Review of Neverwinter Online, video and walkthrough of the game, races and classes. Neverwinter: review, reviews, videos, screenshots, rating, similar games

The name of the project is loud, well-known, and the “bar of expectations” is inflated to outrageous levels even before the launch of the game. It’s worth noting right away that NWO ( Neverwinter Online) is a "original" project and not part of the Neverwinter Nights series. This removes restrictions from developers and gives them the opportunity to improve the project within the NW universe, without being limited to being tied to certain events. Therefore, the project should be approached calmly, unbiasedly and without regard to NWN.

Wings, legs, most importantly – the tail! ©

The project has sufficient customization when creating characters, from choosing a race to adjusting their appearance. On this moment There are already eight races that are quite standard for MMOs, and new ones are expected. Naturally, each race has its own innate qualities and abilities. Of the classes, at the moment, there are only six and a seventh is in development.

It is logical to assume that classes, like races, will likely be added as the game progresses and we can expect a wide and interesting choice for every taste. The appearance customization system is standard, convenient and simple. Dyes are also available in the game, which allow you to further personalize your hero or, for example, paint an entire guild in your colors.

The “religion” system is quite standard. Twelve different deities that the character can worship, receiving various bonuses, game currency and valuable items. Apart from bonuses from worshiping one’s deity, no other connections between religion and the world have been noticed.

It’s worth adding that all the armor sets are very well drawn and executed – they’re a pleasure to look at. These are not monotonous texture marks on the same type of model; everything here is neat and of high quality.

Book man's friend ©

The storyline in the project is clear, powerful, and constant. From the very beginning until the sixtieth level, you are drawn through the plot, providing various bonuses from the developers, tips and descriptions of the game's features, useful items and examples of interaction with the world around you and other players. The storyline is built on interconnected quest lines that follow one after another, abundantly providing you with gaming experience and completely sweeping away the eternal question - “where to level up.” The quests are quite standard, there is nothing too exotic or annoying. Go kill, go pick up, go open, dig or place. Plot filler provided big amount information – i.e. all quests have their own description, history and relationships. Naturally, it is advisable to read all this, otherwise the semantic part of the game, as well as the pleasure from the plot, will pass by.

Tsar Koschey is wasting away over gold ©

The entire plot is segmented by location, each location, as expected, ends with a group instance, in which the local, especially evil “Koschei” lives. No one forces you to go through the instas and the task can be canceled at any time and continue along the storyline. This kind of freedom of choice is felt almost everywhere in the game - which is very pleasing.

Among the minuses, it is worth focusing on the general atmosphere of the project. Every location, every instance, and in general the whole game is imbued with seriousness. This is felt both in the musical accompaniment and in the execution of locations - everything is serious. Those. there are no locations where the player can fool around, or simply enjoy bright colors and temporary peace - he is almost always surrounded by a gloomy world full of troubles, death and suffering. All locations are equipped with their own unique mini-events, but even they do not brighten up the overall serious picture. Such one-sidedness puts a lot of pressure on the brain and it is vitally important to diversify the project.

To live without anything is to smoke only the sky©

Professions. Here the developers implemented crafting in their own way, differently than in most projects. The character no longer needs to run around the world and dig ore or pluck grass. The bulk of the work is now done by apprentices. At the moment, I counted eight different professions and one bonus - in honor of the winter holiday event. There were no restrictions on the promotion of professions - i.e. a character can learn anything he wants in any quantity. Control of this type of Craft, oddly enough, is quite simple and convenient. Setting a task (for example, go collect ore in a distant forest) and starting the process is all. In addition to standard professions, new ones have appeared - for example, Leadership. Journeyman in in this case acts as a “people’s vigilante” and, instead of standard resources, gives you money and experience received, for example, for street patrol. Considering the flights of fancy of the developers, one can hope that over time there will be many more professions.

Measure twice, cut once ©

Bright distinctive feature This project from many others is the Workshop system - FOUNDRY. Which allows players to fill content already existing maps to play them in the form of dailies, for fun, or just for fun. Some work is done so well and thoughtfully that sometimes it surpasses the work of the developers themselves. The system allows users to realize their talents by creating interconnected chains of cards with a single plot, which may later become full-fledged campaigns. This is the highlight of the project; we can only hope that the developers will continue to develop this system and bring it to the level of “Players making a game for players.”

And still she spins! ©

The world. Ambiguous opinion - you can get from one location to another only with the help of gates and loading screen. Those. no hiking for lovers of realism. As compensation, the world is well designed, the locations are well thought out, and the size of the locations is more than sufficient even for a herd of players. Reply of mobs is moderately fast and you don’t have to wait for your turn for a quest. In general, it is worth noting that progress through the world of NW is quite fast, easy and relaxed, and players are scurrying around everywhere. The world is moderately lively, the mobs are not stupid, it is pleasant and comfortable to be in it.

The end is not visible ©

Many developers are not puzzled by what and how the player will do when reaching maximum level. Usually everything is tied to regular visits to epic instas and again, and until you are blue in the face, and until you are completely disgusted. But NW was a pleasant surprise in this aspect. At level sixty, in addition to epic instances, access to story campaigns opens; at the moment I only have access to the Sharandar campaign. But another one is visible nearby. The campaign provides you with access to new locations, your own set of daily activities and items for completing certain tasks, armor sets specific to a given location, collectible companions, achievements and bonus stats. Naturally, all this requires the fulfillment of certain conditions in the campaign. Implemented this system very convenient and concise - in its own separate window in the form of a kind of “block diagram” with a description of the conditions.

One for all and all for one ©

Satellites are also an interestingly realized aspect of this project. Essentially, companions are combat pets, with the ability to pump up to a certain level, the ability to equip a certain number of things and three stones that enhance their stats. At the initial stage of the game, only companions of the main game classes will be available to you - for example, a mage, a cleric. Obviously, they are designed to complement your character and help him develop - it would be very useful for a tank to have his own personal companion, a cleric, and for a cleric, a good damage dealer. Typically, the overall maximum level of satellites is approximately two, three times lower than yours - i.e. they will not replace you with high-level players, but they are useful. You can only call one companion at a time.

A penny saves the ruble ©

Probably everyone already knows what a “free to play” system is. In short - projects with open access and a powerful, competitive donation system. Most of the projects based on this system (f2p) either slipped into the hellish depths of raking greed, or were initially so “greedy” that they sank into oblivion. A smaller part, with the right balance and donation sales, exists and thrives. So NW probably belongs to the latter. There are no things for money that give a clear advantage, there are no wild prices, and most importantly, there is no pressure - the game does not force you to deposit money for a comfortable existence.

The game has already implemented an exchange for selling Zen (the game analogue of rubles) for diamonds, an auction has been implemented - where you can sell game items for diamonds and the balance of game gold will be well adjusted. Gold, as it should be from quests, mobs and selling things. With diamonds it’s different - they are given out as special daily deals and for dispersing epic items. There are also special currencies - for example bullion, but I have not yet been able to get to know them better.

Bottom line

Minuses: The most obvious one is the lack of live moderators (filters won’t help). Holiday Zone chat is often replete with "dirt", of which "three-story mat" can be considered a slight misunderstanding compared to everything else. This is, at a minimum, disgusting and needs to be corrected first. All other disadvantages are cosmetic in nature, can be easily corrected, and are generally attributed to the “youth” of the project

Pros: Neverwinter turned out to be successful and worthy. The project at the start already has more than many projects over the years of its existence. NW universe, good balance, excellent technical part, correct donation rate, FOUNDRY system, a unique profession system, campaigns and a successfully implemented D&D system (which, alas, the 10k character limit does not allow me to describe).

This project deserves your attention. Do not miss. Perhaps the Neverwinter universe will become your favorite and will give you many unforgettable and pleasant moments.

Neverwinter Online game – A New Look to the mmorpg genre. The project is based on the Dungeons & Dragons universe. The developers from Cryptic Studios managed to make one of the most unusual and dynamic games in the genre and in the universe. Neverwinter Online can give odds to the “giants” of the gaming industry in some respects. The approach to the plot, the combat system - everything has a novelty.


A review of Neverwinter Online should begin with a description of what happens in the game. The setting is the lands of Faerun. As a result of the cataclysm, many empires fell, cities turned into ruins, everything is infested with monsters and survivors are rarely found. Let the hero begin in the Pearl of the North, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. The ruler of the city, Lord Neverember, asked for help in restoring the city from wanderers and heroes of the Wild North. At the start of gameplay, Neverwinter is being restored by the combined forces of gnomes, humans, and elves. At this moment, dark forces intervene in the process and the main character will have to stop them.

The developers clearly paid a lot of attention to the plot of Neverwinter Online. All story missions are accompanied by cut scenes that are interesting to watch. The game is not annoying or overloading additional information– you can complete the storyline no matter how “cool” your character or equipment is. Even the most casual players will be able to reach the final and find out the outcome. This simplification is made to attract a wider audience. There is only one downside: this makes hardcore players a little bored.


Neverwinter Online resembles a third-person action game rather than a classic mmorpg. Cryptic Studios introduced a non-target system and combo attacks, making battles dynamic and exciting. Combat is no longer a matter of methodically mashing buttons. in the right order after highlighting the goal in the target. Now the player will have to dodge attacks and spells. Certainly, similar system reminiscent of the previously released Tera Online. Neverwinter only develops ideas and does it well.

Online, gamers always have something to do: PvE modes, PvP arenas, dungeons. All in all, full set any self-respecting mmoprg.

In PvE, a short scenario “Fight” has been created for 5 people. The player will have to fight off waves of enemies. All missions are tied to certain levels. Upon reaching the maximum, access to low-level tasks is closed. A similar mode is “Dungeon”.

The PvP mode “Battle for Gauntlgrym” stands out. It is a battle between two sides of 20 participants. Access opens upon reaching level 60. The game takes care of busy people– it has a lot of short and daily tasks and dungeons for one.

A special feature of the game is also a workshop for creating your own tasks and stories. This feature relatively new in MMORPGs and rarely used in other projects. In this mode there is room to let your imagination run wild and show off your creation to other players. There is a special interface for this. convenient search missions. In it you can write a review, give a rating and read the description of user tasks. Thanks to this, the workshop is a kind of “ social network", in which players share opinions about a particular quest.


Neverwinter Online has two currencies: ZEN and Astral Diamonds. There is a special Exchange for their exchange, thanks to which the free-to-play system becomes completely free - all items can be purchased without resorting to donation. Of course, as in any mmorpg, you will have to try hard to achieve this. But the presence of such a system cannot but rejoice.

The platform for exchanging currency and items is a standard auction, which takes 10% of a successful transaction. When putting it up for sale, the player can indicate the price and timing of the auction. Purchases at the auction are carried out using astral diamonds.

The game also has personal and guild banks for storing items and gold. As you can see, economic system does not represent any revelations and is made as simple as possible. This is because the game is aimed at constant battles and tasks, and not at methodical hours of studying the market in search of the right armor.

Races and character classes

Playing Neverwinter Online is fun thanks to the variety and variability of character creation. The game features 9 races and 5 classes. The developers don’t stop there and promise to constantly update the content and add new classes and races.

  1. The Guardian Warrior is the local equivalent of a “tank”. Absorbs all damage thanks to heavy armor;
  2. Trickster trickster. This class is a mixture of a thief and an assassin. Constantly stays in the shadows and uses paired blades in battle;
  3. The Wizard Overlord is a classic mage with the ability to control the elements. As usual in all MMORPGs, it is very strong in PvP mode;
  4. Devout cleric. A healer to the core and an indispensable character in any raid or mode;
  5. Fearless Warrior is the main damage dealer of the game;
  6. Hunter-Ranger - an archer capable of inflicting debuffs and keeping enemies at a distance;
  7. The Tormentor Warlock is an even more powerful wizard who uses destructive dark magic.
  1. People. Found all over game world and are the most universal race for beginners;
  2. Half-elves. This race arose as a result of close communication between elves and people;
  3. Wood elves. They are constantly in the forests and are excellent at archery;
  4. Dark elves. They live underground and use dark magic;
  5. Halflings. Small stature is compensated by enormous strength. Halflings are very sociable and love to travel;
  6. Half-orcs combine the strength of orcs and the agility of humans;
  7. Tieflings. They make excellent magicians. The race was born as a result of a deal with demons;
  8. Dwarves are excellent with swords and magic.

Each race has its own bonuses at start, so you should choose based on your preferred class and playstyle.

Community and game support

The official Neverwinter Online website is simple and understandable even for beginners. Quick registration and downloading the client will allow you to start the game quite quickly. The site contains descriptions of characters, objects and locations. Also on the page you can find a link to the forum. The community on the forum and in the game is mostly friendly and responsive. But this is largely the merit of the people, not the publisher. The official Russian website of Neverwinter Online leaves only positive emotions: convenience, colors, navigation location in personal account at a high level.

Neverwinter Online system requirements are very reasonable. The game engine allows you to run it even on a medium-power laptop. The game runs great on 4GB random access memory, Ati Radeon 6650M with 1 GB of video memory and AMD Phenom X2.

Neverwinter Online review summary

Neverwinter has just one problem. The developers overdid it with simplification and “casualism”. The game is not capable of engaging seasoned fans online games because it's not deep enough. Neverwinter Online with all its entertainment and features is perfect for those who spend 2-3 hours a day playing the game or are just getting acquainted with MMORPGs for the first time. For total immersion Neverwinter Online is not suitable for the world and games 24/7. Maybe for the better.

Video review

“Neverwinter Online” is not just an ordinary MMORPG, it is always difficult to be criticized by fans and compared with previous parts, and with the whole world of D&D.

Video: What is Neverwinter?

Game world

Despite the fact that the Pearl of the North is drawn kosher here, and the overall atmosphere is maintained, there will always be hundreds of hamsters who are indignant for completely far-fetched reasons.

It’s better to look at the gameplay, everything is simpler and clearer here.

If an NPC is a person with his own attitude, the choice of dialogues affects the world and the surrounding reality, and a team is simply necessary to take down the boss, then this is a fact.

Races and classes

8 races and 6 classes, with points invested in physique or intelligence, but three branches for development to the limit are real. As for how an ogre should behave in the original universe, this is for the fans - it does not affect the speed.

Non-target, dynamics in evasions And constant movement to survive is the calling card of the project, the combat will capture your attention, no auto-attacks or playing the piano skills.

Video: trailer for the game Neverwinter Online

Please note that the hero development tree in Neverwinter cannot be downloaded to one hundred percent.– you will have to uniqueize your character – “horns” and “wizards” are popular now; a team of four tanks plus a healer can survive in the epicenter of a hydrogen explosion.

If the hands are not completely crooked, then the bosses fall quickly, the only thing is– just crowds of summoned creatures.

Professions are important, you can really master them all, but why? Leadership rather than say Jewelry– it’s still honestly unclear.

Game Features

1. Atmosphere, character naming system, where you don’t have to have time to stake out nicknames, dynamics, team selection– all these little things make the game.

2. Big set achievements and bonuses, but outside of the “5x party” there are few competitive moments and social activities.

3. “The Foundry” is just a huge piece of happiness, both for the fans and for the entire community– creating user-generated content has now become easier and more accessible.

4. The style of the game does not cause hysterics, the world is conveyed adequately, and the PVE component is absolutely excellent– AI for bosses works, mobs interact with each other, each room can contain a riddle or puzzle.

5. Combo series are still small, perhaps the developers will finish them, but for now they are a little dull, and the inability to do much on the move only enhances this moment.

This is the review - despite the honest disadvantages, the game has had a great start and is flying well, “Neverwinter Online” is one of the brightest events of 2013.

Perfect World Entertainment has released an MMORPG project based on the Dungeons and Dragons universe. This WoW competitor was released as free-to-play on PC in 2013. Two years later, the game pleased its owners with its appearance Xbox One, and last year PlayStation 4 players were able to plunge into the world of fantasy. After Russian language support appeared in Neverwinter, the CIS gaming community finally received interesting game with a good plot.

Neverwinter plot

Let's start our Neverwinter review with the setting. The main advantage of a game project is the location of the action. The Dungeons & Dragons universe has captivated millions of players around the world since 1974. Board game gave rise to a lot of branches; many video games, books and other products were created based on its concept.

According to the plot of the game, we find ourselves in the world of Faerun on the Sword Coast in the Forgotten Realms. These territories were struck by a magical plague; only a city called Neverwinter managed to survive. But what was destined cannot be changed, and this once glorious place suffers from a volcanic eruption. Only ruins remain, among which sectarians and bandits began to operate. Outside the city, things are even worse; a wide variety of evil spirits from other dimensions are raging here, which are the “product” of that very plague.


At the beginning, everything is according to the canon - we are greeted by the character editor. The origins of the D&D universe are seen here like nowhere else in the game. There are tailed tieflings, halflings, half-orcs and other interesting creatures.

We are informed about the details of the plot gradually. The main source of information is passers-by and background fragments. It should be noted in the Neverwinter review that you will not find here long conversations about life with brothers in arms, as well as the need to make moral choices - these are MMO traditions. Between the important scenario tasks there are fairly standard quests, which, by the way, are not so boring to complete. There is a quest editor in which, if you try, you can find the work of talented players.

It should be noted in the Neverwinter review that quests always have one the main objective- by any means necessary to involve us in a fight. The combat here is reminiscent of an FPS shooter with little aiming support. Each combat class here has its own bonuses and skills, which look quite spectacular in large battles involving several companions. Already at the tenth level, some forest elf will be able to learn not only how to fire from a bow, but also masterfully handle two blades, casting spells during breaks for defensive needs. All this is very conveniently carried out using a gamepad, so much so that you even forget about the limitations of the interface of the console version of the game.

When reviewing Neverwinter, it becomes clear that co-op PvE mode is a priority for Neverwinter. It’s a pleasure to settle mobs here together with other players. There is a PvP mode, but some imbalance, caused by the levels of the players, does not allow you to fully enjoy the battles. Also, capturing points in cramped arenas is not as fun as participating in group missions.

Neverwinter review summary

To summarize the Neverwinter review, we can say the following. This game can easily attract not only fans of the MMORPG genre, but also other players. Since, in addition to roleplaying, it offers us an interesting co-op, which is already present in many games. If you like clearing out hordes of enemies with a large group, this project is clearly for you. There is no emphasis on stupid leveling and senseless grinding, everything is just for a fun and enjoyable game. There is no need to memorize a bunch of different tactics and techniques, the game is simple and this is a plus for it. Neverwinter review is finished.

Video "What is Neverwinter?"

Newerwinter Online game based on the Dungeons & Dragons universe

What is she like? This is a PvE game to the core, in which the players' actions are tied to the passage of various kinds of dungeons. That's actually why this project has a somewhat non-standard world-building, namely rather linear locations in which there is nowhere to turn from the path planned by the developers.

Leveling up in this the game is on as the construction of the world dictates to it. This is one storyline that hooks you at the beginning of the game and leads you to the maximum level. Schematically it looks like this:

1 - You approach an NPC in the capital who gives you introductory information on the next location for you and sends you to another NPC already in the location we need, who begins a line of quests in it. Considering that the locations have the overwhelming majority appearance the noodles that fell on the floor (the corridor ones) then lead us accordingly. Usually there are 3-4 base camps on the map where they give out 3-5 tasks as we progress, which we do as we move further and further through the location. Several times per location we are given quests to complete single dungeons (which does not prevent us from going there as a group... their complexity will not change from this) and at the end of each pasta we are waiting for a dungeon task designed for group passage (which we don’t have to complete ) . Next, in parallel with the quest for the inst, we receive a task to return to the main NPC in the capital, who will give us the same thing but to the next location, and in fact, this is how we get to the lvl cap, which here has the number 60.

The storyline basically tells us that our capital is a very unlucky city that is attacked by various misfortunes (Slavers / Creatures from the rift / Undead / Demons and other rabble) all at once and constantly. As befits the actual plot of the plot, “It’s not calm in our kingdom,” and given the fact that even in the sewers evil lurks, even when the townspeople go to the toilet, they can’t relax there either.

The localization of the game went quite well. They tell us in well-chosen voices what is written in the next task, and without straining our eyes we can understand what we should do and why. We have no choice as to how exactly we should do what is required of us. But as they say, not everything can be perfect, so from time to time we may notice that only the second half of the quest is announced to us, or we may observe this picture: “Kill five goblin commanders 0 / 3”

The style of the game follows the traditions of the D&D universe and nothing brings the game closer to this universe than its appearance.

The combat in it happens quite dynamically; if we are not a tank, we are constantly jumping somewhere, dodging enemy attacks and then trying to hit back. The animation of movements during various types of strikes is performed at an excellent level in the game. This is probably the best thing that can be found on the MMORPG market at the moment. I mean that there, unlike the vast majority of games, not only the hands, but also the entire body of the character are involved in using the skill.

The number of skills that can be simultaneously placed on the skill panel is 8. That is, it is quite difficult to get lost in the keys in the midst of battle, and everything can be mastered intuitively after 2 hours of play. Let's say playing as a magician is very reminiscent of the cartoon Avatar Aang. Transitions between skills are also made very smoothly and logically. But as they say in the family there is a black sheep and the position and movements of the magician are banal while he doesn’t use anything but is in a fighting stance, let’s say it looks extremely ridiculous and somewhat reminiscent fast playback fights of an old woman on crutches who threw them away like a hockey player with his leggings.

The D&D universe implies a huge amount of content that just needs to be implemented in the game... and this is a very good deposit in the part of “What else should we add to the game” for 5-6 years. So the developers should not have any problems with the question of what else we should do and add problems.

Well, now let’s talk about the topic “Not everything is calm in our kingdom.” The storyline seemed to the author a direct embodiment of the game itself.

The game, like the unfortunate city, is plagued by a wide variety of misfortunes in all aspects of the game.

On the one hand, we have a rather nice appearance of the game, which is the merit of the designers, but not because of the engine, which, by the way, is quite old and is somewhat similar to early PS 3 games. But on the other hand, numerous defects gradually begin to catch the eye, such as the protruding dwarf’s nose through the helmet model. Orcs have the same thing, but with their entire jaw that automatically fits through your steel helmet outward. A warrior has a two-handed sword that, when running, rushes halfway into your hero’s butt. The tiefling's bangs, which pass through his horns and still move... tieflings are generally lucky in this regard, they also have a tail that lives its own life, constantly dangling, and there is no logical hole in the armor for it. If you decide to sit on the ground as a tiefling, the tail will begin to knead the void like a blender under the textures of the ground.

Cloaks are a separate issue in the game. Probably one of the most best solutions was the introduction of the ability to turn off the display of the appearance of cloaks. Because for the most part it has 2 types.

a - A piece of toilet paper with characteristic traces of a break in the middle (no, I don’t mean its behavior when running, etc., I mean its shape)

b - This is a stub of an A4 sheet that was just pulled out of the jaws of an office shredder.

The tail of the unfortunate tieflings also passes through it without difficulty in the style of a ghost.

The clothes in this game are also a rather strange story.

In general, let's start with the fact that it is very difficult to distinguish a separate class dressed in armor at lvl 25 from the same class dressed in 85% of the available armor at lvl 60 and having any level of quality (Green / Blue / Epic). All sets of the same class have a fairly common color scheme and differ only in details. In general, the problem with epic gear is that ordinary blue armor at level 60 exceeds 70% of epic armor in terms of the stats we need. Which you will agree is quite strange. And the actual absence external differences+ controversial characteristics do not really encourage us to go and knock it out.

There are also places in the game where there are holes in the textures, which is quite strange considering the corridor nature of the locations and their number. I think they will all fit perfectly into a couple of locations in the same World of Warcraft. Can't you notice a fairly large hole in such a small area? Strange to say the least.

Well, now a few words about what the whole game is built on - Dungeons.

Dungeons look similar to locations, these are corridors and small rooms connected by passages where we are asked to walk through them, beating up piles of trash and getting to the bosses. The entire boss battle comes down to one thing in 80% of cases. Depending on the class, we tank / heal / damage the boss, jump away from the red zones where the attack will be directed and upon respawn we kill the monsters summoned by the boss. That's all . And so in each dungeon... only the appearance of the boss / room / add changes. It's quite easy to get used to... how quickly does it get boring? Well, as they say, it depends on your taste.


There are 3 types of currencies in the game

1 - Zen (donate)

2 - Astral diamonds (given for completing daily tasks) on which all trade and economic relations in the game are based

3 - Gold - The only currency obtained from monsters that is needed only for 3 things: 1 - pulling out magic stones from armor. 2 - Buying healing potions 3 - Buying first aid kits.

Donated currency can also be obtained at the Zen auction if someone placed a certain amount of it there. You can buy it for Astral Diamonds.

According to the developers, you will be able to get everything that people donate to the game. So of course it is, but let’s do a little Arithmetic session:

For daily tasks you receive Astral DIAMONDS and not Diamonds. You can process them in your inventory into Diamonds 1 to 1 BUT. You can process no more than 24,000 pieces per day. And the prices in the game are mostly in the six figures. And besides, Diamonds are needed everywhere. Everything depends on them. At the moment, on the Zen exchange they are exchanged at the rate of 1 Zen = 400 astral diamonds. That is, in essence, our financial situation may depend on two things:

1 - What fell into the dungeon for us (Yes, almost all the things falling in them have no connection to the character, so the second magician / rogue / warrior dug out some unfortunate purple sword from you, which is significantly inferior in stats to the one in his hands, so that selling it at auction is not uncommon, but a fact of life.

2 - Investment in the game real money(and not small ones).

The dungeon system is a different story. NvN online is probably the first online dungeon-based MMORPG in the author’s memory that was presented to the public with the search for a group not working normally to complete it.

The norm of life here is that after registering for dungeons (maximum 3 at a time), you wait for 20-50 minutes and are offered to join a group where there is not one person. As a result, in 70% of cases we are transferred with the group to:

1 - Completely empty dungeon

2 - Our group is not full and does not have a tank or healer (for which we can wait another 40 minutes)

3 - Option 2 but straight to the last boss.

And this can continue all evening until you spit and start yelling like a stung person in search of companions that you are looking for a group.

There is also another one unpleasant feature. If everyone has left the group and you are left alone, you will not be automatically kicked out of the dungeon. It will start to pick up for you new group and carry them in pieces of 1-3 people to you. At this moment, you can shower and leave the same lucky person standing alone on Instagram.

Well, actually, what to break vicious circle Everyone who is in the dungeon needs to run across the entire path back to the entrance and come out into the light of day at once. Otherwise it will last forever.

But let's get back to the donation. In this game, literally everything pushes us to donate.

1 - Monsters periodically drop chests in which they colorfully show you detailed list possible things in it are in the picture, but the key to which can only be bought for Zen. As a result, upon reaching level 60, you will accumulate about 210 of them.

You can also purchase bags in this game to expand your small inventory only for Zen. This is probably the only game in the world where the tailoring profession does not make them.

Companions declared as a feature of the game in 80% of cases can only be obtained in the donation shop. All the prices for everything in this game, with their figures in the hundreds of thousands and millions, seem to push us to invest money and buy Diamonds for Zen. And compared to them, 24,000 a day looks like a slap in the face.

Even a banal painting of armor in order to dilute its general monotony is only possible if you buy the appropriate paint in the same store.

The higher lvl you get (if you’re not just leveling up), the clearer it becomes that donation has a huge influence here like never before.

Also here, as it has become fashionable, there is a scam. You buy a chest for professions for a certain price or try to open the one that fell and you have a small chance of getting what you need, but for the most part the junk you don’t need falls, so we put in the money, pull the lever, gentlemen, and wait until we get 7 7 7 .

And just a few more words so that you understand why this is the impression you get.

There is no technical support for the game for Russia. No matter what you write there and no matter what problems you have, you will only receive a standard answer from an answering machine.

They didn’t even bother to translate the forum on the official website of the game into Russian. That is, we have all its functionality strictly in English.

News about innovations on the site are published only 1-2 days after their installation.

There are no responses from the administration to topics created by players about game bugs.

The game produces the effect of an early Alpha test, but not like an MBT or a release.

We’ll see what awaits it in the future; fortunately, all the prerequisites for its development are there. If they start to correct great amount bugs, then perhaps it will become a very worthy project. But in things concerning graphic plan It’s unlikely that we should expect some edits soon. As you know, this is a port from consoles. And the game was not originally developed for PC. But apparently something didn’t work out and here she is in front of us.

Conclusion: There is an opinion that this game is so crude that if you pack it in an archive with maximum compression you can get a puddle.