The influence of the computer on child development. Project “the influence of the computer on the human psyche.” problematic question of how a computer affects the human psyche, and how to combine a healthy lifestyle and work

Municipal Internet conference for students

“My assistant is the computer”

Creative work

on the topic of:

The influence of the computer on the human psyche


11th grade student
Municipal educational institution "Secondary school r.p. Dukhovnitskoye
Saratov region"

Talanov Denis


teacher of Russian language and literature

Olkhovatskaya Nina Petrovna

r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, 2009

Table of contents


1. The positive impact of the computer on the human psyche……………..5

1.1. Resolving conflicts peacefully…………………………………….5

1.2.Video games develop human influence……………………………...5

1.3.The Internet helps treat depression…………………...6

1.4.Treatment of pain with computer games…………………………………..7

2. The negative impact of the computer on the human psyche………………9

2.1.We and the Internet……………………………………………………………..9

2.2.Psychological symptoms of Internet addicted people……………...13


List of sources and literature used………………………...15


In China, three hundred patients were treated in a clinic created specifically for Internet addicts. The unprecedented economic growth that has been observed in the country over the past few years has given rise to this disease. It is not difficult to guess that the main victims of a disease that has not been taken seriously by society for a long time are teenagers. All the young people being treated at the new hospital have long since abandoned school, preferring to play computer games or chat for days on end.

Internet-addicted teenagers suffer from depression, nervousness, and inexplicable attacks of fear. They often avoid face-to-face communication, panic and are in a state of anxiety. The disease is also accompanied by sleep disorders.

Doctors are sounding the alarm - cases of murders and suicides among fans of computer games have long been common. The gamer's brain, as German scientists recently proved, perceives virtual adventures as reality. Sometimes players become so immersed in online life that tragic events occur.

First of all, it must be said right away that we are talking about sitting at a computer for many hours. Secondly, we mean people who spend their time in chats, forums, and games, and do not work on the Internet (gathering information, etc.). By the way, they make up about 90% of all “long-term users” on the network. This leads to the third point: a portrait of this audience. Actually, this is the fundamental reason for such a pastime, with the ensuing consequences. People who live their lives on the Internet often need social support, they have great difficulties in communication, they experience dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, inhibitions, shyness, etc. The Internet “solves” all these problems! The Internet seems to be telling them: “Go to the chat, introduce yourself as anyone, satisfy any of your desires and don’t be afraid of anything!” And people are in a hurry to leave for an environment that is safe for them, a life that does not oblige them to anything. Thus, they, firstly, aggravate those character traits that they would like to get rid of, and also acquire new ones: escaping reality by changing their mental state, virtually changing their gender, age... Of course, gradually this way of life , a way of thinking, permeates all levels of their lives. A person begins to act and think differently. He solves everyday issues, family, personal, professional, partnership, etc. differently.

2.2. Psychological symptoms of Internet addicts.

Here are the psychological symptoms a person may begin to experience if he or she belongs to the risk group of Internet addicts:

  • good health or euphoria at the computer;

  • inability to stop;

  • increasing the amount of time spent at the computer;

  • neglect of family and friends;

  • feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation when not at the computer;

  • lying to employers or family members about your activities;

  • problems with work or study.
Danger signals are also:

  • obsessive urge to constantly check email;

  • anticipation of the next online session;

  • increasing time spent online;

  • increasing the amount of money spent online.
Actually, you will find all these symptoms in people with any other addiction, be it alcohol, drugs or work. Over time, if no measures are taken, the condition of addicts worsens, turning into mania. While experiencing euphoria at the computer, they simultaneously cultivate in themselves imbalance, absent-mindedness, sloppiness, self-isolation, loss of all usual values, loss of internal guidelines, and disregard for loved ones. By the way, a huge misconception of many people who live with alcoholic or Internet-addicted relatives is that they perceive the above qualities personally, trying to call the “addicted” person to ethical standards. delusion.


If adults make their choices more or less consciously, then we, children, often become hostages to the lifestyle of our parents. Unfortunately, in addition to the computer addiction that awaits us, there are a number of side effects from long-term communication with a computer. After all, we quickly adapt to the world around us, and to the world of computers too. Many changes may not be immediately noticeable with the naked eye. For example, this may affect the emotional level, there may be increased aggressiveness, outbursts of violence. Another observation is that my peers stop fantasizing, become unable to create their own visual images, and have difficulty summarizing and analyzing information. The computer can cause long-term disorders in the field of mental and intellectual development. The so-called computer generation has poorer performance in some types of memory, emotional immaturity and irresponsibility.

The Internet will become the greatest illusion of the 21st century. The virtual world is more comfortable and stable for a modern person: it is open to everyone and will find a place for everyone, regardless of gender, appearance, race or sexual orientation, because on the Internet a person creates his own gender, appearance, race, and orientation. The only problem with him is the difficulty of returning to the real world. But it will soon be resolved: the monstrous pace of development of computer technology will lead to the fact that there will simply be no room left for real life.

List of sources and literature used

2. Jackson Tim Intel: a view from the inside, “Reef”, M., 2007, 300 p.

3. Magazine “Gambling” No. 8, 2007, 240 p.

4. Magazine “Game World Navigator” No. 9, 2003, 160 p.

5. Magazine “Shpil” No. 11/12, 2003, 65 p.

6. Krutkov N. Informatics of health and longevity. Volume 13. “Enlightenment”, M., 2002, 420 p.

Many parents are convinced that a preschooler or elementary school student needs a computer only for entertainment. They are partly right: a computer, through the eyes of children, is indeed an incredibly attractive and exciting toy. However, we should not forget that children learn about the world through play, and the more varied the games, the more benefits they will bring.

Today there are a lot of educational games and programs for children of different ages that allow you to playfully teach a child to distinguish colors and shapes, learn the seasons and names of objects, and learn to read and count. Here's what one of our regular readers, Julia, mother of a 3-year-old baby, says about this:

I believe that computers and tablets are the salvation of parents. ☺ The child is busy, the child is developing. For example, we have already learned geometric shapes and colors thanks to an application on the tablet. » «

At the same time, one cannot deny the negative impact of computers, excessive use of which can provoke health problems, difficulties in socialization and the development of a gaming addiction in a child.

Child studying computer

Modern children get acquainted with a computer at the age of 3-4 years, and by the age of 7 the child has become a real “ace” who is able to teach his less “advanced” relatives various computer tricks. The main task of parents is to control and direct this process, selecting only useful games and programs for the child that promote the development of intelligence.

The influence of a computer on a child's intelligence

The most useful for children of junior and senior preschool age are special educational and educational games. These include:

  • graphic editors, including the simplest “drawing” and “coloring” books;
  • music editors, especially special applications for tablets;
  • puzzles, from the simplest with 1-2 elements for children from 3 years old, to complex ones that will be interesting for both children and adults to assemble;
  • presentation pictures with text and sound, for example the popular Doman cards;
  • interactive children's encyclopedias;
  • logic puzzle games, for example, classic Tetris.

Such games stimulate the development of the child, in particular, they develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, memory and logic, attention and reaction speed. In addition, games greatly facilitate the learning process and serve to prepare the child for life in the information society.

Naturally, this does not mean that you can hand a one-year-old baby a tablet or sit him in front of a monitor for the whole day and consider your pedagogical duty fulfilled. For full development, a child needs communication with parents and peers, outdoor games and “ordinary” toys: pyramids, balls, cars and dolls. Communication with a computer for preschoolers should be limited to 10-15 minutes, and for younger schoolchildren to 20-30 minutes, no more than 2 times a day and with breaks between “sessions” of at least 2-3 hours.

Excessive involvement of children with computers, instead of the expected benefits, can cause significant harm. For example, replacing live communication and games with parents and peers with even the best developmental programs leads to disturbances in the physical and intellectual development of the child. In particular, in the last year alone, the number of children with delayed speech development has increased by 40%, and children with delayed psycho-speech development by 20%. And pediatricians associate these numbers precisely with the “computerization” of our lives.

How does a computer affect a child's health?

The computer negatively affects the child if the child spends too much time in front of the monitor. Moreover, the baby’s vision and psyche are the first to suffer. Also, long games on the computer cause overwork and can cause headaches, and an incorrect posture or an uncomfortable workplace leads to scoliosis, pain in the back, lower back, shoulders and neck. In order not to be unfounded, we will dwell on these aspects in more detail.

The high brightness and flickering of a computer monitor, as well as the need to constantly focus your gaze in one direction and at the same distance, cause rapid fatigue of the eye muscles. And regular overwork of the eye muscles leads to loss of visual acuity and can cause the development of myopia.

In addition, a person normally blinks about 20-25 times per minute, but when working at a computer, the frequency of blinks decreases to 1-2 times per minute. A decrease in the frequency of blinking leads to drying out of the mucous membrane of the eyes - as a result, such unpleasant symptoms as burning in the eyes, redness of the eyes, and a feeling of “sand” under the eyelids appear.

In order to reduce the negative impact of the computer on a child’s vision, it is necessary:

  • limit the time of continuous work in front of the monitor to 10-20 minutes for preschoolers and 20-30 minutes for schoolchildren;
  • immediately after working at the computer, the child should wash his face with clean, cool water, and then do special exercises for the eyes;
  • During a break from the computer, the child should be offered activities that do not cause eye strain. Ideally, outdoor games or any physical activity, but it is better to avoid reading or watching TV;
  • Make sure that your computer monitor does not reflect light from natural or artificial light sources in the room. Glare on the monitor provokes additional stress on the eye muscles.

note: The better the quality of the monitor, the higher its resolution and image clarity, the less harm it does to vision. Modern monitors with a special anti-reflective coating are the safest.

The influence of a computer on a child’s posture

Strictly speaking, it is not the computer itself that has a negative impact on the child’s posture, but the child’s incorrect posture while working on it. This factor has a particularly negative effect on the health of the spine if the child spends several hours a day watching the monitor and does not devote enough time to physical activity and sports.

If a child sits in front of a computer, lounging in a chair, or, on the contrary, constantly slouches and bends forward, his spine is deformed. This in turn leads to back pain, headaches, improper formation of the spine and the development of scoliosis.

The correct posture when working on a computer looks like this:

note: A carefully equipped workplace will help to minimize the load on the spine and ensure the child’s correct posture when working on the computer. At the same time, the usual “adult” office furniture will do more harm than good: the furniture must correspond to the height of the child.

The main danger of the virtual world for the child’s psyche is that the child identifies himself with the hero of the computer game. It’s good if this is a “peaceful” hero of an educational game who bakes pies, heals animals or grows flowers. But children quickly get bored with such games: boys prefer to see themselves as the savior of the world, fearlessly destroying aliens or monsters, girls are attracted to virtual simulators of modeling and show business. Passion for such games leads to a child’s distorted perception of reality: aggressive behavior, physical violence and even murder cease to be something terrible in the eyes of children.

Too dynamic games, such as car racing simulators, excite the child’s nervous system and cause rapid fatigue. As a result, sleep and appetite are disrupted, irritability and aggression appear, concentration and learning ability decrease.

Therefore, for preschoolers and children of primary school age, all “adult” games with elements of aggression and too dynamic games, including arcades and simulators, are absolutely prohibited. Such games have a negative impact on the baby’s psyche.

Note: To make it easier for parents to select games for their children, special game ratings have been created; for example, in Europe Pan European Game Information (PEGI) is used. This rating consists of two parts: the age limit and a brief description of the content in the form of a warning logo. PEGI divides games into 5 age categories: 3+, 7+, 12+, 16+ and 18+. In Russia, a similar system is called RSVR - Russian Age Rating System, according to which age categories are distributed as follows: 0+, 6+, 12+, 16+ and 18+. Games from the first category are suitable for the youngest users, games from the last category are, accordingly, intended only for adults.

At the same time, we should not forget that an unhealthy atmosphere in the family, conflicts in kindergarten or school are much more dangerous than any computer games for the child’s psyche. It is these factors that often form a gaming addiction and encourage a child to “escape” from problems into the virtual world.

The influence of the computer on sex education

The Internet has made almost any information available, including the content of so-called “adult sites.” Naturally, the task of parents is to protect their child from visiting such resources, because the information presented on them, to put it mildly, is not intended for young users and can cause irreparable harm to the delicate child’s psyche and further sexual development.

The easiest way is to install the “parental controls” function with a high level of filtering in the antivirus settings. In this way, you will protect your home computer and mobile devices with Internet access, but you will not get a 100% guarantee that your child will not access prohibited sites using a friend’s computer. That is why it is important to hear from you about natural sexual relationships between a man and a woman.

In the age of information technology, parents should pay special attention to sex education for children, answering their questions in detail and correctly, without hiding behind stories about cabbage or storks. Your task is to win the child’s trust so that he turns to you and not to the search engine with all the piquant questions.

It is you who must explain to him that sex is natural and wonderful, however, only when it is one of the ways of expressing love between adults. It is especially important to emphasize that this applies only to adults. Warn in a gentle form about the dangers of early sexual activity and do not forget to tell in detail about means of contraception.


Remember: a computer can become a reliable assistant for your child, facilitating and diversifying the learning process. However, excessive passion for it can be dangerous for both the physical and mental development of the child. Your task is to teach your child the basics of computer literacy and the basic rules for the safe use of technology.

Girls! Let's repost.

Thanks to this, experts come to us and give answers to our questions!
Also, you can ask your question below. People like you or experts will give the answer.
Thank you ;-)
Healthy babies to all!
Ps. This applies to boys too! There are just more girls here ;-)

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With the constant development of computer technology, both the number of people actively using the computer for work purposes and those who are overly addicted to computer games and using the Internet, the so-called computer addicts (the term “addict” should be understood as dependent users), is growing. Like everything innovative, the younger generation (10-30 years old) is more susceptible to the influence of new technologies.

In Western countries, there is an official term “pathological computer use”. Currently, this term is used for the category of people who use the computer pathologically, including types of use that are not related to social needs. Although the existence of psychological dependence on computer games and the use of the Internet still raises doubts, both among specialists and people themselves who are interested in modern computer technologies.

Mainly, dependence on modern computer technologies is expressed in two main forms:

  • 1. Internet addiction (Internet addiction)
  • 2. Excessive passion for computer games.

These two forms have both common features and differences.

The term “Internet addiction” was proposed back in 1996

Dr. A. Goldberg to describe the pathological, irresistible craving for Internet use. He proceeded from the assumption that a person can develop psychological dependence not only on external factors, but also on his own actions and emotions. The diagnostic criteria he proposed for the disorder generally correspond to the criteria for mental illness according to the DSM classification for non-chemical addictions:

  • 1. Computer use causes distress.
  • 2. Computer use causes harm to physical, psychological, interpersonal, familial, economic or social status.

Internet addiction (Cyber ​​Disorder) is included in the American DSM-V classification on an equal basis with other non-chemical addictions - gambling, love, sexual addictions, workaholism.

L. Goldberg also characterizes Internet addiction as “having a detrimental effect on everyday, educational, social, work, family, financial or psychological areas of activity.”

The main sources of the Internet’s appeal for escaping reality:

  • - the possibility of anonymous communication;
  • - the opportunity to realize ideas, fantasies with feedback (including the ability to create new images of “I”; verbalization of ideas and/or fantasies that are not possible for implementation in the ordinary world, for example cybersex, role-playing games, chats, etc.) ;
  • - an extremely wide opportunity to find a new interlocutor who satisfies almost any criteria (here it is important to note that there is no need to keep the interlocutor, since you can find a new one at any time);
  • - unlimited access to information (“information vampirism”) (occupies the last place in the list, since the danger of becoming dependent on the World Wide Web mainly lies in wait for those for whom computer networks turn out to be almost, and sometimes the only means of communication: 90% - dependent on communication, 10% - dependent on information).

If you compare Internet addiction with other types of addictions, you can find a lot in common between them. A number of authors believe that there is a so-called dependent personality type, and people with traits of this type are at risk for substance abuse, psychological dependence on another person, food addiction, and Internet addiction. These traits are extreme lack of independence, inability to refuse, to say “no” (what is popularly called weak will) due to fear of being rejected by other people, vulnerability to criticism or disapproval, reluctance to take responsibility and make decisions and, as a result, strong subordination to significant people. All this characterizes a passive life position, when a person refuses to be the first to come into contact with others and make decisions independently.

For the first time, a scientific approach to studying the phenomenon of “Internet addiction” was demonstrated by Kimberly Young, who posted an original text on one of the Internet sites to identify Internet addicts. According to research by K. Young, dangerous signals (harbingers of Internet addiction) are:

  • 1) an obsessive desire to constantly check email;
  • 2) anticipation of the next online session;
  • 3) increase in time spent online;
  • 4) an increase in the amount of money spent online.

During the research process, K. Young also identified the main five types of Internet addiction:

  • cybersex addiction- an irresistible attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex;
  • addiction to virtual dating- redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the Internet, constant new acquaintances;
  • obsessive need for the Internet- playing online gambling (a type of gambling), regular shopping or participating in various discussions on forums;
  • information overload- prolonged travel on the Internet, searching for information in databases and search sites;
  • gaming addiction- compulsive playing of online computer games.

The adapted text by K. Young was also used by Russian researchers (A.E. Voiskunsky, M.S. Ivanov, E.A. Korneeva, etc.), who received more than 600 questionnaires, of which 570 were accepted for processing. Of these: 196 are women, 374 are men. The age of the respondents ranged from 12 to 47 years, the average age of the respondents was 23 years. 49 % have higher education, 20 % - secondary specialized, 15% - incomplete higher education. 32% of respondents continue their education. 78% use the Internet for work, the remaining 22% exclusively for leisure and entertainment. As a result of studying the data obtained, it was revealed that the prevalence of Internet addiction is approximately 2%, and humanities specialists and people without higher education are more susceptible to it than computer network specialists. Among those susceptible to addiction, men predominate (67%) (according to English researchers, gender does not play a role). Most likely, this is due to the fact that there are currently fewer women on the Russian Internet. The data was also confirmed that relatively often among people suffering from Internet addiction there are alcohol abusers, pathological gamblers, etc. Addicts have an average of more than 2 years of experience on the Internet, but there is a significant number of respondents who scored according to the test> Mr. K. Young “borderline” number of points with less than a year of experience. Here we can assume, rather, not a predisposition to addiction, but a passion for a new “toy”.

According to K. Young, being included in a virtual group, Internet addicted users become able to take greater emotional risks by expressing judgments that contradict the opinions of other people - about religion, abortion, etc., that is, they are able to defend their point of view, saying “no”, being less afraid of the evaluation and rejection of others than in real life. In cyberspace, one can express one's opinion without fear of rejection, confrontation, or judgment because other people are less accessible and because the communicator's own identity can be disguised.

Established practice and experience convince us that excessive attraction to communication on the Internet has an extremely negative impact on the patient’s personality and social communication. Let us dwell on the main symptoms, closely related to each other, causing inconvenience to those who spend most of their time in the company of a computer.

Psychological symptoms:

S feeling good or euphoric when working at the computer;

S lack of control over the time of interaction with the computer, inability to stop;

S emotional instability;

S neglect of family and friends;

S the appearance of a feeling of irritation, or oppression, emptiness, depression in the absence of contact with the computer;

S decreased self-esteem.

Physical symptoms:

S carpal (carpal) tunnel syndrome (tunnel damage to the nerve trunks of the wrist associated with prolonged muscle strain);

S dry eyes;

S migraine-type headaches;

S back pain;

S irregular eating, skipping meals;

S neglect of personal hygiene;

S sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns.

Social symptoms:

S problems in relationships with parents, in college or at work;

S economic problems, since you have to pay a lot of money for such pleasure;

S problems with law enforcement agencies when committing offenses to obtain money;

S neglect of personal hygiene, sloppiness.

Spiritual symptoms, among which the main ones are the loss of the meaning of real life - life becomes unnecessary, empty, devoid of any meaning, which leads to spiritual impoverishment, spiritual death.

Obviously, this is the price for mastering the modern capabilities of connecting people with each other, the other side of civilization, which has deprived us of something invisible, but so valuable - leisurely correspondence instead of e-mail, the silence of libraries instead of adapted files, walks with friends instead of waiting for a “cheap” night communication time, and much more. Isn't the price too high?

Pathological computer use may not be as dangerous in its impact on humans as... for example, alcoholism or drug addiction (chemical dependencies). However, it is obvious that computer addiction still affects a person’s personality.

  • Goldberg Ivan Kennett, an American psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist, proposed the term Internet Addiction Disorder in 1995, putting into it not a medical meaning, but behavior with a reduced level of self-control, threatening to displace normal life.
  • Kimberly S. Young is a professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh at Bratford, author of the book Caught in the Net, and founder of the Center for Internet Addiction.

Computers have burst into our lives like a whirlwind. Computer textbooks have appeared in schools, teachers and students learn to work with the Internet, everyone reads electronic newspapers and watches digital videos, sits in chat rooms and corresponds by e-mail. We feel that we are standing on the threshold of a new era, and we do not quite understand what this world will be like, a world transformed by computer technology. Most parents have a negative attitude towards having a home computer, because in 90% of cases the computer is used as a toy. Children play computer games in fascination, not doing homework or doing errands for their parents around the house. Naturally, in this situation, the time spent by the child at the computer seems to parents to be wasted, and the question of whether the computer is harmful to health is very painful for parents.

I want to talk about the influence of the computer, which is directly related to our psyche. And if vision and hearing can be damaged by a mouse keyboard or monitor, then the psyche is primarily affected by more, so to speak, virtual things - games and the Internet. This is something that is addictive, something that is impossible to tear yourself away from, something that many can no longer imagine their life without - this is a manic addiction to the Internet or games. If you like, internet mania, gaming mania.

A computer can become a friend or a sworn enemy, it can help in trouble, or it can add a bunch of problems, it can help you find like-minded people, or it can lead to loneliness.

How does a computer have a positive effect on the human psyche? According to statistics collected by American analysts, every third elementary school student complains about negative attitudes and publishing from their peers. According to teachers, it is necessary to fight aggression at this age, since after the final formation of personality it will be very difficult to influence a person’s behavior. A computer game called a good school, where peaceful laws apply. In this game with animated characters and objects that come to life, children are encouraged to find a way out of conflict situations by choosing one of four possible scenarios.

The latest research into the functioning of the gamer's brain has shown that, in addition to all the negative things that video games bring, their influence can also be positive. The experiment found that video game fans have a much better developed visual perception of the world around them than people who don’t play at all. Volunteers were asked to plunge into the world of video games for six days and play for at least two hours a day. The results of the experiment proved that the constant vigilance of gamers during the game contributes to the development of attention not only in virtual space, but also in real life.

Immersing yourself in the Internet can be no less effective than visiting a psychotherapist. This fact is confirmed by researchers who tested a specially created therapeutic program, which can also be completed independently via the Internet. In addition, individual completion of the online program was found to be more effective than group therapy.

The initiators of the study recommend Internet therapy as an additional or alternative method of treating mild to moderate depression. The study involved 117 volunteers diagnosed with mild to moderate depression. The condition of those undergoing Internet therapy was monitored for six months. The DIY therapy consists of 89 pages of text. They include exercises aimed at “fixing” perception, improving sleep and physical health. The research results showed that the experiment participants completely recovered from their depressive state.

Computer games using VR (virtual reality) technology can be prescribed to children with severe burns as an additional pain reliever. Australian doctors believe that immersion in the world of monsters and aliens helps overcome pain in such patients.

Seven burn victims, ranging in age from 5 to 18 years, were asked to play virtual games during a lengthy dressing change procedure. At the same time, children who were also given traditional painkillers tolerated the dressing much more easily.

Doctors explain this effect by the fact that children, switching to experiences within the game, stop concentrating on their own painful sensations.

Now let's look at the negative sides of computer addiction. For a modern person, access to all kinds of Internet resources has long been one of the indicators of quality of life. Indeed, the ease and speed of obtaining the necessary information through the World Wide Web is incomparable to anything else. Schoolchildren and students of the 21st century now have a hard time imagining what a district library catalog is: a huge number of virtual libraries have solved this problem once and for all. You will find everything: from ancient dramas of Euripides to fan fiction about Harry Potter. However, reading from a computer screen not only does not improve health, but also does not ensure lasting memorization of the material: oddly enough, with such reading, attention is more scattered and concentration decreases.

Another problem with information obtained through the Internet is that it is often unverified and sometimes harmful. Because a person controls a computer, and people, as you know, tend to make mistakes. Those who like to receive advice in a forum or on-line consultation are especially at risk. Thus, one young girl shared with her friends on a cosmetic forum the secret of treating hair with burdock oil, forgetting, however, to mention that it can be washed off with washing powder at best.

Psychologists have discovered a disease - manic-depressive addiction to the virtual world of global networks. Inflamed, reddened eyes, a high degree of nervous and physical exhaustion, tearfulness, yawning - these are just some of the symptoms of the new disease. “Netaholics,” as they are called, have a passionate desire to immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality again and again and not leave it for a long time.

In addition to “network mania,” another disease with similar symptoms, but with the addition of nervous and physical arousal, has recently made itself known loudly. This is "gambling addiction". Here, for example, is an excerpt from a letter to the editor of a popular Moscow computer magazine in response to the publication of debugging codes for a new three-dimensional “flying machine”: “This is amazing! With this toy you can easily and for a long time forget about work, your wife and children! When my wife went on a business trip, I got so played that I forgot to pick up my daughter from school...” It is unlikely that these lines belong to a serious person with a healthy psyche. But adolescents are especially susceptible to gambling syndrome. They can seriously associate themselves with virtual “dukes” and “thoughts” and painfully experience their failures. In the world of cruel “shooters”, “soakers” and “adventure games”, it is very difficult for a person with a normal psyche to grow up.

Internet-addicted teenagers suffer from depression, nervousness, and inexplicable attacks of fear. Doctors are sounding the alarm - cases of murders and suicides among fans of computer games have long been common. The Internet seems to be telling them: “Go to the chat, introduce yourself as anyone, satisfy any of your desires and don’t be afraid of anything!”

Here are the psychological symptoms a person may begin to experience if he or she belongs to the risk group of Internet addicts:

Feeling good or euphoric at the computer;

Inability to stop;

Increasing the amount of time spent at the computer;

Neglect of family and friends;

Feeling of emptiness, depression, irritation not at the computer, and so on.

The computer can cause long-term disorders in the field of mental and intellectual development. The so-called computer generation has poorer performance in some types of memory, emotional immaturity and irresponsibility.

The Internet will become the greatest illusion of the 21st century. The virtual world is more comfortable and stable for a modern person: it is open to everyone and will find a place for everyone, regardless of gender, appearance, race or sexual orientation, because on the Internet a person creates his own gender, appearance, race, and orientation. The only problem with him is the difficulty of returning to the real world. But this problem will soon be resolved: the monstrous pace of development of computer technology will lead to the fact that there will simply be no room left for real life.

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Page creation date: 2017-12-29

RELEVANCE OF THE TOPIC In recent years, humanity has been faced with the global computerization of all types of human activity. The personal computer has become our companion at home. Even children cannot do without a computer. HYPOTHESIS Nowadays it is almost impossible to live without a computer. Internet, chats, forums - these words have long and firmly entered our lives. But along with them, new concepts such as “Internet addiction” and “gaming addiction” also entered our lives. The number of people suffering from “typical computer” diseases - blurred vision, curvature of the spine and other unpleasant diseases - has increased. But still, the computer brings more than just troubles, sometimes it helps a lot, and we want to show “both sides of the coin.”

Mainly expressed in two main forms: Internet addiction (Internet addiction), excessive passion for computer games. The common features of computer addiction are a characteristic series of psychological and physical symptoms that are closely related to each other: Psychological symptoms: good health or euphoria at the computer; inability to stop; increasing the amount of time spent at the computer; neglect of family and friends; feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation when not at the computer; lying to family members about your activities; problems with work or study. Physical symptoms: dry eyes; migraine-type headaches; back pain; irregular eating, skipping meals; neglect of personal hygiene; sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns. DEPENDENCE ON MODERN COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES

The TERM “INTERNET ADDICTION” was proposed by Dr. Ivan Goldberg in 1996 to describe a pathological, irresistible craving for Internet use. He proceeded from the assumption that a person can develop psychological dependence not only on external factors, but also on his own actions and emotions. For the first time, a scientific approach to studying the phenomenon of “Internet addiction” was demonstrated by Kimberly Young in 1996, who posted an original test for identifying Internet addicts on one of the Internet sites. According to research by Kimberly Young, dangerous signals (harbingers of Internet addiction) are: an obsessive desire to constantly check email; anticipation of the next online session; increasing time spent online; increasing the amount of money spent online.

DEPENDENCE ON COMPUTER GAMES Gaming addicts experience a strong need to play. Addicts are constantly in a state of low mood in the real world, which is confirmed by high anxiety and depression. It is difficult to identify more or less objectively what happens to them during the game, since any distraction from the game is a way out of virtual reality. During the game, their mood improves significantly and positive emotions are present. Positive emotions, accompanied by an uplift in mood, But after the game, i.e. after leaving the virtual world, the mood deteriorates again, quickly returning to its original level, remaining there until the next “entry” into the virtual world. Most addicts are people who have a number of family problems, problems at work, and school. Therefore, for a gaming addict, the real world is boring, uninteresting and full of dangers. As a result, a person tries to live in another world - a virtual one, where everything is permitted, where he sets the rules of the game. It is logical to assume that leaving virtual reality is painful for the addict - he again faces a reality that he hates, which causes a decrease in mood and activity, and a feeling of deterioration in well-being.

PSYCHOLOGY OF A GAMER "Gamers" are people who use a computer mostly just for gaming. Numerous studies show gamers rarely watch TV and almost never read newspapers and magazines. The audience of gamers is far from small. The core consists of people aged 20 to 44 years. The second largest group of gamers is young people aged 10 to 19 years. Research has shown that 44% of players have a university degree.

WHAT GAMES DO TEENS PLAY? Conventionally, the entire set of games can be divided into several main types. The most common types are 3D Action (usually all kinds of “adventure games”, “flying games”, “racing games”) and Logic (“arcades”, “quests”, “strategies”). Actually, there are many more game styles, but 3D Action and Logic are the most striking and beloved. Any gaming style is interesting in its own way and develops a certain player’s thinking. The original meaning of the games was a kind of relaxation from the monotonous everyday life. But sometimes this relaxation develops into psychological dependence on the computer. At a scientific conference in Holland dedicated to computer games, scientists noted that gamers have increased activity in the same areas of the brain as drug addicts and alcoholics.

Computer games using VR (virtual reality) technology can be prescribed to children with severe burns as an additional pain reliever, reports BBC News. Australian doctors from Adelaide Hospital believe that immersion in the world of monsters and aliens helps overcome pain in such patients. Seven burn victims, ranging in age from 5 to 18 years, were asked to play VR games during a lengthy dressing change procedure. At the same time, children who were also given traditional painkillers tolerated the dressing much more easily. As a “game” pain relief, two miniature computer screens attached to the head and a special sensor were used, which allowed children to move inside the virtual world and shoot monsters. Doctors explain this effect by the fact that children, switching to experiences within the game, stop concentrating on their own painful sensations. Researchers believe that it is possible to select games that will be most effective in a particular age group. COMPUTER GAMES AS A PAIN RELIEF

The United States Federal Mediation Service is proposing to expand the standard elementary school curriculum with a special course that will help teach children to resolve conflicts peacefully. According to statistics collected by American analysts, every third elementary school student complains of negative attitudes and bullying from peers. It is proposed to use a computer game called “A Good School with Peaceful Laws” as the main element of the new training course. In this game with animated characters and objects that come to life, children are encouraged to find ways out of conflict situations by choosing one of four possible scenarios. After the child makes his choice, he is shown the consequences of the decision. Cool School: Where Peace Rules is currently an experimental project. However, the US Federal Intermediary Service is already looking for private investors in order to distribute the game to all schools in the country. RESOLVING CONFLICTS PEACEFULLY

SOCIOLOGISTS HAVE COMPLETED A PORTRAIT OF A TYPICAL INTERNET USER According to a survey conducted in 14 countries, the portrait of a typical “inhabitant” of the Internet is approximately the same everywhere. He reads a lot of books, devotes more time to social life than his “unconnected” comrades, and spends no more than five hours a week in front of the TV. It has also been noted that men spend more time at the computer than women. Although there are exceptions here too. For example, in Taiwan, both sexes spend almost equal amounts of time on the Internet (25% of men and 23.5% of women). The leadership in the field of communication on the Internet belongs to China. It is the Chinese who most often discuss political topics, hobbies or religious issues with their colleagues in various forums and chats.

TEST FOR COMPUTER DEPENDENCE Studying the literature, we found out that computer games have an important influence on the formation of certain personality traits in every schoolchild. In addition, with significant overload, they may experience health problems (red eyes and headaches). Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the behavior of schoolchildren while playing on the computer and explain the negative impact of games. To diagnose the player’s condition, it is proposed to use a computer test containing 8 questions and possible answers. computer test Testing of 69 people showed that 46 people were interested in the game, 22 were passionate, and 1 was already in the stage of addiction, which needs to be paid special attention to.

We think that the guys should think... At least about how much time they spend at the computer. They need to be taught to control their time in general (and above all, the time spent at the computer), their emotions and feelings. Students are recommended to spend no more than 2-3 hours a day on the computer and play less. It is better to study or learn something in a playful way. Sanitary rules determine that the duration of continuous work for an adult PC user should not exceed 2 hours, for a child - from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on age. The minimum break is 15 minutes. SURVEY OF SCHOOL STUDENTS (38 people) 1. Do you have a computer?

CONCLUSION The problem of the influence of a computer on a person is very broad and multifaceted. The work “The influence of the computer on the human psyche” has expanded our knowledge of how unsafe it is to work on a computer. Studying the literature, we learned that in addition to “networking addiction,” another disease with similar symptoms has recently been loudly making itself known: “Gaming addiction.” Children and adolescents are especially susceptible to gambling syndrome. They can seriously associate themselves with virtual “dukes” and “thoughts” and painfully experience their failures. It is very difficult for a person with a normal psyche to grow up in the world of violent games, so parents need to monitor what games their child plays and the duration of their contact with the computer. As a result of research work, it was found that the Internet has become the greatest illusion of the 21st century. The only problem with him is the difficulty of returning to the real world. While working on our research work, we learned that a computer can become a friend or a sworn enemy, can help in trouble, or can add a bunch of problems, can help you find like-minded people, or can lead to loneliness.

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