Text editor with word highlighting. What is the best HTML, PHP, CSS, JS code editor?

Source code editors for Linux. Editors with syntax highlighting. C, C++ editors. PHP, Perl, HTML editors.

  • Visual Studio Code is a functional code editor from Microsoft.

  • Atom

    Atom is a modern, convenient, functional code editor. Has a built-in package (plugin) manager to expand capabilities.

  • Brackets - free editor for web designers and developers. Primarily intended for writing and HTML editing, CSS and JavaScript code.

  • Textadept - text editor for programmers. Made in a minimalist style, allows you to separate working window into several parts and view one or more files at the same time. Syntax highlighting is supported for most programming languages.

  • JuffEd is a code editor for Linux. It can highlight code (syntax), supports collapsing code blocks, highlighting paired brackets, and much more. The editor is similar in functionality to Notepad++.

  • NetBeans is a powerful, free integrated application development environment (IDE). Supports languages Java programming, PHP, JavaScript, Ajax, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, C/C++ and others.

  • Medit

    Medit is a text editor for Linux with syntax highlighting. Supports major programming languages ​​and markup languages.

  • Screem - Site CReating and Editing EnvironMent - a text editor for web designers. Screem is primarily intended for writing HTML or XML code.

  • Bluefish Editor is a text code editor for web designers and programmers. Supports syntax highlighting for most programming languages.

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    Notepad++ is a popular text editor that supports syntax different languages programming. Similar program used by professional programmers and webmasters.

    Text Notepad editor++, despite his small size, has rich functionality. The text opened in the program is divided into blocks, and words related to programming languages ​​are highlighted. It should be noted that you can create multiple tabs in one document. In addition, you can search through several tabs at once.

    System requirements

    • CPU with a frequency of 1 GHz;
    • RAM – 512 Mb;
    • Operating system – Windows starting from XP;
    • Architecture – 32-bit/64-bit.

    Text editor features

    • Automatic syntax detection;
    • Supports all popular programming languages;
    • Illumination of typed text;
    • Launching multiple documents;
    • Ability to write macros;
    • Ability to install a plugin;
    • Unicode support;
    • Spellchecking;
    • Creation backup copy edited file;
    • Block selection of content;
    • Automatic saving;
    • Hotkey management;
    • Program update.


    A text editor for programmers has several significant advantages. The program can run not only on operating systems Oh Windows family, but also ReactOS. Moreover, the editor works not only with in plain text, but also program code. Notepad++ provides syntax highlighting. This makes it easier for programmers to understand the code.

    The web programmer's notebook can be downloaded in Russian. It should be noted that the application supports more than 70 languages. This means that the program is popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

    Another advantage is that you can download additional plugins for Notepad for free. This way you can add functionality to your text editor. You can find plugins on the official website. To download them, just click on the “Download” button.

    The application allows the user to change as well as convert the encoding. This feature allows you to rewrite code using Cyrillic. If necessary, you can set the encoding to UTF-8. In addition, this function allows you to edit bat files.


    A text editor with syntax highlighting, like any application, has some disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that the application is not able to recognize several programming languages ​​if they are written in one document.

    Another disadvantage of xml notepad is that the application is much slower than other text editors. Otherwise, no cons were noticed.

    How to download the editor

    To download Notepad, users need to visit the website “https://notepad-plus-plus.org/”. After opening the page, you need to click on the “download” link.

    The user will be redirected to the “Download Notepad++” page. It should be noted that on this page you can download the program for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. For xml downloads notepad, you need to click on the link “Download 32-bit x86”.

    Users with a 64-bit system should click on the “Download 64-bit x64” link. Loading xml programs notepad will start immediately.

    After downloading the application, you can proceed to install it.


    To install the text editor, the user should run "npp.7.3.3.Installer.x6" or "npp.7.3.3.Installer". It all depends on the bitness of the operating system.

    First, a window will appear in which you need to select the installation language. It is best to choose Russian to make it easier to navigate the program.

    On next step The installation wizard window will appear. To continue the installation process, you need to click on the “Next” button.

    A new window will contain Terms of use, which will describe what NotePad is and what rights the user has. To accept it, you need to click on the “I Accept” button.

    After this, you will need to decide on where to install the program. If you wish, you can not change anything. Then the program will be installed in the default folder.

    The next step is to install additional components. It is best to install Notepad++ with plugin. Plugins will allow you to expand the functionality of the notepad. After selection necessary components you need to click on the “Next” button. Installation takes no more than 1 minute.

    Principle of operation

    After installing the program, the user can get to work. The user will see Workspace And navigation bar from 12 points:

    • File;
    • Editing;
    • Search;
    • Encodings;
    • Syntaxes;
    • Options;
    • Tools;
    • Macros;
    • Launch;
    • Plugins;
    • Tabs.

    One of the main tabs is “Edit” (in English version edit) and syntax. Russian version the better, that it’s even easier to deal with it inexperienced users. The principle of operation itself is no different from a regular notepad. This editor just has more features.


    Professional programmers and advanced users will love it Notepad program, which can be downloaded for free. To do this, you should visit the official website. The program understands the syntax of the written text, which means it will be easier to understand.

    Notepad can be a good replacement standard notepad. Beginners may need some time to learn the program's capabilities.

    Video review of Notepad++


    I am young enough and inexperienced in the IT field to make any super-arguments, so everything listed below will be my personal subjective thoughts and reasoning. If someone disagrees with me, I will be only happy to support the discussion and discuss all this in the comments.

    Now I work on Windows, in the future I may switch to Mac OS, so when choosing a text editor/IDE, I immediately emphasized cross-platform. I considered a little more options than I will list here, because I decided to highlight only the ones that caught my eye. I will try to briefly describe the view on different sides listed software products.

    Standard tasks

    Under standard tasks I mean banal layout tasks, i.e. HTML, CSS, maybe JavaScript. I will not emphasize those things that are everywhere, for example: changing color themes, project folder control system, etc.

    An excellent editor for ASP.NET and node.js applications. The famous IntelliSense, the ability to work with classes and objects by reference. Everything is in Microsoft style. There is a built-in debugger. I want it too emphasize what in my opinion is excellent replacement MonoDevelop for .NET developers outside of Windows (here, that is, Visual Studio).

    The editor is still under development, but work is progressing quite quickly, considering that it is Microsoft.

    Bottom line

    Summarizing the above, I made my choice. You don’t have to settle on the same criteria as me. I will be happy to discuss everything in the comments to the article.

    Thank you for your attention!

    Code editors are essential to the daily website development process. They are seen as a resource you can't do without because their purpose is to make you more efficient at work. With a great editor, you can write code faster, find syntax errors and do much more to help your site grow. You can easily make changes to your code if you use good editor. Code editors have come and gone over the years, but there are some that have stayed strong and improved over time to provide best services to your users.

    Here are a few of the editors you can use today, all of which are completely free.

    It is a free code editor as well as a source code editor designed for programmers. It is free to use on Windows. It can also work with plain text and create web pages for you. This the best choice if you want to use good IDE for your compiler.

    The editor is completely free for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a complete web development environment that uses a combination of very powerful development tools for HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It also has many additional plugins that have been created by the developer community. It is a unified tool for editing web applications.

    This is an open source editor source code, intended for users working with source code. It has great features that include code folding or outlining, tool docking windows, bookmarks both numbered and simple, file association manager and others.

    Free code editor for Windows. It offers support for multiple languages. Some of its powerful features include auto-completion, user-defined syntax highlighting, dynamic view position, and multi-document support, among others.

    This is a great text editor for Microsoft Windows. It is fully functional and designed for editing, formatting, checking, preview, as well as publishing web pages on HTML languages, XHTML and XML. The editor allows you to collapse code, has several loading options, and allows you to navigate through tags and scripts.

    Another free code editor for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a very good multi-platform and multi-lingual editor that gives its users the ability to create, modify, navigate, build, and also debug code very quickly and accurately. It allows you to edit files up to 2GB in size.

    This is very professional editor source code for Windows. It is small in size and also very fast at boot time. With it, you can edit multiple documents at once, and it offers syntax highlighting among its other great features.

    It is a very useful web development framework for Linux developers. Its main usefulness is to increase the productivity of developers when creating a website. This tool will give you fast access to some functions that are much needed.

    This is a very good text editor, HTML editor, a Java editor, and PHP editor. It is designed for Windows and also has excellent and powerful features for web programmers and web authors.

    It is a code-centric IDE that focuses on developer productivity. This tool understands your code very well, and it comes with a set of tools that are very powerful without interfering with your project's workflow or structure.

    A very lightweight but extensible text editor that is only available as a freeware trial version for Windows. It was originally developed for Windows XP, but it is also certified for use with Windows Vista.

    TextMate provides the ability to search and replace within a project, as well as automatically pair parentheses and other symbols. It has great features that can help you complete words in the current document, among other things.

    This is a very useful code editor for Mac OS X, designed for web designers and programmers. Some of its great features include a tabbed interface, code folding, code hinting and completion, project-based site management, and so on.

    This code editor is free for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a very well-designed code editor that comes with numerous plugins that you can use in your development process. It has a built-in macro language and can support a large number of character encodings, including Unicode and UTF8.

    This perfect choice for web developers who want to complete all their tasks quickly and easily. The editor has excellent features that offer word processing, programming and web development, file processing and demo among others.

    It is an amazing free and open source text editor. It works well with a number of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Linux and MacOs.

    This is a very useful code editor for Mac OS X. There is a free version as well as a commercial version. It comes with great plugins for web developers, opens very quickly, is spelling smart and finds files easily.

    This editor is for Mac only. It only supports one language, although it is a very powerful text editor general purpose. The editor has great features for web developers to make them easy development and fast.

    This is a code editor that will help you create very beautiful innovative websites that load very quickly. Note that the application itself is beautiful, innovative and fast. The editor gives you an intuitive approach so that you have the ability to modernize your tables and it comes with powerful preview features that will help you create amazing and standard websites in no time at all.

    A very good and easy to use text editor. This best editor collaboration tool you'll love using. It is simply necessary to make your working together possible and fun.

    The choice of code editor should always be made depending on your needs and the projects you are working on. Web developers need these editors to work faster and more efficiently, and these are the best ones you can choose from.

    So do those who have been involved in web development for a long time. After all, something new always appears, customer requirements change, your own skills improve, you want to automate routine processes For big projects and get as many features out of the box as possible. In this article, we have collected the best text editors for web developers at the moment.

    Sublime Text (Windows, Linux, Mac)

    It is a text editor for web developers, written in C++ and Python. It looks the same on all supported platforms thanks to the use of its own UI framework. The developers provide free version for review purposes, but for continued use you will need to purchase a license. The bonus is that the license is provided per user, and not per device. Discounts are also available for purchasing multiple licenses for a company.

    Main advantages Sublime Text:

    1. Ease of use - Once you open Sublime Text, you can start working in it almost immediately.
    2. Fast and flexible search using fuzzy matches.
    3. Possibility of multiple selection for entering the same text in several lines at once. To set the cursor position, press Ctrl + left key mouse or Ctrl + triple left-click to select an entire paragraph.
    4. Availability of a visual mini-code map - it is useful when working with large files, as it allows you to quickly find the necessary fragments:
    5. The ability to use snippets to speed up work and a large number of plugins for the most different tasks. The main one can be considered Package Control, with which you can search and install the necessary plugins directly from the editor.

    Here are some examples of plugins:

    Emmet is an excellent plugin that allows you to use shortcuts to enter certain tags, for example:

    Ul#nav>li.item$*3>a(Item $)

    Emmet converts the shortcut above into a list with three elements: