What is the difference between cast wheels and forged ones? The difference in the properties of cast and forged wheels. What to buy

Many drivers want to install alloy wheels on their car. And this is completely justified. Firstly, the aesthetic appearance of the car is greatly improved. Secondly, driving comfort and safety may theoretically change. After all, wheels made of light alloys are lighter than their steel counterparts, therefore reducing unsprung masses. There are two main types of alloy wheels: cast and forged. How are they different and which one is better? Let's try to find out.

All the pros and cons

  • Material from which they are made specified disks, identical. Most often these are aluminum alloys, contrary to the common name “titanium”. In fact, titanium discs are not made due to the special properties of this material. Cast and forged products differ in production technology. The former are cast from an alloy, while the latter are made by hot industrial stamping. After this, both types of discs undergo hardening and artificial aging.
  • Consequently different technologies, forged wheels noticeably lighter than cast analogues. For example, a cast wheel has less weight compared to steel by about one third, but forged - by one and a half to two times. It's all about the thickness of the metal. For cast products it reaches 6 mm, and for forged products – 3 mm. As a result, forged products better realize the advantages of alloy wheels. In addition, they have a fibrous metal structure, which allows them to confidently withstand impact loads. Such products, by analogy with steel ones, can bend, but under significantly higher loads. Moreover, the deformation of the disk goes inward, which eliminates a change in the seat of the ramp and a sudden loss of pressure. Alloy wheels have shells inside the structure of the material. Therefore, if you hit a specific area, it can collapse.
  • The only “disadvantage” of forged wheels is their higher cost.. Moreover, the difference can be several times. Therefore, wealthy people can afford such discs for installation on elite or sports cars. True, if we talk about forged products Russian production(VSMPO, etc.), then their cost is even less than similar imported cast ones. The secret lies in the fact that domestic producers inherited the pressing equipment they use from the USSR. True, the difference in weight between domestic forged and imported alloy wheels is almost not noticeable.

Today we will analyze two market giants, again “casting” but only in comparison with the so-called “forged” disk. Which one is better, lighter, more reliable. There will definitely be a video version and voting below. The information is chewed in great detail, so read it - I promise it will be interesting...

In general, I read a lot on the Internet, there are a lot of myths and secrets about each type of disk. Moreover, from many authoritative sources it is heard that cast and forged wheels are made ABSOLUTELY from different materials that they allegedly have nothing in common. That the difference is simply huge and forged is some kind of simply space technology. BUT GUYS, in fact this is such nonsense! And today I will try to prove it to you.

Material from which it is made

As for forged and cast wheels, these are products similar in material; there is no space technology here. What I want to say is that both disks are made from an alloy of aluminum, magnesium and a small addition of copper (very small, only 3 to 7%). So, in terms of metal structure, they are absolutely the same, of course, each manufacturer has its own formula, but it is never disclosed - it is kept “under seven locks”, because in fact it is a trade secret.

The initial stage is the melting of aluminum, magnesium (and copper, of course), it is always the same, these are large vats in which this soup is cooked. The whole difference appears later, precisely during the manufacturing process. And here the differences are truly global.

Cast drive

As for the cast disc, I won’t repeat its pros and cons (all this was in the article about comparisons “”). However, I would like to remind you how it is made.

At the initial stage, as I already said, molten metals (aluminum + magnesium + copper) are freed from slag and poured into large bowls.

Then from these “bowls” they pour into special forms– which are actually our disk. Afterwards, the “rough part” is pulled out and turned on special machines - they are given speed and aesthetic characteristics (sometimes painted).

Actually, as you understand, this is a simple casting of metal into molds and then ordinary turning, hence the name alloy wheels. Of course, this is very exaggerated, technology has now stepped forward, but the essence remains the same.

The negative element of this production is final product strength ! But why?

YES, everything is simple - “casting” is due to the fact that microbubbles, that is, empty cavities, remain in the material. Of course these are not “giant” bubbles, don’t think so! They are really micro - several microns, but there can be quite a lot of them (don’t try to see them, you won’t be able to see them anyway). They are formed during metal casting. In the final product, this carries degraded power characteristics. That is, it is commonplace that this metal can be destroyed due to these cavities, when maximum loads, because it is not homogeneous.

What manufacturers do is they simply increase the walls, make them stronger and thicker. Thus, a “cast” disk can withstand quite heavy loads, and moreover, it is lighter than the “stamped” one, by 20, and sometimes 30%! Although in fairness it is worth noting - now there is a massive “casting” with designer patterns - it weighs about the same as stamping, but this is most likely an exception to the rule.

Forged disc

This is a completely different story. As I already said, the initial stage, namely the melting of metals, is the same, but then it is a completely different technology.

Aluminum is poured into special molds that initially look like long, hollow pillars (like a very long cylinder). After the “pillar” has cooled, they begin to saw it into short pieces, that is, several small cylinders will be made from one (if you want, this is similar to cutting a log into logs).

Afterwards, this “piece” is heated in an oven (not red hot) and sent under a huge press - squeezed several times, at a special angle - it is “flattened”! This process is vaguely (very vaguely) similar to “forging,” that is, “metal on an anvil,” hence the name forged.

After such monstrous compression, the metal turns out to be fine-grained and fibrous; there physically cannot be any voids in it that, upon impact, could lead to cracks or ruptures. But that is not all!

The first stage is the so-called “settling”, the “chump” is turned into a flat cake and again sent to the oven to heat up. Then the stamp is changed on the press and so-called “pans” are squeezed out of these cakes, which already vaguely resemble a disk, but without slots or holes.

And only the third time, the shape of a disk is squeezed out of the “pans”, still on the same press. Here you can already see the “sides” and grooves that any disc has. But again, there are no slits or holes.

After three stages of forging, these blanks are “hardened”, heated to 500 degrees and then sharply cooled in water. Thus, the metal structure becomes even more fine-grained and even more durable. There are three such “hardening” stages, after which the disk is also artificially “aged.” Which technology also enhances it, because internal mechanical stress is relieved.

Then the forging is sent for machining. That is, to the workshop - where physically drills and other cutters will give them the right type. They are made as light as possible, but also have stiffening ribs. After all, if the disk is lightened by 1 kilogram, then up to 60 kilograms more can be loaded into the machine.

And here I want to debunk another one MYTH – FORGED WHEELS ARE LIMITED IN DESIGN ! Nothing of the kind - it’s just that a limited number of companies make them, so the market saturation is NOT SO GREAT! THAT'S ALL! And so they can knock out (cut out) any design, even more complex than for “casting”.

After machining, this is a finished version that will go on sale. BUT in terms of price they are the most expensive, because technological process very complicated.

Pros of forged options :

  • Exceptional quality, because there are actually a lot of verification stages
  • High strength, such discs are superior to all existing analogues
  • Excellent speed characteristics, often do not require balancing
  • Weight, 20 – 30% lighter than casting, and up to 60 – 70% lighter than stamping
  • Less gas consumption
  • Beautiful on the outside, aesthetically pleasing
  • They do not rot or rust, because they are made of aluminum and magnesium

Cons of forging :

  • Expensive, sometimes twice as expensive as casting
  • They are hard, if you fly into a hole, it is mainly the tire and suspension that suffer, but not the disk; it is practically not deformed

These are all the disadvantages, of course there are not many of them, but again PRICE is the BIG disadvantage. Therefore, now many people vote with RUBLES for casting, and not for forged options - although the latter are more technologically advanced, lighter, just as beautiful, and so on (I gave you the breakdown).

Now let's watch the video version

I’ll end here, I think you liked my article, sincerely your AUTOBLOGGER.

To give the car a sporty look, in addition to spoilers and upgraded exhaust pipes, car owners often resort to equipping vehicle forged wheels. However, not every car enthusiast can immediately say which wheels will perform better during operation.

Forged wheels for cars

Material and manufacturing features

The way in which alloy wheels are produced is clear from their name - they are cast in ready-made forms. An aluminum base is used for their production. Therefore, in European countries the resulting products are simply referred to as aluminum. Less commonly used is an alloy with the addition of magnesium.

The operational features of a cast disk differ depending on the following characteristics:

  • quality of the base alloy;
  • casting molds;
  • quality of final painting and processing.

Alloy wheel rims for cars

As for forged models, they differ in the technology used during production. Forged wheels are stamped in 2 stages: the first press contains a force of 10 tons, and the second - 2 times more. After the forged workpiece passes through the press, it is sent to a metal-cutting machine, where holes, spokes will be cut out, and the edges will be processed. Thus, forged products are better in quality than cast ones due to more complex technologies production. Forged models are better able to withstand impacts, rarely bend and do not break. Forging is of higher quality than conventional casting in that during processing of the workpiece, pores and holes do not form on it. And thinner walls allow the discs to weigh much less than cast models.

Some believe that it is the impact resistance that is the main disadvantage of such a disc - if it is hit, it will survive, but will transfer all its force to the car suspension. Because of this, the latter must be strengthened.

Forged wheel rim

How to distinguish between types of disks

Once you've determined which wheels are best, you'll want to understand how to differentiate between forged and cast models. This can be done by examining the following parameters:

  • Mass. The main difference between the two models. For example, a forged one with a diameter of 15 inches weighs about 4-5 kg, and a cast one of the same diameter weighs about 8 kg. By the way, when choosing products from domestic manufacturers, this parameter may not be relevant, since our factories do not use advanced technologies capable of producing truly lightweight parts using the forging method. As a result, if we compare forging from Russian manufacturers with casting from foreign companies, then in weight it will vary very insignificantly.
  • Form. You can even see imperfections (uneven edges) on the surface of a cast disc even with the naked eye. This is due to the fact that it is not processed on lathes and milling machines. Forging such defects is unnecessary, since after stamping the disks pass additional processing, due to which they are characterized by correct geometry. The only exception is ultra-modern casting. Such products, although more expensive, already have perfectly smooth edges.
  • Method of applying the inscription. Inscriptions on components that are produced by forging are applied by stamping and are pressed. This distinguishes them from the raised markings on models produced using casting. However, there are exceptions here too - in a model that was made to order using the forging method, convex markings can be made and vice versa.
  • Product specification. If you read the product documentation when purchasing, pay attention to its specifications. There, forging will be designated by the word FORGED, but this word will be present on those models that are manufactured by well-known companies. If you are dealing with a Chinese or Turkish product, any false information may be indicated there.
  • Price. It cannot be the determining factor. However, usually the cost of a cast model is significantly lower than a forged one. Some sellers, knowing this, deliberately increase the price.

Thus, if you want to choose which components are best installed on a car with both regular and reinforced suspension, and your budget is not too limited, choose products made by forging. They are made of better quality and are durable. But if the products are impacted, it would be a good idea to go to a service station and make sure there is no damage to the suspension.

What is the difference between lightweight wheels and forged ones?

Market rims light alloys are overflowing: they offer both cast and forged; and Russian production, and Turkish, and German. In short, there is plenty to choose from. Moreover, a huge assortment makes it much more difficult to choose, and sometimes you come across unscrupulous sellers.

Car owners expect that light alloy wheels will solve two problems - improve the driving characteristics of the car and its appearance. However, after purchasing and installing “beautiful” wheels, many do not notice any changes in the behavior of the car. Why? The reason is very simple - sometimes car owners benefit only in design, since the weight of “light-alloy” wheels turns out to be the same as that of stamped steel wheels. Driving characteristics at “native” departure (as well as at standard disks) remain the same, so you are unlikely to feel any improvements in acceleration dynamics, suspension and braking system performance. But if the offset has changed, some characteristics may even worsen (see “AC” No. 4 "2006).

Being keen on tuning, car owners often strive to install tires with a lower profile and larger diameter light alloy wheels. Often the wheel ends up being much heavier than the original one, which entails whole line negative consequences:

The load on parts (springs, silent blocks, stabilizer) and components (shock absorbers) of the car’s suspension increases, causing them to wear out faster.
On high speeds When driving over uneven surfaces, the nature of the work changes elastic elements and shock absorbers - after hitting a hill, the wheel returns to its place with a delay, and when driving through a hole it freezes, i.e. in both cases, traction properties with the road deteriorate.
When accelerating, the engine has to spend more energy spinning the wheel, and this worsens efficiency and dynamics.
When slowing down, the brakes have to stop large rotating masses, so the brake pads and rotors work harder, which causes them to overheat and wear out faster.
Due to the larger moment of inertia of a heavy wheel, the braking distance increases, and when ABS is activated, the wheel unlocks with a delay.

How to distinguish a forged wheel from a cast one? Externally, based on the nature of the surface treatment, it is very difficult to find the difference between modern cast and forged wheels. There is only one surefire option - compare the weight of the disks. Forged ones, regardless of size, weigh 1.5 and even 2 times less than steel ones, and cast ones are only one third lighter than steel ones. Although our market survey showed that sometimes alloy wheels are heavier than stamped steel ones. So if not only the design is important, it is better to go with a dealer when purchasing, having first weighed the original wheel of your car.

Impact resistance

There is one more requirement for wheel rims used on rough Russian roads - they must have high impact resistance. This is especially important when installing low-profile tires.

Cast aluminum alloy wheels are inferior in this parameter. Casting technology cannot eliminate the formation of cavities inside the disc structure, therefore, in the event of increased load on this particular area, the disc is easily destroyed. In addition, the cellular structure of the alloy also increases the fragility of the cast disk.

Stamped steel discs have low impact resistance, so they are more easily deformed. However, they do not collapse and in 90% of cases can be straightened using special equipment.

Forged wheels during a frontal impact, due to the fibrous structure of the metal obtained during stamping, are generally deformed, like steel ones. And since the viscosity of aluminum is higher than steel, the deformation will be directed inside the disk without affecting the tire seat. This allows you to maintain tire pressure or at least prevent its sudden drop, which leads to loss of vehicle controllability.

What to buy?

From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion. For lovers of fast driving and long journeys on unfamiliar roads, especially at night, it is advisable to equip the car with forged wheels. If you are a relaxed driver and mainly use your car in the city, you can save money by purchasing cast ones. However, in this case, the likelihood of contacting repairmen is much higher.

Forged wheels are 1.3-2 times more expensive than cast wheels (depending on the manufacturer), and they are more difficult to find on sale. In addition, the design of cast ones is more varied, which allows you to make the appearance of the car more individual.

Athlete's comment
Expert commentary

Vasily Romanets
Director of the Colonel company. Experience working with alloy wheels - 7 years

There are not so many manufacturers of forged wheels in the world. They are mainly produced by Russian (VSMPO, SMK (Aviatekhnologii), KraMZ, BKMPO) and several foreign companies. This is due to the huge costs of equipping production with multi-ton presses, which in several stages give the casting the desired shape and properties. Some foreign wheels are obtained using bypass technology, although they are declared as forged. Its essence is to harden the disc by rolling the rim.

Forged wheels are produced by hot stamping followed by thermal and mechanical treatment of the parts. Production begins with pressure processing of the cast blank on a mechanized line of vertical hydraulic presses. The line includes four vertical hydraulic presses with a force of 1600, 6000, 20000, 40000 tons, where the shape of the initial workpiece is sequentially changed. Then the semi-finished product is sent for heat treatment, after which the workpiece is processed on high-precision CNC machines program controlled. More high price forged wheels is due to the many stages of production, as well as the large waste of expensive alloy. Thus, a blank of a 15-inch disk weighs 50 kg, and after forging, the weight of the finished disk is only 6.5 kg. Forged wheels are practically not subject to corrosion, so sometimes they are not even coated protective layer varnish

Cast aluminum alloy wheels are produced by low controlled pressure casting or counter pressure casting. main reason their popularity is due to their relative cheapness. The cost of discs produced using casting technology is approximately 2-3 times less than forged ones. And more than a dozen manufacturers produce them.

The question is how to tell if a wheel is forged or cast, worries many car owners who are planning to purchase wheels produced using forging technology. Indeed: the price of the latter is quite high, so no one wants to become a victim of scammers. It is no coincidence that forged wheels are called the prerogative of wealthy car owners: their production technology is quite complex and energy-consuming, so they are manufactured abroad for Premium class vehicles. However, in our country the situation is somewhat different, which allows us to determine the price of these products several times lower! So, if you are wondering about What is the difference between forged wheels and cast wheels? And Which wheels are lighter: forged or cast?, this article is for you!

The difference is in the production technology!

The production technology of cast and forged wheels determined the name of their types. For the manufacture of both the first and second, aluminum alloys with alloying additives are used. The difference lies precisely in the technology, which involves the use of hot stamping, hardening and artificial aging for alloy wheels. All these processes make it possible to achieve a material structure that will withstand loads well due to its strength and ductility! Thanks to it, forged wheels can be repaired even in situations where cast wheels cannot be restored. Even with strong impacts leading to deformations, forged wheels are not destroyed.

How to identify a forged wheel?

Despite all of the above, the question is whether how to determine whether a wheel is forged or cast, remains relevant. So: what parameters should you pay attention to in order not to get into trouble and not overpay for a cast wheel instead of a forged one?

  • The weight of a forged wheel is less. So, it is up to 5 kg for a product with a diameter of 15 inches and 8 kg for a cast product of the same diameter. However, it is worth noting: this parameter may not work if we are talking about domestically produced disks that are manufactured using old technologies. In this case, Russian forging may have virtually no differences from foreign casting;
  • Alloy wheels have an uneven edge. Forged wheels are absolutely free of such imperfections, since their production technology provides for additional processing, and therefore ideal geometry. However, it is worth noting that alloy wheels made using the latest technologies are also free from such a disadvantage as an uneven edge;
  • Forged wheels have stamped or pressed lettering on them. At the same time, cast ones are distinguished by convex markings, although in in this case there are exceptions;
  • The specification of the forged wheel from famous manufacturers there is a designation “forged”, which translates as “forged”, “stamped”.

Unfortunately, price is not always the determining factor as to whether the disc in front of you is cast or forged. This is due to the dishonesty of sellers who, knowing about this feature, often artificially inflate the cost of alloy wheels. In order to be guaranteed to purchase forged wheels, contact the Bullet company!