Close media get torrent client. How to remove "Media Get": three different ways. Uninstall via Programs and Features

Torrent clients have long been a part of people's lives. One of the most popular is MediaGet. However, he is also one of the most problematic. Its main problem is that it is very difficult to remove the distribution. Difficult, but not impossible. Below we will look at some of the easiest ways to ensure that this torrent client is removed from your computer's hard drive.

The first method is to remove it using the Control Panel.

In this case, to remove it we will need a few minutes of personal time and a control panel:

  1. Launch the task manager
  2. Go to the processes section
  3. Find MediaGet and complete the process
  4. Open "Start"
  5. Find MediaGet and delete it from there
  6. Go to Control Panel / Programs and Features
  7. Find MediaGet and remove the program completely
  8. We are happy with the result

The second method is to remove it using an uninstaller.

This time we will remove the program using the built-in uninstaller:

  1. Click on "Start"
  2. Finding the program folder
  3. In it we find the “Uninstall” or “Uninstall MediaGet” icon (depending on the version and OS, it may be called differently)
  4. Left-click on it to launch
  5. We begin the procedure for removing software from your hard drive

The third method is removal using a third-party uninstaller

The third option we offer is the most effective way to get rid of any program, including torrent software. We will need any program uninstaller, for example: IObit Uninstaller, Revo Uninstaller, Ashampoo UnInstaller and so on. Below, we will briefly describe how to remove MediaGet using each of the programs described above.

1.Removal using IObit Uninstaller

This program has a free version, so there will be no problems with downloading. We install it on the computer, just like other programs. After that, we launch it (the interface is very simple, even a child can handle deletion), select MediaGet from the list, put a checkmark next to it, and click on the “Delete” button. After a short removal procedure, no traces of this torrent client will remain on your computer.

2. Uninstall using Revo Uninstaller

Just like IObit Uninstaller, the free version of the program can be downloaded from the official website, installation is also simple. We launch the program, the interface is kind of scary compared to IObit Uninstaller, but everything is just as simple: in the top line, click on the “Uninstaller” button, select the software you need in the list of all programs, return to the top line, click the “Delete” button, agree with a computer. We rejoice again, the annoying MediaGet has disappeared from your favorite device.

3. Uninstall using Ashampoo UnInstaller

The downside of this program is that it is completely paid. We go to the official website, buy, download, install (during installation we go through activation). In the top line, go to the “Programs” tab, find the torrent software we don’t need in the list, click on it, click “Delete”, agree. In a minute, there will be no mediaget.exe file of the program itself or others associated with this software left on the computer.

In addition, the last two programs have additional functions: scanning for viruses, cleaning garbage, checking startup. But IObit Uninstaller is a program from the IObit division that has a lot of programs to do different things and does them very well. And in whose favor to make a choice, the user himself decides.

People who spend a lot of time on their computer may well encounter the following problem - an application once downloaded has become useless and should be deleted. But, unfortunately, this is not always easy to do.

This article will discuss how to remove “Media Get”. Of course, this program is not one of the most difficult to remove, but many still have difficulties in this process. Fortunately, the Windows operating system has not one, but many ways to uninstall programs. The article will examine three; they are both similar and at the same time radically different from each other.

How to open the program root folder

Before talking about how to remove Media Get, it is necessary to mention how to open the root folder of this program. This is necessary because the first method presented in this article requires access to files, and many do not know how to get to them.

So, in Get" it is usually installed on the C drive, but this is if you did not specify a different directory. Let's look at all the ways to access this folder.

Open via shortcut and Start menu

Let's start with the simplest thing - opening through a program shortcut. This method is suitable not only for MediaGet, but also for all other programs. If after installation there is a shortcut on your desktop, then you can easily get to the application directory to which it belongs. To do this, you need:

  1. Right-click on the program shortcut.
  2. Select "File location" from the menu.

After this, the folder we need will immediately open, that is, the root one.

But it may also happen that after installing the program, the shortcut is missing on the desktop (you did not check the appropriate box during installation or simply deleted it). Then you can get to the application directory using the Start menu. To do this, you need:

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Select "All Programs".
  3. Find MediaGet in the list.
  4. Right-click on it.
  5. Select "File Location".

That's all, as mentioned above, this is the easiest way to find the root folder of the program. But what to do if the desired object is not on the desktop or in the Start menu? Don’t despair, the MediaGet directory can be found in another way.

Opening through hidden folders

If you did not make any adjustments when installing the program, then your program was installed on drive C. Now you will find out exactly where MediaGet 2 is located and how to get there. But before that it’s worth making a small remark. The fact is that the "Media Get" version of the new assembly is installed a little differently - in a hidden folder. To get to the root folder of the program, you will need to open this hidden folder. But in order not to perform unnecessary manipulations, first look for MediaGet 2 in Program Files, which is located on drive C. If it is not found there, then do the following:

  1. Log in. To do this, open the “Start” menu and click on the inscription of the same name.
  2. In the window that opens, find the item “Folder Options” and go there.
  3. Another window will appear. In it, you immediately need to go to the “View” tab.
  4. In the "Advanced options" area, find "Hidden files and folders" in the list. Check the box next to "Show folders and drives".
  5. Click "Apply" and close all windows.

You have just made the very folders in which the program is installed become visible. Now you can get to the files. To do this you need:

  1. Enter "Explorer", in other words, open the "My Computer" shortcut.
  2. Go to "Local Disk (C:)".
  3. Next, open the "Users" folder.
  4. Select the folder with your name specified when registering Windows.
  5. Now find and open the AppData folder. It was she who was invisible until this moment, as evidenced by her transparency.
  6. In it, open the Local folder.

Now you are where you need to be. All you have to do is go to the MediaGet 2 folder - this is the very root folder of the program.

Removal via uninstaller

So, now let’s figure out how to remove “Media Get”. Using an uninstaller is exactly the method that requires finding the root folder of the program, and since you already know where to find it, you can easily use it.

In the root folder you need to find a file called mediaget-uninstaller. This file will help you remove the program. Open it, you will immediately be asked: “Are you sure you want to remove MediaGet?” If you click the "Yes" button, the program and all its components will disappear forever from your hard drive, otherwise the action will be cancelled.

This was the first way to remove “Media Get” from a computer, but not the last. It's quite simple if you know where to look for the root folder of the program, but if you tried your best to find it and didn't succeed, then the second method is just for you.

Uninstall via Programs and Features

Now let's talk about how to remove "Media Get" using standard Windows tools. This method can also be used to remove other programs.

Initially you need to get into “Programs and Features”, to do this you need to:

  1. Log in to the "Control Panel".
  2. Find and open “Programs and Features” in the list.

Everything here is quite simple, but if suddenly you were unable to find this utility in this way, then you can enter the following expression in the address bar of Explorer: “Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features”.

In Programs and Features, find the name of the application you need and click “Uninstall” in the top panel. Then agree with your decision, and the program will disappear completely.

Removal via the Uninstaller program

Now it's time to tell you about the last way to remove the Media Get program from your computer. It is applicable if MediaGet is not in Programs and Features, but you are absolutely sure that it is on your computer.

You will need to download the Uninstaller program from iObit. After installing and opening it, you will see something similar to Programs and Features. That's exactly what it is. There is a list of programs, and to remove one of them, you need to select it and click the "Delete" button.

Here the question may arise about how this method differs from the previous one. In general, nothing, but it may well be that MediaGet will not be visible in Programs and Features, but this program will detect it in any case.

There are a lot of instructions for installing any programs on the global network. However, there is little information on the Internet regarding software disposal. Therefore, users search for it in various available ways. In particular, they are interested in how to completely remove Mediaget from a personal computer.

Removing Mediaget is quick and easy

Preliminary steps before deleting Media Get

The utility itself is a good piece of software. However, there are various reasons that push users to erase the torrent client. This could be the presence of advertising that interferes or simply annoys people.

Mediaget is an excellent program for downloading files

Before uninstalling the software, you need to uncheck the box in its main settings next to the line “Run with Windows”. There should also be no marks next to the names of browsers such as Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

These steps must be performed if the program is integrated into browsers. After completing them, you must remember to first press the “Apply” button and then the “OK” key. Also on our portal you can find out how to remove other torrent clients, for example, Zona and uTorrent.

In addition, in the settings of the browser itself, you need to look at the presence of extensions for this utility. Add-ons must be disabled if their presence is detected. You also need to open the “Task Manager”. Here the user will need to complete the process.

Go to Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc

Basically, this action is carried out if an old version of the torrent client is installed on the computer. To carry out this procedure in Windows XP, you need to right-click on the toolbar. It is located next to the tray and not far from the clock.

Select a task and stop it

After this, select the desired line in the window that appears. Then the “Processes” tab opens, and then mediaget.exe is highlighted. At the end, click on the “End process” button and click on the “Yes” button in the warning window.

Instructions for removing Media Get from your computer

To perform this procedure, you can use one of two methods. In the first option, the following actions are performed:

  • The “Start” button is pressed.
  • Select the “All programs” item.
  • Unnecessary software is being sought.
  • Click “Delete”.

In the second case, you must first go to the “Control Panel” through “Start”. Next, select “Add or Remove Programs”. After this, an unnecessary torrent client is searched for and eliminated.

Regardless of the chosen option, “tails” from the software will remain in the registry. It is recommended to use CCleaner to clean such residual files. This program can be downloaded for free on the developer’s official website.

The interface of this utility will be intuitive for any user. Therefore, it will not be difficult for anyone to perform the necessary actions with its help.

One of the most well-known negative aspects of the Windows desktop OS of any version is its ability to attract unwanted files and programs, all spam, advertising and information garbage. When deleting these files and programs, the average user may encounter various types of problems: the program may not be removed using the system uninstall programs function, or it may not be in the list of programs at all. Using MediaGet as an example, which is often installed against the will of the user, we will look at how to permanently remove absolutely any program from your computer or laptop.

First, let's look at the standard procedure for removing Mediaget - using the built-in functionality of Windows OS.

Step 1. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel.

Step 2. Select the "Programs and Features" section.

Step 3. Among the list of programs, find MediaGet and click on the column with the left mouse button, then select “Delete”.

Step 4. After that, you just need to confirm the action by clicking on the “Yes” button.

Uninstalling Media Get using third-party programs

However, there are often cases when deleting from “Programs and Features” does not bring the desired result, or is even not possible at all. To do this, you will have to use additional software, of which there is plenty, programs such as:

  • CCleaner;
  • Revo Uninstaller and others.

Let's look at removing Media Get using the Revo Unstaller utility:

Step 1. First you need to download Revo Uninstaller from the official website. To simply uninstall the program, the functionality of the free version is sufficient.

Step 2. Install Revo Uninstaller. For this:

Step 3. Go to the program and select the “Uninstaller” tab.

Step 4. Select MediaGet from the list of files and then click on the “Delete” field, then confirm the action and scan for residual files on the system. You have successfully removed MediaGet from your computer.

What other features does Revo Uninstaller provide?

This utility is quite multifunctional. You can verify this by going to the “Tools” field adjacent to “Uninstaller”:

  • the top option is “Autorun Manager”, it will allow you to disable autorun of any programs on your computer;

  • The next tool is “Junk File Cleaner”. Here you can clear unnecessary files created in Windows by some programs, and for some reason remaining after uninstalling the software. To search for them, click “Scan” at the top of the program window;

  • Revo Unistaller also duplicates a set of standard tools in Windows, they are also contained in the system settings of the Windows OS;

  • The Browser Cleaner option provides several options for cleaning all browsers. This includes cleaning cookies, temporary files and autofill forms, as well as deleting browsing history, download history and sessions;

  • “MS Office Cleaner” will help you delete information related to your work history in a standard office software package;

  • You can clear information in Windows registries and some hard drive data using Windows Cleaner;

  • in “Evidence Removal” you can clear any traces of work in Widows stored on any of the disks;

  • “Fatal deletion” is a tool that allows you to delete files and folders with the condition that they cannot be restored in the future. To add files or folders, use the top fields of the same name.

What additional features and functions does the paid version of Revo Unistaller provide?

Above, we only looked at the functions of the basic version of Revo Unistaller, but there is also a paid version called Revo Unstaller Pro, which costs $25.

Its functionality is presented below:

  1. Ability to remove Windows system applications.
  2. Removing extensions in browsers.
  3. Simultaneous removal of several programs at once.
  4. A more advanced algorithm for searching for residual files and then deleting them.
  5. Monitor logs and system changes in real time.
  6. Advanced backup system, including the creation of a full backup.
  7. Ability to export downloaded programs to TXT, HTML and MS Excel formats.
  8. Availability of user interface customization.
  9. Support for the ability to uninstall programs on the command line.
  10. Unlimited number of computers on which the program can be installed.

Of course, it's up to you to decide which version you should use. The free, Free version includes the most basic functions, and this will be enough for the average user. But if you want more, you will have to use the Pro version.

Video - How to properly remove the MediaGet program

Hello everyone) Have you noticed the process mediaget.exe? If this is so, then you have the MediaGet program. In general, this program is not dangerous, but there are many complaints from users about it, so it is considered as potentially dangerous software.

But MediaGet, what is it anyway, what kind of program is it? In general, this is a kind of torrent downloader. That is, a torrent client like uTorrent, only this one is more advanced and more convenient, doesn’t that seem suspicious to you? It seems a little to me!

Also, what is also very interesting, MediaGet can immediately play what you download. Well, that is, for example, you download a movie, so you don’t have to wait for it to download, you can start watching right away. Well, there is no such option in uTorrent, it is only in the paid version of uTorrent! That's how it is guys, it's strange that this function is free...)

Now let's take a closer look, here is the mediaget.exe process in the task manager:

What do we see here? The process doesn’t particularly load the processor, or rather almost doesn’t load it, it uses a little RAM, but still 36 MB is not exactly a little bit... But still not much.

The mediaget.exe process is launched from this folder (only where VirtMachine is, then you will have the computer name there, that is, the name of the Windows account):


I wonder why this folder, where mediaget.exe is launched from, and where the MediaGet program is actually installed, why is it called MediaGet2? Not just MediaGet, but Mediaget2... Well, okay, just a little strange...)

It’s good that at least the MediaGet program does not install its own service.

By the way, this is what the MediaGet program itself looks like:

What do we do? Do you need this program? As I understand it, the only way to get rid of the mediaget.exe process is to uninstall the MediaGet program itself. Because the mediaget.exe process is the main process of the program.

If you decide to remove MediaGet, then I will show you how to do it so that you do not have any difficulties with this matter. This means that to remove it, you can use a remover such as, it will remove the program and clean Windows of any remnants. In general, it’s a decent deleter; it’s been on the software market for a long time, so to speak.

Well, now how to remove MediaGet in a simple way. Press Win + R and write the following command there:

Now we find the Programs and Features icon here, and launch it:

A window will open with all installed software. There is no need to simply delete anything here. Here we find the MediaGet program, right-click on it and select Uninstall:

By the way, did you notice that at the bottom it says something like Banner LLC? It’s as if they are directly hinting that the program is advertising something (although it does have advertising, but not that much). In general, click Delete, then another window will appear, here you simply click Yes.