Parent conference Topic: “Our choice is a healthy lifestyle

Goal: To familiarize parents with the content of the physical education and health work of preschool educational institutions to preserve and strengthen the health of preschool children.

Preparation period:

  1. Organizing, conducting a survey and filming children on the topic "Be a healthy person" .
  2. Film editing on the theme "Be a healthy person"
  3. Hall decoration.
  4. Creating a presentation to accompany the speech.
  5. Development of instructions for parents.
  6. Making invitations for parents.
  7. Presentation of invitations to parents.
  8. Organization of an exhibition of photos, screens, reminders, literature on preserving children's health.


  1. Introductory remarks on the problem of promoting children's health.
  2. Creation problematic situation for parents: “Who do you think is a healthy person?” .
  3. Watch a clip-interview with children. Children's answers to the question: “Who is a healthy person?” .
  4. "Word relay race" . Parents continue the sentence they started, passing a toy to each other - .
  5. Presentation on the topic of the conference by member of the parent committee Valentina Borisovna Kochergina.
  6. Report accompanied by presentation: “Conditions and forms of work with children in kindergarten, aimed at the physical development of children and the preservation of their life and health” (report by physical education teacher Marina Sergeevna Rakushina).
  7. Report: « Proper nutrition- the basis of the health of a preschool child" (report of medical worker Olga Fedorovna Sysoeva).
  8. Test: (report by psychologist Svetlana Mikhailovna Kovaleva).
  9. Formulating and making decisions at the parent conference.

Conference scenario

1 presentation slide.

Hello! We are very pleased that you took the time to respond to our

invitation. And I would like to start our conference with one parable.

2nd slide of the presentation.

A man lived in one house. His wife, an elderly patient, lived with him

mother and his daughter are an adult girl. One late evening, when everything was already

were sleeping, someone knocked on the door. The owner stood up and opened the door. On the threshold of the house

there were three standing. "What is your name? “- asked the owner. They answered him: “Our name is

Health, Wealth and Love, Let us into your home.” The man thought about it. "You know" , he said, “We have only one thing in our house. free place, and there are three of you. I’ll go and consult with the household about which of you we can accept in our house.” The sick mother offered to let Health in, the young daughter wanted to let Love in, and the wife insisted that Wealth come into the house. The women argued among themselves for a very long time. When the man opened the door, there was no one outside the threshold.

Who do you think should have been allowed into the house? (Health)

That's right, Health, and then Love and Wealth will find shelter in your

home I think everyone agrees that these components of human happiness

need to be placed in that order. I really want something like this

history did not happen in your house. And you have always been accompanied by health, love and wealth!

Today I would like to talk about something so important to us – health, and above all, the health of our children.

3 slide presentation.

A healthy, strong and developed child. How to achieve this? What are we doing for this?

4 slide presentation.

IN modern society, in the 21st century, new, higher

requirements for a person, including a child, for his knowledge and abilities.

Caring for the health of children has become a priority all over the world. This is understandable, since any country needs individuals not only

creative, harmoniously developed, active, but also healthy. Taking care of raising a healthy child is a priority in our work and preschool. Such a child has good body resistance to harmful factors environment and resistance to

fatigue, socially and physiologically adapted. In preschool childhood

the foundation of the child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which it is impossible healthy image life. Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in health improvement, both for ourselves and for our children. So what can adults do to encourage children to adopt a healthy lifestyle? We will try to find out this during our meeting.

5 slide of the presentation.

At the beginning of our conversation I would like to speculate a little. Let's answer one seemingly very simple question: “How do you understand the statement: “Be a healthy person?” » (Parents' answers).

And now I invite you to watch and listen to how the children answered this question.

6 slide presentation.

Watching the movie: “What does it mean to be a healthy person and what do you need to do to be healthy?”

7 slide of the presentation.

life experience. I have a toy in my hands, it will be a relay race for us

with a stick. We will pass it around, and the person into whose hands it fell

toy, continues my sentence. And we will have one offer for everyone: “My child will be healthy if I...” (Parents' answers).

I would like to believe that every family has such unforgettable moments when mom and dad lead their children active image life: playing sports, walking together in the fresh air, going out into nature. Valentina Borisovna Kochergina, a member of the parent committee, will share her experience with us.

Speech by member of the parent committee Valentina Borisovna Kochergina (presentation for the speech).

Well, we listened to the children's opinions. Your opinions about what is needed

do to keep your child healthy, you expressed. And now I want to tell you what we teachers do in kindergarten in order to save the lives and improve the health of our children.

In our kindergarten we have created the whole system physical culture and health work, according to which we organize our activities. What is included in this system?

8 slide presentation.

  1. Walking along massage paths.
  2. Contrasting air baths.
  3. Sleep with access to air.
  4. Walking barefoot.
  5. Extensive washing.
  6. Sports holidays.
  7. Leisure, entertainment.
  8. Rinse your mouth with warm water after lunch.
  9. Directly organized activities, including additional education.
  10. Games, sports exercises, fun, round dances.
  11. Gymnastics (morning, respiratory, for the eyes, for the development of fine motor skills)
  12. Walks, excursions.

And now we offer you a breathing and visual gymnastics exercise. "Spring" .

9 slide of the presentation.

Everything has woken up from sleep, which means spring has come to us.
The sun is getting warmer, let's go for a walk soon!
On the right - the first flowers appeared on the meadow.
On the left - a fast stream flowed from the hillock to the river.

We made a boat
They decided to let it into the stream.

Sail away, my little boat, straight to the blue river!
This is how fun it is to play and walk on a spring day!
The earth breathes freshness, I’ll breathe "spring" and I! Sipping.
Throwing the fingers out of the fist while simultaneously raising the arms up to the sides.

The right hand is moved to the side while fixing the direction with the gaze.

The left hand is moved to the side while fixing the direction with the gaze.

Place your palms together in front of your chest.

Removing folded palms forward from yourself.

We wave our palms, saying goodbye to the boat.

Light bouncing in place.

Deep breath, exhale.

Speech by a physical education teacher.

10 slide presentation.

11 slide of the presentation.

Medical measures are also carried out in our preschool (ensuring the safe life of children, preventive vaccinations, taking vitamins, medical supervision). After illnesses, hardening is organized "according to indications" And "gentle mode" . Examination by a speech therapist of children who have problems in speech development and his subsequent work. Carry out preventive measures (observance of the daily routine, wet cleaning, through ventilation, quartz treatment, timely isolation of the patient, natural therapy - eating onions and garlic). Recreation areas are organized in groups. Conditions have been created for children's physical activity (sports equipment was purchased, a gym, playgrounds, sports corners were equipped).

12 slide presentation.

Now the floor is given medical worker our kindergarten Olga Fedorovna Sysoeva. She will tell you about the nutrition of preschool children.

Speech by a medical worker.

13 slide of the presentation.

Another important factor in instilling safe life skills in children is personal example an adult, be it a parent or a teacher. And in order to find out how competent you are in this matter, I offer you a test: “Do you know how to protect your life and health?” .

Speech by psychologist Svetlana Mikhailovna Kovaleva.

14 slide of the presentation.

As you can see, your knowledge about yourself and the world around you is clearly not enough. Expanding your knowledge necessary information, you could make your life healthier and more gentle.

15 slide of the presentation.

- Our conference has come to an end and I want to end it with a poem by V. Krestov "Greenhouse Creation" :

The child is constantly sick.

The mother is in panic, in tears: both fear and sadness.

“After all, I always try to keep him warm from the cradle.”

He’s afraid to open the windows in his apartment even in summer—

Suddenly there is a draft.

With him, either to the hospital or to the pharmacy,
The number of medications cannot be counted.
Not a boy, in a word, but suffering.
That's how, sometimes, we are from children

We are growing a greenhouse creature,
And not heroic fighters.

16 slide of the presentation.

Approximate decision of the parent meeting:

  1. create the necessary conditions to fulfill the child’s need for physical activity in Everyday life (term – permanent, responsible – teachers, parents).
  2. distribute physical and mental stress evenly throughout the day (term – permanent, responsible – teachers, parents).
  3. systematically take an interest in the knowledge children have acquired on developing a healthy lifestyle and reinforce it at home .
  4. organize a daily routine and nutrition at home close to kindergarten (term – permanent, responsible – parents).
  5. presentation slide.

* Someone who believes in himself
In kindness and beauty,
Never and in health
Will not remain in debt.

18 slide of the presentation.
-Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Back forward

Attention! Preview The slides are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

In accordance with the new law “On Education in Russian Federation“One of the main tasks facing a preschool institution is “Interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child’s personality.” The Law stipulates that in solving complex, multifaceted problems related to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard before school education, the exclusive role belongs to the family. It is for this reason that preschool institutions today are focused on finding forms and methods of work that allow them to take into account the current needs of parents and contribute to the formation of an active parental position.

We offer a summary of the event aimed at supporting teachers and practical assistance to them in using active forms of interaction with the families of students.

Practical significance of this material lies in the possibility of using it in everyday practice of any educational institution as an option for a form of interaction with parents of pupils (children 2-7 years old) on children’s health. Current issues on improving the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, and creating traditions of family physical education are considered. The program features presentations by specialists and parents on preserving and promoting children’s health using multimedia presentations.


On modern stage development of society, a trend towards deterioration in the health of children in different regions Russian Federation, so there is no need to convince anyone of the relevance of the problem of children's health. In this regard, the primary task in preschool educational institutions remains to protect and strengthen the health of children and develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle. Recognition of the priority of family education provides for the development of new forms of interaction between parents and teachers in the process of improving the health and education of preschool children. Traditional forms of interaction between the teaching staff of a preschool institution and the family are combined with variable innovative technologies for organizing the interaction of preschool teachers with parents of students.

One of modern forms on interaction with parents is a conference. The value of this type of work is that all participants in the pedagogical process take an active part in it: parents, teachers, specialists. The main goal of the conferences is to educate parents and involve them in the educational process at preschool educational institutions. They can be scientific-practical, theoretical, for the exchange of experience, etc. This form of work allows you to most fully reveal the content of the teacher’s activities, clearly demonstrate innovative forms, methods and techniques of working with children, and help parents understand the need for cooperation between kindergarten and family.

Conference for parents “Healthy family - healthy child”

Purpose of the conference:

  • To acquaint parents with the system of physical education and health work in kindergarten for carrying out these activities at home.
  • Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of health improvement for preschool children.


  • Questioning of parents "Children's health is the result of joint efforts of the family and kindergarten"
  • Conversations with parents and children on this topic.
  • Design of the folder – movement “Physical education and recreational work in a group”
  • Organization of an exhibition of physical education equipment, literature on family education;
  • Creation of a presentation “Conditions and forms of working with children on health protection in preschool educational institutions” and a presentation of positive experiences in family education.
  • Development of reminders and booklets for parents.
  • Making invitations for parents.


1. Introductory remarks on the problem of promoting children's health.

2. Discussion “What is a healthy lifestyle?”

3. Game “Word - relay race”.

4. Drawing up a “Healthy Lifestyle” model

5.View the presentation “Conditions and forms of working with children on health protection in preschool educational institutions.”

6. Speech by a nurse. Analysis of the health status of group pupils.

7. Speech by a physical education instructor “Creating conditions for physical activity of preschool children at home.”

8. Analysis of questionnaires “Children’s health is the result of joint efforts of the family and kindergarten.”

9. Presentation of family experience in improving children's health. Speech by willing parents.

10. Conclusion.

11. Distribution of booklets

Progress of the conference

The conference began its work with a visit to the exhibition, where the following were presented: mobile folders, an exhibition of physical education equipment, and literature on family education.


Educator: Dear parents! Taking care of raising a healthy child is one of the main tasks in the work of not only our preschool institution, but also the entire society. Today, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the family is given the main role in raising a healthy child. The family is the main link where good habits and harmful ones are rejected, the foundations of the future personality are laid. Based on the relevance, the theme of our meeting was formulated “Healthy family - healthy child”.

Today we will try to find out what a family can do in order to raise a child strong, strong, and healthy? Well, what is he like, a healthy child? "What is a healthy lifestyle?" Let's find out.

Discussion. Statements from parents (the teacher hands out questions that parents comment on).

Game “Word - relay race”. I’ll start, and you finish the phrase: “My child will be healthy if I...”. Thank you! And now I suggest you use the proposed material to create the main components of a healthy lifestyle in the form of a pyramid.

Educator: Most of the time in a preschool institution, the child is in a group, so the preservation and strengthening of their health depends on how competently the teacher’s activities in organizing health-improving work with children are structured.

Speech by a teacher accompanied by a presentation “Conditions and forms of working with children on health protection in preschool educational institutions.”

For several years, one of the priorities in the work of our kindergarten has been physical education and health improvement. Many transformations have been carried out to create a health system in kindergarten. The preschool educational institution has developed and is implementing a health improvement program “Healthy Child”. In order to implement this program, conditions have been created in the kindergarten to strengthen children's health and harmonious physical development. There is a sports ground and a gym, which are equipped with standard and non-standard equipment necessary for the comprehensive development of a child. In addition, the group is equipped with physical activity corners, there are hand-made manuals that increase interest in physical education, develop vital qualities, and increase the effectiveness of classes. There is a privacy zone to relieve emotional stress. Much attention is paid to organizing physical education and health activities in the fresh air. On the site there are: volleyball and basketball nets, a running track, a sand pit for long jumps, gymnastic beams, benches, swings, climbing frames, equipment for developing coordination of movements. There is a sufficient amount of carry-out material (balls different sizes, jump ropes, hockey sticks, sports games) there is a sports ground: a mini-stadium, a running track, an obstacle course, a pit with sand for jumping.

The preschool educational institution conducts a variety of forms and activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex was called “health-saving technologies”.

Technologies for preserving and promoting health

  • Invigorating gymnastics
  • Dynamic pauses
  • Outdoor and sports games.
  • Finger gymnastics
  • Health paths
  • Healthy running in the fresh air
  • Breathing exercises

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

  • Physical education classes
  • Morning gymnastics: traditional, non-traditional, plot, rhythmic gymnastics.
  • Sport games
  • Healthy lifestyle classes
  • Fun starts
  • Physical education, holidays.
  • Tourism (hiking);
  • Additional views classes: step - aerobics, logorhythmics, football.

At the preschool educational institution, work is carried out with the families of pupils: the design of health corners, travel folders, where tips and recommendations for improving the health and hardening of children are presented. Parents actively take part in sports competitions, physical education events and leisure activities.

Speech by a nurse. Analysis of the health status of group pupils.

The implementation of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions requires the joint work of teachers and nurses. An important link in the system collaboration kindergarten is to monitor the child’s physical development. At the beginning of each year, teachers and nurse The preschool educational institution conducts an examination of the physical health of children - the children’s health groups, individual characteristics of their health status, and previous infectious diseases are taken into account. Based on the results of the examination, hardening measures are selected. Using the “Methodology for assessing physical fitness and physical development of preschool children,” we were able to determine the levels of physical development of your children. According to the results of diagnostics carried out at the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year:

  • High level of physical development of children - 40% (10 children);
  • Average level physical development of children - 40% (10 children);
  • Low level physical development of children - 20% (5 children).

Analysis of the monitoring results allowed us to see the following:

  • the dynamic structure of morbidity for the period 2014-2015 is represented by infectious diseases and is caused by a group of acute respiratory infections;
  • despite the changes taking place today in the sphere of our preschool education, there is still a tendency for physical deterioration mental health our pupils.

Speech by a physical education instructor “Conditions for physical activity of preschool children at home.”

The health of children largely depends on the natural characteristics of the child, but how much attention parents pay to him also plays a big role in physical development. What should a family pay attention to? Special attention taking care of the health and physical education of the child?

1. First of all, on the organization of life, which provides for a thoughtful alternation of various types of activities

2. Spend more time on activities such as games and walks. They promote health, stimulate growth, strengthen the body and provide the necessary recuperation.

3. Parents should take the position of an active participant, showing their children by example that physical exercise is necessary for health.

4. It is necessary to equip a place for independent physical activity of children, freeing up a section of the room.

To organize physical education classes and games, it is necessary to have various types of physical education equipment. The main components of the subject-developmental environment are the “Home Stadium” complexes, the “Hit the Ring” simulator, and the Swedish wall. But, unfortunately, for various reasons this is not always possible. And then you can buy rings, a rope ladder, a bungee jump, a swing, a trapeze, a rope and even a punching bag in the store. For activities and games, you can also use sofa cushions, large soft toys, massage paths, and special plastic sticks. Every family must have: sleds, bicycles, skis, badminton, scooters, tricycles, balls, skipping rope, skittles.

Practical activities with parents (some options for using the above items)

  • Ball games.
  • How can you easily and quickly make the simplest massage mat from a needle massager - Kuznetsov's applicator?
  • Games with a large soft toy.
  • Obstacle course.
  • Games with sofa cushions.

Conclusion: An important pedagogical condition that determines the activity of children and optimizes the motor regime at home is the development of their interest in systematic physical exercise. To ensure that interest in sports games does not fade away, classes should be conducted in a playful way: a trip on a sailing ship, “A trip around the world,” “We are athletes.” The development of children's interest in movements is facilitated by conversations about physical education and sports, excursions to the stadium, watching thematic filmstrips and films about big-time sports and famous athletes, sports festivals and Olympiads in educational institutions.

Educator: You all know that improving health indicators is only possible through the process of interaction between teachers and parents based on common approaches. However, according to the results of the survey in this direction, we observe a clearly insufficient activity of parents. A survey of parents helped to identify the level of literacy in matters of maintaining children's health. After analyzing the questionnaire data, we came to the conclusion that although the parents have higher and secondary education, the level of knowledge in the field of developing healthy lifestyle habits for most of them is low. In general, parents are aware of the health improvement work of the kindergarten, have an idea about the activities carried out in the preschool institution, but are not considered active participants in a healthy lifestyle. Most families need help from specialists, although some parents are not aware of this need, and the educational potential of the family is not fully used.

To improve the situation today, it is important for us, adults, to realize the importance of raising a healthy child and to unite our efforts in strengthening the health of our children. And what parents can do to introduce their children to a healthy lifestyle, you will see in the speech of our parents.

Presentation of family experiences on health conservation using multimedia presentations. (Speech by the Rochev, Khandeshin, Muntyan families, promoting active forms of recreation and a healthy lifestyle.)

  • Film “We are for a healthy lifestyle.” (Picture 1)
  • Wall newspaper “Healthy children are the dream of every family” (Figure 2)
  • Photo album “We are for a healthy lifestyle” (Figure 3)

Final stage

In today's meeting, we revealed problematic issues regarding the improvement of children's health, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, and creating traditions of family physical education. Dear parents, share your impressions.

Questions for parents:

  1. What questions and difficulties arose in the process of working together?
  2. What new knowledge and skills have you acquired?
  3. What discoveries did you make for yourself during the conference?
  4. What did you find useful? What would you like to do differently?
  5. Has your attitude towards the problem changed?

Parent conference decision:

  • create the necessary conditions to fulfill the child’s need for physical activity at home;
  • organize a daily routine and nutrition at home that is close to kindergarten;
  • systematically take an interest in the knowledge children have acquired on developing a healthy lifestyle and reinforce it at home.


At the end of our meeting, I would like to remind you that the health of a child from the first days of life depends on the microsociety that surrounds him: family and kindergarten. Only with the joint purposeful activities of parents and teachers can positive dynamics of indicators characterizing the health of children and their orientation towards a healthy lifestyle be ensured.

Scenario for parent conference: “Let’s hold hands, friends or interaction between school and family”

Tatyana Viktorovna Labutina, Deputy Director for Educational Work, MBU DO "Igrim School of Arts", Igrim village

Description of material: I propose a scenario for a school-wide parent conference, which takes place at the beginning school year. The material will be of interest to deputy directors, school teachers, educators, and kindergarten methodologists.

Target: motivated parents to interact with the school, demonstrate the educational results of the school.

Demo material: presentation “If a child..., then...”, video about the school, video question for children “Commandments of a Parent,” screensaver-emblem of the school.

In the foyer there is an exhibition of student work. The registration service is open.
Before the conference begins, photos about school life with music flash on the screen.
At the entrance to the assembly hall there is an inscription:
Sit down in the hall, we invite you,
We call for cooperation,
We must always remember:
School - home - one family.
We start at six sharp
You can’t count all the problems,
But the most important thing is one -
School - home - one family.

Progress of the conference:

A song about family and school performed by the student children’s group “New Day” (or any other that fits the theme of the conference)

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! Hello, dear friends! Let me call you this way, regardless of age and rank, because today friends of a large family have gathered here under the name “MBOU Secondary School No...”.
Those who are convinced of the seriousness of the opinion that the family is our fortress, which protects us from many adversities and gives inspiration to the soul, have gathered!
Our school is also a kind of family home. And like every family, we have our own master of the house.
The right to open the annual parent conference is granted to the school director (full name)….
I invite the deputy director... to talk about the results of the work of the entire teaching staff and the successes of our students.

Leading: Purpose of education- this is a happy, fulfilling, creative, useful to people, morally rich personality. Family and social education should be aimed at creating such a life.
To be more precise, the goal of school education in accordance with federal state standards is the development of the student’s personality based on the mastery of universal educational actions, knowledge and mastery of the world This goal is implemented through classroom and extracurricular activities, electives, electives, and extracurricular activities organized at our school. So that you, dear parents, can plunge into the school world of your children, we have prepared the following video for you.
Video about the school (video tour of the school, interviews with children: what is school, the main directions of educational and extracurricular activities).

Leading: How often do we face the same problem: we lecture children on how to behave, we give them useful tips, we warn against mistakes, but in the end we get the opposite results. Maybe our actions do not always correspond to what we say? Children are witnesses, they learn to live from us, copy the behavior of those around them, in other words, they learn to live from life.
So, if: (presentation with pictures)
1. The child lives in hostility, he learns... (to be aggressive).
2. The child lives in reproaches, he learns... (to live with guilt).
3. The child is ridiculed, he learns... (to be withdrawn).
4. The child grows up in tolerance, he learns... (to understand others).
5. The child is praised, he learns... (to be noble).
6. A child grows up in honesty, he learns... (to be fair).
7. The child is supported, he learns... (to value himself and others).
8. Lives in understanding and friendship, he learns... (to find love in the world).

How do your children, our students, see education? So, we tried with the children to create the commandments of the parent, and we will now see what we got out of it... (video survey of children)

Leading: The interaction between family and school can solve many issues in raising a child, reduce bad influence social environment, but the school will never be able to compete with the family. Family is the most powerful tool in shaping a child's personality. Every year, the role of parents increases not only in the process of teaching students, but also in the process of managing the school. Parents, being members of the school's Governing Council, can discuss and agree on the direction in which the school should develop and be involved in the implementation of its goals and objectives.
This is how our CS functions, which includes parents, high school students, and teachers. And now I give the floor to the Chairman of the Management Board, who will tell us about the results of her team’s activities (a brief report from the Chairman of the Governing Council and the presentation of certificates).

Leading: Re-election of members of the Council...
The secretary of our conference today will be
I suggest choosing a counting commission __________________________
Please nominate teachers...
We invite nominations from parents...
So, let's vote for the proposed candidates.
The re-elections are over. Congratulations to the members of the new US!
Host: It is very important in our lives to ask questions and receive answers to them in a timely manner.

Leading: The outcome of any conference is a decision. This conference was no exception, so we propose voting for the following resolution:
1. Positively evaluate the work of the school’s teaching and parent teams to strengthen and develop cooperation between school and family.
2. To achieve the greatest effectiveness of joint work between school and family, to create conditions for the inclusion of parents in the activities of the school as equal subjects:
- organize a Day at school open doors(February);
- involve parents in school and class events.
3. Approve candidates for the school’s Governing Council.
Anyone who agrees with the decisions made, please vote. The decision was approved by a majority of votes. Thanks for your choice!

Our conference is coming to an end, and I would like to end my speech with the words of the classic V.G. Belinsky “Parents have the most sacred duty to make their children human, and the duty educational institutions- to make them scientists, citizens, members of the state... Well-educated children are our happy old age, poorly raised children are our grief, our tears. And may every child in this life always have a kind and reliable friend, parent, and mentor nearby.

This concludes our conference!
Thank you for your attention and fruitful work!
Good luck to you in raising your children!

Teacher-psychologist Yasnova Alexandra Gennadievna
Social teacher Dmitrenko Lolita Ivanovna
Lyceum No. 395 of Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

In the State Educational Institution "Lyceum No. 395" in St. Petersburg, work is actively underway to organize events aimed at strengthening the connection between family and school.

It is known that “problem”, “difficult”, “disobedient” and “impossible children”, as well as children “with complexes”, “downtrodden” or “unhappy” are always the result of incorrect relationships in the family. The world practice of psychological assistance to children and their parents has shown that even very difficult problems of upbringing are completely solvable if it is possible to restore a favorable style of communication in the family.

In addition, there is a very important pattern discovered by practical psychologists. It turns out that most parents who seek psychological help for difficult children themselves suffered from conflicts with their own parents in childhood. The style of parental interaction is involuntarily “recorded” in the child’s psyche. Having become an adult, a person reproduces it as natural. Thus, from generation to generation there is a social inheritance of communication style; most parents raise their children the way they were raised.

“Nobody bothered with me, and that’s okay, I grew up,” says dad, not noticing that he grew up as a person who does not consider it necessary and does not know how to deal with his son, to establish warm, friendly relations with him.

Based on this, we set the following goals for working with parents:

  • Strengthening the connection between family and school (involving parents in school to compare the priorities of raising children, finding joint solutions to overcome possible difficulties).
  • Creating a situation of success for the child at school with the direct attention of the parent.
  • Prevention of crime among children and adolescents.

As part of this area, we carry out:

  • thematic active parent meetings
  • (with recommendations from a psychologist and social educator, messages about the psychological characteristics of age, etc.);
  • parent survey
  • in order to assess the degree of success of the child’s adaptation period to school, behavioral characteristics at home and reaction to changes in workload (during the transition from primary school to the middle); a survey to determine parents’ opinions about the quality of the school, the level of education and satisfaction with the programs; as well as to clarify their wishes to the administration, teachers. team and organization educational process
  • generally; carrying out traditional game
  • “The road to 5th grade”,
  • generally; which includes specially designed games and competitions aimed at active interaction between “teacher, child, parent”; sports game
  • “Dad, mom and I are a sports family”
  • , the goals of which were not only to strengthen ties between family and school, but also to actively promote a healthy lifestyle;
  • , during which solemn promises are made by the student, parent, and teacher. During the period of completion of adaptation of first-graders to school, this performs the functions of strengthening the status of the student, activates the active position of the parent, unites parents and teachers in the upbringing, training and development of students;
  • holding parent conferences.
  • Their motto became the lines:

“Don’t judge, but be upset!
Don't be upset, just explain!
Don't explain, just show!
Don’t show, but do it together!”

Goals of the conferences:

  • Educational work among parents on the education of schoolchildren;
  • Awareness of the need permanent job parents over themselves in the process of raising and developing the child’s personality;
  • Strengthening parent-child-school connections.

The experience of conducting this form of work with parents began in our lyceum in 1999 in collaboration with a candidate of psychological sciences, doctoral student of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen L.N. Berezhnova and gymnasium No. 89. Then it was devoted to the topic “Family as a factor in the educational environment.”

Preparation for the conference included a collection of parental assets of two parallels and a discussion in microgroups of the proposed situations, highlighting specific questions that parents were asked to answer (forms are presented in Appendix No. 1). Then similar work was carried out at class meetings, but members of the parent group acted as discussion leaders.

Thus, each class discussed everything in parallel and made a certain decision, with which they went to the conference. The situations proposed to parents acted as an illustration of the “parent-child-teacher” connection. The parents resolved it from their position (what was the parent’s mistake and what should he do about it). After the parent conference, a pedagogical council was held, where teachers in microgroups solved the same situations from the teacher’s position (what his possible mistake was and how best to proceed). Both parents and teachers really liked this form of work; many positive responses were given.

Continuing the interesting experience, on April 13, 2002, the following conference “Reward and punishment as methods of educational influence” (on the parallel of 5th and 6th grades).


  • Familiarization with the rights and responsibilities of parents in the upbringing and education of children (based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”).
  • Familiarization with the age characteristics of adolescents and their perception of rewards and punishments.
  • Mastering new techniques for developing self-government in children and young adolescents.

An issue of the school newspaper “Together” was prepared for the conference, which contains a lot of useful and interesting information on this topic. In preparation for the conference, work was carried out with the parent assets of the classes, where parents were offered various life situations, which they may have to or have already had to face in raising children in order to make the most acceptable decision, have the opportunity to listen to as many points of view as possible, consult with each other, and discuss. Situations were presented for parents of 5th grades, for parents of 6th grades, and one common problematic issue.

The work was carried out in micro-teams on the provided forms according to a certain scheme. Appendix No. 2 presents answer forms, situations and generalized conclusions that parents made while working in microgroups. Then similar work was carried out at class meetings. But it was no longer the psychologist and social educator who led the discussion, but members of the parent community.

In preparation for the conference, work was also carried out with students in grades 5 and 6. During social practice lessons, the topic “My Family” was discussed for several weeks, where issues such as family history, the creation of a family tree and coat of arms of one’s family, and the contribution of each family member to its spiritual and material well-being were studied. For 6th grade students, they were asked to complete the following sentence by expressing their opinion (signature was optional):

What kind of people would you like your parents to be?

It is noteworthy and pleasant that in most of the answers, after listing any positive aspects, the idea is that parents are already like this and they are satisfied with their relationship with them. All children's works were designed and presented at the conference on large posters.

Parents and members of the assets spoke at the conference, expressing the general opinion of parents on the situations discussed. Tamara Grigorievna Kleschunova, a teacher at the Department of Psychology at the University of Pedagogical Excellence, was invited to give a report on “Rewards and Punishments” and spoke to parents. School psychologist A.G. Yasnova also spoke, talking about the age-related characteristics of adolescents and their possible reactions in behavior. The floor was also presented to the social teacher L.I. Dmitrenko, who promoted educational and health-improving games that help a child who has problems in learning and communicating with the outside world. The presentation was called “How to Help a Child,” and it was based on materials from a special course at the Department of Social Sciences. pedagogy of UPM under the leadership of A.S. Valyavsky. In conclusion, students of grades 5 and 6 performed amateur performances in front of their parents.

When summing up the results of the conference, parents expressed their opinions and noted that such work with them is important and necessary, because many “steam in their own juices” and do not have the opportunity to discuss emerging problems in such detail. The parents also proposed the topic for the next conference: “Education of strong-willed qualities in children and adolescents,” which we planned to hold in 2003.

Parent conference “Cultivating strong-willed qualities in schoolchildren”
(April 5, 2003)


  • Parents' mastery of some practical techniques for communicating with their children.
  • Familiarization with the main stages of the formation of volitional qualities in schoolchildren.
  • Warn possible mistakes parents in the process of education on the eve of adolescence.

In order to cultivate strong-willed qualities and develop independence in a child, it is necessary to create certain conditions in direct communication with him.

In preparation for the conference, the psychologist and social teacher held active parent meetings at the 3rd grade level. This time, not only parent committees took part in the discussion, as was the case in previous years, but all parents.

The speech at the meeting was based on the book by Yu.B. Gippenreiter “Communicate with a child. How?”

For better perception of information, a short summary of the speech was presented on the table in each microgroup of parents. After each condition that we highlighted in our presentation, parents were asked to complete a short practical task. So, after discussing the meaning of manifestations of unconditional acceptance of a child, each parent was asked to remember yesterday or any other day and count how many during the whole day they addressed their child with emotionally positive statements and how many with negative ones. After implementation, it was reported that if the number of negative calls is equal to or outweighs the number of positive ones, then not everything is so good with the manifestation of unconditional acceptance in communication.

After discussing the issue of developing independence skills in children, each parent was asked to do the following: “Take a sheet of paper, divide it in half with a vertical line. Above the left side write: “Alone”, above the right - “Together”. List in them those things that your child decides and does on his own, and those in which you usually participate. Then look at what from the “Together” column you can now or in the near future move to the “Yourself” column. Remember: every such movement is important step to your child's growing up. Be sure to celebrate this success of his.

Mastering active listening skills took place in the form of group discussion. After getting acquainted with the example, each group filled out their forms with the given situations, formulating the parents’ answer according to the rules of active listening. We had 3 groups in each class; Appendix No. 3 presents 1 of 3 forms (they are based on the book).

After discussing the topic of “I-messages”, a task followed on the same form: “Select from the parents’ answers the one that best corresponds to the “I-message” (see Appendix No. 3).

After completing the work, the parents expressed their impressions, and, for the most part, they were interested in such communication techniques. Was taken common decision try to use them.

A month later, a questionnaire was administered to parents to identify parents’ opinions on success in using the proposed forms of communication. The results were analyzed by a psychologist, and their discussion took place at the next stage of work to prepare for the conference - a meeting with parent activists of the classes. After exchanging opinions on everyone’s personal impressions and getting acquainted with the results of the survey, speeches from each parent activist were scheduled.

In discussing the topic of developing strong-willed qualities, we found it interesting to find out the opinion of the children themselves about what they understand by this expression. Third graders were asked 4 questions, which they answered based on their own opinions:

  1. What is willpower?
  2. Who is your example of a strong-willed person (an example from life or literature)?
  3. Do you think you can already be called a person who has willpower?
  4. Who can help you develop your will?

The guys' answers were very different, but all were interesting and sometimes funny. We published some of them in the issue of the school newspaper “Together”, which was dedicated to the parent conference, and the other part made up the design of a large poster, which was presented to all conference participants on April 5. Parents of grades 5 and 7 were also invited to participate in the conference, this form the work was familiar to them from last year.

The conference program included the following presentations:

  • A brief repetition of the basic conditions for successful communication, which were discussed at the 3rd grade meeting (psychologist A.G. Yasnova).
  • Speech by parents on the results of using new methods of communication with children.
  • Speech by the social teacher of the lyceum L.I. Dmitrenko “What prevents us from listening to the child”, about the main mistakes of parents in actively listening to the child.
  • Speech by the lyceum teacher-psychologist A.G. Yasnova “How to cultivate the will of teenagers” about the basic rules for the formation of strong-willed habits and determination.
  • Speech by Tamara Grigorievna Kleshchunova, teacher of the Department of Psychology of UPM, “The main difficulties in developing the will and how to avoid them” (the main stages of developing the will in children and adolescents).

When summing up the results of the conference, parents expressed their opinions and once again confirmed the importance similar work for them, and also proposed the publication of periodical printed publications - brochures for greater efficiency and the possibility of daily self-improvement as a parent.

Annex 1

Forms for collective discussion in small groups

Appendix 2

Situation proposed as a general problem issue:

Form for discussing situations by class:

5th grades

Situation: A certain amount of money is missing from your house. After analyzing the situation and talking with all the adult family members, you come to the conclusion that only a child could have done this. Your actions to most effectively resolve this situation...

6th grades

Situation: Your child does not clean his things, room...

Appendix 3.

Task No. 1.

Here is a table in which you need to fill out the columns “Child’s feelings” and “Your answer.” In the left column you will find a description of the situation and the child’s words; on the right, write what feelings you think he is experiencing in this case, and your possible answer.

The child's situation and words Child's feelings Your Answer
1. (Sample): “Today, when I was leaving school, a hooligan boy knocked out my briefcase and everything spilled out of it.” Sadness, resentment You were very upset and it was very offensive
2. (Flies into the door): “Mom, you know, today I was the first to write and pass the test!”
3. (The eldest son to his mother): “You always protect her, you say “little, little,” but you never feel sorry for me.”

Task No. 2.

Choose from the parents' answers the one that most closely matches the “I-message”.

You repeatedly call your daughter to sit down at the table. She answers: “Now,” and continues to go about her business. You started to get angry. Your words:

  1. How many times do you have to tell me!
  2. I get angry when I have to repeat the same thing!
  3. I get angry when you don't listen.