Programs for updating Windows xp codecs. Installing, uninstalling or updating codecs is easy

If you can't play an audio or video file, the problem is most likely due to the lack of suitable codecs. You can learn more about codecs and how to choose them correctly from our article. Let's move from theory to practice and tell you how to install codecs, update or remove them.

You can install codecs for playing audio and video either separately for each format or in a package, which is most convenient.

One of the most popular and full packages audio and video codecs – K-Lite Codec Pack - suitable for operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. It can be downloaded for free from almost any soft portal - a site for downloading programs. To download the latest version of the package with all the updates, it is better to go to the manufacturer’s official website. In addition, you will protect yourself from possible viruses.

Let's look at how to install codecs step by step

How to update, reinstall or remove codecs

You have installed codecs and can now play files in any media formats on your computer. But what about watching videos on mobile devices? You can find a player that supports the required codecs, but there is an easier way - convert the file using

A familiar situation: you installed a clean, fresh Windows on your computer, downloaded the drivers, got comfortable, looking forward to watching an interesting movie, but it doesn’t play? The same thing happens with music: the driver is set to sound, but there is silence in the headphones. Where can glitches come from if the system is completely new? Let me tell you a secret: this is not the problem at all and can be solved very simply.

The cause of the problem is the lack of codecs - small but extremely important programs that are used to decode (and reverse encode) compressed digital audio and video of certain formats. Today we’ll talk about how to install and update codecs in Windows so that we can listen and watch everything we want.

When should you install codecs?

Is it necessary to install codecs on the computer immediately after Windows installations and drivers? For some, yes, but for others, no. The fact is that codecs for many common video and audio formats are present in the system initially. And if you have no problems opening required content, you can leave everything as is.

If, when you try to play a video or music recording you see the message " An error occurred while opening one or more files" or " The file cannot be opened", installing the missing codec will correct the situation.

The bulk of audio and video codecs are universal, that is, they can interact with different applications. For example, it is enough to install the codec into the system once MPEG Layer III, and that's all music players will be able to normally play audio content in the format mp3.

There are codecs that are used by a single program. Usually they are installed in Windows along with it, but in some cases the mission of searching and installing the missing components is assigned to the user.

There are also situations when a multimedia file of a certain type is played only in one application, and the others do not recognize it, although they should. The reason again lies in the lack of the required codec in the system. It’s just that the program that reads this file has a codec inside itself, and “competitors” have no way to get to it.

Where can I get the necessary codecs?

There are only two main sources for replenishing the stock of Windows codecs:

  • Official websites of compression standard developers specific type data. This is a suitable option when the system lacks one or two rarely used codecs.
  • Batch builds of all major video and audio codecs. This option is more suitable when the computer does not recognize many file formats.

The most popular source of the second type is batch build K-Lite Codec Pack. More precisely, it is an application that not only installs, but also monitors codec updates and automatically downloads them as they are released.

K-Lite Codec Pack is free. Latest releases, available on the official website, contain components for 32- and 64-bit systems and support all versions of Windows, from XP to Windows 10. In addition, the packages (except for the minimum – basic) include universal media player for playing video and music files.

Today, 4 releases of the application are available on the Russian-language resource K-Lite Codec Pack:

  • Basic – a basic package that includes only the most commonly used codecs.
  • Standard is a regular package that is enough to play most common multimedia files.
  • Full – a complete package of audio and video codecs with additional tools.
  • Mega – the maximum package with additional tools.

How to install K-Lite Codec Pack

The application supports several installation methods - from automatic to manual, where the user can configure almost every parameter.

Let's consider the installation basic package K-Lite Codec Pack in Expert mode (manual), because it allows you to load only the components you need into the system and customize them according to your preferences.

Mode " Expert"select in the first window of the installation program.

Next, the installer prompts you to specify decoders for video and audio and preferred player applications for playing movies and music. And also - express consent to bind multimedia files to these applications (create associations).

Next we determine the installation location of the program.

Fourth step - choice required components assemblies. Don't mark anything you don't plan to use.

After selecting components, the program offers to configure their configuration.

Then - the hardware acceleration method.

At the eighth stage, we select one of Windows versions Media Player which one will be used.

We specify the file types that will open in Windows Media Player by default.

We determine the configuration of the playback device.

We mark the file extensions for which a thumbnail will be created in Windows Explorer.

Check the selected settings and click " Install" to start installing codecs.

If you do not understand the essence of any parameter, leave it as default or follow the program's recommendations.

The selection of options in other K-Lite Codec Packs is somewhat more extensive, but the differences are not so global that they need to be discussed separately. We were faced with the task of installing codecs into the system, and we successfully completed it, and additional functions very few need it.

For Windows to start using installed codecs according to your preference, just restart your computer.

Also on the site:

How to install and update codecs in Windows OS updated: October 19, 2017 by: Johnny Mnemonic

When opening an audio or video file of a certain format, you may encounter the following situation: there is video, but there is no sound. In this case, the sound drivers are installed and, it would seem, no problems should arise. The reason for the problem lies in the lack of codecs - small programs that are used to decode compressed digital audio and video streams.

Step-by-step instructions for installing codecs on Windows 7 and 8

Today on the Internet you can find many packages with codecs that are designed for one version or another. operating system. However, we recommend using the K-Lite Codec Pack, which is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, that is, with all versions of the popular operating system.

Today there are 4 versions of the package available on the Russian-language resource K-Lite Codec Pack:

  • Basic – basic, which includes only frequently used codecs;
  • Standard is a regular package that includes common multimedia files.
  • Full – a complete package of audio and video codecs;
  • Mega – package with full set all codecs + additional tools.

To update the codec package you need to do a clean K-Lite installation Codec Pack. Let's look at the principles of installing a basic codec package in Expert mode. This manual method codec updates, which allows you to select only those codecs that are needed.

  • Download the package. Let's start the installation. Select the “Expert” mode.
  • Next, select “Create association files”. Select the priority player. It is important to note that all third-party players often have built-in codecs. Therefore, if you have software third party developer, it’s worth looking in the program settings to see which codecs are enabled. You may just need to tick a few boxes.

  • Specify the location to unpack the program files.

  • At the next stage, we mark the components of the assembly.

  • The settings can be specified the same as in the screenshot.

  • The next window is to activate hardware acceleration.

  • Next, select language settings.

  • We indicate the bit depth of the player (it corresponds to the bit depth of the operating system).

  • Specify the file formats that will be opened by the player.

  • Select the device configuration for sound playback.

  • All file extensions can be specified.

  • Click “Install”.

We are waiting for the installation of the program files to complete. Codecs have been updated. Can play video and audio in various formats

Personal computers have long been not just work tools, but also entertainment centers. One of the first entertainment functions of home computers was the playback of multimedia files: music and video. An important component of the adequate performance of this function is codecs - a software element thanks to which music files and video clips are correctly recoded for playback. Codecs must be updated in a timely manner, and today we will tell you how to carry out this procedure on Windows 7.

Codec variations for systems Windows family There are a great variety, but the most balanced and popular is the K-Lite Codec Pack, using which we will look at the update procedure as an example.

Step 1: Uninstall the previous version

On the official website of K-Lite codecs, several options for installation packages are available, which differ in content.

The capabilities of the Full and Mega options are redundant for everyday use, therefore we recommend downloading the Basic or Standard packages.

Step 3: Install and configure the new version

After downloading the installation file of the selected version, run it. The Codec Installation Wizard will open with many configurable parameters. We have already discussed in detail the preliminary procedure K-Lite settings Codec Pack, therefore we recommend reading the manual available at the link below.

Problem solving

The K-Lite Codec Pack package is perfectly optimized, and in most cases no additional intervention is required in its operation, however, in new versions of the software, some features may change, resulting in problems. The developers of the package took this possibility into account, so a configuration utility is also installed along with the codecs. To access it, do the following:

  1. Open "Start", go to the tab "All programs" and find the folder called "K-Lite Codec Pack". Open the directory and select Codec Tweak Tool.
  2. The utility for setting up existing codecs will launch. To solve problems, first click on the button "Fixes" in the block "General".

    Make sure the items are checked "Detect and remove broken VFW/ASM codecs" And "Detect and remove broken DirectShow filters". After updating, it is recommended to also check the option "Re-register DirectShow filters from K-Lite Codec Pack". Having done this, press the button "Apply & Close".

    The utility will scan Windows registry and if problems are detected, it will report it. Click "Yes" to continue working.

    The application will report each problem found and request confirmation of the repair operation, for which in each message that appears, click "Yes".
  3. Upon returning to the main window Codec Tweak Tool, pay attention to the block "Win7DSFilterTweaker". The settings in this block are intended to solve problems that arise in Windows 7 and higher. These include graphic artifacts, desynchronization of sound and pictures, and inoperability separate files. To fix this, you need to change the default decoders. To do this, find the button in the indicated block "Preferred decoders" and press it.

    Set decoders for all formats to "USE MERIT (recommended)". For 64-bit Windows, this needs to be done in both lists, while for the x86 version it is enough to change the decoders only in the list "## 32-bit decoders ##". After making changes, click "Apply & Close".
  4. The remaining settings should be changed only in individual cases, which we will consider in separate articles, so upon returning to the main Codec Tweak Tool space, click on the button "Exit".
  5. To consolidate the result, we recommend rebooting.


To summarize, we would like to note that in most cases there are no problems after installing a new K-Lite versions Codec Pack does not appear.

If you can't play an audio or video file, the problem is most likely due to the lack of suitable codecs. You can read about what codecs are, what they are like and how to choose the right codecs in our articles. Let's move from theory to practice and tell you how to install codecs, update or remove them.

You can install codecs for playing audio and video either separately for each format or in a package, which is most convenient.

One of the most popular and complete packages - K-Lite Codec Pack - is suitable for operating systems windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. It can be downloaded for free from almost any software portal - a site for downloading programs. To download the latest version, it is better to go to the manufacturer's official website. In addition, you will protect yourself from possible viruses.

You have installed codecs and can now play files in any media formats on your computer. But what about watching videos on mobile devices? You can find a player that supports the required codecs, but there is an easier way - convert the file using the Movavi converter into a suitable format. Convert video and audio files and play them on your computer, iPhone, iPad or any other mobile device– the program supports more than 180 input and output formats.

Codec (codec) - download/update audio-video codecs for windows

Multimedia: codecs video converters players CD-DVD recording

Codec (codec, coder/decoder, compressor/decompressor) - special software, which converts audio streams video data, thanks to which, in fact, it becomes possible to watch any films, videos, listen to music and other audio files on a computer.

Each individual codec is a proud bird, uses only its own specific algorithms for compression, encoding and decoding of audio and video data, and therefore, as a rule, does not support audio and video files compressed by other codecs.

That is why codecs for computers are produced in kits, prefabricated packages containing a set of fully compatible and non-conflicting codecs, decoders, filters, and other components that allow you to view and listen to any audio and video on your computer.

If your computer sometimes has any problems with sound, then this will help correct the situation. easy reinstallation latest versions drivers for sound.

The best audio-video codec packages for windows XP, update free codecs for windows 7

windows 8 Codecs + x64 Component is the first (and actually, so far the only) full-featured package of the best free audio-video codecs, splitters, filters and decoders for the new Windows 8 operating system.

K-Lite Codec Pack (Mega/Standard) is definitely one of best sets codecs, the most complete, also the most conflict-free, also the most carefully selected package of codecs, video filters and decoders for the operating systems windows XP, Vista and windows 7...

Cole2k Media Codec Pack - free package codecs, all kinds of universal filters and decoders for z2/64-x bit windows XP, Vista and windows 7. In the West, Cole2k Media Codec Pack is even more popular than the leader of the Runet - K-Lite Codec Pack

windows 7 Codec Pack - download codecs for windows 7, Windows Vista. The most complete free package of codecs and decoders, superbly optimized for installation and conflict-free operation under these operating systems - Windows 7 and Windows Vista

XP Codec Pack - best package codecs for Windows XP, designed for full compatibility and uninterrupted operation directly for the good old Windows XP operating system, absolutely for all its editions and bit depths - both for x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit)

Win7codecs + x64 Components - free set audio and video codecs, filters and decoders from the developers of the Vista Codec Package, designed for automatic installation in operating systems windows 7/Vista/XP. Plus a separate add-on for 64-bit operating systems.

Media Player Codec Pack - a famous package of the best free audio-video codecs necessary for reliable and uninterrupted operation of any media players and video players installed in any of the Windows operating systems - for Windows 7/Vista/WinXP

Real Alternative CodecPack - alternative codecs for viewing by any installed in windows system video players of all audio and video formats RealAudio and RealVideo files (.rm .ram .rmvb .rpx .smi .smil, etc.) without mandatory installation to the computer of the RealPlayer media player imposed by video services.

Don't know which codecs to install on your computer?

Are you familiar with the situation: you want to watch a movie on your computer, but the player stubbornly refuses to play your file, complaining about the lack of necessary codecs? An experienced user will immediately figure out which codec he needs, find and install it. But what should those who even have difficulty understanding what it’s about do? we're talking about? Especially for the not so experienced users We have written several articles that will help you understand what codecs are, which codecs are best to install on your computer, how to install, update and remove codecs, and also answer other similar questions.

How do you know which codec to install on your computer if the player does not play the desired video file? You will find the answer to this question in our article. To solve the problem you need to follow three steps.

This can only be done using special programs, since information about codecs, alas, is not indicated in the file properties. We can recommend you Movavi Video Converter: convenient program With simple interface, with which you can quickly determine which codec your video clip was compressed with. Download the program and add your files to it. You will find information about codecs to the right of the video clip preview image. The video codec will be indicated by a film icon, and the audio codec will be indicated by a loudspeaker icon.

By the way, with the help of Video Converter you can quickly compress a video with another codec to convert it into a format suitable for your video player. Still want to search required codec? Then let's move on!

Now that you know which codec to choose, you can download the necessary program. Codecs can be found on the Internet either individually or as part of sets. The latter, of course, is much more convenient, so we advise you to install the K-Lite Codec Pack – universal package, which has almost everything you need to play any video: codecs for AVI, MKV, MP4 and many other formats. To make sure the codec you want is supported, check the list on the product's official website.

Once the download is complete, run installation file and follow the instructions of the Installation Wizard.

You can learn more about how to unpack and configure the K-Lite Codec Pack from our instructions for installing codecs.

After the codecs are installed, open your video file in the player, and this time you will definitely be able to watch it!

  • Convert video, audio, DVD and images
  • Change file format without compression or loss of quality
  • Improve quality, adjust audio, trim and merge clips before converting
  • Save video and audio clips for mobile devices

Windows 7 Codec Pack Update (3.6.0)

Users who use the Windows 7 Codec Pack in their operating system (which is used for viewing video files presented in a wide variety of formats) should update them to the latest current version 3.6.0.

A collection of one of the most complete codec packages, designed for viewing video presented in a wide variety of formats (.mkv | .bdmv | .evo | .avi | .flv | .mp4 | .ts | .webm | .m4v | .m4a | . ogm | .ac3 | .flac | .aac | .ofr | .3gp and others), as well as listening to audio recordings. After installing this package, you can easily listen or view up to 99.9% of media files located on your personal computer or presented on websites on the Internet. Part of this package includes many well-known popular codecs, including DivX, XviD, ffdshow, Flash Video Splitter, windows media 9 and many others. In addition, in the set you will find a subtitle reader VSFilter and a tool that provides information about codecs GSpot Codec Information Appliance.

The current version of the package assembly includes the following components:

● ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 20111227 x86 Revision 4206 by clsid. ● ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 20111227 x64 Revision 4206 by clsid. ● LAV Video decoder 0.43 x86 & x64. ● XviD Video (Encoder) Codec v1.3.2. ● Lagarith Video (Encoder) Codec v1.3.27 x86 & x64. ● Flash Video Splitter/Decoder v1.5.2.3456 x86 & x64. ● AC3Filter v1.63b AC3/DTS Decoder x86 & x64. ● LAV Audio Decoder 0.43 x86 & x64. ● DivX Audio Decoder 4.1 ● Lame MP3 v3.98.2 ACM Encoder/Decoder Codec.

● DSP-worx Bass Source Filter/Decoder v1.30.

● Haali Media Splitter/Decoder 09/16/11 x86 & x64 - For MP4, MKV, OGM and AVI files. ● LAV Splitter 0.43 x86 & x64. ● VSFilter v2.39.5 x86 & v2.37 x64 - Subtitle Readers. ● CDXA Reader v1.5.2.3456 - Also known as Form 2 Mode 2 CD or XCD x86 & x64.

● GSpot Codec Information Appliance v2.70a.

Despite the fact that the name of the package contains the OS brand “windows 7“, this assembly will be suitable for users who use more than early versions popular operating system all over the world (the package is compatible with the OS: Microsoft windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 2008 & 2003, as well as with Microsoft windows Media Player 9, 10, 11 & 12), as well as for those who for some reason are not satisfied with the K-Lite Codec Pack or THE USSR.

You can update to the current version 3.6.0 using the link, or by going to the official website

If you would like to ask a question about Windows codecs 7, then this can be done on the forum

K-Lite Codec Pack is a free set of codecs for Windows. The K-Lite package has many advantages: easy installation, convenient media player Player Classic(MPC), codecs are compatible with each other, which is why there are no conflicts, windows support XP, Vista, 2003, windows 7 and windows 8, windows 10, as well as codecs for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

There are several options for the K-Lite Codec Pack: (starting with version 10, all codec packs contain 32-bit and 64-bit codecs, so you no longer need to install 64-bit codecs separately)

K-lite Codec Pack for windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10

(x32 and x64 bit)

Version 13.4.0


The smallest package that contains everything you need to play audio and video.

The Basic package contains codecs for playing the most popular audio and video AVI formats, MKV, MP4, FLV, MPEG, MOV, TS, M2TS, RMVB, OGM, WMV, 3GP, WebM, FLAC and others.

Download Basic package (~15 mb)

Media Player Classic has been added to the codec package - free player audio and video files for windows. With a very friendly and simple interface and everything necessary functions inside like the most advanced players.

Updated LAV Filters to version 0.70.2-8-g754cd

Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 6.2.1

Download the Standard package (~34mb)

(optimal set of codecs)

Contains all the functions of the Basic and Standard sets plus additional ones

Additionally, madVR is added to the package - a high-quality renderer, GraphStudioNext diagnostic utility plus additional DirectShow filters

Includes updates from the Standard version

Download package Full (~42mb)


Maximum set of codecs and functions

Added ACM and VFW codecs, DirectShow filters, additional utilities. Two video players to choose from when installing: Media Player Classic HomeCinema or Media Player Classic Regular

Includes updates from Standard and Full versions

Updated MPC-HC to version

Updated LAV Filters to version 0.70.2-8-g754cd

Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 6.2.1

Updated x264VFW to r2851

Download Mega package (~48mb)

Features of K-Lite Codec Pack

No conflicts between codecs and other packages

Regular updates

Easy installation and removal, during installation you can only select necessary components

If you cannot open a movie (video file), if the movie does not play, if it is not displayed correctly, is interrupted, or simply freezes after a few minutes, try installing the K-Lite Codec Pack.