a special tool is used. Let's not forget that modern phones The internal structure is very complex in architecture and experience in carrying out such work will be required so as not to damage other modules.

Liquid ingress

Liquid has a destructive effect on the performance of the device. Oxidation and rotting of parts leads to full functionality. And rebooting the device can be one of the main signs. The smartphone needs to be urgently brought to service center so that the technician can dry and restore damaged areas.

Manufacturing defects

If the smartphone turns on and reboots, it could be a manufacturing defect. If you cannot replace the device under warranty, bring it to us, and the technician will repair it and replace the required parts.


Contacting our service center will help you get rid of any problems. This is done as follows:

  • Bring your smartphone to our workshop;
  • The engineer will determine the cause of the problem through diagnostics, which will take at least 5 minutes;
  • The cost of services will be announced, after agreement we will begin work;
  • We'll get to work, maybe urgent repairs on the day of application.

Contact us and you will soon receive a fully working ZTE.

Sergey Petrovich

Good afternoon. I have the same question for you as many people have. Question about spontaneous rebooting of a ZTE phone. The device does not reboot often, maybe once every two days. But this is not very pleasant. I understand that I will have to come to your center in any case. I'm from Moscow myself. Could you write the address of the center and its Contact phone numbers. Thank you in advance....

Telephones are devices that almost all citizens now have. Operating such a gadget is quite easy. But only from time to time various problems can happen to it. For example, what if your phone constantly reboots? Moreover, this happens spontaneously and without reason, as it seems to you. There are a lot of options for the development of events. What should you pay attention to first? How to correct the situation as soon as possible?

Software failure

So, the first and most common reason that the phone constantly reboots is a failure of the installed software. Or, as they also say, operating system. As practice shows, very often malfunctions installed software cause problems with the performance of the device.

What to do in such a situation? First, try turning your phone off and on again - the software glitch may be fixed. As a result, the problem will disappear.

Secondly, flash the device. In this case, it is advisable to take the phone to specialized service centers. There they will reinstall the operating system on your gadget, and the problem will stop bothering you. Everything is easy and simple. But not always. And in some cases, flashing will not be required. After all, there are many reasons why the phone constantly reboots.


Does your phone constantly reboot? Remember what programs and applications you installed in Lately. They may be the cause of this problem.

The thing is, sometimes it's wrong installed programs cause system failures. As a result, the phone begins to reboot. The only correct solution is to detect a “malicious” application and then remove it.

If you really need the program, try simply erasing it and reinstalling it. Same good way, but it does not provide any guarantee of success, please keep this in mind. Most likely, you will have to get rid of the software once and for all. Usually this is not such a problem - you just need to find an analogue of the remote program that will not cause crashes and problems.


Does your phone keep rebooting (Samsung or any other)? Don't be scared or panic. Understand the reasons similar phenomenon It may not be so easy, but it is possible to do it without outside help.

Pay attention to the gadget's battery - this is a very important element for the functioning of the device. If something is wrong with it, the phone will begin to behave in unpredictable ways. As practice shows, when a battery malfunctions, the device usually either spontaneously reboots or turns off for no reason.

What to do in this case? If you are sure that the cause of the problem with the gadget is the battery, replace it. Just purchase new battery and insert it into the device. Charge the battery and see how the phone behaves. More likely, the problem will go away. No? This means that the reason for rebooting the smartphone was something else. What other options for the development of events take place?


Does your Sony phone keep rebooting? Or any other smartphone, really? The reason for this may be moisture. In rooms with high humidity, gadgets can behave unpredictably. And if you recently got your phone wet, then there’s nothing surprising about the problem that has arisen! Why? Because the device, in principle, could not turn on. And a reboot in this case would not seem like a problem at all.

If you suspect that your smartphone is starting to restart due to increased humidity, just try to return to normal as soon as possible. As soon as you leave a place with high humidity, the gadget will work normally.

Does your phone keep rebooting? What should I do if the cause is moisture getting on the device? There is only one way out - dry your smartphone as soon as possible. Take it apart. Next, dry all parts thoroughly with a towel or napkin. In some cases, you can use a hairdryer to quickly dry it. Once all the parts are 100% dry, reassemble the gadget and see if the problem is resolved. Usually when operational actions the result will not be long in coming. Nowadays, many phones tolerate moisture well. Therefore, there is no particular reason to panic.


Does your LG phone reboot constantly (or any other gadget model in general)? In this case, you should pay attention to system settings your device. They often cause many problems with smartphones. The phone may turn off, reboot, or slow down. All this points to broken settings.

You can edit them yourself so that the system does not reboot. This is difficult to do, so many people prefer a radical method - flashing. The most difficult and most effective process. It is not recommended to implement it yourself; seek help from specialists. If the reason for the constant reboots lay precisely in the broken settings, then after flashing this phenomenon will disappear.


What else can you pay attention to when your phone keeps rebooting? On the amount of information on the gadget. Take a good look at how much space is left on both the memory card and the built-in storage space. For what?

The problem is that often full memory in any gadget leads to problems. Fortunately, the situation can be corrected easily and simply - just clean your smartphone. Remove all old and unnecessary applications, media files and programs. And get into the habit of cleaning your phone space from time to time. This way you can get your device back on track and prevent the problem from reoccurring.

By the way, if you are wondering why your phone keeps rebooting, look at the total capacity of your memory card, if you have one. Each smartphone works smoothly only with a certain extra space. If a larger memory card is inserted into the gadget, performance is impaired. As a result, crashes, sudden reboots and shutdown of the gadget appear. Therefore, use only memory cards that meet the maximum capacity for your phone model.


There is another not very dangerous and easily eliminated reason for a sudden reboot of a smartphone. In principle, the same option is relevant for other gadgets (like computers). It's about about overheating. As soon as the device heats up to a certain temperature, it either turns off or reboots. This is a completely normal phenomenon - this is how the system protects itself from failure.

The solution to the problem is simple - just stop letting the device overheat. Turn off those running in background programs, do not use the phone continuously for too long. This is the only way you will be able to normalize the operation of the gadget. Try not to keep it in the sun.


Does your phone constantly reboot? What to do in this case? Check it for viruses. Telephone infection often causes spontaneous reboot devices. They will help in this matter various antiviruses. Or service centers.

If you find viruses on your mobile phone, remove them. After treating the phone, all problems will disappear on their own. Viruses are found more and more often on smartphones every day. That's why this option It's worth checking first.


In some cases, if your phone keeps rebooting, you just need to change it. Each device has its own service life. And when it comes to an end, various failures and problems appear. There is no way to fix them. In order not to waste time, take your phone to a service center - they will help you find the source of the problem and also tell you whether it makes sense to repair it.

Wear and tear of equipment is inevitable. So if your phone has been working for about 5 years and then suddenly starts rebooting, it is quite possible that it needs to be replaced.

Smartphone or tablet, like any other electronic device, may be subject to technical failures.

One of these manifestations is self-reboot gadget, which can occur either regularly or from time to time at varying intervals. Today we will look at the main reasons for this phenomenon.

Moisture ingress

Water is excellent guide current and, getting inside the phone, can cause a short circuit various contacts, starting from the power button and ending with the battery controller. The result is random device shutdowns.

CPU overheating

A smartphone is a multitasking device, i.e. we can work with several programs simultaneously. The more programs are running, the more intensively resources are used. Including the heart of the device - its processor - works more actively. The operation of the processor is accompanied by heating, which can damage it. If the throttling system, which we described in detail in, works incorrectly or late, the gadget will reboot.

You need to calculate the capabilities of your device and not keep the processor on maximum load. To do this, close often unused applications, A modern games with heavy graphics, select according to system requirements.

Damage to electronic components

A smartphone consists of many electronic components- motherboard, controllers, processor, memory module and others. They can be damaged as a result of external influence (fall, impact) or due to the banal depletion of resources. In any case, the failure of one of the components leads to incorrect operation of the entire device, including constant reboots. This requires qualified diagnostics.

If none of previous paragraphs does not correspond to your situation, all you have to do is contact the service center.

Constant reboot is quite common problem modern smartphones, especially noticeable in the cold season. The devices are simply not designed for use in sub-zero temperatures. Note that hypothermia is not the only reason for endless or frequent “resets”. The source of the problem can be either a device crash or software problems. Below is what to do if the phone itself reboots without stopping.

There are several main reasons for frequent reboots.

  • Mechanical impact on the smartphone body - a fall or a strong blow.
  • Operating system malfunctions. This includes errors after installing incompatible firmware and updates, as well as malfunctions of certain programs.
  • Failure or significant loss of battery capacity. The situation is relevant both for old devices and for new ones - but with low-quality batteries.
  • Module failure motherboard responsible for supplying power.
  • Liquid has entered the phone body, resulting in oxidation of elements and the appearance of rust.
  • Hypothermia or overheating.

Problems can be caused by both software and hardware faults. Mechanical damage damages device components, causing frequent resets.

An unusable battery is one of the main reasons for this defect. To check the battery, remove it from the smartphone and carefully inspect it. If there are bulges or visible damage on the surface, the battery should be discarded and replaced with a new one. Swollen batteries cannot be repaired, but in some cases their life can be extended:

  • Using a flathead screwdriver, remove the sticker from the front of the battery. Disconnect the chip and set it aside, but do not tear off the controller contacts.
  • Using a thin needle, carefully pierce the side of the battery where the controller board used to be.
  • Press the battery with a heavy object larger than its body in area. Release any accumulated gas without damaging the battery.

Important! The above method will help extend the battery life by several days, but the battery should be replaced as soon as possible.

If the problem was a faulty battery, the reboots will stop for a while. Only replacing the battery can completely eliminate the defect.

Phone reboots when starting Android

If your gadget reboots every time you turn it on, the following methods may help.

  • Execute full reset via Recovery. On models different manufacturers Logging into Recovery is a little different. Universal method– when you turn on the phone, hold down the “Volume Down” and Lock buttons when Android icon– release volume down. Menu navigation using volume switches and power button. Select “Wipe data/Factory reset”, then confirm the selected action. Reboot the device with the command “Reboot system now” - the problem will disappear if the endless reset is caused incorrect firmware.
  • Disconnect the battery and leave the device turned off for 20-30 minutes. Then insert the battery back - in some situations the method may help.

Important! After a complete reset, all your data, accounts, photos and other information will be deleted. personal information. Carry out the procedure if the gadget reboots due to errors during firmware or update.

When you turn on the camera

Camera app causes reboot on old iPhones after iOS updates before latest version, and in case of virus infection. Scan your device with an antivirus or roll back to previous version systems for troubleshooting.

After activating GPS

Some Android smartphones may reboot when the system is turned on GPS navigation. The main problems and solutions to such a defect are described below.

  • Old SIM card: some smartphone models are not compatible with SIM cards from some operators. Try replacing the SIM card with a new one or contact the service center of your mobile communications provider.
  • Memory card: SD - the card can also cause a reset when turning on GPS. Remove the storage media from the phone and check if the problem has disappeared.
  • Incorrect actions during firmware: perform a Hard Reset if the gadget reboots after installation modified version OS. How to perform the procedure is described in the picture.

When Bluetooth is turned on

Instant reset after activating the file transfer function – common problem HTC models.

  1. The problem can be resolved by doing Hard Reset, but in this case your information and Accounts will be deleted.
  2. Bluetooth usually takes a few seconds to turn on - try disabling the feature the next time you restart your device. The option can be accessed through the notification shade - as soon as Android and the main menu load, turn off multimedia data transfer.

When talking

If the gadget performs a Reset during a conversation, check the contact of the battery with the main board. Perhaps, after a long period of use, a gap has appeared between the battery and the connector, which can be eliminated by securing the battery with double-sided tape.

When launching applications

Some programs cause Android to reboot due to poor optimization or execution errors. The simplest and effective solution– remove the “problematic” application. Perhaps the problem is not in the program itself, but in certain drivers or malfunction of the OS. In this case, a full reset will help.

When connected to a PC

If the gadget reboots after connecting to the computer, make sure that there are no following problems:

  • The USB cable is connected correctly and the cord is not physically damaged.
  • The Android phone or Windows PC is not infected with malware.
  • Installed on the computer compatible drivers. If for some reason the utilities necessary for the device to operate do not load, download them manually from the manufacturer’s website.


Android and iOS smartphones can be restarted by various reasons. In some situations the problem is caused by faulty firmware or applications, in others it is physical damage device body. Repairing the software part can be done at home, but in other cases it is advisable to contact the manufacturer’s service center.


Fly smartphone users often encounter a problem such as the phone constantly rebooting. This “behavior” of the device can be observed:

  • while one or several applications are running at once;
  • when uninstalling/installing applications (with interruption of the uninstallation/installation process);
  • in a calm state of the smartphone.

There may be several reasons for this smartphone reaction. We will look at the main ones and explore how you can deal with them.

Installing and uninstalling applications

As a rule, the phone goes into constant reboot if one of the applications is unstable. As experience shows, than more apps you constantly install and uninstall, the faster the system will start to glitch. To keep it for a long time stable work OS, use 3-5 programs constantly. It’s not worth installing and then immediately deleting, for example, games.

And the point here is not even in the number of applications, but in their quality. That is, one program may not slow down the device at all, while another constantly causes crashes, even after removal.

The solution to the problem here is to reset the settings to factory settings. This can be done standard tools operating system. If this does not help, you should contact specialists at the service center.

Virus infection

Virus is the most common cause constant reboot phone. Be sure to download several antivirus programs V Play Store and check your device.

Unstable operation of the memory card

Sometimes reboots occur due to the SD card not working properly. Disable it and try again to repeat the operation during which your smartphone rebooted. If the device is now stable, save all the necessary data from the memory card, for example, to a PC and format it. After this, you can use the card and smartphone again.

Deep problem

Sometimes the only way to get the system working is a hard reset - hard reset settings. This is a drastic measure, and we do not recommend doing it yourself. It’s better to transfer all important information and contacts from your mobile device to your PC and take the phone to a service center.

Hardware faults

The reason for rebooting the smartphone may be a breakdown in the device itself. So, the phone will behave like this when:

  • overheating;
  • physical damage (after a fall, blow);
  • ingress of liquid (during contact oxidation);
  • presence of manufacturing defects.

All these problems cannot be solved on our own, if you are not a specialist and do not have a whole arsenal of special tools.