The most valuable company in the world - Apple, Google or Microsoft? Apple vs Microsoft: a story of tech titans

In the 21st century, Apple and Microsoft are leaders in the technology field. They compete with each other all the time and fight for first place in all positions. Today we will look at which corporation is more profitable for investors and how the companies are actually doing.

The rivalry between the two powerful companies Apple and Microsoft have been going on for a very long time. In the race for investors, company dividends have been very generous. Whose shares are more profitable to buy?

Competition is a huge plus and a good indicator.

Let's start with Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). Their advantages are the unique ecosystem built by the company and interaction with the consumer. IPhone is the weakness of millions of consumers; probably, everyone who planned to buy a new mobile phone first thought about buying an iPhone. Let's face it, now every second person has an iPhone. It's fashionable, it's stylish and functional. People like it. And they're looking forward to it new model to be in trend. Apple fans are also interested in other technology. In addition, their mobile applications, attract millions of users. They really know how to retain a client and attract a new one.

Now about Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT). The company itself recently noticed that its advantages in the form operating systems, unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Windows is what made the company famous and entered the high level. Over the years, their operating system was indeed in great demand and brought in millions in profits.

Despite the fact that Microsoft is older, Apple has surpassed its competitor very quickly and primarily thanks to the mobile phones and operating systems for them.

Apple realized that it was unable to openly attack Microsoft and quickly occupy the computer software niche. And they resorted to a trick: they decided to focus on the development of mobile operating systems. At this point, Microsoft attempted to counterattack by creating the Windows mobile OS, but it was too late. Apple's victory in mobile technology allowed it to launch an offensive in the development and sale of PC OS. In recent Apple of the Year increased its share more and more.

Even though the two giants in the technology world compete in several other areas, Apple's result is in the mobile bidding. The OS allowed it to break away from its competitor.

Apple - Economic stability.

The performance of the two companies is shocking. These giants in the world of innovation are like money-making robots. But no matter how impressive Microsoft's financial picture is, the strength and profitability of Apple's balance sheet are unrivaled.

Development: Apple wins again.

The last 5 years, Apple's profits have been much greater. Income increased by approximately 10% each year. Global analysts believe that earnings per share of the two companies will continue to grow over the next five years. About 12.37% for Apple and about 11.45% for Microsoft. The indicators are not much different to give the investment decision to one of them.

Now let's summarize.

Talking about the benefits of buying shares of a particular company is a stupid idea. You need to look at indicators such as:

  • share price to earnings ratio;
  • share price to earnings ratio for the last year;
  • the ratio of stock price to expected earnings and cash flow.

According to these indicators, Apple shares are cheaper and more profitable. Therefore, they have a slight advantage over Microsoft shares.

As we see, Apple is more promising. Age doesn't matter. It is development and plans for the future that play a role. Apple is clearly the leader in this regard.

Greetings to all! I decided in my spare time to speculate on the topic of the world's monoliths in the field information technologies– Apple and its longtime competitor Microsoft.

Almost everyone knows the company from Redmond; if anyone else is not aware, then pay attention - this is the well-known Microsoft. Everyone also knows the company from Cupertino – Apple.

What is the background of this conversation? In the distant 80s of the last century, two giants, Microsoft and Apple, developed and presented their operating systems to the world. But the question is: what software It turned out better, who best satisfied the needs of the just emerging world computerization? Which one is better? Apple or Microsoft?

The Cupertino company did not understand the nature of the current market at that time. However, Apple representatives said that their system is significantly better than Microsoft's. That is why they began to offer it with new computers for a premium amount.

In it Microsoft time opens up the possibility of installing their own system for those who created relatively inexpensive equipment. During that period a large number of people worked with Windows. Because various software was available, this is the first plus in Microsoft's pocket.

The dominant position has remained to this day. Although, the trend is that in a couple more years everything could change. A long-time rival and competitor is increasingly taking over the market. So far at a huge number Computers all over the world use Windows. Because many people don't want to switch to Apple computers primarily because some necessary programs will not work on Apple devices. However, Microsoft is also good - it did not follow the market mobile devices. In this sense, Apple managed to get ahead of events for a while and bite off a huge piece of the pie.

One of iPhone owners, who broke down after being immersed in water, said that today he uses Samsung, and cannot notice any big differences. He also bought an iPad because this tablet shows high quality image. I wanted a small “tablet” that could easily fit in a jacket pocket. It turned out that the iPad is not much different from Android gadgets. That is, Microsoft and Apple produce devices of essentially the same level. But it was Apple who succeeded in right time capture this market segment.

Apple has changed a lot

At the dawn of computers, there were not many fans of such an invention. This is understandable, because there is not much joy in using laptops with a 486 CPU. If it were not for Apple, we would now be working with communicators three centimeters thick or more. In addition, until recently touchscreens with stylus support were used, which by modern standards is not good. Who do you think saved us from the stylus..? You can also recall “Windowsphones” with large slide-out keyboards.

There were no fundamental changes until Apple showed the first iPhone model, as well as the iPad. Then various companies decided to raise the level of their own products - they stopped creating for no one interesting devices on " Windows Mobile» 6.0 with a powerful CPU and the ability to watch pictures on the display Low quality. When the first iPhone model came out, for example, HTC began creating good devices. Google came up with the idea to develop Android. Then everything went as usual - a leader appeared, whom you had to run after. And so far they are just running, until there is no one who could overtake them.

Take a look at the modern world! Are used touch displays, can be controlled with a light touch of your fingers, excellent 3D games and high-quality camera matrices.

Why is that? Because all representatives of the mobile device market began to increase their power to Apple’s level. Where were thin tablets and smartphones before Apple? Many have used portable model

PDA on Windows 2000x. The device weighed two kilos, as it seemed then. Companies did not care about the user, since everyone knew that there were no suitable analogues! One can only remember SONY's feeble attempts to create anything worthwhile. As a result, a “brick” appeared on Windows, which worked for as much as 3 hours!

Jobs, with his incredibly successful Apple corporation, managed to really change the state of affairs in the market. What a market there is in the world! If this person had not created the devices that are now in use and which began to be copied en masse, we would be stuck with heavy and poor devices. Nowadays, many people have Android phones. It is clear that the technologies installed in these devices would not exist without Apple. IN modern world It’s as if they forgot about innovation. Microsoft is also, one might say, at a dead end, they are only improving

previous versions

systems, but there are no new products. Let's hope this doesn't last long and the breakthrough will happen! By the way, which of them is better, you decide for yourself... How many copies were broken in fierce holivars?

Apple fans

and Microsoft. It would seem that in the minds of adherents of both camps, everything is extremely simple: on the other side of the barricades is the clear enemy of humanity. Nevertheless, the two companies have collaborated with each other more than once, as objective facts clearly indicate. Ten of the most significant of them. A translation of his article is offered below the cut. For more than two decades, Microsoft and Apple have been in a state of sometimes very bitter rivalry. But today it is unlikely that any of these companies would recognize each other as their main competitor. If you could have a heart-to-heart talk with Steve Jobs or Steve Ballmer, locking yourself in their office and turning off the recorder, then when asked who they see as their main rival, both CEOs would answer: Google. For this reason alone, one would think that Apple and Microsoft are closer than ever to working closely together (and this is quite

The release of Microsoft Office:mac 2011 is just one, the most recent example of a time when both companies were on the same path. And although this is still more the exception than the rule, you can collect 10 of the most striking such “exceptions” when companies worked together.

  1. Microsoft creates Word for the original Macintosh
  2. In the early 80s, Apple released its promising Macintosh computer, which would compete with the IBM PC, which was bypassing Apple time II. And Microsoft was one of the first to believe in success new platform. Gates bet on GUI Jobs and agreed to become one of the first developers of programs for the new computer. As a result, it appeared Microsoft Word, which could ultimately become the most popular application in everything computer world. Gates said at the time: “One of our coolest projects was the Macintosh, and it was also one of the riskiest. Many people no longer remember that [by releasing this computer] Apple put everything on the line.”

    Certainly, collaboration work on the Macintosh project led Microsoft to create a competing operating system, Windows, which became a point of contention between the two companies.

  3. Apple makes iPod compatible with Windows
  4. In 2001, the iPod was born, which, according to Apple plans, was supposed to boost Mac sales. But a year later the company realized that the player had much more greater potential, and therefore it was decided that the iPod should become compatible with Windows computers. Release Windows versions of iTunes, coinciding with the launch iTunes Music The store, which sold each song for 99 cents, ensured that the iPod became the best-selling gadget in the history of consumer electronics.

  5. Internet Explorer is becoming standard browser on Macs
  6. As part of the 1997 agreements, Apple agreed to make on its computers Microsoft Internet Explorer browser default. At that time, Microsoft was waging a fierce competitive war with Netscape for supremacy in the web browser market.

    Few people already remember that Internet Explorer 3.0 was a quality product because a large number of engineers worked on it. It was only later that IE earned a dubious reputation due to its sluggishness, bulkiness and buggyness, after Microsoft defeated Netscape and lost all interest in this topic.

    But it was great in 1997, when there were two great browsers for Macs (or three, if you also count Mosaic). Especially when the iMac is about to be released, and many users have already bought computers to access the Internet.

  7. Microsoft invests $150 million in Apple
  8. When in 1996 Steve Jobs returned to Apple and soon became interim CEO, one of the key messages he conveyed to the company's employees was that they need to stop thinking about the past and, in particular, about rivalry Apple and Microsoft, and start thinking about the future and the important directions that Apple can take next.

    At the opening of Macworld 1997 in Boston, Jobs voiced the same idea to Apple fans, announcing a deal with Microsoft, according to which Apple would drop all its claims regarding Windows, and Microsoft, in turn, would invest $150 million in Apple and guarantee for several years to continue production software products for the Macintosh platform, which was then going through hard times.

    When a direct video call was established with Bill Gates, and the essence of the deal between the companies was announced, Jobs, to the disapproving roar of the audience, remarked: “We need to forget that for Apple to win, Microsoft must lose.”

  9. Apple licenses Exchange ActiveSync for iPhones
  10. When was released in 2007 original iPhone, its main advantage was the touch interface, which made this smartphone accessible not only to monsters Email, who previously preferred BlackBerry and Palm Treo devices. However, the first iPhone was not a very useful thing: it had very few applications, and it was impossible to get corporate email from it.

    Both Apple problems eliminated a year later, releasing the iPhone 3G, giving the opportunity third party developers create your own applications for smartphones and license them from Microsoft platform Exchange ActiveSync, which gave iPhones the ability to connect to Exchange servers to synchronize mail, calendars and contact databases.

  11. Boot Camp- For Windows installations on Maki
  12. In 2006, Apple switched its computers from the PowerPC platform to standard ones Intel chips x86 are the same ones on which most Windows systems were built. A little later in the same year, there was free utility Boot Camp, which made it possible to install an operating system on any Intel Mac, in parallel with Mac OS X Windows system XP (later Boot Camp provided Windows support Vista, and then Windows 7). Of course, Microsoft didn't object, since installing Windows via Boot Camp still required a user license.

  13. Snow Leopard connects to Exchange
  14. In a row standard applications Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) - Mail, iCal and " Address book" - Apple turned on Microsoft support Exchange. Unfortunately, the work required a server no lower than Exchange 2007, and the integration was not without its flaws. But this is another real step forward for Macs in the many companies that run Microsoft software in their server rooms.

  15. Apple creates Windows version of Safari
  16. Steve Jobs once jokingly remarked that Apple, releasing its applications for Windows, was like “offering glasses of ice water to the inhabitants of hell.” A few weeks later, Apple launches the Windows version of Safari. Although the Apple browser was not killed by competitors and never occupied any significant niche in the Windows browser market, it was always ready to work for those who prefer a minimalistic interface and high speed loading web pages.

    In addition, this browser embodies one of Apple's open projects - the WebKit engine, which Apple got rid of old technologies and turned into an open-source project, which has since become the basis for the development of Google, Nokia, Palm, BlackBerry and other companies .

  17. Apple and Microsoft ditch Blu-ray in favor of online downloads
  18. IN last couple For years, both Apple and Microsoft have been under pressure from Blu-ray. Microsoft was required to equip it with BD drives for game XBox consoles, from Apple - equipping their Macs with the same “blue rays”. And both companies withstood the onslaught, citing the same reason for their resistance: Blu-ray is an expensive and temporary solution, and the future of HD video lies in digital downloads.

    And although the companies probably did not consult with each other on this matter, this coincidence of views only strengthened their opinion. And this, by the way, was the reason why film companies stopped forcing consumers to buy more disks instead of the cheaper and more convenient option to download digital media content.

  19. Microsoft is launching a Mac version of Outlook as part of Office:mac 2011
  20. After several years during which the Mac version office suite Microsoft was a significant departure from its Windows sibling, and with the release of Office:mac 2011, both products are closer in capabilities to each other than ever before. But the most significant feature of Office 2011 is the return to the Mac platform. Microsoft programs Outlook, which replaced the more specific Entourage (a terribly buggy piece of software). This has made modern Macs better equipped for the business world.


These are the events in the history of cooperation between Apple and Microsoft, according to Jason Heiner, that have become unique reference points. What other facts? this kind, albeit less significant, could be called? Have your say in the comments.

Apple is the second most valuable company in the world; It's no wonder she attracts a lot of attention. However, it is Microsoft today that is developing the kind of technology that Apple fans can dream about.

So, 11 reasons why Microsoft is better Apple:

Cortana is smarter than Siri

Unlike the Apple assistant, Cortana learns the user's habits much better and adapts to them. In addition, Cortana is available simultaneously on Windows 10, as well as on iOS and Android. Voice assistant Apple is stuck with the iPhone and iPad, still lacking integration with desktop OS X (not to mention Google's rival OS).

Stability is not a sign of mastery

OS X hasn't changed much over the past few years. Microsoft wasn't afraid to experiment with the Start menu (which disappeared, reappeared, and was practically perfected in Windows 10). For example, now Key information about programs and files can be obtained without launching them.

Apple is not a toy for children

OS X never claimed to be a popular gaming platform. Microsoft's merger plans Xbox One and Windows leave Apple no chance in the gaming industry. The unified ecosystem will be built on Universal Windows Applications (UWA) technology, which will allow you to run games from Xbox One to PC and vice versa.

Windows has its head in the clouds

Cloud Microsoft services They are superior to Apple in everything. OneNote and OneDrive services allow you to access documents from any device with Internet access, not just from Apple gadgets.

Microsoft windows > Apple windows

Windows lives up to its name and beats OS X in the ease of window management. Just drag and drop open window to the top of the screen and it will go to full screen mode. Dragging a window to the edge of the screen maximizes it exactly halfway. The last feature is convenient for completing a row parallel tasks. Apple can't boast of this.

Apple - talented imitators

In fact, when creating iPad Pro Apple company copied a large number technical solutions. However, the set iPad applications The Pro is severely limited, whereas the Surface Pro 4 is capable of running any Windows app.

Microsoft managed to redefine the concept of the PC and its target audience by successfully combining a laptop and a tablet in the super successful Surface Book. The hybrid has enough power to solve resource-intensive tasks, while maintaining compactness.

A look into the future

The post-PC era was predicted by Steve Jobs in 2010. And while Microsoft is bringing it closer by creating mobile multifunctional devices, Apple does the opposite, limiting the functionality of its gadgets as much as possible.

HP Elite x3 is portable gadget for a business that is equipped with the best hardware on the market and exceeds Apple flagships in everything. The device supports memory cards up to 2 TB. Cards of this size do not yet exist, but Microsoft is looking to the future.

Flexibility in everything

The Windows Continuum app allows you to use your Windows 10 Mobile smartphone as an almost full-fledged PC. True, the range of applications available in this mode is significantly limited.

Microsoft is ready for change

IN last years Microsoft has released many experimental apps for Android and iPhone. For example, the Hub Keyboard makes it easy to switch between apps and reduces the time it takes to complete every day task.

Scientific research

Microsoft's experiments are not limited to creating applications and gadgets. The company also pays attention to fundamental research. The Microsoft Research division develops many areas simultaneously - from speech recognition technologies to the creation of artificial intelligence.

On all fronts

When Satya Nadella took over as CEO of Microsoft, the company began releasing applications on more platforms. At the same time, Microsoft entered into several deals with competitors, such as Red Hat. Obviously, the company is trying to cover the maximum available devices and operating systems for its applications.

P.S. Also, don't miss our Windows 10 guide you can't live without.

This completely non-virtual battle, which has been going on for three decades, is legendary. One feature film (“Pirates of Silicon Valley”, remember?) and dozens of documentaries have been shot, countless books have been written, and so many articles and notes... Blogger Sean Lynd created a detailed infographic on how the confrontation between Redmond and Cupertino developed. Very detailed infographics.

In this regard, it would be appropriate to recall one photograph of Steve Jobs together with Bill Gates, which you might not have seen. There is an opinion that the photo turned out to be prophetic in terms of target audiences Apple and Microsoft. Look: Steve is wearing a striped turtleneck and jeans. In addition, he sits barefoot, while Bill's clothes are office clothes, with shoes polished to a shine. Like good old times.

But let's return to the infographics. Sean meticulously outlined most of the important events in both companies by month. In addition, throughout the entire timeline (1984-2011), he indicated the stock prices of Microsoft and Apple. Let's say in 1997 Microsoft shares cost $130, and Apple - only $17. Now the situation is exactly the opposite: Microsoft shares are trading at $24, Apple shares at $330. And just as the Cupertino people didn’t give up in the 90s, the Redmond people don’t give up now.

To see the infographic, click on the preview below. Attention, the image is very large and “heavy”: 1.7 MB.


website This completely non-virtual battle, which has been going on for three decades, is legendary. One feature film (“Pirates of Silicon Valley,” remember?) and dozens of documentaries have been shot, countless books have been written, and so many articles and notes... Blogger Sean Lind created a detailed infographic about how the confrontation between Redmond and Cupertino developed. Very detailed infographic. In this...