The router is turned on but the laptop does not see it. What to do if the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. Local network problems

We all sooner or later encounter a problem when our device (computer, tablet, laptop, smartphone) for some reason does not see wifi network. It seems like we connected correctly and set everything up, but available connections No. Let's take a look possible options correction of this situation.

Why doesn't my laptop/computer see the WiFi network?

Let me note that there may be several reasons, and we will start with the primary one: the operation of the router itself. It is he who performs the main functions of the access point and provides us with good signal connection supply. If there is a problem with your router, try rebooting it. If it is turned on and functioning normally, check its distance from the computer/laptop. Maybe it's the range that's keeping your device from working.

Check if Wi-Fi is turned on on your laptop. On working panel at the bottom next to switching languages ​​there is a corresponding icon (if the networks are not displayed when you click on it, then Wi-Fi is still turned off).
If this is not the reason, we will have to check the operation of some systems of our laptop ⁄ computer (suitable for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10).

Let's look at the possible reasons for the lack of network:

  1. your device simply does not see any of the Wi-Fi networks (they are not displayed as available) - let's call it error 1;
  2. your device sees neighboring ones Wi-Fi networks, namely, it doesn’t find yours - error 2.
  • A hardware error (i.e. network card error) pops up. In this case, your device does not see the wireless WiFi adapter because it is either broken or there is a problem with its drivers.
  • Driver not installed network equipment(check the driver in the Device Manager tab, in the “Properties” folder). If necessary, install the driver or reinstall the software (from the disk or from the manufacturer’s website).
  • Turned off wireless connection(check in the Network Control Center in the Wireless network tab or the Wireless network connection tab).
  • The Wi-Fi module does not work (in case of a malfunction, the module must be replaced).
  • Software failure or other problems (this may require the help of a specialist).

If you find out that your error 2, to eliminate it, use the change Wi-Fi channel networks.
This can be done quite simply through the Settings item on the Wireless tab. You can select the channel number 1-9, or you can select the Auto checkbox. After saving the settings, you will need to reboot the router.

System diagnostics

If you have tried all possible and impossible options, and nothing helps you, you can use such a feature as system diagnostics. Go to the Network and Control Center, select “Change adapter settings”. Find the wireless connection shortcut and click on it right click mouse, select the “Diagnostics” line. After this, your laptop (computer) itself will try to find malfunctions and tell you how to fix them.

Why doesn't my Android smartphone see the WiFi network?

Both in the case of a laptop and in the case of a smartphone on Android based, there may be several reasons for the lack of visible Wi-Fi networks:
  • You are out of range of the router (sometimes you just need to move around the room to find the network).
  • Introduced wrong password access, network authentication (the problem is solved by entering the correct password, taking into account the case, or rebooting the smartphone).
  • The router freezes (the problem can be solved by rebooting the router).
  • Lack of support for router standards by the smartphone (see the instructions for the router).
  • A large number of connected devices (in the router settings you need to find the number of devices with which it can work and remove unnecessary ones).
  • Installing new applications (this situation is typical for some Android devices, try deleting the last saved programs).
  • Incorrect router settings ( precise settings entered into the router menu).
  • Broken router or smartphone.

Regular connection failures may indicate that the problem lies in the phone settings themselves. The solution could be full reset settings to factory settings. Typically, this will require you to go to Settings and open the Security tab. After rebooting the phone, try to find a new Wi-Fi network.

As you can see, there can be quite a few reasons for the lack of a Wi-Fi network, but the ones mentioned above are the most common and, in principle, should help.

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Very often, laptop users encounter troubles when turning on or setting up Wi-Fi. The procedure itself seems quite simple, but difficulties and snags often arise due to which the laptop does not connect to wi-fi. What to do if the Internet suddenly stops working? To answer this question, here are recommendations on how to deal with troubles when your laptop does not see WiFi.

For turn on wifi, you need to do two simple steps. And these actions will depend on the manufacturer and model of the laptop. First, we present the inclusion options for the most popular manufacturers.

How to enable WiFi on a laptop

  • If laptop ASUS does not connect to wifi, you will have to press the key combination FN + F2.
  • Same settings on laptop Packard bell And Acer can be called by the keyboard shortcut FN + F3.
  • Laptop HP contains a special button with a symbolic antenna on it. But there are models in which wi-fi can be easily turned on by pressing FN + F12. There are also options for HP laptops that have a regular button with an antenna design.
  • Chinese manufacturer Lenovo provided an option where the connection is connected using the FN + F5 key combination. But there may also be models that have a special switch for wireless networks.
  • Depending on the model on Samsung laptop connect to wireless network can be done using the FN, F9, or F12 keys.

In order for a laptop to connect to wi-fi, each manufacturer came up with their own original ways. To view this procedure in detail, you should use the user manual included with the laptop. Almost every modern laptop is equipped with an FN button. It allows you to perform the most different functions to connect the device with other devices. If, for some reason, such a button is missing, then instead there is a switch or another special button. All of them are easily recognized by their characteristic antenna pattern.

Reboot the router

Before you start troubleshooting the problem of lack of Internet. Reboot your router by turning it off and on. In this case, all router settings are saved.

Checking and setting up drivers

When making settings on a laptop, you need to check whether the necessary drivers for this are present and their functionality. The purpose of this check is that the drivers must be present and involved in this moment. To do this, you will have to enter the “Control Panel”, then select “Network and Internet” and here open the “Network and Sharing Center” item. shared access", in the left column select "Change adapter settings"

A window will open showing two items, Wi-Fi and Ethernet. The screenshot below shows that the laptop is connected to the network via WiFi, and network cable not connected.

If the entry is not displayed in the wi-fi adapter, then this is a clear sign driver problems. In addition, a yellow icon with exclamation mark.

There are times when there is no entry for the adapter at all. This means that the drivers are not installed and the system does not see the adapter. Drivers can be installed from the disk that came with the laptop or found on the manufacturer's website.

If a yellow exclamation mark is displayed, click on it with the mouse and select “Enable” in the window that appears.

Also, the reason that wi-fi stopped working may be the power saving mode, which is involved in given time. To disable it you need:

  1. enter the “Control Panel”;
  2. find the item “Power supply”;
  3. select "High performance";

Having dealt with all these simple manipulations, you can put things in order with the wi-fi drivers.

Turn on the wi-fi adapter

To connect the wi-fi adapter we also perform a number of steps. Open the “Control Panel”, then select “Network and Internet” and here open the “Network and Sharing Center” item, in the left column select “Change adapter settings”. There is a “Wireless Network Connection”, which is a wi-fi adapter. In order to connect to wi-fi, you need to open the dialog box with the right mouse button and here use the “Enable” item.

Connecting to the access point

All that's left to do is connect to the access point. But first of all, you should make sure that it is active. In the right corner at the bottom of the screen you need to find the wi-fi shortcut on the taskbar. If you click on it, a dialog box for managing networks will appear. To connect, you need to select a network and then click “Connect”.

There are times when the system is password protected and asks you to enter it. The system will not be able to connect to the access point until the password is entered. In the presence of open point access, the system connects automatically.

The entire process of setting up wi-fi on a laptop is covered.

Once you have carried out all these manipulations, you will not have to do them constantly. But there were cases that for some reason wi-fi did not want to connect. Often solving connection problems comes down to pressing hotkey and enable the desired option. Therefore, if the laptop stops connecting to the Internet, the first thing you need to do is check whether it is turned on.

The laptop uses a lot of energy to maintain an Internet connection. Therefore, it often happens that wi-fi stops working due to the use of economy mode.

External obstacles

It is worth remembering that if the Internet suddenly stops working, the reason may not only be present in the laptop. Wifi depends on external factors, because the radio signal can be weakened by exposure external environment. Walls, ceilings, floors, and other obstacles weaken the access point signal and the client device signal. The system always displays the signal level in the form of bars. How stronger signal- the more sticks. The signal at 1-2 short points is quite weak and often because of this it is not possible to use the Internet. It happens that the system does not see the signal at all.

If the laptop does not see WiFi, do not be upset, the problem is often very minor. By following the above recommendations, you can easily learn how to correct errors. And the laptop will always be reliably connected to the Internet.

The situation when a laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi is quite common and many users have encountered it. Fortunately, in more than 90% of cases, the reasons why your computer does not find a wireless network can be eliminated. The main thing is to correctly establish the cause, and then make the necessary settings.

Why doesn't my laptop see Wi-Fi?

The reasons for not seeing Wi-Fi may be in the laptop itself or the settings of the router. How do you know that the problem is with the laptop and not with the router? You need to connect to Wi-Fi through other devices, a smartphone or tablet.

If Wi-Fi does not find your smartphone or tablet, the problem is probably in the router. And if other devices connect to the wireless network without problems, then something is wrong with the laptop’s settings.

Why the laptop may not see Wi-Fi:

  1. Disabled network adapter (the chip that enables Wi-Fi reception and processing) on ​​a laptop
  2. Lack of drivers/utilities for the network adapter
  3. Failures in configuration settings due to which the PC cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Per reception Wi-Fi signal the network adapter in the laptop, or as it is also called, network card. This chip is installed in all modern laptops and fails very rarely.

But the situations when after Windows installations or programs that crash network adapter drivers are quite common.

If the problem is in the network adapter driver

To check if the necessary drivers, must be done the following actions(the procedure is the same in all versions of Windows OS):

  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel and go to it.
  2. In the “Control Panel” go to the “System and Security” section
  3. In this section, in the “System” subsection, select “Device Manager”
  4. In the window that opens, look at the list of devices and determine whether it contains the “Network adapters” item.

If the network adapters are not displayed in Device Manager, it means that the ones needed to connect to Wi-Fi drivers none. They can be quickly and free downloaded from the official website of the laptop manufacturer and then installed on your PC. After installing the utilities, the problem will be solved.

If the problem is that the adapter is turned off

In some cases, a laptop user may accidentally turn off the network card by pressing the Wi-Fi on/off key combination. In this case, it is enough to enable wireless adapter back.

On different models On laptops this is done in different ways - on some you need to hold down the “Fn” key and the button with the airplane/antenna icon (this is how the key to turn Wi-Fi on/off is usually labeled), and on some there is a switch on the case for this purpose.

Exists universal method enable network card:

  1. Go to the “Network and Sharing Center” by right-clicking on wifi icon on the notification panel
  2. In the menu on the left, select “Change adapter settings”
  3. Find the item “Wireless network connection” and determine whether the adapter is really turned off (the message “Disabled” is displayed under it)
  4. Right-click on “Wireless Network Connection” and select “Enable”.

When the network card turns on, the laptop will immediately find everything available networks, and then you can connect to your home wireless Internet.

No Internet access or limited connection

Another common problem with Wi-Fi on a laptop is that the device cannot connect - when you try, the message “Network connection error” appears on the screen. In this case, you first need to select “Troubleshooting” in the window of this message. Most likely, the OS itself will fix the problem.

If you use “Troubleshooting” to achieve desired result failed, probably the problem is that current settings networks do not match the saved ones. In this case, you should try to delete the connection in the Network and Sharing Center, restart the router, and then create the connection again.

Doesn't connect to Wi-Fi on phone (iPhone and Android)

If you try to connect your phone to available Wi-Fi were not successful, the problem must be looked for in the gadget itself or in the router. In such cases, the mobile device may not see the network, but if it finds it, then after entering the password, the connection does not occur.

The most typical problems when connected to Wi-Fi on your phone:

  • authentication error;
  • IP address is not obtained;
  • the required network is not detected.

Authentication problems

If the phrase “Authentication Error” or “WPA/WPA2 Saved” appears on the screen, it is most likely due to an incorrectly entered password. Otherwise, you should try rebooting the router, and if that doesn’t help, then delete the network from the phone’s memory and then connect to it again.

The smartphone cannot obtain an IP address

This problem is typical only for Android OS. There can be two reasons: the DHCP server is disabled or Android malfunctioned. Determine which of them is relevant in in this case It’s simple, just try connecting from another mobile device.

If the problem persists, you must give permission to enable DHCP servers. This option can be found in the LAN or LAN sections. The new settings must be saved. If other phones easily connect to this Wi-Fi, it's worth trying to reboot your mobile device, the reason is there.

The phone still doesn't see the network

The reason is most likely in the settings Wi-Fi router. If turning off and rebooting does not change the situation, you should try changing the router settings. Most often, changing the network channel and region helps.

In the router settings you need to set static channel and another region. You can try setting the US region, and if the static channel was configured earlier, you should set it to “Auto”. This failure may not affect other previously connected home devices that are working fine, but new phone cannot join.

If all the above problems are resolved and other phones connect easily to the required Wi-Fi, the cause of the difficulties may be a failure operating system gadget. In most cases, the matter is limited to a reboot.

It happens that the problem occurs after replacing the battery, glass or phone case. In such a situation, you need to take the smartphone to the workshop; perhaps the technician forgot to connect the antenna or the Wi-Fi module itself. Hardware failure of the module also cannot be ruled out, and it can also be identified and fixed in the workshop.

It would seem that what could be simpler than connecting a router to a computer? It's only a matter of a couple of minutes. But sometimes the result can be completely unexpected, for example, the computer does not see the router, and it is impossible to enter the router settings. What to do in such a situation? For those who want to try to fix the problem themselves, here are some simple tips. But first a few words about possible reasons failure.

Why the computer does not see the router: possible reasons

As for the reasons, there can be quite a lot of them, from the banal incorrect connection to equipment malfunctions, including the router itself and the corresponding ports on the computer ( physical breakdowns or software failures of the device itself will not be considered in detail).

However, the main prerequisites for the fact that the computer does not see the WiFi router, depending on the situation, are the following:

  • incorrect connection;
  • incorrect access parameters;
  • lack of network card drivers;
  • inoperability of the Wi-Fi module;
  • hidden network.

What to do if the computer does not see the router during a direct connection?

Let's start with a situation where a user tries to connect to a router to perform initial setup via cable directly. It seems that all the cables are connected correctly, but there is still no connection. Well, the router doesn’t see the computer, even if you crack it. What to do?

First of all, if you are absolutely sure that all cables are connected correctly, check whether the address of the router itself is entered correctly in the web browser. In most cases this is 192.168 with the last two digits being 0.1 or 1.1 (other addresses may apply for some non-standard models).

The entrance address can be found on a special sign located on back side devices. There is also a login and password that must be entered when entering the settings.

If everything is entered correctly, but the router is not visible, perhaps a simple reboot of the router by pressing the On/Off or Power buttons for 10-15 seconds will help. However, it is best to disconnect the router from the power supply completely, maintaining the same interval. If even after this the computer does not see the router, you can try to reset the router settings to factory settings. To do this, there is a small hole in the bottom of the case in which a barely noticeable Reset button is located.

Checking the correct connection

If previous actions did not have any effect, you should check the correctness of the direct connection.

Try plugging the network cable into a different connector on the router or similar actions on the computer's network card. If this doesn't work, the cable itself may be damaged. In this case, simply replace it and try to enter the settings again.

Connectivity diagnostics and testing of Ethernet ports

Also, the situation when the computer does not see the Wi-Fi router may be due to a breakdown of the ports themselves. As already mentioned, use a different port or “ring” the one you are connecting to.

However, the reason may also be network adapter. In this case, you should make sure that everything for it is installed in the system. necessary drivers(and correctly). If the device is marked in the corresponding manager yellow icon with an exclamation point, the drivers need to be reinstalled. Alternatively, you can also use complete removal device, followed by a system reboot when the driver is installed automatically. In the case of non-standard equipment, it is necessary to use original wheels or indicate location installation file drivers on the hard drive manually.

To get more detailed information it is necessary to diagnose the connection. It is performed from the adapter parameters section, which is located in the menu network connections, located in the standard “Control Panel”. If problems are detected, the system will notify you that they have been resolved.

Checking network attributes

Finally, the reason that the computer does not see the router when using wireless connection, network hiding may be set in the settings.

In this situation, you need to connect to the router directly via cable, enter the settings wireless mode and uncheck the box to enable SSID broadcast (for TP-Link models). In other devices, this may be the item for hiding the network name, setting simply hiding the network (SSID), or something else like that. After this, it is advisable to reboot the device in the manner described above. In addition, it would be nice to restart the main computer system(as they say, you never know).


In most cases, the above methods help correct the connection situation. If none of these solutions helped, in order not to replace the equipment, you will need to reflash the device. Doing this yourself at home is quite problematic, so it’s best to contact some service center. If such actions do not give results, you will have to full diagnostics the router is not subject to malfunctions, and if they are identified, replace the device.

But, as practice shows, most often it occurs incorrect input addresses and parameters when entering settings, broken cables and ports, lack of drivers network cards And wireless modules, and set parameters hiding networks. So at least one of the proposed methods will help.