Creating art typography using Illustrator and Photoshop. Difference between Photoshop and Illustrator

Photoshop or Illustrator? Which graphics program is best to use for specific tasks? Obviously, the answer to this question will depend on the situation. In this article I will write short review programs and conclude which tool, in my opinion, is best suited for working in certain situations.

If your experience differs from mine, please share your thoughts in the comments below!

Let's start.

Where did Photoshop and Illustrator begin?

Launched in 1988, Photoshop has become one of the... best programs for many designers. It was originally created as a tool for photographers to edit and manage their photos. By the way, for many people, this remains its main use. However, due to the huge array of tools available and constantly being added and improved, Photoshop has become much more than just a photo editing program.

Illustrator began its life a little earlier than Photoshop - in 1987 and was primarily created for layout and logo creation, as one of the areas graphic design. Working with logos has remained to this day one of its main functions, but with development it has become widely used graphic designers and artists to create a huge number of other types of digital products - illustrations, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, cartoons real photos and much more.

Which software is best for logo design?

Using Illustrator means that your logo will be a vector graphic that is not part of a raster image. Don't know what it is yet? Then this is the place for you.

While both Photoshop and Illustrator can create a logo, you must consider its suitability and usability.

The initial dimensions of the logo cannot be predetermined; they can be changed, and perhaps more than once, and all this is necessary in order to use such a logo in various materials.

In addition, it is worth remembering that a logo created in Photoshop is a raster graphic element and cannot be changed without losing quality.

With this in mind, it's worth using Illustrator program, since the logo you create will be a vector graphic object, which means its dimensions can be changed while maintaining the quality of the logo itself.

Photoshop does have a place in logo design, but for the most part, Illustrator should always be your first choice.


Which software is best for web design?

For many designers (myself included), Photoshop is usually the first choice for this category of work. Because Photoshop is a graphics editor that creates raster images based on pixels (which have the same resolution as monitor screens), which is ideal for designing a website, for example, that is displayed on a monitor.

However, when designing user interfaces, Illustrator can provide many benefits that Photoshop cannot.

For example, with Illustrator, web design work can be done much faster, while changing the size from larger to smaller and vice versa. Illustrator is also great for creating components that are reused and resized frequently.

Illustrator is always part of my UI design work, but most of the work is still done in Photoshop.


Is it better to use Photoshop or Illustrator to create art?

Illustrator is better for clean, graphic illustrations, while Photoshop is better for photo illustrations.

On the one hand, it may seem that Illustrator is obvious choice, but it’s not so simple. First of all, it all depends on the type of illustration; they usually start their life on paper, then the drawings are scanned and translated into graphics program, while gaining color and saturation.

As mentioned earlier, with Illustrator we can create clean, pull-out graphics, many of which can be easily reused, while Photoshop creates photorealistic drawing-based illustrations that require very careful attention to detail and photo manipulation.

In many cases, most designers use both programs. But first of all, it all depends on what type of illustration you want to create.


And to sum up the winner...

There is no winner here!

In this article I created an imitation competition between two programs. How can you choose the winner between right and left hand? It all depends on you and what you plan to create, how you plan to use it in the future and what you are more used to. That's all.

What is Photoshop, what is Illustrator, these are two programs that are of utmost importance for most brush masters, be it a web designer, designer, fashion designer, illustrator or any other creative person with a lot of free time.

The most important conclusion from all of the above is the need to learn how to work with both programs, or at least get acquainted with the second one (the fact that you know one of them for sure is beyond doubt - otherwise you would not have found my blog). This way, not only will you expand your resume and opportunities for further growth and development, choosing the right tool at the right time will take you to the next level.

Whether you work for a design firm, freelance, or just enjoy the process, mastering both tools will definitely be a worthwhile investment of time. And reading and commenting on this blog will make the process even more effective.

Until you praise yourself...

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Created in 1988, Photoshop became the first and only software for many designers. For some he is convenient tool for manipulating photographs, but in fact, Photoshop can do much more.

Illustrator began its life a little earlier than Photoshop - in 1987, and was intended mainly for creating fonts and logos. On this moment Illustrator is the primary tool for designers and artists to create a variety of digital products.

But which program is better? Obviously, the answer depends on the specific situation. That's why I want to spend short review about what and when is best to use.

What's the best way to create logos?

Using illustrator means that your logo will be a vector object that is not part of a raster image.

Since both programs can create logos, you should think about the purpose of your logo. After all, it may need to change its size and shape, because it will be used on different materials and objects.

Raster graphics created in Photoshop cannot be resized without pixilation and loss of quality. Using Illustrator allows you to create a logo as a vector object that is not part of a raster image. This means that the logo can change shape and size without losing quality. Photoshop can of course be used to create logos, but I recommend Illustrator.

WINNER: Illustrator

Which is better for web design?

Since graphics created in Photoshop are pixel-based raster graphics, it is perfect for designing media screens.

For many designers (including me), Photoshop is the first program in this situation. However, when creating user interface Illustrator has advantages that Photoshop doesn't. First of all, Illustrator allows you to get work done much faster, and also has the ability to change size and shape. Using the Symbols panel in Illustrator, you can create a library of icons and shape elements that are reusable.

More Compatible

As we rapidly move towards a responsive and flexible Web, we increasingly need graphics that change sizes (ie SVG and bitmap fonts).

For the most part, Photoshop wins here. But I can't completely rule out Illustrator. I use this program quite often to create interfaces, but I still do most of the work with using Photoshop.

WINNER: Photoshop

What is the best tool for digital art?

Illustrator is better is suitable for pure graphic illustrations, while Photoshop is suitable for photo-based images. Photo by VFS Digital Design.

It may seem that Illustrator is in this case is an obvious solution, but it all depends on the type of picture. Illustrations, as a rule, begin life on paper, and then go through the stages of drawing, scanning and transferring into a program.

I recommend Illustrator for creating clean graphic images, and Photoshop for photo-based illustrations that require careful detail and sophisticated manipulation. For many tasks, some use a combination of these two programs, depending on the type of illustration.

WINNER: drawing

What inIs the tool better for sketching and warframing?

Illustrator is much easier to use for quick creation warframes.

This is the basis from which most projects begin their existence. Typically, pencil and paper is the starting point for everyone, but many digital creations start straight away with sketches in the editor.

You can do this in any other program, but for me the most convenient and quick option is Illustrator. The ability to easily resize, manipulate and reuse elements is crucial when creating Warframes.

WINNER: Illustrator

And the final winner is...

It was not possible to determine the winner. I've done my best to design a metaphorical fight between the two programs, but the point is that the choice depends on the situation: what you're trying to create and how you work.

Having a good understanding of Photoshop and Illustrator is a must for most designers, be it a web designer, a graphic designer, a fashion designer, or any other illustrator. Knowledge of these programs will allow you to do right choice when creating the required product.

The famous graphic editor Photoshop is produced by the American corporation Adobe. She is also the developer of the Illustrator program. What is this solution intended for?

Facts about Photoshop

Photoshop program(its official name is Adobe Photoshop) is graphic editor, adapted mainly to working with raster images. This is commercial software.

WITH using Adobe In Photoshop, you can not only modify graphic files, but also draw images from scratch, using the widest range of tools - brushes, lines, shapes. This program allows you to overlay created and processed images great amount effects, make adjustments color range drawings, apply various filters.

Facts about Illustrator

Illustrator program(its official name is Adobe Illustrator) is also a graphics editor, which, however, belongs to the vector category. Like Photoshop, it is commercial software.

The name “Illustrator” for this program was not chosen by chance: the corresponding solution from Adobe suggests great demand among designers involved in illustrating certain materials. For example, magazines or booklets. In practice, such a demand is indeed observed. Illustrator is popular all over the world thanks to its convenient functionality and user-friendly interface, which is quite easy to master even inexperienced user.


The key criterion that determines the difference between Photoshop and Illustrator is the predominant type graphic files processed by the program.

Photoshop, as we noted above, is intended for editing mainly raster images. That is, those pictures that are built from pixels and have a fixed resolution. Editing a picture is carried out by Photoshop, like any other “raster” program, through low-level adjustments to the colors of the image.

"Illustrator" is a vector graphics editor. That is, pictures that represent “blanks” from various figures and have nominal resolutions: they can be increased or decreased at any time.

There are also a number of functional differences between the programs in question.

Thus, Photoshop involves working with a project placed on only one canvas - a window in which certain graphic elements are located. Illustrator allows you to distribute edited images across several vector platforms for graphics processing.

Another significant functional difference between the programs under consideration is that each graphic element processed in Photoshop, for example a picture or text, forms a separate layer. In Illustrator, there can be several layers within one layer. graphic elements.


So, we have studied the difference between Photoshop and Illustrator. Let us now summarize the criteria we have identified in the table.

Photoshop "Illustrator"
What do the programs have in common?
One developer is Adobe Systems.
Both programs are commercial
How are the programs different?
Designed for processing mainly raster imagesDesigned for processing mainly vector images
Convenient for drawing images from scratch, processing finished pictures using a wide range of toolsConvenient for illustrating media products and solving relevant design problems
Involves working primarily on 1 canvasAllows you to work with several vector sites
1 layer corresponds to 1 graphic object1 layer can correspond to several graphic objects

In Adobe Illustrator you can open or place Photoshop files, so there is no need to save or export Photoshop image to a different file format.

V Adobe Illustrator mojno otkryvat" ili pomeschat" faily Photoshop, poetomu net neobhodimosti sohranyat" ili eksportirovat" izobrajenie Photoshop v drugoi format faila.

Adobe Illustrator allows you to open or place Photoshop files, so there is no need to save or export your Photoshop image to another file format. By placing the image in open file Illustrator, you can embed it like any other normal element illustration or keep its connection with the source file. Although Illustrator does not edit the linked image, you can return to Photoshop using the Edit original file" to make changes to the original. Once you save your changes, they appear in the version of the image found in Illustrator.

  1. If the image file is open in Photoshop, save it as Photoshop (PSD) and close the file.
  2. In Adobe Illustrator, do one of the following:

      To open the file directly in Illustrator, choose File > Open. Specify the path to the image in the Open File dialog box and click the Open button.

      To embed an image in existing file Illustrator, choose File > Place. Specify the path to the file in the Place dialog box, make sure the Link option is not selected, and click Place.

      To place the image in a file while maintaining a link to the original, choose File > Place. In the Place dialog box, specify the path to the file, select the Link option, and click Place. Illustrator centers the image in an open illustration. A red X through the image indicates that the image is linked to the original and cannot be changed.

  3. When you open or place an image without saving the link, the Photoshop Import dialog box appears. Select the appropriate option as shown below and click OK:

      Convert Photoshop Layers to Objects is designed to convert layers into Illustrator objects. Selecting this option preserves masks, layer blend modes, transparency, and (optionally) slices and reference maps. However, this option does not support Photoshop adjustment layers and layer effects.

      “Perform mixing Photoshop layers V single image" to merge all layers into one. Selecting this option saves appearance images, but individual layers can no longer be edited.

Most likely you know that there are two types of graphics − raster and vector.

Raster image consists of many small cells - pixels, where each pixel has its own color. A raster image is easy to recognize by simply enlarging it by 200%, and very quickly many small squares will become noticeable - these are pixels.

Two most popular raster format: JPEG, PNG.

Raster graphics are useful for photorealistic images. Photography is also raster graphics. It is with her that you and I work in Adobe Photoshop.

Unlike raster vector images do not consist of pixels, but of many reference points and curves connecting them. A vector image is described by formulas and does not require information about each pixel. Thanks to this, vector images do not lose quality as they increase in size and take up less space.

Vector graphics are used for logos, illustrations, icons, and technical drawings. But it is not suitable for working with photorealistic images.

Most Popular vector formats: SVG, A.I., ac the most popular editor vector graphics - Adobe Illustrator.

As you can see, each format has its pros and cons, so if you work with graphics, then ideally you should be able to work with both raster and vector graphics.

Over all the years of the existence of the Photoshop Master project, we have given you lessons only on raster graphics. But our subscribers and clients often asked us to recommend them quality vector graphics tutorials. And today we can safely recommend such materials to you, because our friendly project “Videosmail” has released a new training mini-course - Adobe Illustrator for beginners.

You can study the first three lessons of this mini-course today:

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the program

Lesson 2 - Adobe Illustrator Interface

Lesson 3 - Stroke and Fill

Lesson 4 - Tools in Adobe Illustrator

Lesson 5 - Rendering an Image

Lesson 6 - Working with text

Practical lesson for consolidation

If you liked this course and want to further develop in the direction of vector graphics, then I have good news for you.

Already on Monday -12th of Februarywithin the framework of our friendly project “Videosmail”, a large course by Veronica Polyakova is being published, which is called"Super Illustrator".

In this course you will find71 lessons, and during your training you will createmore than 25 own illustrationsand collect a full-fledged portfolio that will help you find your first clients.