Personal information space. Where to begin? Empirical studies of social networks as a platform for implementing the space of scientific communications Creating a personal information space

The increase in information flow and the need to handle an increasing amount of information forces us to take a reasonable approach to organizing our information space. The main tool for organizing personal information space in computer memory is folders. They are also a means of organizing and presenting computer system resources (directories, files, programs, etc.).

All folders function the same regardless of their contents. By setting the appropriate settings for folders, you can complete your tasks faster. To set parameters for open folders, you must run the Tools/Folder Options command. In the window that appears, all the necessary parameters for the folder are set (see figure). Folder Options Window

Copying and moving folders works the same way as copying and moving files. To copy a folder, just right-click on it and drag it to the location where you want to copy it. When the context menu appears, you can select Copy to copy the folder, or Move to change the location of the folder. To rename a folder, call up the context menu and select the Rename command.

Having considered the technical aspect of working with folders, we will describe how to create your own information space. Documents generated by the user must be strictly structured, and the means of structuring in this case is a folder. If all documents are stored in one folder, then after reaching a certain critical mass it will be difficult for the user to navigate through their own documents. And the actual work time will be spent on finding the required document.

| Lesson planning and lesson materials | 7th grade | Planning lessons for the school year (according to the textbook by N.D. Ugrinovich) | Organization of information space

Lesson 7
Organization of information space

§ 1.6. Presenting an information space using a graphical interface

Presenting an information space using a graphical interface

Information space. When working on a computer, the user runs programs and uses data stored in files. Files with programs and data available to the user constitute his information space.

If the computer is standalone, then the information space includes a hierarchical system of folders for a given computer.

If the computer is connected to a local network, then the information space includes a system of folders accessible to the user on computers connected to the network.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, then the user’s information space is expanded due to files located on computers connected to the global network.

Information space is folders and files accessible to the user on the local computer and on computer networks.

Presentation of information space using a graphical interface. The information space available to the computer user is presented in the form of a system of folders. In Windows and Linux operating systems, the top of the graphical interface is the image of the Desktop folder on the monitor screen. Physically, the Desktop folder is located on the system drive in the computer user folder.

The next level is represented by folder icons Computer(Root folder in Linux operating system), Basket And User's personal folder (users), the equivalent of this folder in Linux is Home folder(Fig. 1.35).

Rice. 1.35. Desktop icons:
in the Windows operating system (a); in the Linux operating system (b)

In folder Computer (Root folder) there are folders at the next level - the root folders of the hard, optical and removable drives on the computer.

The root folder of each disk in the Windows operating system contains a hierarchical system of subfolders that displays the hierarchical file system of this disk (Fig. 1.36).

Rice. 1.36. Displaying a Hierarchical Folder System
in the graphical interface of the Windows operating system

In folder Basket deleted folders and files are stored.

In folder Net there are folders of computers connected to the local network.

Icons and shortcuts on the Desktop. After loading the operating system, the following appears on the monitor screen: Desktop, which automatically places icons for some folders. To quickly access frequently used folders and applications, the user can create shortcuts (links in the Linux operating system) on the Desktop. In order to open a folder or launch an application, just click on the corresponding icon or shortcut (link).

Task bar. At the bottom of the screen is Task bar, on which there is a Start button on the left (Menu button in the Linux operating system). Clicking a button Start Calls up the Start menu (the application launch menu in the Linux operating system), which allows you to launch programs.

In the center of the taskbar minimized windows of applications and folders are located.

On the right side of the Taskbar is the Clock. To the left of the clock are system status indicators, including a keyboard layout indicator. Meaning Ru indicator indicates that the Russian keyboard layout is currently used, Еng denotes the English layout.

Control questions

1. Which folder image is the top graphical interface of the operating system?

2. What are the main elements of the Desktop?

3. What is the difference between icons and labels?

4. What is located on the Taskbar?

The information resource covers all divisions and services of the organization. In this sense, we can talk about the information space of an enterprise, understanding by this term not only information and the means of processing it, but also the geography of information relations.

The information space of an organization (IP) is formed with the help of technical means of information processing, computer and telecommunication technology. Depending on the form of their interaction and use, four main levels of implementation of an organization’s IP can be distinguished.

On the first level implementation of an individual enterprise, factual information about completed business transactions is generated in the form of tables of a specific DB (database). Processing of these tables allows you to maintain basic types of accounting: operational, accounting, administrative, tax, etc.

Implementation of second level IP involves the use of a powerful database management system (DBMS), which allows not only to perform basic operations for processing factual information and support all types of accounting, but also to make it possible to prepare various analytical documents. At this level of implementation, interaction with the Internet is formed, allowing for electronic document management and facilitating the accumulation and generalization of corporate information.

Third-level IP model reflects its division into separate information systems: logistics, accounting and reporting, personnel management, etc., each of which forms its own IS. A common information display system for management is also created here. IP of this level uses a “data pool” in its structure, which determines not only the possibility of receiving and storing operational information, but also a means of pre-processing it according to pre-established algorithms. These algorithms are configured to a pre-installed system of analytical reports. The third-level individual entrepreneur model provides for the implementation of business activities on the Internet, for example, visiting trading platforms, using electronic payments, etc.

IP organization of the fourth level involves its expansion through the use of front office structures that can, using the Internet, provide stakeholders (suppliers, partners, clients, investors) with the necessary information in accordance with the powers given to them, Fig. 1.4.

Rice. 1.4. Model of the organization's information space

The processes of forming individual entrepreneurs at this level are carried out with the help of the company’s back office. The system is controlled using a management information system connected to the system cockpit. The cockpit implements the demonstration of graphical analytical reports using LSD demo tablets.

1.4. Enterprise management information systems and their classification

To build enterprise management information systems (EMIS), you need:

1. Formulate the main goals achieved by the enterprise in the process of using IT.

2. Assess the state of the structure of the current PMIS, its document flow and the need for virtualization.

3. Select directions for using the information resource both within the enterprise (at the corporate level) and outside the enterprise (at the virtual level).

4. Determine the necessary enterprise management model.

5. Establish the content of the necessary software and hardware to achieve the goals.

6. Develop a personnel training system.

7. Form an appropriate production service.

8. Develop a structure for the interconnection, management and protection of hardware and network facilities.

9. Assess the expected level of costs and achieved results.

When building an PMIS, it is also necessary to take into account the increasing risks associated with both the use of information received in the PMIS and the possibility of conducting e-commerce and marketing activities, and to ensure the protection of the PMIS from external and internal information sabotage.

To create an PMIS, you can use various organizational approaches, the main ones being:

1) acquisition of individual software and hardware modules and independent construction of an enterprise information system;

2) contacting system integrators that provide qualified services for installing software and hardware;

3) contacting consulting (consulting) companies that advise on the implementation of completed projects, the acquisition of the necessary information system;

4) cooperation with a system integrator who creates an information system and maintains the hardware and software complex within the time agreed with the customer;

5) implementation of information projects and provision of services for servicing software and hardware by specialized integrated independent organizations. This approach is called “outsourcing” (from English, outsourcing). In this case, the enterprise manager only uses information from a hardware and software system owned by a third party.

PMIS can be classified using various criteria: organization of the control loop, management method, application of appropriate IT, etc. Let's consider the classification of ISMS depending on the level of implementation of the organization's information space: accounting, analytical, integrated and dynamic systems.

Accounting IS organize the issuance of documents (usually on paper) about the state of individual economic processes of the organization. These systems are focused on the formation of first-level IP. The complexity of information processing in paper technology (various formats, different dictionaries) leads to the fact that the final information is created, as a rule, by the time it is no longer needed. These systems allow you to obtain information about the current state of the production process, personnel records and maintaining an accounting and reporting system, which is valuable for solving many problems of small and medium-sized enterprises. They are aimed, as a rule, at the processes of organizing various forms of accounting, displaying current information and issuing analytical reports.

Analytical IS, using various methods of information analysis, make it possible to show trends in the development of an organization’s business processes and organize electronic document flow. They allow you to form a second-level IP.

Integrated ICs provide employees with access to the necessary information in real time, which allows them to control the execution of the process at any stage, ensuring process management. They also provide mechanisms for control and coordination of various components of the business environment. These systems form the third level IP.

The use of an integrated type PMIS allows us to intensify the following issues:

 information support at all stages of reporting preparation, acceleration of the reporting preparation process;

 clarification of data by providing direct access to operational information;

 analysis of the state of the company's functional processes and early warning of negative processes using the ability to quickly move to the details of the business (detailed data on its individual clients, business transactions or business processes);

 an integrated holistic view of corporate information, i.e. providing the latest information on all the most important indicators - critical factors for the success of the company;

 prompt response to organizational changes or the rapid provision of new information without the involvement of additional information channels;

 development of predictive expectations in business, which allows you to implement modern business management methods, control the management process and find ways to develop the business.

Dynamic ICs are aimed at finding new methods of interaction between business participants in order to obtain maximum profit. They allow you to synchronize company management processes with the actions of interested business participants: suppliers, clients, partners, etc. Dynamic systems form the conditions for the implementation of fourth-level IP. Dynamic PMIS are focused on finding the most effective relationship, synchronizing information processes directly in production, between various partner organizations, clients, and investors. They combine the advantages of integrated management systems and Internet technology, realizing the possibilities of e-business.

Creating a personal information space for students and teachers In the conditions of modern dynamic development of society and its rapidly developing technical and social infrastructure, is becoming the most important strategic resource. Project manager Sidikov Marcel 9A grade Computer literacy has become a component of the professional level of a teacher. Development of the creative and intellectual potential of students through the use of ICT is one of the main tasks of the teacher. Teacher's web resource on which...

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N.A. Poleshchuk

Creating a personal information space

student and teacher

In the conditions of modern dynamic development of society and its rapidly developing technical and social infrastructure, information becomes the most important strategic resource. The level of informatization, in addition, is becoming one of the significant factors in the successful economic development and competitiveness of the region in both domestic and foreign markets.

In the modern period of social development, characterized by fundamental changes in the socio-economic, political and other spheres, the goal of education is the formation of creatively thinking students with a high information culture, capable of quickly adapting to a rapidly changing world. The need to develop new approaches to learning is dictated by society's dissatisfaction with its quality. Changing living conditions of society inevitably leads to the improvement of educational concepts.

The education of a student is a social order of society, which is determined by the socio-psychological needs of society, the level of its development, and the ethical and moral values ​​of this society. Unfortunately, the process of modernization in the education system is difficult.

The main goal of using information technology in the educational process as an innovative approach in education is to develop students' abilities based on self-regulation and self-education; formation of a scientific foundation for successful forecasting of one’s own professional activity, creative development of personality and the correct choice of an individual’s individual program.

Psychologists distinguish the following personal spaces of a person: bodily, objective, space, information space, emotional space, time. Personal information space is a mandatory attribute of a person in the 21st century, and the skills for its formation can be considered as important information competencies. The creation of an information space is aimed at
information interaction between subjects,
meeting their information needs.

The implementation of the project “Informatization of the education system” allows the teaching and student teams of gymnasium No. 93 to actively use the latest technical achievements and technologies in class and extracurricular activities. A qualitative change in the methods and methods of managing a gymnasium is associated with the transition to automated workplaces for the administration, school psychologist, librarian, teachers and with the creation of a fundamentally new management system based on active and flexible management of the educational process based on monitoring using computer technology. ICTs are actively used in administrative activities, office work, and in the school library.

The gymnasium website is a living organism that grows and changes. In the process of implementing the project “Informatization of the Education System” in the Council of High School Students, the Ministry of Press was renamed the Ministry of Information. Students publish the gymnasium newspaper “Rhythm” (chief editor: Churyakova Nurzida, class 10A) and work with site manager Sidikov Marcel 9A class)

Computer literacy has become a component of a teacher’s professional level. Thus, informatization of the educational process of the gymnasium makes it possible to effectively provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material when the teacher uses such pedagogical technologies as: the project method, the research method, multi-level technology for organizing the educational process based on the new 12-point system assessment.

Development of the creative and intellectual potential of students through the use of ICT is one of the main tasks of the teacher. The network has ceased to be a medium for transmitting information and a transport channel for the delivery of knowledge. It has become a place where students are constantly, where they take actions with the help of social services that help them think and act together.

The use of computers in teaching makes it possible to manage the cognitive activity of schoolchildren; in this case, training is built within the framework of a student-oriented model. A teacher’s web resource that contains tests for interactive computer testing, creative works and materials for mathematics lessons. It is a kind of electronic portfolio of a teacher. The site is an additional opportunity to introduce information technology into the practice of a subject teacher.

A teacher’s educational website is one of the forms of creating an information space ( ). Having your own website, a teacher can solve many problems. Communication with students reaches a significantly different level.

It is important to note that this website builder provides a page for designing tests, by working with which the student receives information about the correct answers to the questions. It is provided that the student's answers can be sent to the teacher's mailbox. This form of work expands the teacher’s capabilities in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

The Internet is, first of all, an important source of information. Due to the growing volume of information, it is necessary to create an information culture. It means knowledge of sources of information, techniques and ways of rationally working with them, and their application in practical activities.

The Creative Teachers Network portal was created for teachers interested in the possibilities of improving the quality of teaching through the use of information and communication technologies. On the portal you can register and take part in discussions of problems, exchange experiences with colleagues. Portal address:

Students' personal information space is formed on the basis of personal computers. A close option is for the student to create his own personal static website based on one of the many free hosting services. In this case, the student creates and stores his documents on a remote site. The simplification of the publication procedure and the availability of various services lead to the fact that there is a transition from the concept of “school website” to the concept of “student’s personal website.” This student's personal website serves as a personal informational learning space.

The very appearance of the concept of “personal learning space” reflects a change in attitude towards what the student does. From a paper portfolio with diplomas and diplomas, a transition is being made to a model in which the student is more responsible for his learning, collects and presents not only his final, but also intermediate results of his activities.

The last decade has put schools in a situation where it is necessary to introduce significant changes in the system of education and education of students. These changes should be ensured by school reform, which is dictated by the modernization of education and the computerization of schools. All this will allow us to form positive motivation for educational activities, implement a differentiated, individual approach to learning at the student level, individualize the learning process, create a reliable system for monitoring knowledge acquisition, carry out the learning process in the mode of cooperation between teacher and student, and improve the pedagogical qualifications of the teacher.


Syromyatnikova L.M., “Master class of the deputy director for educational work in a general education institution,” / L.M. Syromyatnikova M, Globus, 2009

Patarakin E.D., Yarmakhov B.B.,Everyday network culture as a solution to classification problems//"Educational Technologies and Society", 2007

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