One-time box. Fast mail will save you from long troubles. Anonymous email services with recipient substitution

When registering, sites, forums, file hosting services and some public Wi-Fi points often asked to provide an address Email, however, if you do this, you can soon find a lot of spam, messages about promotions and other unwanted correspondence in your email inbox.

In contact with

For similar cases exist special services, allowing you to create a temporary email specifically to confirm registration on any resource.

It is worth noting that a number of sites do not allow you to specify a temporary email. In this situation, you can try choosing a different email domain.

2. Guerrilla Mail

This service has existed for a relatively long time - since 2006. To use Guerrilla Mail, you do not need to provide your real mailing address, but you can create only one temporary mailbox on the service, which will be valid for an hour.

The service is easy to use and completely free. In addition, Guerrilla Mail has a separate Android application.

3. nada

Absolutely free service developed by the creators of AirMail - the popular mail client for Apple devices. No registration is required to create a one-time email with nada.

The service allows you to create up to 10 disposable addresses simultaneously. You can create an email account yourself by choosing from 10 different domains, or use a randomly generated address.

Letters received to the address are stored for a week, after which they are deleted automatically.

4. DropMail

Simple and convenient service to create disposable email addresses with unlimited operation time. DropMail allows you to create unlimited amount mailboxes that will be available until the user refreshes the page.

In addition, the service has a function for forwarding letters. Registration on the site is not required.

5. Mailinator

This service allows you to create a temporary mailbox by specifying any address. Moreover, even if such an address is already taken, the service will still allow you to use it. Thus, users who indicate the same address can read all letters received at it.

The service provides a registration function that allows you to make disposable email accounts private. For developers and corporate clients There are separate tariff plans.

6. Fake Mail Generator

On Fake Mail Generator you can create a disposable email address for free, which will be valid for 24 hours. There are 10 different email domains to choose from.

The service works similarly to Mailinator, allowing you to read messages arriving at the same address.

In order to understand what a temporary email for 10 minutes is, let's look at a specific example. For example, you decide to upload to own computer New film, and the system asks you to enter your own Email address. And many users naturally do not enter their personal, work or home address.

Or another example - you register on this or that site for 4-5 minutes, or you need a permanently idle box to fill out and send the form to point of sale to get a discount so that you can visit it once and safely forget about it afterwards. It is in these and other similar situations that the so-called temporary mail is created for 10 minutes - convenient service and an easy-to-use version that does not require much effort on the part of the user.

How is it different from standard mail?

To be more specific and compare it with standard, permanent mail, they have certain differences. Speaking about the points of such differences, experts highlight the following:

  • first does not require in the process of creating a registration as such and assigning it to an individual user.
  • V this format is retained by the client complete anonymity.
  • if the box is deleted - that's it previously entered personal data and address, IP address will be deleted permanently.
  • messages are delivered in a matter of seconds, and the address is in electronic format created for the client in automatic mode , there is no need to enter personal data.

Best Disposable Email Services


A fairly popular and proven temporary email service - to get started, you should register your own, real address and relevant notifications and messages will be sent to it. Registration on this service itself is not so mandatory, but if the user is registered, you can create and assign to yourself up to 16 domains.

Guerrilla Mail

Guerrilla Mail is considered the oldest disposable mail provider and has been on the market since 2006 - unlike the first service does not allow you to create several addresses at the same time. But the plus is that it will not ask for your own, permanent email. Received at your disposal postal email will be active for 1 hour, it is easy to use and there is no need to pay for the procedure when registering.

Online service nada

When registering on nada, you do not need to enter your own real email address, and the use of the service itself is free. Using this service, you can create and assign to yourself to 10 postal addresses at a time. All incoming messages are stored for 7 days; in addition, a version for mobile devices and applications.


A very simple and understandable service for registering for yourself temporary box– its operating time is not limited to a specific framework and the address itself is available until the user updates his own page. Allows you to create unlimited number electronic mailboxes— DropMail is equipped with a built-in function for subsequent forwarding of received messages. It works quickly and does not require the user to go through a mandatory registration procedure


The presented temporary email service has one feature - when creating mailbox user can enter any, the address he has chosen. And even if the latter is already registered on the network and is busy, you can use it by reading all the letters created by other users, just as yours will be available to them. Because this service You should not use it when registering on sites and forums that are important to you.

Temp Mail

Temp Mail, a world-famous temporary, disposable mail service, is easy to use and actually has no mail-related settings. The mailbox itself is valid until the user himself deletes it, although all messages and letters coming to it will be automatically leave in an hour.

Recently discovered interesting service for those who are tired of numerous spam in their mailbox.

This is mail in 10 minutes!!!

Some sites ask for your email when registering. Everything would be fine, but then all sorts of rubbish begins to arrive at this address. Of course, for sites that you use constantly, this will not work, for example, when registering with YouTube. IN in this case I had to indicate my real permanent email (for example, to recover my password). After this, with enviable regularity, I received various messages, either from Pyotr Petrovich or from Ivan Denisovich. Interestingly, names and patronymics of all stripes are used without surnames. That's why someone came up with the idea of ​​creating disposable e-mails.

How to create such a box?

I'll tell you in detail how to do this, it's very simple:

  1. Let's go by this link

We see this screen with an email already generated for us:

2. The service allows you to select a language. The default is Russian (at the bottom of the screen):

For those interested, you can choose almost any language to work on the site:

Everything is basically ready - we have created a temporary mailbox.

Let's check it out.

To start we'll send a message from your mailbox to the newly created one:

All messages received on the temporary box will be displayed on home page below in table form. There we will find our message sent for verification from another mailbox:

Now let's check how we can send a message from our temporary mailbox. After all, sometimes when registering on a website you need to follow a link sent or reply to a message. To do this, simply click on the subject of the message “Hello, friend))”.

Then in the window that appears, select "Answer"(to the same addressee) or "Forward"(select new recipient):

Type a message and send by clicking "Answer":

And at our main mail we receive a response from a temporary mailbox:


See, it turned out to be not difficult at all. It was more difficult to write a review)))

And further: If you don't have enough 10 minutes, mailbox action can be extend for another 10 minutes, then another. You will find the renewal request on the main page under the email name in a frame.




Other interesting and useful sites:

2. photo reducer. We reduce the photo size to the required size.

3. YouTube video to MP3 converter. Extracting online audio from YouTube video and listen anywhere.

4. Photo rounder. We make round avatars for social networks.

The “Anonymizer” function has appeared in the settings of the mail service of the Mail.Ru portal. With its help, you can create a temporary email address and use it

  • for on various forums and sites that do not inspire confidence,
  • in coupon services,
  • or in dubious, unreliable online stores,
  • as well as when submitting advertisements for the sale of something (to communicate with possible buyers), etc.

Then, when the temporary e-mail is no longer needed, you can easily delete it.

Anonymizer is a service for creating temporary mailboxes inside your main, permanent mailbox on Mail ru.

It is a generator of temporary email addresses inside the main mail.

How to create temporary

Create a one-time mailbox (in other words, temporary mail ru) you can after 6 steps:

1) you need to go to your mail mailbox ru official website:

2) enter your username, password,

3) in the right top corner click on your login. A menu will open in which you need to click “Mail Settings” (2 in Fig. 1):

Rice. 1 Where are the Mail settings in the mailbox

4) At the end of the “Mail Settings” menu, select the “Anonymizer” item (1 in Fig. 2):

Rice. 2 Anonymizer: Add temporary address in

5) In the “Anonymizer” form that opens, click on the “Add temporary address” button (2 in Fig. 2).

6) The “Create a temporary address” window will appear (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Create a temporary address for your Mail ru mail

To create a temporary mail inside your Mail ru mail, all that remains is:

  • 1 in Fig. 3 – agree with the proposed name for temporary mail, or enter your address (of course, provided that such a name has not previously been occupied by other users).
  • 2 in Fig. 3 – agree with the mail domain (that is,, or click on the small triangle and select another domain from the proposed list:, or
  • 3 in Fig. 3 – it is advisable, but not necessary, to write a comment for yourself so as not to forget why an e-mail was once created.
  • 4 in Fig. 3 – select the folder in which incoming correspondence will be collected. By default, a folder of the same name is created (with the same name as temporary mail), but you can select a folder from others that already exist in your Mail.Ru mailbox
  • 5 in Fig. 3 – enter the code from the picture. If the code is unclear and hard to see, you should click on the “I don’t see the code” link.
  • 6 in Fig. 3 – click on the “Create” button.

Rice. 4 How to copy and how to delete temporary Mail ru mail.

As can be seen in Fig. 4, created temporary email[email protected].

How to use a temporary box

Opposite the temporary email, click on the “Copy” button (1 in Fig. 4), after which the temporary email will be copied to the clipboard, that is, placed in the computer’s temporary memory. Please note that the “Copy” button (and the “Delete” button) appears (“pops up”) only after you move the mouse cursor over the name of the temporary mail.

Now go to where you need to specify this temporary email, place the cursor there and press Ctrl+V (in order to paste what was copied to the clipboard). After this, a temporary email will be placed where it is needed for registration or anything else.

Useful points

You can create many such temporary boxes. The main thing is that the user himself does not get confused in them later.

We must remember that all temporary mailboxes are accessible only through the main mailbox. In other words, you can only access temporary mailboxes if you log into your main mailbox. Temporary mailboxes are accessible only using the login and password of the main mailbox. This is roughly how we get into our house: first we go into the corridor and only then can we get into other rooms.

After the temporary mail has been created, you can go to your main mail. There you should find new folder(Fig. 5), which will have the same name as the temporary mail. Compare the folder name in Fig. 5 with the name of the temporary e-mail that was created earlier, in Fig. 4. It is clear that the names are the same.

You can open a letter with additional information, which arrived in a new folder. It will have the following title: “You have created a temporary address. recommends that you read this letter.”

Rice. 5 Folder with new temporary mail inside the main mailbox

What are the benefits of temporary boxes? Of course, because they can be removed. In this case, the main mailbox will remain safe and sound.

How to delete temporary mail

After deleting temporary mail, letters will stop coming, but old letters will remain in the folder.

To delete temporary mail, you need to follow the steps described above, I will repeat them here:

  • you need to log into your main mailbox by entering your main mail login and password,
  • click on your login, that is, on the name of your email (Fig. 1),
  • go to “Mail Settings”,
  • click on “Anonymizer” (Fig. 2),
  • Move the mouse cursor to the temporary mail that you want to delete. Only after this the “Copy” and “Delete” links will appear,
  • click on the “Delete” link (2 in Fig. 4) opposite the temporary e-mail that is no longer needed.

Other methods for temporary emails

Often, after registering on some resource, intrusive mailings begin to arrive. Spam filters in Mail.Ru mail do not always cope with their function. The Mailru anonymizer will help compensate for this shortcoming. Although, in principle, there is nothing new in this function.

There have long been resources for creating temporary e-mails, for example:

  • (more details),

The only difference is that Mail.Ru has combined a temporary e-mail with the main one postal service. The main mailbox can now only be used for correspondence with real people.

How to delete the main mail

The temporary mailbox can be deleted without much thought, that’s why it’s temporary. But with the main mailbox, you need to think carefully and remember everything that can be connected with it: in addition to the bad, then (alas, often only after deletion) both good and valuable may be found there.

The fact is that after deleting the main mail, it will be possible to restore the login (name) of this mail. But all the information that was previously stored in this mail and that was associated with this account, alas, can no longer be restored. Therefore, before deleting the main address, it is necessary that they are linked to this account, because after deletion, all information from these projects will be lost without the possibility of its recovery.

If you have firm decision delete the main mailbox on, and you also have access to the mailbox (i.e. you know the mail login and password), then enter in address bar your browser link:

To delete, you will need to enter your email name, password, and indicate the reason for deletion. After this, the mailbox will be deleted along with all information and all projects that were associated with this email.

P.S. Other resources on computer literacy that go well with this article include:

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When I started asking this question to my friends who have been working on the Internet for several years, I was surprised that many of them did not know about it.

Therefore, I decided to go into more detail and tell you why it might be needed?

Temporary mail (email)— email mail that is created on limited time most often even for a few minutes.

What is disposable mail used for?

Often when registering for various services, portals, forums, sometimes for the sake of just one piece of advice or a program, we are forced to leave our email, which can then receive tons of spam.

Some use a separate email address for these purposes, which is a good solution.

But there is an alternative - temporary email address. There is no need to register it and waste time on it.

Also disposable mail can be used for anonymous sending. Some people use it for various online voting, if there is a restriction on registration from one email.

It is created easily and simply, in fact you don’t even need to create it, just go to the website

Now more about the most functional and simple services for registering a temporary email address.

I noted the most interesting services for me - I recommend!

10 services for creating temporary email boxes


Mail is created with the click of a button and is automatically checked every 10 seconds. By clicking the “Change Address” button, you can instantly change your mailbox address to a new one.

Crazy Mailing

Temporary mail is created immediately upon entering the site. The “+10 minutes” button on the main page extends the life of your email box by 10 minutes.

There is a redirect to your real address. To do this, you need to log in through one of the social networks. networks in the upper right corner and the Settings button will appear there, where you can make a redirect “Redirect to real”. You can also create up to 10 temporary boxes there.

There is an application for Google Chrome. I recommend!

10 Minute Mail

A very simple service of 10 minute temporary email addresses with a poor design. If you don’t have enough time, you can restore the address lifetime to 10 minutes. 10 minutes is the maximum for this service.

Discard Email

At the service nice design And big choice domain names on which mail is created. The mailbox lifespan is 30 days (1 month). It is possible to accept HTML letters with attachments. I recommend!

Guerrilla Mail

Mail is provided for 60 minutes. It is possible to select a domain from the proposed list on which to create a mailbox.

Drop Mail

Mail is created instantly. It is possible to expand mail by automatically generating hundreds of new addresses that link to the main temporary one.

The email address works indefinitely until you refresh the page. If you refreshed the page accidentally, the “Restore access” button appears.

And in the service you can accept letters with attachments. Minimalistic design, but very good functionality! I recommend!

Hide My Ass

Very interesting name. Unlike other services, here you can choose a login and password for your temporary mailbox, as well as specify the main mailbox for sending letters. Distinctive feature is a function of the box's lifetime - from 24 hours to 1 year.

Yop Mail

A simple design and quick mail creation without passwords or registrations - you just need to enter an invented address. Mail is stored in the box for 8 days.

Mail For Spam

When you get to the service, you immediately select the name of the temporary box and instantly receive it for use.

The name of the service is telling - it’s immediately clear for what purposes such temporary boxes should be used.

Temp Mail

When you access the site, a temporary email is automatically created, which can be changed by clicking one “Delete” button. By clicking the “Change” button, you can choose your own mail name using domains from the list.

Minimalistic and user-friendly design, nice to use. I recommend!

Of course, there are many more temporary email address services. I reviewed only those that, in my opinion, seemed to me the most simple and functional.

Now, when you decide to register on another Internet resource, think about it: maybe a temporary email address will be suitable for these purposes.

That's all for me. If you have any questions, ask)