Main memory. Composition, structure and principle of operation of main memory. Random access memory: history of development and principles of operation

Do you know what RAM is? Of course you do. This is a device on which the speed of the computer depends. In general, this is true, but this definition looks a little amateurish. But what exactly is RAM? How is it structured, how does it work, and how does one type of memory differ from another?

She's the same RAM (English) is a volatile part of computer memory designed to store temporary data processed by the processor. This data is stored in the form of a binary sequence, that is, a set of zeros and ones. It is called volatile because its operation requires a constant connection to a source of electric current. Once you disconnect it from the power supply, all the information stored in it will be lost.

But if RAM is one part of computer memory, then what is the other part? The storage medium for this part of the memory is the hard drive. Unlike RAM, it can store information without being connected to a power source. Hard drives, flash drives and CDs are all called ROM, which stands for read-only memory. Like RAM, ROM stores data in the form of ones and zeroes.

What is RAM needed for?

Here the question may arise, why do we need RAM at all? Is it not possible to allocate a buffer on the hard drive to temporarily store the data being processed by the processor? In principle it is possible, but it would be a very inefficient approach.

The physical design of RAM is such that reading/writing to it is much faster. If you had ROM instead of RAM, your computer would run very slowly.

Physical RAM device

Physically, the RAM is a removable board (module) with memory chips located on it. The microcircuit is based on a capacitor - a device that has been known for more than a hundred years.

Each microcircuit contains many capacitors connected into a single cellular structure - a matrix or otherwise a memory core. The chip also contains an output buffer - a special element into which information enters before being transferred to the memory bus. From physics lessons we know that a capacitor can only assume two stable states: either it is charged or discharged. Capacitors in RAM play the same role as the magnetic surface of a hard drive, that is, holding an electrical charge corresponding to the information bit. The presence of charge in the cell corresponds to one, and the absence - zero.

How information is written and read in RAM

It will be easier to understand how data is written and read in RAM if you present it in the form of a regular table. To read data from a cell, a row address selection signal is issued to the horizontal row (RAS). After it prepares all the capacitors of the selected row for reading, a column address selection signal is sent along the vertical column (CAS), which allows you to read data from a specific matrix cell.

The characteristic that determines the amount of information that can be written or read in one read/write operation is called the microcircuit width or, in other words, the width of the data bus. As we already know, before being transferred to the chip bus and then to the central processor, the information first enters the output buffer. It communicates with the core via an internal channel with a bandwidth equal to the width of the data bus. Another important characteristic of RAM is the memory bus frequency. What it is? This is the frequency with which information is read, and it does not necessarily have to coincide with the frequency of the signal supplied to the memory matrix, which we will see in the example of DDR memory.

Modern computers use what is called synchronous dynamic random access memory - SDRAM. It uses a special clock signal to transmit data. When it is supplied to the chip, the information is synchronously read and transferred to the output buffer.

Let's imagine that we have a memory chip with a data bus width 8 bit, to which with frequency 100 MHz a sync signal is supplied. As a result, in one transaction the output buffer contains 8-bit hits the channel exactly 8 bit or 1 byte information. Exactly the same clock signal arrives at the output buffer, but this time the information goes to the memory chip bus. By multiplying the frequency of the clock signal by the width of the data bus, we get another important parameter - memory bandwidth .

8 bit * 100 MHz = 100 Mb/s

DDR memory

This was the simplest example of work SDR- memory with a single data transfer rate. This type of memory is now practically not used; today its place is occupied by DDR- memory with double data transfer speed. Difference between SDR And DDR lies in the fact that data from the output buffer of such RAM is read not only when a clock signal arrives, but also when it disappears. Also, when a clock signal is supplied to the output buffer from the memory core, the information flows not through one channel, but through two, and the width of the data bus and the frequency of the clock signal itself remain the same.

For DDR memory, it is customary to distinguish between two types of frequencies. The frequency at which the clock signal is supplied to the memory module is called the base frequency, and the frequency at which information is read from the output buffer is called the effective frequency. It is calculated using the following formula:

effective frequency = 2 * base frequency

In our example with a microcircuit 8 bit and frequency 100 MHz it will look like this.

8 bits * (2 * 100 MHz) = 200 Mb/s

What is the difference between DDR and DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4

The number of channels connecting the core with the output buffer, the effective frequency, and therefore the memory bandwidth. Regarding the data bus width (bit depth), then in most modern memory modules it is 8 bytes (64 bits). Let's assume that we have a standard memory module DDR2-800. How to calculate its throughput? Very simple. What's happened 800 ? This is the effective memory frequency in megahertz. Multiply it by 8 bytes and we get 6400 Mb/s.

And one last thing. We already know what bandwidth is, but what is the amount of RAM and does it depend on its bandwidth? There is no direct relationship between these two characteristics. The amount of RAM depends on the number of storage elements. And the more such cells, the more data the memory can store without overwriting it and using a page file.

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Random Access Memory (RAM), the most famous of all the previously discussed forms of computer memory. This memory is called "random access" memory because you can access any location directly.

To do this, it is enough to know the row and column at the intersection of which the desired cell is located. There are two main types of RAM: dynamic and static. Today we will take a closer look at the “leaky bucket” principle on which dynamic memory is based. Some attention will be paid to static memory, which is fast but expensive.

A memory cell is like a leaky bucket.

Sequential access memory (SAM) works quite differently. As its name suggests, the cells of this memory are accessed sequentially. In this way it resembles a tape in a tape cassette. When data is searched in such memory, each cell is checked until the desired information is found. This type of memory is used to implement buffers, in particular the texture buffer of video cards. That is, SAM makes sense to use in cases where the data will be arranged in the order in which it is intended to be used.

Like the microprocessor discussed in detail earlier, a memory chip is an integrated circuit (IC) made up of millions of transistors and capacitors. One of the most common types of random access memory is DRAM (dynamic random access memory). In it, a transistor and a capacitor are paired and they form a cell containing one bit of information. The capacitor contains one bit of information, that is, "0" or "1". The transistor plays the role of a switch in this pair, allowing the control circuit of the memory chip to read or change the state of the capacitor.

A capacitor can be thought of as a small, leaky “bucket” that is filled with electrons when needed. If it is filled with electrons, its state is equal to one. If empty, then zero. The problem with a capacitor is leakage. In a matter of milliseconds (thousandths of a second), a full capacitor becomes empty. This means that either the central processor or the memory controller is forced to constantly recharge each of the capacitors, maintaining it in a full state. Recharging should be done before the capacitor is discharged. For this purpose, the memory controller reads the memory and then writes data back to it. This action of updating the memory state occurs automatically thousands of times in just one second.

A DRAM capacitor can be compared to a leaky bucket. If it is not filled with electrons again and again, its state will become zero. It was this update operation that brought the word “dynamic” into the name of this type of memory. Such memory is either updated dynamically, or “forgets” everything that it “remembered”. This memory has a significant drawback: the need to constantly update it takes time and slows down the memory.

Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) cell design

The structure of memory can be thought of as a three-dimensional grid. Even simpler: in the form of a checkered piece of paper from a school notebook. Each cell contains one bit of data. First, a column is defined, then data is written to specific rows by passing a signal along that column.

So, imagine a notebook sheet. Some cells are painted over with a red felt-tip pen, while others remain white. Red cells are cells whose state is “1”, and white cells are “0”.

Only instead of a sheet of paper from a notebook, the RAM uses a silicon wafer into which columns (bitlines) and rows (wordlines) are “imprinted.” The intersection of a column and a row is the address of a RAM cell.

Dynamic RAM transfers charge along a specific column. This charge is called the Column Address Strobe (CAS) or simply the CAS signal. This signal can activate the transistor of any bit in the column. The row control signal is called the Row Address Strobe (RAS). To specify the cell address, both control signals must be specified. During the recording process, the capacitor is ready to accept a charge. During the reading process, the sense-amplifier determines the charge level of the capacitor. If it is higher than 50%, the bit is read as "1"; in other cases, as “0”.

The cell charge is also updated. The update order is monitored by a counter. The time required for all these operations is measured in nanoseconds (billionths of a second). If a memory chip is 70 nanoseconds long, that means it will take 70 nanoseconds to fully read and recharge all of its cells.

The cells themselves would be useless if there was no way to write information into them and read it from there. Accordingly, in addition to the cells themselves, the memory chip contains a whole set of additional microcircuits. These perform the following functions:

Identification of rows and columns (selection of row address and cell address)
Update order tracking (counter)
Reading and resuming cell signal (amplifier)
Telling the cell whether it should hold a charge or not (write activation)
The memory controller has other functions as well. It performs a set of maintenance tasks, including identifying the type, speed and amount of memory, as well as checking it for errors.

Static RAM

Although static RAM (like dynamic RAM) is random access memory, it is based on a fundamentally different technology. The trigger circuit of this memory allows every bit of information stored in it to be retained. The trigger of each memory cell consists of four or six transistors and contains the finest wiring. This memory never needs to be recharged. For this reason, static RAM works significantly faster than dynamic RAM. But because it contains more components, its cell is much larger than a dynamic memory cell. As a result, the static memory chip will be less capacious than the dynamic one.

Static RAM is faster, but also more expensive. For this reason, static memory is used in the cache of the central processor, and dynamic memory is used as the system RAM of the computer.

In the modern world, memory chips are packaged into a component called a module. Sometimes computer specialists call it a “memory bar.” One module or “bar” contains several memory chips. It is possible that you have heard such definitions as “8x32 memory” or “4x16 memory”. Of course, the numbers could be different. In this simple formula, the first multiplier is the number of chips in the module, and the second is the capacity of each module. Not in megabytes, but in megabits. This means that the result of the multiplication action should be divided by eight to obtain the volume of the module in the usual megabytes.

For example: 4x32 means that the module contains four 32-megabit chips. Multiplying 4 by 32, we get 128 megabits. Since we know that there are eight bits in one byte, we need to divide 128 by 8. As a result, we find out that the “4x32 module” is 16 megabytes and was obsolete at the end of the last century, which does not prevent it from being an excellent simple example for the calculations we needed.

A set of technical means that implement the memory function is called storage device (storage device) . Memory is needed to store commands and data. They provide the central processor with access to programs and information.

Storage devices are divided into:

Main memory

Extra random access memory (SRAM)

External storage devices.

Main memory includes two types of devices: random access memory (RAM or Random Access Memory) and read only memory (ROM or Read Only Memory).

RAM is designed to store variable information. It allows its contents to change as the processor performs computational operations with data and can operate in write, read, and store modes.

ROM contains information that should not change while the processor is performing computational operations, such as routines and constants. This information is entered into ROM before the chip is installed in the computer. The main operations that a ROM can perform are reading and storing.

The functionality of RAM is wider than that of ROM. But ROM retains information when the power is turned off (i.e., it is non-volatile memory) and can have higher performance, since the limited functionality of ROM and its specialization in reading and storage make it possible to reduce the execution time of the read operations it implements.

In modern computers, memory chips (MC) are made of silicon using semiconductor technology with a high degree of integration of elements on the chip.

The main component of the microcircuit is an array of memory elements (EM), combined into a storage matrix.

Each memory element can store 1 bit of information and has its own address. Memory that allows you to access any electronic signature by address in any order are called random access storage devices.

With the matrix organization of memory, the coordinate principle of addressing ES is implemented, and therefore the address is divided into two parts (two coordinates) - X and Y. At the intersection of these coordinates there is a memory element whose information must be read or changed.

The RAM is connected to the rest of the microprocessor set of the computer through the system bus (Fig. 1).

Fig 1. Block diagram of RAM

The control bus transmits a signal that determines what operation needs to be performed.

The data bus carries information written to or read from memory.

The address bus transmits the address of the memory elements participating in the exchange. The maximum memory capacity is determined by the number of lines in the system bus address bus. Therefore, the maximum RAM size is 220 = 1 MB. If it contains 24 lines, the RAM volume can be increased to 16 MB, and if there are 32 lines, the maximum RAM volume has increased to 232 = 4 GB.

Memory chips can be built on static (SRAM) and dynamic (DRAM) electronic devices. A static trigger is most often used as a static electronic device. An electric capacitor formed inside a silicon crystal can be used as a dynamic electric conductor.

Static EDs are capable of maintaining their state (0 or 1) indefinitely (with the power on). Dynamic electronic signatures lose the information recorded in them over time.

Microcircuits of dynamic RAM memory elements differ from similar electronic static RAM in the smaller number of components in one memory element, and therefore they are smaller in size and can be more densely packed in a chip. The main characteristics of RAM are volume and speed.

In modern PCs, RAM has a modular structure. Replaceable modules can have different designs (SIP, ZIP, SIMM, DIMM). Increasing the amount of RAM is usually associated with installing additional modules. Access time to DRAM modules is 60 - 70 ns.

The performance of a computer is affected not only by access time, but also by such parameters (related to RAM) as the clock frequency and the width of the system bus data bus. If the clock speed is not high enough, the RAM sits idle, waiting to be accessed. At a clock frequency that exceeds the capabilities of the RAM, the system highway through which the request to the RAM was received will be waiting.

The width of the data bus (8, 16, 32 or 64 bits) determines the length of the information unit that can be exchanged with RAM in one access.

The integral characteristic of RAM performance, taking into account frequency and bit depth, is throughput , which is measured in Megabytes per second. For an OP with an access time of 60-70 ns and a data bus width of 64 bits, the maximum throughput at a clock frequency of 50 MHz is 400 MB/s, at a frequency of 60 MHz - 480 MB/s, at 66 MHz - 528 MB/s in group mode exchange, implemented, for example, with direct memory access.

ROM chips are also built on the principle of a matrix drive structure. The functions of memory elements in them are performed by jumpers in the form of conductors, semiconductor diodes or transistors. In such a matrix, the presence of a jumper can mean “1”, and its absence - “O”. Entering a formation into a ROM chip is called its programming , and the device with which the information is entered - programmer . Programming the ROM consists of removing (burning) jumpers at the addresses where “O” should be stored. Typically, ROM circuits only allow one programming.

Ultra-fast memory are used to store small amounts of information and have a significantly shorter read/write time (2 to 10 times) than main memory. SRAMs are usually built on registers and register structures.

A register is an electronic device that can store a number entered into it indefinitely (when the power is on). The most common are registers on static triggers.

According to their purpose, registers are divided into storage registers and shift registers. Information in registers can be entered and read either in parallel, or zu all digits, or sequentially, through one of the outermost digits with a subsequent shift of the entered information.

The information recorded in the register can be shifted to the right or left. If a register allows information to be shifted in any direction, it is called reversible.

Registers can be combined into a single structure. The capabilities of such a structure are determined by the way registers are accessed and addressed.

If any register can be accessed for writing/reading by its address, such a register structure forms a random access RAM.

Store-type memory is formed from sequentially connected registers (Fig. 2).

If writing to the register structure (Fig. 2e) is done through one register, and reading through another, then such memory is analogous to a delay and works on the principle of “first in, first out” (FIFO - first input, first output).

If writing and reading are carried out through the same register (Fig. 2.6), such a device is called stack memory , working on the principle of “first in, last out” (FILO - first input, last output). When writing a number to the stack memory, first the contents of the stack are shifted towards the last, K-th register (if the stack was completely full, then the number from the K-th register is lost), and then the number is added to the top of the stack - register 1. Reading is also carried out through the top of the stack, after the number from the top is read, the stack is shifted towards register 1.

Stack memory has become widespread. To implement it in a computer, special microcircuits have been developed. When writing a number to the stack, first the cell number in the stack pointer is modified so that it points to the next free cell, after which the number is written to this address. This way the stack pointer works allows you to implement the “first in, last out” principle. A series of data can be loaded onto the stack in a certain sequence, which are subsequently read from the stack in reverse order; a system of arithmetic information transformations is built on this property.

Fig 2. Store type register structure: A - FIFO type; b - FILO type

In microprocessors, associative memories are used as part of cache memory for storing the address part of commands and operands of the executable program. The cache memory can be located on the processor chip (the so-called “level I cache”) or implemented as a separate chip (external cache memory or level II cache). The built-in cache memory (level I) in Pentium processors has a volume of about 16 KB, access time is 5 - 10 seconds, works with 32-bit words and at frequencies of 75-166 MHz provides a throughput from 300 to 667 MB / s. External cache memory (P level) has a volume of 256 KB - 1 MB, access time - 15 seconds, works with 64-bit words and at a frequency of 66 MHz provides a maximum throughput of 528 MB / s. Structurally, it is executed either in the form of a 28-pin microcircuit, or in the form of an expansion module of 256 or 512 KB.

RAM capacity

Next, let’s take a closer look at the next important characteristic of RAM – its volume. First, it should be noted that it most directly affects the number of simultaneously running programs, processes and applications and their uninterrupted operation. Today, the most popular modules are sticks with a capacity of 4 GB and 8 GB (we are talking about the DDR3 standard).

Based on what operating system is installed, as well as for what purposes the computer is used, you should choose and select the right amount of RAM. For the most part, if the computer is used to access the World Wide Web and to work with various applications, and Windows XP is installed, then 2 GB is quite enough.

For those who like to “test” a recently released game and people who work with graphics, you should install at least 4 GB. And if you plan to install Windows 7, you will need even more.

The easiest way to find out how much memory your system requires is to launch the Task Manager (by pressing the keyboard combination ctrl+alt+del) and launch the most resource-consuming program or application. After this, you need to analyze the information in the “Memory Allocation” - “Peak” group.

In this way, you can determine the maximum allocated volume and find out to what volume it needs to be increased so that our highest indicator fits in RAM. This will give you maximum system performance. There will be no need to increase further.

Selecting RAM

Now let's move on to the question of choosing the RAM that is most suitable for you. From the very beginning, you should determine exactly the type of RAM that your computer's motherboard supports. There are different connectors for different types of modules, respectively. Therefore, to avoid damage to the motherboard or the modules themselves, the modules themselves have different sizes.

The optimal amounts of RAM were discussed above. When choosing RAM, you should focus on its bandwidth. For system performance, the most optimal option is when the module throughput matches the same characteristics of the processor.

That is, if the computer has a processor with a 1333 MHz bus, the bandwidth of which is 10600 MB/s, then to ensure the most favorable conditions for performance, you can install 2 sticks, the bandwidth of which is 5300 MB/s, and which in total will give us 10600 Mb/s

However, it should be remembered that for this mode of operation, the RAM modules must be identical in both volume and frequency. In addition, they must be manufactured by the same manufacturer. Here is a short list of well-proven manufacturers: Samsung, OCZ, Transcend, Kingston, Corsair, Patriot.

Finally, it is worth summarizing the main points:

  • Based on the definition: random access memory or RAM is a component of a computer necessary for temporary storage of data, which in turn is necessary for the processor to operate.
  • After completing any operations (closing programs, applications), all associated data is deleted from the chip. And when new tasks are launched, the data that the processor needs at a given time is loaded into it from the hard drive.
  • The speed of access to data located in RAM is several hundred times higher than the speed of access to information located on the hard drive. This allows the processor to use the information it needs, gaining instant access to it.
  • Today, the most common 2 types are: DDR3 (with a frequency from 800 to 2400 MHz) and DDR4 (from 2133 to 4266 MHz). The higher the frequency, the faster the system operates.

If you have difficulty choosing RAM, if you cannot determine what type of RAM your motherboard supports and what volume will best suit your needs, then you can always contact the service website. We are computer help at home in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our specialists will help with selection, replacement and installation in a computer or laptop.

RAM is a special chip used to store data of all kinds. There are many varieties of these devices, they are produced by various companies. The best manufacturers are most often of Japanese origin.

What is it and what is it for?

RAM (so-called RAM memory) is a type of volatile chip used to store all kinds of information. Most often it contains:

  • machine code of programs currently running (or in standby mode);
  • input and output data.

Data exchange between the central processor and RAM is carried out in two ways:

  • using ultra-fast register ALU;
  • through a special cache (if included in the design);
  • directly (directly via the data bus).

The devices in question are circuits built on semiconductors. All information stored in all kinds of electronic components remains accessible only in the presence of electric current. As soon as the voltage is completely turned off, or a short-term power failure occurs, then everything contained inside the RAM is erased or destroyed.

An alternative is ROM type devices.

The board today can have a capacity of several tens of gigabytes. Modern technical means allow you to use it as quickly as possible. Most operating systems are equipped with the ability to interact with such devices. There is a proportional relationship between the amount of RAM and the cost. The larger its size, the more expensive it is. And vice versa.

Also, the devices in question may have different frequencies. This parameter determines how quickly the interaction between RAM and other PC devices (CPU, data bus and video card) occurs. The higher the operating speed, the more operations the PC will perform per unit of time.

The value of this characteristic also directly affects the cost of the device in question. The current fastest modification can “remember” 128 GB. It is produced by a company called Hynix and has the following performance characteristics:

All modern RAM can be divided into two types:

  • static;
  • dynamic.

Static type

More expensive today is the static microcircuit. It is labeled as SDRAM. Dynamic is cheaper.

Distinctive features of the SDRAM variety are:

Another distinctive feature of RAM is the ability to select the bit into which any information will be written.

The disadvantages include:

  • low recording density;
  • relatively high cost.

Computer RAM devices of all kinds (SDRAM and DRAM) have external differences. They consist in the length of the contact part. Its shape also differs. The designation of RAM is both on the sticker label and printed directly on the bar itself.

Today there are many different modifications of SDRAM. It is designated as:

  • DDR 2;
  • DDR 3;
  • DDR4.

Dynamic type

Another type of microcircuit is referred to as DRAM. It is also completely volatile, with write bits being accessed randomly. This type is widely used in most modern PCs. It is also used in those computer systems where latency requirements are high - the performance of DRAM is an order of magnitude higher than SDRAM.

Most often, this type has a DIMM type form factor. The same design solution is used to manufacture a static circuit (SDRAM). A feature of the DIMM version is that there are contacts on both sides of the surface.

OP parameters

The main criteria for choosing microcircuits of this type are their operating parameters.

You should primarily focus on the following points:

  • frequency of operation;
  • timings;
  • voltage.

They all depend on the type of specific model. For example, DDR 2 will perform various actions clearly faster than the DDR 1 bar, since it has more outstanding performance characteristics.

Timings are the delay times for information between different components of a device. There are quite a few types of timings, all of them directly affect performance. Small timings allow you to increase the speed of various operations. There is one unpleasant proportional relationship - the higher the speed of the random access memory device, the greater the timings.

The way out of this situation is to increase the operating voltage - the higher it is, the shorter the timings become. The number of operations performed per unit of time increases at the same time.

Frequency and speed

The higher the RAM bandwidth, the faster its speed. Frequency is a parameter that determines the bandwidth of the channels through which various types of data are transmitted to the CPU through the motherboard.

It is desirable that this characteristic coincides with the permissible operating speed of the motherboard.

For example, if the bracket supports a frequency of 1600 MHz, and the motherboard supports no more than 1066 MHz, then the speed of data exchange between the RAM and the CPU will be limited precisely by the capabilities of the motherboard. That is, the speed will be no more than 1066 MHz.


Performance depends on many factors. The number of strips used has a very large influence on this parameter. Dual-channel RAM works an order of magnitude faster than single-channel RAM. The ability to support multi-channel modes is indicated on a sticker located on top of the board.

These designations are as follows:

To determine which mode is optimal for a particular motherboard, you need to count the total number of connection slots and divide them by two. For example, if there are 4 of them, then you need 2 identical strips from the same manufacturer. When they are installed in parallel, the Dual mode is activated.

Working principle and functions

The operation of the OP is implemented quite simply; writing or reading data is carried out as follows:

Each column is connected to an extremely sensitive amplifier. It records the flow of electrons that occurs when the capacitor is discharged. In this case, the corresponding command is given. Thus, access to various cells located on the board occurs. There is one important nuance that you should definitely know. When an electrical impulse is applied to any line, it opens all its transistors. They are connected to it directly.

From this we can conclude that one line is the minimum amount of information that can be read when accessing. The main purpose of RAM is to store various types of temporary data that are necessary while the personal computer is turned on and the operating system is functioning.

The most important executable files are loaded into RAM, and the CPU executes them directly, simply storing the results of the operations performed.

  • The cells also store:
  • executable libraries;
  • key codes that were pressed;

results of various mathematical operations.

If necessary, everything that is in RAM can be saved by the central processor to the hard disk. And do it in the form in which it is necessary.


In stores you can find a huge amount of RAM from a variety of manufacturers. A large number of such products began to be supplied from Chinese companies.

  • Today, the most productive and high-quality products are the following brands:
  • Kingston;
  • Hynix;
  • Corsair;
  • Kingmax.


It is a compromise between quality and performance.

Table of RAM characteristics

RAM of the same type from different manufacturers has similar performance characteristics.

That is why it is correct to carry out comparisons taking into account only the type:
frequency range
Operating voltage
2.5v +/- 0.1V
1.8V +/- 0.1V
1.5V +/- 0.075V
Number of blocks
all DQ signals
TSOP or Fly-by
Control method
Automatic calibration with ZQ
Availability of temperature sensor
Availability of temperature sensor


Performance and price comparison

The performance of RAM directly depends on its cost. You can find out how much a DDR3 module costs at your nearest computer store; you should also check out the price of DDR 1. By comparing their operating parameters and price, and then testing them, you can easily verify this.

It is most correct to compare RAM of the same type, but with different performance, depending on the frequency of operation:
Operating frequency, MHz
Cost, rub.Speedwork, Aida 64,
Memory Read, MB/s
Memory Read, MB/s
Memory Read, MB/s
Memory Read, MB/s
Memory Read, MB/s
Memory Read, MB/s
Memory Read, MB/s

In Aida 64, all DDR 3 tests were performed on identical hardware:

  • OS: Windows 8.1;
  • CPU: i5-4670K;
  • video card: GeForce GTX 780 Ti;
  • motherboard: LGA1150, Intel Z87.

RAM is a very important part of a PC, greatly affecting its performance. That is why, to increase it, it is recommended to install levels with high frequencies and short timings. This will give a big boost to your computer's performance; it is especially important for games and various professional programs.
