Creating an avatar. Creating a simple avatar for a YouTube channel

Hello dear blog readers website. Once again, congratulations to everyone on your graduation. But today I have prepared a lesson for you from which you will learn how to make an avatar using the GIMP graphics editor.

Avatar – a specially prepared image in a graphic editor or through an online service, which the user uploads as a distinctive sign to his profile when registering on a website or forum.

A good example is the avatar on the popular social network VKontakte,

where, in addition to your usual photo, any other image can be uploaded, for example a hero, from any computer game or video.

Currently exists great amount sites and other web storages, where anyone can download for free any avatar you like. But probably not everyone knows that it can be easily do it yourself by using your imagination and using any graphic editor, For example photoshop or his GIMP. There is nothing complicated here. And to make sure of this, I bring to your attention my new simple lesson.

How to make an avatar in GIMP

Step 1. As always, first we open original photo, from which we are going to make an avatar. To do this, launch the editor and go to the “File – Open” menu and select the desired image in the dialog box that opens.

Step 2. Now that the photo has been uploaded, you need to crop it, i.e. remove unnecessary areas and leave only that part of the image that will be used as your avatar.

To do this, select the pose tool called “Crop” on the editor’s toolbar and select the desired area.

Now press “Enter” or LMB ( left button mouse) to use the tool.

Adding effects to a photo

Step 3. If you wish, you can sharpen the picture a little; to do this, go to the menu “Filters – Enhance – Unsharp Mask” and leave the default settings, click on “OK”.

Step 4. Now you need to create a new one transparent layer. To do this, go to the “Layer – Create Layer” menu or by clicking on the icon for creating a new layer.

and in the dialog box that opens, select a color. To do this, in the “HTML markup” field, enter digital code 40cdbb

Then paint the created layer with the selected color. To do this, simply drag a color from the palette onto the working space or use the Fill tool.

Now set the layer's Blending Mode to Multiply. To do this, click on the “Normal” item and in the list that opens, select “Multiplication”

Then reduce the opacity of the current layer to 30-32%. To do this, simply move the opacity slider or see the numbers from the keyboard.

Step 5. By analogy with previous step Create a new transparent layer and fill it with color (c7a599). Set the Layer Mode to Overlay. Opacity in in this case don't touch. She remains 100%.

Step 6. Now let's create a duplicate of the main layer. To do this, go to the bottom layer and click on the “Create a copy of layer” icon

Use the arrow icons to move this layer to the top. Change the layer's Blend Mode to Screen and Opacity to 60%.

Step 7 Now, as we already know, let’s create a new transparent layer on top of all existing ones and fill it with c7c299. Set the layer mode to "Diffused Light"

Step 8 Let's create another layer and fill it with 374976, select the layer blending mode "Overlay"

Resizing an Image

Very often avatars have their own certain parameters— fixed parameters of width and height, weight, etc. Such restrictions are imposed on them by the site or forum where you register. For example, on the LiveJournal network, the size of avatars is only 100 by 100 pixels. Thus, even at the framing stage we must create framing taking into account this important feature, i.e. make a square selection of the area.

Let's assume that for this example, We need make an avatar with a width of no more than 200 pixels. What are we going to do now? It’s all very simple. Go to the “Image – Image Size” menu and in the dialog that opens, set the desired value in the “Width” field, and “Height” will change automatically, depending on the aspect ratio of the image.

Click “Change”. Now all we have to do is save the finished avatar in in the required format(jpg or png).

Saving finished work

For GIMP 2.6.11 - To do this, go to the “File – Save As” menu and in the dialog box that opens, set the name and extension of the avatar.

Hello everyone, this is Roman Litvinov, designer of the team. Today I came to you with a guide-tutorial on how to create single block avatar and VKontakte menu (as one whole). First, examples of what it will look like.


Avatar marking for VK group

To start we need a grid. To make it, we take a screenshot of the group page and throw it into the project, in my case in Photoshop.

Then use the CTRL+R key combination to call up the rulers and place guides along the edges of the avatar and the fastener. In order to extend the guide, you need to hold LMB on the ruler and pull it towards our layout.

The size of the avatar that we see in the browser without scaling is 200x500 pixels. And fixed in this form 395x237 pixels.


We have made the markings, now let's start cutting. Why now? Yes, because this is almost the end of my guide.
For cutting we need the “Cutting” tool (in the English version “Slice tool”)

Using this tool, we make cuts along our guides, specifically inside the avatar and fastening along the edges.

It should turn out like this.
Next, we remove our screenshot from the layers and proceed to the project. We will not develop the design, but I will show you what will happen. Let's add a photo of a girl to our project. The main thing for us is to get into the area of ​​cutting the avatar and fixing it.

After working on our design, we save the cut parts using CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S or File->Save for web…

In this window, hold down Shift, select our avatar and click save
But that's not all. In the window that appears, select fragments, select “Only selected fragments” and click save. After which Photoshop will cut off the area with the avatar and the attachment from the entire layout.

In the folder where we saved the cutting we will see something like this.

A single block of avatar and menu for a VKontakte group

Feel free to upload our avatar and pin it to the test group to see the result

Just like that, thanks to these actions you will get a single block of avatar and menu in VKontakte groups.


I hope my mini-guide was useful and you will be able to make your groups more beautiful and memorable.

Useful articles on similar topics:

Funny video (in some places you can’t tell if it’s “photoshopped” or not)

Attention! Competition:
I will give a set of stickers of your choice to anyone who repeats this lesson, and he will be able to make an avatar and pin it in one piece 😉

Like, leave comments, throw muffins or tomatoes in our group

How to do cool avatar for Contact for free?

Or your path to originality

Today, no one can be surprised by a beautiful and bright avatar on a social network profile. In almost any profile, as the main photo you can see either a professionally taken photo, or some special collage created using special application. But such is human nature: seeing something beautiful and attractive from someone, the user immediately wants something similar for himself.

So the question arises: where can you make a cool one? beautiful avatar for Contact, why is it free? Where can I find an application that will allow you to create a spectacular profile photo in a matter of seconds? And most importantly, what do you need to consider to make your avatar for Contact as original and interesting as possible?

How to make a beautiful avatar for Contact: tips and tricks

First of all, get creative. After all, creating an original, cool avatar for Contact undoubtedly requires a creative approach. And before you begin the creation process, pay attention to the following tips:

1. To make a beautiful avatar for a Contact from an already finished image, choose a photo in which your face is located in the center. Eliminate photographs where you are poorly visible (occupying less than 50% of the photo) or where you are covering your face with certain objects (the exception is thematic professional photos).

2. If you are using our application r For pre-creation picture, then try to take pictures in the most natural pose for yourself. Don't try to make a fake facial expression that you think is beautiful, or stand/sit in an unnatural position. Falseness is always visible in the photo - we want to make a beautiful and original avatar for Contact, which will amaze your friends with how similar you are to your real way of life.

3. Try to come up with a kind of “highlight” for your new avatar for Contact - something that will immediately catch your eye and perfectly emphasize your character, mood, state of mind. From the simplest - it can be original inscription on a sign, a photo of yourself in your hands, where you are presented in a completely different form, a certain setting (for example, cooking) or original clothes. If you decide to use a ready-made photo to make a cool new avatar for Contact, then there is very wide scope for your imagination and the imagination of the photographer.

4. Try making a few various options avatars for Contact for free in our application. Thanks to this, you will have a choice which one is best to place on your page. And then you can change the avatar in your profile at least weekly.

5. Don’t forget to save each created one to your computer. Getting carried away creative process, you may completely forget about this important detail.

You can always make a beautiful and cool avatar for Contact absolutely free through our website. You can use both WebCam Avatar, which will help you take a photo from your webcam and overlay interesting effects, so GIF Animator, with which you will be able to impose original effects to the finished photo.

We hope our project can help you make a truly original, bright, cool and beautiful avatar for Contact quickly, easily and completely free!

Greetings, friends.

In this article I will show you how make an avatar for free using three services (which, in my opinion, are the best).

But, first, a few words about what an avatar is, why it is needed, and why, in fact, it is needed on the blog.

Avatar- This graphic image(most often not animated), which “represents” you on the Internet (in in social networks, on the blog, etc.). Most often, a photograph is used as an avatar, as well as cartoon and movie characters.

Why do you need an avatar?

An avatar is needed primarily to identify you as a real person, and not a bot. All the same, a person with an avatar is perceived better, there is more trust in him (at least for me). Bots (robots, “non-living” network participants) almost never have an avatar.

If you make yourself an unusual, memorable avatar, this will also make you stand out from others.

So, I want to introduce you to three services that will help you make an avatar online.

Service for creating ava in the style of South Park. Previously, and even now, avatraks in this style are very popular. The created images look pretty good and interesting. This is what my avatar looks like.

In order to make an avatar online using the Sp-studio service you need:

1. Go to the website

2. Click on the person's image

3. In the character creation menu, select the background, skin color, hair, etc.


Another service for creating a cartoon character. Pretty too interesting service, the avatars turn out beautiful and unusual. Here is my avatar made in this service.

So, in order to make an avatar online using the Faceyourmanga service you need:

2. Register on the service (to do this, click on the big green button at the Sign UP center)

3. After registration, select “Create”

4. Choose which avatar you will create, male or female.

5. Now choose the avatar values ​​that suit you (everything is easy here)

6. After creating the image, save it by clicking the “Save” button

Service for photo processing. By using of this service you can create a beautiful “drawn” avatar. Here, for example, is mine (as if painted in oil).

In order to make an avatar for free using the Fotosketcher service, you need:

1. Go to the service website -

2. Go to the “Download” section, download a special program for creating effects

3. Download and install the program

4. Launch the program, open your photo or any other image in it

5. Click the “Drawing Options” button, and select the appropriate effect, click the “Draw” button

6. Save the resulting image.

Using my instructions, you can easily make an avatar for free, with the help of useful services.

VIDEO LESSON “How to make an avatar for social networks and for a blog”

Personal avatar – regular picture and at the same time an indispensable attribute of any social network or Internet forum. With the help of an avatar, participants in online communication can tell a little about themselves, express their individuality and create a certain image for themselves online. It is the personal image and nickname that is what is first paid attention to during a conversation.

An avatar can be like real photo person, and the picture with fictional character or without it at all.


For those who do not want to limit themselves to a simple photograph from personal archives, there are many special services to create avatars. These services offer a variety of pictures for every taste. Pictures are divided by thematic groups. Any service will definitely have avatars for those interested in anime, cars, graffiti, and animals. There will also be avatars on the theme of nature, love, girls, sports, games and much more. You can choose a picture with your own name.

To download a ready-made avatar, you need to click right click mouse over the picture you like, select “Save as...”, then determine the folder in which the picture will be stored and click “Ok”. That's it, the picture is on your computer. All that remains is to upload it to personal profile on a forum or on a social network.

The disadvantage of creating an avatar this way is that there is a fairly high probability of meeting another participant in online communication with a similar profile, since on avatar services the pictures are often the same. In addition, the service logo often appears on the avatar, which also does not indicate the originality and creativity of its owner.

Websites with avatars work not only with pictures, but also with personal photos. They can provide a variety of effects to an ordinary photo (shine, flicker, glitter, “ old photograph", etc.), decorate with graphics, add an inscription, create a frame or simply improve the quality of the image. In order to create an “improve” photo for your avatar, you need to upload it to the appropriate service. The photo must be in jpg format, jpeg, png or gif and weighing no more than 5 MB. Select the effect you want to give to your photo. Then follow the instructions.


The basis of any avatar is the source - an image that somehow attracted attention. Sources can be taken from anywhere: it can be a photograph, scanned drawings, screenshots from films or games, and even ready-made avatars that you want to change at your own discretion.

A unique avatar will be a scanned or personally drawn drawing. True, this uniqueness will only remain for some time, since it will not be possible to prohibit people from taking your avatar.

Enough good way- take screenshots from games, films and cartoons, since not everyone will pay attention to the moment that you think is interesting.

How to take a screenshot:

1. During the film screening, pay attention to an interesting frame.

2. Press pause.

3. Press Ctrl+Prt Screen - a screenshot is taken.

4. Open Microsoft Paint, click “Insert”. An image of the selected frame from the movie appears.

You can use desktop wallpaper. There are a huge number of them on the Internet. But in this case, you can’t count on absolute uniqueness - although the avatar will be unique, the source code will not.

On forums and social networks there are often restrictions on the height, width and weight of the avatar. On forums, as a rule, the photo should be no more than 120 px in both height and width. If the avatar is larger than these sizes, it simply will not load.

Because of these restrictions, you should not put large-scale pictures with small details. Large, clear images are best.


Animated avatar - a moving avatar with a micro-story. It is based on the principle of animation, when several rapidly changing pictures are united by one idea.

Animated avatars are created using special programs. The UnFREEz program can be considered one of the simplest. This is a free, portable (no installation required) program. From several static images V GIF format she creates one animated one. The benefits of this program are: minimum size, ease of use and the absence of any load on the system. You can also add as a plus automatic detection sequences of “frames” (by their name) and transparency detection.

You can watch a training video on working with the UnFREEz program


You should not take your photograph or picture in radically different color ranges. It irritates the eye and looks tacky.

Try to make your avatar thematic - it should be a reflection of some thought or suggest an idea. However, this does not mean that on the motorists forum you need to use only pictures with the same theme. Your personal image should contain a piece of you. These avatars look very impressive.