I can't find my friend on Instagram. Best friends on Instagram how the function works. Miscellaneous user data

The long-awaited update of the Instagram application, version 73.0 dated December 3, 2018. New feature - Best Friends List.
Best friends on Instagram - select the people you would like to put on this list, now you can share stories only with them.

Select the people you want to add to your Best Friends list

Once you add someone, that person will be able to see stories you've previously shared with members of your list.

Share only with them

Some stories you only want to share with certain people. Such photos and videos sent to people on the list will be marked with a special label.

Only you can see your list

People on your Best Friends list will know they're on it, but they won't be able to see your list.

How to Create a Best Friends List on Instagram

To start, you can use it on your phone. If you have the latest version, then you probably already have the “Best Friends” function.

You can create a list of your best friends and share stories only with them.

To create a best friends list using the Instagram app:

You can edit this list at any time, add or remove best friends. Moreover, none of these people will receive notifications that they have been added or removed.

It should be said right away that people who see stories for the list of best friends will know that they are on this list. But they will not be able to see the other participants who are on this list besides him. Also, no one will be able to send you a request to be added to the list of best friends, only you can see this list. A green ring around the profile of the person who shared a story with you indicates that you are on his list of best friends, and a green icon will also appear when viewing.

It is worth noting that stories for the best friends list will disappear after 24 hours, just like regular stories.

Starting work on any site is always difficult. You need to understand the functionality of the site, create your account and get started. We have already written about how to start maintaining an account on Instagram. To successfully promote your profile, you need to find an audience to whom to show your publications. To do this, find friends on Insta.

Find friends on Instagram

You can work from both a computer and a mobile device. In the first case, you will be dealing with a website, and in the second, you can choose either a website or an application. It is more convenient to use Instagram in the application - the functionality is complete and provides all the possibilities.

But still, many people prefer to work on Insta from a computer on the site. Here's how you can find friends here:

Find out the name of the photo network user you want to add. Find a friend using a search query in your browser. Enter your username and add the website address instagram.com or the word "Instagram". When you don't know your friend's nickname, try entering his first and last name.

How to find friends in the application?

If you work in the Instagram application, then you can search for friends in several ways of your choice:

1. Enter the user's nickname in the search;

2. Go to the subscriptions of your friend’s possible followers. Surely it will be added by them;

3. Search by hashtags and geolocation. Enter data close to the person’s personality;

4. If your Instagram is synchronized with Facebook, start the search in this way: in the application settings, select the option to invite friends;

5. See if your friend is on the list of possible friends.

How to add a person?

When you have found the user you need and you want to add him as a friend, click on "Follow". The peculiarity of Instagram is that you can follow a person, but he may not want to follow you. However, after clicking the button, the user will receive a notification that you have become his follower. If he wishes, he will follow you back.

Lifehacks for finding friends

Next to the subscribe user button there is a second item with an arrow. If you click on it, you will be shown a list of people who have similar interests;

Write the hashtags #mutual friends, #followingmutually, #follow. This will help you get followers if you need more followers. Using these tags, people who want to increase subscriptions without third-party programs search for each other.

Finding friends on Instagram is not that difficult. The service will give you tips as soon as you register in the photo network. Add your acquaintances and friends, and then you can start working for an audience of strangers.

If you want to promote your page on Instagram, then our service – SMM Global – is ready to provide you with assistance in promoting Instagram. Keep in mind that promotion on Instagram is a whole range of work, which includes attracting a large audience to your page, popularizing posts, etc.

We figured out filters and . A reasonable question arises, how to find friends on Instagram? After all, it’s not interesting to post photos to yourself; you want someone else to look at them, like them, and write comments.

Previously, it was very easy to follow Twitter users who joined a new social network on Instagram and add them as friends; you could import their contacts and immediately follow them. Now this method is available for Facebook and, attention, for the domestic VKontakte! Although let's talk about everything in more detail.

How to find and add friends on Instagram

To follow new users, use the menu item made specifically for this: “Options” - “Find friends”. Here you can find new interesting people and start reading them. There are several ways to do this.

Using phone contacts

The method is questionable for our country and is more suitable for Americans, who enter all a person’s contacts into their phone address book, however, apparently, thanks to Android, people are found, however, sometimes it takes a long time to figure out who they are and how I know them.


I wrote about this above. By clicking on this item, you will have to log in to Facebook, if you have not already done so. You will then be offered all the Instagrammers you are friends with who have linked their profile to Instagram. You can follow them right here. Read more.

In contact with

You can do the same steps as with Facebook. Read more about how to do this. Most likely, you will have the most acquaintances from VK.

Instagram itself will recommend that you add some popular people around the world as friends. Look through this list, maybe your idol will be on it. Recently, the recommendations showed not stars, but people who are closest to you, for example, you are friends with them on VK or your subscribers follow and like them, but now all these users have been moved to the next item (read below).

Subscription to users

Here is exactly the point that I just wrote about above. Here you will find the people who are “closest” to you, according to Instagram. This is a kind of analogue of possible friends on VK and other social networks. There will be Instagrammers with whom you are friends on Facebook and VKontakte, your contacts from your address book, as well as those whom your subscribers follow. Sometimes here you can really subscribe to very interesting profiles.

Search by username

Previously, you could find a friend on Instagram by nickname or name here, in the settings. But now the search bar has been moved to a separate section - you will see the magnifying glass in the second square after the house, and not in the parameters, as before. Here you can also search for photos by description, but we need people, so select “users” and enter the desired name or nickname. First, the list of search results will show you those you already follow.

As you can see, there are several ways to find friends on Instagram. Since this social network is now, well, very popular, you can easily find new interesting subscribers or followers, as they say in slang. And I’m also very pleased that now you can add people from our beloved domestic VKontakte.

Finding friends on Instagram is an almost daily activity, the system itself will find what your friends call themselves, then you. How to search friends on instagram? On Instagram it is carried out in several categories, has a simple interface, and the system itself will help you find the one you want.

How to search for friends on Instagram - instructions

For these simple shenanigans, you need to go to the “magnifying glass” icon and start With independently searching for people . Almost 90% of all bloggers use this method.

There are three search filters:

  • by People
  • by Tags
  • in places

There are other methods of finding and attracting friends to your account. For this purpose the social network itself for interesting users . Often, searching for specific subscribers is needed for purely intimate purposes and not for promoting your account.

This method of searching for and inviting your friends from VK and FB to become subscribers is the simplest and most effective. You're practically "automatically" you get your own followers as followers. To do this, you need to go to settings and link your facebook and vkontakte accounts to your account.

Then in the settings you will see a button like “Invite from FB” and a similar one for VK subscriptions.

Search by nickname

If you know exactly or at least approximately what your friend’s nickname is, then enter his nickname in the “people” search tab. Even if the data you provide is not accurate, the social network itself will select the most suitable matches.

This method allows you to find friends using the following parameters:

  • By subscriptions among your audience. Instagram filters identify matches among those you and your followers follow;
  • According to the popularity of requests from people who have the letters and/or numbers you entered among the entire social network;
  • Based on your interests and common subscribers (friends).

This is the most popular and easiest way to find people you know. As a rule, this method is very effective and efficient.

Search by tags

Hashtags are very popular among users. They help draw attention to the photo , make it more viewable among others. To increase the likelihood of finding a person’s account, you should use the following criteria when searching:

  • Indicate in hashtags activities or events where the person you are looking for could be present;
  • If your friend has a hobby or hobby, indicate it in hashtags. This method will work if a person posts a photo of his classes and writes their name;

This method of searching for people is quite inaccurate and is best tried as a last resort. The most effective search may be by geolocation.

Search by location

Everything here is quite simple, because almost every user indicates their location, especially if they visit interesting places. You can search by city or by shopping malls, cinemas and even countries. To make your geolocation search effective, adhere to the following rules:

You can also use the search for tagged people. If you have friends , acquaintances who personally know the person you want to find - go to their profile in the “Photos from..” tab and check if there are photos with the account you are looking for.

If you decide to get new subscribers

Many people want to meet interesting people who are creative on Instagram. To find the people most interesting to you, use the following tips;

  • Using hashtags of the type of activity that interests you;
  • If you want to find a person who, for example, takes beautiful street photographs, use geolocation;
  • Knowing the accounts of popular people in your niche, you can look for like-minded people among their subscribers. This doesn’t always work, but sometimes it helps a lot, and you learn a lot of new things at the same time.

Search without registration from PC

Here you already need to know the nickname exactly; you can’t use the search. Typically, this method is used to view photos and videos of other users, if you want to view everything on a big screen.

To go to the desired profile, you need to specify a nickname after the address. The entry will look like this: instagram.com/indicate the nickname.

Not long ago, Instagram introduced the ability to link user profiles to accounts of popular social networks. Thanks to this feature, any Insta member can import photos from Instagram without digging through HTML code or using third-party applications. One of the “tricks” of this cooperation was the implementation of the ability to import a list of friends from other social platforms in just a few clicks. However, users are faced with the problem of obtaining a friend list from the system. This publication will discuss why Instagram doesn’t see VKontakte friends.

By the way, you might be interested. If yes, then please follow the link.

Why Instagram doesn’t find friends from VK

Indeed, such a problem exists, and it should be solved by the account owner himself, because when contacting support, social network developers (as a rule) limit themselves to unsubscribing in the style of “... this problem is related to a malfunction in the work of another social platform, and solve it on your own We are not able to."

Let's figure out why Instagram doesn't find friends from VK. There may be several reasons for this, namely:

  1. There is no link between Insta and VK accounts directly from the user making the request and from his friends.
  2. The specified data (name and surname) of the user in Insta contact is different.
  3. Friends on VK do not have an Insta account.
  4. Your friends' accounts have been blocked by one of the sites.

There are also malfunctions in the operation of sites and some technical problems (associated with a high load on resources), which can be quickly resolved by contacting the support services of these sites. As practice has shown, Instagram does not search for friends because the user does not know how to correctly perform this operation. Let's look at everything in order.

Linking accounts

For Instagram to find your friends on VK you need to:

  • synchronize profiles on social networks;
  • so that friends’ VK accounts are linked to their Insta accounts.

Failure to meet these conditions will result in the application not being able to search and create a friend list.

Please note that you can read detailed material by following the link.

Miscellaneous user data

Here, I hope everything is clear. Search on Insta is carried out not only by linking profiles, but also by registration data. If a user registered on VK as Ivan Petrov, and on Insta as Petr Ivanov, then, despite the linking of their accounts, this user will not be included in your friend list.

Lack of registration on Instagram

This also happens (albeit rarely, of course) that a modern user prefers only one social network. As a rule, such people monitor and actively work exclusively within a strictly defined resource or use the platform only for targeted communication.

Friend's account is blocked

The work of social platforms is regulated by a whole set of rules, which (unfortunately) almost no one reads when registering a page. If a friend's account is blocked, then it is invisible to all members of the community, as well as to search bots, whose work is based on the execution of a certain algorithm of actions.

Ways to solve problems

In order to link an Instagram account with a VK profile:

Successful synchronization will be confirmed by the color of the VKontakte tab changing from black to blue. This operation must also be performed by your “comrades” on social platforms.

If there is a difference in personal data, then your friends need to:

  • launch the application from your smartphone;
  • log in to your profile;
  • open the “Edit Profile” tab;
  • change the data and confirm the action.

As a rule, this problem is solved immediately after the changes are made.

If you don’t know how to find friends on Insta from VK, then follow the simple instructions:

After successful authorization, the system will offer a friend list with friends from VK who have an account on Insta. Directly from the list, you can selectively subscribe to their pages or subscribe to all your friends at once.


In this publication, we figured out the reasons why Instagram does not see VKontakte friends and identified ways to solve this problem. If for one reason or another you cannot attract your subscribers from other social networks, and you do not have enough of your own to generate additional income, then do not be upset: use the services of proven comprehensive promotion services on Instagram: , .