Merging layers in Photoshop. How to combine layers in Photoshop into a single image, while saving each of them

The rule is that You should keep each image element on a separate layer, in some cases it does not work. Sometimes you need to merge layers together. It can be just two layers or even all at once. For these purposes, Photoshop has commands such as Union, gluing And mixing. What these commands mean, as well as in what cases and why they may be needed is explained in this article.

So, to use these commands, you must have at least two layers in the layers palette. Access to merging commands is available through the context menu, called by right-clicking on the layer.

Merging layers

If you have achieved perfection from a fragment of an image and know that more never If you don't want to change it, you can combine two or more layers into one. This will not only reduce the length of your layers palette, but will also make the resulting file smaller.

Photoshop offers several ways how to merge layers.

Merging with previous

If you want to combine two layers located next to each other, select the top layer from this pair, and then select the command (Merge Down) from the context menu or press the hotkey combination Ctrl+E.

For example, you need to combine layers 4 and 3. To do this, you need to call up the menu on the 4th layer and select this command:


Merging Visible

Using (the eye icon on the left side), prepare the necessary layers for merging: for those that need to be collapsed, leave the eye icon, and for those layers that should remain untouched, remove the eye icon.

After this, call the context menu by right-clicking on any of the visible layers and select the command (Merge Visible) or press the hotkey combination Shift+Ctrl+E.

For example, the task is to collapse only layers 5, 4 and 3. This means you need to remove the visibility icon from 1 and 2:


Merge selected

Often the palette is a mess and layers are scattered completely haphazardly and chaotically. Therefore, in order to combine layers that are far from each other, you must first select them according to the general rule for selecting layers - while holding down the Ctrl key, click on each desired layer () in turn. They will become highlighted. Now you can apply the command to them Merge Layers(Merge Layers) or press the hotkey combination Ctrl+E.

For example, you need to collapse layers 1, 3 and 5. Select them, then select the command:


Merging related

If you are, you can also combine them easily. First you need to select all connected layers. The fastest way to do this is through the program menu Layers - Select linked layers(Select Linked Layers). After this, you can open the context menu and select the command Merge Layers.


Gluing layers

You can think of merging as a safer version of merging because it allows the newly created merging to appear on a new layer, leaving the originals intact. You will just need to turn off the visibility of the sources so as not to interfere. Then at any time you can always return to them.

Scientifically, this action in Photoshop is called: Print Layers.

There are two ways how to glue layers in photoshop.

Gluing selected

The command can only be accessed using the hotkeys Ctrl+Alt+E. First you need the layers that you want to glue together.

To avoid confusion, the new layer will automatically receive a prefix to its name "United".

For example, you need to glue layers 2 and 4. Select them in the palette using the Ctrl key held down:

Then we use the hotkey combination:

Bonding visible

Turn off the visibility of the layers you don't want to stamp by clicking on the visibility icons and then pressing Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E.

Alternatively, you can also hold down the Alt key while selecting the command.

For example, you need to glue layers 3 and 4, which means you need to remove the visibility icon from the rest:

Now either press the hotkey combination, or you can call up the context menu and, while clicking on the command, hold down the Alt key.

The result will be gluing while preserving the originals:

Flattening Layers

Flattening layers collapses absolutely all the layers on the palette, leaving only one layer. It automatically receives the name “Background” and becomes (as indicated by the padlock icon). Moreover, all images become white.

To flatten layers, select the command from the context menu Perform flattening(Flatten Image).


Download my PSD file and try to work through all the analyzed examples to thoroughly consolidate the material you have read. Merging layers in Photoshop is not a complicated process at all, but it has its own nuances. Practice and then you will understand everything right away. Good luck in your studies!

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

When working on an image using Photoshop, you will need to create at least two layers. The more complex the drawing, the more layers there will be. For ease of processing, layers can be combined and separated. Adobe Photoshop offers several ways to do this.


  • If you're working on a complex, multi-layered composition, it will take up quite a lot of disk space. When you try to send a file in .psd format over the network, you will notice that it will “eat up” a fair amount of traffic, and it will take a very long time to load. To reduce the file size after the image is completely finished, you can merge all the layers into one. From the main menu, select Layer and Flatten Image.
  • While work on the collage is not completed, you can merge those layers that need to be processed together, or which have already been processed. To do this, there are commands Merge Down (“Merge previous”) and Merge Visible (“Merge visible”). In the first case, adjacent layers are combined, in the second - those next to which there is an image of an eye. The same result can be achieved using the key combinations Ctrl+E and Shift+Ctrl+E.
  • You can cancel the merge only before you have memorized the current file configuration. After using the Save as or Save commands, you will have to cut the image into fragments if you suddenly want to separate the layers.
  • You can create temporary layer merges. In CS versions and below, pay attention to the square next to the window in which the eye is drawn (visibility window). The active layer has a brush image in this square. Click on the empty squares next to the layers you want to link - an image of chain links will appear in them. To unlink a layer, click on the chain box next to it.
  • To link layers in versions CS2 and higher, while holding down the Ctrl or Shift key, click on the desired levels, and then click on the chain button in the bottom line of the layers palette. The corresponding image appears on the merged layers. To disconnect, press the chain button again.
  • Layers can be combined into a group for ease of working with them. In versions CS2 and CS3, select the desired layers and press Ctrl+G. In older versions, you first need to create a new group by clicking on the folder-shaped button at the bottom of the layers panel, and then drag the necessary objects there with the mouse. You can separate layers using the combination Shift+Ctrl+G or drag out each layer individually with the mouse.
  • Congratulations to the future Photoshop master!

    In this article, you will learn how to manipulate Photoshop layers - activate, move, pin and merge.

    1. Layer activity

    For example, let's take our blue avatar, which consists of five layers.

    It should be understood that each layer is responsible for its own part of the avatar. The “glasses” layer is for glasses, the “eyes” layer is for eyes, and so on. If we want to change the color of the frame of the glasses, then we need to activate the layer that is responsible for the glasses. To activate a layer, click on the desired layer. Changing the color of the frame means working with the “glasses” layer:

    Remember: only one layer can be active at a time.

    2. Moving layers in the document

    The tool is responsible for moving layers Move Tool- it is located on the tool palette.

    When working with this tool, at the top under the main menu you will see a panel with its settings. At the moment we are interested in the following setting:

    If the setting is not checked (as in the picture), then no matter what part of the document you find yourself in, only the active layer will move. Now I have this layer with glasses. Using a tool Move Tool I moved the frame up.

    If the setting Auto Select Layer is marked, then the layer on which you click in the document will move (grab the mouth - move, grab the eyebrows - drag, etc.) This is a very convenient function if the objects are quite voluminous, so small objects, such as letters, it’s harder to grab, in this case it’s better to turn off the checkbox.

    3. Moving Layers in the Layers Palette

    Now let's talk about moving layers in the Layers palette. At the moment, if we list from top to bottom, then I have the following order for placing layers: glasses, eyebrows, eyes, mouth, blue square. And all together they form a cute blue avatar. Go to the layers palette, stand on the “eyes” layer, hold down the mouse button and move it to the very top in place of the “glasses” layer (at the same time you should have a grabbing hand).

    This is what we got - the layer with the eyes covers the layer with the glasses.

    In fact, it still suits him better when his eyes are behind the glasses - move it back! The main thing is that you understand the meaning of dragging layers. There are times when you don’t see a layer, go to the palette, maybe it’s simply covered by one of the existing elements. In this case, you need to take and move your lost layer to a higher level.

    4. Bonding layers

    If you would like the eyebrows to move along with the eyes, then the function will help us with this Link Layers, which is located at the bottom of the panel Layers

    or in the main menu Layers - Link layers (Layer - Link Layers).

    With the key held down Ctrl Click on the layers that you want to link together. In our case, select “eyebrows” and “eyes”, and then click on the icon Link Layers. Now the eyes and eyebrows of the avatar will be inseparable.

    You can remove the fastener with the same click. Or, conversely, add to other layers.

    5. Merging the layer with the bottom one

    Now let's try to combine two layers into one. Let's merge the “eyes” and “glasses” layers. Why go to the layer with glasses and press the key combination Ctrl+E or in the main menu Layers - Merge with previous (Layer - Merge Down).

    Now we have this picture - we have combined the layer with the bottom one:

    6. Merging all visible layers

    To connect all parts of the avatar together, press the key combination Shift+Ctrl+E or Layers - Merge Visible, then all visible layers will be merged into one layer.

    Now we have a single and indivisible blue avatar.

    See you in the next lessons!

    Once you've finished working on the contents of the layers, you can merge them to reduce file size. When layers are merged, information from the upper layers replaces the overlapping information from the lower layers.

    Once you've finished working on the contents of the layers, you can merge them to reduce file size. When layers are merged, information from upper layers replaces overlapping information from lower layers. The area of ​​intersection of all transparent areas of the merged layers remains transparent.

    Note. Adjustment and fill layers cannot be used as target layers when merging.

    In addition to merging, gluing operations can also be performed on layers. Gluing allows you to combine the contents of multiple layers into one target layer while leaving other layers intact.

    Note. Once the merged image is saved, it cannot be returned to its previous state; the layers are permanently merged.

    Merging two layers or groups

    1. The layers and groups to be merged must be visible.
    2. Select the layers and groups you want to merge.
    3. Choose Layer > Merge Layers.

      Note. Adjacent layers or groups of layers can be merged by selecting the top one and choosing Layer > Merge Layers. Linked layers can be merged by choosing Layer > Select Linked Layers, which then merges them directly. Two 3D layers can be merged by selecting Layer > Merge Layers; the layers will belong to the same scene, and the top layer will inherit the 3D properties of the bottom layer (for this, the camera fields of view must be the same).

    Merging layers inside a clipping mask

    1. It is necessary to hide those layers that you do not plan to merge.
    2. Select the base layer inside the clipping mask. The base layer must be raster.
    3. From the Layer menu or Layers panel menu, choose Merge Clipping Masks.

    Merge all visible layers and groups of an image

    From the Layer menu or Layers panel menu, choose Merge Visible. All layers are merged and a visibility icon is displayed next to their names.

    Note. The Merge Visible command is only available when a visible layer is selected.

    Gluing multiple layers or related layers

    When you perform a merge operation on multiple selected or linked layers in Photoshop, a new layer is created containing their combined contents.

    1. Select multiple layers.
    2. Press Ctrl, Alt, and E (Windows) or Command, Option, and E (Mac OS).

    Gluing all visible layers

    1. You must enable the display of the layers that you plan to merge.
    2. Press Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and E (Windows) or Shift, Command, Option, and E (Mac OS).

      Photoshop creates a new layer containing the data from all the layers being merged.

    Flatten all layers

    When performing a flattening operation, all visible layers are merged and all invisible layers are removed, resulting in a smaller file size. All remaining transparent areas are filled with white. After saving the flattened image, it cannot be returned to its previous state; the layers are permanently merged.

    Note. When converting image color formats, the file is automatically flattened. If you need to edit the original image after conversion, you must first save a backup copy of its file.

    1. Layers saved when merging must be visible.
    2. From the Layer menu or Layers panel menu, choose Flatten.

    The Photoshop program has become very popular among users, because it helps to process images without much difficulty. In this article we will tell you how to combine layers in Photoshop and why you need it. This operation will be easy to perform even for inexperienced users. In Photoshop, you can combine several layers into one. This is done to reduce file size or to merge layers as you work so they don't get in the way.

    Merge with previous

    This command, as the name suggests, merges adjacent layers. Click on the "Layers" menu and select the "Merge Down" command. You can also enter this command using the keyboard using the Ctrl+E key combination. This is done as follows: you need to hold down the Ctrl key and, while holding it, press the E key. You can also merge layers that are not adjacent. To do this, you need to select the layers to be merged. This is done like this: hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on the layers you want to merge. Next, select the “merge layers” command from the menu. In the English menu, this command will still be called “Merge Down”. After this you need to save the image. To do this, click the "File" command, then select "Save As", enter the file name and the format in which you want to save the image (.psd, .png, .jpg, .gif) .

    Merge visible layers

    You can merge only visible layers using the Merge Visible command. The command is also found in the Layers menu. The fact that the layer is visible is indicated by the image of the “eye” next to the layer on the right side of the screen. You can also enter this command using the keyboard using the key combination Shift + Ctrl + E. You must simultaneously hold down the Shift, Ctrl and E keys. The final stage is saving the image.

    Perform flattening

    In the English menu this command will be called “Flatten Image”. Also located in the Layers menu. It will merge all layers. Used, for example, before sending an image for printing. This way, it will be impossible to make changes to your work and accidentally ruin it. This will also protect copyright. However, the command is used quite rarely. It should be added that it is not necessary to go to the Layers menu in order to select the mentioned commands. Simply right-click on the layer on the right side of the screen and select the required command from the menu that opens. We hope that our little guide helped you figure out how to merge layers in Photoshop. Happy learning!